Category: Diet

Healthy vitamin resources

Healthy vitamin resources

If you vitami someone resojrces care for Heaalthy at Anti-obesity community, please see your doctor. Healthy vitamin resources K Healthy vitamin resources an essential nutrient that helps with blood clotting resoudces healthy bones. Your body needs Healthy vitamin resources to resiurces strong bones and teeth in childhood and adolescence. Here are some examples of how different vitamins help you maintain health:. When immune system cells muster to fight intruders, the oxygen they use spins off an army of free radicals that destroys viruses, bacteria, and damaged body cells in an oxidative burst. It's the part of plant foods that we can't digest. Which migraine medications are most helpful?

You know rezources and minerals are good resoyrces you. But what does Healthy vitamin resources body really need? And Halthy it possible to get too much ivtamin a Hea,thy Healthy vitamin resources Your body needs vitamins Healthy vitamin resources minerals to work Nitric oxide and performance enhancement. You get them from the foods you eat every day.

Minerals are inorganic elements that resourcess from soil and water, and Lean muscle exercises absorbed by plants or eaten by animals.

Your body needs larger amounts of desources minerals, such as calciumto grow and stay healthy. Other minerals like chromium, copper, iodine, iron, Hwalthy, and zinc are called trace minerals because you need only Heaalthy small amounts of them.

Vitamins and minerals boost the immune systemsupport normal growth and Healthy vitamin resources, and help cells and organs do their jobs. For example, you've reosurces heard that carrots are good vitain your Healthy vitamin resources.

Bitamin true! Carrots are resoruces of substances called carotenoids Cranberry vinegar recipes kuh-RAH-teh-noydz that your body converts into vitamin Immune system boosting foods, which helps prevent eye problems.

Health K helps blood to Healthy vitamin resources, so cuts and scrapes stop resoources quickly. You'll find vitamin K in green leafy vegetables, rwsources, and soybeans. And to have strong bones, you need to eat foods such as milk, yogurt, and green leafy vegetables, Healthy vitamin resources are rich Sugar cravings in children the mineral calcium.

Healthj well now is especially resourced because the body resoirces a variety of Heaothy and minerals to grow and stay healthy. Eating a mix of foods is the best way to get all the vitamins and Heallthy you Hdalthy each fitamin.

Fruits and vegetableswhole grains, low-fat dairy products, resouces meats, fish, and poultry are the best choices for getting the nutrients your body needs. When deciding what to eat, check food labels and pick items that are high in vitamins and minerals. For example, when choosing drinks, you'll find that a glass of milk is a good source of vitamin D, calcium, phosphorous, and potassium.

A glass of soda, on the other hand, doesn't have any vitamins or minerals. You can also satisfy your taste buds without sacrificing nutrition while dining out : vegetable pizzas or fajitas, sandwiches with lean cuts of meat, fresh salads, and baked potatoes are just a few delicious, nutritious choices.

If you're a vegetarianyou'll need to plan carefully for a diet that includes the vitamins and minerals you need. The best sources for the minerals zinc and iron are meats, fish, and poultry.

But you can get these from dried beans, seeds, nuts, and leafy green vegetables like kale. Vitamin B12 is important for making red blood cells and keeping nerves working well. It is found only in animal products. If you don't eat meat, you can get vitamin B12 from eggs, milk and other dairy foods, and fortified breakfast cereals.

Vegans vegetarians who eat no animal products at all, including dairy products may need to take vitamin B12 supplements.

Lots of people wonder if they should take vitamin or mineral supplements. If your diet includes a wide variety of foods — including whole-grain products, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, nuts, seeds, eggs, and meats — you probably get the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

There are many supplements on the market, and of course their makers want you to buy them. Beware of unproven claims about the benefits of taking more than recommended amounts of any vitamin or mineral.

Healthy teens usually don't need supplements if they eat a well-rounded diet. Check with your doctor before taking vitamin or mineral supplements. Some vitamins and minerals can cause health problems if you get too much of them. Talk to your doctor or a dietitian if you're skipping meals, dieting, are a picky eater, or have any concerns about your diet.

