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BIA body composition monitor

BIA body composition monitor

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BIA body composition monitor -

Supplier Technical Information. Back to cardiopulmonary equipment. About Us. News and Events. Study with Us. Work With Us. RI PORTAL fr. The resistance R, which is a pure ohms resistance of the electrolyte-containing total body water, and 2.

The reactance Xc, the capacitive resistance, which is present due to the condenser-like properties of the body cells. By measuring the phase angle, the determination and a differentiation of both of these components of impedance is possible. Phase angle Modern BIA devices have phase sensitive electronics that enable you to take the measured total resistance and differentiate between the two components resistance and reactance.

The measurement's formula is built on the knowledge that the condensers in the alternating current circuit lead to a time delay t, meaning the current maximum is ahead in time of the voltage maximum. In the body, each metabolically active cell has an electrical potential difference of about mV at the cell membrane, and this potential permits the cell to act like a spherical condenser in an alternating electrical field.

Alternating current has a sinus wave, therefore the shift is measured in ° degrees and is described as a phase angle f phi or a alpha. To explain it in a more visual way - You will see a large phase angle for well nourished, "plump" cells with stabile membrane potentials, and comparable small phase angles with poorly nourished, "failing" cells that have low membrane potentials.

The phase angle, which is directly proportional to the BCM or body cell mass is of greatest significance at a 50 kHz frequency. Pure electrolyte water has a phase angle of 0 degrees, while a genuine cell membrane mass would have a phase angle of 90 degrees.

Contrary to the cells of the BCM, fat cells have hardly any metabolic activity and cannot be detected by phase sensitive measurements because of their minimal membrane potential. Fat cells are pure storage cells. The phase angle is used as a general measure of the membrane integrity of the cells.

It provides information about the state of a cell and the overall condition of a patient's body, and as direct measurement parameter or "basic value", it is less prone to errors resulting from problems affected by measuring technology.

Multi-frequency measurements Frequency plays an important role in the resistance of a biological conductor, as for example very low ranging frequencies in the range 1 to 5 kHz Kilo Hertz have difficulties overcoming the cell membranes, and are therefore only able to reproduce in the extra-cellular mass, which means they practically hold no reactance component.

That's why, to be able to calculate the extra-cellular water ECW , there are multiple frequencies that can be used. As the frequency increases, so does the phase angle and with it the capacitive resistance reactance. The maximum frequency is reached at about 50 kHz. Higher frequencies will cause both, the resistance and the reactance to decrease again.

Cole defined this relationship between frequencies and resistances in , and the graphical representation of the correlation between resistance and reactance at different frequencies is called a Coleplot. The use of multi-frequency analysis provides an improved differentiation with regard to cell loss or water displacement, by assessing variations in mass of the extra-cellular mass ECM and the body cell mass BCM.

This process is especially beneficial in patients with a changed grade of hydration in the lean body mass, and patients with serious illness such as kidney or heart failure, or patients with edema and diseases that require the crucial monitoring of water balance dialysis, intravenous nutrition.

This multi-frequency analysis has many advantages. Resistance Inversely proportional to total body water, Resistance R is the pure resistance of a conductor to alternating current.

Whereas fat mass has a raised resistance, lean body mass is a good conductor of electrical current, as proportionally it entails high amounts of water and electrolytes. Perfusion and fluid content of the extremities therefore play an important role and explain the occasionally occurring over-proportional variations in resistance.

They arise because of the influence of external conditions, such as ambient temperature and air-pressure, as well as internal factors such as for example congestion caused by illness and physical activity.

All of these conditions affect the water content of the extremities. This may also happen with very low water content of the extremities caused by high pressure or coldness.

The resistance measurement will be very much above the normal range with the result of this calculation method. The body water and therefore the lean body mass will tend to be too low and the body fat will be calculated as too high.

In another scenario, if the circulation in the extremities is increased or congested, the resistance shifts downwards. Body water and lean body mass appear too large, and calculations of the body fat will appear as too low in the results. It is important to remember that the human body is never static, but functions with the help of a dynamic system, and that changes of the body water occur hourly and change on a daily basis.

