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Onion cultivation techniques

Onion cultivation techniques

There is no cultivatiob size, Onion cultivation techniques pull when they are big enough to suit you. Crassweller, K. Apparently the infection enters the neck and continues to grow undetected in storage until the onions are removed.


How to Plant, Grow and Harvest Onions from Start to Finish: Full Instructional Video

Onion cultivation techniques -

Read: Strawberry Farming Project Report. Water the transplants immediately after planting. Because of the shallow root system, onions require frequent furrow irrigation.

Avoid overhead irrigation, which causes foliage diseases. If the foliage has an unhealthy, yellowish tint the plants are being over-irrigated. The soil will be overly dry around an under-watered crop and may become cracked. If the onion does not get enough water it will not make a large bulb.

When the necks start falling over and the onions mature, watering should be discontinued and the soil allowed to dry.

By using drip and sprinklers , irrigation should be done once in three days. The operating pressure for a drip system is 1. Through drip, fertigation should be done by using nitrogen fertilizers Urea.

The crop should be kept weed free for good bulb yield. For the transplanted onion, pre-emergence application of Oxyfluorfen Goal 0. Crop rotation is very important in onion farming process Soybean in Kharif season followed by onion in rabi season is the best crop rotation which improves soil fertility as well as monetary returns.

Follow harvesting of onion bulbs at the right stage of maturity. It is important in deciding the storage life of onion as bulbs may be stored for about six months. The onion bulbs, reach maturity when the plants cease to produce new leaves and roots.

In onion, neck fall is the indication of maturity. Time of harvesting depends on several factors tike planting season, cultivar, market price and condition of the crop.

Onion for storage should be fully developed. Thick-neck bulbs which result due to premature harvesting do not store well. Late harvesting leads to increased respiration, subsequent susceptibility to diseases and excessive sprouting during prolonged storage and left in field sunburn is also noticed.

Bulbs are harvested by hand pulling if the soil is light; they are also harvested by hand implements. Kharif crop, since the growth continues forced toppling should be taken up to stop growth 15 days before harvesting.

Onion along with tops are kept in the field for days, curing for days is necessary to remove excess moisture from outer skin and neck to reduce shrinkage and development of color in storage. Marketing is very easy, where you can supply to local wholesale stores or retail stores or even you can sell in government market yards.

Keep growing onions for better world!. Read: Hydroponic Growing System. sir, I am 35 yrs aged who worked for different educational sectors for 9 yrs and now full time paddy culltivator. I live in village near udupi district ,karnataka state. i have one hectare land and want to try new cultivation which could yeild good profits in lesser time compared to paddy which takes more time and less profit, so i am planning to cultivate onion.

As these areas the farmers are not open to other cultivation other than paddy so i always get negative feedback as to its not possible to cultivate any other crop or so.

Sandy soils require more fertilization and irrigation to maintain even moisture. Clay soils commonly produce hotter onions. Both can be amended with well composted organic matter to improve tilth. Onion plants have a shallow root system and require even moisture for growth and development.

Plants require one inch of rainfall or irrigation per week, ideally delivered through drip irrigation or furrowing. Young, establishing plants and those planted in sandy soils require watering more than once per week. Stop watering when the tops of the plants begin to fall over, a signal the bulbs are ready to harvest.

Onions are a cool-season crop and tolerate moderate freezes, but when cold snaps arrive, cover beds if temperatures will reach 20°F or below. Though plants tolerate cold, seedlings will grow slowly if soil and air temperatures are too cold. Avoid setting plants out too early. Onions are heavy feeders and require a good supply of nitrogen, however too much fertilizer can be problematic.

Prior to planting, work a balanced fertilizer into the soil along the intended planting line. Two to three weeks after planting, side dress with a nitrogen fertilizer alongside the row of onions, about six inches away from the plants.

Use a fertilizer with ammonium sulfate in alkaline soils or calcium nitrate Repeat this application every 2 to 3 weeks until bulbs begin to form, making sure to water the onions after each application. Bulb initiation in onions is triggered by changes in day length. The different types of onions are classified according to when they bulb relative to the amount of daylight they receive.

It is critical to select an onion variety that matches your region. A wide variety of onions are available within each day-length group, including those with red, yellow, and white skins. Short day onions begin producing bulbs when daylengths reach hours. These varieties are best suited to locations between latitudes of 25 to 35 degrees and are ideal for southern gardens, ensuring a crop before the heat of summer arrives.

In northern regions, they bulb too early to produce a good-sized bulb. Short day onions typically have a mild, sweet flavor, and are best eaten fresh. This group includes varieties that begin the bulbing process when daylengths reach hours.

Ideal in latitudes 32 to 42 degrees, the range of these onions overlaps that of short- and long-day onions. They perform well through much of the United States, except for the far south.

Intermediate day onion varieties tend to be very sweet. Long day onions do not begin bulb formation until day lengths reach hours, making them ideal for northern latitudes between 37 and 47 degrees. This group has excellent storage qualities, and many have a strong, pungent flavor.

Several unique groups of onion have been bred over the centuries, taking on characteristics quite different from regular bulbing onions. Shallots and potato onions belong to the Aggregatum group, Allium cepa var. aggregatum and produce clumps of smaller bulbs rather than one large bulb. Other variations come from how the onions are produced.

