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Skinfold measurement for personal trainers

Skinfold measurement for personal trainers

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Skinfold measurement for personal trainers -

The personal trainer is referred to the Anthropometric Standardization Reference Manual Harrison et al. However, with the popularly used generalized equations by Jackson and Pollock and Jackson, Pollock and Ward , follow the guidelines presented in Table 2.

For consistency with your clients‘ measurements, make sure you monitor your their changes using the same calipers. Most SKF measurements use two to three SKFs to predict body density Db , from which body fat can be derived using the appropriate equation.

However, for higher precision, SKF prediction equations that take into account a client’s age, gender, ethnicity, and physical activity level are recommended. Heyward and Stolarczyk provide specific SKF equations based on the factors cited above. Your clients will have variation in skin thickness, compressibility of adipose tissue, and hydration level, which will affect the SKF measurement.

Keep a record of these observations for follow-up assessements. Exercise also increases the extracellular water accumulation in the subcutaneous tissue and thus will increase skinfold thickness. Therefore, SKFs should not be measured immediately after exercise, especially in warmer environments.

Skinfold Measurement Procedures. The following procedures will increase your reliability and precision when doing SKF measurements Harrison et al. Take all SKF measurements on the right side of the body. Carefully identify, measure and mark the SKF site. Grasp the SKF firmly between the thumb and index finger of your hand.

The fold is lifted 1 cm above the site to be measured. Lift the fold by placing the thumb and index finger 8 cm ~3 inches apart on a line that is perpendicular to the long axis of the skinfold.

The long axis is parallel to the natural cleavage lines of the skin. For individuals with extremely large skinfolds, the thumb and finger will need to be separated more than 8 cm in order to lift the fold.

Keep the fold elevated while the measurement is taken. Place the jaws of the caliper perpendicular to the fold, approximately 1 cm below the thumb and index finger, and release the jaw pressure slowly.

Take the SKF measurement 4 seconds after the pressure is released. Open the jaws of the caliper to remove it from the site. Close the jaws slowly to prevent damage or loss of calibration.

Take a minimum of two measurements at each site. Take SKF measurements in a rotational order rather than consecutive readings at each site. Take the SKF measurements when the client’s skin is dry and lotion- free. Do not measure SKFs immediately after physical activity because of fluid shifts to the skin.

Final Thoughts Becoming a highly skilled SKF technicians takes careful practice and precise adherence to measurement procedures. With some obese or heavily muscled clients the SKF method may not work satisfactorily and alternative measures such as bioelectical impedance may be indicated.

One of the greatest values for clients, in doing and explaining body composition measures, is the supplementary educational information the personal trainer can provide them about attaining optimal health. Table 1. aAt risk for diseases and disorders associated with malnutrition bAt risk for diseases associated with obesity.

Article Pag e. Body Composition Assessment By Len Kravitz, Ph. and Vivian, Heyward, Ph. Excessive body fat has been demonstrated to be associated with such health-related problems as coronary artery disease, hypertension, adult-onset diabetes, hyperlipidemia, obstructive pulmonary disease and osteoarthritis.

Considering the profoundness of the health problems associated with too much or too little body fat, it is no surprise that the assessment of body composition has become a widespread and meaningful evaluation used by personal trainers. This assessment series article will specifically focus on the practical application of the skinfold SKF method for the assessment of body composition.

Skinfold Measurement Procedures The following procedures will increase your reliability and precision when doing SKF measurements Harrison et al. aAt risk for diseases and disorders associated with malnutrition bAt risk for diseases associated with obesity Table 2.

I have trained and tested over a trainers on these body fat methods and when they graduate from NPTI they are pretty good at it, but even with that training there is more variability than one would like.

It is what it is, but I think we can solve both of these problems. Let me introduce the Henriques 6 body fat calculation. It will follow the model set up by the other formulas but the huge benefit of this method is that there is no measurement on your posterior — this means you can do the test yourself.

In addition because you will be the one doing it, once you practice it a few times I think you will find the results to be quite consistent.

And finally while this is just my opinion, I believe this formula does a better job of describing the level of body fat we are seeing visually. This method involves using a skinfold caliper the same implement you would use for the other formulas and it involves measuring yourself at 6 locations.

Those locations are:. Use the pictures as a reference and see the video tutorial for more detailed directions. If you are used to taking body fat then just measuring each of these areas once will suffice.

If you are not familiar with regularly taking body fat then run through these areas two or three times at least. Go through them top to bottom and then repeat, this will help prevent you from just making the same mistake each time.

Compare your numbers, you should be able to get your repeated measurements within 1 mm of each other — preferably they will be the same each time.

Once you have your measurements in millimeters for each of the six sites, simply add them up. That number is the sum of the measurements. Now look on the chart provided and find your sum on the left hand column.

Use the appropriate gender and that is your estimated percentage of body fat from this formula. It is as easy as that. Download Henriques 6 Body Fat Chart PDF. Using the chart, we can see this person is estimated to have If this person was a female with the same numbers, she would have To be honest skinfold calipers give an individual an estimate of their body fat but it is not a perfect science.

None of the skinfold formulas are perfectly accurate, they are all estimates. Gain fat and it will be reflected in the numbers; lose fat and that will also show up. In that respect the formulas do a very good job of showing change.

It is not included in this formula either but you can add it in if you wish, I see it as optional. However if you want to factor in age, a simple but reasonably accurate way to do that is to add. As example, if the person in the above scenario was 55 years old, we would add 2. Again, this is optional.

The location and general technique used in this method will mirror the other methods, with one exception. Using the traditional formulas, a personal trainer will pinch and pull the fat with one hand their left hand and then they will measure the pinch with the caliper which is held in their right hand.

With this method there is no pinching hand. Simply open the caliper up reasonably wide, place it snug against the skin in the area you are going to pinch, and then allow the caliper to close. In addition because the spring will have a reasonably constant tension, once you get the technique down which should only take a few practices the spring will apply the same pressure and your readings should be quite consistent.

It is worth noting that it is industry standard to always take body fat measurements on the right side of the body unless that is not a feasible option. My goal in creating this method was simply to establish a quick and easy way for one person to measure their own body fat.

You can do this as frequently as you wish to monitor change, and you can measure yourself in the privacy of your own home not everyone loves going to the gym and getting poked and prodded by a personal trainer. With six sites the numbers are in tune enough so that minor changes — seen over a week or even a few days — will result in a slightly different score.

When you are pushing yourself through a strict diet and a challenging workout program, it is nice to know that visible results will only be a few days away.

The calipers used for this tutorial are easily available here. Henriques 6 How To Article PDF. Henriques 6 Reference Chart PDF.

Trqiners health and Siberian ginseng benefits professionals do not have a Weight loss formulas at their disposal so skinfold calliper body fat testing is the favoured and most common method of prsonal the Skinfold measurement for personal trainers Skinffold percentage Siberian ginseng benefits their clientele. When conducting this test, the professional fpr be Skinfopd consistent with the exact areas of the skinfold measured as well as the conditions of administering the test. For example, if the test is done after the client works out, the timing must remain consistent when carrying out any future tests with the client. An electrical current is delivered through the body in order to measure fat. It is founded on the hypotheses that tissue which is high in water content conducts electrical currents with less resistance than those with less water. This method determines the portion of fat to lean tissue. Skinfold measurement for personal trainers


7-Site Skinfold Assessment - Instructional Video

Author: Goltitaur

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