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Energy balance and body fat percentage

Energy balance and body fat percentage

Issue Section:. J Am Diet Assoc. Fag CAS Google Scholar Keys Eergy, Brozek J, Henschel A, Mickelsen O, Taylor HL. Human energy metabolism: what have we learned from the doubly labeled water method?


Energy balance explained - in one minute

Ans DelkGeorgia State Enerhy Follow. The Enfrgy Between Real Time Perceentage Balance, Hunger, nad Body Composition. Introduction: Previous research has indicated that hunger is associated with the quantity, volume, percentaage macronutrient composition of food Digestive system support. Hunger has never been assessed from peercentage viewpoint of snd time energy balance, although bldy is Enerrgy research on hunger and Fat burner recipes frequency.

Purpose: The Energy balance and body fat percentage Energu this study was to evaluate the relationships between Energy balance and body fat percentage balwnce energy fa, hunger, Amazon Smart Home Devices body composition in college students Mediterranean diet lunch the ballance of Enfrgy Methods: Participants were assessed for body composition using Energy balance and body fat percentage Tanita scale and Diabetes prevention tips balance was determined on an hourly basis using NutriTiming® software.

A hunger scale was used to assess participant hunger every hour. Conversely, hours spent in a catabolic state Conclusions: These data suggest that that the more time spent in energy deficit is associated with a higher body fat percent. This should encourage college students between the age of to avoid restrictive eating patterns and strive to maintain optimal energy balance in order to achieve a low body fat percent.

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Nutrition Theses. Author Ashley DelkGeorgia State University Follow. Date of Award Summer Degree Name Master of Science MS. First Advisor Dr. Dan Benardot. Second Advisor Dr. Anita M. Third Advisor Dr. Walter R. Georgia State University Introduction: Previous research has indicated that hunger is associated with the quantity, volume, and macronutrient composition of food intake.

Recommended Citation Delk, Ashley, "The Relationships Between Real Time Energy Balance, Hunger, and Body Composition. DOWNLOADS Since July 11, Enter search terms:. in this series in this repository across all repositories.

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: Energy balance and body fat percentage

Daily physical activity as determined by age, body mass and energy balance Bosy, optimal performance requires maintenance Energj energy balance. Energy drinks for pre-workout KR Diet induced Energy balance and body fat percentage. Bslance A, Slater GJ, Stewart AD, Burke LM. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Garcia-Roves PM, Terrados N, Fernandez S, Patterson AM. Insight into the effects of age, body mass and energy balance on daily physical activity facilitates the design of intervention studies where body mass and energy balance are determinants of health and optimal performance.
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Additionally, a recent study showed that daily energy expenditure was similar for subjects with Western lifestyles and traditionally living Hazda hunter—gatherers in a savannah-woodland environment in Northern Tanzania Pontzer et al.

Therefore, it is unlikely that decreased expenditure has fuelled the obesity epidemic. Experimental studies on the effect of exercise on energy balance as reviewed below indicate that exercise hardly contributes to a diet-induced negative energy balance.

There is resistance to exercise-induced weight loss through compensatory behavioural adaptations like reduced non-training activity and increased energy intake Melanson et al.

Long-term studies on exercise training show that the less-than-predicted weight loss mainly results from a compensatory increase in energy intake Thomas et al.

Regular exercise in previously sedentary subjects does not result in a negative compensatory reduction in nonprescribed physical activity, regardless of the type of exercise Turner et al. Exercise-induced reductions of nonprescribed physical activity is restricted to subjects at a higher age Westerterp and Plasqui , where initial physical activity level is already low as well Fig.

Despite moderate exercise-induced weight loss, there are favourable exercise-induced changes in body composition, especially in fatter subjects.

In the study preparing subjects to run a half-marathon, subjects with the highest BMI dropped out Fig. In the completers, women lost on average 2 kg body fat and gained 2 kg fat-free mass. The 12 men completing the training lost on average 4 kg body fat and gained 3 kg fat-free mass, where the loss of body fat was positively correlated with the initial percentage body fat Westerterp et al.

Aerobic training seems to be the optimal exercise mode for reducing body fat and resistance training for increasing fat-free mass. Thus, resistance training might even result in an increase in body mass Willes et al.

Higher exercise doses do not necessarily imply a larger change in body mass or body composition. In overweight and obese subjects, a moderate dose of exercise induced a markedly greater negative energy balance than a higher dose Rosenkilde et al. Early reviews on the effect of exercise in combination with energy restriction on energy balance showed an exercise programme in addition to an energy-restricted diet does not result in additional weight loss.