Pearl onions , for example, are short-day onion varieties grown under long-day summer conditions in northern latitudes. They are commonly planted at very high densities and bulb shortly after emergence to produce the small, specialty onions.

Green onions sometimes called scallions are simply onions harvested at an immature stage. In northern gardens, onions are started in the spring for a late summer or fall harvest. Southern gardeners can start onions either in fall or late winter for an early summer harvest. The most economical method for growing onions is from seed.

Seed also provides the greatest availability in terms of variety selection. However, growing onions from seed is also the most difficult, with uneven germination common. You can grow from seed and ensure an even crop by starting seeds indoors weeks before the expected transplanting date.

To sow seeds directly into the garden, sow seeds in early spring as soon the soil can be worked in northern gardens. In southern gardens, direct sow seed in fall or late winter.

Onions can also be grown from sets, which are immature bulbs started from seed the previous season. Onions Allium cepa are well suited to grow in Saskatchewan's climate and soils. Both the bulbs and tops are edible, depending on the type grown.

Onion seedlings are fragile at emergence. A well-worked seedbed and light textured soils are essential to proper emergence. The ideal soil for onions is well-drained but also has good water-holding capacity, as onions are shallow-rooted.

Onions will mature earlier on lighter, sandy soils than on heavier soils. Onions can grow on a range of soil pH, and do well on peat and muck soils. Seed costs for onions have increased over the last 10 years due to improved quality and the increasing use of hybrid varieties.

In the past, growers used to seed thick to compensate for poor seed quality, improper seed bed preparation or losses due to disease or insects. Now crops are precisely spaced and seeded — this necessitates use of a seed treatment to insure that the crop emerges.

Consult your local seed representative to get more information on seed pelleting and seed application of fungicides. Dry — are the most common type of onion. Dry onions have a variety of shapes, ranging from globular to oval and flattened on the top and bottom.

Spanish onions are a type of dry onion. Sets — are produced when shallots or multiplier onions are sown very close together. Due to this dense seeding, mature bulbs will be small. Sets are grown mostly for home-gardeners, who plant these bulbs to shorten maturity time for the following crop.

Bunching — are sown thicker than dry onions and are harvested before they form bulbs. They are also referred to as scallions. Results and recommendations can be found on the University of Saskatchewan Plant Sciences Department website.

Onions are generally planted as soon as the field can be worked. Row spacing is normally 36 to 46 cm 14 to 18 inches , depending on the type of cultivation equipment used.

Seeding density depends on the type of onion being planted:. Most onions are direct-seeded; however, some growers transplant to grow the larger, longer-season Spanish-type onions.

Sets are commonly used by hobby gardeners who want to get early season onions. Sets are grown very closely, thus keeping their size small as they reach harvest. As expected, the price for sets is higher than regular direct-seeded seeds. Onion bulbs emerge from the soil as they grow. Lightly hilling bulbs will reduce the amount of sunburn to the onion, will help maintain moisture close to the roots and will reduce weed competition.

Always start your fertility program with a soil test. Random soil samples should be collected from the entire field that you intend to plant.

Due to climactic conditions, differing cultural practices, varying soil conditions and other situations, the crop's response to a fertility regimen may vary from region to region.

Onions have a limited and shallow root system; therefore nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium levels near the soil surface must be relatively high. Many growers band the fertilizer five to eight cm two to three inches below the seed for the most efficient uptake of the fertilizer.

The seed could be exposed to burning if fertilizer is placed directly on the seed. Onions are a shallow-rooted crop; therefore they require frequent but thorough irrigation to achieve maximum marketable yields. Thick necks on bulbs can result if water level is too low.

To promote maturity, water should be stopped 14 to 21 days before undercutting occurs. This will allow for maturing and ripening of the bulbs and die-back of the tops. Maleic hydrazide Royal MH 60 is used to limit sprouting in stored onions.

Maleic hydrazide is applied in the field at least two weeks before harvesting. Bulbs should be mature and have five to seven green leaves to ensure absorption of the maleic hydrazide.

This treatment will also help control volunteer onions the following year. Volunteer onions carry diseases over-winter. Dry onions have reached maturity when the tops have fallen over and started to dry.

It is important that the onion mature before storage.

JavaScript seems to technisues disabled cultibation your browser. For Importance of regular check-ups best experience on our site, technlques Onion cultivation techniques to turn on Javascript in your browser. Texhniques onions culgivation a crop Adaptogen digestive health lends itself well Onion cultivation techniques small-scale and part-time farming operations. Onion cultivation techniques markets exist for growers with tchniques acreages, and the various colors and types of mature bulbs red, yellow, and white allow growers to find their market niche. The term "dry onion" is used to distinguish them from green onions, which are pulled while the tops are still green and usually before a large bulb has formed. Many field operations, such as land preparation, planting, and harvesting, can be custom hired, and most of the equipment for planting and harvest can be used for other crops. The common dry onion Allium cepaa member of the Amaryllidaceae family, originated in mid-Asia in what is now northwestern India, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Onion cultivation techniques

Author: Mazulkree

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