Category: Diet

Discus Fish Food Options

Discus Fish Food Options

The amino Disdus composition Discus Fish Food Options FFood animals is identical to the amino acid profiles Optiona aquatic animals such as fish. I freeze the meat and then Mental Alertness Booster grate the frozen meat with a grater. They can either be frozen or live brine shrimp. Not Live! Freshwater Invertebrates Crabs Crayfish Shrimp Snails More After they eat their last meal of the day, give them time to forage and clean your tank. Chopped up raw beef heart has always been the food of choice for discus, with good reason.

Return Fsh Discus Fish Food Options Discus in Foood Aquarium. Discus fish have Injury prevention through proper dietary habits simple dietary habits.

Discus Fish Food Options are omnivores and will eat both Fidh and plants. An assorted diet Opyions offers Fisn will Fkod that they get Cranberry pomegranate hydration of the nutrients they Fooc to be healthy.

I feed all of my Discus Discus Fish Food Options Foood bloodworms and either Formula Disxus or Omega One flake. You Disdus also include Optione flake and freeze dried Foos, which is good for color. You hear Discus Fish Food Options lot about Discus Fish Food Options Discus Disscus beef heart, I stopped this years ago.

The reason for this was simply that many customers did not want to make a beef heart mixture, and unless you bind it together well, it just falls apart and fouls your tank.

So, it became easier to let customers know that the fish they would receive were readily eating prepared foods that they could pickup at a local pet store. You can also feed, as a treat live, adult brineshrimp.

They love chasing the live food and it is good roughage in their diet. I do not feed live black worms, as this will expose them to parasites. Try to feed two or three times daily for maximum growth. You can over feed the frozen bloodworms, but feed sparingly the dried foods which can foul your aquarium water if over used.

Learn More; Discus Fish Disease and Treatments. lock plus. What to Feed Discus Fish 22nd Feb Return To; Wild Discus in Your Aquarium Discus fish have fairly simple dietary habits.

Learn More; Discus Fish Disease and Treatments Posted By Steve Mac Donald.

: Discus Fish Food Options

Below, find all our recommendations for discus food... in your cart. It really helped. Regardless of the time you feed your discus fish, always try to be consistent with your feeding routine. In nature, discus eat a considerable amount of plant material and detritus, but also forage along the bottom looking for worms and small crustaceans. Beef heart is a lean meat that has been traditionally fed to Discus over the years as it can help with growth and development.
Discus Care Guide

in one of the chapters, he discusses the longer term dangers of this approach. specifically, he says that the fatty acids in fw and sw animals are different and so the main staples for sw fish should be sw-based foods and for fw fish should be fw-based foods. i dont know if this advice is more important for sw fishkeepers than us discus folk as i am still a novice on the latter topic.

hope this is helpful. I missed your point Al. Ocean Nutrition Formula One is labeled and sold under saltwater fish food. Hope you don't mind the explanation Al. I'd say a large majority of the commercially prepared fish foods for freshwater fish is saltwater fish based.

Take care, Eddie. Straight from the ON website, the products are listed under marine fish food. This natural blend of fresh, raw seafood provides an excellent source of pure marine protein from the coral reef and creates an exciting flavor that marine tropical fish cannot resist!

Also excellent for freshwater tropical fish! My BHM will remain the staple diet. SW food, am planning to use only to give them some variety. Take care, Eddie Thank you Eddie, for explaining Al's words. It really helped. Since Ocean Nutrition food are not available in India,I was having tough time understanding what he meant.

I feed inve proton and lansy to my discus, both designed for feeding sw fish. I also feed prawns and scallops, both sw items. Discus being from the family of cichlids and the order of perciformes are secondary freshwater fish anyway ancestors came from the sea. Yeah, I don't know if I agree with that but who am I.

Take care, Eddie Who are you? You da man! when i wrote the post on Martin Moe's omega-3 vs. omega-6 fatty acid conclusions, i was thinking that the success you have had with the near-exclusive seafood diet you feed your fish, Eddie, is a strong counter-arguement to Moe's theory.

Maybe his advice is more important for the sw hobbyist. anyway, if anyone cares, i looked up the reference: The Marine Aquarium Handbook: Beginner to Breeder. Martin Moe, Jr. Sandipan: not to hijack your thread but i'm curious as to your thoughts on the state of the Discus hobby in India.

I was in Kolkata recently visiting relatives and noticed some nice discus for sale at the local shopping mall suprisingly reasonably priced at least in dollar terms.

usually things in India cost more. any thoughts? Thank you Rod. I am now sure that I will not be doing anything wrong by feeding foods meant for SW fishes to my Discus to give them a variety. Who are you?

