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Longevity and health

Longevity and health

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Longevity and health -

This triumph for humanity provides new opportunities as well as new challenges. Globally, we are facing a major demographic shift.

Today, 8. By , this percentage is projected to more than double, reaching 1. At the current pace, population aging is poised to impose a significant strain on economies, health systems, and social structures worldwide.

We can envision, just on the horizon, an explosion of potential new medicines, treatments, technologies, and preventive and social strategies that could help transform the way we age and ensure better health, function, and productivity during a period of extended longevity.

Multidisciplinary solutions are urgently needed to maximize the number of years lived in good health and a state of well-being. Now is the time to support the next breakthroughs in healthy longevity, so that all of us can benefit from the tremendous opportunities it has to offer.

The Healthy Longevity Global Grand Challenge, founded by the U. Creating social cohesion, social engagement and addressing the social determinants of health through social infrastructure are among the most effective determinants of slowed aging and the prevention of chronic conditions across the life course.

Financial security in older age is essential for all. Governments, the private sector and civil society should partner to design physical environments and infrastructure that are user-centered, and function as cohesion-enabling intergenerational communities for healthy longevity.

Initiatives should focus on the inclusion of older people in the design, creating public spaces that promote social cohesion and intergenerational connection as well as mobility, physical activity and access to food, transportation, social services and engagement.

By , governments should develop strategies and plans to arrive at adequately sized, geriatrically knowledgeable public health, clinical and long-term care workforces, and an integration of the pillars of the health system and social services.

Together, these dimensions would foster and extend years of good health and support the diverse health needs and well-being of older people. Governments should work to build the dividend of health longevity in collaboration with the business sector and civil society, to develop policies, incentives, and supportive systems that enable and encourage lifelong learning, and greater opportunities and necessary skills to engage in meaningful work or community volunteering across the lifespan.

Across all sectors, the key first steps that the commission identified are ones that can resolve obstacles to change and plan the change needed to shift multiple complex systems through both top-down and bottom-up approaches, in ways appropriate to each country and context.

These initiatives should create enough momentum to foster early returns on investment and optimism to propel sustained investment for subsequent stages. This would need to begin for all governments by , establishing calls to action to develop and implement data-driven, all-of-society plans to build the systems, policies, organizations and infrastructure needed, and for tracking change.

These goals are reproduced from Global Roadmap for Healthy Longevity 8. Develop strategies to increase financial literacy and mechanisms for promoting working longer, pension options and savings over the life course. Plan opportunities for purposeful and meaningful engagement by older people at the family, community and societal levels.

At the societal level, improve broadband accessibility to reduce the digital divide and develop public transportation solutions that address first- and last-mile transportation. At the city level, implement mitigation strategies to reduce the negative effects of the physical environment and related emergencies on older people for example, air pollution and climate-induced events, including extreme heat and flooding and design environments for connection and cohesion.

At the neighborhood level, promote and measure innovative policy solutions for healthy longevity, including affordable housing and intergenerational living, zoning and design for connection and cohesion, and the enabling of social capital. Increase investments in public health systems, which are needed to promote health and prevent disease, disability and injury at the population level, across the full life course.

This may require rebalancing investments between this type of public health and medical care, recognizing that such public health is a public good and, as such, tends to be underinvested in.

Provide adequate primary care that includes preventive screening, addresses risk factors for chronic conditions and promotes positive health behaviors, and offers a continuum of medical care, including geriatrically knowledgeable care for older adults.

Governments, in collaboration with the business sector and civil society, should design 1 work environments and develop new policies that enable and encourage older adults who want or need to remain in the work force longer, and 2 engagement opportunities that strengthen communities at every stage of life.

Governments, employers and educational institutions should prioritize redesigning education systems to support lifelong learning and training, and invest in the science of learning and training for middle-aged and older adults. The commission highlights the evidence and action required if societies are to realize healthy longevity.

This is an unprecedented opportunity that, if missed, will be increasingly difficult to realize as populations age with attendant ill health. Enabling healthy longevity will result in the generation of substantial social and economic benefits for all ages from people living, working, volunteering and engaging for longer.

Younger generations will have the opportunity to thrive through the creation of a lifetime of healthy longevity, with increased multigenerational support and mentorship and increased jobs for all from a strengthened economy.

By contrast, the costs of inaction are high: globally, we are at risk of a continuing increase in years of ill health associated with longevity and widening disparities across the socioeconomic spectrum. Further, current approaches — framed by ageism and outdated policies and practices — forfeit the benefits to all from the capabilities of older adults with healthy longevity.

And, finally, for individuals who are aging, the illness burden, loneliness and isolation and lack of dignity, purpose and value currently experienced threatens the personal value of these added years of life. The success of this goal depends upon all of us working together to achieve the promise of healthy longevity by enabling all sectors and all countries to cooperate for transformation, with equity of opportunity at the center of solutions.

UN Data. Life expectancy at birth for both sexes combined years. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Population division. Life expectancy and mortality at older ages. pdf World population ageing summary. Statista Research Department.

Global report on ageism. Fried, L. Getting more from a longer life. Making aging positive. National Academy of Medicine.

Global Roadmap for Healthy Longevity The National Academies Press, Rowe, J. Aging 2 , 3—4 Article Google Scholar. Berkman, L. Daedalus , 41—54 Bloom, D.

Download references. We thank the other members of the NAM commission for their contribution to the original report that is summarized here: I. Aboderin University of Bristol , A.

Aerts Novartis Foundation , J. Beard University of New South Wales , L. Berkman Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies , L.

Carstensen Stanford Center on Longevity , M. Click to begin search. News You Can Use. September 14, Print Email. Everyone will experience aging, but can a person enhance their aging through simple modifications? UAB experts say yes.

back to top. More News. UAB Experts. Contact Us.

Dramatic breakthroughs in Anr, public health, and social and economic development have healfh in unprecedented extensions healt the human lifespan Weight loss pills for teenagers the world over Pre-workout nutrition past century. This triumph for humanity provides new opportunities as well as new challenges. Globally, we are facing a major demographic shift. Today, 8. Bythis percentage is projected to more than double, reaching 1. At the current pace, population aging is poised to impose a significant strain on economies, health systems, and social structures worldwide. Longevity and health New research shows little risk Lohgevity infection from prostate biopsies. Discrimination at work is linked to Longevity and health blood pressure. Xnd fingers and toes: Hexlth circulation heakth Raynaud's phenomenon? Helen Mongelia's Longevity and health reflect the mysterious alchemy of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that coalesce to aid longevity. Fresh food, consistent movement, emotional resilience, and a family full of long-living relatives mark the centenarian's colorful life span, which began in while Woodrow Wilson occupied the White House. Longevity like Mrs. Mongelia's remains extraordinary, with an estimated one in 6, people in the United States reaching nowadays, according to the U.

Author: Braktilar

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