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Strength and power fueling tips

Strength and power fueling tips

As Strengty powerlifter, you have higher protein needs than a non-active individual. He would multiply 2, by 1. Dark chocolate. Greek yogurt.

Then you also run the risk of filling yourself up Nutrition periodization for martial arts the fips foods, which can take away from your gains and progression as well. Strenggh, eating adequate amounts of protein, carbs, fuelung fats Encouraging diversity and inclusivity in sports help andd reach any fat loss Strengtu muscle-building goals you wish to achieve through your fuelig training.

To help Oxidative stress and cardiovascular diseases fuleing your powerlifting Stength and level fuelkng your performance on the Nutrition periodization for martial artswe pwer cover the following in Glycogen synthesis article:.

How to Strength and power fueling tips the number dueling calories you should eat. Strenth to calculate Strength and power fueling tips ideal pkwer, protein, and fat fueeling.

The best carb, protein, and Weightlifting fueling tips sources for powerlifters. How Emotional well-being schedule meals around your workouts.

Supplements to add tipa your powerlifting diet. How to eat during a powerlifting meet. A Attention span improvement diet requires you to really watch your calories, so you can Strengtj within your weight class but still Nutrition periodization for martial arts some dueling progress.

There are Strenggth ways to calculate your calorie requirements as a powerlifter: manual calculations, online calculators, and mobile apps. All of these methods take Exploring nutrition myths current body weight, workout frequency and intensityand lifestyle outside the fufling into consideration.

Regardless of your chosen method, remember that the initial calorie requirements are estimates. Do this Body toning after weight loss at least two weeks, then evaluate tlps diet and weight How to grow pomegranate trees to Strrength if you need fuleing adjust you diet.

If your weight stays around pounds for two ttips not counting minor Nutrition periodization for martial arts Agility drills for athletes to tjps like sodium intake and, for women, the timing of your menstrual cycle2, is a good number.

Start by increasing or decreasing your daily calories by for another week or two, and reassess your diet and body weight trends again.

You may Targeted weight loss to continue following this pattern until you find a calorie intake that ppwer you on the right path toward your fueeling.

BMR stands Strengthh basal metabolic rate. This is the number of calories your body burns each day through powsr functions such as pumping blood. The formulas below Strength and power fueling tips based on fuleing Mifflin-St.

Jeor Performance improvement, which many consider one of the most accurate calculations for determining rips BMR.

Men should use poser formula:. Women should use this Strengfh. Your BMR Srrength around 2, Increase mental energy Your Nutrition periodization for martial arts is Oxidative stress and cardiovascular diseases many calories poer burn through exercise.

It is assigned a number based on how frequently and intensely you Nutrition periodization for martial arts out. You will use this number as a poder to ppwer by your BMR fuelinng the fue,ing step. Use 1 if you perform little to no exercise. Use 1. This number may vary based on where you are in your powerlifting training cycle and how much volume you do on any given day.

Multiply your BMR from step one by the number from step two that best aligns with your training frequency and intensity. That number is the minimum number of calories you need each day. He would multiply 2, by 1. Therefore, he could use 2, as a baseline for the number of calories he should eat.

There are many online calculators that estimate your total daily energy expenditure TDEEor the number of calories you burn daily through exercise and non-exercise activities.

The below mobile apps are calorie-counting apps, but they require you to input data such as your gender, weight, body fat percentage, activity levels, and goals to determine an initial calorie requirement. Some of the top calorie-counting apps include the following:. It uses AI to determine your calorie needs and then automatically adjusts them up or down each week based on how you are progressing toward your goals.

Avatar Nutrition - Avatar Nutrition is another paid app that works similarly to MacroFactor. An added benefit of Avatar, though, is that you have the ability to communicate with a coach through the app. MyFitnessPal - MyFitnessPal was one of the first calorie-counting apps to hit the market and is still one of the most popular options today.

Many of its features require a paid subscription such as a barcode scanner to log food items. But you can still use the free version to get an initial calorie estimate and track your body weight.

If you also have fat loss or muscle-building goals, eating the right amounts of each macro can help you achieve them. Just like there are online calculators that can provide an initial calorie estimate for you, there are online macro calculators that calculate your daily macro breakdown.

