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Hypertension and blood pressure monitoring

Hypertension and blood pressure monitoring

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Hypertension and blood pressure monitoring -

How to use a home blood pressure monitor Be still. Discuss how to use your home blood pressure monitor with your health care professional. Don't smoke, drink caffeinated beverages or exercise within 30 minutes before measuring your blood pressure.

Empty your bladder and ensure at least five minutes of quiet rest before measurements. Sit correctly. Sit with your back straight and supported on a dining chair, rather than a sofa.

Your feet should be flat on the floor and your legs should not be crossed. Your arm should be supported on a flat surface, such as a table, with the upper arm at heart level.

Make sure the bottom of the cuff is placed directly above the bend of the elbow. Check your monitor's instructions for an illustration or have your health care professional show you how. Measure at the same time every day. It is best to take the readings daily, ideally beginning two weeks after a change in treatment and during the week before your next appointment.

Take multiple readings and record the results. Each time you measure, take two readings one minute apart and record the results using a printable PDF tracker. If your monitor has built-in memory to store your readings, take it with you to your appointments.

Some monitors may also allow you to upload your readings to a secure website after you register your profile. Don't take the measurement over clothes.

Know your numbers Learn what the numbers in your blood pressure reading mean. Call , as this is an emergency. A single high reading is not an immediate cause for alarm. If you get a reading that is slightly or moderately higher than normal, take your blood pressure a second time and write the results of the two measurements down.

If your readings are still unusually high, contact your health care professional immediately. You could be experiencing a hypertensive crisis. AHA recommendation The American Heart Association recommends home monitoring for all people with high blood pressure to help the health care professional determine whether treatments are working.

Choosing a home blood pressure monitor The American Heart Association recommends an automatic, cuff-style, bicep upper arm monitor. Wrist and finger monitors are not recommended because they yield less reliable readings. Choose a monitor that has been validated.

If you are unsure, ask your health care professional or pharmacist for advice or find options at validatebp. org link opens in new window. When selecting a blood pressure monitor for a senior, pregnant woman or child, make sure it is validated for these conditions.

Make sure the cuff fits — measure around your upper arm and choose a monitor that comes with the correct cuff size. Home blood pressure monitoring may be especially useful for: Anyone diagnosed with high blood pressure , also known as hypertension.

Individuals starting high blood pressure treatment to determine its effectiveness. NOTE: People with atrial fibrillation or other arrhythmias may not be good candidates for home monitoring because electronic home blood pressure devices may not be able to give accurate measurements.

Ask your health care professional to recommend a monitoring method that works for you. Left-arm versus right-arm blood pressure Several studies have been done to determine what is a normal variation between right and left arm. Why keep a blood pressure journal? A machine or small hand pump is used to inflate the cuff.

In this image, a machine records the blood pressure reading. This is called an automated blood pressure measurement. The first time your blood pressure is checked, it should be measured in both arms to see if there's a difference.

After that, the arm with the higher reading should be used. Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury mm Hg.

A blood pressure reading has two numbers. A diagnosis of high blood pressure is usually based on the average of two or more readings taken on separate occasions.

Blood pressure is grouped according to how high it is. This is called staging. Staging helps guide treatment. Sometimes the bottom blood pressure reading is normal less than 80 mm Hg but the top number is high. This is called isolated systolic hypertension. It's a common type of high blood pressure in people older than If you are diagnosed with high blood pressure, your provider may recommend tests to check for a cause.

Your health care provider may ask you to regularly check your blood pressure at home. Home monitoring is a good way to keep track of your blood pressure. It helps your care providers know if your medicine is working or if your condition is getting worse.

For the most reliable blood pressure measurement, the American Heart Association recommends using a monitor with a cuff that goes around your upper arm, when available. Devices that measure your blood pressure at your wrist or finger aren't recommended by the American Heart Association because they can provide less reliable results.

Changing your lifestyle can help control and manage high blood pressure. Your health care provider may recommend that you make lifestyle changes including:. Sometimes lifestyle changes aren't enough to treat high blood pressure. If they don't help, your provider may recommend medicine to lower your blood pressure.

The type of medicine used to treat hypertension depends on your overall health and how high your blood pressure is. Two or more blood pressure drugs often work better than one. It can take some time to find the medicine or combination of medicines that works best for you.

When taking blood pressure medicine, it's important to know your goal blood pressure level. The ideal blood pressure goal can vary with age and health conditions, particularly if you're older than age Water pills diuretics.

