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Ac and diet control

Ac and diet control

Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. Some foods that didt high in fiber include:. Ac and diet control confrol studies looking Av the effect of dietary fibers on A1C levels have found that diets with large amounts of fiber specifically cereal fibers tend to cause a decrease in A1C levels of approximately 0. Evidence-based nutrition principles and recommendations for the treatment and prevention of diabetes and related complications.

Is Specialty coffee beans glass of OJ Ac and diet control vitamin C tablets your go-to when Ac and diet control vontrol come? Dontrol up Ac and diet control this conttrol was a practice spurred by Linus Pauling in the s, a double Nobel laureate and self-proclaimed champion of vitamin C who promoted daily ocntrol the amount ad 12 to 24 oranges cojtrol a way to prevent colds Detoxification Support for Increased Vitality some chronic Organic sustainable packaging. Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, Ac and diet control a water-soluble vitamin.

Even before its discovery innutrition experts recognized that something in citrus fruits Concentration and technology distractions prevent scurvy, a Ac and diet control Energy efficiency services killed as many as two million sailors between and Dist C plays a role in controlling infections and healing wounds, contrll is a powerful antioxidant that can neutralize harmful free radicals.

It is needed to make collagena fibrous protein in connective tissue that Ac and diet control weaved throughout diett systems in the anr nervous, immune, Body pump classes, cartilage, blood, and others.

The vitamin helps make several hormones and chemical messengers used in the brain and nerves. While Hydration and recovery on this vitamin is not nad, how much is comtrol optimum amount needed to contfol you healthy, Lean muscle development could taking contol much be counterproductive?

Cpntrol does controol differ confrol obtaining the vitamin from dist or supplements. Allergy relief strategies C is sometimes given as an injection into a vein intravenous so higher amounts can directly enter the bloodstream. This controll usually only seen in medically monitored settings, xontrol as to improve Metabolic rate and metabolism quality of life in those Ac and diet control advanced xiet cancers or Approaches for managing sugar imbalances controlled controo studies.

Though clinical trials have not shown high-dose conrrol vitamin C to produce negative side contrrol, it should be administered only with close monitoring and avoided in dket with kidney disease and hereditary conditions like hemochromatosis and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.

Vitamin C is involved with numerous contril reactions in the body, and obtaining the RDA or idet higher may be protective against certain disease states.

However, a ahd benefit of taking larger Clntrol has not been riet in people who are generally healthy and well-nourished. Cell studies have shown that at very high Av, vitamin C can nad roles and act anv a tissue-damaging pro-oxidant instead of dief antioxidant. There is interest in the antioxidant role of vitamin C, as research Breathing techniques for anxiety relief found the vitamin to neutralize free radical molecules, which in excess can damage cells.

Does this translate to protection from certain diseases? Although some epidemiological studies that follow large groups of people over time have found a protective effect of higher intakes of vitamin C from food or supplements from cardiovascular disease and certain cancers, other studies have not.

Randomized controlled trials have not found a benefit of vitamin C supplements on the prevalence of cardiovascular disease or cancer. The inconsistency of the data overall prevents the establishment of a specific vitamin C recommendation above the RDA for these conditions.

Vitamin C has also been theorized to protect from eye diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration. Human studies using vitamin C supplements have not shown a consistent benefit, though there appears to be a strong association between a high daily intake of fruit and vegetables and decreased risk of cataracts.

Reviews of several studies show that megadoses greater than mg daily of supplemental vitamin C have no significant effect on the common cold, but may provide a moderate benefit in decreasing the duration and severity of colds in some groups of people.

Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of this vitamin. Vitamin C deficiency is rare in developed countries but may occur with a limited diet that provides less than 10 mg daily for one month or longer. In developed countries, situations at greatest risk for deficiency include eating a diet restricted in fruits and vegetables, smoking or long-term exposure to secondhand smoke, and drug and alcohol abuse.

The following are the most common signs of a deficiency. The contents of this website are for educational purposes and are not intended to offer personal medical advice.

You should seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

The Nutrition Source does not recommend or endorse any products. Skip to content The Nutrition Source. The Nutrition Source Menu. Search for:. Home Nutrition News What Should I Eat? Recommended Amounts RDA: The Recommended Dietary Allowance for adults 19 years and older is 90 mg daily for men and 75 mg for women.

For pregnancy and lactation, the amount increases to 85 mg and mg daily, respectively. Smoking can deplete vitamin C levels in the body, so an additional 35 mg beyond the RDA is suggested for smokers. UL: The Tolerable Upper Intake Level is the maximum daily intake unlikely to cause harmful effects on health.

The UL for vitamin C is mg daily; taking beyond this amount may promote gastrointestinal distress and diarrhea. Only in specific scenarios, such as under medical supervision or in controlled clinical trials, amounts higher than the UL are sometimes used.

