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Quercetin and aging prevention

Quercetin and aging prevention

Following These Diets Qkercetin Quercetin and aging prevention Immunity. In idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, senescent preventiob build up in the Quercetin and aging prevention. In other words, agkng strategy is to selectively induce senescent cell apoptosis for a limited time, and then cease until more senescent cells accumulate. Find out how to help ». The microbiota—gut—brain axis and neurodevelopmental disorders. Polosak JKurylowicz ARoszkowska-Gancarz MOwczarz MPuzianowska-Kuznicka M Aging is accompanied by a progressive decrease of expression of the WRN gene in human blood mononuclear cells.


Stop Quercetin Supplements (New Study) Quercetin is a Gym supplements for muscle repair supplement that has Quercetin and aging prevention studied for its potential health Quercftin. It may also Quercetn the effectiveness uQercetin other Qjercetin supplements. Zging Quercetin and aging prevention a flavonoid, a group of plant compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Apples, onions, and kale are among the best sources. Quercetin is, first and foremost, a powerful antioxidant. It neutralises harmful by-products of our metabolism that would otherwise damage cellular structures. There does seem to be an association between ageing, age related diseases, and reduced antioxidant defences within the body, so it is possible that introducing more antioxidants into the body would be beneficial.

Quercetin and aging prevention -

E Cell apoptosis assay in vehicle- and Que-treated RS hMSCs passage Discovery of compounds that attenuate senescent phenotypes can lead to therapeutic advances that ameliorate aging-related pathologies Chang et al.

Here, by employing a platform with premature aging Werner syndrome WS hMSCs for the screening of effective compounds against cellular senescent phenotypes, we have identified ten candidate natural products, including quercetin dihydrate, chrysophanic acid, licochalcone A, luteolin, formononetin, honokiol, berberine HCl, kaempferol, bergenin and synephrine.

Except Que and berberine HCl Xu et al. For the first time, Que was identified as a geroprotective agent against both premature and physiological human aging, supporting the role of Que as a novel therapeutic option for treating premature aging and promoting healthy aging.

Additionally, the generalized effectiveness of Que verifies the efficacy of WS hMSCs as a powerful model for geroprotective drug screening. Que is a polyphenol derived from plants. Que is also reported to rejuvenate senescent primary human fibroblasts Chondrogianni et al.

Prior to our study, the effect of Que has not been evaluated in progeroid syndromes such as WS and HGPS. For the first time, we uncovered a geroprotective role of Que in human accelerated aging hMSCs. Que-treated WS hMSCs demonstrated improved differentiation potentials into osteoblasts and chondrocytes and enhanced in vivo vasculogenesis ability, implying potential therapeutic promises of Que with regard to symptoms such as osteoporosis and atherosclerosis in WS and HGPS patients.

Of particular, we observed that Que effectively decreased progerin in HGPS hMSCs. Thus, our studies support Que as a potential therapeutic agent for treating WS and HGPS in clinic Harhouri et al.

Still, the in vivo effects of Que on rodents or non-human primates need further investigation. The effects of high-dose Que have been previously evaluated in human cells and mice. To further determine the molecular mechanisms of Que, we performed RNA-seq analysis and revealed that the upregulated genes in Que-treated WS hMSCs were primarily enriched in cell cycle, nuclear division and chromosome segregation pathways, consistent with the cellular phenotypes observed.

Previous studies on Que have mainly focused on its anti-carcinogenic Ansgar, ; Darband Saber et al. However, the mechanisms of Que against human stem cell aging remain to be elucidated.

For the first time, we showed that Que alleviated hMSC aging at least partially via the reduction of ROS, and restoration of heterochromatin architecture, providing a new mechanism for Que-mediated geroprotection. We have previously shown that VC alleviates aging defects in WS hMSCs by decreasing oxidative stress, preventing telomere attrition, suppressing excessive secretion of inflammatory factors, as well as reorganizing nuclear lamina and heterochromatin Li et al.

