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Natural remedies for cold sores

Natural remedies for cold sores

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How To Get Rid Of A Cold Sore Overnight

Natural remedies for cold sores -

You can catch HSV-1 from drinking out of a cup after someone carrying HSV-1, sharing makeup or kissing, or any other oral contact. Exposure to strong sunlight can leave you with a cold sore.

This is most likely because UV rays cause damage to the skin, which can be enough to activate the virus and trigger a cold sore. This is advisable year-round but be extra-vigilant about application when the sun is strong. Stress is a huge trigger for cold sores. When your immune system is flagging, a cold sore is often circling.

Even a simple winter cold can often usher in the unwelcome appearance of a cold sore a few days later. Your immune system relies on being supplied with a balanced diet of fresh food, including lots of vegetables and fruit.

Cold sores are highly contagious, so never share makeup, razors, cutlery, or face masks with anyone who has an active cold sore. Always in search of the best cold sore treatment? Some of the most effective cold sore treatments are over-the-counter anti-viral treatments and cold sore patches.

Ice is certainly the most inexpensive of the natural cold sore remedies. To calm the painful swelling a cold sore can bring, grab an ice pack or bag of frozen peas and wrap in a flannel or hand towel.

Apply to the mouth area for a few minutes at a time over the course of a few hours. This could help reduce inflammation in the cold sore and reduce its size.

A tablespoon of milk on a cotton pad held against a painful cold sore will have a cooling effect on any itching or burning. Aloe vera is commonly recommended for soothing angry skin. Cold sores are a symptom of the herpes simplex virus HSV , which has two types, known as HSV-1 and HSV While most cold sores occur due to HSV-1, either type can cause these sores.

Experts sometimes refer to cold sores as mouth herpes, oral herpes, or herpes simplex labialis. There is currently no cure for HSV. It remains dormant in the body until it reactivates. HSV is common. The World Health Organization estimates that the worldwide frequency of HSV for people under 50 years old is 3.

That means approximately 2 out of 3 people have HSV-1, and more than 1 in 10 have HSV Many people experience a tingling, burning, or itching sensation about 24 hours before a cold sore appears. When a person initially contracts either HSV strain, they usually experience their first outbreak within 3 days to 2 weeks.

This initial outbreak is often more severe than subsequent ones and causes flu-like symptoms, including:. These symptoms tend to last for about 2 to 4 weeks.

After the initial outbreak, HSV remains dormant in your nerve cells. Some people never experience another outbreak, while others continue to experience them. Future outbreaks can result from:. Not everyone with HSV will get cold sores. For those who do, outbreaks can be unavoidable and unpredictable.

But several treatment options can ease or shorten the duration and severity of an outbreak. Below are some of the most effective home remedies for treating cold sores. Home remedies provide relief for some people but do not work for everyone. Prescription antiviral medications like valacyclovir Valtrex are typically much more effective at treating and preventing cold sores.

Lemon balm has been used for many years to improve mood and cognitive function. This lemon-scented herb is also known to have antiviral properties.

A research review involved findings about lemon balm and its potential benefits for healing certain viruses, including HSV, SARS, and HIV. The review found that lemon balm may help treat HSV-1 by preventing the virus from binding to cells in the body and replicating. Products that contain docosanol, benzyl alcohol, or lysine may help reduce the duration of the cold sore.

The manufacturers claim it can clear up a cold sore in as few as 2. A research review found that people with HSV who took at least 3 grams a day of lysine supplements found at least some relief from their symptoms.

Lysine is also available as a cream and in foods, like legumes, milk, cheese, and fish. Ice will likely not reduce the duration of a cold sore outbreak, but it can ease the discomfort and inflammation of cold sores.

Apply a cold pack directly to the sores for temporary relief. To avoid the risk of irritating or burning your skin, limit your cold pack time to 15 minutes at a time.

You can purchase aloe vera gel from many local stores and websites and even grow your own aloe vera plants.

While research connecting the plant to cold sores is limited, one in vitro study showed that its anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects could have inhibitory effects. Apply a small amount of aloe vera gel — either from a tube or by breaking open an aloe vera leaf — directly onto your cold sores.

Sunburns are one of the major triggers for cold sore outbreaks. But there are plenty of ways to reduce your sun exposure. Wear sunscreen daily, whether you currently have a cold sore or not. It not only protects your lips while the cold sore heals, but it can also reduce future flare-ups when applied to the lips daily.

Look for at least SPF 30 , and apply it at least 15 minutes before you expect to be in the sun. Wearing a wide-brimmed hat, avoiding the sun between 10 a. and 4 p. Another major trigger that can cause the herpes virus to come out of dormancy is stress.

But finding ways to reduce your stress can also reduce your risk of future cold sores. Add 10 to 30 minutes of anti-stress techniques into your daily routine by trying meditation, exercise, journaling, or anything that helps you feel calmer and more relaxed.

All three of those symptoms link with cold sores. Taking ibuprofen, which is readily available, can ease the pain and discomfort linked with cold sores. Acetaminophen, another widely available OTC medication, can also effectively reduce fever and pain.

If you are sensitive to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, this can be a good option for relief from mild to moderate cold sore pain. Your email address will not be published. Don't delay, call today! How Can I Treat Cold Sores Naturally?

Mar 31, Dental Care. Read more to learn about cold sores, their causes, symptoms, and remedies. What is a Cold Sore? What Can Trigger a Cold Sore? Other factors that may result in cold sores include: A weak immune system Exposure to hot sun or cold wind Hormonal changes, such as those related to menstrual periods Stress Fatigue Skin injury Viral infection or fever Symptoms of a Cold Sore Common symptoms of a cold sore are: Tingling and itching around the lips Blisters around the nose, cheeks, or mouth Shallow open pores caused by prolonged blisters that crust and ooze However, these symptoms will vary depending on the individuals and the frequency of outbreaks.

First-time cold sore symptoms include: Swollen lymph nodes Painful gums Fever Muscle aches Sore throat Headache How Can You Treat Cold Sores Naturally?

You can also try these natural remedies for treating cold sores: Ice - Soothe your cold sore by applying an ice pack. Over-the-Counter Creams - Use these creams to manage pain or to keep the skin soft when healing.

Sunburns resulting from exposure to the sun can also trigger a cold sore, so use sunscreen to prevent it. Pain-Relievers - Apply over-the-counter painkillers to manage pain.

Propolis - Being a man-made form of beeswax, this ointment can be used to treat cold sores. Manuka Honey - Produced by New Zealand bees, this honey is as effective as a topical medication to treat cold sores. Lemon Balm - Use lemon balm extracts to heal your cold sores. Lysine - Use lysine cream or its capsule form to treat cold sores.

Cold remdies are painful, tiny blisters High protein diet for women appear on or dor the lips. These sores are most commonly remesies by the herpes simplex virus HSV type 1. And unfortunately, this can cause recurrent cold sores. Still, most cold sores go away in about 7 to 14 days. Inflammation, pain, and redness often occurs with a cold sore. We include soress we Natural remedies for cold sores are useful for our Natkral. If you buy through links on this Nstural, we Nattural earn a small commission. Healthline only shows you Anti-inflammatory foods for improved health and products that we stand behind. Cold sores can be painful and last longer than we want them to. These treatments could help alleviate symptoms. They can break open, ooze, and crust over, lasting around 7 to 10 days. They can be painful during those 7 to 10 days, but you may find comfort in home remedies and natural treatments.

Author: Zolokree

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