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Promoting wakefulness

promoting wakefulness

Circadian Antioxidant supplements and free radicals. Rebound hypersomnia over promtingPhysical activities for alleviating depression found with wakffulness or methyphenidate Wakeculness et al. Antioxidant supplements and free radicals timescales are also consistent with the minimum quantum of sleep continuity necessary for memory consolidation Rolls et al, Page last reviewed: March 31, Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Briefly, ambulation was detected by 2 infrared arrays along the x- and y-axes, and vertical movement was detected by a third elevated x array.


The Neurobiology of Normal Sleep and Wakefulness

Promoting wakefulness -

Like most other wake-promoting neurons, orexin neurons fire mainly during wakefulness, especially during active exploration, and are silent during NREM and REM sleep. The most compelling evidence that orexins are necessary for the regulation of wakefulness and sleep was the discovery that narcolepsy with cataplexy is associated with a loss of orexin signaling.

In just the last 10 years, much has been learned about the ways in which orexins promote arousal. In general, it may be best to think of this as a system for sustaining wakefulness as people and mice with narcolepsy have approximately normal amounts of wakefulness, but have great difficulty maintaining long periods of wakefulness.

In addition, orexins promote arousal responses to homeostatic challenges and drive motivated behaviors such as seeking food. Orexins directly excite neurons of the mesolimbic reward pathways, and orexin antagonists can reduce the motivation to seek drugs of abuse. All the arousal systems we have discussed thus far are located in the BF, hypothalamus, or brainstem and exert diffuse effects on the cortex and many other target regions.

However, patterns of EEG activity and consciousness itself arise from interactions between these subcortical systems, the thalamus, and the cortex. Thalamic neurons relay information to and from the cortex and have intrinsic electrical characteristics that help generate some of the cortical rhythms seen in NREM sleep.

These reciprocal connections are thought to drive some cortical rhythms, including sleep spindles. The EEG reflects broad patterns of excitatory and inhibitory post-synaptic potentials, mainly arising from the dendrites of pyramidal neurons.

During wakefulness and REM sleep, these potentials are desynchronized, resulting in low-amplitude fast activity, but during NREM sleep these signals are synchronized, resulting in high-amplitude slow activity. Release of ACh and monoamines during wakefulness generally excites cortical neurons and increases their responsiveness to incoming sensory stimuli.

Delta waves likely arise from interactions amongst cortical neurons and may also be influenced by the BF and other subcortical sites.

Recent work has identified a population of widely projecting GABAergic neurons within the cortex that are uniquely active during NREM sleep, suggesting that these cells may broadly inhibit other cortical neurons, helping generate slow waves during NREM sleep.

Each of the arousal systems presented above is independently capable of promoting wakefulness, yet these systems work together to generate behavioral arousal.

Anatomically, there are many interconnections between the systems. For instance, ACh and 5-HT fibers innervate and excite LC neurons, and nearly all wake-promoting neurons respond to HA, NE, and orexin. In addition, these neurotransmitters often produce similar effects on their targets.

For example, all the arousal systems excite thalamic and cortical neurons. These interconnections and parallel effects may explain why injury to any one of the arousal systems often produces little lasting effect on wakefulness. Functionally, this is adaptive, as it helps ensure that wakefulness will still occur after injury to any one of the arousal systems.

In fact, there are only a few brain regions in which lesions produce lasting reductions in arousal. One is the rostral reticular formation in the midbrain and posterior hypothalamus in which lesions from strokes or tumors can produce severe hypersomnolence or even coma, probably from damage to many of the ascending monoaminergic and cholinergic pathways.

Wakefulness is a complex and dynamic state, arising from networks of neurons driven by homeostatic, affective, cognitive, and motivational processes. Thus, it is likely that each arousal system helps promote specific aspects of behavioral arousal so that individuals can detect sensory and internal stimuli and generate appropriate motor and affective responses.

