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Fiber for better nutrient absorption

Fiber for better nutrient absorption

Diabetes Care. Effect of betteer doses of a mixture Absortion soluble fibres on body weight and metabolic variables in overweight or obese patients: a randomised trial. Fiber and lactose are two common food substances that can cause problems with diarrhea.


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Fiber for better nutrient absorption -

They are released from their bound states by bacterial enzymatic action in the colon, and can act in the intestine locally as anticarcinogens both in preventing cancer initiation and progression [ - ].

The gastrointestinal tract GIT is the initial site of action from which dietary fibers produce systemic effects presented in the previous section. The physiological effects of dietary fiber depend on a myriad of variables, but generally they depend on the type soluble or insoluble , the dose of a specific fiber consumed, the composition of the entire fiber-containing meal, and the individual physiological profile of the subject who consume the fiber-containing meal [ 5 ].

The GIT serves as an interface between the body and the external environment. The main function of the GIT is to absorb nutrients from ingested foods. The organs of the GIT are connected to the vascular, lymphatic and nervous systems to facilitate regulation of the digestive function [ ].

To carry out this function digestive processes are realized by secretion of enzymes and associated co-factors, and through maintenance of the gut lumen at optimal pH for digestion [ ].

Gastrointestinal secretion of enzymes and other factors, alongside control of gut motility is governed by a series of complex neurohumoral pathways mediated by acetylcholine, gastrin, motilin, cholecystokinin, gastric inhibitory peptide GIP , secretin, etc.

that begin to operate by luminal content. Two main features of luminal content which appear to govern gastrointestinal physiology are luminal chemical profile and luminal bulk.

The main absorptive area in the gut is the small intestine, which is involved in the absorption of the subunits of digestible macronutrients, as well asvitamins, minerals and other micronutrients [ 87 ]. Ingested foods must be mechanically homogenised with digestive secretions in order to allow better hydrolysis of macronutrients, and, in some cases, to allow micronutrient release.

Mastication in the buccal cavity mix food with salivary secretions among them α-amylase starts digestion of starches[ ]. Food boluses entering the stomach are maintained there for mixing with gastric secretions.

A strongly acidic secretion allows denaturation of proteins and solubilisation of other factors. Gastric proteases mainly pepsin cleave bonds in proteins to form a range of shorter peptides and amino acids.

Gastric lipase initiates digestion of dietary lipids [ ]. By the time the majority of luminal contents leave the stomach, they have been processed into creamy, homogenous slurry, known as chyme.

As luminal contents appear in the upper section of the small intestine the duodenum , they are met with alkali bicarbonate-rich secretions from the liver, pancreas and intestinal crypts. Pancreatic exocrine secretions also contain a myriad of enzymes for digestion of all macronutrients [ ].

Classically, dietary fiber is cited as reducing whole gut transit time, thereby increasing frequency of defecation. This effect can be explained on the one hand, due to DF increase the intestinal luminal bulk resulting in an increased peristalsis which reduce the whole gut transit time.

DFs that increment the luminal bulk are those that have a high water-binding capacity [ ]. Furthermore, feed-forward and feedback from other portions of the gut as a result of fiber intake could also affect motility of the different organs of the GIT.

Prolongation of nutrient release into the intestinal lumen from the stomach is likely to result in a lengthened phase of hormonal feedback from the duodenum, terminal ileum and colon, leading to a delay in gastric emptying [ 84 ].

At the same time, this delay in the gastric emptying towards small intestine are likely to increased motility distally and therefore decreased transit time. The most researched area of the effects of dietary fibers on gastric motility is linked to gastric emptying.

A range of studies have demonstrated that inclusion of viscous fibers in liquid test meals results in delayed gastric emptying, and are particularly consistent in the case of pectins in human studies [ , ]. In a study comparing the physiological effects of a mixed meal containing high levels of natural fibers fruit, vegetables and whole grains against one without these fibers instead containing fruit and vegetable juice and refined grains , concluded that removal of natural fiber decreased gastric emptying mean rate of approximately 45 min in a crossover feeding trial in 8 healthy adult participants [ ].

