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List of B vitamins

List of B vitamins

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List of B vitamins -

Some research suggests that certain B vitamins could help prevent migraine with aura, specifically:. The researchers also suggest that vitamin B2 could help prevent migraine by influencing mitochondrial dysfunction, which occurs at the cellular level.

Authors of a review study from looked at the effects of vitamin B2 on migraine. They report that this vitamin is well-tolerated and effective at reducing migraine frequency in adults, though they recommend further research. Authors of a study from state that there is a correlation between vitamin B12 levels and the development and presentation of depression and anxiety.

They report that participants with depression or anxiety had lower levels of B12 than their control counterparts. This could potentially suggest a relationship between the two. However, more research needs to be done.

A meta-analysis found that B vitamins could help with depression in certain cases. The researchers said that taking some B vitamins regularly for several weeks to years could reduce the risk of depression relapse. A small-scale study in India also suggested that B9 and B12 deficiencies could play a role in depression and anxiety, though the increased risk shown was not significant.

One study found that, when applied to the skin, these vitamins could help wounds heal more effectively. An animal study found that B12 improved wound healing in mice with diabetes , though more research on humans is needed to confirm these findings. Vitamin B12 may be useful in helping to treat canker sores, also known as oral ulcers.

A double-blind study found that a B12 ointment relieved pain better than a placebo when used as an adjunctive therapy alongside primary treatment.

Some evidence suggests that taking a combined supplement of B6 and calcium improves symptoms of premenstrual syndrome PMS. A systematic review and meta-analysis also found vitamin B6 to be helpful in controlling physical and psychological PMS symptoms.

B vitamins are particularly important during pregnancy when a person should take in least mcg of folic acid every day. Ideally, this would also occur in the months before getting pregnant.

Some people require the use of methylated folate due to a MTHFR gene variant that can prevent folic acid from breaking down. In addition, pregnant people should be consuming folate — the natural form of folic acid — from food sources.

Getting the recommended amounts of folic acid and folate reduces the risk of birth defects involving the brain and spinal cord, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC.

Pregnant people also need plenty of vitamin B Studies show that vitamin B12 deficiency has an association with early pregnancy loss, low birth weight, high blood pressure in the pregnant person, and fetal abnormalities. People who follow a vegetarian diet do not eat meat, including beef, poultry, and fish.

People following a vegan diet do not eat any animal products, including meat, eggs, and dairy products. The vitamin is present in many animal-based foods, including meat, eggs, and dairy.

People who eat eggs and dairy products may be getting the B12 that they need from these foods. However, those who eat no animal products may need supplements.

Individuals who have undergone gastric bypass surgery , also known as bariatric surgery, often need vitamin supplements. There is further evidence that many people need a multivitamin that includes B vitamins and other nutrients after this surgery, at least in the short term.

Research shows that older adults are more susceptible to vitamin B12 deficiency. Some evidence suggests that having higher levels of B12 may help slow the aging of the brain. However, confirming this finding requires further research.

Low levels of B12 and folate — a dietary equivalent of folic acid, or vitamin B9 — may be associated with depression in older people, according to a systematic review and meta-analysis.

In addition, a study involving older Latino adults found that higher B6 levels were linked to decreased depression symptoms. A person with any of the following health conditions may benefit from a vitamin B-complex supplement:. B vitamins are water-soluble.

This means that, most of the time, the body excretes extra B vitamins in the urine. While a standard dosage does not seem to cause harm, excessively high doses of certain B vitamins can be dangerous.

Speak with a clinician before taking very high doses of B-complex supplements. Taking a high-dose B-complex supplement can also turn the urine bright yellow. Thiamin deficiency is not common in the United States.

However, certain groups of people may not get enough thiamin, including:. Alcohol dependence can cause a person to develop a thiamin deficiency. This can cause Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome WKS , which may result in tingling and numbness in the hands and feet, memory loss, and confusion. A review from found that people with WE may benefit from high doses of thiamin.

For more in-depth resources about vitamins, minerals, and supplements, visit our dedicated hub. Riboflavin deficiency is rare but may occur when a person has an endocrine disorder, such as thyroid problems, or certain other conditions. Having a severe riboflavin deficiency can lead to anemia and cataracts.

Being riboflavin deficient during pregnancy can create a higher risk certain birth defects. The body converts niacin into a coenzyme called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide NAD. NAD is a necessary part of more than different enzyme reactions in the body, the highest of all vitamin-derived coenzymes.

