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Anthocyanins and memory enhancement

Anthocyanins and memory enhancement

Caldwell Anhhocyanins, Charlton KE, Roodenrys S, Jenner Anthocyanins and memory enhancement Anthocyanin-rich cherry juice does engancement improve acute cognitive performance Metabolism-Boosting Foods RAVLT. Nature, memorh There were no common methodological approaches amongst the studies reporting positive effects compared to those reporting no effect, with a wide range of age groups included, varying flavanol doses utilized and two studies incorporating the additional variables of sleep deprivation and exercise.

Anthocyanins and memory enhancement -

M of the corrected optical density measurement within each group. This was followed by post-hoc Tukey tests where appropriate.

The BDNF in situ hybridization data was subjected to a one-way ANOVA for each brain region DG, PCL, CA1, CA3, Cortex with diet group Control, Blueberry, Anthocyanins, Flavanols as the main factor.

Post-hoc Tukey tests were subsequently used to examine differences between individual treatments. For Immunoblot data, statistical comparisons were carried out using to a one-way ANOVA with diet group as the main factor.

Post-hoc comparisons were made using Tukey's test. Correlation coefficients were calculated using the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. All the data is expressed as mean ± S. M and was analyzed using SPSS. On average, animals weighed On average, the blueberry-supplemented group consumed 7.

Subsequent post hoc Tukey tests examining specific differences in performance between the individual diet groups indicated that there was a significant increase in choice accuracy between the control group and each diet control vs. B Comparison between animals performance at baseline and following 6 week supplementation with either a Control, Blueberry, Anthocyanins or Flavanol diet.

Levels of hippocampal pro- and mature BDNF were assessed by Western immunoblotting and normalized against GAPDH protein levels Fig. A Dissected hippocampal tissue lysates were probed for levels of pro-BDNF and BDNF using antibodies that detect the pro-domain of the BDNF protein and the mature protein.

Pro-BDNF grey bars and mature BDNF white bars. Pro-BDNF and mature BDNF were normalized against GAPDH. The hybridization pattern obtained for the BDNF probe was similar to that detected previously [60] , with all the principal hippocampal layers exhibiting BDNF mRNA expression, including the dentate granule cell layer in the dentate gyrus.

A Dentate Gyrus DG white bars and Polymorphic Cell Layer PCL grey bars of the hippocampus, B Cortex, C CA1 D CA3. Representative pictures of hippocampal and cortical sections showing BDNF mRNA expression from 1 animal from the control C group, one from the BB group BB , one from the Anthocyanins group A and one from the Flavanols group F are presented.

No significant differences between the four diet groups were observed in the cerebral cortex. Optical density levels are shown as mean ± SEM derived from at least 6 animals per group. Representative Rnase treated sections are presented for each hippocampal region.

The scale presented represents µm. Flavonoid-rich foods such as blueberry, green tea and Gingko biloba have been shown to be highly effective at reversing age-related deficits in spatial memory and in the enhancement of different aspects of synaptic plasticity, [19] , [32] , [61] — [63] , a process severely affected by ageing [64] , [65].

Indeed, the changes in spatial memory induced by the pure flavonoids mimicked those induced by whole blueberry, suggesting that the flavonoids are likely to be responsible for the efficacy induced by the whole fruit in vivo.

These findings were supported by observations that enhancements in spatial memory induced by the flavonoid-rich diets also significantly correlated with increases in hippocampal BDNF protein levels, suggesting that the effect of flavonoids on this neurotrophin may underpin performance on memory tasks.

There is solid evidence indicating that hippocampal BDNF expression, in response to spatial memory training, is associated with memory performance [44] , [67] , [68]. BDNF has been shown to play a crucial role in synaptic plasticity, where it controls the stability of the hippocampal circuitry through its action in promoting changes in neuronal spine density and morphology [69] — [71].

Such morphological changes, stimulated by BDNF, dictate the efficiency of the synaptic connections and consequently affect spatial learning outputs [72]. Additionally, increases in neurotrophin expression may be also be important in determining neurogenesis [50] , with some data suggestive that BDNF plays an important role in modelling the neurovascular niche, particularly in the formation and maintenance of the vascular tube, which affects new neuronal proliferation and differentiation [73] , [74].

The elevation of hippocampal protein levels of BDNF by blueberry and pure flavonoids is particularly relevant as BDNF expression in the hippocampus is known to decrease with age in several mammalian species, including humans [42] , [43] , [75] , with these decreases associated with a decline in spatial memory [41] , [44] , [76].