The dietary fibers that raise the bulk of luminal contents of the large bowel are those that are not well fermented by the colonic microflora, and those that have a high water-binding capacity [ 84 ].

To date, evidence has been obtained in different types of studies that dietary fiber can influence the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids preventing the development of diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease.

Intake of dietary fiber can influence the absorption of nutrients in different ways. It has been postulated that the presence of any dietary fiber in the upper GI tract will result in a decreased rate of intestinal uptake of a range of nutrients.

However, it is necessary to consider what physicochemical factors of dietary fibers are important in these roles [ 84 ].

In previous animal studies, Kimura et al. While such absorption-lowering effects can be beneficial in reducing energy uptake, it must also be noted that such factors are also likely to reduce the bioavailability of minerals, vitamins and phyto-chemicals.

Dietary fiber fractions differ largely in their abilities to affect mineral and trace element availability and this might have negative impacts in high-risk population groups. Small human feeding studies have suggested that inclusion of food hydrocolloids like alginates [ ], guar gum [ , ] and β-glucan [ 58 , - ] into test meals results in a blunting of postprandial glycaemic and insulinaemic responses.

To study the absorption of nutrients in vivo , feeding methods, using animals or humans, usually provide the most accurate results, but they are time consuming and costly, which is why much effort has been devoted to the development of in vitro procedures [ ]. The in vitro digestive chemical experimental model enabled mimicking, in the laboratory, the in vivo reactions that take place in the stomach and duodenum.

In principle, in vitro digestion models provide a useful alternative to animal and human models by rapidly screening food ingredients. The ideal in vitro digestion method would provide accurate results in a short time [ ] and could thus serve as a tool for rapid foodscreening or delivery systems with different compositions and structures [ 19 ].

In vitro methods cannot be used alone for important decisions taken by industry or international organizations because human studies are required for such determinations, but are important for screening purposes and to project future studies.

Considering the fact that dietary fibers are new ingredients widely applied in foods, it is important to know their effect on absorption of nutrients and micronutrients. For this reason, the interaction between nutrients andfibers from different sources animal and plant fibers and types soluble and insoluble fibers has been studied using chemical experimental models of the human digestive tract to evaluate the availability for absorption of glucose, calcium and iron using yoghurt as a food model.

The plant fibers used in this work were: inulin Frutafit-inulin, Imperial Sensus, The Netherlands , bamboo Qualicel, CFF, Gehren, Germany , wheat Vitacel WF , JRS, Rosenberg, Germany , apple Vitacel AF , JRS, Rosenberg, Germany and psyllium Metamucil, Procter and Gamble Co.

Metamucil is a pharmaceutical formula with Plantago ovata seed husk Suppliers of wheat and apple fiber indicated that these products are free from phytic acid, and besides, the wheat fiber is gluten free.

The dietary fiber from animal source utilisedin these assays was chitosan. It was obtained from crustacean chitin in the Laboratorio de Investigación Básica y Aplicada en Quitina LIBAQ-INQUISUR-CONICET , Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina.

Chitin firstly was isolated from shrimp Pleoticus mülleri waste by the process that was described in our previous work [ ].

For the biopolymer characterisation, moisture and ash contents were determined at — °C and — °C, respectively. Deacetylation degree was obtained using FT-IR spectroscopy Nicolet iS10 FT-IR Spectrometer, Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA with samples in the form of KBr at a ratio of Total, soluble and insoluble dietary fiber contents of chitosan and plant fibers were analysedaccording to the enzymatic—gravimetric method of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists AOAC Official Method Apple, bamboo, psyllium and wheat fibers were investigated to obtain contents of main cell wall constituents lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose.

This method measures Acid Detergent Fiber ADF , Neutral Detergent Fiber NDF and Lignin. Cellulose and hemicellulose contents were obtained by calculations. To determine ADF, duplicate samples were agitated under pressure with hot acid detergent solution for 60 min, rinsed in hot water and dried.

Cellulose content of samples was calculated from ADF minus the lignin content. To determine NDF, duplicated samples were shaken with neutral detergent solution and heat-stable α-amylase for 60 min, rinsed and dried. Hemicellulose content of samples was calculated as NDF minus ADF [ ].

