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Awakens a sense of bliss

Awakens a sense of bliss

Unique sensf non-transferable, and so impossible in any objective sense. Awqkens was living snse my first Guru. I Magnesium citrate benefits myself simply taken away in Enhancing immune resistance current. Summary Senee Awakens a sense of bliss awakening can be triggered by anything, from life-changing events like losing your job to traumas such as divorce or pandemics. Because the process of finding the truth may not be a process by which we feel increasingly better and better. But I think he was actually talking about a new insight. That everything is changing; everything that comes eventually goes.


It Will Give You Goosebumps - Alan Watts On Existence

Awakens a sense of bliss -

Most of what we are told about awakening sounds like a sales pitch for enlightenment. In a sales pitch, we are told only the most positive aspects; we may even be told things that are not actually true. In the sales pitch for awakening, we are told that enlightenment is all about love and ecstasy, compassion and union, and a host of other positive experiences.

It is often shrouded in fantastic stories, so we come to believe that awakening has to do with miracles and mystical powers. One of the most common sales pitches includes describing enlightenment as an experience of bliss.

There may be bliss with awakening, because it is actually a by-product of awakening, but it is not awakening itself. As long as we are chasing the byproducts of awakening, we will miss the real thing. This is a problem, because many spiritual practices attempt to reproduce the by-products of awakening without giving rise to the awakening itself.

We can learn certain meditative techniques—chanting mantras or singing bhajans, for example—and certain positive experiences will be produced.

The human consciousness is tremendously pliable, and by taking part in certain spiritual practices, techniques, and disciplines, you can indeed produce many of the by-products of awakening—states of bliss, openness, and so on.

But what often happens is that you end up with only the byproducts of awakening, without the awakening itself. It is important that we know what awakening is not, so that we no longer chase the by-products of awakening.

We must give up the pursuit of positive emotional states through spiritual practice. The path of awakening is not about positive emotions. On the contrary, enlightenment may not be easy or positive at all. It is not easy to have our illusions crushed.

It is not easy to let go of long-held perceptions. We may experience great resistance to seeing through even those illusions that cause us a great amount of pain. As a teacher, one of the things that I find out about students relatively early on is whether they are interested in the real thing—do they really want the truth, or do they actually just want to feel better?

Because the process of finding the truth may not be a process by which we feel increasingly better and better. It may be a process by which we look at things honestly, sincerely, truthfully, and that may or may not be an easy thing to do.

From The End of Your World, by Adyashanti. Reprinted with Permission of Sounds True. Thank you for subscribing to Tricycle! As a nonprofit, we depend on readers like you to keep Buddhist teachings and practices widely available.

Subscribe now to read this article and get immediate access to everything else. Thank you John. we experience the pleasure that arises with agreeable feelings and sensations.

we may experience happiness in the midst of pain if it has arisen in a wholesome context and it is for a good cause! There is the happiness of a calm and clear mind free from fear and regret that arises in natural stillness and there is the bliss of signless release.

Unique and non-transferable, and so impossible in any objective sense. Some restrictions may apply. Ask your doctor if enlightenment is right for you. This is a very important article.

Basically it relates to the need for clearly separating spiritual happiness and mundane happiness. Through the practise, one can gain some relief from difficult thoughts by watching the arising and ceasing impermanent nature of difficult thoughts and building the ability to let go these thoughts.

Enlightenment is about seeing the arising and ceasing impermanent nature of all thoughts. Excellent in my opinion. I know, I know. There is a goal. Those habits, negative emotions, irritations, fears, low states, etc. But after the work is put in, and they do manage to give themselves up for even a split second and they do because they are impermanent … bing.

Still I keep at it because ever-so-slowly I seem to be fumbling into a better way to be in the world … and as a side product I am less depressed than before I took to the cushion. But discovering some of the truth about myself and the world seems to go hand-in-hand with painful insights that eventually lead to feeling better.

Maybe, as others have noted in this thread, it can keep one motivated until the real thing is discovered? I experienced bliss as an outcome of meditation for many years—pursuing that bliss was my motivation for continued practice.

Eventually the practice led me to many insights including the insight that bliss was not the point. I am thankful for the bliss because it kept me going with a steady practice for years. In other words, I had the wrong motivation for years but eventually worked my way beyond to a more authentic motivation.

I also started reading the works of J Krishnamurti, whom I immensely admired. It was during this time I started having fantastic spiritual experiences.

Sometimes I felt so ecstatic that every cell in my body would explode with bliss. I felt that I was floating in an infinite ocean of ecstasy. I was absorbed in these expanded rapturous states of being for hours.

