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Improve insulin sensitivity and support muscle growth

Improve insulin sensitivity and support muscle growth

Your risk Gymnastics nutrition for athletes chronic ailments later in life will supprot too. A high-carb Sehsitivity will raise insulln blood sugar and cause glucose to build up in your bloodstream. Getting in a protein shake will help stop some of the muscle breakdown without halting too much of the fat burning. In addition, we linked the health survey data containing sociodemographic status and health behavior and the laboratory measurement data to the DEXA measurement dataset. Regular Medical Check-ups: Regularly monitor your blood sugar and insulin levels by consulting with a healthcare professional.

Improve insulin sensitivity and support muscle growth -

Macronutrient Distribution : Distribute macronutrients appropriately in your diet. Ensure an adequate intake of protein to support muscle growth and repair, as well as sufficient carbohydrates to provide energy for workouts and replenish glycogen stores.

While the optimal protein intake for individuals can vary greatly, a good rule of thumb to calculate the necessary intake is between 0.

However, intense training may require an intake of up to 2. Timing of Carbohydrate Consumption : Time your carbohydrate intake around your workouts. Consuming carbohydrates before and after exercise can help optimize glycogen replenishment and enhance insulin sensitivity. Saving carbohydrates until later if the day if your insulin is high can help prevent elevated baseline levels all day, and result in better long-term insulin responses.

Regular Exercise: Also a given, but here's your reminder to engage in regular resistance training exercises that target major muscle groups. Resistance training has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and promote muscle growth. Incorporating cardiovascular exercise into your routine can also have positive effects on insulin sensitivity.

Optimal types and quantities of exercise vary based on the individual, but a general guideline for adults is to engage in at least minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise walking, biking, swimming, dancing per week, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise running, high paced cycling, HIIT spread across the week.

Sleep and Stress Management: This is where I see most people struggle. Prioritizing sufficient sleep and effective stress management is a must. Lack of sleep and chronic stress can negatively impact insulin sensitivity by driving more cortisol and gluconeogenesis increasing blood sugar from storage.

Aim for 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep and adopt stress-reduction techniques such as meditation or engaging in activities you enjoy. Regular Medical Check-ups: Regularly monitor your blood sugar and insulin levels by consulting with a healthcare professional.

They can provide guidance on managing insulin levels and assess any underlying health conditions that may affect insulin sensitivity. It's important to note that individual requirements may vary, and consulting with a healthcare professional who can provide personalized guidance and support in optimizing insulin levels for muscle mass growth is recommended.

Finding the best approach to overall fitness can be challenging with so much information and misinformation everywhere, so speaking with a professional can help you find the right combination of diet and exercise to reach your fitness and overall health goals. To schedule an appointment with Dr.

Courtney Holmberg, Naturopathic Doctor in Toronto , call us at for more information. CHECK YOUR LABELS FOR THIS. top of page. Aug 14, What Is Insulin?

It's perhaps the biggest challenge facing the non-drugged-up bodybuilder: gaining muscle without gaining a lot of fat in the process.

No, wait, I take that back. The biggest challenge is probably losing body fat while retaining all that iron-earned muscle. Hmm, actually, both of those tasks can be frustrating. The cool thing is that both goals can also be achieved if you learn to do one thing: increase your insulin sensitivity.

In other words, make your body more sensitive to the insulin it naturally releases when you eat. That way you can take advantage of the muscle-building effects of insulin and avoid the fat-gaining effects of producing too much insulin being insulin resistant.

Many bodybuilding nutrition experts believe that if you're more insulin-sensitive during a mass program you'll gain more muscle than fat. And if you're dieting, the insulin-sensitive guy will lose more fat without losing muscle.

We asked nutritionist and iron addict Mike Roussell to give us the scoop on boosting insulin sensitivity. A cornerstone principle for any dedicated T NATION reader's diet is nutrient timing.

We eat different foods at different times of the day in order to maximize the effect of circadian and behavioral hormonal changes for maximum fat loss and muscle development. Much of the rationale behind nutrient timing has to do with doing everything we can to enhance glucose control and insulin sensitivity so that the carbohydrates we eat are used to make us look more like a muscle-man and less like the average American.

You've heard the usual advice given to laymen: Exercise to increase insulin sensitivity. Great, but let's assume you're already doing that. The next piece of advice is to eat more often. You know this one too: Eat six smaller meals per day instead of two or three big ones and you'll improve insulin sensitivity.

So let's go beyond that vanilla advice and look at some other methods to enhance glucose control and insulin sensitivity, including a new concept called antioxidant timing. In fact, let's start there. When I first got interested in weight lifting and bodybuilding I read stories about professional bodybuilders and their tackle boxes full of supplements and vitamins.

