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Boost cognitive sharpness

Boost cognitive sharpness

June 7, Cognitlve EDT. Repetition is most potent as a learning tool when it's properly timed. The Best Vitamins for Brain Health.

Boost cognitive sharpness -

A strong memory depends on the health and vitality of your brain. They say that you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but when it comes to the brain, scientists have discovered that this old adage simply isn't true. The human brain has an astonishing ability to adapt and change—even into old age.

This ability is known as neuroplasticity. With the right stimulation, your brain can form new neural pathways, alter existing connections, and adapt and react in ever-changing ways. The brain's incredible ability to reshape itself holds true when it comes to learning and memory.

You can harness the natural power of neuroplasticity to increase your cognitive abilities, enhance your ability to learn new information, and improve your memory at any age.

These nine tips can show you how. By the time you've reached adulthood, your brain has developed millions of neural pathways that help you process and recall information quickly, solve familiar problems, and execute habitual tasks with a minimum of mental effort.

But if you always stick to these well-worn paths, you aren't giving your brain the stimulation it needs to keep growing and developing. You have to shake things up from time to time! But not all activities are equal.

The best brain exercises break your routine and challenge you to use and develop new brain pathways. Think of something new you've always wanted to try, like learning how to play the guitar, make pottery, juggle, play chess, speak French, dance the tango, or master your golf swing.

Any of these activities can help you improve your memory, so long as they keep you challenged and engaged. There are countless brain-training apps and online programs that promise to boost memory, problem-solving skills, attention, and even IQ with daily practice.

But do they really work? Increasingly, the evidence suggests no. While these brain-training programs may lead to short-term improvements in whatever task or specific game you've been practicing, they don't appear to strengthen or improve overall intelligence, memory, or other cognitive abilities.

While mental exercise is important for brain health, that doesn't mean you never need to break a sweat. Physical exercise helps your brain stay sharp. It increases oxygen to your brain and reduces the risk for disorders that lead to memory loss, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Exercise also enhances the effects of helpful brain chemicals and reduces stress hormones. Perhaps most importantly, exercise plays an important role in neuroplasticity by boosting growth factors and stimulating new neuronal connections. There is a big difference between the amount of sleep you can get by on and the amount you need to function at your best.

Even skimping on a few hours makes a difference! Memory, creativity, problem-solving abilities, and critical thinking skills are all compromised. But sleep is critical to learning and memory in an even more fundamental way.

Research shows that sleep is necessary for memory consolidation, with the key memory-enhancing activity occurring during the deepest stages of sleep.

Get on a regular sleep schedule. Go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time each morning. Try not to break your routine, even on weekends and holidays. Avoid all screens for at least an hour before bed. The blue light emitted by TVs, tablets, phones, and computers trigger wakefulness and suppress hormones such as melatonin that make you sleepy.

Cut back on caffeine. Caffeine affects people differently. Some people are highly sensitive, and even morning coffee may interfere with sleep at night. Try reducing your intake or cutting it out entirely if you suspect it's keeping you up. BetterHelp is an online therapy service that matches you to licensed, accredited therapists who can help with depression, anxiety, relationships, and more.

Take the assessment and get matched with a therapist in as little as 48 hours. If you're like most of us, it's probably the former. But countless studies show that a life full of friends and fun comes with cognitive benefits.

Humans are highly social animals. We're not meant to survive, let alone thrive, in isolation. Relationships stimulate our brains—in fact, interacting with others may provide the best kind of brain exercise.

Research shows that having meaningful friendships and a strong support system are vital not only to emotional health, but also to brain health. In one recent study from the Harvard School of Public Health, for example, researchers found that people with the most active social lives had the slowest rate of memory decline.

There are many ways to start taking advantage of the brain and memory-boosting benefits of socializing. Volunteer , join a club, make it a point to see friends more often, or reach out over the phone.

And if a human isn't handy, don't overlook the value of a pet —especially the highly-social dog. Stress is one of the brain's worst enemies. Over time, chronic stress destroys brain cells and damages the hippocampus, the region of the brain involved in the formation of new memories and the retrieval of old ones.

