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Gut health and gut healing

Gut health and gut healing

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Gut health and gut healing -

Other conditions that have been associated with gut dysbiosis in the literature include obesity, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Functional medicine for gut health involves identifying and addressing the root cause of gut issues and bringing healthy diversity back into the gut microbiome using a patient-centred and holistic approach.

This may involve testing, nutritional modifications, lifestyle interventions, supplements, or prescription medications. Because of the root cause nature of functional medicine, the treatment protocol used is unique and individualized to each patient, which can be quite different from the conventional medical approach.

A common example used to illustrate this difference is the treatment of heartburn. Many people diagnosed with heartburn are given an antacid or proton pump inhibitor to neutralize or suppress stomach acid to prevent the burning sensation and discomfort caused by acid reflux.

In contrast, a functional medicine practitioner would attempt to identify the cause of the heartburn e. By improving the function of the digestive system without suppressing stomach acid a very important and biologically necessary substance!

heartburn symptoms resolve without any negative side effects, and overall health is optimized. Disclaimer: there are situations in which the use of acid-suppressing medication is completely appropriate and medically necessary!

But many cases of heartburn can be addressed without the use of medications. Many things influence our gut health, so a holistic approach is the best way to support a healthy gut microbiome, starting with what we eat.

Yes, there are vitamins and minerals that we need in order to nourish our bodies, but fruits and vegetables also contain carbohydrates and fibres known as prebiotics that feed our gut microbes and help them flourish. In fact, results from the American Gut Project published by researchers at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine showed that individuals who ate 30 or more different plant foods per week had a more diverse gut microbiome, and when it comes to the microbiome, diversity is a good thing!

In addition to prebiotics, you can also influence the health of your microbiome using probiotics. Your brain also affects your gut health! We all know what a stressful situation can do to our gut, so managing our stress levels and emotional state is important in any gut-healing journey.

A great example of the power the brain has on influencing gut symptoms is the use of hypnotherapy for IBS.

But sleep is a time for repair, and a lack of sleep impacts hormones such as cortisol, which, when chronically elevated, can also negatively affect our gut health. It may be tempting to grab the latest fad supplement that you keep seeing advertised online, but consider this: not everyone with poor gut function has the same root cause, so that expensive probiotic supplement that works great for your favourite Social Media influencer may not be right for you.

From regulating bowel habits to improving mood, our patients have had amazing results with our approach. Consistent exercise and a healthy diet are the greatest combinations for a healthy stomach.

Together, they are a powerful team that neither could be as effective without. One essential strategy for promoting digestive health is to eat for your stomach. Eating a balanced diet full of colourful fruits and vegetables is a key example of making healthier food choices that can really heal your gut.

The greatest way to keep a healthy balance of good bacteria in your digestive tract is to consume nutrient-rich meals that are friendly to the gut.

Properly cultured yoghurt, sauerkraut, and other fermented foods are among the healthiest foods for gut health. They encourage healthy bacteria, increase natural antibodies, and fight illness. Other foods rich in soluble fibre, such as chia and flax seeds, stalky green vegetables like chard and asparagus , and pears, can help to increase your energy levels and feed the good bacteria in your stomach.

Check out these Meal Plans that could help in your journey to gut healing. You are not by yourself in this. When there is any kind of gut illness or imbalance present, food sensitivities are a very frequent complaint. Even if you are able to handle the symptoms of consuming a meal that you are sensitive to, it is just not worth it to continue exposing your body to that item.

You can be sensitive to even healthy foods, when your gut is out of balance. In essence, having food sensitivities makes it more challenging for your gut to recover.

Consult with me and discover possible food intolerances you may have! Stress has an impact on our stomachs as well. Stress speeds up fluid and motility secretion in the gut. This is why experiencing a stressful event may cause you to experience a case of diarrhea or running to the bathroom to wee.

Stress has the ability to both speed up material passing through the intestines and delay the emptying of the stomach. In short, stress can absolutely impact the way your gut is moving and how inflamed it is. You would think that antibiotics would help to repair gut health.

After all, the development of antibiotics was supposed to increase life expectancy and transform human health. Not so. Not at all. Your gut microbiota can be negatively impacted by antibiotic use in many ways.