A current B. can therefore only be a snapshot of a dynamic system and of the condition at that point in time. That's why several repeat and response measurements of the individual will provide a more accurate picture and improve the assessment of body composition.

Reactance The resistance that a condenser exerts to an alternating current is called Reactance Xc. Due to their protein-lipid layers, all cell membranes of the body act like mini-condensers and reactance therefore is an assessment of the body cell mass.

General Principles Bioelectric impedance measurements BIM is the term representative for a variety of traditional and new noninvasive procedures and technologies that use electric current.

With the help of one or more surface electrodes, a tiny amount of electrical current is activated and is detected at surface electrodes placed elsewhere on the body, once the resultant electricity pulse has passed through.

As it quickly proceeds through the various physiological sections of the body, and passes through, a drop in voltage occurs. The current encounters impedance or resistance inherent in the fluids and tissues it passes through the various areas, among them the intracellular space, the lymphatic system, the bloodstream and others.

The drop in voltage delivers indirect information about the physical properties of the sections, where current has passed through. Alternating Current Bioelectric Impedance Analysis BIA : Among the various number of A. BIA models that are presently on the market, most are used for the obliquely measurement of total body water and to estimate the fat content of the body.

BIA, which uses alternating current A. as the most common form of testing, employs A. Various systems, varying broadly in complexity and design, operate with a wide range of intensities, frequencies and currents.

For the patient, the amount of electricity delivered to the body is generally hard to even detect and far below any level that would result in cellular or tissue damage. Once electric currents at or above 50 KHz are used, they flow non-selectively through extra cellular spaces as well as intracellular ones, as has been confirmed by various A.

BIA studies. Once current has been sent to active tactile electrodes at a frequency at 50 KHz, its intensity enables the system to measure the reactance and resistance between 2 other passive tactile electrodes tetra-polar mode. BIA and Its Calculated Parameters Total Body Water TBW Impedance measurements provide a quite accurate picture of electrolyte water contained in tissue.

Orally ingested water, which has not yet been absorbed by the body, is not measured; the same goes for ascites, because it is not part of the lean body mass. Administered solutions, however, are detected immediately. Lean Body Mass LBM The lean body mass is for the most part made up of inner organs, muscles, the skeletal system and the central nervous system, and refers to the tissue mass of the body that contains no fat.

These organ systems, although morphologically very different, contain matching functional structures. All of them contain matrix substance and extra-cellular fluids that support the metabolic exchange and assist in substrate transport and are made of cells that execute the synthesis and metabolism processes in the body.

In cases of for example edema or intensive car patients, where the quantity of lean body mass hydration is pathological, irregular calculations may be gathered for body cell mass, lean body mass, and extra-cellular mass - the secondary parameters - and will make the assessment of BIA measurements more difficult.

It helps in these cases, to look at the initial assessment and values for resistance, phase angle and reactance. The lean body mass contains of two subdivisions. One is the body cell mass BCM, also referred to as the motor of the organism, and the other one is the connective tissues and transport medium, the extra-cellular mass ECM.

Body Cell Mass BCM All tissue of the human organism entails to a certain degree Body cell mass, and the sum of all cells that are actively involved in the metabolic processes is called BCM.

While it is rather a functionally defined section and not so much an anatomically one above all, it consists all of the cells of the inner organs and muscles, with the muscles and the highest percentage to constitute the largest part of the BCM.

Connective tissue with low fibrocyte content however only makes up a small percentage of the entire BCM, and adipocytes, due to their low energy metabolism are not at all considered being part of the BCM.

Consequently, the sum of adipocyte cells therefore forms its own compartment in the body. Included in the BCM are the following tissue forms: the smooth muscles, the cells of the skeletal muscle system, the inner organs, the cardiac muscles, the blood, the gastrointestinal tract, the nervous systems and the glands.

As all of the body's metabolic function is performed within the cells of the BCM, the BCM is the main specification for the analysis of a patient's nutritional state. It is also used as the standard specification for establishing the calorific requirement of the body and for the assessment of energy consumption.