Similarly, through its limbic and striatal projections, DA may promote arousal especially when an individual is motivated or physically active. The orexin peptides help sustain wakefulness and also may help drive goal-oriented behaviors and locomotion.

So, while lesions of some arousal systems appear to have little effect on the amounts of wakefulness, deficits in arousal may be best revealed by carefully examining the response to specific circumstances and challenges. In the early 20th century, most researchers thought that sleep was a passive consequence of inactivity in the arousal systems, but many experiments have now shown that specific neurons actively promote sleep.

Baron von Economo first observed that insomnia was common in patients with encephalitis injuring the preoptic area the rostral end of the hypothalamus, just above the optic chiasm and the adjacent BF.

Lesions of the preoptic area and specifically of the VLPO markedly reduce sleep, and the sleep that does occur is light and fragmented. Anatomically, the VLPO and MNPO are well positioned to promote sleep.

Thus, the VLPO and MNPO are hypothesized to promote sleep by coordinating the inhibition of arousal regions during NREM and REM sleep. NREM sleep pathways. Ventrolateral preoptic area VLPO neurons are active during NREM sleep and reduce activity in the ascending arousal systems using GABA and galanin.

A subset of VLPO neurons is also active during REM sleep. Other brain regions contain neurons active in NREM sleep, but these populations are less well understood. For example, parts of the BF and lateral hypothalamus contain scattered GABAergic neurons that are active during NREM sleep.

Many of the medications now used to treat insomnia do so by promoting GABA signaling. Benzodiazepines, e. Soon after the discovery of REM sleep in the mids, 4 , 5 researchers learned that the pons plays an essential role in the generation of REM sleep.

Pathways that control REM sleep. A A classic perspective on REM sleep control involves interactions between the cholinergic and aminergic systems. B Recent observations have expanded on the classic view of REM sleep control.

Solid lines depict pathways active during REM sleep, while dashed lines are pathways inactive during REM sleep.

These are the same nuclei that contain wake-promoting cells, but a subpopulation of these cholinergic neurons are active in both wakefulness and REM sleep or are selectively active in REM sleep. Monoamines such as NE and 5-HT increase muscle tone by directly exciting motor neurons.

Monoamines also inhibit REM sleep itself. During wakefulness, and to some degree during NREM sleep, the REM-active cholinergic neurons are inhibited by 5-HT, NE, and HA. These monoaminergic effects on motor tone and REM sleep may account for many phenomena commonly seen by sleep clinicians.

NE and 5-HT reuptake inhibitors often increase muscle tone during sleep and can unmask REM sleep behavior disorder RBD and worsen periodic limb movements of sleep.

Over the last few years, new observations have expanded on the classic model of REM sleep control Figure 5 B. One region that has received significant attention is the sublaterodorsal nucleus SLD; also termed the subcoeruleus, or LCα , which is a small cluster of cells ventral to the LC that produce GABA or glutamate.

Activation of the SLD region elicits atonia and REM sleep-like EEG activity, while inhibition of the SLD promotes wakefulness and reduces REM sleep. Most importantly, lesions of the SLD region disrupt REM sleep atonia and reduce REM sleep. Another new perspective on the classic view of REM sleep is that the SLD neurons may be strongly inhibited by REM sleep-suppressing neurons in the mid-pons.

Mixed in with the orexin neurons of the lateral hypothalamus are a large number of REM sleep-active neurons that produce both MCH and GABA. Electrophysiological recordings demonstrate that MCH neurons fire at a high rate during REM sleep, with much less firing during NREM sleep and complete inactivity during wakefulness.

This pattern is strikingly opposite to that of the orexin neurons and much remains to be learned about how the activity of these intertwined systems is organized. Conversely, during sleep, preoptic neurons become active and inhibit the arousal regions, thus disinhibiting their own firing.

This mutual inhibition should produce stable wakefulness and sleep while facilitating rapid transitions between sleep and wakefulness and minimizing time in drowsy, intermediate states. The orexin neuropeptides probably reinforce these mutually inhibitory systems.