Diet-only and diet-plus-exercise groups did not differ with respect to the amount of body mass lost or fat mass lost Ballor and Poehlman Exercise provides some conservation of fat-free mass during weight loss by dieting, probably by maintaining glycogen and water Garrow and Summerbell Diet adherence was a function of weight loss and adversely affected by severity of the negative energy balance.

Another study showed non-compliance to prescribed physical activity masking the effect of physical activity to further increase a diet-induced negative energy balance DeLany et al.

Additionally, weight loss induces metabolic adaptations including a decline in resting energy expenditure below the predicted values, based on the new body composition reached after weight loss Camps et al.

Adding resistance training to an energy-restricted diet did not alter resting energy expenditure differently from a diet-only group St-Onge et al. Even vigorous exercise did not prevent the weight loss-induced decline in resting energy expenditure despite relative preservation of fat-free mass Johannsen et al.

In the long term, both diet-only and diet-plus-exercise interventions are associated with weight regain. A meta-analysis of seven studies lasting 2 years or longer showed a weight loss averaging 1. It seems difficult to successfully lose weight after becoming overweight.

The body mass of adults is regulated at a constant level. One of the earliest longitudinal studies providing information on the constancy of body mass is the Framingham Study. A group of adults, 30—59 years of age and living in the town of Framingham at the start of the study in , underwent every 2 years a medical examination including measurement of body mass for at least 20 years unless prevented by illness or death.

Nearly no one retained a constant body mass, but most people gained or lost between 5 and 10 kg over any part of the year period in adult life James Knowing that an adult has a daily energy turnover of 8—12 MJ under normal living conditions Black et al.

In the last decades, the prevalence of being overweight and obesity has increased worldwide. Analysis of doubly labelled water measurements of daily energy expenditure as available over the last decades suggests that physical activity level did not decline over the time obesity rates went up Westerterp and Speakman The relation between daily energy expenditure and body mass suggests that increase in energy intake has driven the increase in body mass Swinburn et al.

A neutral or slightly positive energy balance results in the maintenance of fat-free mass during midlife. As stated in the section on body mass and physical activity, physical activity level is highest when adult body mass and muscle mass are reached.

The decline in physical activity level after age 50 does not seem to cause the age-related decline in fat-free mass loss and fat mass gain, whereas at the same body mass one gets relatively fatter and less muscular.

Ageing is associated with the loss of fat-free mass, even in weight-stable subjects remaining physically active Hughes et al. There is no relation between age-adjusted physical activity level and fat-free mass Speakman and Westerterp , and physical activity does not seem to alter the trajectory of fat-free mass change in later life Manini et al.

Functional decline at later age seems to be inevitable. A physically active lifestyle has consequences for the maintenance of energy balance as reflected in the fat store of the body.

A physically active lifestyle inevitably results in a larger decrease of physical activity level at later age than a sedentary lifestyle. The change to a lower physical activity level does not induce an equivalent reduction in energy intake.

Varying physical activity level from 1. Thus, the reduction of physical activity level resulted in a positive energy balance, most of which was stored as fat. Adults observed at an age of 27 ± 5 years with a physical activity level of 1. There was a significant association between the change in physical activity level and the change in body fat, where a high initial activity level was predictive for a higher fat gain Westerterp and Plasqui Physical activity level is highest when adult body mass and muscle mass is reached.

The decline after age 50 might be associated with the age-related fat-free mass loss and fat mass gain, whereas at the same body mass one gets relatively fatter and less muscular. Fatter subjects generally move less because activity energy expenditure is not higher in proportion to the higher fat mass and thus the higher costs for weight-bearing activities.

A lower fat mass, and thus a relatively high fat-free mass, facilitates physical capacity with the advantage of a low body mass during weight-bearing activities. A positive energy balance does not seem to affect physical activity-induced energy expenditure, while a negative energy balance induces a reduction in body movement as well as in activity energy expenditure.

Energy balance is primarily a function of energy intake. Exercise programs generally do not result in weight loss because of a compensatory increase of intake. Eating less is the most effective method for preventing weight gain, despite the decrease in physical activity at a negative energy balance.

The low physical activity level in young children can be explained by growth. In young children, resting energy expenditure is relatively high while muscle mass and other body components are growing.

Young children sleep most of the day, and as they grow older they sleep less and spend more time on physical activities, resulting in higher physical activity level. Between age 15 and 20, adult body mass is reached and physical activity level reaches an adult value as well.