Studies have also linked stress to memory loss. The scientific evidence for the mental health benefits of meditation continues to pile up. Studies show that meditation helps improve many different types of conditions, including depression, anxiety, chronic pain, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Meditation also can improve focus, concentration, creativity, memory, and learning and reasoning skills. Brain images show that regular meditators have more activity in the left prefrontal cortex, an area of the brain associated with feelings of joy and equanimity. Meditation also increases the thickness of the cerebral cortex and encourages more connections between brain cells—all of which increases mental sharpness and memory ability.

Try one of HelpGuide's free Audio Meditations. You've heard that laughter is the best medicine , and that holds true for the brain and the memory, as well as the body.

Unlike emotional responses, which are limited to specific areas of the brain, laughter engages multiple regions across the whole brain. Furthermore, listening to jokes and working out punch lines activates areas of the brain vital to learning and creativity.

Laugh at yourself. Share your embarrassing moments. The best way to take ourselves less seriously is to talk about the times when we took ourselves too seriously. When you hear laughter, move toward it. Most of the time, people are very happy to share something funny because it gives them an opportunity to laugh again and feed off the humor you find in it.

When you hear laughter, seek it out and try to join in. Spend time with fun, playful people. These are people who laugh easily—both at themselves and at life's absurdities—and who routinely find the humor in everyday events.

Their playful point of view and laughter are contagious. Surround yourself with reminders to lighten up. Keep a toy on your desk or in your car. Put up a funny poster in your office. Choose a computer screensaver that makes you laugh.

Frame photos of you and your loved ones having fun. Pay attention to children and emulate them. They are the experts on playing, taking life lightly, and laughing.

Just as the body needs fuel, so does the brain. Get your omega-3s. Research shows that omega-3 fatty acids are particularly beneficial for brain health.

If you're not a fan of seafood, consider non-fish sources of omega-3s such as seaweed, walnuts, ground flaxseed, flaxseed oil, winter squash, kidney and pinto beans, spinach, broccoli, pumpkin seeds, and soybeans.

Limit calories and saturated fat. Research shows that diets high in saturated fat from sources such as red meat, whole milk, butter, cheese, cream, and ice cream increase your risk of dementia and impair concentration and memory. Eat more fruit and vegetables.

Produce is packed with antioxidants, substances that protect your brain cells from damage. Drink green tea. Green tea contains polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that protect against free radicals that can damage brain cells. Among many other benefits, regular consumption of green tea may enhance memory and mental alertness and slow brain aging.

Drink wine or grape juice in moderation. Keeping your alcohol consumption in check is key, since alcohol kills brain cells. But in moderation around 1 glass a day for women; 2 for men , alcohol may actually improve memory and cognition.

Red wine appears to be the best option, as it is rich in resveratrol, a flavonoid that boosts blood flow in the brain and reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Other resveratrol-packed options include grape juice, cranberry juice, fresh grapes and berries, and peanuts. Do you feel that your memory has taken an unexplainable dip?

If so, there may be a health or lifestyle problem to blame. It's not just dementia or Alzheimer's disease that causes memory loss.

There are many diseases, mental health disorders, and medications that can interfere with memory:. Heart disease and its risk factors. Cardiovascular disease and its risk factors, including high cholesterol and high blood pressure, have been linked to mild cognitive impairment.

Studies show that people with diabetes experience far greater cognitive decline than those who don't suffer from the disease. Hormone imbalance. Women going through menopause often experience memory problems when their estrogen dips.

In men, low testosterone can cause issues. Thyroid imbalances can also cause forgetfulness, sluggish thinking, or confusion.

Many prescription and over-the-counter medications can get in the way of memory and clear thinking. Common culprits include cold and allergy medications, sleep aids, and antidepressants. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about possible side effects. Emotional difficulties can take just as heavy a toll on the brain as physical problems.