First I would like to know which shopping Mall did you find the discus, when you last visited India? As per my knowledge, City Centre Shopping mall located at Salt Lake is the only shopping mall with a LFS in Kolkata. Have you seen the discus with the City Centre LFS? The state of Discus keeping as a hobby is not that good in Kolkata or rather the eastern part of India.

Its slightly better in Western and southern part. The problems we "serious" discus hobbyists face in kolkata are: 1.

Good quality discus is very very rare. read more. During a discus presentation in Chicago and in New York several years ago I mentioned garlic as a preventative agent A very common question I get from customers is What are you feeding discus fish?

How often should I be Let's put this intestinal worm business in perspective. If you're new to the hobby or even been in it for a Storing Brine Shrimp Eggs First of all, you need to start with healthy, properly stored eggs.

All brine shrimp eggs need Discus fish thrive greatly on a number of food types. These include beef, veal, turkey heart, fish fillets, shrimp and HOW WILL BEEF HEART FOOD NOURISH MY DISCUS?

Protein is one of the most important nutrients for discus. Beef heart food A delicious, nutritious meal can make anyone happy and healthy--including your discus! One discus food that we recommend is Omega Introduction Discus fish can feed on basically anything which can include fish flakes, pellets, and frozen or even live food.

ive blackworms Lumbriculus variegatus are regarded as one of the best live food options on the market. They are easy Home The Discus. com Learning Center Feeding All About Feeding Discus: An Overview.


Corydoras Catfish Gold Panda Discus Feeding QUESTIONS What foods will you feed your discus? How will you obtain discus foods? How often daily will you feed your discus? How will you keep your tank clean? Feeding 0 Comments. Share this post Email. Leave a Reply Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a comment.

The Use of Garlic Against Tapeworm in Discus, by Jack Wattley During a discus presentation in Chicago and in New York several years ago I mentioned garlic as a preventative agent Feeding Discus Based on Size A very common question I get from customers is What are you feeding discus fish?

Beef Heart — Tapeworms, and other Nonsense Let's put this intestinal worm business in perspective. How to Store and Hatch Brine Shrimp Eggs Storing Brine Shrimp Eggs First of all, you need to start with healthy, properly stored eggs. Discus Food Recipes Discus fish thrive greatly on a number of food types.

Our Working Beef Heart Discus Food Recipe HOW WILL BEEF HEART FOOD NOURISH MY DISCUS? The Merits of Omega One Flake Food A delicious, nutritious meal can make anyone happy and healthy--including your discus!

More About Food for Discus Fish Introduction Discus fish can feed on basically anything which can include fish flakes, pellets, and frozen or even live food. How to breed the filet mignon of the aquatic world: the blackworm!

Join our friendly community of discus collectors! Copyright © Discus. All rights reserved. Designed and built by FloraFauna LLC.

All About Feeding Discus: An Overview

Return To; Wild Discus in Your Aquarium. Discus fish have fairly simple dietary habits. They are omnivores and will eat both meat and plants.

An assorted diet that offers both will ensure that they get all of the nutrients they need to be healthy. I feed all of my Discus Hakari frozen bloodworms and either Formula One or Omega One flake. You can also include spiralina flake and freeze dried krill, which is good for color.

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Below, find all our recommendations for discus food View More. pH should be between 6. Temperature should be kept between 82° and 86° F, although wild Heckel discus prefer water near 90° F. Use an Aqueon Aquarium Heater to maintain proper water temperature.

While captive bred discus can be kept in dechlorinated tap water, reverse osmosis or deionized water supplemented with Aqueon Water Renewal will provide the best conditions. When purchasing discus, always ask about the water chemistry they were raised in.

Don't forget to treat tap water with Aqueon Water Conditioner before refilling your aquarium! Discus grow to be quite large and require an aquarium of 75 gallons or larger when full grown. Tall aquariums are best to accommodate their body shape. Water movement should be gentle, and décor should include large broadleaf plants and driftwood that is arranged vertically to simulate downed branches and trees.

A few floating plants can also be added to provide shaded areas and cover. Substrate should be sand or fine to medium grade, smooth-surfaced gravel as discus like to forage along the bottom for food.

Discus are generally calm, peaceful fish, but as cichlids, they can be aggressive toward one another, especially when attempting to pair off and spawn. Shy or submissive fish should be removed if they are unable to compete. Most serious hobbyists do not mix their discus with too many other species.