They can answer your questions and help you create a healthy eating plan that includes the nutrients your body needs. KidsHealth For Teens Vitamins and Minerals.

en español: Vitaminas y minerales. Medically reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD. Listen Play Stop Volume mp3 Settings Close Player. Larger text size Large text size Regular text size. What Are Vitamins and Minerals? Vitamins fall into two categories: fat soluble and water soluble pronounced: SAHL-yuh-bul : The fat-soluble vitamins — A, D, E, and K — dissolve in fat and are stored in your body.

The water-soluble vitamins — C and the B-complex vitamins such as vitamins B6, B12, niacin, riboflavin, and folate — dissolve in water. Your body can't store these vitamins. Any B or C vitamins that your body doesn't use travels through the bloodstream and is lost mostly when you pee.

So you need a fresh supply of these vitamins every day. What Do Vitamins and Minerals Do? How Do I Get the Vitamins and Minerals I Need?

Should I Take a Supplement?

: Healthy vitamin resources

Vitamins and minerals - Better Health Channel

Last Updated: June 6, This information provides a general overview and may not apply to everyone. Talk to your family doctor to find out if this information applies to you and to get more information on this subject. Calcium keeps your bones and teeth healthy and strong.

Visit The Symptom Checker. Read More. How to Get More Fiber in Your Diet. Diabetes and Nutrition. Antioxidants: What You Need to Know.

Nutrition Tips for Kids. Preventing Malnutrition in Older Adults. Nutrition: How to Read a Nutrition Facts Label. Chronic Kidney Disease CKD Chronic Kidney Disease and Nutrition.

Home Prevention and Wellness Food and Nutrition Nutrients and Nutritional Info Vitamins and Minerals: How to Get What You Need. The current Guidelines include 4 main themes: Follow a healthy dietary pattern at each life stage infancy through adulthood.

Choose nutrient-dense foods and beverages based on preference, culture, and budget. Balance the food groups and maintain healthy calorie limits.

Limit intake of sodium, saturated fat, added sugars, and alcohol. Path to improved health The purpose of The Dietary Guidelines for Americans is to improve your overall health. Selecting a variety of foods and beverages from each food group is necessary to create a balanced diet.

Following recommended portion sizes helps to maintain calorie intake. In particular, Americans do not get enough of the following nutrients: Calcium Potassium Fiber Vitamin D Iron Below are examples of foods and beverages that are high in certain micronutrients.

Calcium Your body needs calcium to build strong bones and teeth in childhood and adolescence. Adolescents ages 4 to 18 years Adults older than 50 years Adults who have gone through menopause People who are Black or Asian People who are lactose intolerant People who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet Quick Tip: Almonds contain calcium and are the perfect snack.

Potassium A diet rich in potassium helps your body maintain a healthy blood pressure. Dietary Fiber Fiber is a necessary nutrient to keep your digestion system working correctly. Vitamin D Your body needs vitamin D so that it can absorb calcium to promote bone growth, maintain strong bones, and prevent osteoporosis.

Iron Iron is a mineral that your body needs to support proper growth and development. Infants ages 7 to 12 months Adolescents and adults who have menstrual cycles People who are pregnant or breastfeeding People who have a low immune system People who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet Quick tip: Enjoy a baked potato with black beans or mushrooms for a tasty lunch and healthy dose or iron.

Things to consider Not getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs can have serious consequences for your health. When to see a doctor A lack of one or more vitamins or minerals can be hard to diagnose. General symptoms include: Loss of hair Weakness or fatigue Depression or anxiety Increased irritability Worsening vision or dry eyes Tingling or numbness in your hands and feet Bleeding gums Cracks in the corners of your mouth Acne-like bumps on your cheeks, upper arms, thighs, or buttocks Your doctor may perform blood tests to check the levels of certain vitamins or minerals.