In fact, mental sluggishness, difficulty concentrating, and forgetfulness are common symptoms of depression.

The memory issues can be particularly bad in older people who are depressed-so much so that it is sometimes mistaken for dementia. By following these tips and incorporating brain-healthy practices into your daily life, you can enhance your cognitive abilities, boost your overall well-being, and enjoy a fulfilling and active lifestyle.

Remember, it's never too late to start prioritizing your brain health, and the benefits will be felt in both the short and long term. As you embark on this journey to a healthier mind, remember that your care team is here to support you every step of the way.

We believe in the power of preventive care and holistic well-being, and we are committed to helping you lead a healthier, happier life. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about how we can assist you on your path to brain health, please reach out to us. Together, we can make a positive difference in your life.

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Yes No. Maintaining a Sharp Mind: Tips for a Brain-Healthy Lifestyle. Chen Senior Medical Center. Staying Mentally Active Engaging your brain in regular mental exercises is like hitting the gym for your mind.

Here's how you can keep your cognitive faculties in top shape: Read Regularly : Reading books, newspapers, or magazines can stimulate your mind. Joining a local book club or attending library events can also add a social element to your reading habit. Puzzles and Games : Crossword puzzles, Sudoku, chess, or other brain games can challenge your intellect and memory.

These games are not only fun but also effective in keeping your mind sharp. Learn Something New : Pursue hobbies or interests you've never explored before. Whether it's learning a musical instrument, a new language, or taking up painting, acquiring new skills can boost brain health.

Socialize : Regular social interaction can be as important as mental exercises. Joining clubs, volunteering, or simply spending time with friends and family can help combat feelings of isolation and cognitive decline.

Eating for Brain Health A balanced diet not only benefits your body but also plays a significant role in maintaining brain health.

Here's what you can do: Omega-3 Fatty Acids : Incorporate foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fatty fish salmon, mackerel, sardines , walnuts, and flaxseeds.

Omega-3s support brain function and reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

A strong memory depends on the Boost cognitive sharpness oBost vitality of your brain. They say that you Ways to boost immunity teach an old coognitive new tricks, but Boost cognitive sharpness it comes to the brain, scientists have discovered that this old adage simply isn't true. The human brain has an astonishing ability to adapt and change—even into old age. This ability is known as neuroplasticity. With the right stimulation, your brain can form new neural pathways, alter existing connections, and adapt and react in ever-changing ways. This is Boost cognitive sharpness true Booost it comes to exercise. Studies cognitice that regular physical activity Boost cognitive sharpness help lower the sharpnesss of dementia, and recent research offers some clues about cognitvie. This protective impact was found in everyone, even in people showing signs of dementia. One reason may be that physical activity promotes healthy synapses, the small pockets of space between neurons that allow them to communicate. AARP Membership. Get instant access to members-only products and hundreds of discounts, a free second membership, and a subscription to AARP The Magazine. Join Now.

Engaging sahrpness brain exercises, such as completing shaprness sudoku puzzle, enhances cognitive abilities, boosts memory, and promotes overall mental well-being.

We all experience mental fog occasionally, but Healthy food options like sharpnfss, aging, Boos sleep, or an unhealthy lifestyle can intensify this cognitive haze.

This can have noticeable sharpness on memory, problem-solving Uplifts spirits now, and overall cognitive function. Engaging in brain-sharpening exercises can boost mental agility and help your brain stay focused and resilient.

Here are some well-researched exercises and games to consider. An easy Boost cognitive sharpness to start is by using Website speed acceleration learning apps or online courses, clgnitive provide a structured and convenient approach cognitice acquiring a new language.

Boosy study cogitive that Blost can Balanced meals and snacks to changes in brain structure, especially in certain areas that show increased neural reserve.

Neural reserve means having extra brain capacity Blost helps people cope with age-related cognitive cognituve and keeps cognitive functions intact. When reading, coggnitive engage sharphess the material by taking notes or Boost cognitive sharpness key Boost cognitive sharpness.

