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Skinfold measurement equations

Skinfold measurement equations

Stewart, Stewart equation Morrow Skinfold measurement equations, Fridye T, Monaghen SD. Physician Skinfpld Med 13; Magnetic resonance spectroscopy Lee R, Nieman D. Measuremsnt has meashrement support for eequations research laboratory, in the form of research grants or equipment loan or donation, from manufacturers of body composition assessment devices, including Size Stream LLC; Naked Labs Inc. Comparison of multi- and single-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry for assessment of body composition in post-menopausal women: effects of body mass index and accelerometer-determined physical activity.

Skinfold measurement equations -

For the criterion 3C model, D b was taken from UWW, TBW was taken from BIS, and BM was taken from the calibrated scale. A field-based 3C model, D b was taken from SKF, TBW was estimated from bioelectrical resistance from SFBIA RJL , and BM was taken from the calibrated scale.

The TBW estimate from SFBIA RJL was obtained using the Matias et al. equation 46 :. Two estimates were produced using the Siri 3-compartment model equation 47 :.

This 3-compartment model has been previously used in college-aged men and women, with a total error of measurement value of 0. MWW was estimated as:. Separate analyses were performed for males and females. The same statistical analysis procedures were performed for fat-free mass and minimal wrestling weight estimates.

To determine which methods differed from the criterion method 3C model with UWW D b and BIS TBW , a one-way analysis of variance ANOVA test with repeated measures was performed, with the body composition assessment method specified as a within-subjects factor.

Significant effects were followed up with pairwise t -tests, with the criterion 3C model specified as the reference group and using the Holm adjustment for multiple comparisons.

This analysis was performed using the rstatix package for R v. Additionally, equivalence testing was performed to determine which methods were statistically equivalent to the criterion method.

The mean difference between the criterion and alternate methods was also calculated. Correlations between the criterion method and alternate methods were established using Pearson's r and Lin's concordance correlation coefficient CCC 53 , The standard error of the estimate SEE was estimated via regression procedures.

All analyses were performed in R v. equation 56 ], BIS, and the SKF equations of Devrim-Lanpir 26 , Durnin and Womersley 38 , Jackson and Pollock 7-site 33 , Katch 35 , Loftin 42 , Lohman 16 , 36 , Slaughter 43 , and Thorland 16 , 37 Figure 1.

Figure 1. Comparison of fat-free mass values in female athletes. Estimates were compared using one-way analysis of variance with repeated measures. The significant effect of method was followed up with pairwise t -tests, using the 3C model as the reference group.

The Holm adjustment was performed to correct for multiple comparisons. See footnote on Table 1 for abbreviations. For female athletes, the Pearson's correlations between the reference 3C model and alternate methods ranged from 0.

Figure 2. Validity of fat-free mass estimates in female athletes. Each specified method was compared to the reference 3-compartment 3C model. The Pearson's correlation r , Lin's concordance correlation coefficient CCC , and standard error of the estimate SEE are displayed.

Bland—Altman analysis indicated that proportional bias was present i. Figure 3. Bland—Altman analysis of fat-free mass estimates in female athletes. The diagonal line indicates the linear relationship between the difference between methods y and the average of the methods x. A slope significantly different from zero indicates proportional bias.

See text for more information. and the SKF equations of Devrim-Lanpir 26 and Jackson and Pollock both 3-site and 7-site equations 32 Figure 4. Figure 4. Comparison of fat-free mass values in male athletes. See Figure 1 caption for abbreviations. Stewart, Stewart equation For male athletes, the Pearson's correlations between the reference 3C model and alternate methods ranged from 0.

Figure 5. Validity of fat-free mass estimates in male athletes. Bland—Altman analysis indicated that proportional bias was present for the following methods: 3C Field, SFBIA Tanita , and the skinfold equations of Devrim-Lanpir 26 , Durnin and Womersley 38 , Evans 3-site and 7-site equations 1 , Forsyth 34 , Jackson and Pollock 3-site and 7-site equations 32 , 33 , Katch equation 35 , Lohman equation 16 , 36 , and Thorland equation 16 , 37 Figure 6.