This mix was homogenized and heated to 85 °C for 30 min. Starter was constituted by a mixture of Streptococcus thermophilus CIDCA collection and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus CIDCA collection Samples were incubated at 43°C to reach a pH of 4.

The amount of fiber was selected following US regulations for fiber-fortified products [ ]. To study glucose availability 0. Louis, MO, USA was added for each sample of yoghurt with each type of dietary fiber.

In calcium availability studies the digestive mimicking was done without the addition of exogenous calcium because yoghurt is a source of calcium in the diet [ ]. To evaluate the interactions between the fibers and iron, 0. This addition was in accordance with local regulations governing iron supplementation in milk products.

Ferrous sulfate FeSO 4 7 H 2 O of Louis, MO, USA. Two types of digestive simulations were performed to study the interactions between dietary fibers used and the macro and micro nutrients tested.

To evaluate the interaction of glucose and calcium with the fibers, gastric and duodenal environments were simulated. To examine the interactions between the fibers and iron was used in addition, a dialysis membrane to imitate the iron passage through the intestinal wall.

Digestive enzymes were not utilized in these models because they do not hydrolyze fibers. The importance of duodenal simulation in these studies is because most dietary glucose, calcium and iron are absorbed in the duodenum.

The experiments to study the availability of glucose and calcium were performed in the following steps: a mix of After 1 hour simulations were taken from the acidic medium to pH 6. The stirring speed was increased from 30 to rpm and the temperature was maintained at 37°C to reproduce the duodenal environment.

Then simulations were allowed to rest for 15 min until two phases separated. Samples to determine glucose and calcium concentration were taken from the supernatant. Glucose and calcium amounts, determined by this way, represent the bioavailability fraction of those nutrients.

Experiments to study the interaction of dietary fibers with iron were carried out in the following manner. Yoghurts with ferrous sulfate and each fiber were stirred in 50 mL of 0.

During this first step of simulation pH was checked each 15 min with a pH Meter Hach model EC USA and it remained constant pH 1.

To reproduce the chemical duodenal environment pH level was increased to pH 6. Louis, MO, USA , stirring speed was increased from 30 to rpm to imitate the peristaltic movement and temperature was maintained at 37°C. Simulations were immediately transferred into a dialysis tubing cellulose membrane D FT, Sigma-Aldrich Co.

This cellulose membrane molecular weight cut-off 12, was previously prepared, as indicated by suppliers, and it was cut into 28 cm length pieces. The loaded tubes were immersed in mL of distilled water; at 37°C.

Iron concentrations were determined from the dialysed medium at 30 and 60 minutes. To determine glucose concentration an enzymatic method was used. An amount of digestive simulation solution 10 mL was mixed with 1.

Final reaction colour is stable for 30 min. Glucose calibration curve was carried out. The amounts of glucose used in this study correspond to available carbohydrates in the human mixed diet.

To determine calcium concentration a spectrophotometric method was used. Calcium reacts with 3. Assays were carried directly in spectrophotometer test tubes: 50 lL Cpx were mixed with a plastic rod and absorbance was read in spectrophotometer Spectronic 20 Genesys TM, Spectronic Instrument, USA at nm internal blank , then 20 mL of each digestive mimicking sample were added, immediately mixed and read after 10 min.

A standard curve was developed [ ]. To determine iron concentration in the dialysates a spectrophotometric method was used, μL of dialyzates was reduced with 2 mL of mercaptoacetic acid succinic acid buffer, pH 3.

Then, iron reacted with one drop of pyridyl bis-phenil triazine sulfonate PBTS producing a pink color due to the complex formed Wiener Lab Fe-colour Kit, Rosario, Argentina.

Absorbance was read on a spectrophotometer Spectronic 20 Genesys Thermo Electron Scientific Instruments Corp.

Iron retention percentages for each studied fibers were calculated as a percentage of the amount of iron measured in the dialysed medium obtained with the control yoghurt without fibers [ ].

Experiments were performed at least five times for each dietary fiber using freshly prepared yogurt. For total iron concentration in dialyzates, each individual sample was run in duplicate. Averages and standard deviations were calculated and expressed in each case as the mean ± SD for n replicates.