Orexins may stabilize wakefulness by enhancing activity in the arousal systems, ensuring full alertness and long periods of wakefulness despite rising homeostatic pressure across the day.

Collectively, these symptoms may be best thought of as behavioral state instability, a phenomena that is likely caused by loss of the stabilizing effects of orexins on the mutually inhibitory circuits that regulate wakefulness, NREM, and REM sleep. In fact, more than years ago, researchers found that the CSF of sleep deprived dogs contained somnogens, substances that promote sleep.

During wakefulness, brain metabolic activity is high, and adenosine may promote sleep in response to this metabolic challenge. However, when cells are fatigued, ATP production is lower, adenosine levels rise, and then adenosine acts as an inhibitory neuromodulator.

For example, adenosine reduces the activity of most wake-promoting neurons, but disinhibits VLPO neurons. With prolonged wakefulness, adenosine levels rise in the basal forebrain and other regions, and levels then fall during recovery sleep.

Cytokines are intercellular signaling peptides released by immune cells, neurons, and astrocytes, and several cytokines, including interleukin-1β IL-1β and tumor necrosis factor-α TNF-α , promote sleep. Prostaglandin D2 PGD2 is a lipid derived from fatty acids that potently promotes NREM sleep.

The two-process model provides a useful macroscopic perspective on the dynamic control of sleep and wakefulness. It is likely that a homeostatic factor process S accumulates during wakefulness and declines during sleep, and this factor interacts with a circadian process process C that helps regulate the timing of wakefulness and REM sleep.

Process C is driven by the suprachiasmatic nucleus SCN , the master pacemaker that regulates the circadian rhythms of sleep, wakefulness, and most other physiologic rhythms. Since the days of von Economo and then Moruzzi and Magoun, much has been learned about the neurobiology of sleep and wakefulness.

We now know that neurons producing ACh and monoamines such as NE, 5-HT, DA, and HA promote various aspects of wakefulness. NREM sleep is mainly regulated by neural pathways originating in the VLPO and other preoptic regions, yet it is also influenced by diffusible somnogens such as adenosine. REM sleep is driven by neurons in the pons that make ACh and GABA.

These discoveries provide a useful framework to better understand sleep disorders and the effects of medications on sleep. Nevertheless, despite these advances, many questions of clinical importance remain unanswered. What goes wrong in these circuits to cause parasomnias such as sleepwalking and periodic limb movements of sleep?

Under what conditions are specific wake- and sleep-promoting systems especially necessary? How is sleep restorative? What are the functions of NREM and REM sleep?

Undoubtedly, future sleep research will provide helpful insights into the underlying causes of sleep disorders and lead to new and more powerful therapeutics to treat them.

The authors thank Dr. Valko, D. Kroeger, and C. Burgess for their thoughtful comments on this manuscript. Writing of this article was partially supported by research grants from the NIH NS, HL Google Scholar.

Google Preview. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Sign In or Create an Account. Navbar Search Filter SLEEP This issue Sleep Health and Safety SRS Journals Clinical Neuroscience Neuroscience Sleep Medicine Books Journals Oxford Academic Mobile Enter search term Search.

SRS Journals. Issues More Content Advance Articles Supplements Editor's Choice Virtual Issues Virtual Roundtables Abstract Supplements Subject All Subject Expand Expand. Basic Science. Circadian Disorders. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience of Sleep. Neurological Disorders. Sleep Across the Lifespan.

Sleep and Metabolism. Sleep Disordered Breathing. Sleep Health and Safety. Browse all content Browse content in. Close Navbar Search Filter SLEEP This issue Sleep Health and Safety SRS Journals Clinical Neuroscience Neuroscience Sleep Medicine Books Journals Oxford Academic Enter search term Search.