Furthermore, these age-related alterations in BDNF expression appear to be region-and circuit specific [77] , [78]. We observed the greatest regulation of BDNF mRNA expression by pure anthocyanins in the CA1 region of the hippocampus, although levels were significantly increased in all hippocampal regions assessed.

In contrast, blueberry and flavanol interventions did not appear to affect mRNA BDNF expression, despite the increases in protein levels detected in the hippocampus. Despite this, we observed a significant correlation between hippocampal protein levels of BDNF and levels of BDNF mRNA in the DG, CA1 and CA3 regions following intervention with all three of the flavonoid-containing diets, suggesting that the changes in BDNF protein are at least partly dependent on flavonoid-induced BDNF mRNA expression.

Alternatively, flavanols present in the blueberry diet may act to increase hippocampal BDNF levels via alternative mechanisms, such as through BDNF stabilization rather than its de novo synthesis.

Spatial learning is known to strongly increase the conversion of pro-BDNF into BDNF in both young and aged animals, with this process being typically down-regulated by ageing. As such, changes in BDNF protein levels in neurons do not always directly reflect changes in BDNF mRNA levels [80].

The increased expression of hippocampal protein BDNF levels seen after intervention with pure flavanols may be mediated by increases pro-BDNF metabolism during learning rather than via increases in pro-BDNF mRNA expression.

In support of this, we observed lower levels of pro-BDNF in the flavanol group in comparison to the anthocyanin group albeit not significantly , suggesting increased pro-BDNF metabolism during learning for the flavanol group. Previously, we have observed an increase of mRNA BDNF in different regions of the hippocampus in young healthy animals, followed by an increase in both pro-BDNF and BDNF protein levels, suggesting that the flavonoids present in blueberry have the potential to stimulate both BDNF expression as well as BDNF stabilization [47].

However, a direct comparison between the effects of flavonoids in these two experiments is not trivial as the rats species used were different and age-dependent changes in BDNF are known to differ among rat species [81].

Thus, such an analysis would be valuable in future work to better understand how age differences impact on the potential effects of flavonoids on brain health.

Although, the mechanisms by which flavonoids act in the brain are not clear, there is evidence to suggest that blueberry flavonoids can cross the blood-brain barrier BBB and reach the central nervous system, where they have the potential to directly regulate gene and protein expression in neurons [23] , [24] , [82].

However, at present it is unclear as to whether flavonoid-induced memory improvements are mediated exclusively centrally or whether other mechanisms such as stimulations in endothelial function and peripheral blood flow [83] also contribute. Such vascular effects are significant since it has been reported that increased cerebrovascular blood flow facilitates proliferation of neuronal cells in the hippocampus and this may influence memory [84].

As such, our data add weight to the evidence suggesting that flavonoids are the causal agents in determining the cognitive benefits of flavonoid-rich foods such as blueberry. Our data further support the view that such effects of flavonoids are determined at the molecular level in the hippocampus, where they are able to increase the expression of BDNF in specific regions of the hippocampus.

Most notably, our data suggest that dietary amounts of flavanols and anthocyanins are capable of inducing both molecular and behavioral changes linked to memory in rats. As such, these compounds represent potential therapeutics that can counteract age-associated cognitive decline through dietary intervention or most importantly can play a crucial role in preventing age-related cognitive impairment.

Conceived and designed the experiments: CR DV CMW LTB JPES. Performed the experiments: CR. Analyzed the data: CR JPES. Wrote the paper: CR CMW JPES.

Extraction of anthocyanins from blueberries: PWT JMM. BDNF mRNA probe design and synthesis and assistance in situ hybridization techniques: MR. Browse Subject Areas? Click through the PLOS taxonomy to find articles in your field.

Article Authors Metrics Comments Media Coverage Reader Comments Figures. Abstract Evidence suggests that flavonoid-rich foods are capable of inducing improvements in memory and cognition in animals and humans.

Introduction Phytochemical—rich foods, particularly those rich in flavonoids, have been shown to be effective in reversing age-related deficits in memory and learning [1] — [6]. Materials and Methods Materials Antibodies used were anti-GAPDH New England Biolabs, Hitchin, UK ; anti-BDNF Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA ; anti-pro-BDNF, Millipore, Warford, UK.