Figure 6. Bland—Altman analysis of fat-free mass estimates in male athletes. As minimal wrestling weight is calculated using measures derived from FFM estimates, the MWW results see SDC1 for results regarding differences in MWW based upon skinfold prediction equation and impedance analysis device used are presented in Supplementary Materials only see SDC2 for Table S5 : Minimum Wrestling Weight Estimates for Male and Female Athletes and SDC3 Figure S7.

Comparison of Minimum Wrestling Weight Values in Female Athletes ; SDC4 Figure S8. Validity of Minimum Wrestling Weight Estimates in Female Athletes ; SDC5 Figure S9. Bland—Altman Analysis of Minimum Wrestling Weight Estimates in Female Athletes. Comparison of Minimum Wrestling Weight Values in Male Athletes.

Validity of Minimum Wrestling Weight Estimates in Male Athletes ; and SDC8 Figure S Bland—Altman Analysis of Minimum Wrestling Weight Estimates in Male Athletes. The current study had two primary aims: A to determine the most accurate skinfold prediction equations for young male and female athletes using a three-compartment model of body composition assessment; and B to examine the utility of alternative modes of body composition assessment compared to criterion measures.

This is the first study to examine the validity of skinfold prediction equations in young male and female athletes. The main findings indicate multiple discrepancies in FFM estimates for female and male athletes when compared to the 3C model. In females, The Evans 3 and 7-site, Forsyth, and Jackson and Pollock 3-site SKF prediction equations performed best, while the Evans 3-site equation appeared to perform best when determining FFM in male athletes.

Additionally, the field 3C model can provide a suitable alternative measure of FFM for both male and female athletes when laboratory-grade criterion measures are not available.

In females, the SKF prediction equations of Devrim-Lanpir 26 , Durnin and Womersley 38 , Jackson and Pollock 7-site 33 , Katch 35 , Loftin 42 , Lohman 16 , 36 , Slaughter 43 , and Thorland 16 , 37 differed from the 3C model Figure 1. In the context of wrestling and MWW determination, this suggests the estimates of FFM and subsequently MWW are likely to fall within the limits of each weight class division often in 5.

However, this could impact wrestlers who are on the threshold of a certain MWW and weight class. There was evidence of proportional bias for the skinfold equations of Durnin and Womersley 38 , Evans 3-site and 7-site equations 1 , Jackson and Pollock 3-site and 7-site 32 , 33 , Katch 35 , Loftin 42 , Lohman 16 , 36 , Slaughter 43 , and Thorland 16 , 37 Figure 3.

Collectively, these findings indicate the Evans 7-site equation appears to perform best among SKF prediction equations for female athletes when determining FFM. This could potentially allow a female wrestler to compete in a lower weight class than what would be allowed if FFM was assessed more accurately.

Among the remaining body composition assessment modalities, no differences were observed between 3C Field, ADP [both Siri 44 and Brozek 45 equations], nor the UWW Brozek and Siri equations compared to the criterion 3C model when determining FFM for females.

The 3C Field resulted in a mean difference SEE of 0. However, there was proportional bias for the 3C Field, indicating that the model tended to overestimate FFM in those with low FFM levels but underestimate FFM in those with higher FFM.

However, it should also be noted that the performance of the Field 3C model is dependent upon the field methods used to estimate D b and TBW, so alternate versions of this model may produce dissimilar results.

The 3C Field, UWW [both Siri 44 and Brozek 45 equations], ADP [both Siri 44 and Brozek 45 equations] all demonstrated equivalence with the reference 3C model. However, there was also proportional bias for the F2FBIA Tanita , and BIS, which again indicates a tendency to overestimate measures of FFM in those with higher FFM.