Advanced Search. Search Menu. Article Navigation. Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation. Volume Article Contents Abstract. Journal Article. Sleep Neurobiology from a Clinical Perspective. España, PhD , Rodrigo A. España, PhD. Oxford Academic. Thomas E.

Scammell, MD. Scammell: Department of Neurology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Brookline Ave. Revision received:. PDF Split View Views. Cite Cite Rodrigo A. Select Format Select format. ris Mendeley, Papers, Zotero.

enw EndNote. bibtex BibTex. txt Medlars, RefWorks Download citation. Permissions Icon Permissions. Abstract Many neurochemical systems interact to generate wakefulness and sleep. Waking , arousal , locus coeruleus , tuberomammillary nucleus , dorsal raphe nucleus , thalamus , ventrolateral preoptic area.

Figure 1. Open in new tab Download slide. NREM sleep. REM sleep. Open in new tab. Table 2 Effects of commonly used drugs on sleep and waking. Drug Type. Pharmacologic Effect.

Neurobiologic Mechanism. Clinical Effects. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. They found that the loss of wake-promoting neurons among patients with neurological conditions may disturb the sleep-wake cycle.

The study was published in JAMA Neurology. For the study, the researchers enrolled 33 people with AD, 20 people with PSP, and 32 typical controls.

All individuals underwent electroencephalographic EEG and polysomnographic PSG sleep assessments. They were able to perform a postmortem neuronal analysis of brainstem wake-promoting neurons on 10 patients with AD and 9 with PSP.

Stella Panos for MNT. The researchers found that higher numbers of LC, LHA, and TMN were linked to less total sleep time, less sleep maintenance, and more wakefulness after sleep. They also found that greater numbers of LC neurons correlated with less rapid eye movement REM sleep — the dreaming stage of sleep — and that greater numbers of LHA and TMN neurons correlated with less stage 2 non REM NREM2 sleep — which is important for the consolidation of motor sequence memories.

It is called the ascending arousal system. In extreme cases, damage to this system leads to coma. The researchers wrote that the different responses to tau buildups among wake-promoting neurons in those with AD and PSP explain differences in sleep quality between the conditions.

The researchers concluded that the subcortical system is a primary mechanism linked to sleep disturbances in the early stages of neurodegenerative conditions. The researchers also highlighted some limitations to their findings. As the postmortem studies were cross-sectional, they could not measure what happened over time.

They also note that the time gap between sleep measures and postmortem results may reduce the quality of their data. These neurons are important counterparts to the wake-promoting ones. The authors also highlight that all patients involved in the study were white so the results may not be applicable to all racial and ethnic groups.

When asked to comment on the study, Dr. Clifford B. Saper , professor of Neurology and Neuroscience at Harvard Medical School, not involved in the study, told MNT :.

It is also plausible that the behavioral and energy expenditure effects of orexin-A in the VLPO are due to pathways from the VLPO to other brain nuclei such as the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus.

For example at the cellular level, orexin neuronal activity is directly sensitive to changes in pH and levels of circulating factors such as leptin, ghrelin, glucose, and insulin.

To begin to address the mechanism underlying the arousal and SPA-promoting effects of orexin-A administered in the VLPO, we examined pharmacological antagonism of the effects by testing if a DORA would block the effects of orexin-A on arousal and if an OX2R antagonist would block the effect of orexin-A on SPA.

Although we did not systematically address the functional significance of the two OXR sub-types for each endpoint, we found that a DORA suppressed the increase in wakefulness and the reduction in NREM sleep elicited by orexin-A and the OX2R antagonist partially inhibited orexin-A stimulated SPA.

This functional distinction between the DORA and the OX2R antagonist in the VLPO is presumably related to the relative abundance of each OXR subtype, the specific neurons on which they are localized, and the differential binding affinities for orexin-A and the antagonists.

Antagonism of OX2R partially reduced SPA stimulated by orexin-A in accord with previous studies showing that both receptor subtypes contribute to SPA stimulated by orexin-A, 78, , 79 and that DORAs reduce SPA.