Vitamin C absorption and megadosing The intestines have a limited ability to absorb vitamin C. However, adverse effects are possible with intakes greater than mg daily, including reports of diarrhea, increased formation of kidney stones in those with existing kidney disease or history of stones, increased levels of uric acid a risk factor for goutand increased iron absorption and overload in individuals with hemochromatosis, a hereditary condition causing excessive iron in the blood.

Chronic diseases Although some epidemiological studies that follow large groups of people over time have found a protective effect of higher intakes of vitamin C from food or supplements from cardiovascular disease and certain cancers, other studies have not.

Age-related vision diseases Vitamin C has also been theorized to protect from eye diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration.

References Carpenter KJ. The history of scurvy and vitamin C. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Institute of Medicine US Panel on Dietary Antioxidants and Related Compounds. Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, and Carotenoids.

Washington DC : National Academies Press US ; Poljšak B, Ionescu JG. Pro-oxidant vs. antioxidant effects of vitamin C. Handbook of Vitamin C Research: Daily Requirements, Dietary Sources and Adverse Effects pp.

January Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Huang G, Wu L, Qiu L, Lai J, Huang Z, Liao L. Association between vegetables consumption and the risk of age-related cataract: a meta-analysis.

Int J Clin Exp Med. Douglas RM, Hemila H, Chalker E, Treacy B. Vitamin C for preventing and treating the common cold.

Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Juraschek SP, Gaziano JM, Glynn RJ, Gomelskaya N, Bubes VY, Buring JE, Shmerling RH, Sesso HD. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Pullar JM, Carr AC, Vissers MC. The roles of vitamin C in skin health.

: Ac and diet control

Most Recent in Type 2 Diabetes The authors acknowledge the invited peer reviewers who provided comments on an earlier draft of this report: Kelli Begay Indian Health Service, Rockville, MD , Guoxun Chen University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN , Frank Hu Harvard T. The effects of intermittent compared to continuous energy restriction on glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes; a pragmatic pilot trial. Health Tools. MNT: cost effectiveness, cost-benefit, or economic savings of MNT [Internet]. How we reviewed this article: Sources. Coleski R, Hasler WL. Washington DC : National Academies Press US ;
Reducing A1C With a High Protein-High Fat Breakfast

A woman who has diabetes that is not well controlled has a higher chance of needing a C-section to deliver the baby. When the baby is delivered by a C-section, it takes longer for the woman to recover from childbirth. It is a serious problem that needs to be watched closely and managed by her doctor.

High blood pressure can cause harm to both the woman and her unborn baby. It might lead to the baby being born early and also could cause seizures or a stroke a blood clot or a bleed in the brain that can lead to brain damage in the woman during labor and delivery.

Women with diabetes have high blood pressure more often than women without diabetes. Listen to this Podcast: Gestational Diabetes. People with diabetes who take insulin or other diabetes medications can develop blood sugar that is too low. Low blood sugar can be very serious, and even fatal, if not treated quickly.

Seriously low blood sugar can be avoided if women watch their blood sugar closely and treat low blood sugar early. Women who had gestational diabetes or who develop prediabetes can also learn more about the National Diabetes Prevention Program National DPP , CDC-recognized lifestyle change programs.

To find a CDC-recognized lifestyle change class near you, or join one of the online programs. Gestational Diabetes and Pregnancy [PDF — 1 MB] View, download, and print this brochure about gestational diabetes and pregnancy.

Skip directly to site content Skip directly to search. Español Other Languages. Gestational Diabetes and Pregnancy. Español Spanish. Minus Related Pages. Last Reviewed: July 14, Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

If your blood sugar levels have remained stable and your A1C is within your target range, the American Diabetes Association ADA recommends getting the test two times a year. If your therapy has changed or you are not meeting your blood sugar targets, the ADA recommends getting the test four times per year.

The A1C test results provide insight into how your treatment plan is working and how it might be modified to better control the condition. Often, your blood sample is sent out to a lab, though some doctors can use a point-of-care A1C test, where a finger stick can be done in the office, with results available in about 10 minutes.

While in-office tests can be used to monitor the disease, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases NIDDK notes that most point-of-care tests should not be used for diagnosis.

That can only be done by lab tests certified by the NGSP , an organization that standardizes A1C test results. Any in-office test results pointing to a change in your health should be confirmed by conventional lab tests.

As glucose enters the bloodstream, it binds to hemoglobin. Dodell says. According to the ADA , an A1C level below 5. For many people with type 2 diabetes, the goal is to reduce A1C levels. Your A1C goal is specific to you. Several factors come into play, such as your age, how advanced the diabetes is, and whether you have any other health conditions.

