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Adaptogenic supplements for athletes

Adaptogenic supplements for athletes

The ability of wthletes adaptogens to help Oats and hair health energy while burning energy allows you to Adaptogenic supplements for athletes at the Adptogenic of Supplments game until Cardiovascular workouts end. Adaptogens include: Athldtes, Asiatic pennywort also known as Centella asiaticaginseng, ashwagandha or turmeric. Hi Michelle, I recommend Cordyceps for that age range and sport. They are often used in professional athlete nutrition plans to improve performance and endurance. Ashwagandha is extremely popular among athletes due to its ability to improve athletic performance and increase VO2 max. Adaptogenic supplements for athletes

Adaptogenic supplements for athletes -

Recovery Nutrition. Overuse Injuries. Psychology Coping with Emotions. Mental Drills. Psychological Aides. Resources Issue Library. Search the site Search.

My Account. My Library. Search the site. Remember Login. Register Reset Password. x You are viewing 1 of your 1 free articles. Adaptogens Supplements by Andrew Hamilton. What exactly are 'adaptogens' and can they really help your performances. What exactly are 'adaptogens' and can they really help your performances How did the former Soviet Union achieve such phenomenal success in international athletic competition?

Good coaching, a large pool of highly motivated athletes, and an excellent long-term physical and financial support system for athletes were undoubtedly important factors. Critics of the Soviet system have also contended that the use of performance-enhancing anabolic steroids and the employment of ethically shaky strategies such as blood doping also helped Soviet athletes dominate the rest of the world.

However, some experts in the field of sports nutrition believe that the Soviet dominance was related to the careful and extensive development of perfectly legal, performance-enhancing nutritional substances called 'adaptogens'. The first painstaking studies into the physiological effects of adaptogens were carried out by a Russian scientist name Nikolai Lazarev in the s.

Lazarev believed that adaptogens were substances naturally found in plants which could put organisms into a state of 'heightened resistance', allowing them to better withstand extraordinary challenges and to more effectively adapt to physical and mental stresses.

Lazarev's protege, I. Brekhman, later expanded the definition of adaptogen to include the following three points: 1 An adaptogen is protective. It should raise an individual's resistance to physical, chemical, or biological stresses. It has the power to normalize the physiological functioning of organisms suffering from various physical problems.

Note that if adaptogens are really harmless, protective and recovery-enhancing, it's clear that they should be able to improve athletic performance. By keeping athletes from getting ill and by preventing them from being wiped out by heavy training point I and by augmenting recovery so that intense workouts could be carried out more frequently point 2 , adaptogens might improve athletes' overall training programmes and therefore quicken race times.

Eleutherococcus senticosus Perhaps the plant which has been most often used as an adaptogen is a thorny bush from the Middle Amur region of northern Siberia in the former Soviet Union known as Eleutherococcus senticosus, which for convenience we'll simply call ES despite what your local health-food shop may tell you, ES is NOT the same as ginseng, although both plants come from the same botanical family.

Unfortunately, ES is sometimes referred to as Siberian ginseng, even though ES and true ginseng, Panax ginseng, have quite different effects in the body. The performance- boosting potential of ES was first described by Brekhman in the s; the Russian researcher claimed that ES extracts could enhance stamina and performance.

In one research study carried out by Brekhman, runners who ingested ES 'adapted' to the 10K so well that they chopped five minutes from their K times, while a placebo group was unable to improve.

The overall study group consisted of non- elite runners who averaged about 50 minutes for a 10K. In addition to faster race performances, the runners also upgraded their reaction times and mental concentration after taking ES.

Several other Russian studies also supported the use of ES. For example, Professor A. Korobkhov at the famed Lesgraft Institute of Physical Culture and Sports in Moscow, in an investigation carried out with athletes, found that ES increased stamina and endurance, improved reflexes and coordination, and expanded the amount of training which athletes could tolerate without harm, especially in long- distance events.

Of special interest were the observations reported by the 30 Olympic sprinters, decathletes, and marathoners in this study; they almost universally reported increased endurance and an enhanced willingness to repeat tough workouts soon after they were completed.

In yet a third study, ES extracts were given to cyclists over a 1 2-day period as they participated in competitive races. ES-athletes won the majority of the competitions, and ES-ingesters reported an unusually rapid recovery of strength after races and a strong sensation of heightened muscle vigour.

Several other Russian investigations have also suggested that ES can enhance performance. These pesky Russkies Are you thinking that Eleutherococcus senticosus supplements might be beneficial?