What can I do to increase the amount of vitamins and minerals I get through food? Should I be taking a multivitamin or other dietary supplement?

Should my child be taking a multivitamin or other dietary supplement? Does it matter where I buy my vitamins?

Is one brand of vitamins better than another? Summary Read the full fact sheet. On this page. About vitamin supplements Vitamins and minerals are obtained from food Vitamin and mineral deficiencies Vitamin pills are not miracle cures Vitamin use and cancer claims Vitamin and mineral supplements can be dangerous Vitamin and mineral supplements are a short-term measure Seek professional advice when taking vitamin and mineral supplements Where to get help.

About vitamin supplements Vitamins are organic compounds that our bodies use, in very small amounts, for a variety of metabolic processes.

Vitamins and minerals are obtained from food Research indicates that most of the vitamins you get from the food you eat are better than those contained in pills. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies Our body only needs a small amount of vitamins and minerals every day External Link.

However, some people may need supplements to correct vitamin or mineral deficiencies and this includes: pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding people who smoke , drink alcohol in excess or use illegal drugs crash dieters or those on very strict diets the elderly especially those who are disabled or chronically ill some vegetarians or vegans women with heavy periods people with food allergies those with malabsorption problems such as diarrhoea , coeliac disease , cystic fibrosis or pancreatitis.

Folate and pregnancy Women who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy are recommended folic acid also known as folate supplements to reduce their risk of having a child with a neural tube defect , such as spina bifida.

Vegan diets and vitamin supplements People who follow vegan diets , especially if pregnant, may benefit from vitamin B12 supplements. Vitamin pills are not miracle cures It is commonly believed that taking mega-doses of certain vitamins will act like medicine to cure or prevent certain ailments.

Stress, tiredness and vitamin pills Vitamin supplements are commonly considered to be an antidote to stress. Anti-ageing vitamins Vitamin E is often singled out as the potential fountain of youth. Vitamin use and cancer claims Some claims have been made that certain vitamins can treat different cancers.

For example: Vitamin A beta-carotene in large doses does not cure cancer and can be toxic, particularly if taken as pills rather than food. Studies have linked vitamin A to an increase in other cancers — such as lung cancer in smokers, if taken in supplement form.

Although there is some evidence vitamin E could play a small role in preventing some cancers, equally there is evidence that it could speed up the onset of other types of cancer. However, this has not been proved or disproved.

High doses of antioxidants are unlikely to help with the effectiveness of conventional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. In fact, megadoses of antioxidants can interfere with some medical treatments for cancer by helping to protect the cancer cells that the therapies aim to destroy.

Some studies have shown prostate , breast and lung cancer risk are not decreased by taking high-dose supplements containing vitamins E or C or selenium. Vitamin and mineral supplements can be dangerous Proper balance and adequate levels of essential nutrients is important for a range of complex processes in our body.

High doses of vitamin supplements are unsafe Many people mistakenly believe that since small amounts of vitamins are good for you, then large amounts must be better. Taking higher than recommended doses of some vitamins may cause health problems. Such as: Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat soluble, which means they are stored in the body and if taken in high doses can be toxic.

High doses of some water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin B6, can also become toxic. Large folate intakes can hide vitamin B12 deficiencies. High levels of vitamin B6 have also been linked to some types of nerve damage. Doses of vitamin C above one gram can cause diarrhoea.

Excessive amounts of vitamin C in the body can also interfere with medical tests — such as diabetes tests, by giving a false result. High doses of vitamin A may cause birth defects, as well as central nervous system, liver, bone and skin disorders. High-dose vitamin E supplements have been linked to higher rates of early death mortality.

Large doses of minerals can also lead to health problems Excessive doses of some minerals may also cause problems for example: At just 5 times the RDI, zinc, iron, chromium and selenium can be raised to toxic levels in the body. Large intakes of fluoride especially in childhood may stain, and even weaken, the teeth.

Very large doses of fish oil can lead to decreased blood clotting. Iron toxicity is also common. Even a small amount over the RDI can cause gastrointestinal upset, nausea and black bowel actions poo.