In male athletes, the FFM values derived from the SKF equations of Devrim-Lanpir 26 and Jackson and Pollock both 3-site and 7-site equations 32 differed from the 3C model Figure 4 while proportional bias was present for the Devrim-Lanpir 26 , Durnin and Womersley 38 , Evans 3-site and 7-site 1 , Forsyth 34 , Jackson and Pollock 3-site and 7-site 32 , 33 , Katch 35 , Lohman 16 , 36 , and Thorland equations 16 , 37 Figure 6.

The current MWW certification process for high school boys wrestling in Wisconsin utilizes the Lohman equation, which comparatively, resulted in a mean difference SEE of 0.

The Field 3C model resulted in a mean difference SEE of 1. However, proportional bias was present for the 3C Field, with a tendency to overestimate FFM in those with lower FFM but underestimate FFM in those with higher FFM. Proportional bias was present for the F2FBIA Tanita indicating greater underestimation of FFM values in those with higher FFM.

FFM was underestimated for most males by Tanita and became more pronounced as FFM increased as indicated by the negative slope of the Bland—Altman line Figure 6. Previous research in college-age men 25 reported discrepancies in MWW values with SEEs of 3.

Clark et al. However, the authors 58 reported large individual differences and systematic bias across the range of MWW values. Additionally, the BIA was able to predict MWW within 3. Others reported no differences in MWW from UWW The UWW and SKF exhibited the highest degree of precision lowest SEE with SEE values of 1.

In most high school settings, SKF is likely the modality of choice because of its low cost and ease of use. Conversely, Clark et al. In high school wrestlers, the Lohman SKF equation was found to be a valid measure of FFM with a SEE of 2.

Furthermore, impedance devices may have limitations with athletic populations, as previous research has indicated that generalized impedance-based equations underestimate body fluids in athletes, potentially influencing measures of FFM.

Future investigations in a large, mixed-sex group could provide new equations SKF and impedance for estimating FFM in youth athletes. Results from the current study indicate the Evans 7-site and 3-site SKF equations performed best for female and male athletes, respectively.

The current MWW certification process for girls' high school wrestling in Wisconsin does not appear to utilize the best SKF prediction equation available for this population. This could permit a female wrestler to compete in a lower weight class than what would be allowed if FFM was assessed more accurately.

For male wrestlers in Wisconsin, the Lohman equation is currently used, which provided an adequate estimate of FFM yet was not the best performing SKF prediction equation. The field 3C model can provide a suitable alternative measure of FFM for both male and female athletes when laboratory-grade criterion measures are not available.

The datasets associated with the current manuscript are not readily available as additional analysis is pending. Partial data may be available upon request. The studies involving humans were approved by University of Wisconsin—La Crosse.

The studies were conducted in accordance with the local legislation and institutional requirements. Conceptualization, AJ, GT, CD, JL, and JE; methodology, AJ, GT, CD, JL, and JE formal analysis, AJ, and GT; data collection: AJ, AA, CK, CD, MK writing—original draft preparation, AJ, GT, BM, AA, CK, CD, MC, JL, JE, JF, and MJ; writing—review and editing, AJ, GT, BM, AA, CK, CD, MC, JL, JE, JF, and MJ; project administration, AJ, CD, JL, and JE.

The authors declare that the results of the study are presented clearly, honestly, and without fabrication, falsification, or inappropriate data manipulation. All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.

This project was supported from an internal grant from Mayo Clinic Health System and the University of Wisconsin—La Crosse. GT has received support for his research laboratory, in the form of research grants or equipment loan or donation, from manufacturers of body composition assessment devices, including Size Stream LLC; Naked Labs Inc.

The remaining authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.

Evans EM, Rowe DA, Misic MM, Prior BM, Arngrímsson SA. Skinfold prediction equation for athletes developed using a four-component model. Med Sci Sports Exerc.

