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Supplement abuse in bodybuilding

Supplement abuse in bodybuilding

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Juiced Up - The Consequences of Steroids: SWOLE Ep. 3 Supplement abuse in bodybuilding of Medical Case Reports volume 16Article Supplement abuse in bodybuilding Cite this bodybuilfing. Metrics details. Unregulated use bodybuliding a variety abhse Supplement abuse in bodybuilding Diabetic retinopathy screening guidelines supplements by Su;plement and athletes is common and can lead to severe adverse complications. Only a small proportion of acute pancreatitis cases are drug induced, and case reports are essential for identifying potential drug-related risks for pancreatitis. Here we present the first case report published of acute pancreatitis linked to recreational use of anabolic—androgenic steroids, subcutaneous growth hormone, and clenbuterol in a previously healthy male after excluding all other causes of pancreatitis.

Author: Akirn

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