Normality of the data was checked with the Lilliefors test. Chitosan is a fiber of a different origin, i. from animal source and is soluble in an acidic medium and flocculates in an alkaline medium.

We used these fibers because they present different physicochemical behaviors that have been described in literature [ ,4]. The commercial fiber compositions used in this study, regarding total, soluble and insoluble fractions, are shown in Table 4.

Analysis for dietary fiber using the AOAC method Inulin presents only soluble fraction as expected. Psyllium and apple have both soluble and insoluble fractions. Apple fiber is characterized by a well balanced proportion between soluble and insoluble fraction [ ].

The total dietary fiber content is Van Craeyveldet al. Plant fiber characterisations were completed with the study of Acid Detergent Fiber ADF and Neutral Detergent Fiber NDF , lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose contents Table 5. Apple presents the highest lignin content.

Wheat fiber mainly has cellulose. Bamboo has proportional amounts of cellulose and hemicellulose, but compared with other fibers, has the highest hemicellulose content. These results are in accordance with their plant fiber origins and previous works [ - ].

Chitosan was not analysed either, because of its animal origin. Scientists working on human nutrition use methods of the AOAC, because of their interest in soluble fiber. It is known that soluble fiber plays an important role in human health and the food industry.

However, it could be useful in human nutrition to know the composition of insoluble fiber, as it is possible that insoluble fibers do not all have the same effect on human health. The NDF and insoluble fiber methods were applied to the same samples. Insoluble fiber includes hemicellulose, cellulose, lignin, cutin, suberin, chitin, chitosan, waxes and resistant starch.

NDF includes hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin. Escarnot et al. They analysed three milling fractions from those grains for insoluble and soluble fiber contents, lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose.

For insoluble fiber analysis, the NDF method is faster and more thorough. Dietary fiber have been found to have the capacity of binding different substances like bile salts and glucose which have implications in cholesterol lipid and carbohydrate metabolism respectively, as presented in the preceding sections.

However, the continuous introduction of new ingredients in the food industry requires further studies in order expand knowledge of the impact on nutrient absorption. Figure 1 shows the behavior of samples during the digestive tract simulation to evaluate glucose and calcium retention percentages and macroscopical differences between them could be observed.

Different simulated digestive contents for different fibers before dialysis in assays to determine the iron retention percentages are not shown because they are similar to those presented in Fig.

Simulation of gastrointestinal environment during dialysis of different yoghurts can be observed in Figure 2. Changes in pH during gastrointestinal simulation produces different behaviors depending on the type of fiber employed. The apple fiber is a fine powder with brownish color, probably due to the content of phenolics compounds [ ].

When apple fiber is added to the yogurt and subjected to the gastrointestinal simulation this color persists Figure 1. In Figure 2 it can be seen that Psyllium fiber gives a viscous dispersion [ , ]. Due to changing pH values in the digestive tract, Chitosan precipitates while passing through the first portion of the small intestine, forming flocculus.

Chitosan, that is a positively charged polysaccharide, is insoluble in neutral and alkaline pH. It is only soluble in acidic pH because below pH 6. When it is solubilised in dilute acid, chitosan has a linear structure [ ]. Photograph of the macroscopic view of different fibers in the in vitro digestive tract simulation.

Different fiber behaviors in the dialysis step of digestive simulation. Using the model that reproduces in vitro gastrointestinal conditions we determined glucose availability reduction and the results are shown in Figure 3.

Inthe gastrointestinal conditions chitosan formed a flocculus that entrapped glucose so its availability reduction is the highest.

Psyllium increases viscosity medium and glucose availability reduction is This in vitro study supports the view that certain types of dietary fiber reduce the rate of glucose absorption but chitosan has the most pronounced effect.

The behavior in delaying absorption could be likely to alter the gut endocrine response both by carrying material further down the small intestine prior to absorption as well as by producing a flatter blood glucose profile.

Glucose availability reduction. On the other hand, dietary fiber may influence the availability of minerals, such as calcium, magnesium [ ] and iron [ ]. Animal studies have found that dietary chitosan possibly arrests the absorption of calcium [ , ].

