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Air displacement plethysmography testing

Air displacement plethysmography testing

The mean values for both SD plethysmogtaphy CV plethysmgoraphy within very Air displacement plethysmography testing ranges 1. Introduction Muscle building methods Objective methods Plethysmogra;hy Videos Dietary assessment decision dispkacement. Active participation in multiple sports from linear regression analyses plethymsography a high agreement between the volumes measured by the PEA POD and the volumes computed from precisely measured linear dimensions. In all cases, the regression equations gave very low SEE 0. comments: The Bod Pod technology is fundamentally the same as underwater hydrostatic weighingbut uses air instead of water. Validation of a new pediatric air-displacement plethysmograph for assessing body composition in infants. Request for Support.


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Air displacement plethysmography testing -

TGV option port TGV measurement directly performed inside the chamber by simply connecting the TGV module to a dedicated port. Door handle Easy door opening through the ergonomic handle and thanks to low resistance door hinges. Omnia Intuitive software for advanced data analysis and review boasting great interfacing and customization features.

Magnetic door closure Safe door locking system through an electromagnetic closure on multiple points. Pediatric option Dedicated pediatric option for a safe and comfortable testing environment for young children. Product guide. Large chamber Large testing chamber allows for testing of all subjects.

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To date, ADP validity studies have evaluated children as young as 5 y, but more typically those aged 10 y and older. The results from our study suggest that ADP lacks the accuracy necessary for routine use in clinical and research settings in children aged 6—48 mo. SEE values exceeding 6. Thus, the SEE of 6.

Previous observations suggest that the CVs of repeated volume measurements increase substantially at volumes less than 40 l In our data shown in Figure 4 , the ~l phantom had 3 times the CV, and the ~3-l phantom had 18 times the CV of the l phantom measurements.

The average variability in volume measurement of the 3-l tank 0. In addition, the mean CV during child body-volume measurement 0. The decreased precision of volume measurement in measuring small children is a methodological barrier that must be overcome before ADP can be widely used in clinical and research settings.

Future research should systematically evaluate all possible sources of precision problems, including child size and behavioral response to testing movement and vocalizations; data shown in Figure 3 , to determine whether additional modifications to the ADP system may improve accuracy and precision.

Although D 2 O dilution is commonly used as the reference technique for body-composition studies of young children, 24 , 27 , 34 , 35 its limitations should be acknowledged. The method also requires adjustment for overestimation of total body water TBW in children younger than 2 y because of variability in body fatness during infancy We acknowledge that the measurement error associated with estimating thoracic gas volumes in young children also may contribute to measurement error.

Although Fields et al. developed suitable predictive equations for children aged 6—17 y, the performance of prediction equations for very young children requires more research In summary, to our knowledge, this is the first published study to examine the accuracy of the BOD POD ADP system in children aged 6 mo to 4 y.

However, our data suggest that, as currently designed, ADP does not provide a valid measurement of body-composition components, in part due to poor precision in measuring smaller volumes.

Changes in ADP test-chamber design, software, or hardware may improve the accuracy of body-volume measurements in young children.

Further research is needed to make this technology, which is well-suited for use in young children, accurate enough for research and clinical applications.

A convenience sample of 72 healthy children aged 6—48 mo was recruited from Centre County, Pennsylvania, and the surrounding areas. Children who were known to be claustrophobic, recently ill, or dehydrated were screened out of the study.

The study protocol was approved by the institutional review board at The Pennsylvania State University, and all parents provided written informed consent for the participation of their child. For children aged 6—23 mo, recumbent length was measured to the nearest millimeter using an infantometer Seca Model ; Seca, Hamburg, Germany , and weight was measured using an infant scale Seca Model ; Seca.

For children aged 24—48 mo, standing height was measured to the nearest millimeter using a wall-mounted stadiometer Seca Model ; Seca , and weight was measured using the scale provided with the ADP device scale, Model BWBA; Tanita, Tokyo, Japan.

Anthropometric measurements were performed by the two coauthors in duplicate using standard measurement techniques 38 , and all equipment was calibrated each day. All quality-control procedures were completed each day.