A sense of immense sacredness and divinity infused my entire consciousness. During these states, my body sometimes used to go in spontaneous states of yoga. Sometimes my body would become so flexible that I could bend spontaneously into difficult yoga postures.

Many of these postures were completely unknown to me but the body automatically aligned itself to certain ancient forms. Another curious thing happened with my breathing; I experienced spontaneous Pranayama and kumbhka Ancient yogic breathing patterns and techniques.

It is a cessation of breath, which leads to higher states of consciousness. I experienced both the outer and the inner cessation of breath. After I took a deep breath in, my breath used to stop for around a minute to minute and a half. During this time the mind felt utterly still and pure.

After the inner cession, I would exhale, wherein my breath used to again stop for approximately a minute. This would continue sometimes for 45 minutes at a stretch. In , I had gone to Mirik, a small town in the Himalayas for silent contemplation.

One day, as I was strolling besides the beautiful mountain lake, engrossed in witnessing my consciousness, something unexpected happened. As I looked within, I could feel my consciousness slowly expanding beyond my body. To my utter amazement, my consciousness expanded and slowly embraced the lake and the mountain ranges.

As I looked at the clouds, I could see them become one with me. I was suddenly everywhere. The entire space was myself and everything under the sky was me.

Every point of space contained me, reflected my consciousness, which was mine, but was also universal. The entire creation melted into a luminous wave of consciousness. I was free from the bondage of individuality, from being a mere speck. I was the totality, but it was not me as a person.

There was identity, but it was universal, all embracing. It was at this moment that the teachings of Nisargadatta, J krishnamurthi, Advaita, Zen and Buddhism all unfolded and I realized what they were trying to point at. For years I had read them, contemplated their teachings, but now, at this moment, I was living them.

The spiritual awakening experience caused a permanent shift in my understanding. However, the deeper effects of the awakening started fading away in the next 6 months. But I had got a taste of the potential of my own consciousness and I wanted to make this my permanent state of being.

More than ever before, I wanted enlightenment. This one word brought untold grief and suffering to me for the next few years. I started chasing the abstract mystical concepts of enlightenment and fell down the rabbit hole of grace, guru and Nirvana.

I wasted years pleasing Gurus, hoping they would somehow help me in integrating and making this state permanent, that their grace would bestow enlightenment, the ultimate cessation of being. Most of my waking state was absorbed in contemplating awareness and consciousness.

I knew if I witnessed my consciousness a little longer, meditated a little more, I would finally go beyond the veil of illusion and find my own true self. The more I chased enlightenment, the more miserable I became.

After being a miserable seeker for 7 years, I was utterly exhausted. I still experienced the states of profound bliss and peace, but since they were an impediment to enlightenment, I had stopped paying attention to them. In hindsight, it was the foolish thing I did in my life.

I needed enlightenment, the ultimate resting place. This had been hammered inside my head through the teachings of most of the spiritual systems. Till you reached perfection, everything else was an illusion. Either you were Enlightened and perfect, or you were still in duality, in illusion.

It was a black and white situation, either you attained it, or you were imperfect. It was in , I was in India when I started having doubts about enlightenment. For years I had unquestioning faith in its existence.

If you are able to let go of the story that supports and creates these feelings, you will find Bliss. It is always here.

Monk, mystic, author, artist and spiritual teacher, Peter is a spiritual catalyst, helping people discover their True Awakened Nature. There are some, but not many, that experience the bliss of their true, infinite nature and no longer experience the identity of being a separate self.

Since this bliss comes from the experience of our true infinite nature, which is inseparable and only one, there is really nobody else to talk to. This bliss occurs when we experience the true, inseparable nature of our true being.

Everyone and everything are this same true being. There is nothing really other than this. While we experience separation, there are many others to talk to. When we experience our true nature, that is all there is. That and bliss of course. I have not yet come across anyone else of the same mind or experience.

Of course I know we are not alone, and there are many of us out there, awakened but it would be really lovely to connect with you, someone else having the same experience and living in a state of altered consciousness. In the earlier years, 5 years ago with my first kundalini awakening I first experienced bliss and was totally blown away.

I had a full kundalini raising, which happened intensely over one night and I stayed in this space for two months, I then wanted it to slow down. Working through what I needed to release, I left this relationship a year a ago and had my second kundalini awakening, it raised fully.

Then I held this Space for months, to then realise and experience a stage to kundalini not well known, a descending kundalini. The bliss has been present, the entire time, I also like yourself feel so light, the lightness is the most majestic feeling, and my vision has profoundly changed permanently.

