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Homeopathic remedies for migraines

Homeopathic remedies for migraines

Homeopathic Treatment For Migraine! Gelsemium Sempervirens is also well indicated for a migrwines that appears remediss emotional causes. Gelsemium Hydration for staying hydrated for a better quality of life MRI clinical applications a Hokeopathic medicine prepared from plant yellow jasmine of the natural order Loganiaceae. And such a passive stance will not, I fear, take us far upon the path to progress. It is used where the slightest deviation from routine work brings on a migraine attack.

Homeopathic remedies for migraines -

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Efficacy of coenzyme Q10 in migraine prophylaxis: A randomized controlled trial. Savi L, Rainero I, Valfre W, Gentile S, Lo Giudice R, Pinessi L. A comparison of patients with migraine and tension-type headache.

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Walach H, Lowes T, Mussbach D, et al. The long-term effects of homeopathic treatment of chronic headaches: 1 year follow up. The long-term effects of homeopathic treatment of chronic headaches: one year follow-up and single case time series analysis.

Br Homeopath J. White AR, Resch KL, Chan JC, et al. Acupuncture for episodic tension-type headache: a multicentre randomized controlled trial.

Reviewed By: Reviewed by Steven D. Ehrlich, NMD, Solutions Acupuncture, a private practice specializing in complementary and alternative medicine, Phoenix, AZ. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network.

Also reviewed by the A. Editorial team. Main Campus: Chesterfield, MO Locations. BACK TO TOP. E-mail Form. Email Results Name: Email address: Recipients Name: Recipients address: Message:. Migraine headache Headache - migraine Migraines are extremely painful, recurring headaches that are sometimes accompanied by other symptoms, such as visual disturbances, for example, seeing an aura or nausea.

There are 2 types of migraine: Migraine with aura, formerly called common migraines Migraine without aura, formerly called classic migraines If you have a migraine with aura, you may see things, such as stars, or zigzag lines, or have a temporary blind spot about 30 minutes before the headache starts.

Signs and Symptoms The headache from a migraine, with or without aura, has the following characteristics: Throbbing, pounding, or pulsating pain Often begins on one side of your head and may spread to both or stay on one side Intense pain is often concentrated around the sides of the forehead Can last from 4 to 72 hours These symptoms may happen at the same time or before the headache: Nausea and vomiting Dizziness, lightheadedness, or vertigo feeling like the room is spinning Loss of appetite Fatigue Visual disturbances, like seeing flashing lights or zigzag lines, temporary blind spots, or blurred vision Parts of your body may feel numb, weak, or tingly Light, noise, and movement, especially bending over, worsen head pain.

You want to lie down in a dark, quiet room. Irritability Symptoms that may linger even after the headache is gone: Feeling mentally dull like your thinking is not clear or sharp Sleepiness Neck pain. Causes Researchers are not sure what causes a migraine, but they know it involves changes in the blood flow to the brain.

Migraine triggers can include the following: Alcohol, especially beer and red wine Certain foods, such as aged cheeses, chocolate, nuts, peanut butter, some fruits like avocado, banana, and citrus , foods with monosodium glutamate MSG , onions, dairy products, meats containing nitrates bacon, hot dogs, salami, and cured meats fermented or pickled foods Skipping meals Crying Fluctuations in hormones, for example during pregnancy, before and during your period, and menopause Certain odors, such as perfume or smoke Bright lights Loud noises Stress, physical or emotional.

The headache often happens when a person is relaxing after a particularly stressful time. Sleeping too little or too much Caffeine Smoking or exposure to tobacco smoke Some medications Heat, high humidity, and high altitude Headache medications.

Using headache medications excessively can lead to more frequent and more severe headaches. Called medication overuse headaches, these headaches may complicate every type of headache, including migraine. Risk Factors Gender. Women are nearly 3 times more likely to get migraines than men.

Having other family members with migraine headaches Being under age 40; migraines tend to get better as you age Taking birth control pills, if your migraines are affected by changes in estrogen levels Exposure and sensitivity to any of the potential triggers listed above. Diagnosis Your doctor will take a detailed medical history so he or she can determine whether you have a migraine or another kind of headache, such as a tension or sinus headache.

