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Breaking down nutrition myths

Breaking down nutrition myths

Breaiing, Breaking down nutrition myths body still needs good fats to run properly. Check out ChooseMyPlate for more tips to help you add whole grains to your eating plan. Subscribe Here!

Breaking down nutrition myths -

Fad diets may be unhealthy because they may not provide all of the nutrients your body needs. Also, losing weight at a very rapid rate more than 3 pounds a week after the first couple of weeks may increase your risk for developing gallstones clusters of solid material in the gallbladder that can be painful.

Diets that provide less than calories per day also could result in heart rhythm abnormalities, which can be fatal. By adopting healthy eating and physical activity habits, you may also lower your risk for developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

But getting most of your daily calories from high-protein foods like meat, eggs, and cheese is not a balanced eating plan. You may be eating too much fat and cholesterol, which may raise heart disease risk. You may be eating too few fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, which may lead to constipation due to lack of dietary fiber.

Eating fewer than grams of carbohydrate a day can lead to the buildup of ketones in your blood. Ketones are partially broken-down fats. A buildup of these in your blood called ketosis can cause your body to produce high levels of uric acid, which is a risk factor for gout a painful swelling of the joints and kidney stones.

Ketosis may be especially risky for pregnant women and people with diabetes or kidney disease. Be sure to discuss any changes in your diet with a health care professional, especially if you have health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, or type 2 diabetes.

But a reduced-calorie eating plan that includes recommended amounts of carbohydrate, protein, and fat will also allow you to lose weight. By following a balanced eating plan, you will not have to stop eating whole classes of foods, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables—and miss the key nutrients they contain.

You may also find it easier to stick with a diet or eating plan that includes a greater variety of foods. Fact: Many foods high in starch, like bread, rice, pasta, cereals, beans, fruits, and some vegetables like potatoes and yams are low in fat and calories.

They become high in fat and calories when eaten in large portion sizes or when covered with high-fat toppings like butter, sour cream, or mayonnaise. Foods high in starch also called complex carbohydrates are an important source of energy for your body.

Fact: No foods can burn fat. Some foods with caffeine may speed up your metabolism the way your body uses energy, or calories for a short time, but they do not cause weight loss.

Tip: The best way to lose weight is to cut back on the number of calories you eat and be more physically active. Fact: A weight-loss product that claims to be natural or herbal is not necessarily safe. These products are not usually scientifically tested to prove that they are safe or that they work.

For example, herbal products containing ephedra now banned by the U. Government have caused serious health problems and even death. Newer products that claim to be ephedra-free are not necessarily danger-free, because they may contain ingredients similar to ephedra.

Tip: Talk with your health care provider before using any weight-loss product. Some natural or herbal weight-loss products can be harmful.

Fact: To lose weight, you need to use more calories than you eat. It is possible to eat any kind of food you want and lose weight. Portion control is the key. Try eating smaller amounts of food and choosing foods that are low in calories.

Tip: When trying to lose weight, you can still eat your favorite foods—as long as you pay attention to the total number of calories that you eat. Fact: A low-fat or fat-free food is often lower in calories than the same size portion of the full-fat product.

But many processed low-fat or fat-free foods have just as many calories as the full-fat versions of the same foods or even more calories. They may contain added sugar, flour, or starch thickeners to improve flavor and texture after fat is removed.

These ingredients add calories. Myth: Fast foods are always an unhealthy choice and you should not eat them when dieting. Fact: Fast foods can be part of a healthy weight-loss program with a little bit of know-how.

Tip: Avoid supersized combo meals, or split one with a friend. Sip on water or fat-free milk instead of soda. Choose salads and grilled foods, like a grilled chicken breast sandwich or small hamburger. Fried foods, like french fries and fried chicken, are high in fat and calories, so order them only once in a while, order a small portion, or split an order with a friend.

Also, use only small amounts of high-fat, high-calorie toppings, like regular mayonnaise, salad dressings, bacon, and cheese. Fact: Studies show that people who skip breakfast and eat fewer times during the day tend to be heavier than people who eat a healthy breakfast and eat four or five times a day.

This may be because people who skip meals tend to feel hungrier later on, and eat more than they normally would. It may also be that eating many small meals throughout the day helps people control their appetites. Tip: Eat small meals throughout the day that include a variety of healthy, low-fat, low-calorie foods.