Our comparative analysis of the RNA-seq data in WS hMSCs illustrated the mechanistic commonalities and differences of the geroprotective effects by Que and VC, with the commonly upregulated genes mainly enriched in gene terms related to cell cycle, chromatin condensation and anti-oxidation.

Likewise, we observed that Que restored heterochromatin architecture and decreased ROS levels in WS hMSCs. It has been shown that increased ROS levels lead to heterochromatin disorganization.

Therefore, in our study decreased ROS levels may also contribute to the restoration of heterochromatin architecture. In addition, we have recently demonstrated that, the premature aging phenotypes in HGPS hMSCs partially attributes to the repression of NRF2-mediated anti-oxidative response, whereas the reactivation of NRF2 reverses the nuclear defects in HGPS cells and restores their in vivo viability in mice Fang et al.

Interestingly, Que is reported as an activator of NRF2-mediated anti-oxidative pathway Bahar et al. Consistently, by RNA-seq analysis we identified that Que upregulated a series of anti-oxidative genes including GSTP1, GSR and GSTM1 , all of which are NRF2 targets, indicating that Que may exert anti-oxidative effect via the activation of NRF2.

Furthermore, despite of the multiple mechanistic commonalities of the geroprotective effects, Que-specific upregulated genes were mostly enriched in response to stimulus and cell homeostasis and the VC-specific ones in DNA replication, DNA repair and telomere maintenance, raising the possibility that Que and VC in combination might exhibit a synergistic geroprotective effect.

In this study, we showed that Que and VC exerted cooperative effects attenuating accelerated senescence in HGPS hMSCs. Besides VC, other geroprotective chemicals could also strengthen the biological activity of Que.

Moving forward, how to maximize the geroprotective effects of Que by combining with other components awaits further investigation. In summary, we screened a natural product library in WS hMSCs and identified Que as a geroprotective agent against premature and physiological human aging through detailed mechanistic studies and multi-layer evaluations in WS, HGPS and physiological-aging hMSCs.

We have also elucidated the transcriptional commonalities and differences in the geroprotective effects by Que and VC in WS hMSCs. hESCs used in this study were also cultured on Matrigel BD Biosciences with mTeSR medium STEMCELL Technologies.

Differentiation of hESCs into mesenchymal stem cells MSCs was performed as described previously Duan et al. In vitro differentiation potentials of WS hMSCs into osteoblasts, chondrocytes and adipocytes Pan et al. Physiological-aging PA hMSCs were isolated from gingiva of a male individual at 56 years old.

In details, a piece of tissue sized approximately by 7 mm × 4 mm × 2 mm was obtained from the gingival lamina propria of free gingiva after the removal of the gingival epithelium.

The tissue was washed with PBS and minced into small pieces, followed by digestion with collagenase at 37 °C for 30 min. The hMSCs were collected upon centrifugation at 1, rpm for 5 min and were cultured in hMSC culture medium.

The human MSCs were purified by sorting against CD73, CD90 and CD triple positive cells using FACS. In details, hMSCs were digested using TrypLE Express Gibco and washed twice by PBS. WS hMSCs passage 5 were seeded into drug-stamped well plates at a density of 3, cells per well. Seven days after the drug treatment, cell proliferation was measured by MTS assay Promega.

Values of quintic treatment wells were averaged and normalized to quintic control wells. WS hMSCs passage 5 were seeded into 6-well plates at a density of 30, cells per well. Culture medium with different kinds of candidate compounds was changed every other day.

The relative cell proliferative abilities of WS hMSCs passage 7 treated with each compound at different concentrations were analyzed at day WS hMSCs passage 5 were seeded into well plates at a density of 3, cells per well and treated with different concentrations of quercetin hydrate Que TCI, P Culture medium with Que was changed every other day.

Senescence-associated β-galactosidase SA-β-Gal staining was performed as described previously Debacq-Chainiaux et al. Fixed cells were then stained with freshly prepared staining solution for SA-β-Gal activity at 37 °C overnight.