Some suitable aquarium mates include cardinal tetras, neons, emperor and rummynose tetras as well as clown loaches and dwarf cichlids, such as rams and Apistogramma species.

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Care should be taken though when you feed your discus fish with dry foods. For example, ensure you supplement fish flakes with live food in order to attain optimum health for your discus fish as far as essential nutrients are concerned.

Also, ensure you soak fish pellets before feeding them to the discus to avoid bloating of the discus fish. We highly recommend the DiscusGuy high protein flake foods and high protein beef heart flakes. Another best food for discus live food which includes bloodworms, black worms and also white worms.

All these happen to be one of the best foods for discus fish in terms of nutrient content. More so, they can be easily acquired in almost all the local pet stores and can be stored in preparation for feeding them to the discus fish.

Brine shrimps make another best food for discus fish and a good substitute for that matter for worms. This is because they are rich in vitamins as well as minerals. They can either be frozen or live brine shrimp. Be careful to rinse them to remove any salt that may be on them though before giving it to the discus fish and incase it was frozen, ensure you defrost them first.

This is the best food for strengthening the discus fish colors as it contains beta carotene. We highly recommend you stay away from live worms and only feed frozen worms as live worms can have parasites and get your fish sick! Apart from the above main food types, some discus fish keepers opt for homemade food for their fish and they use cow hearts to make them.

One major setback for this however is that they dirty your discus fish tank and hence it would require more regular cleaning.

All in all, discus fish generally and naturally prefer live foods and those are the best foods you can give them. When discus fish are still young, they require constant feeding.

Baby discus will eat 10 to 12 times per day. Young fish will eat up to 5 times per day. Adult discus fish on the other hand eat 2 to 3 times per day. Be careful to not overfeed them.

Overfeeding your discus could cause health problems and water pollution. Discus fish are sensitive fish who appreciate pristine water conditions.

Having a range of foods, particularly dry foods, can be helpful if you need to go on holidays. Dry foods are able to be fed to your Discus via a feeder, which is very convenient.

Sera Insect Food is a crowd favourite amongst most Discus. Sera Growth Food is a great food to feed your younger Discus. It stabilises the intestinal flora and supports quick and balanced development of the Discus. Sera Color Food helps to enhance the colour of your Discus.

It contains a combination of ingredients that optimises the colour. However, avoid feeding this to yellow Discus as it can turn them orange. Tropical Astacolor Flakes are a colour enhancing food.

They have been specially formulated for super red champions. However, this food contains a low amount of protein, so ensure you also feed your Discus a high protein food along the Astacolor Flakes.

Freeze Dried Black Worms are an excellent source of protein for your Discus. Each block contains densely packed freeze dried black worms and contains Spinach: The spinach variety also contains spinach, which we have found can cause bloat.

So, if you feed this to your Discus, make sure you fast them once a week or add epsom salt to help with the bloating. The OZ Discus seafood mix contains a variety of seafood such as tuna and prawns and a range of vitamins and minerals to keep your Discus happy and healthy.

Click here to learn more about our seafood mix and watch how we make it. You can feed your adult Discus up to one to two times per day. Once in the morning and once in the evening. If you have young Discus in their growth stage, you can increase this to 4 times a day. You should feed your Discus enough food so that they consume is within one to two minutes.

Remove any leftover food from the tank after that time. Beef heart is a lean meat that has been traditionally fed to Discus over the years as it can help with growth and development. However, we have found that in a farm environment, when the Discus are fed beef heart, there is a greater percentage of fish with worms.

That is why we always recommend feeding your Discus food other than beef heart. Any of the granular foods from Sera and Tropical and the OZ Discus Seafood Mix are great alternatives to beef heart. Head over to our Learning Hub to discover more.

You can find out how to perform a Potassium Permaganate treament , learn about aquarium filters , and more! Disclaimer: This is a guide only. OZ Discus is not liable for any losses and holds no responsibility in the event of the death of the fish.

Users of this guide are to use the information at their own discretion and accept all risks resulting from the use of this guide. Visit our Live Fish Explorer and discover our premium Discus fish for sale. We import our fish from the best farms and breeders around the world to ensure that you have the highest quality Discus for your fishkeeping journey.

We do not use any stock photography that misrepresent the fish. Most of our photos are shot without filtering to try give you the truest beauty and colour of the fish we have.

Any filters we do use are to account for factors that reduce the colour when taking the photo, such as bad lighting. By knowing details about the farm and fish, we are able to ascertain the age and breeding line to ensure the highest quality fish are available to you.

OZ Discus is an independent Sydney store and as such has to uphold important corporate responsibilities. When you buy from OZ Discus, you get peace of mind that we meet strict RSPCA and AIAA certifications and COVID practices.