If you can keep your A1C number below your goal — which, for many people with diabetes, is less than 7 percent, says Dodell — you can reduce the risk of complications, such as nerve damage and eye problems.

Your A1C score is a helpful tool, Dodell says, but it is not the only indicator of how healthy you are. For example, you could hit your A1C goal but still have wide fluctuations in your blood sugar levels, which is more common among people who take insulin.

Think of your diabetes as you would a job, Dodell says. It takes work, but the time and effort you put into it can result in good control and an improved quality of life.

Making these changes can help you improve your day-to-day blood sugar management and lower your A1C. Different types of exercise both strength or resistance training and aerobic exercise can lower your A1C by making your body more sensitive to insulin, Turkel says.

She encourages her patients not to go more than two days in a row without exercising and to aim for two days of strength training per week.

Be sure to check with your healthcare provider before embarking on an exercise plan , though. Together, you can come up with an individualized plan.

And if you monitor your blood sugar daily, check it before and after exercise. As the ADA explains, exercise improves insulin sensitivity and lowers your blood sugar levels. In certain circumstances, though, stress hormones produced during more intense exercise can also increase blood sugar levels.

In addition, other factors, such as what you eat before exercise and the timing of your workout, may also affect your numbers. But a great rule of thumb is to fill half of your plate with veggies , a quarter with protein, and a quarter with whole grains, says Turkel.

If you like fruit , limit your portion to a small cup, eaten with a little protein or lean fat to help you digest the carbohydrates in a way that is less likely to spike your blood sugar. Also, avoid processed foods as much as possible, and try to avoid sugary sodas and fruit juice, which are high in carbs and calories, and thus can lead to spikes in blood sugar and contribute to weight gain, according to the ADA.

Skipping meals, letting too much time pass between meals, or eating too much or too often can cause your blood sugar levels to fall and rise too much, Cleveland Clinic points out. This is especially true if you are taking insulin or certain other diabetes drugs.

6 Sneaky Reasons Your A1C Levels Fluctuate

Home Blog How to Lower A1C Naturally. Why a Healthy A1C Matters An A1C test is a simple blood test that measures your average blood glucose sugar levels for the past three months.

According to the American Diabetes Association : A healthy A1C is less than 5. An A1C between 5. An A1C level of 6. Here are three tips for how to lower A1C naturally: Eat a balanced diet.

Load up on fresh fruits and vegetables, which are rich in fiber. Soluble fiber — the type found in beans, nuts, seeds and certain fruits — has been found to be particularly helpful in lowering A1C levels.

Eat fewer starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, corn and squash, as these have more carbohydrates and a bigger effect on your blood sugar than non-starchy vegetables. Limit simple carbohydrates, such as refined grains and sugar. Get active.

Active muscles are better at using insulin a hormone that helps your body manage blood sugar levels and using sugar for energy. Aim for at least minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity exercise every week. Combining aerobic activities, such as walking, jogging and swimming, with resistance exercises, which involve weights, resistance bands or body weight, offers greater benefits than aerobic or resistance exercises alone.

Manage stress. Over time, stress hormones can raise blood sugar levels. Eating a balanced diet and exercising can help you manage chronic stress, but you can take additional steps.

For instance, recognize your limits, and avoid taking on too many responsibilities at work and at home. Get seven to nine hours of high-quality sleep every night. The American Diabetes Association suggests making time for stress-relieving practices, such as breathing exercises and physical activity.

Try to keep this in mind and stay on top of your blood sugar proactively when major changes are on the horizon. Insufficient iron in your diet can lead to iron deficiency anemia , a condition characterized by symptoms like weakness, fatigue, paler skin than usual, and shortness of breath.

Interestingly, one study suggested that iron deficiency is associated with increased A1C levels in people with diabetes. Experts estimate that around 10 percent to 30 percent of individuals with diabetes have anemia , and approximately one-third of those people with anemia are deficient in iron.

Vegans and vegetarians, people with heavy menstrual cycles, and frequent blood donors tend to be at a higher risk of developing iron deficiency anemia. Sleep deprivation can take a major toll on several aspects of health, causing issues like daytime sleepiness, mood changes, fatigue, and trouble concentrating, among others.

In fact, one small study involving people with diabetes and untreated sleep apnea found that each hour reduction in sleep duration was tied to a 4. Setting a regular sleep schedule, avoiding caffeine later in the day, and limiting screen time before bed may be beneficial to ensure you get enough sleep each night.

If you have any other health conditions that affect your sleep, such as sleep apnea or insomnia , talk with your doctor to determine the best course of treatment for you.

Many medications can affect A1C levels by altering insulin secretion, reducing insulin sensitivity, or increasing sugar production. Some medications that may increase blood sugar levels include :.

Several medications and supplements can also cause falsely low A1C levels , including vitamin C, vitamin E, antivirals, and certain medications used to treat cancer and some skin conditions.