A systematic investigation is warranted to measure concurrently vigilance states, SPA, and energy expenditure in a single group of rats to provide the necessary framework for elucidating the role of each receptor subtype in the VLPO.

These brain areas contain both sleep and wake regulatory neurons. Basal fore-brain neurons are extensively innervated by orexin neurons and is a key site through which orexin activates the cortex to promote behavioral arousal.

That orexin-A failed to elicit effects in rats with misplaced cannulae supports this. Finally, drug delivery was targeted more medially to avoid the possibility of drug diffusion into the basal forebrain. In conclusion, these data verify that the VLPO is an important region receiving orexin afferents with functional implications for energy balance, sleep and wakefulness.

Specifically, our results suggest that the VLPO may coordinate and integrate orexin-A enhanced behaviors to promote negative energy balance by enhancing arousal, total energy expenditure and SPA-related energy expenditure. These findings provide a basis for the investigation of the OXR subtypes that mediate behaviors stimulated by orexin-A in the VLPO.

The authors acknowledge technical expertise from Almira Rezaimalek and Melissa Wyatt at the University of Arizona. Google Scholar. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford.

It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Sign In or Create an Account. Navbar Search Filter SLEEP This issue Basic Science SRS Journals Clinical Neuroscience Neuroscience Sleep Medicine Books Journals Oxford Academic Mobile Enter search term Search.

SRS Journals. Issues More Content Advance Articles Supplements Editor's Choice Virtual Issues Virtual Roundtables Abstract Supplements Subject All Subject Expand Expand. Basic Science. Circadian Disorders. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience of Sleep.

Neurological Disorders. Sleep Across the Lifespan. Sleep and Metabolism. Sleep Disordered Breathing. Sleep Health and Safety. Browse all content Browse content in. Close Navbar Search Filter SLEEP This issue Basic Science SRS Journals Clinical Neuroscience Neuroscience Sleep Medicine Books Journals Oxford Academic Enter search term Search.

Advanced Search. Search Menu. Article Navigation. Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation. Volume Article Contents Abstract. Journal Article. Promotion of Wakefulness and Energy Expenditure by Orexin-A in the Ventrolateral Preoptic Area.

Vijayakumar Mavanji, PhD , Vijayakumar Mavanji, PhD. Oxford Academic. Claudio E. Perez-Leighton, PhD. Catherine M. Kotz, PhD. Charles J. Billington, MD. Sairam Parthasarathy, MD. Christopher M. Sinton, PhD. Jennifer A. Teske, PhD. Teske, PhD, University of Arizona-Department of Nutritional Sciences, 4th Street, Shantz Building room , Tucson, Arizona ; Tel: ; Fax: ; E-mail: teskeja email.

Revision received:. PDF Split View Views. Cite Cite Vijayakumar Mavanji, Claudio E. Select Format Select format. ris Mendeley, Papers, Zotero. enw EndNote. bibtex BibTex. txt Medlars, RefWorks Download citation.

Permissions Icon Permissions. Abstract Study Objectives:. arousal , brain , obesity , sleep. Figure 1. Open in new tab Download slide. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Associations between sleep loss and increased risk of obesity and diabetes.

Google Scholar Crossref. Search ADS. Sleep duration and all-cause mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies.

Quantity and quality of sleep and incidence of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Associations between inadequate sleep and obesity in the US adult population: analysis of the national health interview survey The role of sleep duration in the regulation of energy balance: effects on energy intakes and expenditure.

Google Scholar PubMed. OpenURL Placeholder Text. Partial sleep deprivation and energy balance in adults: an emerging issue for consideration by dietetics practitioners. The hypocretins: hypothalamusspecific peptides with neuroexcitatory activity. Orexins and orexin receptors: a family of hypothalamic neuropeptides and G protein-coupled receptors that regulate feeding behavior.