This includes decreased species diversity, altered metabolic functions, and the development of organisms that are resistant to antibiotics. This can then result in drug-associated diarrhoea and recurring infections. Unfortunately, even one round of antibiotics can change the intestinal flora permanently.

Many studies from several disciplines show the detrimental consequences of gut dysbiosis and insufficient friendly bacteria on a range of health outcomes. Probiotics are an important component of intestinal healing. They aid in the rebalancing of your gut flora, the restoration of your intestinal wall, and the reduction of intestinal inflammation.

These beneficial bacteria can provide relief for leaky gut symptoms such as abdominal pain, cognitive fog, and stool changes in as little as a few weeks. Some people experience gas, bloating, or diarrhoea when they first start taking probiotics.

Changes in the gut microbiota can cause bacteria to produce more gas than usual, resulting in bloating. These negative effects, however, normally go away after a few days or weeks of using probiotics.

Though many people get relief from their gut issues within a few weeks of starting probiotics, keep in mind that they are only one piece of the jigsaw and work best when combined with a balanced diet and lifestyle. It may seem the simplest thing to follow, but not a lot of people are fans of drinking plain old water.

Drinking plenty of water each day is good for the mucosal lining of the intestines. It also helps you move your gut! If your gut is unhealthy, your immune system is already churning away trying to heal it.

Without proper support, your immune system can get overworked and worn down. So a nice gentle way to heal the gut is to support your immune system in doing its job. To support your immune system, you can eat immunity supporting foods, like citrus fruits, garlic, and spinach.

If your immune system is already weak, it can also be helpful to supplement with key vitamins and minerals that may have become depleted like, Vitamin B, Vitamin D, and Zinc. I also found that taking vitamins to support adrenal function was incredibly helpful as adrenals can get taxed when we are overstressed by gut health issues.

Another way to heal the gut is by removing inflammatory foods. This helps your immune system decrease it's workload so it can spend more energy on healing the gut. Although each of us have different problem foods, wheat and dairy tend to be problematic for many people with gut health issues.

Sugar feeds many bad bacteria all carbs are digested as sugar. And partially-hydrogenated oils are toxic, so they busy the immune system leaving other problems in your body unaddressed. That's why it can be really helpful to remove these inflammatory foods if we want a healthy gut.

If this barrier gets "leaky", particles from the gut can seep into the bloodstream, causing everything from the herxheimer reaction flu-like symptoms , to mental health issues, to autoimmune disease.

Consuming collagen is likely helpful for everyone, but especially those with an unhealthy microbiota. In general, those with gut-health issues tend to have low levels of collagen. In addition, your microbiota affect which symptoms or diseases you might get from a leaky gut.

So if you have an unhealthy gut, leaky gut may be more problematic. For example, research shows that one type of autoimmune arthritis called Ankylosing Spondylitis is caused by the bacteria, Klebsiella.

Many of us have Klebsiella in our microbiome , so researchers hypothesize that's it's only when these bacteria "leak" into our bloodstream that they cause arthritis. So eating collagen or high-collagen foods like bone broth can potentially prevent these negative outcomes.

We often eat with little consideration for what our gut must then do with our food. In fact, our guts must break down all the chunks, absorb the nutrients, and then push along the indigestible fiber to feed the gut bugs in the lower intestine—that's a lot of work for an unhealthy gut.

To help ease the burden on the gut, we can eat gut-soothing foods such as soft foods, cooked foods, and juiced fruits and vegetables. These foods are already broken down, which helps ease the burden on the gut. When it comes to the role of macronutrients i.

Some say that feeding our gut bugs with carbs like fiber, vegetables, and fruits is the best approach. Others say that starving our gut bugs by eating primarily fat is the best approach.

Indeed, both approaches seem to have benefits depending on your unique gut and microbiota. So it's important to pay attention to how specific foods make you feel. For some folks, consuming fiber can exacerbate gut issues.

For others, certain types of carbs exacerbate gut issues. For others, consuming high-fat meals exacerbate gut health issues e. When it comes to your gut health, the key is to eat mindfully and explore how different foods make you feel.

Only then can you know that you're eating to heal your gut. If the tips in Phase 1 aren't resolving your gut health issues, move on to Phase 2. In this phase, you'll focus on more nuanced strategies to improve gut health.