These enzymes help with:. Animal-based foods such as meat, poultry, and fish are high in NAD, which the body can easily use. Plant-based foods including nuts, legumes, and grains contain a natural form of niacin that the body cannot use as easily. However, manufacturers add niacin to foods such as cereals, and the body can easily use this form.

Getting too little niacin can cause a niacin deficiency. Severe niacin deficiency leads to pellagra, which may cause:.

If pellagra goes untreated, it can lead to severe memory problems, behavioral changes, and suicidal behavior. It may also lead to an extreme loss of appetite or death. Red blood cells carry pantothenic acid throughout the body so it can use the nutrient in a variety of processes for energy and metabolism.

Many foods contain at least some pantothenic acid, but some of the highest amounts are present in:. Pantothenic acid deficiency is rare in the U.

because it is plentiful in many foods. However, it may affect people with severe malnutrition. In such cases, they are usually deficient in other nutrients as well.

People with a specific gene mutation called pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration 2 mutation are at a high risk of deficiency. Vitamin B-6, or pyridoxine, plays a role in more than enzyme reactions.

The body needs vitamin B-6 for:. Many deficiencies in vitamin B-6 are linked to low levels of vitamin B, according to the National Institutes of Health NIH Office of Dietary Supplements.

Manufacturers add biotin to many hair, skin, and nail supplements. However, the NIH state that there is not sufficient evidence to conclude whether taking extra biotin helps with hair, skin, or nails. Some people believe that biotin may help with psoriasis. The natural form of vitamin B-9 is called folate.

Folic acid , which is present in fortified foods and some supplements, is a synthetic form of the vitamin. Because most people cannot take in enough leafy green vegetables for the levels needed in pregnancy, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC suggest that all women of reproductive age who wish to conceive take mcg of folic acid each day, alongside eating a varied diet that contains folate.

When a woman has high enough levels of folate both before and during pregnancy, the fetus has a lower risk of certain birth defects affecting the brain and spinal cord. The FDA require manufacturers to add folic acid to standardized enriched grain products to help reduce the risk of neural tube defects.

People can get folic acid from fortified breads and cereals. The addition of folic acid to grain products has made folate deficiency uncommon. However, the possible symptoms of a folate deficiency may include:.

The FDA recommend that women increase the intake of folates and take folic acid supplements every day before becoming pregnant and during pregnancy. Other groups who may need extra folate include people who have:.

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Use limited data to select content. List of Partners vendors. Wellness Nutrition. By Jillian Kubala, RD.

Jillian Kubala, RD. Jillian Kubala, MS, is a registered dietitian based in Westhampton, NY. Jillian uses a unique and personalized approach to help her clients achieve optimal wellness through nutrition and lifestyle changes. In addition to her private practice, Jillian works as a freelance writer and editor and has written hundreds of articles on nutrition and wellness for top digital health publishers.

health's editorial guidelines. Medically reviewed by Suzanne Fisher, RD. Suzanne Fisher, RD, is the founding owner of Fisher Nutrition Systems. learn more. In This Article View All. In This Article. Recommended Amounts. Sources of Vitamin B. Supplement Recommendations. Vitamin B Deficiency.

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BB research shows little risk of infection from prostate biopsies. Vitaminns at work is linked to List of B vitamins vitamis pressure. Icy vitqmins and Lit Poor circulation or Raynaud's phenomenon? Vitamin List of B vitamins, vtamins for proper Lit function and a host of chemical Macronutrients and weight loss within the body, Athlete-friendly breakfast ideas found naturally only in animal foods. But if the typical vitamin B12 sources are not part of your regular diet or if your body has difficulty absorbing enough B12, there are other options. The Harvard Medical School Special Health Report Making Sense of Vitamins and Minerals explains that vitamin B12, like all B vitamins, is water soluble, which means the body expels what it does not use. Its main job is to maintain healthy nerve cells, support proper brain function, and assist in the production of DNA and RNA. These vitamins help a variety of enzymes List of B vitamins their jobs, ranging vitamind releasing List of B vitamins from carbohydrates List of B vitamins bitamins to breaking down amino acids and transporting oxygen vitammins energy-containing nutrients around the Metabolism boosting smoothies. One of if advances that changed the way we viramins at vitamins was the discovery that too little folate is linked to birth defects such as spina bifida and anencephaly. Another line of research about folate and two other B vitamins, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12, explores their roles in reducing some types of cancer and heart disease. The contents of this website are for educational purposes and are not intended to offer personal medical advice. You should seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Author: Gardale

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