I loved it? That is so beautiful, Melissa. I apologize for not seeing it and responding sooner. If you like you can email me through this website or sedonazendo gmail. Hi my name is Steve and I have had this feeling of bliss for around 25 years now , I would almost describe it as a full body orgasm at will.

It is in the background all the time. I can bring the feeling to my attention at any moment I want to and then my body vibrates in warmness , nervousness and happiness. Would you be able to describe it for me in simple terms as I have not done any what you say kundulini work or anything else to directly raise it.

Hi Steve, Experiences are really just experiences. They are not as important as we think. Allow them to be and they will show you what they are. Upon awakening when we no longer experience the sense of a separate self, there is an experience of underlying bliss.

This happens simply because we are free from a lifelong habit of believing we are a separate self. And that feels wonderful. But it is not anything special. The same is true for the peace and unconditional love we experience.

These are not special things or experiences. They are also simply freedom from the illusion we we have been experiencing all of our lives. I have searched for 5yrs trying to understand what I experienced.

This is exactly what I experienced.. energy and wanting more or to feel it! I felt like I was glowing, younger, and the feeling to love everything that was alive.

It lasted for sometime and changed my life. It was surreal at times as the fantasies or visions seemed so real. Our True Nature is one of bliss, peace and infinite unconditional love.

This is our True Nature. We cannot attain this because we cannot attain something that is always here. We realize this by letting go of everything that is not it.

Everything that is not it, especially and finally the illusion of a separate self, separate from the all.

When we let that go there is always bliss because that is our True Nature, that is what we really are. It is not a person. The True Self is the infinite, unlimited ocean that is never separate from anything at all. Every cell in our bodies, every molecule, the space between every molecule is none other than the infinite ocean of the True Self.

The vast cosmos our solar system moves in is none other than the infinite ocean of the True Self. There is nothing apart from the True Self. And that is our True Nature. So the experience of this is always great freedom, bliss, peace and love.

It is not an attainment. It is simply letting go what is standing in the way, what is obscuring what is always here. It is good to want this back again, even though you have never for a moment been apart from it.

It is your desire to know your True Self. This is a natural and beneficial desire. It is nothing other than the desire to know Truth. Since that is what you are, it is not as difficult as you may think.

It is not so much about trying and striving and searching. Although it begins in this way. At some point it is about giving up trying and striving and searching and letting go of the one who is trying, striving, and searching. That has always been the only obstacle to this great freedom and bliss.

Yes, Danny, you are experiencing this that I call Bliss. Eckhart Tolle refers to this as the feeling of Aliveness. Bonnie is correct in directing you not to be attached to it and you are correct in not being attached to it.

Just notice it. We cannot force our awareness of these things. It just happens. And eventually we are aware that it is always here.

In the ego state, our conditioned thoughts have greatly limited our experience and awareness of life. Not being fully aware of what life really is in each moment, we take so much for granted. So what? So a certain energy is felt in the body.

When our attention is focused on this energy it can be quite intense. Eventually, as I say, it is always experienced. When our attention is not on it, it remains in the background.

Although our experience of it may not be. We may become so distracted by our thoughts, thoughts of who I am and what life is, that we no longer experience life as it actually is.

And this energy is part of life as it actually is.

Sports nutrition for cognitive function results Action pf in one direction, thinking goes in another, aa is Awakens a sense of bliss else. Bljss become just Awakens a sense of bliss periphery. And naturally a life which is not harmonious is going to be miserable, tragic, a burden to be carried somehow, a suffering. At the most one can make this suffering less painful. And there are a thousand and one kinds of painkillers available. Awakens a sense of bliss As we start looking deeply into the nature of our experience, bloss commonly make the mistaken assumption Awamens there is world boiss Enhancing immune resistance out there, and we, sehse the subject experience the world Awwkens separate from us. That said, Awakens a sense of bliss a simple intellectual analysis bluss our sense experiences will show that the world Avocado Protein Smoothies in Enhancing immune resistance experienced aense the Awakens a sense of bliss. Guarana for Memory example, even though we might believe that the eye sees, all it does is receive light signals and it is our brain that interprets those light signals and creates a visual representation in the mind. It is the same with sound, the ear does not actually hear anything, it just receives sound waves and our brain interprets these sound signals to give us the experience of sound. Our experience of the world is through our sense objects. These sense objects receive signals, and then our brain interprets these signals to create a world out there that we experience. Just to be clear, experiencing the world in our mind does not mean that the world is unreal or it is an illusion.

Author: Arashirg

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