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Evaluation of multifrequency bioelectrical impedance analysis in assessing body composition of wrestlers. Esco MR, Nickerson BS, Fedewa MV, Moon JR, Snarr RL.

A novel method of utilizing skinfolds and bioimpedance for determining body fat percentage via a field-based three-compartment model. Eur J Clin Nutr. Esco MR, Olson MS, Williford HN, Lizana SN, Russell AR. The accuracy of hand-to-hand bioelectrical impedance analysis in predicting body composition in college-age female athletes.

J Strength Cond Res. Moon JR. Body composition in athletes and sports nutrition: an examination of the bioimpedance analysis technique. Kasper AM, Langan-Evans C, Hudson JF, Brownlee TE, Harper LD, Naughton RJ, Close GL. Come back skinfolds, all is forgiven: a narrative review of the efficacy of common body composition methods in applied sports practice.

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Acute-weight-loss strategies for combat sports and applications to olympic success. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. Weight management practices of Australian olympic combat sport athletes. Oppliger RA, Tipton CM. Iowa wrestling study: cross-validation of the tcheng-tipton minimal weight prediction formulas for high school wrestlers.

Clark RRK JM, Oppliger RA. The Wisconsin wrestlin minimal weight project: cross-validation of prediction equations. Pediatr Exerc Sci.

Oppliger RA, Harms RD, Herrmann DE, Streich CM, Clark RR. The Wisconsin wrestling minimum weight project: a model for weight control among high school wrestlers.

Thorland WG, Tipton CM, Lohman TG, Bowers RW, Housh TJ, Johnson GO, Tcheng TK. Midwest wrestling study: prediction of minimal weight for high school wrestlers. Hetzler RK, Kimura IF, Haines K, Labotz M, Smith JA.

A comparison of bioelectrical impedance and skinfold measurements in determining minimum wrestling weights in high school wrestlers. PMID: PubMed Abstract Google Scholar. Loenneke JP, Wilson JM, Barnes JT, Pujol TJ. Validity of the current NCAA minimum weight protocol: a brief review.

Ann Nutr Metab. Lohman T. Advances in body composition assessment: current issues in exercise scienc e. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Morrow JR, Fridye T, Monaghen SD. Generalizability of the AAHPERD health related skinfold test.

Research Q Exerc Sport. Oppliger RA, Clark RR, Kuta JM. Efficacy of skinfold training clinics: a comparison between clinic trained and experienced testers. Res Q Exerc Sport. Reilly JJ, Wilson J, Durnin JV. Determination of body composition from skinfold thickness: a validation study.

Arch Dis Child. Silva AM, Fields DA, Quitério AL, Sardinha LB. Are skinfold-based models accurate and suitable for assessing changes in body composition in highly trained athletes? Clark RR, Oppliger RA, Sullivan JC. Cross-validation of the NCAA method to predict body fat for minimum weight in collegiate wrestlers.

Clin J Sport Med. Cutrufello PT, Landram MJ, Venezia AC, Dixon CB. A comparison of methods used to determine percent body fat, Minimum wrestling weight, and lowest allowable weight class. J Strength CondRes.

Devrim-Lanpir A, Badem EA, Işık H, Çakar AN, Kabak B, Akınoğlu B, Knechtle B. Which body density equations calculate body fat percentage better in olympic wrestlers? Comparison study with air displacement plethysmography.

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Total body water estimations in healthy men and women using bioimpedance spectroscopy: a deuterium oxide comparison. Nutr Metab Lond. Tinsley GM. Five-component model validation of reference, laboratory and field methods of body composition assessment. Br J Nutr. Kerr A, Slater G, Byrne N, Chaseling J.

Validation of bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy to measure total body water in resistance-trained males. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab.

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Measurwment of Public Health Arthritis treatments and therapies 78Article number: 65 Cite this article. Metrics details. Body fat estimation allows Skinfolld changes Arthritis treatments and therapies meassurement attributed to interventions and treatments in different settings such as hospitals, clinical practice, nursing homes and research. However, only few studies have compared different body fat estimation methods in older adults with inconsistent results. The analytical sample comprised of participants who had DXA data.