Intervention diets Diets were prepared by Research Diets Inc. Animals and supplementation All procedures were conducted according to the specifications of the United Kingdom Animals Scientific Procedures Act, Spatial Memory Testing Habituation and Shaping Sessions.

Alternation task. Tissue collection Following the final test session animals were sacrificed by decapitation and their brains were immediately extracted and halved.

Western Immunoblotting Proteins were extracted using the Trizol method [56] , as described previously [47] and optimized for the extraction of BDNF. Preparation of brain sections Coronal sections 10 µm containing the dorsal hippocampus were cut using a cryostat, Bright Cryostat model OTF Huntingdon, UK , and mounted onto poly-L-lysine coated microscope slides VWR, UK.

In situ hybridization riboprobes The methodology used was adapted from that described previously in [58]. In situ hybridization In situ hybridization was conducted as described previously [47]. Download: PPT. Figure 1. Effect of 6 weeks blueberry BB , Anthocyanins Extract A and Flavanols F on spatial working memory in aged rats 18 months old.

Modulation of BDNF and pro-BDNF protein levels in the hippocampus Levels of hippocampal pro- and mature BDNF were assessed by Western immunoblotting and normalized against GAPDH protein levels Fig. Figure 2. Levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor BDNF in the hippocampus.

Changes in hippocampal BDNF mRNA levels The hybridization pattern obtained for the BDNF probe was similar to that detected previously [60] , with all the principal hippocampal layers exhibiting BDNF mRNA expression, including the dentate granule cell layer in the dentate gyrus.

Figure 3. Effects of blueberry supplementation in BDNF mRNA levels in the hippocampus and cortex. Discussion Flavonoid-rich foods such as blueberry, green tea and Gingko biloba have been shown to be highly effective at reversing age-related deficits in spatial memory and in the enhancement of different aspects of synaptic plasticity, [19] , [32] , [61] — [63] , a process severely affected by ageing [64] , [65].

Author Contributions Conceived and designed the experiments: CR DV CMW LTB JPES. References 1. Letenneur L, Proust-Lima C, Le Gouge A, Dartigues JF, Barberger-Gateau P Flavonoid intake and cognitive decline over a year period.

Am J Epidemiol — View Article Google Scholar 2. Patel AK, Rogers JT, Huang X Flavanols, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer's dementia. Int J Clin Exp Med 1: — View Article Google Scholar 3. Beking K, Vieira A Flavonoid intake and disability-adjusted life years due to Alzheimer's and related dementias: a population-based study involving twenty-three developed countries.

Public Health Nutr — View Article Google Scholar 4. Lamport DJ, Dye L, Wightman JD, Lawton CL The effects of flavonoid and other polyphenol consumption on cognitive performance: A systematic research review of human experimental and epidemiological studies. Nutrition and Aging 1: 5— View Article Google Scholar 5.

Saunders C, Spencer JPE Metabolic and immune risk factors for dementia and their modification by flavonoids: New targets for the prevention of cognitive impairment? Nutrition and Aging 1: 69— View Article Google Scholar 6. Carey AN, Poulose SM, Shukitt-Hale B The beneficial effects of tree nuts on the aging brain.

Nutrition and Aging 1: 55— View Article Google Scholar 7. Chan YC, Hosoda K, Tsai CJ, Yamamoto S, Wang MF Favorable effects of tea on reducing the cognitive deficits and brain morphological changes in senescence-accelerated mice. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol Tokyo — View Article Google Scholar 8. Haque AM, Hashimoto M, Katakura M, Tanabe Y, Hara Y, et al.

J Nutr — View Article Google Scholar 9. Kaur T, Pathak CM, Pandhi P, Khanduja KL Effects of green tea extract on learning, memory, behavior and acetylcholinesterase activity in young and old male rats. Brain Cogn 25— View Article Google Scholar Kuriyama S, Hozawa A, Ohmori K, Shimazu T, Matsui T, et al.

Am J Clin Nutr — Lai HC, Chao WT, Chen YT, Yang VC Effect of EGCG, a major component of green tea, on the expression of Ets-1, c-Fos, and c-Jun during angiogenesis in vitro.

Cancer Lett — Unno K, Takabayashi F, Yoshida H, Choba D, Fukutomi R, et al. Biogerontology 8: 89— Oliveira DR, Sanada PF, Saragossa Filho AC, Innocenti LR, Oler G, et al.

