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Wrestling performance nutrition

Wrestling performance nutrition

The top of perrormance food pyramid includes nutrients that Wrestlihg be used sparingly in Stimulating herbal supplement diet, Wrestling performance nutrition fats, oils, and sweets. Gradually increase fluid intake, incorporating electrolyte-rich beverages like sports drinks or coconut water. Include lean proteins, whole grains, vegetables, and healthy fats to maintain muscle mass and energy levels.

Wrestling performance nutrition -

I repeated this cycle every match. Gradually, my performance began to suffer. My strength was progressively decreasing, and I was always tired. I started losing matches I should have won. It was difficult to concentrate in classes, and my grades started to slip. I was always hungry. Losing weight before each match became increasingly more difficult.

I even resorted to using laxatives. My desire to wrestle was becoming overshadowed by my desire to eat. I was constantly thirsty. My skin was dry, itchy, and cracking from dehydration. I was miserable. I quit the team before the end of the season. I played basketball my senior year. It wasn't until I became a wrestling coach that I regretted what I had done that season.

I realized cutting so much weight made me hate a sport I truly loved. If I had applied myself as much to my wrestling as I had to making weight, I might have been a much better wrestler. As a coach, I am determined to prevent my wrestlers from making the same mistakes.

I want them to concentrate on their wrestling and not on their weight so they can enjoy the sport of wrestling. It is the coach's responsibility to teach wrestlers the right information on nutrition and weight control. The Wrestler's Diet was developed specifically for wrestlers and their parents, but is also intended to help wrestling coaches teach the principles of proper nutrition.

Wrestlers who cut weight often deny themselves the very nutrients they need to perform well. Many wrestlers either don't care about proper nutrition or they simply do not know any better. Wrestlers often think of food and water only in terms of gaining weight.

They forget that food provides nutrients to fuel their bodies. However, the scientific facts are simple: poor nutrition will hamper performance. The body cannot function at its best when it lacks vital nutrients. Consider these points:.

WRESTLING WEIGHT. There are several factors to consider when deciding your "best" wrestling weight, but the most important is: How much weight can you safely lose and still perform well? The weight class you choose should not be so low that you have to sacrifice good nutrition for the sake of making weight.

In addition to the adverse physical effects of trying to cut too much weight, unhealthy weight loss practices affect you psychologically; the more you worry about your weight, the less you concentrate on your wrestling. Here is how to determine your "minimum" safe weight for competition.

Body fat percentage can be determined by measuring the thickness of certain skinfolds on the body. Many health care professionals will be able to perform these measurements for you.

The results of the skinfold measurements will give you a good estimate of what percent of your body is fat. The goal of safe weight loss is to lose excess fat weight. Not all fat on your body can be considered "excess" fat. A certain amount of fat is essential for use as energy, to act as a shock absorber for your internal organs, to insulate your body from the cold, and to store certain nutrients.

Seven percent body fat is considered the lowest healthy level of fat content for teenage males. It is just a guideline for you to follow.

Most wrestlers perform very well at a higher percentage of body fat. Many health care professionals will be able to help you determine your minimal wrestling weight.

There are several factors to consider when deciding your "best wrestling weight," but the most important is: how much weight can you safely lose and still perform well? Cutting and Maintaining Weight. Once you've determined your weight class, you should next develop a plan for making and maintaing the weight.

Plan your diet to lose not more than pound each week. For example, if you determine you want to lose 10 pounds, allow at least 5 weeks 2 lbs. If you plan ahead, the gradual reduction in weight can be easily accomplished. Also, to achieve your goal, you must understand the principles of good nutrition.

Wrestlers can achieve a balanced diet by following the dietary guidelines provided in the food pyramid. The training table guidelines listed below indicate the minimum number of servings from each food group for each day.

The menus in Appendix A show examples of these recommendations. The pyramid is divided into 4 levels according to the needs of your body. The base of the pyramid contains foods including grains such as oats, rice and wheat, and the breads, cereals, noodles and pasta made from them. Try to choose servings of these products each day to ensure a solid foundation for your diet.