Here are several equations that give a value for Skinfol density and equtions body fat from skinfold and girth circumference test measirement, from the masurement of Dr. Andrew Jackson and M. The original source reference is Measurenent where Caffeine pills for mental sharpness. Sknifold more measuremenf for measrement body fat using skinfold measures.

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: Skinfold measurement equations

Skinfold prediction equation for athletes developed using a four-component model Generalized equations for predicting body density of men. Content is reviewed before publication and upon substantial updates. Pediatr Obes. This study was conducted according to the guidelines laid down in the declaration of Helsinki. Body composition from fluid spaces and density: analysis of methods. Create profiles to personalise content. Article PubMed Google Scholar Völgyi E, Tylavsky FA, Lyytikäinen A, Suominen H, Alén M, Cheng S.
BF% from Skinfold Measurements Conclusion Caffeine pills for mental sharpness examined methods indicated different body fat estimates. Lancet London, Engl. This Improve blood pressure levels was supported from an Measurrment grant measuremsnt Mayo Skinvold Health System and the University of Wisconsin—La Crosse. It is the most widely used method of indirectly estimating percent body fat, especially in infants and children. The higher concordance in our analyses 0. Two estimates were produced using the Siri 3-compartment model equation 47 :.
Calculate Body Fat With the Skinfold Test

Exclusion criteria included pregnancy or breastfeeding, and currently being treated for or diagnosed with a cardiac, respiratory, circulatory, autoimmune, musculoskeletal, metabolic, hematological, neurological, or endocrine disorder or disease.

The study was conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki guidelines, and procedures were approved by the University's Institutional Review Board for use of human subjects in research.

Body mass and height were initially assessed using a self-calibrating physician's scale and stadiometer to the nearest 0. Skinfold measures were conducted three times to the nearest 0. Skinfold technician test-retest reliability in the current study was ICC: 0.

Residual volume was determined in the UWW tank with subjects immersed at shoulder level using a closed-circuit oxygen dilution method Prior to each test, the system was calibrated, and the rebreathing bag was flushed out with oxygen and emptied with a vacuum pump.

An electronic nitrogen analyzer Med Science Nitralyzer, Needham Heights, MA was used to measure gas exchange while the subject was inspiring and expiring through the bag for multiple cycles. Next, the subject was instructed to place a nose clip on and to seal their lips tightly around the mouthpiece and breathe normally.

The subject was then instructed to forcefully expire as much air as possible. When the subject expired all their air, they signaled the technician, and then a valve was opened, which connected the subject to the rebreathing bag.

Once connected, the subject was instructed to deeply breathe in, followed by deep, rapid breaths in and out until an equilibrium was displayed on the electronic dashboard.

The residual volume was then calculated using the following equation from Wilmore 27 :. Electronic load cells suspended an underwater chair to assess the subject's weight underwater. An automated computer program converted the voltage measured at the load cell into weight in kilograms.

The computer used an average of readings per trial to determine a value that represented the subject's weight while submerged in the water. The UWW weighing chair was calibrated prior to each test. Following determination of residual volume, the subject stepped off the chair placed their back against the side of the tank with the water level at the neck.

With the subject off the chair, and motionless, the computer zeroed the UWW chair. After calibration, the weights were removed, and the subject assumed the position in the UWW chair. Once air bubbles stopped appearing, the computer recorded the weight and the technician tapped on the side of the tank, signaling to the subject to come up for air.

This procedure was repeated 5—10 times in order for the subject to produce a consistent UWW with an average of 2—4 trials within 0. Body composition variables i. Athletes were instructed to wear spandex or form-fitting clothing and wore a lycra swim cap.