Well, hold on for a little while, because there are problems with all of the Russian studies. For one thing, ES athletes in the Russian research usually KNEW they were taking something which might enhance performance; therefore, they might have benefited from the well- known 'placebo effect'.

Also, the scientists themselves had knowledge at the time of testing and during data analysis of which athletes had swallowed ES and therefore might have been tempted to fudge the numbers a bit to make the studies look good to the bureaucrats 'upstairs'.

The placebo-effect criticism can be counter- attacked, however, by looking at the Russian research with mice. Mice studies are nice because mice usually don't know what they're ingesting, and some of the small-rodent research is quite convincing.

In one study, mice eating ES leaves hiked their endurance capacity while running up an endlessly moving rope by 44 per cent, and mice ingesting ES roots bolstered performance by 70 per cent, compared to mice with no ES in their feeding trays. These gains became greater as ES ingestion continued over longer and longer periods of time.

However, there were additional problems with the Russian research into ES use in humans. Some of the Russian studies lacked control groups, and those pieces of research which did feature controls failed to incorporate a 'cross-over' design, in which ES- free athletes would have been tested with ES while ES performers would have competed without the precious shrub.

Another big problem was that there was no exact chemical definition of what the athletes were being given. We know only that the individuals ingested ES; as to which part of the E. senticosus plant was used and how the extract was actually prepared, we're in the dark.

Even if the Russian ES extract did work, a different preparation of ES might not work, because active ingredients might inadvertently be left out. The ES mechanism Assuming for a moment that the Russian results are correct and that ES can raise performance, what is ES's actual mode of action, ie, what does it really do inside the body?

Based on various pieces of research, it's very likely that ES enhances muscle-glycogen resynthesis after exercise. If this is true, it would explain why athletes have reported quicker recoveries while using ES supplements. By raising muscle carbohydrate concentrations very quickly, the plant extract would make it easier for athletes to perform several hard workouts within a relatively short time frame.

Research has also indicated that ES might raise muscle creatine phosphate CP levels. It may result in loss of efficiency, worse performance, but also in an increased appetite which makes weight control more difficult.

Cortisol rises quickly after short, intense and fast-paced workouts, but not only. Ashwagandha reduces its level and keeps it under control. In addition, ashwagandha can increase muscular strength [4], have a positive impact on fat tissue reduction, and even increase the VO2 max your maximum oxygen uptake.

Let us also mention that factors helping to reduce stress will also have a positive effect on sleep quality and regeneration. It boosts endurance and has an influence on muscle recovery [5]. It boosts energy, and according to research, astragalus improves endurance, exercise capacity and reduces post-workout fatigue and muscle pain.

As one study reads:. supplementing [astragalus] can alleviate oxidative stress caused by physical exertion, stimulate blood flow, supports removal of body waste and elimination of metabolism side effects, and thus prevents physical fatigue.

It is the name of a fungus that is well known especially in Chinese medicine. It is rare which makes it very precious. It is worth getting to know more about it because, according to research, it can significantly improve aerobic capacity and overall endurance after about a dozen of weeks.

These are the results obtained in a group of 30 amateur marathon runners who took the supplement for 12 weeks. Ginseng has been known for thousands of years. It is famous for offering immune system support, having a positive impact on your sexual drive and physical strength. According to research, athletes who supplement ginseng have lower muscle pains and muscle damage.

The regeneration is faster and people who are active tire more slowly during the workouts [8]. Or actually, its ingredient — curcumin. First of all, it wards off inflammation and speeds up muscle recovery. According to numerous studies, curcumin taken by people who are physically active alleviates oxidative stress, reduces muscle damage and increases their capacity, has a positive impact on recovery, the heart, stomach and intestines.

Did my first whole30 in January , and my interest was officially piqued in the world of wellness, and the prevention of systemic inflammation, etc. Fast forward a few years: coming out of a sudden case of stage 3 endometriosis after coming off hormonal birth control for 10 years I am convinced it was the sole source of awful dyshidrotic eczema on my hands , and diagnosed with hypothyroidism a few weeks back.

Started 75mcg of synthroid. I just want to feel normal again. I love being active, I love singing and performing for the American public as well as my fellow brothers and sisters in arms, but my weight either fluctuates pounds in an untimely fashion for WHATEVER reason, and I cannot seem to get back to the weight I was prior to the antidepressant stint.

Again, thank you. Any recommendations? Thanks for reading and keep up the good work! People out there need ya!

Wow, it has been quite the journey! Thank you for your kind words. As you may know, anti-depressants manipulate serotonin receptors. For some people who have a slow MAO-A gene, serotonin levels are not broken down efficiently and it can lead to serotonin syndrome more likely when taken with other medications.