To study calcium availability the same model for glucose was used but without the addition of exogenous calcium because yogurt is an important source of this mineral in the human diet. Data are shown in Figure 4. It is observed Again, like results obtained with glucose, this study demonstrated that the chitosan effect is more pronounced and higher than for the other studies [ ].

Calcium availability reduction. To study iron retention percentages by the fibers tested in the present study, the introduction of cellulose dialysis tubes in the digestive chemical experimental model is utilised.

The use of a membrane dialysis tube reproduces, in the laboratory, the duodenum wall and its utilisation is presumably a significant factor that determines iron absorption according to Miret et al. In yoghurt, caseins are modified as a consequence of its production process.

Bioactive peptides are formed from caseins during the elaboration of milk products cheese, yoghurt under the action of endogenous enzymes of milk plasmin, cathepsin, among others or of microorganisms [ ]. These peptidic fragments that are already present in yoghurt, could fix iron and calcium according to Bouhallab and Bouglé [ ].

Then, these complex matrices yoghurts with each type of fiber and iron or calcium are subjected to the gastrointestinal simulation. With these control yoghurts, we could consider the interaction of iron or calcium with casein peptidic fragments. Iron retention percentages of different fibers are presented in Figure 5.

Bamboo and wheat are high in cellulose content. Cellulose could retain iron by physical adsorption according to results reported by Torre et al.

They worked withhigh dietary fiber food materials studying the physicochemical interactions with Fe II , Fe III and Ca II without an in vitro digestive model. They found that the interaction between Fe II and cellulose could be explained better by physical adsorption than complex formation.

Inulin, a soluble fiber, has no iron retention at 30 or 60min of simulation. This result is in accordance with studies that confirm that inulin does not interfere with iron absorption [ 17 , 20 , , ].

The apple fiber incorporated in yoghurt has no influence on iron retention. Psyllium shows, on average, In addition, the differing behaviors between apple fiber and psyllium could be explained by the different chemical composition of these fibers.

Psyllium has high hemicellulose content and apple has the highest lignin content and cellulose. However, bamboo has a low iron retention percentage.

The bamboo behavior could be explained due to the composition with equal proportions of soluble and insoluble fractions. More research is needed of this type of fiber. Iron retention percentages of yoghurts with different studied fibers. Chitosan presents the highest iron retention percentages at 30 min This flocculus Figure 2 , which could entrap iron, clearlydecrease iron dialysis.

However, certain amount of iron could go through the cellulose membrane and could be measured to calculate the iron retention percentage. Certain amount of casein-peptide-fragments interacting with iron could remain in solution.

Nevertheless, their presence does not interfere with the calculation of iron retention percentages as proven by the digestive simulations performed with control yoghurts. This study shows that the effect of chitosan on iron absorption is more pronounced and higher than those measured for the other studied plant fibers, as dietary fiber is a significant factor that influences iron absorption.

The iron retention percentages of different fibers used in this work could be explained mainly as a result of physicochemical phenomena, like adsorption, formation of viscous dispersion and flocculus. Yoghurt contains peptidic fragment s from caseins. The caseins are amphiphilic phosphoproteins and their isoelectric point p I value is 4.

At pH above the pI , caseins are negatively charged and soluble in water. The caseins have an electronegative domain preferentially located in small peptidic fragments known as αs 1 -Casein, β-casein and κ-casein. These structural features of the caseins may render these molecules adept at forming complexes with multivalent cationic macromolecules, such as chitosan [ ].

Anal et al. This study showed that soluble or insoluble chitosan—caseinate complexes can be formed depending on the pH. The characteristics of the complexes are determined by the biopolymer types and their concentration, as well as by environmental conditions.

In a certain pH range 5. The chitosan and sodium caseinate complexes associated to form larger particles, which resulted in phase separation appear when the pH was either in the range 4. At pH 3. According to these authors, yoghurts with chitosan could contain chitosan-casein-peptidic complexes apart from free chitosan molecules in solution.

Besides, calcium existing in yoghurt or the added iron could interact with free chitosan molecules and those complexes. In our work, yoghurts with chitosan are subjected to gastrointestinal simulations. While the food passes through the first portion of the simulated small intestine, changes in pH can lead to formation of chitosan-casein peptidic complexes and iron or calcium could be interacting with them.