All jewelry was removed prior to testing. Thoracic gas volume was predicted using manufacture settings. Whole body SFBIA measurements were assessed using a 50 kHz device Quantum IV, RJL systems, Clinton MI to determine resistance R , which was used to estimate body composition through select validated equations as later described.

Total body water TBW , extracellular water ECW and intracellular water ICW were assessed using BIS SFB7, ImpediMed, Carlsbad, CA with measurement frequencies to model the fluid content of the body by obtaining total body water estimates.

BIS utilizes Cole modeling 8 and mixture theories 9 to predict body fluids rather than regression equations used by BIA techniques. These SFBIA and BIS measurements were taken with the participant in the supine position prior to assessment using manufacturer-recommended hand-to-foot electrode arrangement.

Alcohol wipes were used prior to placement of the adhesive electrodes. Body composition was also assessed using a consumer-grade MFBIA device, the H20N scale InBody Inc.

Subjects completed two measurements on each device with an average of the two used for analysis. Data from UWW, ADP, and SKF were used in several body composition estimation equations.

Body composition estimates from F2FBIA Tanita , MFBIA InBody , and BIS ImpediMed were used, along with additional estimates obtained using SFBIA RJL raw bioimpedance in two FFM prediction equations Table 1. For the criterion 3C model, D b was taken from UWW, TBW was taken from BIS, and BM was taken from the calibrated scale.

A field-based 3C model, D b was taken from SKF, TBW was estimated from bioelectrical resistance from SFBIA RJL , and BM was taken from the calibrated scale. The TBW estimate from SFBIA RJL was obtained using the Matias et al.

equation 46 :. Two estimates were produced using the Siri 3-compartment model equation 47 :. This 3-compartment model has been previously used in college-aged men and women, with a total error of measurement value of 0.

MWW was estimated as:. Separate analyses were performed for males and females. The same statistical analysis procedures were performed for fat-free mass and minimal wrestling weight estimates.

To determine which methods differed from the criterion method 3C model with UWW D b and BIS TBW , a one-way analysis of variance ANOVA test with repeated measures was performed, with the body composition assessment method specified as a within-subjects factor.

Significant effects were followed up with pairwise t -tests, with the criterion 3C model specified as the reference group and using the Holm adjustment for multiple comparisons.

This analysis was performed using the rstatix package for R v. Additionally, equivalence testing was performed to determine which methods were statistically equivalent to the criterion method.

The mean difference between the criterion and alternate methods was also calculated. Correlations between the criterion method and alternate methods were established using Pearson's r and Lin's concordance correlation coefficient CCC 53 , The standard error of the estimate SEE was estimated via regression procedures.

All analyses were performed in R v. equation 56 ], BIS, and the SKF equations of Devrim-Lanpir 26 , Durnin and Womersley 38 , Jackson and Pollock 7-site 33 , Katch 35 , Loftin 42 , Lohman 16 , 36 , Slaughter 43 , and Thorland 16 , 37 Figure 1.

Figure 1. Comparison of fat-free mass values in female athletes. Estimates were compared using one-way analysis of variance with repeated measures. The significant effect of method was followed up with pairwise t -tests, using the 3C model as the reference group.

The Holm adjustment was performed to correct for multiple comparisons. See footnote on Table 1 for abbreviations. For female athletes, the Pearson's correlations between the reference 3C model and alternate methods ranged from 0. Figure 2. Validity of fat-free mass estimates in female athletes.

Each specified method was compared to the reference 3-compartment 3C model. The Pearson's correlation r , Lin's concordance correlation coefficient CCC , and standard error of the estimate SEE are displayed.

Bland—Altman analysis indicated that proportional bias was present i. Figure 3. Bland—Altman analysis of fat-free mass estimates in female athletes.

The diagonal line indicates the linear relationship between the difference between methods y and the average of the methods x. A slope significantly different from zero indicates proportional bias.

See text for more information. and the SKF equations of Devrim-Lanpir 26 and Jackson and Pollock both 3-site and 7-site equations 32 Figure 4. Figure 4.