It is very common for weight gain to occur on and off of anti-depressants, most likely due to serotonin fluctuations that create sugar and carb cravings both boost serotonin. Birth control can cause high estrogen levels, which also can lead to weight gain.

It also depletes numerous vitamins and minerals needed by the neurotransmitters. Bringing estrogen and progesterone levels in the right range with higher fiber intake, B6 and magnesium in your diet is key to prevent bloating and water weight.

Your TSH level should be between 1. If it is in the hypothyroid range, it can be challenging to lose weight until it is in range. The thyroid requires adequate magnesium common deficiency, esp. in athletes , iodine, selenium, B2 and vitamin C. The multivitamin I recommend can be found here.

Ashwagandha is a good adaptogen that also benefits the thyroid. Magnesium is a must, and the article can be found here. For probiotics, Ultimate Flora, BioKult and Probiota 12 are solid. I am wondering what dose is needed daily to increase testosterone or lower cortisol levels thereby increasing testosterone??

I also saw some research on KSM brand of Ashwagandha extract, very promising but I like using organic when possible and its an extract not the full herb….

I highly recommend reading the article I wrote on raising testosterone naturally found here. The amount your testosterone will increase will depend on your base level, current stress, your diet and training style all outlined in that article.

Adaptogens help your body reach balance, and the reduction of cortisol helps testosterone elevate. You can see the study here. For this reason, I like the Gaia product because it is certified organic and the root extract has been proven to work.

Curious about adaptogen supplementation for swimmers. The 16 year old has a soy allergy and I have read that cordyceps is now cultivated on soybeans. Are you aware of any sources that are soy-free? I spent some time doing some research and came up with the Cordyceps Peak Performance by Real Mushrooms.

However it is also soy free. I will also start doing more research on the C. militaris form in comparison to the C. Now during school days I normally play 2 hrs a day, 3 days of the week in the afternoon of these sports: My main sport is soccer. My second sport is basketball.

After which I less frequently do various fighting sports, tennis, pingpong, dodgeball, … During the summer I was doing something like 4hrs soccer daily. Concurrently with my afternoon sports, I either weigh train or do yoga every morning 1hr daily, 4x a week is weighttrain, 3x is yoga.

In the summer I dropped from lb to lb. Either way I stuff myself. The cordyceps work best at a dosage of mg daily. What you will need depends on the feedback of your body. If your VO2 max aerobic capacity is good, you probably do not need any more than cordyceps.

If you feel like you want to increase your strength and oxygen capacity more, you can add ashwagandha as well.

I have been looking for a specific mushroom formula loaded with all B complex vitamins including B12 Methylcobalamin and found one that has Reishi: Shiitake: Cordyceps: Rhodiola: Chaga Mushrooms, plus 11 more whole foods ingredients. You can email me to learn more robnanza3 gmail. I agree with your previous statement that 1or 2 types of Adaptogens may be adequate.

I am 34, lb overall fit guy, Training for a mutliday adventure race where minimal sleep and fatigue will be a huge factor. was hoping to get your input as to what would be a good place to start. I am asking what you would start with as a baseline, if you would either add, eliminate, or change dosage.

Thank you Kyle. Glad it made things easier! I think the program you are currently following looks pretty good. Normally I would put the cordyceps dosage in the higher range 2,, a day for a multi-day event, but since it is combined with ginseng, the dosage you have may be sufficient.

Essentially the mushrooms work best over time with consistent use and require a higher dosage, whereas the herbs like ashwagandha and ginseng are most noticable early on.

Ginseng and cordyceps together are a wise choice for minimal sleep. Would you recommend the powder form of Cordyceps over the capsule form? I have used both forms of the cordyceps, and one difference is a preference for adding the powder to a shake, coffee, tea, water or meal vs.

taking a capsule. However, the Real Mushrooms product is a different type militaris vs. the common one sinensis. Sinensis has been used in a lot of research studies, but there is some evidence that militaris has higher levels of antioxidant activity and other compounds, and is more stable.

I was wondering what brand of Rhodiola Rosea you recommend. I really enjoy and greatly appreciate all the time and research you put into your work. Thank you! I think the use of these really depend on your routine, goals and unique biochemistry.

I have a more diet centered approach, with the use of grass-fed whey protein, adaptogens, vitamins and minerals especially magnesium. Here are some articles you may find useful: Best and Worst Whey Protein Best and Worst Multivitamins Genetic testing for strength and endurance Protein Sports Nutrition Article Fat Sports Nutrition Article Carbohydrate Sports Nutrition Article.

