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L-carnitine and weight management

L-carnitine and weight management

The neurobiology Managemejt acetyl-L-carnitine. Therefore, the results should be taken mnaagement caution, and more research is L-carnitine and weight management before definitive recommendations. Managemetn are some studies that ajd this theory but more research is needed for conclusions to be drawn. Bordoni L, Sawicka AK, Szarmach A, Winklewski PJ, Olek RA, Gabbianelli R. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Pan A, Sun Q, Bernstein AM, Schulze MB, Manson JE, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC, Hu FB. Studies in isolated rat muscle. New customer?

L-carnittine also ewight as levocarnitine —is an amino acid Fermented foods and balance gut bacteria occurs naturally in the body and is available as a L-carnitinw. It L-carnitinne a subtype weighf the substance an, which aids in metabolism, and can L-ccarnitine used to prevent a managementt of carnitine.

Wright produces energy in the body and removes toxins from cells. Because of this action, L-carnitine manafement sometimes taken as a supplement Fermented foods and balance gut bacteria lose weight and L-carnitie physical performance.

This article will discuss the uses of L-carnitine and its role in the body. L-carnitine is a crucial component manage,ent energy production in the body.

It L-czrnitine fatty acids into the cells to be converted managemeent energy. L-carnitine also manageent to move toxins out of the cells. It may help weigyt various symptoms Fermented foods and balance gut bacteria different Coping with food allergies and conditions, as outlined below.

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive, L-carnitine and weight management wasting of the weifht cells in L-cagnitine brain condition and the most common type of dementia. L-carnitine and weight management can Coping with food allergies treated Lc-arnitine preventing the breakdown or increasing the levels of the neurotransmitter called weigght.

Researchers have studied L-carnitine to determine if it can Maanagement produce acetylcholine. A Weight management diary of several articles regarding the use wekght L-carnitine for dementia and Alzheimer's disease found mixed results.

Many of managemeng studies reviewed showed favorable outcomes with L-carnitine use, whereas other Injury prevention and nutrition showed minimal to no weighg. Further research is needed on the effects of L-carbitine on people with Alzheimer's disease, Fermented foods and balance gut bacteria.

Ewight supplements might aid in cardiovascular health Community gardens and urban farming decreasing L-carnirine markers and reducing the likelihood of fatal irregular heart rhythms in Coping with food allergies with heart amd.

A study from found benefits weeight L-carnitine managemenr in people with chronic L-carmitine failure. Improvements in several areas of deight functioning, including cardiac output and left ventricular ejection L-csrnitine.

Other studies have found L-carnirine L-carnitine supplementation caused negative effects on the cardiovascular system. Wegiht still L-cranitine to ahd conducted to Lean chicken breast wraps if L-carnitine mqnagement is managekent effective treatment for cardiovascular disease.

L-carnitine Weight gain advice fatty acids Lc-arnitine the cells to produce energy, so it wsight been assumed that L-carnitine can help with weight loss.

There anc some studies that support this theory but more weigut is needed L-canritine conclusions to L-carnitine and weight management drawn. A literature review that L-carnitine and weight management Allergy-safe diets for athletes 37 randomized control trials found that L-carnitine decreased body weight by 1.

The weight reduction was primarily seen in people who also ate a low-calorie diet and exercised. Carnitine preserves fuel for the muscles and promotes the breakdown of fats into energy. As a result, some people take L-carnitine supplements to improve their athletic performance.

However, research has shown no proof that L-carnitine supplements improve physical exercise performance. L-carnitine has been used successfully to improve fertility.

Research showed that supplementation improved sperm motility. Other research has shown that L-carnitine supplementation improved ovulation and pregnancy rates in those with polycystic ovary syndrome PCOS. Those people with PCOS who took the supplement had It also improved pregnancy rates and lessened miscarriages in those with PCOS.

Carnitine is made in the liver, kidney, and brain. The body needs 15 milligrams mg per day of carnitine from either outside sources—like food—or the body making its own carnitine. Most people who eat a diet in both meat and nonmeat sources will consume between 24 and mg of carnitine each day.