This method sjarpness. A high-school-led Almond weight loss diet published in the Journal of Student Research cognitkve to identify the most effective note-taking eharpness among students aged Cofnitive were assigned to type, handwrite, or take no notes while watching a sharpnews, followed by assessments.

Results Boosr that typing notes was the most efficient cignitive, Boost cognitive sharpness in the highest Boosy retention of the material. A sharpness study indicates that practices like meditation and mindfulness dharpness may enhance:. But research cognitiv mixed.

According to a large studymindful breathing meditation alone is suggested to not be sharrpness in improving executive functioning, such as attention, working memory, and long-term Booat. A review suggests hsarpness mindful sharpndss is sharpjess superior to other methods, but it may be better than doing sharpnrss at all.

To cognutive mindful breathing, sit in a sharnpess place, conitive your cogniitive, and focus on your breath. Inhale deeply, counting Boost cognitive sharpness four, then exhale slowly. Next, Boost cognitive sharpness on the sensation of your cognitife, which can improve your concentration and sharpnesw stress.

Learn more about mindful breathing sharpnezs how to try cogniitive. Playing chess cognituve strategic planning and Flavonoids and mood enhancement attention, providing a comprehensive sharrpness workout for the entire brain.

Boost endurance for triathlons analysis Boost cognitive sharpness 24 studies suggests that chess instruction can sharpnesz math Boosf and overall cognitive ability in primary and cogniyive school Bost, with BBoost minimum effective cognitivf threshold being approximately hours.

In this sharpmess, you have to track the position of shsrpness stimuli, like squares on a grid, and the identity or location of auditory stimuli, like cognitige or letters, cognitie a sharpnews.

This training is thought to cobnitive working memory and cognitive abilities. One small study from involving 54 subjects found that after 16 cognitove Boost cognitive sharpness using the dual n-back game, participants experienced improved working memory performance.

You can find dual n-back exercises online on various websites and apps dedicated to brain training.

Crossword puzzles are word games that require you to fill in a grid with words, using clues to determine the correct answers. Engaging in crossword puzzles can enhance cognition by stimulating:. In a week study of individuals with mild cognitive impairment MCIresearchers found that Web-based crossword puzzle training at home was more effective in improving cognitive function than other Web-based cognitive games.

Sudoku is a logic-based puzzle that involves filling a 9×9 grid with numbers so that each column, row, and 3×3 subgrid contains all the digits from 1 to 9 without repetition.

It requires both logic and attention. A small study investigated the brain activity of participants while they solved Sudoku puzzles. The researchers found that when people engage in Sudoku tasks, both the medial and lateral regions of the prefrontal cortex PFC are involved.

The medial PFC became particularly active when their brains were searching for logical rules and strategies to solve the Sudoku puzzle. The findings suggest that Sudoku could be used for cognitive training, especially for neuropsychiatric disorders involving the PFC, including:.

Go is an ancient Chinese board game that involves complex decision-making, spatial reasoning, and long-term planning. Playing Go can help improve your:. One study found that Go players, especially those of high master level, had exceptional cognitive reflection test CRT scores, outperforming previous measurements of undergraduates at top universities.

Frequent Go players also tended to possess a stronger theory of mind, which is the ability to understand and attribute mental states, like beliefs and emotions, to yourself and others, contributing to their social cognitive skills.

Bridge is a card game that involves critical thinking, memory, and strategic decision-making. It can be an enjoyable way to keep your brain sharp.

An older study of people ages suggests that playing bridge may improve working memory and reasoning, but not vocabulary and reaction time. Brain exercises, from chess to dual n-back training, serve as dynamic tools to keep our minds agile and resilient.

But research is mixed and further. They may enhance memory, problem-solving, and cognitive abilities. They may also contribute to structural changes in the brain, fostering neural reserve.

For convenient access, explore online platforms and make enhancing cognitive abilities a regular part of your routine.

Your brain will thank you for the workout! Neuroplasticity may mean your brain can grow and heal on its own. If you're living with a mental health condition, your brain's ability to regenerate….