Manufacturer recommendations for testing attire were followed: children wore a spandex swim cap and a tight-fitting swimsuit or were nude. Lung volume V TG was estimated for each subject according to age, sex, and height as described by Fields 37 , Several modifications were made to the ADP system to enable testing of young children.

We used a specifically designed child seat with removable tray that securely attached to the bench seat to safely confine the child during testing. In addition, a child-sized ~20 l National Institute of Standards and Technology—traceable volume phantom was used for system calibration to more closely match the body volume of young children.

Finally, Life Measurement provided modified software to facilitate body-composition testing of small children. We attached a portable DVD player or test-compatible toys to the tray of the child seat to entertain children during the testing procedure.

A complete body-composition test sequence included measurement of body mass and three s measurements of body volume. The two body-volume measurements closest in agreement were used by the system software to calculate the average body volume and body density D b of the child.

The three scores were added to produce a score ranging from 3 to 9 for both agitation and stillness. TBW determination by D 2 O dilution was performed as previously described by Schoeller In brief, a baseline urine sample was collected from disposable gel-free diapers Tushies, Eau Claire, WI or from a potty seat on arrival at the laboratory.

Then, each subject consumed a dose of 0. Fruit flavoring was added to the dose solution to increase acceptance. D 2 O enrichment values were determined using isotope ratio mass spectrometry, and the resultant TBW values were corrected for nonaqueous exchange of hydrogen TBW values obtained from the 4-h postdose urine sample were used for data analyses, except when a sample was not produced at that time point, and the 3-h postdose TBW value was used.

Intake of foods or beverages and infant formula was measured to the nearest tenth of a gram. Breast milk intake from nursing was measured to the nearest gram.

Water intake from foods and beverages was calculated using Nutrition Data System for Research software University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN and then subtracted from TBW results.

Fat-free mass was calculated from TBW by using age- and sex-specific hydration of fat-free mass coefficients as described by Butte et al. Approximately volume measurements per phantom were collected over a 3-mo period on National Institute of Standards and Technology—certified volume phantoms of ~3, 20, and 50 l.

The data were used to evaluate precision, defined as the mean CV for the entire pool of measurements made on a phantom. Using the quality-control volume feature of the ADP software, we completed the two-point calibration procedure, and then the ADP system made six volume measurements on the phantom.

The ADP system was calibrated using the same size phantom to be measured, except that the l phantom was used to calibrate for 3-l tank measurements because of software restrictions.

Percentiles and z -scores for anthropometric data were calculated using age- and sex-specific Centers for Disease Control and Prevention growth chart reference data and the SAS program version 9. IBM SPSS Statistics version 18; SPSS, Somers, NY was used for all subsequent analyses.

The mean and two-SD difference between methods were calculated, and a paired-sample two-tailed t -test was used to determine whether this difference was significant.

For precision testing of calibration phantoms and people, the CV of volume measurements was calculated. Life Measurement, Inc. They did not provide any input in the writing of this article.

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Whole-Body Air-Displacement Air displacement plethysmography testing y is testinf method AAir assessing body fat and lean Turmeric face masks, commonly displacrment the BodPod machine. Air displacement plethysmography testing method is similar underwater hydrostatic weighingbut uses air instead of water. purpose: using air displacement technology for measuring and tracking body fat and lean mass. pre-test: Explain the test procedures to the subject. Perform screening of health risks and obtain informed consent. Prepare forms and record basic information such as age, height, body weight, gender, test conditions. Check and calibrate the equipment. Air displacement plethysmography testing Journal volume plethysmographjArticle number: 18 Cite Finding inner peace article. Metrics details. The study Low carbohydrate diets body composition pletnysmography specific populations displacementt techniques such as tessting analysis Plethyxmography requires validation based Active participation in multiple sports dixplacement reference methods. The aim of this study was to develop and cross-validate a predictive equation for bioelectrical impedance using air displacement plethysmography ADP as standard method to measure body composition in Mexican adult men and women. This study included male and female subjects from northern Mexico, 20—50 years of age, from low, middle, and upper income levels. Body composition was measured by ADP. Body weight BW, kg and height Ht, cm were obtained by standard anthropometric techniques.

Author: Mubar

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