Try a Ketogenic Diet. Although a Ketogenic diet doesn't seem to work for everyone, it appears to be a good way to reduce inflammation in the body more generally, improve insulin resistance, and clear gunk from the cells. It's also tends to be good for getting rid of bad bacteria and parasites.

Because the Ketogenic diet is a low-carb diet, and gut bugs primarily eat carbs. Keep in mind that starting a Ketogenic diet can often result in a few days or weeks of Keto flu—headaches, leg cramps, sugar cravings, and some other annoying symptoms. To prevent Keto flu, make sure you're getting electrolytes especially sea salt, magnesium, and potassium.

An easy way to do this is by drinking homemade "ketorade". And if you don't feel good eating Keto after a few days, stop! If your body is already stressed, Keto can be too stressful for your body to handle. You might instead opt for a moderate to low carb diet just to reduce your sugar intake.

Our livers are responsible for detoxing us of the harmful byproducts of dying gut bugs. Eating liver supportive foods can help us reduce die-off reactions and kill bad gut bugs with more ease. To help the liver and body detox, consider taking milk thistle supplements, calcium D-Glucarate, NAC, or liposomal glutathione.

Next, eat bitter greens like dandelion leaves, raw radishes, and mustard greens to promote more bile excretion and process toxins effectively. And be sure to eat cruciferous veggies like broccoli, kale, collard greens, bok choy, and arugula.

These contain diindolylmethane DIM , a substance that helps the liver detox effectively. If your gut is having a hard time digesting, for whatever reason, help it out by consuming natural digestive aids. If you have an overgrowth of bad gut bugs, part of the goal is to starve them without starving yourself.

Some folks advocate for fasting, intermittent fasting, or eating fewer carbs to reduce bacteria like firmicutes, which have been shown to be linked to obesity. Just be sure you're consuming enough calories not to stress your body out.

Sometimes it seems like we are doing everything right, but we still can't seem to get a handle on our gut health issues.

In this case, there is often some hidden toxin that's bogging down our immune system. For example, are we eating all of our food out of plastic with BPA, a known gut toxin?

Or are we living in a home that's covered in gut-harming mold? Or are we sleeping on a new bed that sprayed in toxic flame-retardant chemicals? Gut-harming toxins are all around us.

The electromagnetic waves from our smartphones can even mess with our guts. So finding and removing these toxins is often instrumental in healing the gut. If the tips in Phase 1 and 2 aren't resolving your gut health issues, your gut bugs just aren't going to go quickly into the night—now it's time for war!

In this phase, you'll focus on evicting unhealthy gut bugs from your body by force. When bad gut bugs just won't leave, it's often because they have a protective home, or biofilm, to hide in. Taking biofilm disrupting supplements can start to jar them loose. The biofilm disrupters include:.

Consuming probiotic foods is probably the best thing you can do for gut health. Although probiotic supplements can be helpful, they are usually too small to make much of an impact. If you do want to try pills, get pills with 50 billion colony forming units CFUs.

Gut health and gut healing include products we Ane are ans for our readers. If you hfalth through links on this heaking, we may earn a small gur. Medical News Today only Essential oil recipes you brands and products that we stand behind. There are numerous ways a person can improve gut health naturally. For example, by taking probiotics, eating fermented foods, and consuming prebiotic fiber. For more research-backed information about the microbiome and how it affects your health, please visit our dedicated hub. Gut health refers to the balance of microorganisms that live in the digestive tract. Did you know that you Gut health and gut healing over trillion microscopic vut i. Healfh recent years, we have nad to understand the importance Resourceful nutrient balance the gut heath on hezlth overall health. You may be Adequate fiber intake for endurance training that the microbes in our gut help us break down food, but did you know that they also help us synthesize vitamins and absorb minerals? Certain microbes have even been linked to obesity, suggesting that they impact how we process and store the energy from the food that we eat. In addition to its metabolic role, the gut microbiome also plays a structural and protective role by helping to maintain the lining of the gastrointestinal tract.


Drink 1 Cup Of This Per Day To Remove Fat From Your Liver - Dr. Mindy Pelz

Author: Kazishakar

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