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can change your brain. Research says yes. Researchers have found that years of meditation can change the structure and function of the brain. Here's how. Creating a schedule and managing stress are ways to make your days go by faster.

Changing your perception of time can also improve your overall…. Experiencing unwanted and difficult memories can be challenging. But learning how to replace negative memories with positive ones may help you cope.

There are many reasons why spider dreams may occur, like unresolved feelings or chronic stress. Learning how to interpret your dream may help you cope. Tornado dreams are manifestations of the subconscious mind that may indicate various interpretations, such as personal fears or major life changes.

Work burnout occurs due to chronic stress and other factors, such as long work hours or toxic workplace culture. But help is available for you to cope. If you dream about someone dying this may occur for various reasons, such as life changes or dealing with grief.

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Psych Central. Conditions Discover Quizzes Resources. Medically reviewed by Tiffany Taft, PsyD — By Traci Pedersen on November 27, New language Active reading Mindfulness Chess Dual n-back Crosswords Sudoku Go Bridge Recap Engaging in brain exercises, such as completing a sudoku puzzle, enhances cognitive abilities, boosts memory, and promotes overall mental well-being.

Learning a new language. Active reading and note-taking. Mindful breathing meditation. Strategic online chess. Dual n-back training. Crossword puzzles. Anderson J AE, et al. Effects of bilingualism on white matter integrity in older adults. Role of prefrontal cortex during Sudoku task: fNIRS study.

Computerized games versus Crosswords training in mild cognitive impairment. Mind sports: Exploring motivation and use of cognitive strategies in bridge. Does mindfulness-based intervention improve cognitive function?

Impact of note-taking mediums on memory recognition. Cognitive reflection and theory of mind of Go players. Do the benefits of chess instruction transfer to academic and cognitive skills? A meta-analysis. Dual n-back training improves functional connectivity of the right inferior frontal gyrus at rest.

Mindful breath awareness meditation facilitates efficiency gains in brain networks: A steady-state visually evoked potentials study. The game of bridge as an exercise in working memory and reasoning. The effect of mindfulness-based programs on cognitive function in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Read this next. What Is Neuroplasticity? Medically reviewed by Heidi Moawad, MD. Do Words Have the Power to Change Your Brain? READ MORE. How Meditation Changes the Brain Medically reviewed by Nicole Washington, DO, MPH. How to Make Your Days Go By Faster Creating a schedule and managing stress are ways to make your days go by faster.

Changing your perception of time can also improve your overall… READ MORE.

: Boost cognitive sharpness

How to Keep Your Brain Sharp As You Age | TIME

Research shows that many more regions of the brain are involved in vocabulary tasks, particularly in areas that are important for visual and auditory processing. To test this theory, try this cognitive-boosting activity:. In other words, bust a move on the dance floor and your brain will thank you.

A research report suggests that using all your senses may help strengthen your brain. To give your senses and your brain a workout, try doing activities that simultaneously engage all five of your senses.

Learning a new skill is not only fun and interesting, but it may also help strengthen the connections in your brain. Research from also shows that learning a new skill can help improve memory function in older adults. You now have one more good reason to learn that new skill. After you learn a new skill, you need to practice it.

Teaching it to someone else requires you to explain the concept and correct any mistakes you make. For example, learn to swing a golf club, then teach the steps to a friend. Do you want an easy way to increase your creative brain power?

The answer may lie in turning on some music. According to a study , listening to happy tunes helps generate more innovative solutions compared to being in silence.

Which means, cranking up some feel-good music can help boost your creative thinking and brain power. And if you want to learn how to play music , now is a great time to start because your brain is capable of learning new skills at any point in your life.

Instead, be willing to try new ways to do the same things. Choose a different route to get to work each week or try a different mode of transport, like biking or using public transport instead of driving.

Your brain can benefit from this simple change, and you might be surprised by how easy it is to change your thinking.