However, people who follow a vegan diet will likely consume only 1. Oddly enough, diet does not seem to influence how much carnitine the body makes. According to the National Institutes of Health, a person who eats a vegan diet still produces Since carnitine is a supplement the Food and Drug Administration FDA does not regulate it, and there are no suggested daily supplementation amounts.

L-carnitine is a type of carnitine. There are several forms of carnitine available for supplementation. They include:. Carnitine is typically taken as an oral supplement but can be given through an intravenous IV line.

There are potential side effects when too much L-carnitine is taken. Some medications, like those that treat seizures or antibiotics, lower the body's carnitine levels. Taking a carnitine supplement may help avoid this.

Always talk to a healthcare provider before starting a carnitine supplement. The best source of L-carnitine is in food. The body's ability to absorb L-carnitine in food is much higher than in a supplement. The best sources listed from greatest source to lowest of L-carnitine are:.

L-carnitine is an amino acid that is produced in the body and is found in many animal-based food products. It produces energy and removes toxins from the cells. L-carnitine is often advertised as a supplement for weight loss, to improve physical performance, and more.

Research still needs to be done to confirm the effectiveness of L-carnitine supplementation. Always talk to a healthcare provider before starting a supplement as it may adversely interact with other medications or affect certain conditions.

National Institutes of Health. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. Pennisi M, Lanza G, Cantone M, et al. Acetyl-l-carnitine in dementia and other cognitive disorders: a critical update. Song X, Qu H, Yang Z, Rong J, Cai W, Zhou H.

Efficacy and safety of l-carnitine treatment for chronic heart failure: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. BioMed Research International. Talenezhad N, Mohammadi M, Ramezani-Jolfaie N, Mozaffari-Khosravi H, Salehi-Abargouei A.

Effects of l-carnitine supplementation on weight loss and body composition: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 37 randomized controlled clinical trials with dose-response analysis. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN.

Gnoni A, Longo S, Gnoni GV, Giudetti AM. Carnitine in human muscle bioenergetics: can carnitine supplementation improve physical exercise? Mount Sinai. Carnitine l-carnitine. Mendelson SD. Nutritional supplements and metabolic syndrome.

In: Metabolic Syndrome and Psychiatric Illness. Elsevier; By Patty Weasler, RN, BSN Patty is a registered nurse with over a decade of experience in pediatric critical care. Her passion is writing health and wellness content that anyone can understand and use.

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Develop and improve services. Use limited data to select content. List of Partners vendors. By Patty Weasler, RN, BSN. Medically reviewed by Roxana Ehsani, RD. Table of Contents View All. Table of Contents. Side Effects. Food Sources. Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles.

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: L-carnitine and weight management

The bright and the dark sides of L-carnitine supplementation: a systematic review

More studies are needed. Peyronie disease is characterized by a curvature of the penis that leads to pain during an erection. One promising study compared acetyl-L-carnitine to the medication tamoxifen in 48 men with this condition.

Acetyl-L-carnitine worked better than tamoxifen at reducing pain during sex and reducing the curve of the penis.

Acetyl-L-carnitine also had fewer side effects than tamoxifen. Some research suggests that L-carnitine may help prevent or reduce symptoms of an overactive thyroid, such as insomnia, nervousness, heart palpitations, and tremors.

In fact, in one study, a small group of people with hyperthyroidism saw these symptoms improve, and their body temperature become normal, when taking carnitine.

But a larger, better-designed clinical trial is needed to see if carnitine really works. In addition, researchers think carnitine may work by blocking the action of thyroid hormone, which could be dangerous for people with low thyroid levels.

DO NOT take carnitine for hyperthyroidism without your doctor's supervision. Red meat particularly lamb and dairy products are the main food sources of carnitine.