Tests your doctor may order, depending on your symptoms and exam, include: Computerized tomography CT scan, to look for other problems that could be causing your headache Magnetic resonance imaging MRI , to look for brain abnormalities, and to look closely at the blood vessels in the brain Lumbar puncture spinal tap , if your doctor suspects meningitis or other conditions Call or go to the emergency room if you have the following symptoms: You have unusual symptoms you have not experienced before, such as speech problems, change in vision, loss of balance, or difficulty moving a limb Your headache pattern or intensity is different You are experiencing "the worst headache of your life" Your headache gets worse when you are lying down These may indicate a stroke, a bleed in the brain, or other serious condition.

Treatment Approach Treatment for migraines is aimed at preventing them from happening and reducing pain once an attack starts. Lifestyle Keeping a migraine diary, particularly when you first begin to have migraines, can help identify the triggers for your headaches so you can avoid them.

Other lifestyle measures that may reduce the number of migraines include: Avoiding cigarettes, caffeine, and alcohol Exercising regularly Getting enough sleep each night Relaxing and reducing stress in your life see Mind-Body Medicine section Eating regular meals Once a headache or migraine symptoms begin, it helps to: Rest in a quiet, darkened room Drink fluids to avoid dehydration, especially if you have vomited Medications Medications for migraines can be classified in two major categories: those designed to prevent attacks, and those designed to relieve pain.

Drugs for Prevention Your doctor may prescribe medications to prevent migraines if you have 2 or more migraines per month, use pain relievers more than twice a week, or if your symptoms are especially debilitating.

Beta-blockers include: Atenolol Tenormin Metoprolol Lopressor, Toprol-XL Propranolol Inderal, Inderal LA Calcium-channel blockers. Another heart disease drug that can help prevent migraines, including: Verapamil Calan, Isoptin Diltiazem Cardizem, Dilacor Antidepressants.

Tricyclic antidepressants include: Amitriptyline Elavil Nortriptyline Pamelor Doxepin Sinequan Imipramine Tofranil Anticonvulsants. Some antiseizure drugs help prevent migraines, although researchers are not sure why: Divalproex sodium Depakote Gabapentin Neurontin Topiramate Topamax Botox.

Drugs for Treatment To work, these medications should be taken as soon as you feel a migraine coming on. Triptans include: Almotriptan Axert Eletriptan Relpax Frovatriptan Frova Naratriptan Amerge Rizatriptan Maxalt Sumatriptan Imitrex Zolmitriptan Zomig Ergots.

Ergots include: Dihydroergotamine Migranal Ergotamine Ergomar, Cafergot Isometheptene, dichloralphenazone, and acetaminophen Midrin. Other medications used to treat the headache pain or associated symptoms: Antinausea drugs Acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine Excedrin Migraine is an FDA-approved, over-the-counter treatment for migraine.

Ibuprofen Advil Migraine, Motrin Migraine is also an FDA-approved, over-the-counter migraine medication. Narcotics, such as codeine, are sometimes used for people who can't take triptans or ergots, however, they can cause dependency and rebound headaches.

Nutrition and Dietary Supplements Diet The following foods may trigger migraine headaches: Chocolate Cheese Monosodium glutamate MSG , a flavor enhancer found often in food from Chinese restaurants Foods containing the amino acid tyramine, found in red wine, aged cheese, smoked fish, chicken livers, figs, and some beans Nuts Peanut butter Some fruits, like avocado, banana, and citrus Onions Dairy products Meats containing nitrates, such as bacon, hot dogs, salami, cured meats Fermented or pickled foods If you think that any of these foods cause your migraines, try eliminating all the items on this list from your diet and then reintroducing them one at a time.

Supplements 5-hydroxytryptophan 5-HTP. Your body makes the amino acid 5-HTP and converts it into serotonin, an important brain chemical. Researchers think abnormal serotonin function in blood vessels may be related to migraines, and some of the drugs used to treat migraines work by affecting serotonin.

Several studies indicate that 5-HTP may be as effective as some prescription migraine medications at reducing the intensity and frequency of attacks.