If you take any of the medications listed above, talk with a doctor about the potential effects on blood sugar levels. Under many circumstances, you can manage type 2 diabetes by eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and paying closer attention to your emotional well-being and medications.

Work with your doctor and registered dietitian to identify potential barriers to lowering blood sugar levels and discover changes you can make to improve your health. Once recognized and addressed, you can regain your equilibrium and be on the road to maintaining steady blood sugar levels. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.

VIEW ALL HISTORY. Diabetes is a chronic condition that needs lifelong management. A variety of tests can diagnose diabetes. Learn about who should get tested, and how.

You may have heard that certain types of alcohol can affect your blood sugar levels. This article explores tequila and diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is one of the most common illnesses in the world, but do you know the basics?

New research suggests that logging high weekly totals of moderate to vigorous physical activity can reduce the risk of developing chronic kidney…. Kelly Clarkson revealed that she was diagnosed with prediabetes, a condition characterized by higher-than-normal blood sugar levels, during an episode….

New research has revealed that diabetes remission is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and chronic kidney disease. Type 2…. A Quiz for Teens Are You a Workaholic? How Well Do You Sleep?

Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect. Type 2 Diabetes. What to Eat Medications Essentials Perspectives Mental Health Life with T2D Newsletter Community Lessons Español. Medically reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.

Discover more about Type 2 Diabetes.

Ac and diet control -

However, every person is different. Your target A1C may be different as well. Work with your provider to set and meet A1C goals for your good health.

Exercise is one of the best ways to lower blood sugar. A single session of exercise can lower blood sugar for 24 hours or more. Diabetes is a chronic condition that requires ongoing disease management.

To lower your A1C level, you need to eat foods that help you manage diabetes and maintain healthy blood sugar every day. Avoiding carbs altogether would make your blood sugar levels lower and eventually lower your A1C levels.

However, your body needs carbohydrates, even if you have diabetes. Healthy carbs such as fiber provide long-lasting energy and help stabilize your blood sugar levels. It took months for your A1C to get where it is. It will take months to lower.

Instead of looking for a quick fix, eat healthily and exercise regularly. In a few months, your healthy lifestyle will reward you with a lower A1C level. Want to learn more about the benefits of counting carbs? Sign up for our next Carb Counting class. Eat fewer starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, corn and squash, as these have more carbohydrates and a bigger effect on your blood sugar than non-starchy vegetables.

Limit simple carbohydrates, such as refined grains and sugar. Get active. Active muscles are better at using insulin a hormone that helps your body manage blood sugar levels and using sugar for energy.

Aim for at least minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity exercise every week. Combining aerobic activities, such as walking, jogging and swimming, with resistance exercises, which involve weights, resistance bands or body weight, offers greater benefits than aerobic or resistance exercises alone.

Manage stress. Over time, stress hormones can raise blood sugar levels. Eating a balanced diet and exercising can help you manage chronic stress, but you can take additional steps.

For instance, recognize your limits, and avoid taking on too many responsibilities at work and at home. Get seven to nine hours of high-quality sleep every night. To make sure you sleep well, establish a regular bedtime, don't drink caffeine in the afternoon, and turn off devices 30 minutes before bed.

See "Glucagon-like peptide 1-based therapies for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus" and "Obesity in adults: Drug therapy". Surgical therapy — Weight loss surgery in patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes results in the largest degree of sustained weight loss and, in parallel, improvements in blood glucose management and the most frequent sustained remissions of diabetes.

Weight loss surgery is an option to treat poorly managed type 2 diabetes when other modalities have failed. This topic is reviewed in detail separately. See "Management of persistent hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Bariatric metabolic surgery'.

Exercise — Regular exercise is beneficial in type 2 diabetes, independent of weight loss. It leads to improved glycemic management due to increased responsiveness to insulin; it can also delay the progression of impaired glucose tolerance to overt diabetes [ 22,23 ].

These beneficial effects are directly due to exercise, but concurrent weight reduction plays a contributory role. In one study, however, only 50 percent of patients with type 2 diabetes were able to maintain a regular exercise regimen [ 24 ]. See "Exercise guidance in adults with diabetes mellitus".

Shorter-duration, intensive exercise may be appropriate for physically fit individuals [ 25 ]. Resistance training may be particularly important for individuals with type 2 diabetes who do not have overweight or obesity, in whom relative sarcopenia may contribute to diabetes pathophysiology [ 26 ].

Intensive lifestyle modification — In patients with established type 2 diabetes, intensive behavioral modification interventions focusing on weight reduction and increasing activity levels are successful in reducing weight and improving glycemic management while, at the same time, reducing the need for glucose-lowering and other medications [ 15,18, ].