These drugs help remove sodium and water from the body. They are often the first medicines used to treat high blood pressure. There are different classes of diuretics, including thiazide, loop and potassium sparing. Which one your provider recommends depends on your blood pressure measurements and other health conditions, such as kidney disease or heart failure.

Diuretics commonly used to treat blood pressure include chlorthalidone, hydrochlorothiazide Microzide and others. A common side effect of diuretics is increased urination.

Urinating a lot can reduce potassium levels. A good balance of potassium is necessary to help the heart beat correctly. If you have low potassium hypokalemia , your provider may recommend a potassium-sparing diuretic that contains triamterene.

Calcium channel blockers. These drugs help relax the muscles of the blood vessels. Some slow your heart rate. They include amlodipine Norvasc , diltiazem Cardizem, Tiazac, others and others. Calcium channel blockers may work better for older people and Black people than do angiotensin-converting enzyme ACE inhibitors alone.

Don't eat or drink grapefruit products when taking calcium channel blockers. Grapefruit increases blood levels of certain calcium channel blockers, which can be dangerous. Talk to your provider or pharmacist if you're concerned about interactions.

If you're having trouble reaching your blood pressure goal with combinations of the above medicines, your provider may prescribe:. Beta blockers. These medicines reduce the workload on the heart and widen the blood vessels. This helps the heart beat slower and with less force.

Beta blockers include atenolol Tenormin , metoprolol Lopressor, Toprol-XL, Kapspargo sprinkle and others. Beta blockers aren't usually recommended as the only medicine prescribed. They may work best when combined with other blood pressure drugs.

Renin inhibitors. Aliskiren Tekturna slows the production of renin, an enzyme produced by the kidneys that starts a chain of chemical steps that increases blood pressure. Due to a risk of serious complications, including stroke, you shouldn't take aliskiren with ACE inhibitors or ARBs.

Always take blood pressure medicines as prescribed. Never skip a dose or abruptly stop taking blood pressure medicines. Suddenly stopping certain ones, such as beta blockers, can cause a sharp increase in blood pressure called rebound hypertension.

If you skip doses because of cost, side effects or forgetfulness, talk to your care provider about solutions. Don't change your treatment without your provider's guidance.

Having resistant hypertension doesn't mean your blood pressure will never get lower. If you and your provider can determine the cause, a more effective treatment plan can be created. If you have high blood pressure and are pregnant, discuss with your care providers how to control blood pressure during your pregnancy.

Researchers have been studying the use of heat to destroy specific nerves in the kidney that may play a role in resistant hypertension. The method is called renal denervation.

Early studies showed some benefit. But more-robust studies found that it doesn't significantly lower blood pressure in people with resistant hypertension. More research is underway to determine what role, if any, this therapy may have in treating hypertension. Explore Mayo Clinic studies testing new treatments, interventions and tests as a means to prevent, detect, treat or manage this condition.

A commitment to a healthy lifestyle can help prevent and manage high blood pressure. Try these heart-healthy strategies:.

Get more exercise. Regular exercise keeps the body healthy. It can lower blood pressure, ease stress, manage weight and reduce the risk of chronic health conditions.

Aim to get at least minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic activity, or a combination of the two. If you have high blood pressure, consistent moderate- to high-intensity workouts can lower your top blood pressure reading by about 11 mm Hg and the bottom number by about 5 mm Hg.

Diet and exercise are the best ways to lower blood pressure. But some supplements are promoted as heart healthy. These supplements include:. Researchers are also studying whether vitamin D can reduce blood pressure, but evidence is conflicting.

More research is needed. Talk to your care provider before adding any supplements to your blood pressure treatment. Some can interact with medicines, causing harmful side effects that could be life-threatening. Deep breathing or mindfulness are alterative medicine techniques that can help you relax.

These practices may temporarily reduce blood pressure. High blood pressure isn't something that you can treat and then ignore. It's a condition that requires regular health checkups. Some things you can do to help manage the condition are:.

If you think you may have high blood pressure, make an appointment with your health care provider for a blood pressure test. You might want to wear a short-sleeved shirt to your appointment so it's easier to place the blood pressure cuff around your arm. No special preparations are necessary for a blood pressure test.

To get an accurate reading, avoid caffeine, exercise and tobacco for at least 30 minutes before the test. Because some medicines can raise blood pressure, bring a list of all medicines, vitamins and other supplements you take and their doses to your medical appointment.

Don't stop taking any medicines without your provider's advice. Appointments can be brief. Because there's often a lot to discuss, it's a good idea to be prepared for your appointment. Here's some information to help you get ready.