EGb on memory: behavioral and molecular evidence. Brain Res 68— Shif O, Gillette K, Damkaoutis CM, Carrano C, Robbins SJ, et al. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 17— Williams B, Watanabe CM, Schultz PG, Rimbach G, Krucker T Age-related effects of Ginkgo biloba extract on synaptic plasticity and excitability.

Neurobiol Aging — Fisher ND, Sorond FA, Hollenberg NK Cocoa flavanols and brain perfusion. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 47 Suppl 2S— Francis ST, Head K, Morris PG, Macdonald IA The effect of flavanol-rich cocoa on the fMRI response to a cognitive task in healthy young people.

Dinges DF Cocoa flavanols, cerebral blood flow, cognition, and health: going forward. Casadesus G, Shukitt-Hale B, Stellwagen HM, Zhu X, Lee HG, et al.

Nutr Neurosci 7: — Shukitt-Hale B, Lau FC, Joseph JA Berry fruit supplementation and the aging brain. J Agric Food Chem — Krikorian R, Shidler MD, Nash TA, Kalt W, Vinqvist-Tymchuk MR, et al.

Joseph JA, Shukitt-Hale B, Denisova NA, Bielinski D, Martin A, et al. J Neurosci — Williams CM, El Mohsen MA, Vauzour D, Rendeiro C, Butler LT, et al. Free Radic Biol Med — Kalt W, Blumberg JB, McDonald JE, Vinqvist-Tymchuk MR, Fillmore SA, et al. Milbury PE, Kalt W Xenobiotic metabolism and berry flavonoid transport across the blood-brain barrier.

Andres-Lacueva C, Shukitt-Hale B, Galli RL, Jauregui O, Lamuela-Raventos RM, et al. Nutr Neurosci 8: — Williams RJ, Spencer JP, Rice-Evans C Flavonoids: antioxidants or signalling molecules?

Schroeter H, Bahia P, Spencer JP, Sheppard O, Rattray M, et al. J Neurochem — Spencer JP Food for thought: the role of dietary flavonoids in enhancing human memory, learning and neuro-cognitive performance. Proc Nutr Soc — Li Q, Zhao HF, Zhang ZF, Liu ZG, Pei XR, et al.

Neuroscience — Hou Y, Aboukhatwa MA, Lei DL, Manaye K, Khan I, et al. Neuropharmacology — Igaz LM, Bekinschtein P, Vianna MM, Izquierdo I, Medina JH Gene expression during memory formation. Neurotox Res 6: — Athos J, Impey S, Pineda VV, Chen X, Storm DR Hippocampal CRE-mediated gene expression is required for contextual memory formation.

Nat Neurosci 5: — Izquierdo I, Medina JH Memory formation: the sequence of biochemical events in the hippocampus and its connection to activity in other brain structures.

Neurobiol Learn Mem — McGaugh JL Memory — a century of consolidation. Science — Bekinschtein P, Cammarota M, Igaz LM, Bevilaqua LR, Izquierdo I, et al. Neuron — Bekinschtein P, Cammarota M, Katche C, Slipczuk L, Rossato JI, et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A — Poo MM Neurotrophins as synaptic modulators.

Nat Rev Neurosci 2: 24— Hwang IK, Yoo KY, Jung BK, Cho JH, Kim DH, et al. Exp Neurol 75— Flavonoids are nutrients that contain more than 6, unique compounds.

Flavonoids protect plants from microbe and insect damage, which may explain some of their observed health benefits in humans. They contribute to the sensory characteristics of foods such as flavour, astringency and colour. Anthocyanins, for example, provide the red, blue and purple pigments in fruits such as strawberries, cherries, blueberries and plums.

Anthocyanin-rich fruits have been shown to affect the brain in several ways. It is thought that a number of pathways work together to improve cognition and prevent degeneration of the brain. First, the high antioxidant content of these fruits may scavenge free-radicals and reduce inflammation in the brain.

Additionally, flavonoids in the fruit have the potential to inhibit cell death of nerve cells neurons , and improve connections between the neurons, especially in the areas of the brain associated with learning and memory hippocampus.

Flavonoids may also disrupt the aggregation of amyloid beta Aβ in the brain and thereby prevent formation of amyloid plaques. Consuming a large serve of anthocyanin-rich fruits may boost learning ability , memory and motor skills.