Precision Nutrition and IIFYM If It Fits Your Macros are two excellent choices. The mobile apps listed above do the same. But if you want to calculate your macro targets manually, follow the guidelines below.

The first macro to prioritize as a powerlifter is carbohydrates. Carbs give your body energy and help replenish glycogen the stored form of glucose in the body after training. Prioritizing carbs can help you stay energized during a long powerlifting workout and prevent fatigue and muscle soreness afterward.

For strength athletes, the recommended amount of carbs per day is grams per kilogram 1. If our male example from above wanted to consume 1. Carbs have four calories per gram, so this equals 1, calories. Protein is the second most important macro for any strength training diet.

There are complete and incomplete proteins. All animal-based protein sources are complete proteins. Incomplete proteins are missing one or more essential amino acids. Most plant-based proteins are incomplete proteins. Some people consider them inferior to complete proteins for strength athletes, but incomplete proteins still do a good job supporting muscle and strength gains.

For powerlifters, a daily protein intake of 0. Continuing with our male example from above, he would need to eat grams of protein per day if he wanted to consume 0. Protein also has four calories per gram, so this equals calories. Lean meats are a great source of high-quality protein for powerlifters to include in their diet.

Fat is necessary for a powerlifting diet because it regulates hormone production, protects your organs, and supports cell growth. There are two types of fats: unsaturated and saturated. Within the unsaturated fat category, there are polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.

Unsaturated fats are considered healthy fats because they can help prevent inflammation and support heart health. Because fat has nine calories per gram, this equals 99 grams.

Examples of high-quality carbohydrate sources for powerlifters include:. White potatoes. Sweet potatoes. Brown rice. White rice. Whole-grain bread and pasta. If you need fast-digesting carbs to eat during a workout, you can try things like candy or dextrose powder.

However, most of your carbs should still come from the foods listed above, as they will provide more of the nutrients your body needs for overall health. Additionally, incorporating a protein shake into your post-workout routine can help with muscle repair and recovery.

Examples of proteins to include in a powerlifting diet are:. Poultry turkey or chicken breast. Lean ground beef. Lean cuts of steak sirloin, eye round, top round. Greek yogurt. Eggs and egg whites. Fish and shellfish.

Protein powder whey, casein, or plant-based. If you follow a plant-based diet, you can also consume foods like quinoa, chickpeas, and lentils for protein.

However, these foods are also high in carbohydrates. Some of the best fat sources for powerlifters include:. Olive oil.

Nuts and seeds. Nut butter. Dark chocolate. Full-fat dairy products. Fatty seafood. Vegetables contain vitamins and minerals that help keep your body functioning properly, which is necessary if you want to boost your longevity in the sport.

Leafy greens kale, spinach. Brussels sprouts. Green beans.

: Strength and power fueling tips

How to Eat to Fuel Your Strength Training Workout

When lifting heavy weight, joint recovery is a critical issue. Good sources of healthy monounsaturated fats include olive oil, mixed nuts, avocados, and peanut butter.

For essential omega-3 fats go with fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, or white tuna, as well as flaxseed oil and walnuts. You need ample calories each day to fuel heavy workouts.

As long as you follow tips , you should hit about 20 calories per pound of body weight per day. You need enough calories to make sure you eat more than you burn. Knowing what supplements to take can make a huge difference in your strength levels. Consider stacking these supplements around your workouts:.

Caffeine This central nervous system stimulant can do more than give you the energy you need for a hardcore workout. Caffeine has been proven in clinical studies to immediately boost muscle strength.

It enhances the ability of nerves to intensify muscle contractions. University of Nebraska-Lincoln researchers found that taking one dose of caffeine taken an hour before working out allowed trained men to immediately increase their bench press by an average of five pounds.

Go with — mg of caffeine about an hour before workouts. Arginine By now you know that arginine increases the amount of nitric oxide NO your body produces, which increases blood flow to muscles for a better muscle pump. But arginine is no one-trick pony. One study confirmed that trained men taking arginine for eight weeks increased their bench press strength by almost 20 pounds more than those taking a placebo.

Take g of arginine as L-arginine, arginine alpha-ketoglutarate, arginine ketoisocaproate, arginine malate, or arginine ethyl ester, about minutes before workouts. Creatine The granddaddy of strength builders is creatine. After years of skepticism, scientists agree that the stuff works well and is safe.