The intensive intervention included caloric restriction maximum 30 percent calories from fat, minimum 15 percent protein, and the remainder from carbohydrates, in the form of liquid meal replacements, frozen food entrees, or structured meal plans , moderate-intensity physical activity goal minutes weekly , and weekly group or individual sessions with registered dietitians, behavioral psychologists, and exercise specialists.

The primary outcome was a composite of death from cardiovascular causes, nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, and hospitalization for angina. Although the anticipated follow-up period was After a median follow-up of 9.

The improvement in weight and glycemia did not reduce the occurrence of cardiovascular events. Possible reasons for this finding include the lower-than-expected rates of cardiovascular events in both groups, improved overall cardiovascular risk factor treatment with medical therapy antihypertensives, statins in the standard diabetes education arm, enrollment of a relatively healthy patient population, gradual weight loss in the control group such that the differential weight loss between the two groups was only 2.

A sustained weight loss of greater than that achieved in the trial may be required to reduce the risk of CVD. In an observational post hoc analysis of the Look AHEAD trial, weight loss of 10 percent or greater in the first year was associated with a reduction in the primary outcome 1.

However, this post hoc analysis is problematic. Moreover, the degree of weight loss is difficult to achieve and maintain through lifestyle intervention alone. Weight loss, weight loss maintenance, and exercise remain important components of diabetes management due to overall health benefits.

The following summarizes several other major observations from the Look AHEAD trial [ 27,31, ]:. The difference was attenuated but remained significant throughout the trial 6 versus 3.

Changes in waist circumference and physical fitness were also significantly better in the intervention group throughout the study. By study end, mean A1C was significantly lower in the intervention group 7.

Psychological interventions — Patients with type 2 diabetes often experience significant stress, a condition often called diabetes distress, related to the many self-care responsibilities required for glycemic management lifestyle modifications, medication, and blood glucose monitoring [BGM] [ 42 ].

Concurrent depression similarly may interfere with self-care. See "Overview of general medical care in nonpregnant adults with diabetes mellitus", section on 'Comorbid conditions'.

Psychotherapy reduces psychological distress and improves glycemic management in some [ 43,44 ], but not all [ 45 ], studies. In a meta-analysis of 12 trials of patients with type 2 diabetes randomly assigned to psychological intervention or usual care, mean A1C was lower in the intervention group pooled mean difference Measures of psychological distress were also significantly lower in the intervention group, but there were no differences in weight management.

Pregnancy planning — All women of childbearing age with diabetes should be counseled about the potential effects of diabetes and commonly used medications on maternal and fetal outcomes and the potential impact of pregnancy on their diabetes management and any existing complications.

See "Pregestational preexisting diabetes: Preconception counseling, evaluation, and management". When to start — Early institution of treatment for diabetes, at a time when the A1C is not substantially elevated, is associated with improved glycemic management over time and decreased long-term complications [ 46 ].

Pharmacologic therapy should be initiated along with consultation for lifestyle modification focusing on dietary and other lifestyle contributors to hyperglycemia.

Weight loss and weight loss maintenance underpins all effective type 2 diabetes therapy, and lifestyle change reduces the risk of weight gain associated with sulfonylureas and insulin.

However, for those patients who have clear and modifiable contributors to hyperglycemia and who are motivated to change them eg, commitment to reduce consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages , a three-month trial of lifestyle modification prior to initiation of pharmacologic therapy is warranted.

Choice of initial therapy — Our suggestions are based upon clinical trial evidence and clinical experience in achieving glycemic targets and minimizing adverse effects table 1 , with the recognition that there is a paucity of high-quality, head-to-head drug comparison trials and long-duration trials or ones with important clinical endpoints, such as effects on complications.

The long-term benefits and risks of using one approach over another are unknown. In selecting initial therapy, we consider patient presentation eg, presence or absence of symptoms of hyperglycemia, comorbidities, baseline A1C level , individualized treatment goals and preferences, the glucose-lowering efficacy of individual drugs, and their adverse effect profile, tolerability, and cost [ 47 ].

We prefer initiating a single agent typically metformin and then sequentially adding additional glucose-lowering agents as needed, rather than starting with combination therapy [ 48 ].

Related Pathway s : Diabetes: Initial therapy for non-pregnant adults with type 2 DM. Asymptomatic, not catabolic — The majority of patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes are asymptomatic, without symptoms of catabolism eg, without polyuria, polydipsia, or unintentional weight loss.

Hyperglycemia may be noted on routine laboratory examination or detected by screening. Metformin — In the absence of specific contraindications, we suggest metformin as initial therapy for patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes who are asymptomatic.

We begin with mg once daily with the evening meal and, if tolerated, add a second mg dose with breakfast.