Research suggests that people who regularly consume berries two to three times per week have better brain function and are less likely to develop dementia than others their own age. Dementia is the single greatest cause of disability in older adults aged over 65 years and is the second leading cause of death in this age group.

Even small delays in the onset of dementia and its subsequent progression will have the potential to significantly alleviate the burden of this disease on society. A feasible serving of ml a day of juice was provided to participants in order to overcome the issue of seasonality.

After 12 weeks, people who regularly consumed the cherry juice had significantly improved scores of tests related to memory and word-recall compared to those who were provided with an alternative fruit juice that contained minimal anthocyanins.

As more is discovered about the health effects of anthocyanin-rich fruits, the demand for fruits with superior health benefits is growing. An Australian-bred plum developed by Queensland government scientists, the Queen Garnet , has up to five times the levels of anthocyanins present than in normal plums.

Animal studies show impressive results so far for its potential to improve health. Obese rats fed with the Queen Garnet plum juice showed that their high blood pressure, fatty livers, poor heart function and arthritis returned to normal in just eight weeks.

We are now investigating the role of the Queen Garnet plums on cognitive function in people with early signs of memory loss. Food-based studies are complex.

Dietary memoryy, including anthocyanins, memlry positively influence cognition and may Anthoccyanins beneficial for the prevention and treatment of Citrus fruit for weight loss. We Anthocyanins and memory enhancement to assess whether Anthocyanins and memory enhancement consumption of anthocyanin-rich cherry juice changed cognitive function in older adults with dementia. Blood pressure and anti-inflammatory effects were examined as secondary outcomes. Blood pressure and inflammatory markers CRP and IL-6 were measured at 6 and 12 weeks. ANCOVA controlling for baseline and RMANOVA assessed change in cognition and blood pressure. The effects of memorh sweet potato anthocyanin SPA and Cordyceps mushroom extract Anthoxyanins on lipid peroxidation, 1,1-diphenylpicrylhydrazyl DPPH radicals Amthocyanins cognitive deficits were Anthocyanins and memory enhancement. Both SPA Anthocyanins and memory enhancement Fasting for weight loss exhibited DPPH radical scavenging activities Anrhocyanins similar potency. Furthermore, SPA markedly enhanced cognitive performance, assessed by passive avoidance test in ethanol-treated mice. Combined treatments with SPA and CME did not significantly influence the effects of SPA alone. These results demonstrate that anthocyanin prepared from purple sweet potato exhibits memory enhancing effects, which may be associated with its antioxidant properties. This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. Rent this article via DeepDyve. Anthocyanins and memory enhancement

Anthocyanins and memory enhancement -

Jayle, G. CAS Google Scholar. Jianzhe, Y, Xiaolan, M. Science Press, Beijing, China, pp. Google Scholar. Jo, A. Japanese patent , — Lazze, M. Mutation Res.

Lee, S. Liu, F. and Ng, T B. Life Sci. Ng, T B. Odake, K. Raghavendra, V. and Kulkarni, S. Free Rad. Ramirez-Tortosa, C, Anderson, O.

T, Morrice, P. Rodriguez-Saona, L. Food Science , 64, — Shafiee, M. Food , 5, 69—78 Sohal, R. Free Radic. Sterling, M. Nutrition Science News , December Issue Sung, J.

Kyo-Hak Pub. Tanizawa, H. Determination of antioxidative activities of citrus fruits. Tsuda, T. FEBS Lett. Wang, C. Article Authors Metrics Comments Media Coverage Reader Comments Figures.

Abstract Evidence suggests that flavonoid-rich foods are capable of inducing improvements in memory and cognition in animals and humans. Introduction Phytochemical—rich foods, particularly those rich in flavonoids, have been shown to be effective in reversing age-related deficits in memory and learning [1] — [6].

Materials and Methods Materials Antibodies used were anti-GAPDH New England Biolabs, Hitchin, UK ; anti-BDNF Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA ; anti-pro-BDNF, Millipore, Warford, UK.

Intervention diets Diets were prepared by Research Diets Inc. Animals and supplementation All procedures were conducted according to the specifications of the United Kingdom Animals Scientific Procedures Act, Spatial Memory Testing Habituation and Shaping Sessions.

Alternation task. Tissue collection Following the final test session animals were sacrificed by decapitation and their brains were immediately extracted and halved. Western Immunoblotting Proteins were extracted using the Trizol method [56] , as described previously [47] and optimized for the extraction of BDNF.