Fact: It does not matter what time of day you eat. It is what and how much you eat and how much physical activity you do during the whole day that determines whether you gain, lose, or maintain your weight.

No matter when you eat, your body will store extra calories as fat. Tip: If you want to have a snack before bedtime, think first about how many calories you have eaten that day. And try to avoid snacking in front of the TV at night—it may be easier to overeat when you are distracted by the television.

Fact: In small amounts, nuts can be part of a healthy weight-loss program. Nuts are high in calories and fat. While this diet can help with weight management, it is extremely restrictive and eliminates many very healthy foods.

Foods such as whole grains, starchy veggies, and most fruits are completely restricted along with all of the very beneficial fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found within them. It is important to understand there are many eating patterns that are less restrictive, more sustainable, incorporate more healthful foods, and are just as effective for weight loss.

Research has shown that eating patterns such as the Mediterranean diet and vegetarian diets are just as effective in promoting over health and weight maintenance. Fact: While juicing fruits and veggies will provide you with the vitamins and antioxidants found within them, you are missing one of the most important aspects of produce…the fiber!

During the process of juicing, the fiber is extracted and discarded. This is a problem because fiber is a very important part of a healthy diet. Fiber is key for a healthy digestive system, aids in lowering cholesterol, and supports balanced blood sugar. The bottom line, eating the whole food gets you more health benefits than simply drinking the juice.

Check out Harvard T. Fact: Unfortunately, due to marketing of vitamin C-containing supplements, there is a lot of misinformation regarding vitamin C on the internet. The worst myth advertised on the internet is that very high doses of vitamin C will keep you from getting a cold. While it is true that vitamin C plays a role in supporting a healthy immune system and that we do need to get Vitamin C in our diet, our bodies can only absorb so much vitamin C at one time.

According to the Linus Pauling Institute , we are only able to absorb around mg every couple of hours. Many supplements contain times this amount! That extra vitamin C gets absorbed slowly and may irritate your digestive system and cause diarrhea. Your best bet is to reach for easy and convenient natural sources of Vitamin C such as citrus fruits, kiwi, red bell peppers, broccoli, and spinach.

Fact: Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. Dietitians are frequently asked about gluten-free diets as many people believe that everyone would benefit from avoiding gluten.

This concept has become so popular it has caused gluten to become a food villain that is to be avoided at all costs. Gluten is a protein that provides structure and shape to breads and baked goods. Because it also acts like a glue, binding and holding foods together, it is found in many packaged and processed foods.

There are certain medical conditions that only get better through avoiding gluten. Celiac disease is a serious autoimmune disease in which eating gluten causes damage to the small intestines with the potential to lead to other serious health conditions if left unmanaged.

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity is another condition in which avoiding gluten can help. Outside of diagnosed medical conditions such as these, there is little benefit and maybe some harm in avoiding gluten.

Choosing high quality whole grains such as wheat, barley, and rye will provide important vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber critical for a healthy well-rounded diet. If there are any foods to be limited, it would be the highly processed, refined grain food products that do not provide much nutritional value.

Click here for more information on whole grains and their health benefits. These are just a few of the many false nutrition tips circulating the web today.

Breaking down nutrition myths February 16, nutrituon Breaking down nutrition myths reading on to learn more about doown vs. fiction and how to identify reliable internet resources for Brain health catechins use. Fact: It nutritiion important to understand just what carbohydrates do for us. Carbs are the bodies quick source of energy. When we consume them through foods such as grains, starchy veggies, and fruits we break them down into natural sugars that can then be used as energy. Carbs such as grains and starchy veggies breakdown into a natural sugar called glucose. And Braeking on, nutritiin so on. With Herbal immune boosters many products and weight-loss theories out there, it nuyrition easy Breaking down nutrition myths get confused. Read the following Myths Breaking down nutrition myths Facts to help clear up confusion about weight loss, nutrition, and physical activity. Fact: Fad diets are not the best way to lose weight and keep it off. Fad diets often promise quick weight loss or tell you to cut certain foods out of your diet. You may lose weight at first on one of these diets. Breaking down nutrition myths

Author: Tosar

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