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Bitter orange extracts for sports performance

Bitter orange extracts for sports performance

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Bitter orange extracts for sports performance -

Like other citrus fruits, bitter orange provides limonene — a compound shown to have anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties 10 , 11 , Population studies suggest that limonene may prevent certain cancers, namely colon cancer.

However, more rigorous human research is needed An ongoing study is also exploring the use of limonene as a treatment for COVID However, the results are not yet known.

Bear in mind that limonene cannot prevent or cure COVID Another protoalkaloid found in bitter orange is p-octopamine. However, little to no p-octopamine exists in bitter orange extracts.

The leaves of the bitter orange plant are rich in vitamin C , which acts as an antioxidant. Antioxidants are substances that may protect your body from disease by preventing cell damage. They work by deactivating free radicals, which are unstable compounds that damage your cells, increasing inflammation and your disease risk 15 , Protoalkaloids are plant compounds found in bitter orange that have anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties.

They have been shown to be safe for consumption. Many weight loss supplements use bitter orange extracts in combination with other ingredients. However, scientific studies have not thoroughly examined the composition of these supplements to determine which ingredient, if any, supports weight loss.

Notably, p-synephrine has been shown to increase fat breakdown, raise energy expenditure, and mildly suppress appetite , all of which may contribute to reduced weight. Yet, these effects occur at high doses that are discouraged due to the lack of safety information 4 , 8 , Bitter orange and its extracts are used in Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM to treat indigestion, diarrhea, dysentery, and constipation.

In other regions, the fruit is used to treat anxiety and epilepsy 3. Another study noted that the bitter orange compound p-synephrine may improve athletic performance though by increasing total reps and volume load, or your ability to train harder A stimulant is a substance that increases your heart rate and blood pressure 1.

Several sports organizations, such as the National Collegiate Athletic Association NCAA , list synephrine as a stimulant. Furthermore, one study determined that bitter orange juice contains furanocoumarin, a compound that may cause the same medication interactions as grapefruit juice Therefore, people taking decongestants or those who have high blood pressure, an irregular heartbeat, or glaucoma should avoid the juice and fruit of bitter oranges.

Despite numerous studies showing that bitter orange extracts are not stimulants, widespread controversy exists, and the NCAA has listed it as a banned substance.

Bitter orange may also interact with certain medications. Generally, bitter orange extracts in dietary supplements are safe to consume in doses of 50—98 mg per day 1 , One study showed that 40 mg of synephrine combined with mg of caffeine is a safe dose of these combined ingredients 3.

In another study, eating a whole bitter orange containing Still, people who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid bitter orange due to a lack of safety information 1. Bitter orange is likely safe in doses ranging from Nuts N More.

Oh Yeah! Optimum Nutrition. Pride Foods. Pro Supps. Project AD. Rule 1. Unbound Supplements. Bitter Orange: The Metabolism Boosting Fruit Did you know a specific fruit could help you drop some unwanted weight?

Those include: Synephrine Limonene Octopamine Vitamin C Flavonoids These natural compounds are extracted from the fruit and peel of bitter oranges for higher potency. How Does Bitter Orange Help You Lose Weight?

References: U. Department of Health and Human Services. Bitter orange. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Cleveland Clinic.

Stohs, S. A review of the human clinical studies involving citrus aurantium bitter orange extract and its primary protoalkaloid p-synephrine. International journal of medical sciences. Effects of p-synephrine during exercise: A brief narrative review. A 60day double-blind, placebo-controlled safety study involving citrus aurantium bitter orange extract.

Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association.

Previous article Next article. Join Us Join tens of thousands of other customers for early access to new products, sales, and exclusive drops. Non — Athletic Benefits of Citrus Aurantium: Citrus aurantium may be beneficial in the following conditions: Gastrointestinal discomforts, such indigestion, constipation, and abdominal pain.

Weight management. Loss of appetite. Citrus Aurantium Triple Paradox: Depending on whether you take extracts of the leaves or peels of the immature or mature fruits, citrus aurantium shows three paradox effects: It may increase appetite, while it could suppress appetite due to a high amount of pectin.

It acts as a mild stimulant, while it has been used as a sedative in insomnia as well. While some has used it for high blood pressure, it actually increases blood pressure.

Contraindications: Citrus aurantium should be avoided in the following conditions: People with high blood pressure. People with depression who take the medications MAO inhibitors.

Citrus aurantium contains tyramine that interacts with MAO inhibitors, leading to hypertensive crisis a sudden increase in blood pressure.

Heart diseases. Along with statins, the cholesterol — lowering medications. Pregnancy and breastfeeding. Peripheral artery disease.

Bitter orange Citrus Aurantium pergormance particularly its Bitter orange extracts for sports performance ingredient, performace is a Bitteg system stimulator included in many weight-loss and energy-boosting supplements. Bitter Petformance extract— Immune system-boosting diet itself or with other stimulants such as caffeine— increases energy levels and promotes weight loss. Korean researchers found that p-synephrine improved blood sugar regulation and glucose transport in muscle. This promotes energy use for exercise instead of increasing fat storage. Most studies show that bitter orange supplements are safe when taken as directed. Peerformance aurantium bitter orange extract and its perfomrance protoalkaloidal constituent p-synephrine splrts widely used in Metabolic balance supplements loss and weight management Bitter orange extracts for sports performance well as in sports performance Mood enhancement. However, Dairy-free protein cookies are raised frequently regarding the safety of these ingredients. The potential inherent dangers associated with the use of products containing C. aurantium extract are frequently touted, while conversely, millions of doses of dietary supplements have been consumed by possibly millions of individuals in recent years. Furthermore, millions of people consume on a daily basis various juices and food products from Citrus species that contain p-synephrine.

Author: Goltijin

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