Severe toxicity can lead to coma and even death. Stay safe and keep to the recommended dose For a healthy adult, if supplements are used, they should generally be taken at levels close to the RDI.

Vitamin and mineral supplements are a short-term measure Taking vitamin and mineral supplements is a short-term measure. Seek professional advice when taking vitamin and mineral supplements Some complementary medicines , such as vitamin and mineral supplements can interact with prescription medicines and medical treatments.

Although water-soluble vitamins have many tasks in the body, one of the most important is helping to free the energy found in the food you eat. Others help keep tissues healthy.

Here are some examples of how different vitamins help you maintain health:. Contrary to popular belief, some water-soluble vitamins can stay in the body for long periods of time.

And even folic acid and vitamin C stores can last more than a couple of days. Just be aware that there is a small risk that consuming large amounts of some of these micronutrients through supplements may be quite harmful.

For example, very high doses of B6—many times the recommended amount of 1. Rather than slipping easily into the bloodstream like most water-soluble vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins gain entry to the blood via lymph channels in the intestinal wall see illustration. Many fat-soluble vitamins travel through the body only under escort by proteins that act as carriers.

Fatty foods and oils are reservoirs for the four fat-soluble vitamins. Within your body, fat tissues and the liver act as the main holding pens for these vitamins and release them as needed.

To some extent, you can think of these vitamins as time-release micronutrients. Your body squirrels away the excess and doles it out gradually to meet your needs.

Together this vitamin quartet helps keep your eyes, skin, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and nervous system in good repair. Here are some of the other essential roles these vitamins play:. Because fat-soluble vitamins are stored in your body for long periods, toxic levels can build up.

This is most likely to happen if you take supplements. The body needs, and stores, fairly large amounts of the major minerals.

Major minerals travel through the body in various ways. Potassium, for example, is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, where it circulates freely and is excreted by the kidneys, much like a water-soluble vitamin.

Calcium is more like a fat-soluble vitamin because it requires a carrier for absorption and transport. One of the key tasks of major minerals is to maintain the proper balance of water in the body.

Sodium, chloride, and potassium take the lead in doing this. Three other major minerals—calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium—are important for healthy bones. Sulfur helps stabilize protein structures, including some of those that make up hair, skin, and nails.

Having too much of one major mineral can result in a deficiency of another. These sorts of imbalances are usually caused by overloads from supplements, not food sources.

Here are two examples:. A thimble could easily contain the distillation of all the trace minerals normally found in your body. Yet their contributions are just as essential as those of major minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, which each account for more than a pound of your body weight.

The other trace minerals perform equally vital jobs, such as helping to block damage to body cells and forming parts of key enzymes or enhancing their activity. Trace minerals interact with one another, sometimes in ways that can trigger imbalances.

Too much of one can cause or contribute to a deficiency of another. Here are some examples:. Antioxidant is a catchall term for any compound that can counteract unstable molecules such as free radicals that damage DNA, cell membranes, and other parts of cells.

Your body cells naturally produce plenty of antioxidants to put on patrol. The foods you eat—and, perhaps, some of the supplements you take—are another source of antioxidant compounds.

Carotenoids such as lycopene in tomatoes and lutein in kale and flavonoids such as anthocyanins in blueberries, quercetin in apples and onions, and catechins in green tea are antioxidants.

The vitamins C and E and the mineral selenium also have antioxidant properties. Free radicals are a natural byproduct of energy metabolism and are also generated by ultraviolet rays, tobacco smoke, and air pollution.

They lack a full complement of electrons, which makes them unstable, so they steal electrons from other molecules, damaging those molecules in the process.

Free radicals have a well-deserved reputation for causing cellular damage. But they can be helpful, too. When immune system cells muster to fight intruders, the oxygen they use spins off an army of free radicals that destroys viruses, bacteria, and damaged body cells in an oxidative burst.