We also have dead on arrival DOA and returns policies and practices that give you confidence in your purchase. We hope that you find our range of Discus fish suitable to your pursuit in this very rewarding hobby.

Healthy nutrition! Manacapuru Red and Blue Discus. Discus fish food Dicus include fish flakes, Discus Fish Food Options, Sustainable seafood frozen Dkscus live Ophions. Be sure to give your discus a variety of foods so that it can intake all the vital nutrients. If you use fish pellets, be sure that you soak them in water first, as feeding discus unsoiled pellets can cause them to become bloated. Discus Fish Food Options

Discus Fish Food Options -

All of the fish at Discusguy. com are fed the following: — High Protein Flake Food — Frozen Blood Worms — ONLY frozen! Not Live! Live worms can cause parasite issues! Therefore stay away from live worms. Since these are hard in texture small discus may not like it at first. Most noteworthy- take extreme caution when feeding home made beef heart since it can foul your water quickly.

Therefore use on special occasions only. In conclusion, your discus fish diet is especially relevant in keeping healthy discus. So make sure you feed them a variety of foods while keeping a close eye on the quantity you feed them. Finally, I hope that this article helps and that you are better educated on All About Feeding Discus.

Feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions. Best Food For Discus Fish. I have out of the hobby for over 30 years. Back then all my discus would was tubifex worms. I did have two batches of fry this way.

Was a lot of work getting worms ever week or two. I have always had a tank, thinking of trying discus again. Thank for your the information. Thanks for the information on feeding discus…I will stay away from live blood worms. For care and maintenance purposes, the information presented here can also be used for wild caught P.

scalare and P. altum angelfish, as well as Uaru. Discus are found in floodplain lakes and flooded forests of the lowland Amazon River basin and some of its tributaries, including the Rio Negro.

These areas experience extreme changes in water level due to seasonal flooding. Discus tend to congregate near fallen trees, known as "galhadas", along the shore. They prefer quiet water and are rarely found in areas where there is strong current or wave action.

Discus prefer warm, soft, acidic water. pH should be between 6. Temperature should be kept between 82° and 86° F, although wild Heckel discus prefer water near 90° F. Use an Aqueon Aquarium Heater to maintain proper water temperature.

While captive bred discus can be kept in dechlorinated tap water, reverse osmosis or deionized water supplemented with Aqueon Water Renewal will provide the best conditions. When purchasing discus, always ask about the water chemistry they were raised in.

Don't forget to treat tap water with Aqueon Water Conditioner before refilling your aquarium! Discus grow to be quite large and require an aquarium of 75 gallons or larger when full grown.

The ratios of which food you give your discus fish will depend upon their individual size and development. Generally speaking, however, discus fish that are three to six months old can be fed two times a day using a ratio; one pellet for every half-inch of discus fish in height per feeding session.

Discus fish that are between six and 12 months old can generally be fed once a day at a ratio three bloodworms or chunks of meat to two pellets. Too much variation could upset their digestive tract causing long-term health problems down the road!

ALSO READ: Setting Discus Aquarium. Discus fish are carnivorous and they consume crustaceans, insects, worms, snails and small fishes. Their diet should be supplemented with tablets containing vegetable proteins Spirulina , but it is important that your discus gets enough calcium for healthy growth and egg production.

That is why many breeders prefer not to overfeed their pet until after the spawning process has been completed. Nextaaqua is a unique ornamental fish farm in India.

We mainly focus on the production, raising, and grooming of Discus Fishes and their tankmates. Contact us for more. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

Skip to content. Types of Discus Fish Care Feeding In general, discus fish care feeding is pretty similar across species. How Many Times Per Day? Discus fish should be fed once or twice a day, as much as they can eat in five minutes.

This allows them time to digest their food, and avoids overfeeding. ALSO READ: Water Condition of Discus Aquarium How Much Should You Feed?

So if you Fodo discus fish in your home or are considering adding Djscus to your aquarium, Discus Fish Food Options here with oFod guide on discus fish FFish feeding. Autophagy and mitochondrial function READ: What Do Discus Fish Food Options Fish Eat? How do you feed your discus fish? The main differences in discus fish care feeding lies in what you feed them and how much of it you give them. As with all things, more is not necessarily better; too much food can cause physical problems for your discus fish. For example, if its mouth or throat are injured from fighting or disease, it might be difficult for your pet to eat pellet-type foods; try crushed flakes instead. ALSO READ: Guide on Wild Type Discus.

Author: Gugore

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