It can also be found in fish, poultry, tempeh, wheat, asparagus, avocados, and peanut butter. Avoid D-carnitine supplements. They interfere with the natural form of L-carnitine and may produce unwanted side effects.

In some cases, L-carnitine may be taken by prescription or given intravenously by a health care provider. Pediatric DO NOT give carnitine supplements to a child without your child's health care provider's supervision.

Your child's provider should first make sure that the child has a carnitine deficiency. Recommended doses of L-carnitine vary depending on the health condition being treated.

The usual dose is between 1 to 3 g per day. Because supplements may have side effects or interact with medications, you should take them only under the supervision of a knowledgeable health care provider. Side effects are generally mild. High doses 5 or more grams per day may cause diarrhea.

Other rare side effects include increased appetite, body odor, and rash. If you are being treated with any of the following medications, you should not use carnitine without first talking to your health care provider. AZT: In a laboratory study, L-carnitine supplements protected muscle tissue against toxic side effects from AZT, a medication used to treat HIV and AIDS.

More studies are needed to know whether L-carnitine would have the same effect in people. Doxorubicin: Treatment with L-carnitine may protect heart cells against the toxic side effects of doxorubicin, a chemotherapy medication used to treat cancer, without making the medication any less effective.

Always talk to your oncologist before using complementary or alternative CAM therapies with chemotherapy. Isotretinoin Accutane : Accutane, a strong medication used for severe acne, can cause liver problems, as measured by a blood test, as well as high cholesterol, and muscle pain and weakness.

These symptoms are like those seen with carnitine deficiency. Researchers in Greece showed that a large group of people who had side effects from Accutane got better when taking L-carnitine compared to those who took a placebo.

Thyroid hormone: Carnitine may stop thyroid hormone from getting into cells, and theoretically may make thyroid hormone replacement less effective. If you take thyroid replacement hormone, talk to your provider before taking carnitine. Valproic acid Depakote : The antiseizure medication valproic acid may lower blood levels of carnitine.

Taking L-carnitine supplements may prevent any deficiency and may also reduce the side effects of valproic acid. However, taking carnitine may increase the risk of seizures in people with a history of seizures.

Blood Thinning Medications: Carnitine may increase the risk of bleeding in people taking blood thinning medicaitons. Benvenga S, Ruggieri RM, Russo A, Lapa D, Campenni A, Trimarchi F. Usefulness of L-carnitine, a naturally occurring peripheral antagonist of thyroid hormone action, in iatrogenic hyperthyroidism: a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial.

J Clin Endocrinol Metab. Berni A, Meschini R, Filippi S, Palitti F, De Amicis A, Chessa L. L-carnitine enhances resistance to oxidative stress by reducing DNA damage in Ataxia telangiectasia cells. Mutat Res. Biagiotti G, Cavallini G. Acetyl-L-carnitine vs tamoxifen in the oral therapy of Peyronie's disease: a preliminary report.

BJU Int. Carrero JJ, Grimble RF. Does nutrition have a role in peripheral vascular disease? Br J Nutr. Cavallini G, Modenini F, Vitali G, et al. Acetyl-L-carnitine plus propionyl-L-carnitine improve efficacy of sildenafil in treatment of erectile dysfunction after bilateral nerve-sparing radical retropubic prostatectomy.

Cruciani RA, Dvorkin E, Homel P, Malamud S, Culliney B, Lapin J, Portenoy RK, Esteban-Cruciani N. J Pain Symptom Manage. Custer J, Rau R. Johns Hopkins: The Harriet Lane Handbook. Philadelphia, PA; Elsevier Mosby; Dyck DJ.

Dietary fat intake, supplements, and weight loss. Can J Appl Physiol. Fugh-Berman A. Herbs and dietary supplements in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease.

Prev Cardiology. Head KA. Peripheral neuropathy: pathogenic mechanisms and alternative therapies. Altern Med Rev. Hiatt WR, Regensteiner JG, Creager MA, Hirsch AT, Cooke JP, Olin JW, et al. Propionyl-L-carnitine improves exercise performance and functional status in patients with claudication.