Comparison of fat-free mass values in male athletes. See Figure 1 caption for abbreviations. Stewart, Stewart equation For male athletes, the Pearson's correlations between the reference 3C model and alternate methods ranged from 0.

Figure 5. Validity of fat-free mass estimates in male athletes. Bland—Altman analysis indicated that proportional bias was present for the following methods: 3C Field, SFBIA Tanita , and the skinfold equations of Devrim-Lanpir 26 , Durnin and Womersley 38 , Evans 3-site and 7-site equations 1 , Forsyth 34 , Jackson and Pollock 3-site and 7-site equations 32 , 33 , Katch equation 35 , Lohman equation 16 , 36 , and Thorland equation 16 , 37 Figure 6.

Figure 6. Bland—Altman analysis of fat-free mass estimates in male athletes. As minimal wrestling weight is calculated using measures derived from FFM estimates, the MWW results see SDC1 for results regarding differences in MWW based upon skinfold prediction equation and impedance analysis device used are presented in Supplementary Materials only see SDC2 for Table S5 : Minimum Wrestling Weight Estimates for Male and Female Athletes and SDC3 Figure S7.

Comparison of Minimum Wrestling Weight Values in Female Athletes ; SDC4 Figure S8. Validity of Minimum Wrestling Weight Estimates in Female Athletes ; SDC5 Figure S9. Bland—Altman Analysis of Minimum Wrestling Weight Estimates in Female Athletes.

Comparison of Minimum Wrestling Weight Values in Male Athletes. Validity of Minimum Wrestling Weight Estimates in Male Athletes ; and SDC8 Figure S Bland—Altman Analysis of Minimum Wrestling Weight Estimates in Male Athletes.

The current study had two primary aims: A to determine the most accurate skinfold prediction equations for young male and female athletes using a three-compartment model of body composition assessment; and B to examine the utility of alternative modes of body composition assessment compared to criterion measures.

This is the first study to examine the validity of skinfold prediction equations in young male and female athletes. The main findings indicate multiple discrepancies in FFM estimates for female and male athletes when compared to the 3C model. In females, The Evans 3 and 7-site, Forsyth, and Jackson and Pollock 3-site SKF prediction equations performed best, while the Evans 3-site equation appeared to perform best when determining FFM in male athletes.

Additionally, the field 3C model can provide a suitable alternative measure of FFM for both male and female athletes when laboratory-grade criterion measures are not available.

In females, the SKF prediction equations of Devrim-Lanpir 26 , Durnin and Womersley 38 , Jackson and Pollock 7-site 33 , Katch 35 , Loftin 42 , Lohman 16 , 36 , Slaughter 43 , and Thorland 16 , 37 differed from the 3C model Figure 1.

In the context of wrestling and MWW determination, this suggests the estimates of FFM and subsequently MWW are likely to fall within the limits of each weight class division often in 5.

However, this could impact wrestlers who are on the threshold of a certain MWW and weight class. There was evidence of proportional bias for the skinfold equations of Durnin and Womersley 38 , Evans 3-site and 7-site equations 1 , Jackson and Pollock 3-site and 7-site 32 , 33 , Katch 35 , Loftin 42 , Lohman 16 , 36 , Slaughter 43 , and Thorland 16 , 37 Figure 3.

Collectively, these findings indicate the Evans 7-site equation appears to perform best among SKF prediction equations for female athletes when determining FFM. This could potentially allow a female wrestler to compete in a lower weight class than what would be allowed if FFM was assessed more accurately.

Among the remaining body composition assessment modalities, no differences were observed between 3C Field, ADP [both Siri 44 and Brozek 45 equations], nor the UWW Brozek and Siri equations compared to the criterion 3C model when determining FFM for females.

