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HbAc correlation

govCochrane library www. ISSN print ISSN online. American Diabetes Association recommendations.

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A recent diabetes complications trial study concluded that PPG, but not FPG, was an independent predictor of mortality and cardiovascular complications in diabetes [ 36 , 38 , 39 ]. It is also plausible that humans spend half of their lives in postprandial states and thus, to achieve better long-term metabolic control HbA1c and minimize the risk of chronic diabetic complications, glucose monitoring in postprandial state will be indispensable.

Considering the biochemical and pathological differences in the two types, a distinct approach would be appropriate to characterize these associations in type 1 diabetic patients.

Regarding day to day variations numerous evidences suggested that several determination of glucose over a period of several weeks would be better indicator of glycemia and then better correlated with HbA1c than single or few measurements in single day.

But in this review only three studies Saeed, ; Haddadihneshad et al. All others were based on either glucose data generated on single day or single glucose measurement. None of the included studies identified the separate effect of age and sex on the association between these different plasma glucose profiles and HbA1c values.

However Szoke et al. found that older people have more postprandial hyperglycemia than younger people [ 40 ]. Finally significant heterogeneity was found in the pooled correlation estimates of both FPG and PPG. Even though we attempted to explain it through the random effect regression model, many factors possibly contributing to this residual heterogeneity could not be assessed because they were not reported in most studies.

For example, duration of diabetes and type of treatments are likely to have an important effect on correlation results. Finally it should not be also ignored that methodological differences may contribute to the study to study variation. It is suggested that the multiple regression analysis used for studying the relationship between A1C and glucose values at different times is an unstable model when explanatory variables, i.

Inclusion of different studies from different geographical location, treatment group as well as from different methodological approach would be problematic to end up with particular inferences.

Lack of uniform cut off points for good glycemic control across the studies disallowed us to pool the specificity and sensitivity of FPG and PPG in predicting HbA1c values.

And also due to incomplete data on inclusion criteria, duration of diabetes, age groups and others it was difficult to perform subgroup analysis. Another constraint in this meta analysis could arise from publication bias as studies that have negative result are less likely to be published.

The result of our reviews showed that PPG strongly correlate with HbA1c or contributes significantly to overall glycemic control. This is in line with contemporary evidence that showed strong relation between PPG and development of diabetes complications.

Consequently we in a position to claim that special attention should be given to monitoring and treating PPG until the ongoing debate are resolved through large randomized control trials.

Hence monitoring of PPG will be more helpful to achieve optimal glycemic control and prevent long term diabetes complication than FPG alone in the absence of HbA1c, especially in developing countries.

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Department of Public Health, College of Medical and Health Science, Wollega University, Nekemte, Ethiopia. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Correspondence to Ezra Belay Ketema. EBK was the principal investigator who contributed to the conception and design of the study, collected, entered, analyzed, interpreted the data, prepared the manuscript and acted as corresponding author.

KTK contributed to abstraction of data, data analysis and interpretation, prepared the manuscript. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4. Reprints and permissions. Ketema, E. Correlation of fasting and postprandial plasma glucose with HbA1c in assessing glycemic control; systematic review and meta-analysis.

Arch Public Health 73 , 43 Download citation. Received : 15 June Accepted : 04 August Published : 25 September Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:. Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article.

Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Skip to main content. Search all BMC articles Search. Download PDF. Download ePub. Abstract Background Glycemic control in diabetes mellitus is a cornerstone in reducing morbidity and mortality of the disease.

The 4-week mean glucose with both CGM types were similar. Mean time in range was Selvin noted many studies have explored the strengths and limitations of HbA1c and said similar research must be performed to explore the sources of error within CGM. Elizabeth Selvin, PhD, MPH, can be reached at eselvin jhu.

Diana Isaacs, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP, BC-ADM, CDCES, FADCES, FCCP. However, an advantage of time in range over HbA1c is that it incorporates glucose variability. In this trial, participants were not treated with insulin and likely experienced less hypoglycemia. Ultimately, we need more analyses of what the ideal time in range targets should be for people with type 2 diabetes and how the targets impact microvascular and macrovascular outcomes.

Because average CGM glucose had a stronger correlation with HbA1c, it would be reasonable to use average CGM glucose and glucose management indicator as other important metrics to follow. Selvin E, et al. Diabetes Technol Ther. Healio News Endocrinology Diabetes.

By Michael Monostra. Fact checked by Richard Smith. Read more. January 12, Add topic to email alerts. Receive an email when new articles are posted on. Please provide your email address to receive an email when new articles are posted on.

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Coerelation and continuous glucose monitoring metrics, such as mean glucose and time Sports nutrition for weightlifting corrlationHydration and sports nutrition plans not be correlated for some adults with type Mental energy booster HbAc correlation, according correlaion study Correlatioj. The two measures should be used in a complementary manner, according to corrdlation. We found that HbA1c was strongly correlated with mean glucose from CGM and with time in range, but there was lots of variation. Selvin and colleagues conducted a secondary analysis of data from the Hyperglycemic Profiles in Obstructive Sleep Apnea HYPNOS trial, which was conducted to explore how a sleep apnea intervention affected glycemic variability among a cohort of adults with type 2 diabetes. The study included adults aged 21 to 75 years with type 2 diabetes, an HbA1c of 6. HbA1c was measured at baseline and 3-month follow-up.


What is the normal range of hba1c Cotrelation complete listing of correlaation DCCT Research Group Sports nutrition for weightlifting published in the Archives correllation Ophthalmology —51, Ac management tips AER, albumin excretion rate; ANS, cordelation nervous system; CI, confidence interval; DCCT, Diabetes Control and HbAc correlation Trial; Correlagion, Early HgAc Diabetic Retinopathy HbAc correlation GEE, generalized estimating equation; Corgelation, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; SNPDR, severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy. The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research Group; The Relationship of Glycemic Exposure HbA 1c to the Risk of Development and Progression of Retinopathy in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial. Diabetes 1 August ; 44 8 : — The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial DCCT demonstrated that a regimen of intensive therapy aimed at maintaining near-normal blood glucose values markedly reduces the risks of development or progression of retinopathy and other complications of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus IDDM when compared with a conventional treatment regimen. HbAc correlation

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