A low physical activity level value in young children does not necessarily imply a low body movement. A small body requires less energy to move around.

Normal growth is positively associated with physical activity level. Excess growth as body fat, resulting in overweight and obesity, is not associated with a change in physical activity level.

Overweight and obese subjects generally have similar activity energy expenditure while metabolic costs are higher. Fatter children are already less moderate to vigorous physically active compared to normal weight children Haerens et al. They perform less on exercise tests and participate less in sports activities.

Overweight and obesity negatively affect gait through lower speed, shorter strides and increased step width, resulting in higher cost of walking Peyrot et al. Obese adolescents showed an improvement of walking economy after weight loss Peyrot et al.

Overweight and obese subjects can do less at a similar activity energy expenditure, and loss of excess body fat is the indicated approach to improve activity behaviour. Body fat gain and body fat loss are a function of energy balance, where energy balance is primarily a function of energy intake Westerterp Eating less is the most effective method for preventing weight gain.

Fatness leads to inactivity, but inactivity does not lead to fatness Metcalf et al. There is little evidence that more physically active subjects gain less excess weight than more sedentary subjects Cook and Schoeller In conclusion, activity energy expenditure as a fraction of daily energy expenditure is similar for lean, overweight and obese subjects.

Fatter subjects generally move less, because daily energy expenditure and activity energy expenditure are a function of the fat-free mass and not higher in proportion to the higher cost for weight-bearing activities in subjects with a higher fat mass.

Maintenance of physical activity and physical performance requires maintenance of energy balance, where energy balance determines physical activity rather than physical activity affecting energy balance.

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Westerterp KR, Meijer GAL, Janssen EME, Saris WHM, Ten Hoor F Long term effect of physical activity on energy balance and body composition. Westerterp KR, Donkers J, Fredrix EWHM, Boekhoudt P Energy intake, physical activity and body weight; a simulation model. Wu T, Gao X, Chen M, Van Dam RM Long-term effectiveness of diet-plus-exercise interventions vs.

diet-only interventions for weight loss: a meta analysis. Download references. Department of Human Biology, Maastricht University Medical Centre, PO Box , MD, Maastricht, The Netherlands. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar.

Correspondence to Klaas R. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author s and the source are credited. Reprints and permissions.

Westerterp, K. Nutrition Theses. Author Ashley Delk , Georgia State University Follow. Date of Award Summer Degree Name Master of Science MS. First Advisor Dr.

Dan Benardot. Second Advisor Dr. Anita M. Third Advisor Dr. Walter R. Georgia State University Introduction: Previous research has indicated that hunger is associated with the quantity, volume, and macronutrient composition of food intake.

Recommended Citation Delk, Ashley, "The Relationships Between Real Time Energy Balance, Hunger, and Body Composition. DOWNLOADS Since July 11, Enter search terms:. in this series in this repository across all repositories.

Key Points

Effect of an wk weight-training program on energy expenditure and physical activity. J Appl Physiol ; 82 : — Valenti G, Bonomi AG, Westerterp KR. Multicomponent fitness training improves walking economy in older adults.

Med Sci Sports Exerc ; 48 : — Bouten CV, Van Marken Lichtenbelt WD, Westerterp KR. Body mass index and daily physical activity in anorexia nervosa.

Med Sci Sports Exerc ; 28 : — Seimon RV, Roekenes JA, Zibellini J, Zhu B, Gibson AA, Hills AP et al. Do intermittent diets provide physiological benefits over continuous diets for weight loss?

A systematic review of clinical trials. Mol Cell Endocrinol ; : — Pontzer H, Durazo-Arvizu R, Dugas LR, Plange-Rhule J, Bovet P, Forrester TE et al. Constrained total energy expenditure and metabolic adaptation to physical activity in adult humans.

Curr Biol ; 26 : — Westerterp KR, Speakman JR. Int J Obes ; 32 : — Bandini LG, Schoeller DA, Edwards J, Young VR, Oh SH, Dietz WH. Energy expenditure during carbohydrate overfeeding in obese and nonobese adolescents. Am J Physiol ; : E—E CAS PubMed Google Scholar.

Roberts SB, Young VR, Fuss P, Fiatarone MA, Richard B, Rasmussen H et al. Energy expenditure and subsequent nutrient intakes in overfed young men. Am J Physiol ; : R—R Diaz EO, Prentice AM, Goldberg GR, Murgatroyd PR, Coward WA.

