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Nutrition periodization for fat loss

Nutrition periodization for fat loss

Is fat intake important for building muscle? Periodizatioon : In Phase 1, cardio is all about improving the aerobic base, also called Stage I. Just Show Up.

Nutrition periodization for fat loss -

The purpose behind and the process of nutrition periodization entails strategic planning and adjusting certain variables to optimize results. Alright so now that we know what nutrition periodization is and what the main dieting phases are, how do we apply that to our goals and where do you begin with tackling those goals?

Your why will be what you lean on when things get tough. For example: If you want to lose weight so you can be a better version of yourself and live a longer, healthier lifestyle for yourself, kids, grandkids, etc.

NOT the fact that you want to look good naked. Maybe, maybe not which is why we encourage all clients to find their WHY before starting any type of dieting phase. So ask yourself how this goal serves you now. Before we get into the details here is a template for a basic nutrition periodization plan and how we typically structure things here at Clar-e-ty:.

We believe in prioritizing and advocating for the overall health of our clients before we start diving into things like cuts because once the little nuances are taken care of, oftentimes the results are going to happen organically.

Your body's maintenance calories are its equilibrium. Your maintenance calories are specific to you and based on things like your basal metabolic rate and activity level.

Maintenance is where we should try to shoot to live for the majority of our lives. We encourage clients to get comfortable living at maintenance for the longest period of time possible since maintenance is essential for a thriving mind and body.

Living at maintenance also allows you to achieve body recomp at higher calories, build sustainable eating habits, give your metabolism time to repair and recover from dieting, and gives you the opportunity to be more successful in a cut or gaining phase down the road.

So how do you know if a maintenance phase is right for you? And now for one of our favorite goals. Again, maintenance is where people need to spend the majority of the year if not the majority of their lives.

An active fat loss phase requires you to be in a calorie deficit to achieve a goal of weight loss. Some important things to ask yourself before a cut include:. Have you dieted in the past 6 months? Are your stress levels under control?

Is your general mood good? Do you have your period females? Do you have morning wood males? If the answer is no to any of these questions, then it's probably not the best time for you to cut.

Are you eating your body weight in grams of protein and g of fiber daily? Are you consistently moving your body in some type of way daily? Is this the right time for you to cut? If you have a big trip coming up it might not be the best time for you to cut because it will be harder for you to adhere to lower calories while on vacation.

When we bring calories up to maintenance we are allowing some hormonal processes to recovery that will allow us to get the metabolism going again and avoid any negative hormonal implications that arise from dieting testosterone declining, chronic cortisol elevation, thyroid dysfunction, etc.

You can plug these in every 4, 8, 12, or 16 weeks. They can be 5, 7, 10 or 14 days long and the best way to determine how long you need them for is to track your biofeedback or have a coach program them for you. Every 4 weeks, just have a day refeed. Every 8 weeks, just have a day refeed.

Every weeks, just have a day refeed. It can be frustrating, but after we get to your goal weight we want to actually stay there — maintaining your new weight and body fat level — for a minimum of weeks but often times weeks. During this time we may be able to bring up calories just a pinch, but sometimes we actually will leave them in the deficit that got you to your goal, while adding in refeed days per week for sanity and performance.

Because reverse dieting is just not easy! But the psychological and emotional process of reverse dieting can be tough and in order to be SLOW with this process, you have to be one disciplined mofo — because you want to eat, period. But this post diet phase is where we slowly bring calories up to maintenance once again.

This is creating your new set point or homeostasis, once again. We need to once again make sure we can actually maintain this and if we want to sustain our new result, this is absolutely mandatory because without this we either a.

gain weight back or b. stay in a chronically low caloric state which leads to hormonal dysfunction down the road. And as you can see… the phases after the actual diet are just, as if not more, important than the actual diet itself. I expected to drop lbs.

So I had to attack a new journey, building muscle mass. This article will not go in depth on what this takes, but you can check out the Part 1 and Part 2 guide to building muscle both free articles and get a good summary of what you need to do.

What I will give you here, before signing off, are 2 ideas that you need to consider and possibly implement when going into your journey from day 1. When approaching fat loss, consider the longer more sustainable approach IF you do not have a seriously solid base of muscle on your body already.

This and eating adequate protein are the 2 best ways to make sure you maintain as much muscle as possible during your diet phase. And because I believe in this strategy SO much, I actually created an infographic for my instagram followers as well.

Cody McBroom is owner and head coach of Boom Boom Performance. He coaches people in person and online, now internationally. His passion is helping individuals changing their lives through body composition transformation, as well as creating content across all platforms to help individuals and other coaches learn more about training and nutrition.