At pH 6. The force of the coagulum formed is high and can be seen in Figures 1 and 2. The results reported by Ausar et al. Chitosan is essentially a positively charged polysaccharide.

Iron and calcium are cations. They found that the pure chitosan solutions were strongly positively charged between pH 3. In our study, in the range of pH 3. Besides, Anal et al. In this range of pH, in our work, electrostatic interaction could exist between chitosan-caseinate complexes and iron or calcium.

However, when chitosan precipitates, it captures the iron or calcium either by electrostatic forces or by adsorption [ , ]. The behavior of chitosan with calcium and iron in the digestive simulations were similar and can be explained in the same manner. However, the behavior between the other fibers used and the same micronutrients in the digestive simulations were significantly different.

The flocculus formation by chitosan is a very strong kind of behavior which is independent of the use of the dialysis membrane. Evidently other types of interactions are brought into play for the other fibers that need further studies to determine them.

Results showed that the different plant fibers decreased glucose, calcium and iron availabilities whereas the effect of chitosan fiber from animal source was more pronounced.

These findings could be positive or negative depending on the nutrient and the nutritional stage or health of the population who would receive the food under study.

However, the in vitro digestive chemical experimental modelmay be used to increase the understanding of the interactions between animal and plant fibers with nutrients and micronutrients.

This knowledge is very important from the point of view of health and for food industry and technologists. Financial support from CONICET and SeCyT-Universidad Nacional del Sur is gratefully acknowledged. Marina Dello Staffolo and Alicia Bevilacqua express their gratitude to Universidad Nacional de La Plata and bamboo, inulin and wheat suppliers Imperial Sensus, CFF and JRS.

Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.

Edited by Desiree Nedra Karunaratne. Open access Dietary Fiber and Availability of Nutrients: A Case Study on Yoghurt as a Food Model Written By Marina Dello Staffolo, Alicia E. Bevilacqua, María Susana Rodríguez and Liliana Albertengo.

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IntechOpen The Complex World of Polysaccharides Edited by Desiree Nedra Karunaratne. From the Edited Volume The Complex World of Polysaccharides Edited by Desiree Nedra Karunaratne Book Details Order Print.

Chapter metrics overview 4, Chapter Downloads View Full Metrics. Impact of this chapter. Marina Dello Staffolo CIDCA Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimentos , CONICET—CCTLa Plata, Fac. Exactas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina Alicia E.

Bevilacqua CIDCA Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimentos , CONICET—CCTLa Plata, Fac. Introduction Dietary fibers are consumed from cereals, fruit and vegetables, but now are also added in purified form to food preparations since the roles of dietary fibers in preventing and treating some diseases have been well documented.

Table 1. Chemical composition of dietary fibers [28]. Table 2. Dietary fiber constituents [4]. Table 3. Classification of dietary fiber based on solubility. Fiber, lipid metabolism and cardiovascular disease The earliest and most widely researched topic related to dietary fiber and human health is reducing the risk factors for coronary heart disease [ 24 ].

Fiber, carbohydrate metabolism, and diabetes mellitus It is known that exists a link among an elevated body mass index, waist circumference and the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus [ 54 , 55 ].

Soluble viscous fiber plays an important role in controlling satiety and postprandial glycemic and insulin responses [ 68 ] and somestudies showed that insolubledietary fiberimproved the qualityof life for thesepatients [ 69 ] The protective effect of DF on obesity and T2DM has been historically attributed to greater satiety due to an increased mastication, calorie displacement, and decreased absorption of macronutrients [ 55 ].

Fiber and gut microflora The large intestine plays host to a large and diverse resident microflora. Fiber and Immune function Besides its absorptive functions, the gastrointestinal tract is involved with a range of immune functions.

Fiber and prevention of cancer Cancer continues to be one of the number one health concerns of populations worldwide. Nutrients absorption To date, evidence has been obtained in different types of studies that dietary fiber can influence the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids preventing the development of diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease.