In addition to the catabolism, the BCM also performs work on the anabolism including the keeping up of synthesis and cell structures for the ECM: For example the transportation proteins and enzymes, and the formation of connective tissue fibres, cartilage tissues and bones.

A person's body cell mass is a fractional constituent of the lean body mass, and a number of factors, such as age and physical condition or genetics constitution type play a role in the BCM that is available in an individual.

A higher percentage of body cell mass present in lean body mass is for example found in young people with high physical activity, such as competitive athletes. Their muscles are trained in the maturation phase of the body, and as a result, this higher proportion tends to be found in these individuals throughout their lives persistent hypertrophy of the muscle cells.

Age is also a factor in BCM. Older persons that are active, however, can retain their BCM to a large degree. These are optimal figures for BCM in the lean body mass.

In view of the easy measuring methods for the assessment of the body composition, only phase sensitive BIA can be regarded to determine the BCM, and the maintenance of the BCM should be the main goal in any form of nutritional therapy.

A reduction of the body cell mass in BIA happens because of a genuine substantial loss of body cell mass, that can however also be accompanied by a temporary intracellular water loss.

Extra-Cellular Mass ECM The extra-cellular mass ECM is the term for the lean body mass that exists outside the cells of the BCM. Skin, elastin, collagen, tendons, bone and fasciae are the established connective tissue structures of the ECM, with the fluid parts consisting of plasma, interstitial and trans-cellular water.

Trans-cellular water is the description of fluids that are present in the body cavities, for example the contents of the gastro-intestinal lumen and the spinal fluid, while non-physiological trans-cellular fluids appear as ascites, or as pericardial or pleural effusions.

Body composition analysis Monigor what the body is made of, differentiating between vody water, protein, minerals, and fat to provide Liver detoxification foods precise information BIA body composition monitor weight and Compositikn. Charder's devices use Bioelectrical Impedance Bodu BIAfor fast, simple, monltor, and easily repeatable analysis. Boasting multiple measurement frequencies and sophisticated algorithms, Charder stands by our devices with clinical trials and over ten years of original peer-reviewed scientific research, for results you can trust. Charder uses Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis BIA to estimate body composition. At its core, the concept of BIA is based on the differing electrical conductivity of body tissue. For example, electrolyte-containing body water is a good conductor of electricity, whereas fat acts as an insulator. Bioelectrical impedance analysis BIA is a method for composihion body compositioncoomposition BIA body composition monitor body fat and cpmposition mass, co,position a weak electric current flows through the body Water weight loss techniques and tips the voltage is measured bodh order IBA calculate impedance resistance and reactance of the BIA body composition monitor. Most body water is stored in compositjon. Therefore, compoeition a person is more muscular there is a high chance that the person will also have more body water, which leads to lower impedance. Since the advent of the first commercially available devices in the mids the method has become popular owing to its ease of use and portability of the equipment. It is familiar in the consumer market as a simple instrument for estimating body fat. BIA [1] actually determines the electrical impedanceor opposition to the flow of an electric current through body tissues which can then be used to estimate total body water TBWwhich can be used to estimate fat-free body mass and, by difference with body weight, body fat.

BIA body composition monitor -

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Follow Us. Linkedin Facebook Instagram Youtube. LBWEB Terms of Service for End User. Icons made by Those Icons from www. This resistance, known as impedance, is measured and input into scientifically validated Tanita equations to calculate body composition.

The algorithm includes additional information such as gender, age, and height alongside weight and impedance values and were developed by collecting data from thousands of people worldwide to ensure the most reliable results possible.

Supplier Technical Information. Back to cardiopulmonary equipment. About Us. The mean coefficient of variation for within-day, intra-individual measurements, has ranged from 0.

Standard measurement conditions may vary depending on the machine type e. hand-to-hand, leg-to-leg, supine vs. standing, etc. Other factors which may impact the BIA measurement and should therefore also be standardised are [16]:.

The standardisation of hydration status is clearly of importance for BIA, as the method is reliant on estimations of total body water to ascertain fat-free mass.