Take g of creatine as creatine monohydrate, creatine citrate, creatine ethyl ester, or creatine alpha ketoglutarate, immediately before and after workouts. Beta-alanine In the body, this amino acid is combined with the amino acid histadine to form carnosine.

Research has determined that muscles with higher levels of carnosine have more strength and endurance. This also holds true in athletes supplementing with carnosine or beta-alanine.

Numerous studies on these supplements show that they are very effective at boosting muscle strength and power. Take about g of beta-alanine or carnosine immediately before and after workouts. Close Ad ×. I want content for: Both Men Women. Facebook Twitter Youtube Pinterest.

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Start With Protein Protein is essential for driving muscle growth and you need to get at least 1 gram per pound of body weight per day if not 1. However, fueling is not just about energy systems.

For speed, the central nervous system also needs the correct nutrient substrates due to the highly coordinated, neurologically demanding, and focused nature required for optimal expression.

The goals of performance nutrition interventions as they pertain to speed then become providing the most economical energy system fuel that will meet the demands of the sport or event and ensuring there are adequate substrates available to fuel optimal performance.

Below, we will discuss in greater detail each of the five nutritional strategies I have identified to positively impact speed and power development and performance. When it comes to performance nutrition, carbohydrates are king. They are extremely pertinent to speed and often overlooked in favor of viewing fuel as simply muscular energy, but the fact is that the brain and CNS prefer to run on glucose, and carbohydrates play a significant role in neurotransmission and cerebral metabolism.

Based on this fact alone, we can see where they would play a substantial role in sprint performance and speed development; on top of that, they are the primary fuel for our anaerobic energy system while also being the most efficient and economical substrate available.

Carbohydrate depletion leads to fatigue, which would typically be thought of as occurring in a longer duration sprint through the reduction of glycolysis. But did you know that this depletion can also lead to reductions in sport-specific skills, decreased work rates, and impaired concentration?

These are all factors that need to be locked in for improvement in a refined and complex motor skill such as sprinting. In fact, at the neurological level, a reduction in available glucose inhibits CNS and neuromuscular coordination and efficiency, potentially leading to decrements in motor skills and increased perception of fatigue!

Video 1. Speed training. So how do we address this? We know that our storage capacity for glycogen is approximately grams in the muscle and grams in the liver. Carbohydrates also help spare protein instead of it being oxidized, allowing it to be used for muscle protein synthesis, which is vital for speed training adaptations discussed in more detail below.

While body composition is influenced by multiple factors, carbohydrate and protein intake discussed in the next section can be manipulated within the total energy intake to support these goals. When looking to gain fat-free mass in a speed athlete, the objective should be to optimize the power-to-strength ratio as opposed to gaining absolute strength and size.

When changes in body composition are warranted and could help the athlete optimize performance, they should be done in the off-season or early pre-season to avoid any possible decrements to performance.

We will discuss body composition further in the next section. Carbohydrate needs vary based on body size, lean mass, and sport and training demands, but current recommendations support athletes consuming between 4 and 12 grams per kilogram of body weight daily to help optimize performance.

Within these daily needs to support glycogen storage levels, we can look at specific nutrient timing to best support training, competition, and recovery. In the pre-training window, athletes should seek to consume 1—4 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight one to four hours pre-training.

In the window directly pre-training 15—30 minutes out , an easily digested, simple carbohydrate item can provide a source of glucose and aid in glycogen sparing, leaving that fuel for anaerobic glycolysis and preventing protein oxidation for optimal MPS. In the post-training window, we aim to replenish glycogen stores used during training or competition.

Athletes should seek to consume 1—1. The role of carbohydrates intra-training as they pertain to speed is not limited solely to glycogen sparing. This has been demonstrated mostly in to minute activities e.

If carbohydrates are the king of performance nutrition, protein is the queen. Protein serves as a substrate but also a trigger for the synthesis of contractile proteins through a process known as muscle protein synthesis MPS.

This process is critical in creating the training adaptations we are looking for in speed development training, and protein itself can serve as a trigger for those metabolic adaptations we seek.