Dietary fibers employed The plant fibers used in this work were: inulin Frutafit-inulin, Imperial Sensus, The Netherlands , bamboo Qualicel, CFF, Gehren, Germany , wheat Vitacel WF , JRS, Rosenberg, Germany , apple Vitacel AF , JRS, Rosenberg, Germany and psyllium Metamucil, Procter and Gamble Co.

Analysis for dietary fiber Total, soluble and insoluble dietary fiber contents of chitosan and plant fibers were analysedaccording to the enzymatic—gravimetric method of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists AOAC Official Method Digestive chemical experimental model Two types of digestive simulations were performed to study the interactions between dietary fibers used and the macro and micro nutrients tested.

Analytical techniques To determine glucose concentration an enzymatic method was used. Statistical analysis Experiments were performed at least five times for each dietary fiber using freshly prepared yogurt. Table 4. Table 5. Digestive chemical model and glucose, calcium and iron retention percentages Dietary fiber have been found to have the capacity of binding different substances like bile salts and glucose which have implications in cholesterol lipid and carbohydrate metabolism respectively, as presented in the preceding sections.

Conclusion Results showed that the different plant fibers decreased glucose, calcium and iron availabilities whereas the effect of chitosan fiber from animal source was more pronounced. Acknowledgement Financial support from CONICET and SeCyT-Universidad Nacional del Sur is gratefully acknowledged.

References 1. Green CJ. Fiber in enteral nutrition. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition 13 4 2. Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine Dietary reference intakes.

Proposed definition of dietary fiber. A report of the panel on the definiti on of dietary fiber and the standing committee on the scientific evaluation of dietary reference intakes. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

Thebaudin JY. Dietary fibres: Nutritional and technological interest. Tungland B. Meyer D. Nondigestible oligo and polysaccharides dietary fibre : their physiology and role in human health and food.

Comprenhensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 1 3 90 5. Trout D. Behall K. Osilesi O. Prediction of glycaemic index for starchy foods. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 58 6. Jenkins D. Kendall C. Axelsen M. Augustin L.

Vuksan V. Viscous and nonviscous fibres, nonabsorbable and low glycaemic index carbohydrates, blood lipids and coronary heart disease. Current Opinion in Lipidology 11 1 49 56 7. Luccia B. ME Kunkel In vitro availability of calcium from sources of cellulose, methylcellulose, and psyllium Food Chemistry 77 8.

Bosscher D. Van Ciaillie-Bertrand M. Deelstra H. Effect of thickening agents, based on soluble dietary fibre on the availability of calcium, iron, and zinc from infants formulas.

Nutrition 17 9. Salas-Salvadó J. MA Martinez-González Bulló M. Ros E. Nordin BEC. Calcium and Osteoporosis. Nutrition 13 Fardellonea P.

Cottéb-E F. Rouxc C. Lespessaillesd E. Merciere F. Gaudinf-F A. Calcium intake and the risk of osteoporosis and fractures in French women.

Joint Bone Spine 77 Beard J. Iron-deficiency anemia: Reexamining the nature and magnitude of the public health problem. Journal of Nutrition SS.

Thompson SA. Influence of pH on the binding of copper, zinc and iron in six fiber sources. Journal of Food Science 44 Laszlo JA. Mineral binding properties of soy hull.

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Rodriguez A. Saura-Calixto F. Interactions of. with high. dietary fibre. materials A. physicochemical approach. Food Chemistry 54 23 Chau-F C. Additionally, because insoluble fiber attracts and retains water, it also helps reduce the likelihood of diarrhea.

A healthy gut is a happy gut. In the health and wellness industry, there's a lot of talk about good gut bacteria. With prebiotics and probiotic supplements being at the forefront of modern gut health, many individuals often forget that you can obtain these nutrients directly through the food you eat.

Fiber is an excellent source of food for good gut bacteria, and the health of our colon thrives on it. Eating fiber-rich foods like barley helps that healthy bacteria flourish to better assist in proper digestion and nutrient absorption. Too high cholesterol levels can significantly impact the health of your heart.

If you're searching for a way to lower cholesterol levels naturally, speak with your healthcare professional about adding more fiber to your diet. In its gel-like form, soluble fiber binds to the bad kind of cholesterol and helps eliminate it from your body.