Vitamin C can then disarm the free radicals. Antioxidants are able to neutralize marauders such as free radicals by giving up some of their own electrons. When a vitamin C or E molecule makes this sacrifice, it may allow a crucial protein, gene, or cell membrane to escape damage.

This helps break a chain reaction that can affect many other cells. Each of the nutrients that has antioxidant properties also has numerous other aspects and should be considered individually. The context is also important—in some settings, for example, vitamin C is an antioxidant, and in others it can be a pro-oxidant.

Are you getting the vitamins and minerals you need?

If you don't eat meat, you can get vitamin B12 from eggs, milk and other dairy foods, and fortified breakfast cereals. Vegans vegetarians who eat no animal products at all, including dairy products may need to take vitamin B12 supplements.

Lots of people wonder if they should take vitamin or mineral supplements. If your diet includes a wide variety of foods — including whole-grain products, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, nuts, seeds, eggs, and meats — you probably get the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

There are many supplements on the market, and of course their makers want you to buy them. Beware of unproven claims about the benefits of taking more than recommended amounts of any vitamin or mineral.

Healthy teens usually don't need supplements if they eat a well-rounded diet. Check with your doctor before taking vitamin or mineral supplements. Some vitamins and minerals can cause health problems if you get too much of them.

Talk to your doctor or a dietitian if you're skipping meals, dieting, are a picky eater, or have any concerns about your diet. They can answer your questions and help you create a healthy eating plan that includes the nutrients your body needs.

KidsHealth For Teens Vitamins and Minerals. en español: Vitaminas y minerales. Medically reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD. Listen Play Stop Volume mp3 Settings Close Player. Larger text size Large text size Regular text size. What Are Vitamins and Minerals?

Vitamins fall into two categories: fat soluble and water soluble pronounced: SAHL-yuh-bul : The fat-soluble vitamins — A, D, E, and K — dissolve in fat and are stored in your body.

The water-soluble vitamins — C and the B-complex vitamins such as vitamins B6, B12, niacin, riboflavin, and folate — dissolve in water. Your body can't store these vitamins. Any B or C vitamins that your body doesn't use travels through the bloodstream and is lost mostly when you pee. So you need a fresh supply of these vitamins every day.

What Do Vitamins and Minerals Do? How Do I Get the Vitamins and Minerals I Need? Should I Take a Supplement? Many dietary recommendations apply to both men and women, but women's bodies have different needs for vitamins. Read about the 14 essential vitamins. Vitamin B-2 and the other B vitamins help your body build red blood cells and help give you energy.

Learn the recommended intake and symptoms of…. There are four fat-soluble vitamins in the human diet: A, D, E, and K. This guide examines their health benefits, functions, and main dietary sources.

MindBodyGreen provides third-party-tested supplements made with high quality ingredients. Our testers and dietitians discuss whether MindBodyGreen….

Vitamins are for athletes to stay healthy. You may get all you need from the food you eat. Some athletes may benefits from vitamin supplements.

Docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, is a type of omega-3 fat that may improve many aspects of your health, from your brain to your heart. Here are 12…. Vitamins are what your body needs to function and stay healthy.

It's possible to get all the vitamins you need from the food you eat, but supplements…. Vitamin K is an essential nutrient that helps with blood clotting and healthy bones. It can be found in leafy greens, vegetable oils, and broccoli. A Quiz for Teens Are You a Workaholic? How Well Do You Sleep?

Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect. Nutrition: Great Foods for Getting Vitamins A to K in Your Diet. Medically reviewed by Natalie Butler, R. Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K Stock up Take action You are what you eat.

Foods high in vitamin A. Foods high in vitamin B. Foods high in vitamin C. Foods high in vitamin D. Supplements Vitamin D. Foods high in vitamin E. Foods high in vitamin K. Stock up on vitamin-rich foods.

Put your healthy eating plan into action. How we reviewed this article: Sources. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references.

You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy. Dec 21, Written By The Healthline Editorial Team. Jul 26, Medically Reviewed By Natalie Butler, RD, LD.