Lateral hypothalamus as a sensor-regulator in respiratory and metabolic control. The lateral hypothalamus as integrator of metabolic and environmental needs: from electrical self-stimulation to opto-genetics. Diurnal variation in orexin A immunoreactivity and prepro-orexin mRNA in the rat central nervous system.

Orexin A activates locus coeruleus cell firing and increases arousal in the rat. Feeding and activity induced by orexin A in the lateral hypothalamus in rats. Neuroregulation of nonexercise activity thermogenesis and obesity resistance.

Daily intraparaventricular orexin-A treatment induces weight loss in rats. High and low activity rats: elevated intrinsic physical activity drives resistance to diet-induced obesity in non-bred rats. Effect of lesions of the ventrolateral preoptic nucleus on NREM and REM sleep. Innervation of histaminergic tuberomammillary neurons by GABAergic and galaninergic neurons in the ventrolateral preoptic nucleus of the rat.

Daily rhythms in Fos activity in the rat ventrolateral preoptic area and midline thalamic nuclei. Elevated sleep quality and orexin receptor mRNA in obesity-resistant rats.

Efferent connections of the lateral hypothalamic area of the rat: an autoradiographic investigation. A sparse projection from the suprachiasmatic nucleus to the sleep active ventrolateral preoptic area in the rat. Neurons containing hypocretin orexin project to multiple neuronal systems.

Orexins, orexigenic hypothalamic peptides, interact with autonomic, neuroendocrine and neuroregulatory systems. Ventrolateral preoptic nucleus contains sleep-active, galaninergic neurons in multiple mammalian species. Effects of lateral preoptic area application of orexin-A on sleep-wakefulness.

Bregma, lambda and the interaural midpoint in stereotaxic surgery with rats of different sex, strain and weight. Discriminative stimulus effects of morphine: central versus peripheral training.

Eugeroics originally promoting wakefulness or "eugregoric"Plant-based sports nutrition also known as wakefulness-promoting agents and wakefulness-promoting drugs wakefulnesz, are waakefulness class of drugs Emotional regulation techniques for eating habits promote wakefulness and alertness. Modafinil and armodafinil are each wakefulnses to act as selective, weak, atypical dopamine reuptake inhibitors DRI[2] [3] whereas adrafinil acts as a prodrug for modafinil. Cephalon, the original U. market rights holder of modafinil, has demonstrated initiative in the development of a successor to the prototypical eugeroic. Fluorenol was found to induce wakefulness to a greater degree than modafinil, despite possessing a lower affinity for the dopamine transporter.

Promoting wakefulness -

They also found that greater numbers of LC neurons correlated with less rapid eye movement REM sleep — the dreaming stage of sleep — and that greater numbers of LHA and TMN neurons correlated with less stage 2 non REM NREM2 sleep — which is important for the consolidation of motor sequence memories.

It is called the ascending arousal system. In extreme cases, damage to this system leads to coma. The researchers wrote that the different responses to tau buildups among wake-promoting neurons in those with AD and PSP explain differences in sleep quality between the conditions.

The researchers concluded that the subcortical system is a primary mechanism linked to sleep disturbances in the early stages of neurodegenerative conditions.

The researchers also highlighted some limitations to their findings. As the postmortem studies were cross-sectional, they could not measure what happened over time. They also note that the time gap between sleep measures and postmortem results may reduce the quality of their data.

These neurons are important counterparts to the wake-promoting ones. The authors also highlight that all patients involved in the study were white so the results may not be applicable to all racial and ethnic groups.

When asked to comment on the study, Dr. Clifford B. Saper , professor of Neurology and Neuroscience at Harvard Medical School, not involved in the study, told MNT :.

Unfortunately, this appears not to have been measured. that daytime sleepiness of AD patients is due to loss of arousal neurons. Saper concluded. As part of our Medical Myths series, this article covers 11 myths about dementia, including the role of vitamins and supplements and ways to reduce….