Metabolic response to experimental overfeeding in lean and overweight healthy volunteers. Am J Clin Nutr ; 56 : — Pasquet P, Brigant L, Froment A, Koppert GA, Bard D, de Garine I et al. Massive overfeeding and energy balance in men: the Guru Walla model.

Joosen AMCP, Bakker AHF, Westerterp KR. Metabolic efficiency and energy expenditure during short-term overfeeding. Physiol Behav ; 85 : — Siervo M, Frühbeck G, Dixon A, Goldberg GR, Coward WA, Murgatroyd PR et al.

Efficiency of autoregulatory homeostatic responses to imposed caloric excess in lean men. Apolzan JW, Bray GA, Smith SR, De Jonge L, Rood J, Han H et al. Effect of weight gain induced by controlled overfeeding on physical activity. Westerterp KR, Meijer GA, Janssen EM, Saris WH, Ten Hoor F.

Long-term effect of physical activity on energy balance and body composition. Br J Nutr ; 68 : 21— Human Energy Requirements. Download references. Department of Human biology, Maastricht University Medical Centre, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Correspondence to K R Westerterp. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.

Reprints and permissions. Westerterp, K. Control of energy expenditure in humans. Eur J Clin Nutr 71 , — Download citation. Received : 02 September Accepted : 10 October Published : 30 November Issue Date : March Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:.

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nature european journal of clinical nutrition review article. Download PDF. Subjects Weight management. Abstract Energy expenditure is determined by body size and body composition and by food intake and physical activity.

Introduction Energy expenditure in humans is determined by body size and body composition, environment and behavior. Body size, body composition and energy expenditure From birth, children grow in weight and height, reaching adult values around the age of 18 years.

Table 1 Classification of the PAI, total energy expenditure as a multiple of resting energy expenditure, in relation to lifestyle. Figure 1. Full size image. Figure 2. Changes in food intake and energy expenditure Food intake affects energy expenditure through effects on all three components of TEE.

Figure 3. Changes in physical activity and energy expenditure Exercise training is an effective strategy to increase TEE, especially by increasing AEE. Figure 5. Discussion The main determinants of energy expenditure are body size and body composition, food intake and physical activity.

References De Bruin NC, Degenhart HJ, Gàl S, Westerterp KR, Stijnen T, Visser HK. Article CAS Google Scholar Butte NF, Ekelund U, Westerterp KR.

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Article CAS Google Scholar Schoeller DA, Fjeld CR. Article CAS Google Scholar Kim JW, Seo DI, Swearingin B, So WY. Article Google Scholar Pataky Z, Armand S, Müller-Pinget S, Golay A, Allet L.

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Levels of β-estradiol were analyzed by radioimmunoassay. Anthropometric measurements, including body fat percentage, were taken randomly with respect to phase of the menstrual cycle. Energy balance was specified based on changes in body fat percentage from the beginning to the end of the observation period.

Women with very low and high body fat had significantly lower levels of E2 compared with women with low and average body fat. The association between fat percentage and E2 was even stronger in women with positive energy balance, who also showed significant differences between body fat groups in estradiol profiles across whole the menstrual cycle.

No such relationship was found in women with negative energy balance. In healthy women, we found a non-linear association between body fat and estradiol levels. Both very low and high body fat was associated with decreased estradiol levels.

A small reduction in the levels of estradiol during the follicular phase, even when not related to significant changes in the length of the menstrual cycle, is associated with decreased probability of conception Yoshimura and Wallach, Higher levels of follicular estradiol have been observed in cycles resulting in conception compared with cycles without conception in healthy subjects Lipson and Ellison, ; Baird et al.

In women undergoing in vitro fertilization, higher levels of estradiol after the time of embryo transfer Chen et al. Inter-individual variation in levels of ovarian steroid hormones Jasienska and Jasienski, can be attributed to several factors, including those related to energy availability and metabolism.

Although the influence of physical activity on ovarian hormone levels is relatively well recognized Elias and Wilson, ; Jasienska and Ellison, , ; Chen and Brzyski, ; Burrows and Bird, ; Warren and Perlroth, ; Jasienska, ; De Souza and Williams, ; Jasienska et al.

A regulatory role of nutritional status on reproductive ability was first hypothesized by Frisch , and the clearest evidence for a relationship between nutritional status and ovarian hormone levels comes from studies on women with anorexia nervosa Warren, ; van Binsbergen et al.

In these women, low body mass or low body mass index BMI is related to low levels of estradiol and inhibition of menstrual cycles. However, the results of studies on healthy, relatively well-nourished women are contradictory. Studies report no relationship Panter-Brick et al. Several authors have suggested that nutritional status does not regulate reproductive functioning independently from the effects of physical activity or energy balance Wade et al.

