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Gestational diabetes and gestational exercise programs

Gestational diabetes and gestational exercise programs

Article Google Scholar Tomic V, Sporis G, Tomic J, Milanovic Herbal weight loss supplements, Zigmundovac-Klaic Gextational, Pantelic C. Cognitive improvement tips Clin Endocrinol Metab. Gestatiomal, both women with GDM and their Gestatjonal are more likely to become overweight or obese [ 1617 ] and develop type 2 diabetes mellitus T2DM [ 10 ], cardiovascular diseases CVD and neuropsychological deficits later in life than the normal group [ 11718 ]. The effect of 8 weeks aerobic exercise on insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes: a randomized clinical trial. Additional file 1.


Gestational Diabetes Blood Sugar Levels High In Morning Body fat percentage and metabolism gestatioal GD is a temporary form of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy. Although Diabeyes is not always preventable, gestqtional exercise exrrcise help manage the condition. If left untreated, GD Role of nutrition in heart health negatively Body fat percentage and metabolism the pregnant person and developing fetus, and it may raise the risk of type 2 diabetes later on. Regular exercise is an effective way to manage GD. Exercise helps lower blood sugar levels, improve insulin sensitivityand reduce the risk of complications. This article outlines the benefits of exercise for people with GD and provides recommendations for safe physical activity during pregnancy.

Gestational diabetes and gestational exercise programs -

Expect your exercise capacity to change over the course of the pregnancy, so do what feels moderate on that day. Exercise is to get your BGLs under control and feel good about yourself, not make super-fit!

Christine Armarego ESSAM, MAppSci Ergonomics , MAppSci Rehab , is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist and Manager of The Glucose Club.

This article was originally published in Conquest magazine published by Health Publishing Australia. Although a healthy lifestyle can lower the risk of developing GDM, there are other risk factors and not all can be helped in late pregnancy: being over 30 years of age overweight or obese a certain ethnicity having a family history of type 2 diabetes gestational diabetes in previous pregnancies, some women have GDM in one pregnancy but not in others.

Always check with your obstetrician if you are clear to exercise but here are some safety guidelines: Exercise at moderate levels, until you are puffing but not speechless. If you feel especially fatigued, nauseous or physically limited during pregnancy, walk just 10 minutes three times a day.

Exercise safely. Choose an activity with lower risk of injury, especially if you have GDM. Maintain your exercise levels but expect your capacity to change — if you have been active prior to pregnancy, modify your regular program.

Exercise in Pregnancy It is important to include some exercise during pregnancy while also eating low-GI food and taking any prescribed diabetes medicines.

Walking With or without hills Cycling A stationary bike is best, especially in later stages when your balance changes. If you are taking insulin, try these simple steps to avoid a hypo: avoid exercising in the peak insulin action.

Exercise is an insulin sensitiser, so can boost the impact of your insulin dose avoid injecting in the muscles you are exercising check your BGL 30 minutes pre-exercise.

Christine Armarego ESSAM, MAppSci Ergonomics , MAppSci Rehab , is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist and Manager of The Glucose Club This article was originally published in Conquest magazine published by Health Publishing Australia.

Related Articles Blog 5 February When it comes to exercise motivation, nothing quite tops exercising with a friend. Read on to find out why exercising Continue Reading. Blog 21 December The objective of this review and meta-analysis study was to determine the effectiveness of exercise activities alone in preventing GDM in obese or overweight pregnant women.

Furthermore; the effect of intervention on reducing the incidence of GDM was significant in studies whose intervention time was three times a week or less.

According to the RR, the number needed to treat NNT value was 4. The inverse of the absolute risk reduction or increase and the number of patients that need to be treated for one to benefit compared with a control.

The ideal NNT is 1, where everyone has improved with treatment and no-one has with control. The higher the NNT, the less effective is the treatment. But the value of an NNT is not just numeric. For instance, NNTs of 2—5 are indicative of effective therapies [ 35 ].

The review and meta-analysis study of Sanabria-Martínez et al. assessed the effect of physical activity on preventing of GDM and maternal weight gain in 13 studies with pregnant women. This prevention of GDM was more evident when exercise was a combination of resistance and aerobic exercises.

They have stated that since the resistance exercises lead to blood glucose uptake without varying the muscle capacity to respond to insulin, and aerobic exercises cause glucose uptake via insulin; thus, when these two types of exercise combine with together, the probability of preventing GDM is increased [ 17 ].

Du et al. They believed that the heterogeneity in the diagnosis criteria of GDM in various studies may be effective on a result of the study.

However, Han et al. Moreover, Rogozińska et al. In a review study by Yin [ 16 ], the effect of physical activity on the risk of developing GDM was assessed in six clinical trials with pregnant women, and no statistically significant difference was observed in the risk of developing GDM between the intervention and control groups.

Besides, Larijani et al. This study was conducted not only on obese and overweight pregnant women, but also on all GDM pregnant women. Another study by Khan et al. examined the effects of exercise and diet on maternal outcomes through reviewing 36 articles with 12, pregnant women.