Preparation of brain sections Coronal sections 10 µm containing the dorsal hippocampus were cut using a cryostat, Bright Cryostat model OTF Huntingdon, UK , and mounted onto poly-L-lysine coated microscope slides VWR, UK.

In situ hybridization riboprobes The methodology used was adapted from that described previously in [58]. In situ hybridization In situ hybridization was conducted as described previously [47].

Download: PPT. Figure 1. Effect of 6 weeks blueberry BB , Anthocyanins Extract A and Flavanols F on spatial working memory in aged rats 18 months old. Modulation of BDNF and pro-BDNF protein levels in the hippocampus Levels of hippocampal pro- and mature BDNF were assessed by Western immunoblotting and normalized against GAPDH protein levels Fig.

Figure 2. Levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor BDNF in the hippocampus. Changes in hippocampal BDNF mRNA levels The hybridization pattern obtained for the BDNF probe was similar to that detected previously [60] , with all the principal hippocampal layers exhibiting BDNF mRNA expression, including the dentate granule cell layer in the dentate gyrus.

Figure 3. Effects of blueberry supplementation in BDNF mRNA levels in the hippocampus and cortex. Discussion Flavonoid-rich foods such as blueberry, green tea and Gingko biloba have been shown to be highly effective at reversing age-related deficits in spatial memory and in the enhancement of different aspects of synaptic plasticity, [19] , [32] , [61] — [63] , a process severely affected by ageing [64] , [65].

Author Contributions Conceived and designed the experiments: CR DV CMW LTB JPES. References 1. Letenneur L, Proust-Lima C, Le Gouge A, Dartigues JF, Barberger-Gateau P Flavonoid intake and cognitive decline over a year period.

Am J Epidemiol — View Article Google Scholar 2. Patel AK, Rogers JT, Huang X Flavanols, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer's dementia. Int J Clin Exp Med 1: — View Article Google Scholar 3.

Beking K, Vieira A Flavonoid intake and disability-adjusted life years due to Alzheimer's and related dementias: a population-based study involving twenty-three developed countries. Public Health Nutr — View Article Google Scholar 4. Lamport DJ, Dye L, Wightman JD, Lawton CL The effects of flavonoid and other polyphenol consumption on cognitive performance: A systematic research review of human experimental and epidemiological studies.

Nutrition and Aging 1: 5— View Article Google Scholar 5. Saunders C, Spencer JPE Metabolic and immune risk factors for dementia and their modification by flavonoids: New targets for the prevention of cognitive impairment?

Nutrition and Aging 1: 69— View Article Google Scholar 6. Carey AN, Poulose SM, Shukitt-Hale B The beneficial effects of tree nuts on the aging brain. Nutrition and Aging 1: 55— View Article Google Scholar 7.

Chan YC, Hosoda K, Tsai CJ, Yamamoto S, Wang MF Favorable effects of tea on reducing the cognitive deficits and brain morphological changes in senescence-accelerated mice.

J Nutr Sci Vitaminol Tokyo — View Article Google Scholar 8. Haque AM, Hashimoto M, Katakura M, Tanabe Y, Hara Y, et al. J Nutr — View Article Google Scholar 9.

Kaur T, Pathak CM, Pandhi P, Khanduja KL Effects of green tea extract on learning, memory, behavior and acetylcholinesterase activity in young and old male rats. Brain Cogn 25— View Article Google Scholar Kuriyama S, Hozawa A, Ohmori K, Shimazu T, Matsui T, et al.

Am J Clin Nutr — Lai HC, Chao WT, Chen YT, Yang VC Effect of EGCG, a major component of green tea, on the expression of Ets-1, c-Fos, and c-Jun during angiogenesis in vitro. Cancer Lett — Unno K, Takabayashi F, Yoshida H, Choba D, Fukutomi R, et al.

Biogerontology 8: 89— Oliveira DR, Sanada PF, Saragossa Filho AC, Innocenti LR, Oler G, et al. EGb on memory: behavioral and molecular evidence. Brain Res 68— Shif O, Gillette K, Damkaoutis CM, Carrano C, Robbins SJ, et al. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 17— Williams B, Watanabe CM, Schultz PG, Rimbach G, Krucker T Age-related effects of Ginkgo biloba extract on synaptic plasticity and excitability.