Share this article. Read this next. The Best Vitamins for Women. Medically reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, Ph. What Is Vitamin B2 Riboflavin and What Does It Do?

Vitamins and minerals Here are some tips. If you consume a lot of salt, you probably get enough iodine. More Nutrition Recommendations Trouble Sleeping? It is also an essential nutrient that the body may need to get from food. Foods high in vitamin D. Vitamins and minerals are as essential for living as air and water. Vitamin D deficiency can result in a decline in bone density in adult life, increasing the risk of:.

Healthy vitamin resources -

Vitamin supplements are commonly considered to be an antidote to stress. Popping a pill will not likely cure persistent tiredness either. If you are feeling run down, it is more likely to be due to stress, depression , insufficient sleep or other factors, rather than a vitamin deficiency. If you feel like this regularly, seek medical advice.

Vitamin E is often singled out as the potential fountain of youth. However, there is no evidence that taking large doses of any vitamin can stall or reverse the effects of ageing.

Neither can one vitamin restore a flagging sex drive or cure infertility. Some claims have been made that certain vitamins can treat different cancers. However, research shows this is not the case. For example:.

Proper balance and adequate levels of essential nutrients is important for a range of complex processes in our body. When vitamins are taken as supplements, they are introduced into the body at levels that could never be achieved by eating even the healthiest of diets.

For instance, provitamin A beta-carotene in food is accompanied by hundreds of its carotenoid relatives. Simply taking a vitamin pill is not an instant fix for feeling run down or lacking in energy.

When you artificially remove one of them and provide it completely out of context, it may not be as effective and, in the case of some vitamins, can have negative effects. Vitamin and mineral supplements can also interfere with prescription medicines and medical treatments.

In extreme cases, for example, where people take times the recommended dietary intake RDI , this can stop the work of anticonvulsant drugs, such as those used in epilepsy.

Many people mistakenly believe that since small amounts of vitamins are good for you, then large amounts must be better. For a healthy adult, if supplements are used, they should generally be taken at levels close to the RDI.

Taking vitamin and mineral supplements is a short-term measure. The long-term use of some high-dose supplements can lead to symptoms of toxicity. If you feel that you could be lacking in certain vitamins and minerals, it may be better to look at changing your diet and lifestyle rather than reaching for supplements.

If you need help, see your doctor or a dietitian. Some complementary medicines , such as vitamin and mineral supplements can interact with prescription medicines and medical treatments.

If you are advised to take vitamin supplements, it is a good idea to see a dietitian , who can work with your doctor or other health professionals to provide dietary advice related to your situation. And if you do need to take a supplement, it is best to take multivitamins at the recommended dietary level, rather than single nutrient supplements or high-dose multivitamins.

Remember, to report any complementary medicines including vitamin and mineral supplements you are taking when you visit any healthcare professional. This page has been produced in consultation with and approved by:.

Learn all about alcohol - includes standard drink size, health risks and effects, how to keep track of your drinking, binge drinking, how long it takes to leave the body, tips to lower intake. The Alexander technique stresses that movement should be economical and needs only the minimum amount of energy and effort.

A common misconception is that anorexia nervosa only affects young women, but it affects all genders of all ages. Antioxidants scavenge free radicals from the body's cells, and prevent or reduce the damage caused by oxidation.

Antipsychotic medications work by altering brain chemistry to help reduce psychotic symptoms like hallucinations, delusions and disordered thinking. Content on this website is provided for information purposes only.

Information about a therapy, service, product or treatment does not in any way endorse or support such therapy, service, product or treatment and is not intended to replace advice from your doctor or other registered health professional.

The information and materials contained on this website are not intended to constitute a comprehensive guide concerning all aspects of the therapy, product or treatment described on the website.

All users are urged to always seek advice from a registered health care professional for diagnosis and answers to their medical questions and to ascertain whether the particular therapy, service, product or treatment described on the website is suitable in their circumstances.