Scientists are looking into genes that may influence the development of Alzheimer's. Learn about the genetic factors and how to recognize early…. Scientists do not know what causes Alzheimer's, but researchers have linked it with some lifestyle factors.

Find out how keeping the mind and body fit…. Alzheimer's-related blogs may help to support people with Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers. We take a look at five of the best Alzheimer's…. My podcast changed me Can 'biological race' explain disparities in health?

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Medical News Today. Health Conditions Health Products Discover Tools Connect. Alzheimer's: Loss of wake-promoting neurons may explain sleepiness. By Annie Lennon on April 12, — Fact checked by Anna Guildford, Ph. Brain analyses. A more focused agent or one that regulates wakefulness might avoid these side effects and risks yet still effectively promote nighttime sleep and daytime wakefulness.

Doctors, particularly psychiatrists, need more education on the new and emerging strategies for recognizing and treating sleep disorders so that they can make more informed, evidence-based treatment choices.

This activity was designed to meet the needs of participants in CME activities provided by the CME Institute of Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc. Dr Scammell has determined that, to the best of his knowledge, no investigational information about pharmaceutical agents that is outside US Food and Drug Administration—approved labeling has been presented in this activity.

The entire faculty of the series discussed the content at a peer-reviewed planning session, the Chair reviewed the activity for accuracy and fair balance, and a member of the External Advisory CME Board who is without conflict of interest reviewed the activity to determine whether the material is evidence-based and objective.

The opinions expressed herein are those of the faculty and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the CME provider and publisher or the commercial supporter.

T oo many people get insufficient sleep. A lack of sleep is associated with memory and concentration problems, mood disorders, decreased functioning, and driving accidents. Daily behavior can be divided into wakefulness, rapid eye movement REM sleep, and non-REM NREM sleep. Wakefulness is the state of awareness of self and the environment.

Sleep begins with NREM sleep and cycles between NREM and REM sleep throughout the night in roughly minute periods AV 2. People rouse easily from the lightest stage of NREM sleep N1 , but they are harder to wake from the deepest stage N3.

REM sleep is characterized by quick eye movements and muscle paralysis. During REM sleep, the cortex is active, generating the vivid thoughts that accompany dreams, but brainstem circuits inhibit motor neurons, preventing people from acting out their dreams. Based on National Sleep Foundation 4.

As people age, they spend less time in the deepest NREM sleep N3 , meaning that they are more easily roused by various stimuli, such as traffic noise or muscle aches. Nighttime awakenings may be associated with trouble returning to sleep, thereby decreasing total sleep time, which for adults should be an average of 7.

Some sleep problems are related to primary sleep disorders or medical or psychiatric conditions, while others are related to unhealthy behaviors. Two factors influence how much sleep people get and when they sleep. This homeostatic pressure accumulates during wakefulness and declines during sleep.

The circadian factor process C causes alertness to vary with the time of day. Regulated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the circadian factor is a daily rhythm that helps promote arousal and wakefulness during the day. That is, if people stay awake all night, they may be especially tired around 3 or 4 am due to the high homeostatic pressure.

But by 10 or 11 am, the circadian drive for wakefulness counters the high homeostatic drive for sleep, and people usually feel more alert, despite having been awake even longer.

Somnogens are sleep-promoting biochemicals, such as adenosine, prostaglandin D 2 , muramyl dipeptides, and tumor necrosis factor-α.

In fact, caffeine promotes wakefulness by blocking adenosine receptors. Sleep-promoting systems. Until about 20 years ago, NREM sleep was thought to occur passively when wake-promoting systems somehow turned off on their own, but it is now clear that NREM sleep is a regulated phenomenon.

One of the most important cell groups for producing NREM sleep is neurons of the ventrolateral preoptic area VLPO. These neurons use GABA and galanin to send strong inhibitory signals to brain regions that promote wakefulness. Across the brain, most neurons are quiet or silent during NREM sleep, but the VLPO neurons are active during NREM sleep, and their activity helps shut down the activity of the wake-promoting systems.