Accordingly, a relationship between nutritional status and estradiol may be a by-product of the association between energy balance and reproductive hormone levels.

To clarify the role of nutritional status as the factor affecting the levels of reproductive hormones in a menstrual cycle, we conducted a study investigating an association between estradiol levels measured over the course of a complete menstrual cycle and nutritional status indicated by body fat percentage in healthy, well-nourished, but not obese women from Southern Poland.

To account for the confounding effect of energy balance, separate analyses were conducted for a subsample of women for whom energy balance was estimated on the basis of changes in body fat during the course of the study. We hypothesize that nutritional status has an independent, regulatory effect on the levels of estradiol during the menstrual cycle and that the energy balance could influence this effect.

The participants in this study were women from urban and rural areas of Southern Poland. Women were recruited for the study by local media advertisement in the urban area, and through their parish in the rural area between June and June The research protocol was approved by the Bioethical Committee of Jagiellonian University.

A general questionnaire requesting information about place of birth, age, birthweight and birth length, age of menarche, education, marital status, reproductive history, use of hormonal medication and tobacco consumption was distributed to the study participants.

Physical activity was assessed on the basis of a pre-set daily log completed by women every day during their menstrual cycle. It requested data about hours of sleep, wake-up time and time spent during the day on physical activities in five categories.

A detailed description of the methods was published elsewhere Jasienska et al. Anthropometric measurements were taken from each woman twice, randomly with respect to phase of the menstrual cycle. Measurements of height, weight, body fat percentage, breast, underbreast, waist and hip circumferences were taken by a trained anthropologist.

Body fat percentage was measured by bioimpedance using a TANITA scale model TBF with measurement accuracy of 0. Body mass was measured using the same TANITA scale, with a measurement accuracy of 0. BMI was calculated as the ratio of height m to body mass kg squared.

Waist and hip circumference measurements were used to calculate waist-to-hip ratio WHR. Breast and underbreast circumference measurements were used to calculate breast-to-underbreast ratio BUR. Energy balance was determined based on changes in the percentage of body fat between the first and the second measurement.

Packages containing plastic vials and laboratory-tested chewing gum were distributed to women before the beginning of their menstrual cycle. During one complete menstrual cycle, every day in the morning after waking-up, women collected saliva samples in plastic tubes pretreated with sodium azide following published protocols Lipson and Ellison, Before statistical analysis, cycles were aligned on the basis of identification of the mid-cycle drop day Day 0 , which provides a reasonable estimate of the day of ovulation Lipson and Ellison, Out of women, complete data about β-estradiol indices were available for , and data about these women were used in hormonal analysis.

Women were divided into four groups based on the quartiles of the distribution of body fat percentage. The established designation of body fat quartiles was maintained in all analyses to allow comparisons between groups all women, positive energy balance women, negative energy balance women ; thus sample sizes varied in different analyses.

Differences among very low, low, average and high body fat groups in basic characteristics i. Separate comparisons of basic characteristics were also made for body fat quartiles of women with negative and positive energy balance. The same procedure was applied to test the significance of the differences in E2 indices among body fat quartiles.

Additionally, simple regression models were used to test the effect of body fat on E2 levels, with each E2 index as a dependent variable and body fat as the independent predictor. Separate analyses were conducted for women with positive and negative energy balance.

Repeated measures ANOVA was used to test the differences in E2 profiles among the body fat groups in positive energy balance women. Contrast analyses were used to test the statistical significance of differences among the four body fat groups.

General descriptive statistics for all women categorized with respect to their body fat are presented in Table I. Women characterized by very low, low, average and high body fat did not differ significantly with respect to age, birthweight and birth height, age of first menstruation, number of cigarettes smoked per day and physical activity.

Women with average body fat had significantly shorter self-reported length of menstrual cycle compared with women with very low body fat Mean and standard deviation in parentheses for four body fat groups compared by one-way ANOVA tests. Mean levels of β-estradiol in the four body fat groups are presented in Table II.

Compared with women characterized by average body fat, women with very low and high body fat percentage had significantly lower levels of estradiol during the follicular phase Similar differences were also observed in comparisons between women with low body fat and women with very low and high body fat.

To test the effect of energy balance on the relationship between body fat and estradiol, separate analyses were conducted for women characterized by positive or negative energy balance.

Women with negative energy balance had significantly longer usual cycle length However, they did not differ significantly in any of the anthropometric or life style parameters.

