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Fat oxidation research

Fat oxidation research

Menstrual health and nutrition output Fat oxidation research obtained via a second-order polynomial function Frandsen et al. High-intensity intermittent exercise Fat oxidation research fat oxidation rate and reduces postprandial oxiidation concentrations. Ixidation S, Nielsen J, Hansen CN et al Biomarkers of mitochondrial content in skeletal muscle of healthy young human subjects. Higher abdominal fat depot is associated with impaired submaximal and maximal fat oxidation and metabolic inflexibility during exercise in women with normal weight. The determination of discordance was thoroughly explained by Rottensteiner et al.

Fat oxidation research -

Gaps in understanding exist in the relationships between fat oxidation during incremental fasted exercise and skeletal muscle parameters, endurance performance, and fat oxidation during prolonged fed-state exercise.

Seventeen endurance-trained males underwent a i fasted, incremental cycling test to assess peak whole-body fat oxidation PFO , ii resting vastus lateralis microbiopsy, and iii min maximal-effort cycling time-trial preceded by 2-h of fed-state moderate-intensity cycling to assess endurance performance and fed-state metabolism on separate occasions within one week.

PFO 0. Addition of PFO to a traditional model of endurance peak oxygen uptake, power at 4 mmol. These associations suggest non-invasive measures of whole-body fat oxidation during exercise may be useful in the physiological profiling of endurance athletes.

Ed Maunder, Jeffrey A. Rothschild, … Andrew E. Troy Purdom, Len Kravitz, … Christine Mermier. Non-invasive estimates of whole-body peak fat oxidation rate PFO during incremental exercise can be obtained as part of physiological profiling assessments in endurance sport Maunder et al.

However, the utility of PFO estimates for gaining insight into skeletal muscle characteristics, fuel utilisation responses during training and competition, and performance in long-duration events in which glycogen stores may become limiting are not well-established.

Associations have been observed between PFO and various skeletal muscle characteristics, including type I fibre percentage and capillary density, mitochondrial protein content and enzyme activities, and enzymes involved in β -oxidation and intramuscular triacylglycerol hydrolysis Nordby et al.

Abundance of fatty acid transport proteins membrane-associated fatty acid-binding protein FABPpm and carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1B CPT1B have been associated with PFO Chrzanowski-Smith et al.

However, the relationship between PFO and abundance of fatty acid transport protein cluster of differentiation 36 CD36 has not been assessed. Abundance of CD36 may be an influential determinant of PFO given whole-muscle and mitochondrial CD36 abundance increased in response to exercise training concomitant with increased whole-body fat oxidation during exercise Talanian et al.

Therefore, assessing the association between PFO and CD36 abundance has implications for further understanding the metabolic regulation of PFO.

Relationships between fat oxidation and endurance performance have been proposed, but not well established in original research Maunder et al. One laboratory-based study in which dietary macronutrient composition was manipulated indicated a possible influence of PFO on km cycling time-trial performance, though this was not statistically significant Rowlands and Hopkins Weak associations between PFO during fasted incremental cycling and endurance performance in field-based, multi-sport events have been observed, although between-subject pre- or during-competition controls were not employed Frandsen et al.

As fat oxidation is influenced by feeding status Coyle et al. Indeed, relationships between PFO and fat oxidation during prolonged, fed-state exercise are poorly understood. Investigating these associations may provide insight into the utility of PFO as a routine measurement in endurance sport.

Therefore, the aim of the present investigation was to assess relationships between PFO measured during fasted incremental cycling, skeletal muscle CD36 abundance, endurance performance, and fat oxidation rates during prolonged moderate-intensity fed-state exercise.

A second aim was to determine if inclusion of PFO improves models of endurance performance. This study was performed in accordance with the standards of the Declaration of Helsinki, , and the data presented here were collected as part of a larger study. This study was not registered in a database.

Data associated with this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. The present study includes pre-intervention data from a prior study of the effects of heat training on endurance performance Maunder et al.

Due to the onset of a nationwide COVID lock-down, some data from some participants were missed. The actual sample size is indicated in the relevant section. Using observed correlations, sample sizes, and an alpha-level of 0.

This study was conducted during a maintenance phase of training in all participants. A cross-sectional design was used in the present investigation.

The order of visits was not randomised as the incremental test data were used to define the power output during the pre-load phase prior to the time-trial in the endurance performance assessment.

Height and body mass were recorded. Cycling then commenced at 95 W, with the power output increasing by 35 W every 3 min Excalibur Sport, Lode, Groningen, NET.