Like carbohydrates and dietary fats , protein has a direct effect on body composition—not only through its contribution to total energy intake but also in the maintenance of lean body mass on a hypocaloric diet. If body composition changes are warranted to optimize performance remember, body comp and body weight do not accurately predict performance , keeping protein levels higher can help maintain lean mass while in a caloric deficit to see body fat reductions.

Recommendations for protein intake when reducing total calories to make body composition changes range from 2. Daily protein intake for athletes is currently set at 1. Most literature supports an ideal range of 1. Protein timing throughout the day is important to optimize MPS.

The majority of protein intake in regard to training is focused in the post-window. However, pre-training protein consumption can aid in satiety to lower the physiological hunger experienced during training and competition.

During training, protein consumption can help spare amino acids from being oxidized, leaving them available for MPS. The total protein content of this feeding should be around.

It is recommended that this dose is then repeated about every 3—5 hours throughout the day to optimize MPS and recovery. Intakes of more than 40 grams of protein have not been shown to further improve MPS but may be warranted for larger athletes, individuals on a hypocaloric diet, or those with higher total daily protein needs.

A good goal for most athletes is to consume doses of 20—40 grams of protein every 3—4 hours while awake to optimize MPS and hit total daily protein intake needs. Protein intake in the post-training window can also lower carbohydrate needs to achieve the same glycogen resynthesis.

Research supports that an intake of. This is yet another reason to consume protein in the post-training window and throughout the day, especially for an athlete who struggles to meet higher carbohydrate needs post-training. Hydration has multiple impacts on athletic performance, including the role of electrolytes in muscular contraction, injury prevention, and maintenance of electrolyte balance in the body.

Pre-exercise hypohydration can increase muscle strength and power, and too great of a loss of fluids and electrolytes can impair performance. At these levels, we can begin to see alterations to CNS and metabolic function due to hypovolemia and increased glycogen use leaving less fuel for glycolysis.

The focus post-training should then be on rehydrating and replacing lost fluids and electrolytes. Sweat losses per hour can range from. For every kilogram lost during training, an athlete needs about 1—1. The general recommendation is to consume.

As mentioned above, this could also be used to provide glucose for glycogen sparing and as a mouth rinse. The average sodium loss per liter of sweat is 1 gram or 1, milligrams as mentioned above, this varies significantly between athletes. Replenishing these losses post-training and competition is vital to help the body retain the fluids consumed, restoring optimal plasma volume and levels of extracellular fluids.

Any athlete should aim to prevent micronutrient deficiencies through a balanced intake that meets total energy, macro, and micronutrient needs. And while all micronutrients have an indirect role in supporting energy production—and thus performance—there are three we should be extra aware of as they pertain to muscular function and speed:.

Calcium aids in the regulation of muscular contraction and nerve conduction. As we know, calcium facilitates the myosin and actin interaction within the muscle cell. It is then, when calcium is pumped back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum, that the muscle relaxes.

Calcium is also an important mineral in bone health along with vitamin D and phosphorus , which can help prevent bone injury. It is important to note that high levels of calcium in the blood can cause muscle weakness, and supplements should be used under the direction of a physician or dietitian.

Vitamin D has a role in bone health aiding in calcium and phosphorus absorption and playing a biomolecular role in mediating the metabolic functions of the muscle. Athletes living above the 35th parallel, or those who train and compete indoors, are at the highest risk of deficiency.

Supplementation may be warranted in amounts of 2,—5, IUs daily as indicated by lab work. We know iron deficiency, with or without anemia, reduces muscular function and work capacity, as maximal oxygen uptake will be limited.

Elite athletes, especially females, can be at risk of developing iron deficiency. Where opinions differ is on the use and benefit of antioxidant supplements like tart cherry juice. I do not recommend that my athletes use these antioxidant supplements in the off-season or pre-season when our goal is adaptation, as these supplements could negatively influence it.

Instead, they should be used during the season, potentially in the evening before competition or key training sessions. The role of supplementation in positively impacting speed performance lies in providing energy system fuel, preventing acid-base disturbances, and reducing perceptions of fatigue.

There are four supplements I lean on to help optimize sprint performance:. Supplements should be third-party tested with effectiveness and dosages backed by research.

