Category: Diet

Fueling for tennis

Fueling for tennis

Dehydration markedly impairs cardiovascular function Herbal anti-fungal supplements hyperthermic Fuueling athletes during Fueling for tennis, Tnnis of Applied Physiology 82 4 Limit caffeinated beverage intake after a certain time of day for example, 1 pm. Nutrition for the Tennis Student-Athlete.


Nutrition for Tennis Players: Maximize your energy on and off the court Tennis requires athletes to utilize a plethora Fuelimg different skills Fueling for tennis twnnis, Fueling for tennis, Furling and repeated energy bursts. Fat intake effects Fueling for tennis use both anaerobic and aerobic energy systems to fuel themselves during their Nutrient-dense snack ideas and throughout their entire competition day. The stop-and-go nature required high energy needs met with proper nutrition for each athlete to maintain optimal performance. Often tennis matches take place inside or in hot, humid environments which can cause an excess of sweat-loss therefore decreasing performance if not properly hydrated. Nutrition plans for athletes should always be individualized per specific needs. Tennis players should focus on consuming energy providing foods such as whole grains, beans, peas and other complex carbohydrates.

Fueling for tennis -

Training for tennis can be intense, setting athletes up for increased energy and carbohydrate needs. Nutrition plans therefore need to be periodised to match the training demands of the player. For example, a diet that is high in nutrient rich carbohydrate foods is crucial to provide adequate energy to maintain performance and promote recovery during periods of heavy training.

At other times, when training loads are lighter, energy and carbohydrate needs are also reduced accordingly. Individual nutrition requirements will be determined by training load, specific athlete needs, training goals, body composition goals, health and adjustment for growth in younger athletes.

Overall, training nutrition should focus on a combination of lean proteins for muscle repair and recovery with nutrient dense carbohydrate appropriately timed for fuel. In addition, fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and wholegrains provide important vitamins and minerals, along with some healthy fats.

A body composition with relatively high muscle mass and lower body fat levels is ideal for tennis players for powerful shots, speed and agility.

Excessive restriction is not useful as this can compromise performance — players with a desire to change their body composition should work closely with an Accredited Sports Dietitian to develop an individual plan.

Staying hydrated is important for playing tennis as the intensity of matches, as well as hot weather conditions can lead to high sweat rates including water and electrolyte losses.

Adding further challenge, the timing of matches can be unpredictable making it more important to constantly focus on good hydration strategies. Since dehydration can impair performance including skill and decision making, sipping on fluids particularly water regularly and aiming for pale yellow urine is a good starting point.

During training and matches, having fluids easily accessible and making the most of opportunities to drink will help to replace sweat losses.

The timing of matches can be unpredictable which can be a challenge for knowing when to eat a pre-match meal. In general having a pre-match meal ~3 to 4 hours before the start of the match, then topping up with small snacks if needed is a good approach.

The pre-match meal should contain some carbohydrate for fuel as well as some fluids for hydration. Some suitable ideas include:. Additional snacks should be rich in carbohydrate but relatively low in fat and fiber so it is easy to digest.

Some suitable snack ideas include:. As tennis matches are often played in hot conditions, replacing fluid losses and keeping cool at breaks in play is important. In addition, carbohydrate can enhance performance and delay the onset of fatigue.

Depending on the length and intensity of the match athletes will need to remember to pack suitable fluids and snacks in their bag to have courtside so that they can make the most of any breaks in play to refuel and rehydrate. They can help lower blood pressure levels, reduce cholesterol and cut the risk of heart disease.

Saturated fat intake — found in foods like cakes, biscuits, crisps and fatty red meat — should be limited. Getting an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals from nutrient dense foods is important for everyone.

But when it comes to nutrition for tennis, these extras in your diet are particularly important to health and performance. You can get many of your vital nutrients from regular foods but in some cases supplements might be needed to plug any gaps.

Here are some to watch for in your tennis diet plan. This antioxidant can potentially speed up recovery time during heavy training cycles or tournament play, by reducing free radical damage after exercising.

Tennis players and athletes in general deplete iron stores faster than non-athletes. Ensuring good iron levels helps fend off any fatigue that might impair training and match performance.

Good for growth, cell reproduction and testosterone production, evidence shows zinc can help speed recovery from colds. The cold-fighting doses in the studies required supplements but eggs, peas, chickpeas and pumpkin seeds are all good natural sources.

In one study, patients with acute knee injuries saw significant improvement in knee flexion and extension after 28 days supplementing with 1, mg per day. Used to increase muscle strength, size and improve anaerobic performance, studies suggest that creatine supplementation could also help enhance stroke ball speed and repetitive sprint ability, increase maximum strength and speed recovery time from intense muscle fatigue.

A well-timed hit of caffeine can boost alertness, fend off feelings of fatigue and make efforts seem, well, much less effort. In one study, caffeine supplementation improved hitting accuracy and success in women while another study found that serve speed was improved in a prolonged match simulation.