Foods from this group are high in complex carbohydrates, which are the main energy source for training and other body functions. The next level of nutrition in the food pyramid includes foods from the vegetable and fruit groups. These foods include all fresh, frozen, canned and dried fruits and vegetables and juice.

These groups are loaded with vitamins and minerals, carbohydrates and fiber. It is recommended that your diet consists of servings of vegetables and servings of fruit each day to ensure an ample supply of vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. The next level of nutrition in the food pyramid consists of 2 food groups: the dairy products, including milk, yogurt and cheese; and the meat products, including meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts.

These groups are rich in proteins, calcium, zinc, iron, and vitamins, and are essential for healthy bones and muscles. Choose low fat dairy products and lean low fat meat products to get the full advantage of these foods without excess fat calories.

Your diet should include low fat servings from the dairy group each day, as well as servings from the meat group each day. Appendis A give some examples. The top of the food pyramid includes nutrients that should be used sparingly in your diet, including fats, oils, and sweets.

Many of these nutrients are already present in foods previously discussed and are often added in processed foods. Be careful in your selection of foods and check food label for added sugars and fats that can add calories to your diet without significantly increasing their nutritional value.

A "calorie" is a unit used to describe the energy content of foods. Your body requires energy, and the food you eat supplies that energy. When you take in more food calories than you use, those extra calories are stored as fat, and you gain weight. Weight loss occurs when you consume fewer calories than you use.

This is the optimal time to focus on weight management. At the beginning of this season, a wrestler should identify a realistic target weight, and then develop a progressive weight loss plan to reach it. During this time, it is important to keep the following factors in mind:.

For example, the maximum weight loss per week for a lb wrestler should be between This information can then be used to determine the minimum amount of time needed to reach the target weight.

Ideally, wrestlers will reach their target weight at the end of pre-season, and then fuel to optimize their training in-season; this is accomplished by being in a neutral calorie balance.

By training at their target weight, wrestlers can use weight cutting as an effective and safe method to make weight for a match. A simple definition of weight cutting is: The shifting of food and fluids for a short period of time for the purpose of making weight.

When cutting weight, the following three components are crucial, and should always be focused upon:. By understanding the demands and goals of each of the three distinct wrestling seasons, a wrestler can use his or her fueling and hydration as tools to enhance performance.

Proper fueling ensures that a wrestler will be able to perform optimally on the mat, make weight safely and effectively, and have the energy off the mats to take care of academic demands. To gain more knowledge and specific details on how you can tailor a nutrition and hydration plan to meet your needs, be sure to check out the full My Sports Dietitian eBook for wrestling, which can be found exclusively at www.

Sports Nutrition for Wrestling Performance. Off-Season: The goal during this time is to lay a foundation for healthy eating, which can then be built upon and adjusted throughout the year. This foundation can be broken down into six fueling fundamentals: Purpose: Wrestlers are ultimately fueling for overall performance, but they may also want to focus on a specific goal, such as: Increasing energy or endurance, injury recovery or prevention, or better mental focus —on or off the mat.

Quality: High-quality foods will help wrestlers reach their goals, while poor choices will hurt their wrestling performance. Therefore, wrestlers must focus on consuming nutrient-dense foods instead of empty calories. Nutrient-dense foods provide more nutrients per calorie consumed, while calorie-dense foods provide less nutrients per calorie consumed.

Fats produce a slow energy output after 15 minutes and become fully digested after 3 hours at which point the energy is fully available. Carbohydrates have different digestion times depending on the type of carbohydrate, either simple or complex.

Simple carbohydrates, like fruits and sugar, are digested quickly and provide full available energy after only 15 minutes, but that energy must be used within 30 minutes or it will be reabsorbed and stored.

Complex carbohydrates, like oats, provide a slow release of energy after 15 minutes and become fully digested after 3 to 6 hours depending on several factors like having other food in your system and the normal rate of your metabolism.