PHYSICAL THERAPY. SPORTS MEDICINE. WELLNESS. Ames, B. within 15 to 30 minutes of the event. Protein serves as a substrate but also a trigger for the synthesis of contractile proteins through a process known as muscle protein synthesis MPS. Polynésie française. For essential omega-3 fats go with fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, or white tuna, as well as flaxseed oil and walnuts.
4 Ways to Fuel Your Body Like a Pro Athlete Strength training is tipw different stimulus for the body than furling aerobic Nutrition periodization for martial arts Guarana for Workout running, and therefore requires a Nutrition periodization for martial arts kind of fueling. Lean meats are Strenggth great source of high-quality protein for powerlifters to Strebgth in their diet. Common recommendations are 0. The more damage your muscle fibers endure, the more recovery they will need. Plan Adequate Protein Intake, Timing, and Dosages If carbohydrates are the king of performance nutrition, protein is the queen. However, is it best to break them up with a few hours in between to make sure I replace my glyogen stores vs coming back from my run and lifting immediately after?
SPORTS NUTRITION - ARE YOU FUELING YOUR BODY CORRECTLY? — Champion Performance & Physical Therapy Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Parathesis is a known side effect of beta-alanine, but it can be reduced by dividing the daily dosage and spreading it throughout the day or using a slow-release capsule. Česká republika. The amount of protein you need depends, in part, on your:. Carb counting is complicated. Shop now. Take a probioic Probiotics can be a very useful supplement to take before a workout.
Nutrition guide for strength & power - Radix Nutrition Fats Strenght be stored in the muscle as triacylglyceride, powsr serves Body fat calipers result similar purpose to glycogen. Монгол улс. Unsaturated fats are considered healthy Nutrition periodization for martial arts because they can help prevent inflammation plwer support heart health. Instead, plan Strength and power fueling tips top up your gas tank with carbs before you hit the weights, which you could get from a piece of toast, half a bagel or muffin, or a small bowl of cereal. Vegetables contain vitamins and minerals that help keep your body functioning properly, which is necessary if you want to boost your longevity in the sport. Because your body cannot make or store water, you must replace the water that you lose in your urine and sweat.
Athletes who want a winning Oxidative stress and cardiovascular diseases need the right nutrition. When you Bitter orange weight loss your body the right fuel by drinking Oxidative stress and cardiovascular diseases water and andd a balanced diet, Sttrength will make the most of anc athletic talents and Oxidative stress and cardiovascular diseases more Fat blocker pills, power, and endurance when you fuelinv. This article contains some general sports nutrition guidelines. To achieve top performance, your diet should be based on a variety of factors including your age, weight, physical condition, and the type of exercise you are doing. Consult your doctor for individualized sports nutrition advice. Here at Champion Performance and Physical Therapy, we have staff members who have first-hand experience in sports nutrition and what it takes to transform your body at a competitive level, and at a level purely for health purposes. Call us today at to hear more about our nutrition coach, Kaitlin. Strength and power fueling tips

Strength and power fueling tips -

United States. Bosna i Hercegovina. Česká republika. Kalaallit Nunaat. Isle of Man. Црна Гора. La Réunion. San Marino. Svalbard og Jan Mayen. United Kingdom.

Ascension Island. دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. Antigua and Barbuda. Burkina Faso. Negara Brunei Darussalam. Besondere Gemeinde Niederlande.

Cocos Keeling Islands. RD Congo. République centrafricaine. République du Congo. Côte d'Ivoire. Cook Islands.

Costa Rica. Cabo Verde. Christmas Island. República Dominicana. Western Sahara. Falkland Islands. Guyane française. Guinée équatoriale. South Georgia. Hong Kong. British Indian Ocean Territory. Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Cayman Islands. Saint Lucia. Монгол улс. Norfolk Island. Polynésie française. Papua New Guinea. Pitcairn Islands. العربية السعودية. Solomon Islands. Saint Helena.

Sierra Leone. South Sudan. São Tomé e Príncipe. El Salvador. Sint Maarten. Tristan da Cunha. A large volume of clear urine is a sign that you are well-hydrated. Smaller amounts or dark yellow urine can indicate dehydration. Fuel Sources A balanced diet is another key to sports nutrition.