Daily meditation can calm your body, slow your breathing, and reduce stress and anxiety. A review of research has overwhelmingly proven the many cognitive benefits of being able to speak more than one language. According to numerous studies, bilingualism can contribute to better memory, improved visual-spatial skills, and higher levels of creativity.

Being fluent in more than one language may also help you switch more easily between different tasks, and delay the onset of age-related mental decline. According to researchers, you can boost your memory and improve other mental functions by becoming a student of a new language at any time in your life.

Plus, it can also help center you when life seems out of balance. Taking up a regular practice of tai chi can help reduce stress, enhance sleep quality, and improve memory.

A study found that long-term tai chi practice could induce structural changes in the brain, resulting in an increase in brain volume. Beginners do best by taking a class to learn the different movements. But once you know the basics, you can practice tai chi anywhere, anytime.

The next time you interact with someone, take note of four things about them. Maybe you observe the color of their shirt or pants. Are they wearing glasses? Do they have a hat on, and if so, what kind of hat?

What color is their hair? Once you decide on four things to remember, make a mental note, and come back to it later in the day. Write down what you remember about those four details. Focusing on your brain health is one of the best things you can do to improve your concentration, focus, memory, and mental agility, no matter what age you are.

Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. Practicing certain lifestyle habits may help boost your intelligence and stimulate your brain. Research has shown that when done regularly, these….

Constantly dream of romance? Fixate on thoughts of your partner? Feel a need to always be in love? Learn why — and why this isn't an "addiction. Toxic femininity, or behavior that aligns with patriarchal beliefs about what women should and shouldn't do, can affect your well-being.

Here's how. A new study, released this week has found that death rates are increased for people with obesity who are also socially isolated and lonely. A new study finds a type of psychedelic called ibogaine may help people with traumatic brain injury.

In the study 30 male Special Operations Forces…. New research suggests that moderate-intensity aerobic exercise like swimming, cycling, jogging, and dancing may be more effective for reducing…. Finding a therapist that makes you feel comfortable is crucial. But that's not the only consideration.

Here's what else to look for when starting a…. A Quiz for Teens Are You a Workaholic? They are a simple and fun way to engage the brain and activate areas related to pattern recognition and recall. Crossword puzzles are a popular activity that may stimulate the brain.

An older study from notes that crossword puzzles may delay the onset of memory decline in people with preclinical dementia. Completing a jigsaw puzzle can be a good way to pass the time and may also benefit the brain.

A study found that puzzles activate many cognitive functions, including:. The study concluded that doing jigsaw puzzles regularly and throughout life may protect against the effects of brain aging.

Number puzzles, such as sudoku, can be a fun way to challenge the brain. They may also improve cognitive function in some people.

A study of adults aged between 50 and 93 years found that those who practiced number puzzles more frequently tended to have better cognitive function. A meta-analysis notes that chess and other cognitive leisure activities may lead to improvements in:.

A review notes that some types of video games — such as action, puzzle, and strategy games — may lead to improvements in the following:. Enjoying company of friends may be a mentally engaging leisure activity and may help preserve cognitive function. A study found that people with more frequent social contact were less likely to experience cognitive decline and dementia.

A study of older adults found that learning a new and cognitively demanding skill, such as quilting or photography, enhanced memory function. A simple way to increase vocabulary is to read a book or watch a TV program and note down any words that are unfamiliar. A person can then use a dictionary to look up the meaning of the word and think up ways to use the word in a sentence.

A review notes that bilingualism increases and strengthens connectivity between different areas of the brain. A study published in Brain Sciences found that listening to music a person enjoys engages and connects different parts of the brain.

The researchers propose that this may lead to improvements in cognitive function and overall well-being. According to a study , playing an instrument may benefit cognitive development in a young brain and help protect against cognitive impairment in an aging brain.

Such hobbies may include:. Regular physical exercise is beneficial for both the brain and the body. Authors of a review note that exercise improves the following aspects of brain health:.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC , exercise has beneficial effects on the following aspects of cognitive health:. Dance is a form of exercise that may also engage areas of the brain involved in rhythm and balance.

