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Holistic approach to stress management

Holistic approach to stress management

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Holistic approach to stress management -

Practicing self-care is crucial in preventing and recovering from burnout. This includes setting boundaries, prioritising rest, engaging in personal interests that light you up and nurturing your physical and emotional wellbeing.

Research shows that spending a little time everyday on your self-care can significantly reduce stress levels. Moving your body in whatever way feels good for you is a great way to process stress somatically. Physical activity releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters.

Engaging in regular exercise helps reduce stress, improve mood and enhance overall wellbeing. A balanced diet rich in nutrients and eating organic and whole foods can support your body in handling stress. Avoiding excessive caffeine and sugar while prioritising fruits, vegetables, proteins and whole grains can contribute to better mental and emotional health.

Maintaining strong social connections and friendships can act as a buffer against stress and burnout. Supportive relationships provide emotional safe spaces and can enhance your resilience when the going gets tough.

Learning effective time management techniques such as writing lists, delegating, setting boundaries, staying focused and keeping organised can reduce the feeling of overwhelm. Studies have demonstrated that these skills lead to increased productivity and reduced stress.

Exploring holistic therapies like acupuncture, aromatherapy, EFT tapping, sound baths or yoga, have been associated with stress reduction and improved wellbeing. Taking time to focus on yourself is so important within a compassionate and supportive space.

Using the time to connect to your soul, intuition or spiritual guidance can be a great way to build a sense of perspective. Re-evaluating your life goals and expectations and ensuring they align with your values and capacity.

An be a great way to check in with yourself and your growth. Unrealistic expectations can contribute to stress and burnout, so adapting them and making sure they align with your true self can make a significant difference. Sustained psychological stress is a common cause of overwhelm and burnout.

Stress is a warning to start listening to your own needs and respond with kindness, self-care and self-compassion. By embracing holistic approaches such as talk therapy, mindfulness meditation, reiki and self-care, you can regain control of your life, start thriving again, boost your confidence and find your way back to a state of balance and wellbeing.

The evidence, both scientific and anecdotal, overwhelmingly supports the transformative power of these holistic practices in beating burnout and nurturing positive mental health.

You matter, your wellbeing matters. Reminding yourself that you are allowed to stop and focus on your wellbeing sets us on a path toward a more confident, fulfilling life.

She is a multifaceted healer, dedicated to promoting mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. With a background in psychology, she blends traditional therapeutic techniques with holistic approaches - like meditation and reiki - to provide a comprehensive healing experience.

With a mission to empower individuals to thrive, Charlotte shares wisdom, guidance and insights through her articles and teachings. Guiding individuals on a journey of self-discovery and inner peace. Follow Charlotte on Instagram MyPsychologyCoach for regular inspiration and guidance on your journey toward holistic wellbeing.

Instagram: mypsychologycoach. Cart 0. What We Do Who We Are Support Us Blog Workshops Corporate. Navigating Stress: A Holistic Approach to Conquering Burnout Ten Proven Methods to Transform Overwhelm into Confidence In today's fast-paced world, often defined by relentless hustle and never ending demands, psychological stress has become a common feature in our lives.

Symptoms of heightened cortisol include fatigue, brain fog, irritability, digestive issues, insomnia, weight gain, skin concerns, among others. Unfortunately, long-term heightened cortisol, left unaddressed, can result in chronic illness and disease. Western medicine commonly works towards treating the individual symptoms as listed as separate issues in and of themselves, as opposed to addressing the underlying, interconnected root cause and eradicating the concern entirely.

Holistic stress management incorporates healthy habits across many different areas of your life, so there are lots of opportunities to build these techniques into your routine.

Daily mindfulness is an anti-inflammatory act as the immune system is in direct relationship with the brain. Through activities such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing, we are reducing inflammation and supporting our immunity in doing so, making us less susceptible to compromised health.

As mentioned earlier, under heavy stress, the sympathetic nervous system is activated. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for preparing the body to react to stress while the parasympathetic nervous system helps the body recover after a stressful event.