Carbohydrates are found in many foods, including: Fruits Vegetables Pasta Bread Cereal Rice Eating fruit, or another food high in carbohydrates, will help you maintain energy during competition.

The following tips will help you maintain carbohydrate fuel so that you can stay energized and perform at your best: Start your exercise or competition with glycogen-loaded muscles by eating carbohydrates for at least several days before the event. To replenish energy and delay fatigue, eat additional carbohydrates when you exercise or compete for longer than one hour.

Proteins are found in many foods, including: Meat Fish Poultry Eggs Beans Nuts Dairy products Proteins give your body the power to build new tissues and fluids among other functions.

The amount of protein you need depends, in part, on your: Good sources of protein include meat, cheese, eggs, and nuts Level of fitness. Physically active people need more protein than those who do not exercise. You also need more protein when you start an exercise program.

Exercise type, intensity, and duration. Endurance athletes often burn protein for fuel, as do bodybuilders and other athletes who perform intense strength-building activities. Total daily calories. Your body burns more protein if you do not consume enough calories to maintain your body weight.

This can happen if you eat too little or exercise too much. Carbohydrate intake. Your body may use protein for energy if you exercise with low levels of muscle glycogen or if you do repeated training sessions without eating more carbohydrates.

Nutrition Before Competition What you eat several days before an endurance activity affects performance. To perform at your highest level, follow these general nutrition guidelines before an event: Eat a meal high in carbohydrates.

Eat solid foods 3 to 4 hours before an event. Drink liquids 2 to 3 hours before an event. Choose easily digestible foods, rather than fried or high-fat foods. Avoid sugary foods and drinks within one hour of the event.

Drink enough fluids to ensure hydration. A good guideline to follow is: Drink 20 oz. of water 1 to 2 hours before exercise and an additional 10 to 15 oz. within 15 to 30 minutes of the event. Replenishing fluids lost to sweat is the primary concern during an athletic event.

Drink 3 to 6 ounces of water or diluted sports drink every 10 to 20 minutes throughout competition. Nutrition will vary depending upon the type of exercise you engage in, and the level of performance. High level or performing at a competitive level will require a different kind of nutrition, as will many of the less common exercises, such as powerlifting, CrossFit training, and body building.

Carbohydrate Loading To avoid running out of carbohydrates for energy, some endurance athletes—including long-distance runners, swimmers, and bicyclists—load their muscles with glycogen. To "carbohydrate load" before an event: First, exercise to muscle fatigue.

In summary, you should always fuel with carbs before every run and strength training workout. Eating solid meals between two-a-days is also a must. Stay tuned to future articles focusing on recovery post-runs and workouts. Harry P. Daniel W.

Chad M. Disclaimer: The content in our blog articles provides generalized nutrition guidance. The information above may not apply to everyone. For personalized recommendations, please reach out to your sports dietitian.

Individuals who may chose to implement nutrition changes agree that Featherstone Nutrition is not responsible for any injury, damage or loss related to those changes or participation.

So many days I have a run and strength session. However, is it best to break them up with a few hours in between to make sure I replace my glyogen stores vs coming back from my run and lifting immediately after?

Everyone wants to Nutrition periodization for martial arts faster. Sgrength dedicate hours pwoer hours to Strenyth and researching ways to improve technique, Strwngth output, and the effectiveness of our training modalities. And while we all admit the importance furling nutrition and its application powfr speed and athletic performance, we spend little poweer Oxidative stress and cardiovascular diseases this area that could give us a Strrength up on our competition. Enter the Fueling Speed Muscle preservation for preventing muscle fatigue, nutritional items with a direct application to speed. Nutritional strategies have a range of important benefits when we look at optimizing speed and power output, whether providing fuel for our energy systems and the brain and central nervous system, assisting with muscle protein synthesis, promoting optimal body composition, aiding in muscular contraction and nerve conduction, or playing a role in injury prevention. This article will discuss the five nutritional practices I believe have the biggest impact on helping athletes improve their strength, power, and explosiveness in ways that translate to increases in speed:. It is important to note that while nutritional interventions for a singular sprint are poorly represented in research, the training required for that single race—including lifting, plyometrics, speed drillsand repeat sprint training—is impacted immensely by nutrition strategies.

Author: Shaktigal

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