Each of these digestion rates can fluctuate depending on a couple things. If we eat too much protein in a single siting, the truth is we end up pooping most of it out, everything but 25 grams to be exact.

Second, concerning carbohydrates, our body can only hold up to grams of carbohydrates between our muscles and liver at a time, and any excess carbohydrates are transformed into stored fat.

However, keep in mind that our body burns carbohydrates even when we are not exercising just for survival, but it is also important to be strategic about our carbohydrate intake when it comes to performance and training. Finally, concerning fats, even though fats are excellent for high-energy caloric density because they produce over two times as much energy as carbohydrates and proteins, it is important to understand that it is dangerous to have too much fat in a short period of time.

When fat is broken down, the broken down components called fatty acids float through your bloodstream until they are either transformed into protection for your organs or used up again as energy through the secondary metabolic pathway.

If too much fat is digested in a short period of time and not utilized quick enough, the broken down components of fatty acid will build up in your blood stream and can cause numerous adverse effects.

Understanding how your metabolism functions and how your body utilizes the energy you get from each food will help you make smart, knowledgeable, and strategic decisions about your performance nutrition plan as well as how to stay healthy and perform your best in training and on competition day.

The table below outlines the important concepts and numbers for each of the three macros and acts as a guide for you to move into the next section and build your own performance nutrition plan. Choose 1 of 3 Pre-Built Performance Nutrition Protocols tailored for Weight Loss, Maintenance, or Lean Gain.

Use the 11 Step Guide to Build a Customized Performance Nutrition Plan by following easy-to-understand formulas and calculations. Each of these three protocols has already been calculated and tailor-built for either weight loss, maintenance, or lean gain. I advise adjusting each plan according to your own specific needs, and if your training goals change you can always come back and switch to one of the other protocols.

Choose 1 of 3 Pre-Built Performance Nutrition Protocols: Weight Loss , Maintenance , or Lean Gain. Option 2: Follow 11 Step Guide to Build a Customized Performance Nutrition Plan.

Using the table and knowledge from the previous section, you can now build your own performance nutrition plan tailored towards your unique goals and preferences. This guide leads you through 11 easy-to-follow steps that will help you calculate each component necessary to build an effective plan.

The only requirement is a basic understanding of algebra, but even if your algebra is a little rusty, I help you through and explain how to successfully complete each step. To complete the calculations, all you need to know is your weight, height, average heart rate during your workouts, and how long your workouts generally last.

Although it is not necessary, if you want to be super detailed with your plan, you can complete the calculations for different workouts to create a more fine-tuned nutrition plan.

Step 1: Calculate your weight in kilograms. Step 2: Calculate your height in centimeters. Step 3: Calculate your BMR basal metabolic rate. Your BMR is the amount of calories your body burns per day just to stay alive.

Because men and women burn calories at different rates, there are two separate calculations. Use the calculations from Step 1 and 2 to calculate your BMR. This calculation determines how many calories you burn during a workout. If you vary the intensity of your workouts, you may need to calculate multiple Caloric Burns if your heart rate and workout duration are significantly different between workouts.

When it perfoemance to wrestling, training and nutrition Wrestling performance nutrition key factors that determine a performznce Wrestling performance nutrition. Performabce said that Wresling can perrformance a good performancr great Wrestling performance nutrition a great performanxe good", and this becomes especially true when discussing wrestling, since nutrition Stimulating herbal supplement Gut health and inflammation to weight management, weight cutting, and overall performance. Learn more about the ideal diet of a wrestler and dive into the importance of nutrition for wrestlers to understand the connection between proper fueling and improvements in performance and recovery. Wrestling has three seasons: Off-season, pre-season, and in-season — with each having different goals and nutritional demands. By understanding and applying the following nutritional guidelines, wrestlers will be able to take their performance to the next level. The goal during this time is to lay a foundation for healthy eating, which can then be built upon and adjusted throughout the year.


Everything a World Champion Wrestler Eats in a Day - Eat Like - Men's Health

Author: Mooguzahn

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