However, given the current stressors of daily life, the sympathetic nervous system is sometimes overactivated and the relaxation response is inhibited. Through mindfulness and meditation, the parasympathetic nervous system activates.

Daily practice of mindfulness and meditation promotes consistent stress management within both the body and the mind. While high-intensity exercise and overexercising can be harmful to our stress levels, moderate, intentional exercise can be helpful.

Pushing yourself too hard can lower your thyroid function and increase cortisol and inflammation. That said, actively incorporating rest days into your weekly exercise regime is equally as important as the exercise itself. Overactivity puts the body in a compromised position and is ultimately a disservice to your health.

Rest from physical activity allows your body to recover and provides the body a break from strenuous, stressful exercise. Balance, in this way, is essential. Finding your preferred form of exercise can influence your ability to manage stress.

Exercise is a beautiful thing because it is creative. Find the way you feel BEST moving your body. Not only does this allow for heightened enjoyment while completing the exercise, the emotional and physical benefits that accompany routine exercise are exponential.

Proper sleep is one of the most underestimated tools to manage stress and promote health. Sleep offers the body the opportunity to reset and restore in order to prepare for another stressful day ahead. Abstaining from blue light exposure at least 2 hours prior to sleep can improve overall sleep quality.

Blue light signals to the body in a similar way that sunlight signals the body to wake up in the morning. At the onset of daylight, the body triggers a release of cortisol to prepare the body for wakefulness.

One can imagine what this means for the body when blue light triggers the same response while preparing for bedtime. In the evenings, our body signals a release of the sleep hormone, melatonin, in order to begin to shut down.

This process, our circadian rhythm, is disrupted if not respected. Furthermore, proper bedtime habits are crucial to restorative rest. The clinical team at Awakened Path firmly believes in the importance of sleep hygiene and would love to connect with you on how to improve your nighttime routine.

Supporting your body through nutrient-dense foods ensures it is adequately prepared to manage the influence that heightened stress has on the body. Adrenal function is significantly influenced by blood sugar levels. As mentioned earlier, cortisol is released by the adrenal gland during times of stress.

Incorporating whole foods and eating balanced meals discourages spikes in blood sugar levels which can be detrimental to the stress response. Avoiding highly refined foods, processed sugars, and alcohol prevents an imbalance in blood sugar levels as well.

Holistic stress management is essential to wellness. Life can be stressful and oftentimes we have limited control over the stressors that come our way. However, there are several lifestyle factors that CAN be controlled to minimize the impact that stress has on our bodies.

At Awakened Path, we teach our clients strategies to manage stress in a healthy way through transpersonal counseling. Whether your goals are overcoming mental health struggles, overall physical and mental health, or reaching emotionally healthy spirituality, we are here to help you.

Through education and personalized understanding of what your stress looks like—specifically, as it relates to your life—a traditional and transpersonal psychotherapist can best support you and educate you in this journey. Transpersonal counseling takes a holistic approach to helping you reach a happier, healthier lifestyle.

Check out this article on more stress management skills that are useful to implement daily.

Performance-enhancing supplements fact, HHolistic stress has aapproach become synonymous mxnagement 21 century living. Busy, Holitic lifestyles often leave too Holistic approach to stress management time for healthy meals, exercise Holisticc relaxation. The sad truth Lean protein sources the matter is that Holistic approach to stress management a hectic, on-the-go lifestyle leads to some form Antioxidant-rich fruit platters eventual burn out. Virtually xtress has heard of strees flight or flight mechanism which the human race developed in response to the threat of being attacked. When chronic stress is left unchecked then it can lead to a cascade of negative effects on the body. When our bodies are stressed then the adrenals the glands on top of the kidneys release different stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline, are the two commonly known major players. The long term on going release of these hormones can lead to a myriad of health issues including: impaired thyroid function, digestive issues, hormone imbalances especially in womenimbalanced blood sugar levels, blood pressure issues, heart disease, frequent colds and the list goes on….

Author: Tygozahn

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