But not all studies agree. One study found that 5-HTP was less effective than the beta-blocker Inderal. More studies are needed to be sure that 5-HTP is helpful in treating migraines. If you have a history of psychiatric illness, take an antidepressant, or supplements such as St. John's wort or SAMe, you should not take 5-HTP except under your doctor's supervision.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do not take 5-HTP without first asking your doctor. People with migraines often have lower levels of magnesium than people who do not have migraines, and several studies suggest that magnesium may reduce the frequency of migraine attacks in people with low levels of magnesium.

In one study, people who took magnesium reduce the frequency of attacks by Some studies also suggest that magnesium may help women whose migraines are triggered by their periods. Side effects from magnesium can include lower blood pressure and diarrhea.

Magnesium can interact with medications, including heart medications, diuretics or water pills, some antibiotics, and muscle relaxers. Vitamin B2 riboflavin. A few studies indicate that riboflavin may reduce the frequency and duration of migraines.

Not all studies have found riboflavin to be effective, however. Riboflavin can interact with some medications, including tricyclic antidepressants, medications called anticholinergic drugs that are used to treat a variety of conditions, the antiseizure drug phenobarbital, and probenecid, used to treat gout.

Preliminary research indicates that these supplements may also help prevent migraines, although more research is needed to say for sure: Coenzyme Q10 CoQ CoQ10 can interact with several medications including blood thinners, such as warfarin Coumadin , some cancer medications, and medications for high blood pressure.

Melatonin can interact with a number of medications, so ask your doctor before taking it. Herbs The use of herbs is a time-honored approach to strengthening the body and treating disease.

Butterbur Petasites hybridus. A few studies suggest that butterbur may help reduce both the frequency and duration of migraine attacks when taken on a regular basis for up to 4 months.

More research is needed to see whether butterbur is effective at preventing migraines. The studies used a standardized extract that lowered the amount of substances in the herb that might potentially harm the liver. If you want to try butterbur for your migraines, ask your doctor about a safe extract and dose.

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not take butterbur. People who are allergic to ragweed may find that they are sensitive to butterbur as well. Butterbur can potentially interact with certain medications. Many times, water alone will help relieve the headache, so why not try it?

Water therapy in the form of foot baths can relieve congestion and heat in the head by bringing energy down to the feet. Simply soak your feet in comfortably hot water for 5 minutes, then after a deep breath place one leg in cold water for seconds, then switch to the other.

Repeat the procedure by soaking again in warm water for 5 minutes and ending with the 20 second cold rinse. Dry the feet well and put on warm socks. For headaches due to tense shoulders and neck, apply a hot compress to the neck area for a few minutes, covering with a towel to keep the area warm.

Sleep : if you can, just lie down and rest. At the very least, plan for an extra hour or two of sleep tonight so you can fully recover. Pain is exhausting! If headaches are unusually severe or persist for days despite self treatment measures, do have a medical professional check out more serious causes—just in case.

For recurring headaches, the care and experience of a homeopath is recommended since constitutional care is complex and involves all body systems.

Know that if this is a problem that has been plaguing a patient for years, expect it to take a little time, as homeopathic medicines work on the entire body, not just for its parts. The benefits however are that headaches are often related to other problems, such as hormonal imbalances , fatigue or menopause, for instance, and homeopathy always treats the entire symptom complex at once.

Thanks for sharing the valuable guide. But does cause any side effects if we are daibetic. The homeopath can then adjust the dosage and remedies according to your unique needs.

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Healthy Habits , Homeopathy , Kids. June 30, What is homeopathy? Most common homeopathic medicines for headaches For acute symptoms, it is possible to treat yourself at home, as long as the symptoms fit.

Here are a few of my favourites: Dr. Margery Blackie, Homeopathic Physician to Queen Elizabeth II. TAGS: headaches Homeopathy natural remedies.

Pin this Post. Share this Post. Leave a Comment. You May Also Like The Science Behind Homeopathy: Insights from a London Conference September 27, Our Access to Homeopathic Medicines and Supplements is Under Threat July 10,

Call Homeopafhic. Sharma's Ermedies - From United States and Canada call Vikas Sharma MD Hydration for staying hydrated for a better quality of life Remedids 16 Headache is a prevalent medical complaint, and everyone tends to get it at one or other point of their life. There are more than types of headache. Among them, the most common types are migraine, tension headache, sinus headache, and cluster headache. Homeopathic remedies for migraines

Author: Fauk

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