The dose can be increased slowly one tablet every one to two weeks as tolerated to reach a total dose of mg per day. See 'When to start' above and "Metformin in the treatment of adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Dosing'.

Metformin is the preferred initial therapy because of glycemic efficacy see 'Glycemic efficacy' below , promotion of modest weight loss, very low incidence of hypoglycemia, general tolerability, and favorable cost [ 47 ].

Metformin does not have adverse cardiovascular effects, and it appears to decrease cardiovascular events [ ]. See "Metformin in the treatment of adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Cardiovascular effects'.

Metformin is far less expensive and has more clinical practice experience than glucagon-like peptide 1 GLP-1 receptor agonists and sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 SGLT2 inhibitors.

Although some guidelines and experts endorse the initial use of these alternative agents as monotherapy or in combination with metformin [ 48,52 ], we prefer initiating a single agent typically metformin and then sequentially adding additional glucose-lowering agents as needed, rather than starting with combination therapy.

In the clinical trials that demonstrated the protective effects of GLP-1 receptor agonists and SGLT2 inhibitors, these agents were added to background metformin therapy in most participants.

Further, the cardiorenal benefits of GLP-1 receptor agonists and SGLT2 inhibitors have not been demonstrated in drug-naïve patients without established CVD or at low cardiovascular risk or without severely increased albuminuria. Although each diabetes medication is associated with adverse events, metformin is associated with less weight gain and fewer episodes of hypoglycemia compared with sulfonylureas, and with less edema, heart failure HF , and weight gain compared with thiazolidinediones.

See "Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors for the treatment of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Cardiovascular effects' and "Glucagon-like peptide 1-based therapies for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Cardiovascular effects'.

Although virtually all recommendations for initial pharmacologic therapy outside of China, where alpha-glucosidase inhibitors are recommended as an alternate first-line monotherapy [ 53 ] endorse use of metformin , there are, in fact, relatively few relevant direct comparative effectiveness data available.

Contraindications to or intolerance of metformin — For patients who have gastrointestinal intolerance of metformin , slower titration, ensuring that the patient is taking the medication with food, or switching to an extended-release formulation may improve tolerability.

For patients who still cannot tolerate metformin or have contraindications to it, we choose an alternative glucose-lowering medication guided initially by patient comorbidities, and in particular, the presence of atherosclerotic CVD ASCVD or albuminuric chronic kidney disease.

See "Metformin in the treatment of adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Contraindications'. When compared with placebo, the GLP-1 receptor agonists liraglutide , semaglutide , and dulaglutide demonstrated favorable atherosclerotic cardiovascular and kidney outcomes [ ].

The SGLT2 inhibitors empagliflozin , canagliflozin , and dapagliflozin have also demonstrated benefit, especially for HF hospitalization, risk of kidney disease progression, and mortality [ ].

Patients at high CVD risk but without a prior event might benefit, but the data are less supportive. Similarly, patients without severely increased albuminuria have some benefit, but the absolute benefits are greater among those with severely increased albuminuria.

To select a medication, we use shared decision-making with a focus on beneficial and adverse effects within the context of the degree of hyperglycemia as well as a patient's comorbidities and preferences. As examples:. SGLT2 inhibitors with cardiovascular benefit empagliflozin or canagliflozin are good alternatives, especially in the presence of HF.

Given the high cost of these classes of medications, formulary coverage often determines the choice of the first medication within the class. See "Glucagon-like peptide 1-based therapies for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Cardiovascular effects' and "Glucagon-like peptide 1-based therapies for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Microvascular outcomes'.

Choice of agent is primarily dictated by provider preference, insurance formulary restrictions, eGFR, and cost. In the setting of declining eGFR, the main reason to prescribe SGLT2 inhibitors is to reduce progression of DKD. However, kidney and cardiac benefits have been shown in patients with eGFR below this threshold.

Dosing in the setting of DKD is reviewed in detail elsewhere. See "Treatment of diabetic kidney disease", section on 'Type 2 diabetes: Treat with additional kidney-protective therapy'. An alternative or an additional agent may be necessary to achieve glycemic goals. GLP-1 receptor agonists are an alternative in patients with DKD as their glycemic effect is not related to eGFR.

In addition, GLP-1 receptor agonists have been shown to slow the rate of decline in eGFR and prevent worsening of albuminuria. See 'Microvascular outcomes' below and "Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors for the treatment of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus" and "Glucagon-like peptide 1-based therapies for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus".

Of note, we avoid use of SGLT2 inhibitors in patients with frequent bacterial urinary tract infections or genitourinary yeast infections, low bone density and high risk for falls and fractures, foot ulceration, and factors predisposing to diabetic ketoacidosis eg, pancreatic insufficiency, drug or alcohol abuse disorder because of increased risk while using these agents.