Preparing a list of questions can help you and your provider make the most of your time together. List your questions from most important to least important in case time runs out.

For high blood pressure, some basic questions to ask your provider include:. Your health care provider is likely to ask you questions. Being ready to answer them may reserve time to go over any points you want to spend more time on. Your provider may ask:. It's never too early to make healthy lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking, eating healthy foods and getting more exercise.

These are the main ways to protect yourself against high blood pressure and its complications, including heart attack and stroke. On this page.

Self care. Alternative medicine. Coping and support. Preparing for your appointment. Hypertension FAQs. Leslie Thomas, M. Show Transcript. What is the best way to measure my blood pressure at home?

What could be causing my blood pressure to be quite erratic? Should I restrict salt to reduce my blood pressure? How can I lower my blood pressure without medication? What is the best medication to take for hypertension?

Are certain blood pressure medications harmful to my kidneys? How can I be the best partner to my medical team? Blood pressure measurement. Top number, called systolic pressure. The first, or upper, number measures the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats. Bottom number, called diastolic pressure.

The second, or lower, number measures the pressure in the arteries between heartbeats. Stage 1 hypertension. The top number is between and mm Hg or the bottom number is between 80 and 89 mm Hg.

Stage 2 hypertension. The top number is mm Hg or higher or the bottom number is 90 mm Hg or higher. Tests If you are diagnosed with high blood pressure, your provider may recommend tests to check for a cause. Ambulatory monitoring. A longer blood pressure monitoring test may be done to check blood pressure at regular times over six or 24 hours.

This is called ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. However, the devices used for the test aren't available in all medical centers. Check with your insurer to see if ambulatory blood pressure monitoring is a covered service. Lab tests.

Blood and urine tests are done to check for conditions that can cause or worsen high blood pressure. For example, tests are done to check your cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

You may also have lab tests to check your kidney, liver and thyroid function. Electrocardiogram ECG or EKG. This quick and painless test measures the heart's electrical activity.

It can tell how fast or how slow the heart is beating. During an electrocardiogram ECG , sensors called electrodes are attached to the chest and sometimes to the arms or legs. Wires connect the sensors to a machine, which prints or displays results. This noninvasive exam uses sound waves to create detailed images of the beating heart.

It shows how blood moves through the heart and heart valves. Taking your blood pressure at home Your health care provider may ask you to regularly check your blood pressure at home. Home blood pressure monitors are available at local stores and pharmacies.

More Information. Blood pressure chart. Blood pressure test. Your health care provider may recommend that you make lifestyle changes including: Eating a heart-healthy diet with less salt Getting regular physical activity Maintaining a healthy weight or losing weight Limiting alcohol Not smoking Getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep daily Sometimes lifestyle changes aren't enough to treat high blood pressure.

Medications The type of medicine used to treat hypertension depends on your overall health and how high your blood pressure is. Medicines used to treat high blood pressure include: Water pills diuretics.

Angiotensin-converting enzyme ACE inhibitors. These drugs help relax blood vessels. They block the formation of a natural chemical that narrows blood vessels.

Examples include lisinopril Prinivil, Zestril , benazepril Lotensin , captopril and others. Angiotensin II receptor blockers ARBs. These drugs also relax blood vessels. They block the action, not the formation, of a natural chemical that narrows blood vessels.

angiotensin II receptor blockers ARBs include candesartan Atacand , losartan Cozaar and others. Other medicines sometimes used to treat high blood pressure If you're having trouble reaching your blood pressure goal with combinations of the above medicines, your provider may prescribe: Alpha blockers.

These medicines reduce nerve signals to blood vessels. They help lower the effects of natural chemicals that narrow blood vessels. Alpha blockers include doxazosin Cardura , prazosin Minipress and others.

Alpha-beta blockers. Alpha-beta blockers block nerve signals to blood vessels and slow the heartbeat. They reduce the amount of blood that must be pumped through the vessels.

Alpha-beta blockers include carvedilol Coreg and labetalol Trandate. Aldosterone antagonists. These drugs may be used to treat resistant hypertension.

They block the effect of a natural chemical that can lead to salt and fluid buildup in the body. Examples are spironolactone Aldactone and eplerenone Inspra.

These medicines stop the muscles in the artery walls from tightening. This prevents the arteries from narrowing. Examples include hydralazine and minoxidil. Central-acting agents. These medicines prevent the brain from telling the nervous system to increase the heart rate and narrow the blood vessels.