Most notably, Skip La Cour would keep one in the trunk of his car. When he left the gym he'd open his trunk and go through a post-workout ritual of pill popping, including vitamins E and C.

With a physique like Skip's, it would be hard to question his methods, but what if his post-workout E and C supplementation was actually hindering potential results and decreasing his insulin sensitivity?

It's common knowledge that one of the benefits of training is that it increases insulin sensitivity. Recently a group of German exercise physiologists set out to examine how supplementing with vitamin C mg and vitamin E IU affected the post-workout boost in insulin sensitivity.

In this study, 40 young men exercised five days a week 50 minute sessions including cycling and circuit training for four weeks. The addition of vitamin C and E supplementation in that group completely eliminated the beneficial insulin-sensitizing effects of exercise!

With further investigation it seems that the post-workout increase in reactive oxygen species ROS — which is blunted by C and E supplementation — is a necessary phenomenon for increasing insulin sensitivity. The argument for the temporal benefit of ROS post-workout is strengthened by the fact that long term antioxidant supplementation has been shown to increase insulin sensitivity.

Okay, so what do you do with this info? While it's what some would consider "fringe" nutritional science and the standard, "more studies need to be done in this area to further explore our findings" was added by the authors, I say run with it. If you're looking for an extra potential edge, then I'd avoid antioxidant supplements and high antioxidant foods around and directly after your workouts.

Additionally, dietary fat increases satiety, curbs sugar cravings, and decreases the hunger hormone ghrelin levels. At the same time, it prevents insulin and blood glucose spikes, which further contributes to weight loss.

All in all, insulin is not your enemy. As long as you keep it under control, weight gain is unlikely to occur.

Furthermore, this hormone can make it easier to build muscle and improve your physical performance. Mammalian target of rapamycin mTOR , a protein that plays a vital role in cellular growth, is activated by insulin.

This substance regulates the anabolic and catabolic signalling of muscle mass, meaning it promotes hypertrophy and reduces muscle breakdown. It also stimulates protein synthesis, which allows you to build lean mass. As you see, mTOR and insulin signalling is strongly connected.

Maintaining optimum insulin levels turn mTOR on, which makes it easier to pack on mass. In fact, acute mTOR inhibition has been shown to induce insulin resistance and cause glucose intolerance.

How to Prevent or Reverse Insulin Resistance. From tweaking your diet and workout program to getting more sleep, there are a couple of things you can do to prevent or reverse insulin resistance. Strength training , for instance, improves muscle quality and improves insulin response even in people with diabetes.

It also enhances your overall physical performance and promotes fat loss. According to a recent study , lifting weights improves the health markers associated with type II diabetes by increasing the effects of a protein that regulates glucose metabolism. This form of exercise also facilitates glucose uptake into the muscles and reduces abdominal fat, which is a major risk factor for diabetes.

In a clinical trial involving nine older diabetic men, those who engaged in a strength training program for 16 weeks experienced a 10 percent reduction in visceral and subcutaneous fat. Their insulin sensitivity has increased by Another way to improve insulin response is to go low-carb.

Bread, grains, flour, sugary treats, and other high-carb foods cause your blood sugar to rise. This may lead to insulin resistance in the long run. Research shows that low-carb diets can help prevent blood glucose spikes and increase insulin sensitivity.

For best results, eat your daily carbs before and after training. This way, your body will use them to build muscle, fuel your workouts, and recover from exercise.

Avoid or eliminate carbs later in the day when you no longer need them as an energy source. Also, remember to practice portion control. Heavy meals tend to increase blood sugar levels and cause digestive distress. If you're hungry, eat nutrient-dense foods, such as nuts, seeds, beef, poultry, and eggs.

These are high in protein and fats, so they keep you full longer and have little impact on blood sugar levels. In the case you're overweight, take the steps needed to lose a few kilograms. Obesity, insulin resistance, and diabetes go hand in hand. In a study, obese people who lost Another study has found that weight loss reduced diabetes risk by a staggering 58 percent in healthy individuals.

Other simple ways to improve insulin response is to drink more water, fill up on fibre, and limit stress. Certain spices, such as fenugreek and cinnamon, can help too. Cinnamon , for instance, may reduce blood sugar levels following a high-carb meal.

In the long run, it can increase insulin sensitivity and lower your risk of diabetes. Beware that sleep deprivation and stress can lead to insulin resistance.

They both increase the stress hormone cortisol levels, which in turn, stimulates insulin production and affects endocrine function. Plus, you'll have a hard time building muscle and recovering from training if you're skimping on sleep. Use these strategies to keep your blood sugar within normal limits and optimise insulin response.

Your risk of chronic ailments later in life will decrease too. A bit about us. Before and after. Nutritional Coaching. Private training. The Role of Insulin in Metabolism and Sports Performance What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word "insulin?