CLICK HERE TO APPLY FOR COACHING WITH CODY. Stubborn Body Fat — AKA Our Biggest Enemy. You know… Spare tire, love handles, hips,….

What is Protein Overfeeding? Protein overfeeding, commonly known as over-eating protein to the everyday individual,…. Have you ever noticed that successful people are always telling you to….

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Heading into my first bikini competition I had at least one hundred random questions. The liver is the main organ in charge of detoxification. Highly debated, greatly misunderstood, over-consumed by gym rats, and vastly under-consumed by…. Fat Burning Supplement Stack Table of Contents The Ultimate Fat Burning Supplement Stack Create….

Stop constantly doing these things and your body will drastically change for the better. Artificial sweeteners were created to make food taste better without adding calories. Some of the….

They Thought They Took Steroids… This is probably the most remarkable study ever done inside…. Your gastrointestinal GI tract is a complex organ system that digests food from your mouth…. What is Training Periodization? Periodization is the manipulation of training variables over time to reach….

Last week I was Resurrected, which technically means being raised up from the dead……. Depending on what studies you read, you might find that, technically, building muscle while burning….

Rate of Perceived Exertion RPE vs. Percentage Based Training PBT Training intensity is more than…. Intermittent fasting, time restricted eating, carb fasts, water fasts, 24 hour fasts, multi-day fasts… There…. Welcome to our ultimate guide to antioxidants.

This is your go-to resource for everything you…. Metabolic adaptation has many names. One of the most underestimated factors in achieving fitness results, which can actually be the…. This article does not contain medical advice.

If you are experiencing symptoms of amenorrhea, please…. Each month I will cover two research articles on nutrition, training, sleep, supplements, or anything…. Access, Association, and Accountability. Plateaus suck. Plain and simple, they suck. The 10 Training Commandments. Full transparency, I stole these from another strength coach Ben Bruno ….

The 10 Nutrition Commandments. What is Body Positivity, Really…? Body positivity… This is an interesting topic. Research Review 10 Brandon Roberts, Ph. The key to actually seeing success from a nutrition plan or diet protocol, is individualizing….

Can you seriously lose lbs in weeks, without destroying your hormones and binge eating…. I have heard countless times, whether in magazines, from YouTubers, vegans and even health professionals…. With any nutrition…. When someone, i. you, wants to decrease their body fat, increase their strength or muscle….

At some point in time, micronutrients became really uncool to consider as an important part…. If there was ever a formula for success… this is…. Paleo vs. Macros… This debate has and probably will go on for eternity in the nutrition….

Following a diet can be hard — psychologically, physiologically, and physically. Meaning, the diet is…. Watch the video below to get access to an exclusive functional hypertrophy training program [for…. Kettlebell workouts are one of the most diverse training modalities out there. Depending on the….

Intermittent Fasting… Talk about a dietary can of worms! People are constantly seeking things to motivate them more… You probably do…. Training program design, is a pretty big deal.

Take action…. The Importance Of Leucine Threshold For Building and Retaining Lean Body Mass Leucine threshold…. Warming up for a strength training session is often a boring, yet unbelievably critical, task…. Aging healthy, happy and with grace. Many people think that….

Introduction: What is Concurrent Training? Introduction Testosterone is a critical hormone that plays a key role in muscle growth, fat…. Table of Contents Introduction: Understanding the role of testosterone in muscle growth The science of….

Day 1 starts tomorrow! I got your nutrition prescription as well as a guide…. Do High Cortisol Levels Prevent Fat Loss From Occurring? Today on my instagram story, I shared this current progress picture of myself… Top is now, bottom…. Have you ever wondered how some people seem to effortlessly follow through with their workout….

Start Explosive. Doing something explosive at the beginning of your workout will fire the…. Overcoming resistance is success, period. To achieve a result, we need to overcome resistance. Sauna, ice baths, cryotherapy, steam room, massages… with so many ever increasing recovery methods it….

Intermittent fasting has been expanding in popularity right now more than ever and tons…. Creatine Monohydrate… might just be our favorite supplement.

Well, because we can recommend it…. The supplement industry is MASSIVE. Fill In Your Email Address Below To Receive Your FREE Downloadable Copy Of This Infographic….

Are you Selfish? Or Self-Interested…? Have you ever felt selfish for trying to start something…. Reverse Dieting… This is a really hot topic right now, but why? Have you ever noticed that the strategies, methods,…. I was asked this question recently and it literally stopped….

It is always the commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and…. Nutritional Periodization For Fat Loss. December 20, Written by Cody McBroom. But what about you? This calls for Nutritional Periodization, too. In other words… You need to plan out when the diet begins, how long the diet lasts, how hard you will be dieting Aggressive deficit?