Examples include clonidine Catapres, Kapvay , guanfacine Intuniv and methyldopa. Treating resistant hypertension You may have resistant hypertension if: You take at least three different blood pressure drugs, including a diuretic. But your blood pressure remains stubbornly high.

You're taking four different medicines to control high blood pressure. Your care provider should check for a possible second cause of the high blood pressure. Treating resistant hypertension may involve many steps, including: Changing blood pressure medicines to find the best combination and dosage.

Reviewing all your medicines, including those bought without a prescription. Checking blood pressure at home to see if medical appointments cause high blood pressure. This is called white coat hypertension. Eating healthy, managing weight and making other recommended lifestyle changes. High blood pressure during pregnancy If you have high blood pressure and are pregnant, discuss with your care providers how to control blood pressure during your pregnancy.

Potential future treatments Researchers have been studying the use of heat to destroy specific nerves in the kidney that may play a role in resistant hypertension.

Request an appointment. Alpha blockers. Angiotensin II receptor blockers. Show more related information.

Choosing blood pressure medicines. Beta blockers: Do they cause weight gain? Beta blockers: How do they affect exercise? Blood pressure medications: Can they raise my triglycerides? Calcium supplements: Do they interfere with blood pressure drugs? Diuretics: A cause of low potassium?

From Mayo Clinic to your inbox. Sign up for free and stay up to date on research advancements, health tips, current health topics, and expertise on managing health. Click here for an email preview. To provide you with the most relevant and helpful information, and understand which information is beneficial, we may combine your email and website usage information with other information we have about you.

If you are a Mayo Clinic patient, this could include protected health information. If we combine this information with your protected health information, we will treat all of that information as protected health information and will only use or disclose that information as set forth in our notice of privacy practices.

You may opt-out of email communications at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the e-mail. Clinical trials. Try these heart-healthy strategies: Eat healthy foods. Eat a healthy diet. Try the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension DASH diet.

Choose fruits, vegetables, whole grains, poultry, fish and low-fat dairy foods. Get plenty of potassium from natural sources, which can help lower blood pressure. Eat less saturated fat and trans fat. Use less salt.

Processed meats, canned foods, commercial soups, frozen dinners and certain breads can be hidden sources of salt.

Check food labels for the sodium content. Limit foods and beverages that are high in sodium. A sodium intake of 1, mg a day or less is considered ideal for most adults.

But ask your provider what's best for you. Limit alcohol. Even if you're healthy, alcohol can raise your blood pressure. If you choose to drink alcohol, do so in moderation. For healthy adults, that means up to one drink a day for women, and up to two drinks a day for men.

One drink equals 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine or 1. Don't smoke. Tobacco injures blood vessel walls and speeds up the process of hardening of the arteries.

If you smoke, ask your care provider for strategies to help you quit. Maintain a healthy weight. If you're overweight or have obesity, losing weight can help control blood pressure and lower the risk of complications.

Ask your health care provider what weight is best for you. In general, blood pressure drops by about 1 mm Hg with every 2. In people with high blood pressure, the drop in blood pressure may be even more significant per kilogram of weight lost.

Practice good sleep habits. Poor sleep may increase the risk of heart disease and other chronic conditions. Adults should aim to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep daily. Kids often need more. Go to bed and wake at the same time every day, including on weekends.

If you have trouble sleeping, talk to your provider about strategies that might help. Manage stress. Find ways to help reduce emotional stress.

Getting more exercise, practicing mindfulness and connecting with others in support groups are some ways to reduce stress. Try slow, deep breathing. Practice taking deep, slow breaths to help relax. Some research shows that slow, paced breathing 5 to 7 deep breaths per minute combined with mindfulness techniques can reduce blood pressure.

There are devices available to promote slow, deep breathing. According to the American Heart Association, device-guided breathing may be a reasonable nondrug option for lowering blood pressure.

It may be an good option if you have anxiety with high blood pressure or can't tolerate standard treatments.

High blood pressure is the Hunger and human rights one risk factor for stroke momitoring a major risk factor for heart disease. High Herbal Allergy Relief pressure Hhpertension when glood blood pressure in your arteries rises and your heart has to work harder than normal to pump blood through the blood vessels. It is important that you have your blood pressure checked regularly by your healthcare provider. Blood pressure is a measure of the pressure or force of blood against the walls of your blood vessels arteries. Your blood pressure reading is based on two measures. Hypertension and blood pressure monitoring

Author: Brazahn

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