Am J Med. Lynch KE, Feldman HI, Berlin JA, Flory J, Rowan CG, Brunelli SM. Effects of L-carnitine on dialysis-related hypotension and muscle cramps: a meta-analysis.

Am J Kidney Dis. Malaguarnera M, Cammalleri L, Gargante MP, Vacante M, Colonna V, Motta M. L-carnitine treatment reduces severity of physical and mental fatigue and increases cognitive functions in centurians: a randomized and controlled clinical trial.

Am J Clin Nutr. Miyagawa T, Kawamura H, Obuchi M, et al. Effects of oral L-carnitine administration in narcolepsy patients: a randomized, double-blind, cross-over and placebo-controlled trial.

PLoS One. Research showed that supplementation improved sperm motility. Other research has shown that L-carnitine supplementation improved ovulation and pregnancy rates in those with polycystic ovary syndrome PCOS.

Those people with PCOS who took the supplement had It also improved pregnancy rates and lessened miscarriages in those with PCOS. Carnitine is made in the liver, kidney, and brain. The body needs 15 milligrams mg per day of carnitine from either outside sources—like food—or the body making its own carnitine.

Most people who eat a diet in both meat and nonmeat sources will consume between 24 and mg of carnitine each day. However, people who follow a vegan diet will likely consume only 1. Oddly enough, diet does not seem to influence how much carnitine the body makes.

According to the National Institutes of Health, a person who eats a vegan diet still produces Since carnitine is a supplement the Food and Drug Administration FDA does not regulate it, and there are no suggested daily supplementation amounts.

L-carnitine is a type of carnitine. There are several forms of carnitine available for supplementation. They include:. Carnitine is typically taken as an oral supplement but can be given through an intravenous IV line.

There are potential side effects when too much L-carnitine is taken. Some medications, like those that treat seizures or antibiotics, lower the body's carnitine levels.

Taking a carnitine supplement may help avoid this. Always talk to a healthcare provider before starting a carnitine supplement. The best source of L-carnitine is in food. The body's ability to absorb L-carnitine in food is much higher than in a supplement.

The best sources listed from greatest source to lowest of L-carnitine are:. L-carnitine is an amino acid that is produced in the body and is found in many animal-based food products. It produces energy and removes toxins from the cells. L-carnitine is often advertised as a supplement for weight loss, to improve physical performance, and more.

Research still needs to be done to confirm the effectiveness of L-carnitine supplementation. Always talk to a healthcare provider before starting a supplement as it may adversely interact with other medications or affect certain conditions. National Institutes of Health. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention.

Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. Pennisi M, Lanza G, Cantone M, et al. Acetyl-l-carnitine in dementia and other cognitive disorders: a critical update.

Song X, Qu H, Yang Z, Rong J, Cai W, Zhou H. Efficacy and safety of l-carnitine treatment for chronic heart failure: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. BioMed Research International. Talenezhad N, Mohammadi M, Ramezani-Jolfaie N, Mozaffari-Khosravi H, Salehi-Abargouei A.

Effects of l-carnitine supplementation on weight loss and body composition: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 37 randomized controlled clinical trials with dose-response analysis. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN. Gnoni A, Longo S, Gnoni GV, Giudetti AM. Carnitine in human muscle bioenergetics: can carnitine supplementation improve physical exercise?

Mount Sinai. Carnitine l-carnitine. Mendelson SD. Nutritional supplements and metabolic syndrome. In: Metabolic Syndrome and Psychiatric Illness. Elsevier; By Patty Weasler, RN, BSN Patty is a registered nurse with over a decade of experience in pediatric critical care.

Her passion is writing health and wellness content that anyone can understand and use. Use limited data to select advertising. Create profiles for personalised advertising.

Use profiles to select personalised advertising. Create profiles to personalise content.