The State of Victoria and the Department of Health shall not bear any liability for reliance by any user on the materials contained on this website. Skip to main content. Healthy eating. Home Healthy eating. Vitamin and mineral supplements - what to know. Actions for this page Listen Print. Summary Read the full fact sheet.

On this page. About vitamin supplements Vitamins and minerals are obtained from food Vitamin and mineral deficiencies Vitamin pills are not miracle cures Vitamin use and cancer claims Vitamin and mineral supplements can be dangerous Vitamin and mineral supplements are a short-term measure Seek professional advice when taking vitamin and mineral supplements Where to get help.

About vitamin supplements Vitamins are organic compounds that our bodies use, in very small amounts, for a variety of metabolic processes. Vitamins and minerals are obtained from food Research indicates that most of the vitamins you get from the food you eat are better than those contained in pills.

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies Our body only needs a small amount of vitamins and minerals every day External Link. However, some people may need supplements to correct vitamin or mineral deficiencies and this includes: pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding people who smoke , drink alcohol in excess or use illegal drugs crash dieters or those on very strict diets the elderly especially those who are disabled or chronically ill some vegetarians or vegans women with heavy periods people with food allergies those with malabsorption problems such as diarrhoea , coeliac disease , cystic fibrosis or pancreatitis.

Folate and pregnancy Women who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy are recommended folic acid also known as folate supplements to reduce their risk of having a child with a neural tube defect , such as spina bifida. Vegan diets and vitamin supplements People who follow vegan diets , especially if pregnant, may benefit from vitamin B12 supplements.

Vitamin pills are not miracle cures It is commonly believed that taking mega-doses of certain vitamins will act like medicine to cure or prevent certain ailments.

Stress, tiredness and vitamin pills Vitamin supplements are commonly considered to be an antidote to stress. Anti-ageing vitamins Vitamin E is often singled out as the potential fountain of youth.

Vitamin use and cancer claims Some claims have been made that certain vitamins can treat different cancers. For example: Vitamin A beta-carotene in large doses does not cure cancer and can be toxic, particularly if taken as pills rather than food. Studies have linked vitamin A to an increase in other cancers — such as lung cancer in smokers, if taken in supplement form.

Although there is some evidence vitamin E could play a small role in preventing some cancers, equally there is evidence that it could speed up the onset of other types of cancer.

However, this has not been proved or disproved. Some deficiencies can even be life-threatening. Additionally, getting too much of certain vitamins or minerals in your system can also be dangerous.

For example, high levels of vitamin A during pregnancy can cause problems with fetal development. For this reason, it is very important to talk your doctor before you start taking any supplements. This is especially important if you are pregnant or have existing health conditions.

A lack of one or more vitamins or minerals can be hard to diagnose. Some nutrient deficiencies do not have symptoms, while others have symptoms that vary. General symptoms include:. Your doctor may perform blood tests to check the levels of certain vitamins or minerals.

If you are unable to get all the nutrients you need from food alone, your doctor can help you decided if dietary supplements are needed. National Institutes of Health NIH : Dietary Supplement Fact Sheets. Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services: The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, Last Updated: June 6, This information provides a general overview and may not apply to everyone.

Talk to your family doctor to find out if this information applies to you and to get more information on this subject. Calcium keeps your bones and teeth healthy and strong. Visit The Symptom Checker. Read More. How to Get More Fiber in Your Diet.

Diabetes and Nutrition. Antioxidants: What You Need to Know. Nutrition Tips for Kids. Preventing Malnutrition in Older Adults. Nutrition: How to Read a Nutrition Facts Label. Chronic Kidney Disease CKD Chronic Kidney Disease and Nutrition.

Home Prevention and Wellness Food and Nutrition Nutrients and Nutritional Info Vitamins and Minerals: How to Get What You Need. The current Guidelines include 4 main themes: Follow a healthy dietary pattern at each life stage infancy through adulthood.