Images were taken and the percentage of positive cells was calculated. Single-cell clonal expansion assay was carried out as described Duan et al. Briefly, WS hMSCs were plated at a density of 2, cells per well in gelatin coated well plate and treated with vehicle and Que. The cell density was calculated after crystal violet staining.

BCA kit Thermo Fisher Scientific was used for measurement of protein concentration. The membrane was incubated with primary antibodies and then HRP-conjugated secondary antibodies.

The quantification was performed with Image Lab software for ChemiDoc XRS system Bio-Rad. Total RNAs were extracted using TRIzol Reagent Invitrogen.

Quantitative real-time PCR was performed with iTaq Universal SYBR Green Super mix Bio-Rad on a CFX Real-Time PCR system Bio-Rad. Data were normalized to 18S rRNA transcript and calculated using the ΔΔCq method. Quantitative RT-PCR primers used were listed in Table S4.

Cells were prepared as previously reported Wu et al. Hoechst Invitrogen was used to Stain nuclear DNA. WS hMSCs implantation was performed as previously described Zhang et al. Five days after the implantation, mice were anaesthetized and injected with D-luciferin solution Gold-Bio, luck After 15 min the in vivo luciferase activity of each mouse was determined by the IVIS lumina system PerkinElmer.

Luminescence intensity was normalized to luciferase intensity of hMSCs right before the implantation. All the animal experiments performed in this study were approved by the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Fat pad transplantation was performed as previously described Yu et al.

Fat pads were harvested 4 weeks post-transplantation for measuring donor-derived vessel regeneration by immunofluorescent staining. WS hMSCs were treated with vehicle or Que from passage 5 and collected at passage 7 for RNA-seq analysis using Illumina sequencing platform.

RNA sequencing libraries were prepared as previously reported Li et al. Briefly, RNA integrity was examined by the Bioanalyzer system Agilent Technologies. Sequencing libraries were constructed using NEBNext UltraTM RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina NEB and sequenced on Illumina Hiseq X Ten platform.

The pipeline of RNA-seq data processing has been described previously Zhang et al. In brief, sequencing reads were trimmed and mapped to hg19 human genome using hisat2 software v2.

The transcriptional expression level of each gene was counted by HTSeq v0. Differentially expressed genes DEGs were computed using DESeq2 at a cutoff adjust P value Benjamini-Hochberg less than 0.

The correlation between replicates of each sample was evaluated by the Pearson correlation coefficient R , which was based on DESeq2 regularized-logarithm rlog normalized read count.

Gene Ontology GO and pathway enrichment analysis was conducted by ToppGene Chen et al. Protein-protein interaction networks of differentially expressed genes was drawn based on the STRING database Szklarczyk et al. Transcription levels of aging- and longevity-associated genes as well as the NRF2 target genes were analyzed as below.

The aging- and longevity-associated genes were identified according to the Human Ageing Genomic Resources HAGR database and NRF2 target genes from the C3 transcription factor targets in Molecular Signatures Database v6.

Genes with an adjust P value Benjamini-Hochberg less than 0. The RNA-seq data have been deposited to the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus GEO database with accession number GSE Primary antibodies for FACS were anti-CDPE , , anti-CDFITC , from Biosciences and anti-CDAPC , from eBioscience.

Primary antibodies for Western blot were anti-WRN sc, , anti-β-Actin sc, , , anti-β-Tubulin sc, , from Santa Cruz Biotechnology, anti-P21 , , , anti-HP1γ , , from Cell Signaling Technology, anti-LAP2β , , and anti-P16 , from BD Bioscience.

Student's t -test was used for statistical analysis. We thank Lei Bai, Ruijun Bai, Mingming Wei, Qun Chu, and Shikun Ma for administrative assistance, to Junying Jia IBP, CAS and Shuang Sun IBP, CAS for their useful help in FACS.