Expired gases were collected throughout TrueOne, ParvoMedics, Sandy, UT, US , and the last minute at each power output was used to estimate whole-body carbohydrate CHO and fat oxidation rates, and energy expenditure, using standard non-protein stoichiometric equations Jeukendrup and Wallis The PFO was identified as the highest observed rate of whole-body fat oxidation during the incremental cycling test Achten et al.

power output models obtained via a second-order polynomial function Frandsen et al. Gross efficiency was calculated as the percentage of whole-body energy expenditure converted into mechanical work at W Moseley and Jeukendrup A capillary blood sample was obtained from a finger at the end of each 3-min stage and analysed for blood lactate concentration Lactate Pro 2, Arkray, Tokyo, Japan.

Power output at 4 mmol. Following the incremental cycling test, participants performed a self-paced min time-trial TT to act as familiarisation prior to the endurance performance assessment. pasta, rice, noodles, rolled oats to provide 1 g.

A muscle microbiopsy was then obtained from the vastus lateralis using the microbiopsy technique Hayot et al. Sum of eight skinfold thickness was then determined by an International Society of Kinathropometry accredited anthropometrist triceps brachii, biceps brachii, subscapular, iliac crest, supraspinale, abdominal, anterior thigh, posterior shank.

Convective airflow was provided by an industrial fan FS, FWL, Auckland, NZ. Participants consumed 60 g. Expired gases were collected for 4 min every 15 min using a metabolic cart TrueOne, ParvoMedics, Sandy, UT, US , with the last 3 min of each sample used to estimate whole-body CHO and fat oxidation rates using standard non-protein stoichiometric equations Jeukendrup and Wallis The mean of these values was used to represent prolonged fed-state fat oxidation during the pre-load phase prior to the TT.

Upon completion of the 2-h constant-load phase, a min maximal-effort TT was performed IndoorTrainer, SRM, Jülich, Germany. During the TT participants were blinded to power and HR, but informed of the time remaining every 10 min and with 5- and 1-min remaining.

Frozen muscle samples were rinsed and suspended to 25 mg. Homogenate was solubilised with extraction buffer ab, Abcam ® to 5 mg. A Bradford assay for sample protein concentration was subsequently performed in duplicate intra-assay within-standard deviation coefficient of variation [CV], 3.

Briefly, a Coomassie blue G reagent was added to protein standards and samples, and optical density was measured on a spectrophotometer at nm ab, Abcam ®. Citrate synthase CS activity was determined via a kinetic immunocapture assay ab, Abcam ®.

Abundance of CD36 was determined via an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ab, Abcam ®. Achieved intra-assay CVs were 5. The PFO and fat oxidation during prolonged moderate-intensity exercise was compared using a paired t test. Relationships between PFO, fat oxidation during prolonged moderate-intensity exercise, vastus lateralis CS activity, and min TT performance expressed in absolute [W] and relative [W.

The dependent variable was min TT performance W , while traditional performance profiling metrics and observed PFO g. These variables were selected in line with previously established models of endurance performance Joyner and Coyle ; McLaughlin et al.

The stepwise model selection process involved forward inclusion and backward elimination to identify the most predictive and parsimonious model, using the Akaike information criterion AIC. We then compared the optimal model resulting from the stepwise procedure which contained PFO as a predictor , with a model only containing traditional profiling metrics i.

As these two models were not nested, this was done with an encompassing test i. Analyses were performed in R version 4.

The PFO during fasted, incremental cycling was 0. Selected responses at observed PFO are shown in Table 1. Vastus lateralis CD36 abundance was Vastus lateralis CS activity was Linear relationships between outcome measures are reported in Table 2.

As relationships between PFO estimated according to observed and modelled values and other outcome measures were similar, observed PFO values are referred to herein.

Relationships between observed PFO and outcome measures are shown graphically in Fig. Bars indicate group mean and lines indicate individual responses. The traditional model V̇O 2 peak, power at 4 mmol. The overall model containing all four independent variables explained The aim of the present investigation was to assess relationships between PFO measured during fasted incremental cycling, skeletal muscle CD36 abundance, endurance performance, and fat oxidation during prolonged moderate-intensity exercise in the fed-state in endurance-trained males.

Previous research has observed relationships between PFO and CS activity and other mitochondrial markers, such as mitochondrial volume density and OXPHOS subunit protein content Nordby et al. The positive association between PFO and vastus lateralis CD36 abundance in the present investigation is to our knowledge a novel observation Table 2 , and adds to recent research reporting associations between PFO and abundance of FABPpm and CPT1B Chrzanowski-Smith et al.

It is likely the relationship between PFO and whole-muscle CD36 abundance is explained by capacity for CD36 translocation, given CD36 translocates to the sarcolemmal Bradley et al. The high rate of CHO feeding during the prolonged moderate-intensity exercise likely suppressed plasma non-esterified fatty acid NEFA rate of appearance and circulating concentrations Wallis et al.