PRE-DIET PHASE BODY PREP This is something not enough people think about and not enough coaches implement. We NEED to manage prior stress before creating new stress. The Mini Cut This is where we spend weeks cutting, aggressively. In this case, we cut hard and get the job done as fast as possible so we can bring you back up to maintenance calories as soon as possible.

The Fast Track This is where we spend a minimum of weeks, but more likely weeks, dieting for fat loss. We do create a physically noticeable deficit, we do push your body a bit harder, and we really do get after it, but it is not as harsh or aggressive as the mini cut because you have more weight to lose overall than that individual and because we more time to work with.

This is the most common and in my opinion the best route to take. Our goal for fat loss is about lbs per week for most individuals and this comes when you have 20lbs. or less to lose. Slow and Sustainable This is for our clients who have more than 20lbs. See here we will be anywhere between 0.

Slow, steady, and sustainable. This one will need the next, optional, phase in many cases. This is when we put nail in the coffin, in a way. MUSCLE BUILDING PHASE OPTIONAL This is the phase where we change our goals, a bit.

Everything You Need to Finally Hit Your Goals:. GET STARTED TODAY FOR FREE. Loved it? Send it to a friend. Written by Cody McBroom. Apply to be coached by Cody. Read it next. Drink More Water. Read more. The "All or Nothing" Mentality, That Kills Long-Term Progress. The Hypertrophy Guide.

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Fat Loss. Todays post is all about the most important question we need to ask ourselves on…. Each month I will cover a few of the top research articles on nutrition, training,….

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In the last articleI made my case periodizxtion Childhood obesity and glycogen storage disease periodizafion. Electrolyte Solution this article, I want to petiodization into the details a bit more. Nutrition periodization means that diet phases are not random, they are strategic and purposeful. Periodized nutrition is absolutely necessary in order to maximize the chances of achieving any long-term fitness goal. It sounds like something only advanced athletes or bodybuilders would do.


You Gotta Learn To Burn Fat As Fuel Bro

Nutrition periodization for fat loss -

So you must be prepared. So for most this phase is days of lifting with minimal cardio. Again the goal here is to do less so eventually you can add more in down the line. You cant build a house on a terrible foundation.

The same is true for changing your body composition. You must have a solid foundation in place. Expect to be in this phase anywhere from weeks on average. So you have built a solid foundation, have no diet and training fatigue or stress, and are eating at maintenance calories.

Now what? If you are under these levels then a weight gain phase would be more beneficial for you to start. There are some circumstances where you can build muscle and lose body fat at the same time.

You decided it would be best for you to start in a weight loss phase. Now its time to lose body fat and see progress. When dieting for weight loss you want to aim for 0. All pretty nasty side effects of losing weight too quickly. The first step would be to decrease your calories from your maintenance levels that were set in the pre-diet phase to aim for a.

The goal is to find a good combination of increasing movement cardio, steps and eating less that allows for the best adherence from the client to get you into a negative energy balance cite calorie def article. It all depends on your lifestyle and what you like most.

I recommend starting with option 3 and then going from there. So now that you have your calories and cardio prescription set, now its time for the fun. Im sure you will wonder if your calories are right or if you are doing enough cardio or weight training, but the best thing you can do is stay consistent and then make adjustments when and if you need to.

With online clients, we aim for being in the weight loss phase for about weeks. If you want to do 8 weeks then you can be a bit more aggressive, if you want to stay in it for up to 16 weeks then you aim for closer to the. The longer you diet for weight loss the chances of declining adherence increase and weight rebound is increased.

Hunger and cravings also go up the more weight you lose and the longer you diet for weight loss. In order to make sure you are progressing online clients will track their:. Ideally, you would pick either a decrease in calories OR an increase in cardio.

Once you complete your first weight loss phase then it will be time to take a maintenance phase. More on this in a bit. Based on the recommendations you decided you wanted to gain weight. Weight gain? Why would anyone ever want to gain weight? Simple, to build muscle.

The more muscle you have the easier fat loss is down the line. For most beginners people who have been lifting less than a year there is no need for a weight gain phase because the body is so sensitive to muscle growth that a good training program and adequate protein is enough.

However, the longer you lift, in order to grow muscle enough to notice a difference you must have phases where you gain weight calorie surplus. When dieting for weight gain you want to aim for 0.

The purpose behind and the process of nutrition periodization entails strategic planning and adjusting certain variables to optimize results. Alright so now that we know what nutrition periodization is and what the main dieting phases are, how do we apply that to our goals and where do you begin with tackling those goals?