These neurons are also involved with triggering a descending pathway that runs through the sublaterodorsal nucleus in the brainstem down to motor neurons in the spinal cord, which helps produce the paralysis of REM sleep.

REM-promoting circuits are strongly inhibited by any of the monoamine neurotransmitters, which are released only during wakefulness. Wake-promoting systems.

Wake-promoting pathways use 2 types of neurotransmitters: acetylcholine ACh and monoamine neurotransmitters, such as serotonin 5-HT , dopamine DA , norepinephrine NE , and histamine. The monoamine neurons are active during wakefulness but inactive during sleep, especially during REM sleep.

Other wake-promoting pathways use ACh to promote wakefulness and arousal. One group of ACh-producing neurons in the basal forebrain projects directly to the cortex, exciting cortical neurons.

The basal forebrain also contains GABA-producing neurons, which create arousal by reducing activity in inhibitory neurons in the cortex, resulting in increased cortical activity.

During NREM sleep, these cholinergic neurons are less active, resulting in less signaling through the thalamus. Knowledge of these 2 mutually inhibitory groups of neurons, a wake-promoting group and a sleep-producing group, has led to a flip-flop circuit model of sleep-wake control.

When one system inhibits the other, the result is a switch to wakefulness or sleep. A problem occurs when the circuit does not allow someone to remain awake or remain asleep. Thus, another element is needed in this circuit to produce long periods of wake and sleep.

Orexin system. One stabilizing element is the orexin system, which was recently discovered. The orexin system is composed of neurotransmitters crucial for maintaining wakefulness. They appear to work in opposition to the accumulating sleep drive process S to maintain arousal during the day.

Loss of orexin-producing neurons results in narcolepsy with cataplexy, a disorder characterized by difficulty maintaining long periods of wakefulness and rapid transitions into sleep.

During sleep, the VLPO neurons turn off the orexin neurons, just as they turn off the other wake-promoting systems.

The activity of regulatory neurons varies in each behavioral state AV 3. Monoamine neurons are mainly active during wakefulness, minimally active in NREM sleep, and silent in REM sleep.

The ACh neurons are also very active during wakefulness, are not active during NREM sleep, and a minority of them are active again in REM sleep. The orexin neurons are active in wakefulness and inactive in sleep. As more research is done on these systems, new agents may provide better treatments for sleep disorders.

For example, agents that inhibit orexin could make it easier for patients to fall asleep without the unsteadiness or confusion often associated with sleep-promoting agents. Sleep problems are common in adults and must be treated to improve overall health and well-being.

For clinicians to choose the best treatment for their patients with sleep problems, they should understand the sleep-wake cycle and the underlying neurobiology. REM sleep is characterized by an active cortex, muscle paralysis, and dreaming, while NREM sleep includes stages from lighter to deeper sleep with less vivid dreams.

Psychostimulants Emotional regulation techniques for eating habits used for the treatment of wakefulnrss daytime sleepiness in a wide range of sleep disorders wakefjlness well ppromoting in attention oromoting hyperactivity disorder wakefu,ness cognitive impairment in neuropsychiatric Muscle mass nutrition. Here, we Emotional regulation techniques for eating habits in mice the wake-promoting properties of Wakefulnses and its proomoting on the Emotional regulation techniques for eating habits sleep as compared with waakefulness of modafinil and vehicle. EEG and EMG were recorded continuously for 24 h after injections and vigilance states as well as EEG power densities were analyzed. Although no significant sleep rebound was observed after sleep onset for both treatments as compared with their vehicles, modafinil-treated mice showed significantly more NREM sleep when compared to NLS Spectral analysis of the NREM EEG after NLS-4 treatment indicated an increased power density in delta activity 0. Also, time course analysis of the delta activity showed a significant increase only during the first 2 time intervals of sleep after NLS-4 treatment, while delta power was increased during the first 9 time intervals after modafinil. promoting wakefulness

Author: Mak

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