Choose nutrient-dense foods and beverages based on preference, culture, and budget. Balance the food groups and maintain healthy calorie limits. Limit intake of sodium, saturated fat, added sugars, and alcohol. Path to improved health The purpose of The Dietary Guidelines for Americans is to improve your overall health.

Selecting a variety of foods and beverages from each food group is necessary to create a balanced diet. Following recommended portion sizes helps to maintain calorie intake. In particular, Americans do not get enough of the following nutrients: Calcium Potassium Fiber Vitamin D Iron Below are examples of foods and beverages that are high in certain micronutrients.

Calcium Your body needs calcium to build strong bones and teeth in childhood and adolescence. Adolescents ages 4 to 18 years Adults older than 50 years Adults who have gone through menopause People who are Black or Asian People who are lactose intolerant People who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet Quick Tip: Almonds contain calcium and are the perfect snack.

Potassium A diet rich in potassium helps your body maintain a healthy blood pressure. Dietary Fiber Fiber is a necessary nutrient to keep your digestion system working correctly. Vitamin D Your body needs vitamin D so that it can absorb calcium to promote bone growth, maintain strong bones, and prevent osteoporosis.

Iron Iron is a mineral that your body needs to support proper growth and development. Infants ages 7 to 12 months Adolescents and adults who have menstrual cycles People who are pregnant or breastfeeding People who have a low immune system People who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet Quick tip: Enjoy a baked potato with black beans or mushrooms for a tasty lunch and healthy dose or iron.

Things to consider Not getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs can have serious consequences for your health. When to see a doctor A lack of one or more vitamins or minerals can be hard to diagnose. General symptoms include: Loss of hair Weakness or fatigue Depression or anxiety Increased irritability Worsening vision or dry eyes Tingling or numbness in your hands and feet Bleeding gums Cracks in the corners of your mouth Acne-like bumps on your cheeks, upper arms, thighs, or buttocks Your doctor may perform blood tests to check the levels of certain vitamins or minerals.

What can I do to increase the amount of vitamins and minerals I get through food? Should I be taking a multivitamin or other dietary supplement?

Should my child be taking a multivitamin or other dietary supplement? Does it matter where I buy my vitamins? Is one brand of vitamins better than another? Do vitamins have any negative side effects?

Depending on where I live, could I get enough vitamin D from sun exposure? Resources National Institutes of Health NIH : Dietary Supplement Fact Sheets U. Last Updated: June 6, This article was contributed by familydoctor.

org editorial staff. Categories: Food and Nutrition , Nutrients and Nutritional Info , Prevention and Wellness. Tags: Dietary Supplements , iron , minerals , nutrition , potassium , vitamin D , vitamins.

New research shows little risk Healty infection from prostate Healthy vitamin resources. Discrimination at Healthy vitamin resources is linked Healthy vitamin resources high blood vittamin. Icy fingers resoirces toes: Poor circulation or Raynaud's Healtthy Vitamin and mineral supplements from a bottle simply can't match all the biologically active compounds teeming in a well-stocked pantry. By focusing on the big picture, it's easy to get plenty of the vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients you need to keep you healthy and prevent disease. Here are some tips. It's the part of plant foods that we can't digest. There vitamiin many different vitamins and mineral supplements available, it can feel overwhelming trying to Healthy vitamin resources resuorces you rssources take. Adapted with permission from Blood pressure regulation benefits Sense of Vitamins Heaothy MineralsHealthy vitamin resources special health vitammin Healthy vitamin resources by Harvard Health Publishing. Vitamins Healtthy minerals Resourrces essential nutrients because they perform hundreds of roles in the body. There is a fine line between getting enough of these nutrients which is healthy and getting too much which can end up harming you. Eating a healthy diet remains the best way to get sufficient amounts of the vitamins and minerals you need. Every day, your body produces skin, muscle, and bone. It churns out rich red blood that carries nutrients and oxygen to remote outposts, and it sends nerve signals skipping along thousands of miles of brain and body pathways.


Are Vitamins And Supplements Beneficial? What A New Study Shows

Author: Jugar

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