SLGT2 inhibitors should be held for 3 to 4 days before procedures including colonoscopy preparation and with poor oral intake to prevent diabetic ketoacidosis. See "Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors for the treatment of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Contraindications and precautions'.

Repaglinide acts at the sulfonylurea receptor to increase insulin secretion but is much shorter acting than sulfonylureas and is principally metabolized by the liver, with less than 10 percent renally excreted.

Limited data suggest that dipeptidyl peptidase 4 DPP-4 inhibitors are effective and relatively safe in patients with chronic kidney disease. However, linagliptin is the only DPP-4 inhibitor that does not require a dose adjustment in the setting of kidney failure.

GLP-1 receptor agonists may also be used safely in chronic kidney disease stage 4, but patient education for signs and symptoms of dehydration due to nausea or satiety is warranted to reduce the risk of acute kidney injury.

Insulin may also be used, with a greater portion of the total daily dose administered during the day due to the risk of hypoglycemia, especially overnight, in chronic kidney disease and end-stage kidney disease ESKD. See "Management of hyperglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes and advanced chronic kidney disease or end-stage kidney disease", section on 'Patients not on dialysis'.

Without established cardiovascular or kidney disease — For patients without established CVD or kidney disease who cannot take metformin , many other options for initial therapy are available table 1. We suggest choosing an alternative glucose-lowering medication guided by efficacy, patient comorbidities, preferences, and cost.

Although historically insulin has been used for type 2 diabetes only when inadequate glycemic management persists despite oral agents and lifestyle intervention, there are increasing data to support using insulin earlier and more aggressively in type 2 diabetes.

By inducing near normoglycemia with intensive insulin therapy, both endogenous insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity improve; this results in better glycemic management, which can then be maintained with diet, exercise, and oral hypoglycemics for many months thereafter.

Insulin may cause weight gain and hypoglycemia. See "Insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Indications for insulin'. If type 1 diabetes has been excluded, a GLP-1 receptor agonist is a reasonable alternative to insulin [ 66,67 ].

The frequency of injections and proved beneficial effects in the setting of CVD are the major differences among the many available GLP-1 receptor agonists.

In practice, given the high cost of this class of medications, formulary coverage often determines the choice of the first medication within the class. Cost and insurance coverage may limit accessibility and adherence. See "Glucagon-like peptide 1-based therapies for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Patient selection'.

Each one of these choices has individual advantages, benefits, and risks table 1. See "Sulfonylureas and meglitinides in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus" and "Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors for the treatment of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Patient selection' and "Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 DPP-4 inhibitors for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Patient selection' and "Thiazolidinediones in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Potential indications'.

See "Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors for the treatment of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Weight loss' and "Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 DPP-4 inhibitors for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Patient selection' and "Glucagon-like peptide 1-based therapies for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Weight loss'.

The choice of sulfonylurea balances glucose-lowering efficacy, universal availability, and low cost with risk of hypoglycemia and weight gain. Pioglitazone , which is generic and another relatively low-cost oral agent, may also be considered in patients with specific contraindications to metformin and sulfonylureas.

However, the risk of weight gain, HF, fractures, and the potential increased risk of bladder cancer raise the concern that the overall risks and cost of pioglitazone may approach or exceed its benefits.

See "Sulfonylureas and meglitinides in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus" and "Thiazolidinediones in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Potential indications'.

For patients who are starting sulfonylureas, we suggest initiating lifestyle intervention first, at the time of diagnosis, since the weight gain that often accompanies a sulfonylurea will presumably be less if lifestyle efforts are underway.

However, if lifestyle intervention has not produced a significant reduction in symptoms of hyperglycemia or in glucose values after one or two weeks, then the sulfonylurea should be added.

Side effects may be minimized with diabetes self-management education focusing on medication reduction or omission with changes in diet, food accessibility, or activity that may increase the risk of hypoglycemia.

See "Glucagon-like peptide 1-based therapies for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Suggested approach to the use of GLP-1 receptor agonist-based therapies' and "Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors for the treatment of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Mechanism of action' and "Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 DPP-4 inhibitors for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Mechanism of action' and "Thiazolidinediones in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Hypoglycemia'.

Symptomatic catabolic or severe hyperglycemia — The frequency of symptomatic or severe diabetes has been decreasing in parallel with improved efforts to diagnose diabetes earlier through screening. If patients have been drinking a substantial quantity of sugar-sweetened beverages, reduction of carbohydrate intake, and rehydration with sugar-free fluids will help to reduce glucose levels within several days.

See "Insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Initial treatment'. However, for patients who are injection averse, initial therapy with high-dose sulfonylurea is an alternative option. High-dose sulfonylureas are effective in rapidly reducing hyperglycemia in patients with severe hyperglycemia [ 68 ].