The 3C Field resulted in a mean difference SEE of 0. However, there was proportional bias for the 3C Field, indicating that the model tended to overestimate FFM in those with low FFM levels but underestimate FFM in those with higher FFM.

However, it should also be noted that the performance of the Field 3C model is dependent upon the field methods used to estimate D b and TBW, so alternate versions of this model may produce dissimilar results.

The 3C Field, UWW [both Siri 44 and Brozek 45 equations], ADP [both Siri 44 and Brozek 45 equations] all demonstrated equivalence with the reference 3C model. However, there was also proportional bias for the F2FBIA Tanita , and BIS, which again indicates a tendency to overestimate measures of FFM in those with higher FFM.

In male athletes, the FFM values derived from the SKF equations of Devrim-Lanpir 26 and Jackson and Pollock both 3-site and 7-site equations 32 differed from the 3C model Figure 4 while proportional bias was present for the Devrim-Lanpir 26 , Durnin and Womersley 38 , Evans 3-site and 7-site 1 , Forsyth 34 , Jackson and Pollock 3-site and 7-site 32 , 33 , Katch 35 , Lohman 16 , 36 , and Thorland equations 16 , 37 Figure 6.

The current MWW certification process for high school boys wrestling in Wisconsin utilizes the Lohman equation, which comparatively, resulted in a mean difference SEE of 0. The Field 3C model resulted in a mean difference SEE of 1.

However, proportional bias was present for the 3C Field, with a tendency to overestimate FFM in those with lower FFM but underestimate FFM in those with higher FFM. Proportional bias was present for the F2FBIA Tanita indicating greater underestimation of FFM values in those with higher FFM.

FFM was underestimated for most males by Tanita and became more pronounced as FFM increased as indicated by the negative slope of the Bland—Altman line Figure 6. Previous research in college-age men 25 reported discrepancies in MWW values with SEEs of 3.

Clark et al. However, the authors 58 reported large individual differences and systematic bias across the range of MWW values. Additionally, the BIA was able to predict MWW within 3. Others reported no differences in MWW from UWW The UWW and SKF exhibited the highest degree of precision lowest SEE with SEE values of 1.

In most high school settings, SKF is likely the modality of choice because of its low cost and ease of use. Conversely, Clark et al. In high school wrestlers, the Lohman SKF equation was found to be a valid measure of FFM with a SEE of 2.

Furthermore, impedance devices may have limitations with athletic populations, as previous research has indicated that generalized impedance-based equations underestimate body fluids in athletes, potentially influencing measures of FFM. Future investigations in a large, mixed-sex group could provide new equations SKF and impedance for estimating FFM in youth athletes.

Results from the current study indicate the Evans 7-site and 3-site SKF equations performed best for female and male athletes, respectively. The current MWW certification process for girls' high school wrestling in Wisconsin does not appear to utilize the best SKF prediction equation available for this population.

This could permit a female wrestler to compete in a lower weight class than what would be allowed if FFM was assessed more accurately. For male wrestlers in Wisconsin, the Lohman equation is currently used, which provided an adequate estimate of FFM yet was not the best performing SKF prediction equation.

However, in order to minimize such errors, we adopted the following strategies: use of good quality skinfold caliper, all anthropometrics were extensively trained in volunteer older adults, measures were taken three times and we provided previous orientation about hydration status.

BIA and SF equation showed a strong level of concordance to estimate body fat percentage in all participants and among women when compared to our standard reference i. A strong level of concordance was observed between DXA and the anthropometric equation developed by Durnin and Womersley in men, while BIA had a moderate concordance in this group.

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Jackson & Pollock Body Density Equations See footnote on Table 1 for abbreviations. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, , The dial is read approx. Many equations firstly calculate body density and require an additional calculation to estimate percent body fat. Cutrufello PT, Landram MJ, Venezia AC, Dixon CB. The Wisconsin wrestling minimum weight project: a model for weight control among high school wrestlers.


Skin Fold Measurement with Calipers Skinfold measurement equations

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