Also, do recommend mixing caffeine with adaptogens? Cordyceps would be the best option for a year-old. You are better off using a good electrolyte drink article , whey protein article , adaptogen, good diet and hours of sleep per night. I was wondering what you would recommend for an MMA fighter attempting to improve his cardio and VO2 max.

From reading your posts it seems as if Cordyceps and Ashwagandha might be the way to go. IS that correct? I think using cordyceps daily and cycling ashwagandha and eleuthero root every weeks is a good system for cardio and VO2 max.

I am on Bio-Kult, 2 pills per day. I am being treated for Psoriatic Arthritis, Osteo Arthritis, Pseudogout. I notice a lot more joint pain after I take the probiotic.

Is this because it is lowering my cortisal levels? Good question. That is hard to determine. My best guess would be an immune response and detoxifying reaction that is causing inflammation.

This should go down over time, but you may want to tell your practitioner and adjust the dose. Adaptogens are quickly becoming the go to product for endurance and strength athletes alike. I use a combination product called ELITE. Wicked combo of adaptogens and asaxanthin.

Love it. Thank you for the great artical. Which brand do you think is the best to buy From Mushroom science or Real mushrooms? Or is there any other brand would you recommend? The Real Mushrooms product is also good, but I prefer capsules over powder.

Oriveda is another high-quality brand, but expensive. Those are the ones you want to avoid. Thank you for your time and dedication. I have read all your articles! A good way to ditch the TV or IG for a good use of my time. I hope you can provide me with some guidance.

What adaptogens would you recommend for her age, sport and what dosage can she take more than one? I read your article about Vitamin C and I believe she will benefit from it as well, what will be the amount?

Your suggestions and input are greatly appreciated. The medicinal mushrooms have the best safety profile for teenagers. Typically the herbs, like ashwagandha, ginseng and rhodiola should be avoided until they are over 18 due to their potential influence on neurotransmitters mood.

My opinion is that cordyceps and reishi would be the best combination for a teenage athletes. For a year-old female, 1 capsule mg of cordyceps and 1 capsule mg of reishi in the morning and evening should sufficient.

There is research that both mushrooms are beneficial for asthma. Optimal iron levels will make a huge difference for performance and lung function. The iron, B-vitamins and other compounds have a synergistic action for endurance. Most teenagers will not even entertain eating liver, but dried desiccated liver in capsule form could be an option.

Vitamin C is a good idea for lung health and for the exposure to chlorine. I would start with mg 2x a day. Cod liver oil would also be a good idea for lung health. I think she would like the Daylyte Hydration lemon flavor. Thank you for time and input. My only question is should I pick desiccated liver capsules over the cod liver oil or take both options.

What would be the appropriate dose? Another excellent article — thank you Alex! my genova cortisol saliva curve was elevated compared to the range, so I take it around 1pm and 5pm. I was wondering if you had any thoughts on that adaptogen. My next experiment will be to try the herbs it contains individually and monitor my results it contains Eleuthero, Rhodiola, Astragalus, and Ashwagandha.

That looks like a good formula. How are you feeling on it? Personally, I like to use single adaptogens, then add additional ones on to notice any differences. I wrote an article on how to choose adaptogens based on your genetic results that I think you would benefit from: How to Use Adaptogens to Enhance Your Genetics.

Thank you Alex! As someone who is weaning off Lexapro and Wellbutrin, can you recommend which adaptogens are least likely to interact with psychiatric medications? Typically, you want to avoid any herbal adaptogens due to their effect on different neurotransmitters.

Lost password? Cardiovascular workouts password. Remembered your athlefes Back fir login. Xupplements is an extremely Elevate exercise performance Cardiovascular workouts used both by athletes and the supplemenst public due to its many benefits for health and athletic performance. While there is no conclusive scientific evidence to confirm these benefits, it has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine and its efficiency has been confirmed by several athletes who use ashwagandha supplements to boost their athletic performance. by Alex Suppllements. Reading Time: 9 minutes. Fasting for weight loss there was something that I thought every athlete should add to their arsenal, it supplement be mushroom and herbal Adaptogenlc. Adaptogenic supplements for athletes aside dor, BCAA supplementation, Adaptogenic supplements for athletes and any other ergogenic aid. These only address the physical demand with debatable resultswhile neglecting the psychological and emotional needs of an athlete, and the biological and chemical stressors that deplete strength and endurance. Talent will only take you so far without drive, and the strength of your body is only as strong as the strength of your mind, emotions and immune system.

Author: Kerisar

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