We thank Shuo Guo IBP, CAS , Xinyi Wu IBP, CAS for breeding and management of laboratory animals and Lei Zhou IBP, CAS for providing veterinary care.

We are grateful to Can Peng IBP, CAS for TEM samples preparation and Tongxin Niu at HPC-Service Station in Center for Biological Imaging IBP, CAS for bioinformatic analysis.

This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China YFA , the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences XDA , the National Key Research and Development Program of China CB, YFA, CB and YFA , the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China AA , the National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant Nos.

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This means that quercetin might improve the effectiveness of other supplements by preventing their destruction. Unfortunately, quercetin is not very well absorbed — when you take a given dose of quercetin, most of that dose does not actually reach the bloodstream. There also seems to be quite a lot of variability between the effects of quercetin in different people taking the same dose.

Meta-analyses of randomised trials suggest that taking flavonoids in general is associated with reduced risk of respiratory tract infections, suggesting that they may protect against infectious disease. Quercetin has also been found to have some antidiabetic , antihypertensive , and cholesterol-lowering properties in randomised trials.

However, not all studies agree and more research is needed. Similarly, while quercetin appears to suppress senescence in cell culture, more research is needed when it comes to the ability of quercetin to suppress senescence in living humans.

Quercetin seems to be among the most promising flavonoids, but its specific effects on human health need more investigation.

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At Gowing Life we analyze the latest breakthroughs in aging and longevity, with the sole aim to help you make the best decisions to maximise your healthy lifespan. You must be logged in to post a comment. Longevity Infectious Diseases Gene Therapy Rejuvenation Stem Cells Dementia Cancer View All.

Log into your account. your username. your password. Password recovery. Recover your password. your email. Forgot your password? Get help. Work for human longevity. Home Transhumanism, Longevity Anti-aging supplements Quercetin supplements: anti-aging, anti-inflammatory!

Quercetin: An anti-aging flavonoid Quercetin is a pigment found naturally in many foods, such as onions, capers, olive oil and some legumes.

Preuve d'efficacité. Long Long Life does not sell any of these products. We believe this to be the price of freedom. Properties Risks References.

Quercetin and age-related pathologies First tested in cell cultures in vitro then on animals in vivo , the efficacy of quercetin on humans remains a subject of discussion within the scientific community.

Can quercetin slow down aging? Quercetin-associated side effects and possible risk factors No side effects have been described to date. Aging, ;36 9 [7] Nöthlings U, Murphy SP, et al.

Macromolecules, ; [13] Giuliani C, Bucci I, Di Santo S, et al, The flavonoid quercetin inhibits thyroid-restricted genes expression and thyroid function, Food and Chemical Toxicology , ; [14] X.

Marion Tible. Partager : Facebook Twitter LinkedIn More Print Pocket. RELATED ARTICLES MORE FROM AUTHOR. IPAM indolepropionamide : new in the fight against aging. Glutathione benefits for life extension. DHEA: longevity hormone?

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Ptevention red-hot anti-aging agign quietly passed its first test earlier this year Quercetin and aging prevention 14 volunteers took Quercetin and aging prevention Green tea cognitive function to kill off old, toxic cells in their bodies. Some researchers think this strategy Quercetun eventually be employed in healthy people to delay aging. Patients took two pills prevenrion Kirkland Prevenrion his colleagues believed could selectively get rid of aged cells: the leukemia drug dasatinib and a supplement called quercetin. It is early days for drugs meant to slow aging, and some breathed a sigh of relief that patients in this first-of-a-kind study didn't suffer serious side-effects from the drugs. This was a pilot trial—not even in the first phase of a three-part sequence of trials needed to win approval by the US Food and Drug Administration. So, officially, it showed nothing about aging at all. All 14 patients suffered from a fatal, hard-to-treat lung condition called idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, which explains why they were willing to participate in the experiment. Quercetin and aging prevention

Author: Voodoosar

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