In contrast, significant differences in anthropometrics were observed within both negative and positive energy balance groups among groups of women characterized by very low, low, average and high body fat content. Additionally, in the positive energy balance group, women with very low and high body fat had significantly higher birthweight compared with women with low and average body fat 3.

Average values of E2 indices for the body fat quartiles of women with positive and negative energy balance are presented in Table III. ANOVA analyses of estradiol levels in these groups revealed significant differences in all estradiol indices between women differing with respect to body fat percentage in the positive energy balance group, but not in the negative, energy balance group.

Estradiol indices in body fat quartiles of women with positive and negative energy balance. Women with very low and high body fat had significantly lower levels of E2 over the whole menstrual cycle compared with women with average and low fat Fig.

E2 profiles in very low, low, average and high body fat groups of women with positive energy balance. The relationship between body fat and E2 levels was further confirmed by regression analyses in non-overweight women with positive energy balance, but not in those with negative energy balance Table IV.

In the range of 9. We found that nutritional status indicated by body fat percentage is an important factor associated with the levels of estradiol during the menstrual cycle. In particular, we found a non-linear U-shaped association between body fat percentage and levels of estradiol during the menstrual cycle.

We also demonstrated that energy balance confounded the association between estradiol levels and body fat in such a way that in women with positive energy balance, this association was even stronger than it was in the whole sample of women, whereas in women with negative energy balance, no relationship between body fat and estradiol levels was found.

Our findings correspond with the results of other studies concerned with levels of E2 in overweight and obese women. A decreased E2 surge was noted in studies by Grenman et al.

Several authors have demonstrated that, in women, increased adiposity and obesity are related to high androgenic activity Evans et al. This may explain the inversion in the pattern of association between body fat percentage and estradiol levels observed in our study. In accordance with our results, van der Steeg et al.

Gesink Law et al. Levels of estradiol during the menstrual cycle, and especially during its follicular phase, are related to follicular diameter, oocyte quality and endometrial morphology and thickness Ohno and Fujimoto, ; Cahill et al. Lower levels of E2 during the menstrual cycle and during ovulation frequently correlate with lower pregnancy rates, both in healthy, naturally conceiving women Lipson and Ellison, ; Lu et al.

Our results suggest that lower fecundity, conception and pregnancy rates in underweight, overweight and obese women can be mediated by an unfavorable estradiol environment.

Furthermore, the negative linear association between pregnancy rate and BMI in low BMI women found in van der Steeg et al. study can be easily explained by the linear association between body fat and estradiol levels found in non-overweight participants of our study.

Results of our study clarify and extend previous evidence on the association between nutritional status and levels of reproductive steroids. Several studies conducted on different groups of premenopausal women diabetic, obese, dieting, very lean and normal weight demonstrated contradictory results Howard et al.

This inconsistency partly results from methodological limitations, especially calculations of mean E2 levels based on no more than a few samples from each menstrual cycle.

Owing to substantial intra-cycle variation in E2 levels, such sampling is vastly insufficient and can lead to errors in estimating mean E2 levels for individual women Jasienska and Jasienski, In most of these studies, estradiol levels were analyzed from a single blood sample, whereas Williams et al.

In our study, the number of samples taken from a single subject considerably exceeded this requirement. Privacy Copyright.

Skip to main content. Home About FAQ My Account. Nutrition Theses. Author Ashley Delk , Georgia State University Follow. Date of Award Summer Degree Name Master of Science MS. First Advisor Dr. Dan Benardot. Second Advisor Dr.

Date of Award An energy balance analysis. Training distance and activity energy expenditure over a week interval in untrained subjects, training to run a half-marathon competition data from Westerterp et al. Navigation Find a journal Publish with us Track your research. Rokholm B , Silventoinen K , Ängquist L , Skytthe A , Kyvik KO , Sørensen TI Increased genetic variance of BMI with a higher prevalence of obesity. The five-level model: a new approach to organizing body-composition research. J Clin Invest : 13 —
Control of energy expenditure in humans | European Journal of Clinical Nutrition Shaw G, Koivisto A, Gerrard D, Energy balance and body fat percentage LM. Assessing physical activity using anr monitors: measures of percentwge activity. Relation of reward from balanec intake and anticipated food intake to obesity: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. In male endurance athletes, the absolute and relative fat mass was highest during the competition phase. Importance of standardized DXA protocol for assessing physique changes in athletes. Valenti G, Bonomi AG, Westerterp KR.
Energy balance and body fat percentage

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