Certain sports are both physically and mentally demanding. Some require a range of cognitive skills, such as:. A review notes that elite athletes who participate in high demand sports tend to have improved attention and faster information processing speeds.

Tai chi is a form of physical exercise that involves gentle body movements, rhythmic breathing, and meditation.

A study compared brain function and connectivity among tai chi practitioners and those who did not practice it. The researchers found that the tai chi practitioners had enhanced connectivity between different regions of their brain.

They proposed that this may improve cognition and decrease the rate of memory loss. While not necessarily an active exercise, sleep is crucial for both the brain and the body.

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke , most adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night, although many people get less sleep than they need. A review notes that sleep has been proven to:. As such, making sure to get enough sleep each night is an important step toward maintaining a healthy brain.

Brain exercises can be as simple as actively engaging the brain in everyday tasks. Others are targeted workouts for the brain, specifically designed to enhance memory, cognition, or creativity. Exercising the brain may help improve brain function and boost connectivity between the different areas.

This may help protect the brain from age-related degeneration. People are likely to differ in terms of the brain exercises they find most enjoyable. It may be a good idea to try a range of brain-training activities at first and to stick with those that provide the most enjoyment or reward. The diet can have a significant impact on the brain's function.

A brain-healthy diet, rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, can boost memory…. Are you looking for ways to improve your mind and boost brain power in ? Look no further; we have compiled the best brain enhancing methods to try. Brain atrophy can refer to a loss of brain cells or a loss in the number of connections between these cells.

In this article, learn about the symptoms…. Researchers found that applying controlled electric shocks to some areas of the brain may improve long-term and working memory in older adults. Learn about the symptoms and causes of Becker muscular dystrophy. This article also looks at treatment options, how doctors diagnose the condition….

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Medical News Today. Health Conditions Health Products Discover Tools Connect. Medically reviewed by Timothy J.

Latest news Morley, MDBoost cognitive sharpness professor hsarpness medicine in Boost cognitive sharpness division of geriatric medicine at St. What is a cognitivr Prioritize your brain use If you shafpness need to Boost cognitive sharpness cognitiv energy remembering where you laid your keys or the Subcutaneous fat and weight loss of your granddaughter's birthday party, you'll be better able to concentrate on learning and remembering new and important things. Studies have shown that you can help prevent cognitive decline and reduce the risk of dementia with some basic good health habits: staying physically active getting enough sleep not smoking having good social connections limiting alcohol to no more than one drink a day eating a Mediterranean style diet. A study found a link between playing games and a decreased risk of cognitive impairment in older adults.
6 simple steps to keep your mind sharp at any age

A balanced diet not only benefits your body but also plays a significant role in maintaining brain health. Here's what you can do:. Physical activity not only benefits your body but also has a positive impact on brain health. Here's how you can incorporate exercise into your routine:.

By following these tips and incorporating brain-healthy practices into your daily life, you can enhance your cognitive abilities, boost your overall well-being, and enjoy a fulfilling and active lifestyle. Remember, it's never too late to start prioritizing your brain health, and the benefits will be felt in both the short and long term.

As you embark on this journey to a healthier mind, remember that your care team is here to support you every step of the way. We believe in the power of preventive care and holistic well-being, and we are committed to helping you lead a healthier, happier life.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about how we can assist you on your path to brain health, please reach out to us.

Together, we can make a positive difference in your life. We are hiring! New Patient? UTM Source. UTM Campaign. UTM Content. UTM Term. UTM Medium. Campaign Reference.

Source URL. Center Record id. Current Patient? Do you want to share the article via email? Yes No. Maintaining a Sharp Mind: Tips for a Brain-Healthy Lifestyle. Chen Senior Medical Center. Staying Mentally Active Engaging your brain in regular mental exercises is like hitting the gym for your mind.

Here's how you can keep your cognitive faculties in top shape: Read Regularly : Reading books, newspapers, or magazines can stimulate your mind.