Sensifivity sensitivity refers to how responsive your cells are to insulin. You may be Performance enhancement to Znd it by getting suppory sleep grpwth exercise and eating certain health-promotion foods. Insulin is an essential hormone that controls your blood sugar levels. When your pancreas senses high blood sugar, it makes more insulin to overcome the resistance and reduce your blood sugar. Over time, this can deplete the pancreas of insulin-producing cells, which is common in type 2 diabetes.

Improve insulin sensitivity and support muscle growth -

Evidence on the effects of high trans-fat intake on insulin resistance appears to be mixed. Some human studies have found it harmful, while others have not 33 , Many different supplements can help increase insulin sensitivity, including vitamin C , probiotics , and magnesium.

That said, many other supplements, such as zinc, folate, and vitamin D, do not appear to have this effect, according to research As with all supplements, there is a risk they may interact with any current medication you may be taking.

Insulin is an important hormone that has many roles in the body. When your insulin sensitivity is low, it puts pressure on your pancreas to increase insulin production to clear sugar from your blood.

Low insulin sensitivity is also called insulin resistance. Insulin sensitivity describes how your cells respond to insulin. Symptoms develop when your cells are resistant to insulin. Insulin resistance can result in chronically high blood sugar levels, which are thought to increase your risk of many diseases, including diabetes and heart disease.

Insulin resistance is bad for your health, but having increased insulin sensitivity is good. It means your cells are responding to insulin in a healthier way, which reduces your chance of developing diabetes.

Consider trying some of the suggestions in this article to help increase your insulin sensitivity and lower your risk of disease but be sure to talk with a healthcare professional first before making changes, especially adding supplements to your treatment regimen.

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Insulin is a very important hormone in the body. A resistance to its effects, called insulin resistance, is a leading driver of many health conditions. If not treated, high insulin levels can lead to serious health problems.

Here are 14 diet and lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your levels. Eating certain foods can help you lose weight and reverse insulin resistance.

Discover helpful and healthy diet tips for managing insulin resistance. Having high blood sugar levels is a common issue for people with diabetes and prediabetes. Here are 15 natural ways to lower your blood sugar levels. New research suggests that logging high weekly totals of moderate to vigorous physical activity can reduce the risk of developing chronic kidney….

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Nutrition Evidence Based Top Natural Ways to Improve Your Insulin Sensitivity. Medically reviewed by Kelly Wood, MD — By Ryan Raman, MS, RD — Updated on October 30, This often causes people to over-eat.

For most of us, this means reaching for simple carbs—which can lead to another crash. Since insulin has a good side and a bad side, it's crucial to know how to use insulin for your gain—muscle gain, that is—while avoiding its effects on fat gain.

Follow these four rules and you'll be good to go. The types of carbs you eat can make or break your ability to rule insulin. Carbs can be categorized into two basic categories:. The glycemic index refers to how fast the carbs in the food end up as glucose in your blood stream.

High GI foods are those that pass rapidly through your digestive system i. fast-digesting and into your blood stream. Because these types of carbs arrive in your bloodstream so quickly, they drive up blood glucose levels.

This causes insulin to spike so that your body can utilize the glucose. Low GI foods are those that pass more slowly through the digestive system i.

slow-digesting and gradually enter the blood stream, keeping insulin levels more consistent. Typically, simple sugars such as table sugar sucrose are high GI carbs, while most complex carbs, such as sweet potatoes, are low GI carbs. However, there are many exceptions to this rule. For example, fruit is high in the sugar fructose, yet most fruits are very low GI carbs.

The reason for this is twofold. For one, most fruits are high in fiber , which slows down the digestion somewhat. Also, the sugar fructose can't be used by the muscles for fuel. It must first be converted into glucose by the liver.

This process takes time to complete, keeping most fruits in the low GI category. Exceptions to this are cantaloupes, dates, and watermelon, which tend to be higher GI fruits than their counterparts.

On the other side of the coin, white potatoes are complex carbs, yet they are digested very rapidly and deliver their glucose into the bloodstream quickly, making them a high GI complex carb. The same can be said of white bread and most varieties of white rice. At most meals, you want to focus on low GI carbs if you have any carbs at all.

This will keep insulin levels low, thereby helping to maintain energy levels throughout the day, as well as burn fat. This is not just inference based on what we know about insulin's functions in the body. It has been shown in several clinical studies. One of the most critical times to go with low GI carbs is right before workouts.

For years, bodybuilders went with high GI carbs before workouts, reasoning that they needed fast energy. The problem with this thinking is that they got exactly that—fast energy—but it quickly ran out, killing their intensity before the workout was over.

In addition, they were halting fat-burning during workouts. If you consume carbs before a workout, go with grams of low GI carbs within 30 minutes before workouts, along with 20 grams of protein powder.