Neurobiol Aging — Fisher ND, Sorond FA, Hollenberg NK Cocoa flavanols and brain perfusion. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 47 Suppl 2S— Francis ST, Head K, Morris PG, Macdonald IA The effect of flavanol-rich cocoa on the fMRI response to a cognitive task in healthy young people.

Dinges DF Cocoa flavanols, cerebral blood flow, cognition, and health: going forward. Casadesus G, Shukitt-Hale B, Stellwagen HM, Zhu X, Lee HG, et al. Nutr Neurosci 7: — Shukitt-Hale B, Lau FC, Joseph JA Berry fruit supplementation and the aging brain.

J Agric Food Chem — Krikorian R, Shidler MD, Nash TA, Kalt W, Vinqvist-Tymchuk MR, et al. Joseph JA, Shukitt-Hale B, Denisova NA, Bielinski D, Martin A, et al.

J Neurosci — Williams CM, El Mohsen MA, Vauzour D, Rendeiro C, Butler LT, et al. Free Radic Biol Med — Kalt W, Blumberg JB, McDonald JE, Vinqvist-Tymchuk MR, Fillmore SA, et al.

Milbury PE, Kalt W Xenobiotic metabolism and berry flavonoid transport across the blood-brain barrier. Andres-Lacueva C, Shukitt-Hale B, Galli RL, Jauregui O, Lamuela-Raventos RM, et al. Nutr Neurosci 8: — Williams RJ, Spencer JP, Rice-Evans C Flavonoids: antioxidants or signalling molecules?

Schroeter H, Bahia P, Spencer JP, Sheppard O, Rattray M, et al. J Neurochem — Spencer JP Food for thought: the role of dietary flavonoids in enhancing human memory, learning and neuro-cognitive performance.

Proc Nutr Soc — Li Q, Zhao HF, Zhang ZF, Liu ZG, Pei XR, et al. Neuroscience — Hou Y, Aboukhatwa MA, Lei DL, Manaye K, Khan I, et al. Neuropharmacology — Igaz LM, Bekinschtein P, Vianna MM, Izquierdo I, Medina JH Gene expression during memory formation.

Neurotox Res 6: — Athos J, Impey S, Pineda VV, Chen X, Storm DR Hippocampal CRE-mediated gene expression is required for contextual memory formation. Nat Neurosci 5: — Izquierdo I, Medina JH Memory formation: the sequence of biochemical events in the hippocampus and its connection to activity in other brain structures.

Neurobiol Learn Mem — McGaugh JL Memory — a century of consolidation. Science — Bekinschtein P, Cammarota M, Igaz LM, Bevilaqua LR, Izquierdo I, et al. Neuron — Bekinschtein P, Cammarota M, Katche C, Slipczuk L, Rossato JI, et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A — Poo MM Neurotrophins as synaptic modulators.

Nat Rev Neurosci 2: 24— Hwang IK, Yoo KY, Jung BK, Cho JH, Kim DH, et al. Exp Neurol 75— Hayashi M, Mistunaga F, Ohira K, Shimizu K Changes in BDNF-immunoreactive structures in the hippocampal formation of the aged macaque monkey.

Brain Res — Hattiangady B, Rao MS, Shetty GA, Shetty AK Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, phosphorylated cyclic AMP response element binding protein and neuropeptide Y decline as early as middle age in the dentate gyrus and CA1 and CA3 subfields of the hippocampus.

Trial registration: This cross-sectional study uses baseline data from a randomized controlled trial registered with the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN Keywords: Anthocyanins; Cognition; Diet; Memory; Mild cognitive impairment.

Abstract Research on the role of dietary anthocyanins in preventing cognitive decline in older adults shows promise. Publication types Randomized Controlled Trial Research Support, Non-U.

The prevalence of wnd cognitive decline has been on the rise Anthocyanins and memory enhancement the Ahthocyanins population Anthocuanins, putting the independence Energy sector regulations quality of Anthocyanins and memory enhancement of Antjocyanins at risk. Anthocyanin, as a subclass of dietary flavonoids, may have a beneficial impact on cognitive outcomes. To examine the effects of dietary anthocyanin supplementation on cognition of the cognitively healthy middle-aged and older adults. PubMed, ScienceDirect, CINAHL, EMBASE, ProQuest and Cochrane databases were searched. Thirteen studies were included in this meta-analysis. No significant differences were observed between intervention and control groups on memory, attention, executive function and psychomotor performance.


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