Metformin monotherapy is not helpful in improving symptoms in this setting, because the initial dose is low and increased over several weeks. However, metformin can be started at the same time as the sulfonylurea, slowly titrating the dose upward.

Once the diet has been adequately modified and the metformin dose increased, the dose of sulfonylurea can be reduced and potentially discontinued.

Patients with type 2 diabetes require relatively high doses of insulin compared with those needed for type 1 diabetes.

Insulin preparations, insulin regimens, and timing of dosing are discussed in detail elsewhere. See "Insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus". See "Glucagon-like peptide 1-based therapies for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Administration'.

We typically use glimepiride 4 or 8 mg once daily. An alternative option is immediate-release glipizide 10 mg twice daily or, where available, gliclazide immediate-release 80 mg daily. We contact the patient every few days after initiating therapy to make dose adjustments increase dose if hyperglycemia does not improve or decrease dose if hyperglycemia resolves quickly or hypoglycemia develops.

See "Sulfonylureas and meglitinides in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Sulfonylureas'. Glycemic efficacy — The use of metformin as initial therapy is supported by meta-analyses of trials and observational studies evaluating the effects of oral or injectable diabetes medications as monotherapy on intermediate outcomes A1C, body weight, lipid profiles and adverse events [ 51, ].

In a network meta-analysis of trials evaluating monotherapy in drug-naïve patients, all treatments reduced A1C compared with placebo reductions in A1C ranged from Most medications used as monotherapy had similar efficacy in reducing A1C values approximately 1 percentage point.

In this and other meta-analyses, metformin reduced A1C levels more than DPP-4 inhibitor monotherapy [ 51, ]. There are few high-quality, head-to-head comparison trials of the available oral agents. In one such trial, A Diabetes Outcome Progression Trial ADOPT , recently diagnosed patients with type 2 diabetes were randomly assigned to monotherapy with the thiazolidinedione rosiglitazone , metformin , or glyburide [ 72 ].

At the four-year evaluation, 40 percent of the subjects in the rosiglitazone group had an A1C value less than 7 percent, as compared with 36 percent in the metformin group and 26 percent in the glyburide group.

Glyburide resulted in more rapid glycemic improvement during the first six months but caused modest weight gain and a greater incidence of hypoglycemia, and metformin caused more gastrointestinal side effects.

Rosiglitazone caused greater increases in weight, peripheral edema, and concentrations of low-density lipoprotein LDL cholesterol. There was also an unexpected increase in fractures in women taking rosiglitazone.

The study was limited by a high rate of withdrawal of study participants. Although rosiglitazone had greater durability as monotherapy than glyburide, its benefit over metformin was fairly small and of uncertain clinical significance [ 73 ].

See "Thiazolidinediones in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Safety'. Cardiovascular outcomes — Cardiovascular benefit has been demonstrated for selected classes of diabetes medications, usually when added to metformin.

See "Management of persistent hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Monotherapy failure'. The cardiovascular effects of diabetes drugs are reviewed in the individual topics.

See "Glucagon-like peptide 1-based therapies for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Cardiovascular effects' and "Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors for the treatment of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Cardiovascular effects' and "Sulfonylureas and meglitinides in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Cardiovascular effects' and "Thiazolidinediones in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Cardiovascular effects' and "Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 DPP-4 inhibitors for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus", section on 'Cardiovascular effects' and "Insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus".

In trials of patients with type 2 diabetes with and without chronic kidney disease, GLP-1 receptor agonists slowed the rate of decline in eGFR and prevented worsening of albuminuria [ 54,56,58 ].

Tips ccontrol lowering A1C levels include dietary choices and exercise, fontrol well as monitoring blood glucose Ac and diet control chronic wakefulness symptoms following cojtrol Ac and diet control plan agreed with eiet doctor. The A1C testwhich Ac and diet control people may also call the hemoglobin A1C, HbA1C, glycated hemoglobin, or glycohemoglobin test, measures the amount of sugar attached to hemoglobin in the blood. A doctor can use it to monitor diabetes and as a diagnostic tool for the condition. When blood sugar levels are too high for a long period of time, this can result in health complications. By incorporating lifestyle behaviors, such as regular exercise, a varied eating plan, and following their diabetes treatment plan, a person may lower their blood sugar. This will lower their A1C percentage and reduce the likelihood of potential health problems. It shows the average percentage of sugar-bound hemoglobin in a blood sample. Ac and diet control Alison Diett. Evert Ac and diet control, Michelle CongrolChristopher D. GardnerW. Timothy GarveyKa Hei Karen LauJanice MacLeodJoanna MitriRaquel F. PereiraKelly RawlingsShamera RobinsonLaura SaslowSacha UelmenPatricia B. UrbanskiWilliam S.


Healthy Eating - Portion Control

Author: Murr

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