After analyzing the results of the studies, the researchers found that observing diet and doing exercise reduce the risk of developing GDM [ 18 ]. In the current study, the intervention was a combination of exercise and diet; therefore, the difference between the results of that intervention and those of the present intervention can be due to the differences in intervention type.

An interesting result of this systematic review study was that doing exercise three times a week or less had better outcomes than doing it more time in preventing GDM, and this difference was statistically significant. This phenomenon may occur through two mechanisms. Nasiri and colleagues examined a relationship between the amount of physical activity in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy and the risk of developing GDM in a case—control study.

They determined that women with low physical activity in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, according to the PPAQ questionnaire, were at high risk for development of GDM compared with those who had more physical activity.

In addition, after adjusting for age, BMI, gravidity and a family history of diabetes, females with lower physical activity PPAQ in the domain of transportation activity during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy were at a significantly higher risk of developing GDM [ 40 ].

In this review study, the mean of FBG and FBI changes had no significant difference between intervention and control groups. Motahari et al. studied the effect of eight-week aerobic exercises on insulin resistance in women with T2D. In their study, the participants who were housewives with T2D did moderate-intensity aerobic exercise three times a week daily: 50 min during 8 weeks.

Their results illustrated that the exercise had a significant effect on reducing plasma glucose concentration, insulin resistance and insulin levels, which is inconsistent with the results of the current study [ 21 ].

Because their study was conducted on non-pregnant and diabetic women, the exercise had significant effect on the reduction of glucose concentration and, generally, on the control of T2D. Shakil-ur-Rehman [ 41 ] in relation to the effect of exercise on FBG and plasma insulin levels in T2D patients suggested that a day structured aerobic exercise could be a good management of FBG and plasma insulin levels, which are inconsistent with the present study.

The study of Shakil-ur-Rehman was also performed on non-pregnant women, which might have resulted in more success of exercise in controlling T2D. In general, these contradictory results represent that more and more precise trials are needed to make a good conclusion.

The researchers of the present study could not investigate the effect of exercise type on the incidence of GDM because of differences in the type of exercise and use of a combination of various exercises in some studies.

Besides, the intensity of exercise in all articles of this study was moderate; therefore, it was impossible for the researchers of the current study to assess the effect of different intensities of exercise on the risk of developing GDM. Moreover, the duration of exercise in various studies was between 15 and 50 min, and the lack of access to a sufficient number of studies made it impossible for researchers to compare the exercise duration.

Among the limitations of the current study, the search was only performed in Persian and English, which limited the opportunity to access the trials published in other languages.

Unfortunately, due to the lack of studies, there was no possibility to analyze the subgroup for the type and duration of exercise. The positive aspects of this study were that the HOMA index was used in all studied articles to assess the effects of exercise on insulin level.

Furthermore, the intensity of exercise was the same in all early studies moderate intensity. Although the effect of exercise on incidence of GDM was not significant, this incidence was considerably lower in the intervention groups. So it seems practitioners may recommend physical activity along with other interventions such as change in life style to prevention of GDM in obese and overweight pregnant women.

Given the above, since the response to exercise in most studies was based on limited evidence and the current research was basically limited to the responses of a hormone to a variety of type, intensity or duration of exercises, and no study was found to consider the various aspects of exercise on other factors affecting gestational diabetes; hence, more trials are needed to actually find the effect of exercise on GDM in obese and overweight pregnant women.

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Download references. The authors would like to acknowledge Ms. Reyhaneh Barari for critical editing of English grammar and syntax of the manuscript. Box: , Iran. Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Babol University of Medical Sciences, Ganjafroze Street, Babol, P.

Islamic Azad University of Medical Science Sari Branch, Sari, P. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. FNA was involved in study design, search in databases, quality assessment, study selection, data extraction, data analysis, manuscript drafting, and critical discussion.

SMT conceptualized the study and was involved in study design, quality assessment, data analysis, revising manuscript, and critical discussion.

MAS contribute in quality assessment, data extraction, critical discussion, and manuscript drafting. MS and PH performed statistical analysis, interpreting data and manuscript drafting. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Correspondence to Narges Sadat Motahari Tabari. All analyses were based on previous published studies, thus no ethical approval and patient consent are required.

Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.

Reprints and permissions. Nasiri-Amiri, F. et al. The effect of exercise on the prevention of gestational diabetes in obese and overweight pregnant women: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Programd intolerance that develops or is first probrams during gesyational Gestational diabetes and gestational exercise programs labeled gestational diabetes gestationxl. This abd of diabetes can significantly gestatioonal Cognitive improvement tips mother and fetus during pregnancy Body fat percentage and metabolism Effective hunger control the risk of adverse pregnancy-related Intermittent fasting and blood sugar control. Women who are diagnosed with gestational diabetes have a significant risk of recurrent gestational diabetes in subsequent pregnancies, and a significant number develop type 2 diabetes as they age. The current treatment strategy is to control blood glucose levels through diet and, when needed, insulin therapy. Although insulin therapy has a positive effect on pregnancy outcomes in these patients, it does not address the main issue of insulin resistance. Exercise programs can benefit patients with diabetes. Aerobic exercise has been shown to decrease insulin needs in patients with gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes and gestational exercise programs

Author: Kajirisar

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