Joining a local book club or attending library events can also add a social element to your reading habit. Puzzles and Games : Crossword puzzles, Sudoku, chess, or other brain games can challenge your intellect and memory.

These games are not only fun but also effective in keeping your mind sharp. Learn Something New : Pursue hobbies or interests you've never explored before.

Whether it's learning a musical instrument, a new language, or taking up painting, acquiring new skills can boost brain health. Socialize : Regular social interaction can be as important as mental exercises. Most of us are faced with countless distractions throughout the day.

From text messages to social media notifications to emails, there is a constant battle for our attention. Research shows that our ability to pay attention while avoiding distractions has a significant impact on our memory and focus levels. If we make a habit of responding to distracting tasks over our actual priorities, then our ability to concentrate can erode over time.

An inability to focus affects how well we absorb and retain information, meaning that distractions can directly impact our memory. Thankfully, there are many tactics we can use to protect our focus and manage distractions in our lives. One of the most popular approaches is to work in distraction-free sessions of 20 to 90 minutes each.

During a session, put away all devices or sources of distraction and focus solely on the task at hand. Once the session is over, take a short break to check emails, social media or texts. The ancient practice of mindfulness has important modern applications. According to extensive research on the benefits of mindfulness, meditation and similar practices can actually change the way our brains are structured.

One groundbreaking Harvard study found that after eight weeks of daily mindfulness practice , participants had larger hippocampus volume for improved learning and memory, as well as reduced amygdala volume, resulting in decreased fear and stress levels.

Additional studies have found that even one mindfulness session can reduce anxiety, which is beneficial to those who have trouble focusing due to stress. To get started with meditation , try out one of the popular mindfulness apps, like Calm , Headspace or MindBreaks.

People who work at a desk all day often have difficulty concentrating for extended periods. The link between working at a desk and limited focus may have to do with posture. Our posture is tied to our nervous system, with good posture making us feel more relaxed, confident and attentive.

Conversely, poor posture can cause stress, impacting our mood and cognitive performance. Having a desk and chair that are the right height and width for your body can help encourage an upright position and prevent slouching.

With less slouching, you may find that you can improve your focus levels and productivity. Boost your brainpower and improve your concentration levels at work with ergonomic desk solutions from Relax The Back.

Shop for ergonomic office furniture online at Relax The Back. Revamp your home office set-up with solutions like adjustable standing desks , ergonomic office chairs and workstation accessories that improve comfort and encourage better posture.

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Brain-Boosting Tips: Evidence-Based Ways to Stay Mentally Sharp Being mentally sharp offers significant benefits to health and well-being. Increase Your Exercise Levels Physical activity is directly tied to our cognitive abilities.

Increase Your Amount of Sleep Sleep is critical for cognitive function. Eat Brain-Boosting Foods Food supplies us with the nutrients our bodies need to operate.

According to experts, the following brain-boosting nutrients can help with mental sharpness and cognitive well-being: Omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish, avocados or walnuts are one of the essential fats for brain health and reducing inflammation. Antioxidants in berries are connected with a slower rate of age-related cognitive decline.

Vitamin K in dark green vegetables, like broccoli, is associated with producing a type of essential fat that makes up brain cells. Zinc, magnesium, copper and iron and other metal minerals found in meat, eggs, nuts and seeds are essential for the communication between brain cells.

Learn a New Skill In addition to taking care of our physical health, there are also other things we can do to boost brainpower. Other skills you can practice to keep your mind sharp include: Playing an instrument or writing music Practicing yoga, tai chi or martial arts Painting, ceramics or culinary arts In addition to helping maintain cognitive function, learning new skills is also linked to improved self-esteem and emotional health.

Eliminate Distractions Most of us are faced with countless distractions throughout the day. Practice Mindfulness The ancient practice of mindfulness has important modern applications. Improve Your Posture People who work at a desk all day often have difficulty concentrating for extended periods.

Boost cognitive sharpness

Author: Zulunos

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