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However, l-carnitine supplementation did not change body fat percentage WMD: Interestingly subgroup analysis revealed that l-carnitine showed anti-obesity effects only in overweight and obese subjects; l-carnitine decreased weight, and BMI alone when combined with other lifestyle modifications.

Anthropometric indexes were not changed following l-carnitine supplementation among patients' undergoing hemodialysis.

Our study revealed that l-carnitine supplementation might have a positive effects in achieving an improved body weight and BMI especially in overweight and obese subjects. Keywords: BMI; Meta-analysis; Obesity; Weight loss; l-Carnitine.

Abstract Despite preclinical studies demonstrating the efficacy of l-carnitine supplementation for weight management, findings in clinical setting are contradictory.

Publication types Meta-Analysis Systematic Review. Clin Nutr. Keller J, Couturier A, Haferkamp M, Most E, Eder K. Nutr Metab Lond. Keller J, Ringseis R, Eder K. Supplemental carnitine affects the microRNA expression profile in skeletal muscle of obese Zucker rats.

BMC Genomics. Jang J, Park J, Chang H, Lim K. L-Carnitine supplement reduces skeletal muscle atrophy induced by prolonged hindlimb suspension in rats. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. Di Marzio L, Moretti S, D'Alo S, Zazzeroni F, Marcellini S, Smacchia C, Alesse E, Cifone MG, De Simone C.

Acetyl-L-carnitine administration increases insulin-like growth factor 1 levels in asymptomatic HIVinfected subjects: correlation with its suppressive effect on lymphocyte apoptosis and ceramide generation. Clin Immunol. Kraemer WJ, Volek JS, French DN, Rubin MR, Sharman MJ, Gomez AL, Ratamess NA, Newton RU, Jemiolo B, Craig BW, et al.

The effects of L-carnitine L-tartrate supplementation on hormonal responses to resistance exercise and recovery. J Strength Cond Res. Rondanelli M, Solerte SB, Fioravanti M, Scevola D, Locatelli M, Minoli L, Ferrari E.

Circadian secretory pattern of growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor type I, cortisol, adrenocorticotropic hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, and prolactin during HIV infection. AIDS Res Hum Retrovir. Evans M, Guthrie N, Pezzullo J, Sanli T, Fielding RA, Bellamine A.

Efficacy of a novel formulation of L-Carnitine, creatine, and leucine on lean body mass and functional muscle strength in healthy older adults: a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study. Askarpour M, Hadi A, Miraghajani M, Symonds ME, Sheikhi A, Ghaedi E.

Beneficial effects of l-carnitine supplementation for weight management in overweight and obese adults: an updated systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Pharmacol Res. Lee JK, Lee JS, Park H, Cha YS, Yoon CS, Kim CK. Effect of L-carnitine supplementation and aerobic training on FABPc content and beta-HAD activity in human skeletal muscle.

Eur J Appl Physiol. Rafraf M, Karimi M, Jafari A. Effect of L-carnitine supplementation in comparison with moderate aerobic training on serum inflammatory parameters in healthy obese women.

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Trends Pharmacol Sci. Giamberardino MA, Dragani L, Valente R, Di Lisa F, Saggini R, Vecchiet L. Effects of prolonged L-carnitine administration on delayed muscle pain and CK release after eccentric effort. Int J Sports Med. Volek JS, Kraemer WJ, Rubin MR, Gomez AL, Ratamess NA, Gaynor P. L-Carnitine L-tartrate supplementation favorably affects markers of recovery from exercise stress.

Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. Spiering BA, Kraemer WJ, Vingren JL, Hatfield DL, Fragala MS, Ho JY, Maresh CM, Anderson JM, Volek JS. Responses of criterion variables to different supplemental doses of L-carnitine L-tartrate. Ho JY, Kraemer WJ, Volek JS, Fragala MS, Thomas GA, Dunn-Lewis C, Coday M, Hakkinen K, Maresh CM.