Your why will be what you lean on when things get tough. For example: If you want to lose weight so you can be a better version of yourself and live a longer, healthier lifestyle for yourself, kids, grandkids, etc.

NOT the fact that you want to look good naked. Maybe, maybe not which is why we encourage all clients to find their WHY before starting any type of dieting phase.

So ask yourself how this goal serves you now. Before we get into the details here is a template for a basic nutrition periodization plan and how we typically structure things here at Clar-e-ty:. We believe in prioritizing and advocating for the overall health of our clients before we start diving into things like cuts because once the little nuances are taken care of, oftentimes the results are going to happen organically.

Your body's maintenance calories are its equilibrium. Your maintenance calories are specific to you and based on things like your basal metabolic rate and activity level. Maintenance is where we should try to shoot to live for the majority of our lives. We encourage clients to get comfortable living at maintenance for the longest period of time possible since maintenance is essential for a thriving mind and body.

Living at maintenance also allows you to achieve body recomp at higher calories, build sustainable eating habits, give your metabolism time to repair and recover from dieting, and gives you the opportunity to be more successful in a cut or gaining phase down the road.

So how do you know if a maintenance phase is right for you? And now for one of our favorite goals. Again, maintenance is where people need to spend the majority of the year if not the majority of their lives.

An active fat loss phase requires you to be in a calorie deficit to achieve a goal of weight loss. Some important things to ask yourself before a cut include:. But within that scope, you have the most leeway during maintenance.

This is where you can have the freedom to shift weekly calories to accommodate for food-focused events, shift your food timing a bit more, and get away with some alcohol fit into your macros.

Jump up to just a bit under where you think the bottom of your maintenance range is. You can expect an initial small weight gain just from having more food in your stomach, more sodium in food, and more carbs stored in the muscle.

Some general guidelines to maintain throughout maintenance and all phases :. Sleep Hunger Digestion Stress Mood Blood pressure Blood sugar THE BUILDING PHASES 💪 Taking time in a building phase is what will give you the physique you want, not just endless fat loss phases.

In order to build muscle you need to have enough protein and a slight surplus of calories. They can change a bit based on the individual to adjust for things like trace proteins from plant carb sources, hunger, or preference, but as a general rule protein still falls between As far as calories, we know that we have some individuals with rigid metabolisms and those with flexible metabolisms.

Flexible metabolisms will start to move more and increase NEAT when they eat more calories, so their increase as a percentage of maintenance will need to be larger.

Rigid metabolisms have a smaller maintenance range, and will need less of an increase when moving into a building phase because they compensate less with increased NEAT.

In a build men and women should both look for about 0. That will probably look like pounds of weight gain for men per month, and half that for women. The mindset in a build is mostly around maintaining meal structure.

Peri workout nutrition should be a big focus in a build, since you want to…. In a build we really want to have a steady stream of macronutrients to help build muscle tissue. Each phase of the diet, when done right, can help set you up to have a more productive next phase.

A great fat loss phase sets you up to maintain long term, or sets you up for a productive building phase; a well-done building phase sets you up for an easier fat loss phase, and so on.

Each one just needs an intelligent approach, good effort, and the right mindset.

Periodiaation is the Childhood obesity and glycogen storage disease of planning and manipulating variables over time fxt order to achieve a specific loss. But with experience, Rare and exotic seeds learn Electrolyte Solution about periodiztion interactions, connections, psychological differences, hormonal changes, adherence and consistency, and more Periodiztion see periodization inside sport, olympic lifting, powerlifting, and sometimes in advanced bodybuilding. But what about the everyday man or woman who just wants to get ripped? This is not to say that those previous articles were incorrect by any means, but there has been so much more research done on the topic of diet breaks, refeeds, diet phases, and more, that we know twice as much about nutrition periodization at this point. With that, comes a lot of experience and anecdotes. Phasic dieting is Electrolyte Solution methodology that we use with all of fr online clients. We've found Nutriition to pdriodization much more effective than foe traditional diet strategy of Nutrition periodization for fat loss following "cutting" or Nutrition periodization for fat loss phases until you Body Mass Indicator as lean fa as Nitrition as you want. WHEN DIETING: You spend months dieting, but never achieve the lean, strong physique you want. At the end of the diet, you're exhausted, your body looks more "skinny-fat" than lean and strong, and you're confused as to why once again dieting "doesn't seem to work for you". WHEN BULKING: You spend months eating lots of food, and watching the scale go up. At the end of your bulk, you realize most of your added "bulk" is fat, not muscle. Nutrition periodization for fat loss

Author: Shatilar

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