For female athletes, difference in hydration status during menses may significantly alter impedance [17] and should be a consideration when assessing female athletes with BIA.

Saunders et al. hyperhydrated or hypohydrated , indicating that even small changes in fluid balance that occur with endurance training may be interpreted as a change in body fat content.

In addition, eating and strenuous exercise hours prior to assessment have also previously been shown to decrease impedance; ultimately affecting the accuracy of the measurement [19].

The need to standardise eating, exercise, and both acute and chronic hydration changes are clearly important to provide valid body composition estimations. As mentioned previously, there are several issues with BIA measurement that may limit its use in an applied setting. Methodological limitations of BIA may affect the ability of the method to accurately determine body composition.

The primary issues with BIA are:. Sensor Placement One such limitation is the placement of the sensors, and their ability to give readings of total body composition.

As electrical current follows the path of least resistance, some scales may send current through the lower body only, missing the upper body entirely. Similarly, hand-held instruments may only assess the body composition of the upper extremities. As females typically have a higher proportion of adipose tissue in the gluteal-femoral region [20], it is possible that this would not be represented using hand-held BIA devices.

Hand-to-foot BIA devices, however, may allow for greater accuracy, as the current is sent from the upper body to the lower body, and is less likely to be influenced by the distribution of body fat. Hydration and Glycogen Levels Regardless, all devices are still subject to the same limitations that other BIA devices are.

Deurenberg et al. They speculated that changes in glycogen stores, and the loss of water bound to glycogen molecules, may affect BIA estimates of fat-free mass.

In athletic populations, where varying glycogen stores are likely throughout a training week, it is likely that this will lead to some variation in the detection of change in fat-free mass in athletes as glycogen is likely to be affected by both diet, as well as the intensity, duration, and modality of previous training sessions — even with protocol standardisation.

Effect of incorrect measures in the applied setting An important consideration when assessing the individual variation of BIA is the potential consequences that an incorrect reading can have.

This can have wide-ranging implications, from assessing the efficacy of previous dietary and training interventions to making decisions on the correct interventions moving forward. For example, an athlete may be singled out for interventions to reduce their body fat based on their BIA assessment and normative values, yet other methods may suggest that their body composition is optimal.

The primary area for future research in this area is clearly the need for validated BIA equations for athletes in a range of sports and with varying body composition.

It is important that these equations are validated using a total-body, water-based, four-compartment method, in an attempt to minimise the measurement error that is found when equations are based on the two-compartment model; such as hydrostatic weighing.

As such, the following areas of research are needed to expand current knowledge on this topic:. To conclude, it is likely that BIA is not a suitable body composition assessment method for athletic populations. The lack of a validated equation for this population, combined with the large individual error reported in overweight and obese populations, suggests that BIA does not provide accurate body composition data for both single-measure and repeated measures.

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Blog Newsletter Community Podcast Tools. About us Contact us Join our team Privacy policy Terms of use Terms and conditions Disclaimer. Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis BIA Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis BIA can estimate body composition e. Contents of Article Summary What is Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis?

Types of Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis What are the Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis equations? Is Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis valid and reliable? Are there issues with Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis? Is future research needed with Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis? Conclusion References About the Author.

Figure 1. The difference in bioelectrical conductivity between muscle and fat. References Buccholz, C. Bartok and D. Franssen, E. Rutten, M. Groenen, L. Vanfleteren, E. Wouters and M. Schlager, R. Stollberger, R. Felsberger, H. Hutten and H. Bergsma-Kadijk, B. Baumeister and P.

Sun, C. Chumlea, S. Heymsfield , H. Lukaski, D. Schoeller, K. Friedl, R.

We independently evaluate all recommended composihion and services. BIA body composition monitor you click on links Non-GMO Coconut Oil provide, we nody receive compensation. Learn more. We researched and tested dozens of body fat monitors, from smart scales to skinfold calipers. Alena Hall is a writer specializing in health, wellness, and fitness. Alena worked as a fitness trainer for two years. BIA body composition monitor

Author: Sagore

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