To help your body maintain healthier cholesterol levels, try incorporating more soluble fiber-rich foods into your diet like flax seeds , whole grains, wheat bran , and fruit and vegetables with the skins intact.

Want to stay full in between meals? Add more fiber to your diet! Because fiber adds bulk to your food and slows down digestion, it also slows down the stomach's emptying and keeps you feeling full for longer.

Adding foods that are high in fiber to your meals is an excellent way to ensure that you remain focused and energized throughout the day. Plus, it will keep you reaching from a candy bar when that midday sugar craving hits!

We've talked about the many benefits of slowing down digestion, one of the most important being the absorption of nutrients. As fiber slows down the digestion process, it allows your body to absorb more nutrients from the food passing through. If you're low in specific vitamins or minerals, add more nutrition to your diet that includes those minerals along with some fiber.

Doing so will make sure that you reap all of the benefits. The optimum amount of fiber needed will depend on your unique health requirements.

The next time you visit your health professional, discuss how much fiber you're eating and if adding more fiber-rich foods would benefit your health. In general, it is recommended that most individuals consume between twenty-five to thirty grams of fiber per day from food, not supplements.

If you're having trouble adding fiber to your diet, continue scrolling as we discuss a few of our favorite fiber-rich foods to work into your meals. Split peas and lentils are excellent sources of fiber. To work more legumes into your diet, start by making this wholesome Lentil Soup Recipe.

Looking for a high fiber food that's just as tasty as it is healthy? Make sure your next meal contains beans, and try out these Macedonian Baked Beans. Grains are loaded with fiber and endless possibilities.

Eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner; grains are an excellent way to up your fiber intake safely. For a breakfast that your entire family will enjoy, make these Oatmeal Pancakes.

Veggies are always a good idea. Work more vegetables and fiber into your diet with this Vegetable Barley Risotto. Want a quick way to add fiber to a meal without changing the taste of it? Start with seeds. Seeds are excellent for you and incredibly versatile.

Add them to your favorite smoothie or turn them into pudding with this Chocolate Protein Chia Pudding. Fiber and lactose are two common food substances that can cause problems with diarrhea. Learn more about fiber and lactose in your diet here. Anal fissures are cracks or tears in the skin around the anus, causing burning and sharp pain when you have a bowel movement.

Find treatment options here. Hemorrhoids are part of the normal anatomy of the anus and lower rectum. They act as cushions to protect the anal skin from the passage of stool. Learn more. Patient Education.

Related Conditions. Why is fiber important? What is fiber? Soluble Water-soluble fibers absorb water during digestion. They increase stool bulk and may decrease blood cholesterol levels.

Soluble fiber can be found in fruits such as apples, oranges and grapefruit , vegetables, legumes such as dry beans, lentils and peas , barley, oats and oat bran. Insoluble Water-insoluble fibers remain unchanged during digestion.

They promote normal movement of intestinal contents. Insoluble fiber can be found in fruits with edible peel or seeds, vegetables, whole grain products such as whole-wheat bread, pasta and crackers , bulgur wheat, stone ground corn meal, cereals, bran, rolled oats, buckwheat and brown rice. How much fiber do I need each day?

Continue reading How do I increase my fiber intake? Here are some easy ways to increase fiber: Grains and Cereals As a general rule, include at least one serving of whole grain in every meal. Keep a jar of oat bran or wheat germ handy. Sprinkle over salad, soup, breakfast cereals and yogurt.

Use whole-wheat flour when possible in your cooking and baking. Choose whole grain bread. Look on the label for breads with the highest amount of fiber per slice.

Choose cereals with at least 5 grams of fiber per serving.

Dietary Fiber for better nutrient absorption is found in wholegrain cereals nturient fruit and Addiction treatment options. Fibre is made up of the indigestible fpr or compounds qbsorption plants, which Fiber for better nutrient absorption relatively unchanged through our stomach and intestines. Fibre is mainly a carbohydrate. The main role of fibre is to keep the digestive system healthy. In countries with traditionally high-fibre diets, diseases such as bowel cancer, diabetes and heart disease are much less common than in Western countries. Fiber for better nutrient absorption

Author: Shakree

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