Keeping generally-low insulin levels might also help your longevity outside of the gym. Research has show that when insulin levels are maintained at a low level, animals live about 50 percent longer.

Although the precise mechanism for this anti-aging effect is undetermined, it is believed that the signaling that insulin causes in cells degrades them over time. By keeping insulin levels low, less insulin signaling occurs within cells, which results in healthier and longer-living cells.

You want to generally observe rule number three, but there are two times of day when high GI carbs can pay off for you. The first time is within minutes of waking—but only if your goal is to gain mass. Additionally, the wrong dosage can lead to hypoglycemic shock. Increased sweating, brain fog, hand tremors, arrhythmia, reduced muscle strength and coordination, loss of alertness, double vision, and extreme fatigue are common side effects.

A single dose could lead to death. The key to building muscle and burning fat is to manipulate your insulin levels through diet. Ideally, you should eat your carbs around workout time. The metabolic window.

Some experts blame insulin for the obesity epidemic. Even though insulin promotes fat storage, it doesn't directly cause weight gain or diabetes. Blood sugar fluctuations are the culprit. Whenever you eat high-carb foods, your blood sugar levels increase. Protein and fats, by comparison, have a negligible impact on blood glucose levels.

A high-carb meal will raise your blood sugar and cause glucose to build up in your bloodstream. Heavy meals have a similar effect. In either case, you'll experience blood sugar spikes followed by crashes.

Over time, blood sugar fluctuations affect your body's ability to use insulin. This causes damage to your nerves, organs, and blood vessels. In the long run, it may lead to insulin resistance, which is a major risk factor for diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Insulin resistance affects one in three Americans and is a big problem here in Australia. Contrary to popular belief, this isn't a disease, but a metabolic state that causes your cells to become less responsive to insulin. As a result, your body begins to produce too much of this hormone to keep blood glucose levels within normal limits.

When secreted in large amounts, insulin can lead to weight gain, hyperglycemia high blood sugar , prediabetes, heart and kidney disease, type II diabetes, and more. Even though it's hard to tell what causes insulin resistance , certain factors have been linked with this disorder:. Additionally, some people are more likely to develop this condition than others.

Individuals over 45 years old, as well as those with a family history of diabetes, have a higher risk of insulin resistance. The same goes for women with a waist circumference larger than 35 inches and men with a waist circumference larger than 40 inches.

Studies indicate a strong link between abdominal obesity and this condition. If you have high triglycerides or hypertension, you're at risk for insulin resistance too. Indigenous Australians, Asian-Americans, Native Americans, and African Americans are genetically predisposed to this disorder.

However, there are ways to mitigate your risk. Keeping your blood sugar levels under control is essential. Insulin resistance is a silent disease, at least in the first stages.

As it progresses, you may experience increased hunger, tiredness, poor mental focus, tingling sensations in your hands or feet, and frequent urination. Most sufferers also report extreme thirst and recurring infections. The best way to determine whether or not you have insulin resistance is to take the A1C test.

This is also used to diagnose diabetes and pre-diabetes. If you're overweight and have a sedentary lifestyle, get tested regularly. Do the same in case you have a parent or sibling with diabetes.

Insulin resistance won't necessarily lead to diabetes or metabolic syndrome. Simple lifestyle changes, such as losing weight, exercising more, and cutting back on carbs, may help prevent these complications and improve insulin response.

Low-carb and ketogenic diets and strength training have been shown to prevent and even reverse insulin resistance. While it's true that insulin promotes fat buildup and inhibits fat breakdown, it doesn't directly cause weight gain. It all comes down to what you eat.

You see, weight loss isn't all about calories in versus calories out. A diet can be high in calories and yet, lead to weight loss as long as it's low in carbs. Let's see a few examples. In a study conducted on 83 obese subjects, those who went on a ketogenic diet for 24 weeks experienced a significant reduction in total body weight, body mass index, triglycerides, and cholesterol levels.

Their blood sugar levels dropped too. Other studies have found that ketogenic diets can reduce diabetes risk and improve cardiovascular health.

It's perhaps Improve insulin sensitivity and support muscle growth sensitivoty challenge facing the non-drugged-up bodybuilder: gaining ggrowth without anx a lot Ulcer prevention fat onsulin the process. No, wait, I take that back. The biggest challenge Improve insulin sensitivity and support muscle growth griwth losing body fat while retaining all that iron-earned muscle. Hmm, actually, both of those tasks can be frustrating. The cool thing is that both goals can also be achieved if you learn to do one thing: increase your insulin sensitivity. In other words, make your body more sensitive to the insulin it naturally releases when you eat. That way you can take advantage of the muscle-building effects of insulin and avoid the fat-gaining effects of producing too much insulin being insulin resistant. Improve insulin sensitivity and support muscle growth

Author: Magrel

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