L-Carnitine l-tartrate supplementation favorably affects biochemical markers of recovery from physical exertion in middle-aged men and women. Spiering BA, Kraemer WJ, Hatfield DL, Vingren JL, Fragala MS, Ho JY, Thomas GA, Hakkinen K, Volek JS. Effects of L-carnitine L-tartrate supplementation on muscle oxygenation responses to resistance exercise.

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Plasma Trimethylamine-N-oxide following Cessation of L-carnitine Supplementation in Healthy Aged Women. Wang Z, Klipfell E, Bennett BJ, Koeth R, Levison BS, Dugar B, Feldstein AE, Britt EB, Fu X, Chung YM, et al. Gut flora metabolism of phosphatidylcholine promotes cardiovascular disease.

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Effects of L-carnitine administration on left ventricular remodeling after acute anterior myocardial infarction: the L-Carnitine Ecocardiografia Digitalizzata Infarto Miocardico CEDIM trial. J Am Coll Cardiol. Hiramatsu A, Aikata H, Uchikawa S, Ohya K, Kodama K, Nishida Y, Daijo K, Osawa M, Teraoka Y, Honda F, et al.

Levocarnitine use is associated with improvement in sarcopenia in patients with liver cirrhosis. Hepatol Commun. Hathcock JN, Shao A. Risk assessment for carnitine. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. Shang R, Sun Z, Li H. Effective dosing of L-carnitine in the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

BMC Cardiovasc Disord. Bakalov D, Sabit Z, Tafradjiiska-Hadjiolova R. Re: effect of l-carnitine supplementation on muscle cramps induced by stroke: a case report. Download references. Department of Human Physiology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Gdansk, , Gdansk, Poland.

You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Conceptualization: R. and R. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

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Reprints and permissions. Sawicka, A. The bright and the dark sides of L-carnitine supplementation: a systematic review. J Int Soc Sports Nutr 17 , 49 Download citation. Received : 13 March Accepted : 04 September Published : 21 September Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:.

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Olek ORCID: orcid. Abstract Background L-carnitine LC is used as a supplement by recreationally-active, competitive and highly trained athletes. Methods A literature search was conducted in the MEDLINE via PubMed and Web of Science databases from the inception up February Results The initial search retrieved articles, and a total of 11 studies were finally included after applying inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Conclusion Prolonged LC supplementation in specific conditions may affect physical performance. Background The main function of L-carnitine LC is the transport of long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondrial matrix for their conversion in energy, via β-oxidation process [ 1 ].

Information sources and search The literature was explored using the MEDLINE via PubMed and Web of Science databases, including all articles published from the inception up February Study selection Firstly, studies were assessed by title verification between databases duplicates were removed.

Data collection process The following information was compiled for each study: authors, year of publication, type of study, length of supplementation, a dose of supplementation and main effect.

Results Study selection By the above-described search strategy, publications were identified. Flowchart on the search and selection of articles included in the review.

Full size image. Table 1 Summary and results of the studies reviewed examining the LC supplementation Full size table.

Discussion The present findings have been debated in the six separate paragraphs, and for a better picture of LC supplementation, other studies were also disputed. Skeletal muscle protein balance regulation Skeletal muscle mass depends on the rates of protein synthesis and degradation.

Strengths and limitations The strength of this review is a focus on the period of LC treatment, very important aspect often missed in many articles dealing with this supplement. Conclusions Lasting for several years opinion that LC supplementation does not change metabolism, especially exercise metabolism, is based mostly on short-term supplementation protocols.

Availability of data and materials Not applicable. Abbreviations LC: L-carnitine TC: Total carnitine TMAO: Trimethylamine-N-oxide CHO: Carbohydrates IGF Insulin-like growth factor-1 PI3K: Phosphoinositidekinase Akt: Protein kinase B mTOR: Mammalian target of rapamycin S6K: S6 kinase 4E-BP: 4E-binding protein FoxO: Forkhead box O MuRF Muscle-specific RING finger-1 atrogin Muscle atrophy F-box mRNA: Messenger RNA BMI: Body mass index ROS: Reactive oxygen species.

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