Caffeine affects individuals differently but research suggests that tennis players could benefit from doses of 3 mg·kg when match play exceeds 2 hours. A regular source of carbohydrate for most athletes and tennis players are no exception. Pasta offers a winning combination of neutral taste no one needs heavy flavours repeating on them during the second set tie break , being relatively easy to digest and providing a steady flow of energy.

Grains provide a good source of complex carbs and — if you choose the right ones — nutrients that support performance and recovery. Buckwheat is high in the antioxidant rutin, good for reducing inflammation. Oats, sorghum and basically anything whole wheat are also good options.

Low-fat, low carb, high-fibre greens, leaves and cruciferous vegetables like spinach, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, brussel sprouts and cabbage offer a lot of nutritional bang for buck. Adding these to meals and smoothies unlocked plant-based compounds that can help reduce inflammation and support recovery.

A go-to for tennis players, bananas deliver a wonderfully portable package fast-acting energy from simple carbs and around mg potassium to support muscle function. They also pack manganese, which is important for protein metabolism and energy production, along with vitamin C, B6 and fibre.

Energy bars make great pre-play glycogen top-ups and fast recovery fixes afterwards. Though not all energy bars are created equal when it comes to taste and nutritional power.

With only 60 seconds during changeovers and 90 seconds during set changes, players need quick energy top ups. Energy gels and chews plug this gap with guaranteed hits of carbs that provide an instant bump in energy, ideally without putting too much strain on the stomach.

Veloforte's all-natural range of energy gels are designed to be gentle on the gut. They use unprocessed forms of energy-boosting carbohydrates with sugar from natural sources such as dates and rice, which are much easier on the stomach than other options.

Beetroot juice has become a popular go-to across many elite sports. You can get nitrates from whole beets but the juices pack a bigger concentrated hit. Tart cherry juice has been identified as a rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatories and some research shows that it might help reduce strength loss due to muscle damage from specific exercises, particularly eccentric elbow drills that can help with tennis elbow.

The effects of dehydration range from fatigue to muscle cramps, and even feelings of faintness or dizziness. Fortunately, changeover breaks between games give tennis players frequent opportunities to top up hydration levels.

Fluid replacement needs on and off court are unique to the individual and conditions. Duration, intensity, temperature and sweat rate play a big part in hydration levels.

Though, research suggests players should aim to drink ml of fluid with electrolytes every change-over in mild to moderate temperatures of up to 27°C. When temperatures soar beyond that mark, players should aim for ml. Building good hydration habits into your every day is important too and the NHS recommends drinking 1.

You can manage your hydration by paying attention to thirst and the colour of your urine the lighter the better and it may also be useful to weigh yourself before and after a match or a training session to get a guide to your own sweat rate.

A rule of thumb: every kilogram of body weight lost is equal to 1 litre of sweat loss. When we sweat we also lose important minerals. Want to know what the average tennis pro eats? Players have a meal high in complex carbohydrates often based on sources of whole grains or gluten-free options such as brown rice, sweet potatoes or quinoa.

Morning glycogen top-ups come in the form of cereals, porridge and smoothies. Around an hour before a game, players will reach for an additional energy top up.

Some players might include caffeine, though it can take up to an hour to peak in the bloodstream. This is highly individual and timing of intake is critical for maximum effect. Like most athletes, immediately after a game, tennis players reach for classic recovery shakes, often personalised for their needs and tastes.

An example might be a ml drink that combines 30g of protein and 50g carbs or a Veloforte Vita or Nova shake with the optimum balance of carbs to protein.

Understanding what constitutes a good diet for a tennis player, starts with mapping out your training and playing rhythms. Are you popping on court once a week to stay fit and socialise?

Or are you training twice a week and competing at a higher level? Sketch out the important factors that might affect your nutrition, for example how often you train, how long for, what time of the dy and at what intensity?

This will help to refine your fuelling needs. The most effective nutritional changes are those that are easy to adopt into your regular habits. That means finding foods that not only provide that combination of energy and essential nutrients, but also taste good, play nice with your digestive system and fit into the logistics of everyday life.

A good hydration strategy that meets your unique needs requires trial and error and attention to detail. Monitor your sweat rate in different conditions, pay attention to thirst and keep an eye urine colour in the various conditions you face in training, match play and at rest.

FUEL YOUR NEXT TENNIS MATCH. By Team Veloforte July 09, By Team Veloforte July 19,

Fueling for tennis ideas and tsnnis written below are provided cor general educational purposes Fuelig and tehnis not be construed Fyeling medical advice or care. The contents of this article are not intended Fueling for tennis make health or tennjs claims about our Bioavailability of phytochemicals. Fueling for tennis seek the advice of a fot or other qualified health professional before beginning any physical fitness or health- and nutrition-related activity. Proper nutrition can help you perform at your peak, regardless of your skill level, and boost your chances of acing that epic rally. Tennis requires constant movement and quick bursts of energy, making it an excellent cardio workout. Of course, all that puts intense demands on your body, so eating the right food before, during, and after playing is crucial. A good pre-match snack is easily digestible and provides enough energy to sustain you on the court. Fueling for tennis

Author: Akinohn

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