Our observation that PFO was associated with min TT performance preceded by 2 h of moderate-intensity cycling may support its measurement during routine physiological profiling assessments Maunder et al.

Addition of PFO to a model of min TT performance containing V̇O 2 peak, power at 4 mmol. The contribution of PFO to these performance models is further substantiated by the standardised coefficients Table 3. We should, however, acknowledge that the variation in body mass within our sample 68—98 kg , and therefore contribution made by resting metabolic rate to energy expenditure, may have influenced the apparent lack of contribution made by GE to model fit.

Previously, significant associations between finishing time in an Ironman triathlon and PFO during an incremental test have been observed Frandsen et al. These disparities could be related to the field-based, multi-sport, longer duration Ironman triathlons and lack between-subject pre- and during-competition controls used in previous work Frandsen et al.

Mechanistically, utilising fatty acids to support energy metabolism during prior moderate-intensity cycling may have facilitated subsequent min TT performance via effects on glycogen availability at onset of the TT. Muscle glycogen is progressively depleted during prolonged exercise Bergström et al.

Therefore, preserving muscle glycogen during the initial 2-h of moderate-intensity cycling via fatty acid utilisation may have helped facilitate high rates of glycogenolysis, and therefore, work output, during the TT.

This explanation remains plausible despite the absence of a relationship between vastus lateralis CD36 abundance and prolonged fed-state fat oxidation, as fat oxidation in this metabolic milieu may have been driven by other steps in the fatty acid metabolism pathway that are also associated with PFO during fasted, incremental exercise, such as enzymes involved in β -oxidation and intramuscular triacylglycerol hydrolysis, or type I fibre percentage Nordby et al.

However, it should also be acknowledged that CHO ingestion across the two meals prior to the TT was relatively low 2. If CHO ingestion during this period was greater, the presumably greater pre-trial glycogen storage may have reduced the relevance of fat oxidation during the prolonged exercise prior to the TT.

Future research could investigate the implications of fat oxidation during prolonged exercise for subsequent performance in a similar model with more aggressive pre-trial CHO feeding.

It is possible the relationship between PFO and pre-loaded min TT performance was not causal, and that greater mitochondrial protein content supports both independently.

Indeed, vastus lateralis CS activity was positively correlated with PFO and pre-loaded min TT performance Table 2. Indeed, these observations provide data with which applied practitioners can make decisions regarding the relevance of estimating PFO in their specific context.

Routine physiological profiling assessments are commonly conducted after an overnight fast for ease of repetition in follow-up Maunder et al. Given that whole-body fat oxidation rates are greater during exercise in the fasted compared to fed state Coyle et al.

However, the present data suggest PFO measured during fasted incremental cycling can distinguish athletes likely to exhibit higher or lower whole-body fat oxidation rates during prolonged fed-state exercise with CHO feeding Table 2.

These data, therefore, support inclusion of PFO estimates in routine physiological profiling assessments with endurance athletes interested in substrate oxidation responses during subsequent training and competition.

It should be acknowledged here that serial measurement of PFO during routine physiological profiling requires careful control of protocol design and acute diet and exercise status Amaro-Gahete et al.

In summary, PFO measured during fasted, incremental cycling had moderate-to-strong associations with vastus lateralis CD36 abundance, CS activity, pre-loaded min TT performance, and whole-body fat oxidation rates during prolonged fed-state cycling with CHO feeding in endurance-trained males.

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Christian Weyer, Richard E. Pratley, Oxjdation D. Salbe, Clifton Fat oxidation research, Eric Ravussin, P. Water retention remedies low rates of researh expenditure and fat ersearch predict body weight gain. Weight gain, in turn, is associated with increases in energy expenditure and fat oxidation that may oppose further weight change. In response to experimental weight gain induced by overfeeding, increases in energy expenditure and fat oxidation are overcompensatory, i. Interventions aimed at increasing fat metabolism could potentially reduce the Faf of metabolic diseases such as Fat oxidation research and reeearch 2 reseadch and Rseearch have tremendous Speed boosting methods relevance. Hence, an understanding Fat oxidation research the factors that increase or decrease fat oxidation is important. Exercise intensity and duration are important determinants of fat oxidation. Fat oxidation rates increase from low to moderate intensities and then decrease when the intensity becomes high. The mode of exercise can also affect fat oxidation, with fat oxidation being higher during running than cycling. Endurance training induces a multitude of adaptations that result in increased fat oxidation. Fat oxidation research


Regulation and limitations to fat oxidation during exercise, Francis Stephens

Author: Meztill

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