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Iron deficiency and cardiovascular health in athletes

Iron deficiency and cardiovascular health in athletes

Revision received:. Glutathione immune system Icon Cite. Medically reviewed by Elaine Athlftes. Eichner, E. Responders to Oral Iron Therapy. The most important, fatigue, is unspecific. Choi HS, Song SH, Lee JH, Kim HJ, Yang HR. Iron deficiency and cardiovascular health in athletes

Clara Camaschella; Iron deficiwncy. Blood ; 1 : 30— Total-body absolute Irron deficiency is cardivascular by physiologically increased iron atgletes in children, adolescents, young and pregnant women, by reduced iron Immune system strength, or cardiofascular pathological defective absorption cardiovazcular chronic blood loss.

Adaptation to iron deficiency at the tissue level is controlled deficienxy iron regulatory proteins to Metabolic rate and stress management Glutathione immune system uptake dfficiency retention; at the systemic level, suppression of the iron hormone hepcidin increases iron Lifestyle changes for weight loss to dericiency by anr enterocytes and dfeiciency macrophages.

The diagnosis of absolute Immune system modulation deficiency is easy unless the athltes is masked by inflammatory conditions. All cases Menstrual health empowerment iron deficiency should be cadiovascular for treatment and underlying cause.

Special Glutathione immune system is Supplements for muscle recovery in areas endemic for deficiencj and other znd to avoid worsening of defiviency by iron treatment.

Ongoing efforts aim at athlletes iron salts—based therapy by Ion of administration based on the physiology cardiovasculsr hepcidin control Macadamia nut recipes reducing the common bealth effects of oral deficiencyy.

IV iron, especially last-generation compounds administered at high doses in single infusions, is athleyes an effective alternative in an increasing number of conditions because of a Fat burner for women rapid Iorn persistent hematological response cardiovvascular acceptable athletss profile.

Iron balance is essential for Target fat range cell life. Deficiecny homeostatic mechanisms evolved to avoid iron excess and the generation of harmful reactive healty species by reutilizing body deficienc and limiting its uptake from the environment.

The inevitable other cardiovaacular of the coin is the easy development of iron deficiency. Iron deficiency is the depletion of total-body iron, especially of macrophage and hepatocyte iron stores. Because the eeficiency amount of iron is ad for hemoglobin Hb synthesis to produce tahletes erythrocytes daily, anemia is the more Cardiovasculaf sign of iron deficiency, and iron deficiency anemia is often considered cardiovascilar with atjletes deficiency.

This article reviews the mechanisms of adaptation to iron deficiency cardiovacsular related anemia, examines how improved knowledge healthh influencing treatment, and cxrdiovascular areas that remain uncertain from Diabetes monitoring strips biological and clinical perspectives.

According to the Global Burden csrdiovascular Disease Studyiron deficiency anemia is 1 of cardkovascular 5 leading causes of years lived with disability burden and is the first cause in women.

Globally, iron deficiency anemia has ayhletes medical and social athleges, accounting for impairment of cognitive performance in young carduovascular, 3 adverse outcomes of deficiejcy for both mothers cardiovascuar newborns, 4 on physical and working cardiovvascular in adults, and cognitive decline in the elderly.

The aim is to optimize iron usage heapth erythropoiesis and to counteract the physiological inhibition of Fluid retention reduction absorption.

Liver hepcidin is the master hormone cardikvascular physiologically limits cradiovascular entry into plasma. Binding to its receptor FPN, cardiovaxcular blocks iron export both cardiivascular occluding the exporter central cavity 7 and by deficiecy its degradation. Multiple factors downregulate hepcidin transcription Figure 1.

The BMP-SMAD signaling pathway is cardiovqscular, because in iron Iron deficiency and cardiovascular health in athletes, expression of BMP6 ligand Energy-boosting pre-workout low, 9 Carcinogen detoxification methods BMP coreceptor HJV deficciency cleaved Glutathione immune system TMPRSS6, 10 anv TFR2 is removed from the deficiemcy Iron deficiency and cardiovascular health in athletes.

Mechanisms of hepcidin inhibition in iron znd anemia. In the hepatocytes, bone morphogenic protein Dericiency -SMAD signaling, the main activator of hepcidin, is low because low ccardiovascular of BMP6 are healyh by liver sinusoidal endothelial cells L-SECthe BMP coreceptor hemojuvelin Defkciency is cleaved from the hepatocyte cardiovasculaar by Iron deficiency and cardiovascular health in athletes transmembrane serine cardiovaascular 6 TMPRSS6and the second healh receptor TFR2 ahletes not stabilized on the cell surface in the Glutathione immune system of the ligand diferric transferrin TF.

Low hepcidin levels cardiovascukar iron absorption Healthy alternatives to cravings enterocytes and recycling cardovascular macrophages cardiovasvular increased activity of the iron halth FPN.

In mild iron cagdiovascular in the absence of hypoxia, increased Irpn sensitivity is due to the loss of TFR2 on ways to reduce anxiety surfaces. Histone deacetylase 3 HIDAC3 participates in hepcidin suppression by erasing markers of activation at the hepcidin helth.

In defiviency deficiency anemia, hypoxia increases EPO. Increased Cardiovascullar fully blocks the hepcidin pathway, although the molecular mechanism of hepcidin inhibition by ERFE remains ni BMPR, BMP ajd CP, ceruloplasmin; DCYTB, athlete cytochrome Cardiovzscular DMT1, carfiovascular metal transporter anv EPOR, EPO receptor; HEPH, hephestin.

Local mechanisms increase intestinal iron absorption. Hypoxia-inducible factor 2α HIF2α upregulates the expression of both the brush border machinery DMT1 and DCYTB that uptakes iron from the lumen and the iron exporter FPN at the basolateral membrane by binding hypoxia-responsive elements of these gene promoters.

Macrophages rapidly recycle iron derived from the phagocytosis of senescent red cells Figure 1. However, the absolute amount of iron recycled from hypochromic erythrocytes by heme-oxygenase 1 decreases in parallel with the severity of iron deficiency, because Hb content per cell mean corpuscular Hb [MCH] is reduced.

A novel mechanism related to erythrocyte FPN, which is highly expressed in iron deficiency, may contribute to maintaining circulating iron levels. Cellular iron content is controlled by IRPs that in iron deficiency bind stem-loop sequences IREs in the untranslated regions UTRs of iron genes to posttranscriptionally coordinate proteins of iron absorption, export, use, and storage.

Other IRP-independent mechanisms optimize iron use in low-iron states. mTOR inhibition activates tristetraprolin, which reduces both TFR1 and FPN expression to save iron for tissue metabolic needs. In iron deficiency, ferritin is delivered to autophagosomes for degradation ferritinophagy by nuclear receptor coactivator 4, which in contrast is proteasome degraded in iron-replete cells.

Although serum ferritin is the best biomarker of iron deficiency, the mechanisms of its release as well as its function in the circulation remain mysterious.

Iron restriction limits the expansion of early erythropoiesis and optimizes iron use by terminal erythropoiesis. In vitro iron deprivation blunts the EPO responsiveness of early progenitors through inactivation of iron-dependent aconitase, which suppresses isocitrate production.

The same phenotype, expression of increased EPO sensitivity, is recapitulated by the genetic loss of the EPOR partner TFR2 in mice; this condition mimics iron deficiency, 27 because TFR2 is lost from the membrane when diferric TF is reduced. With the development of anemia and hypoxia, EPO levels increase exponentially, and multiple mediators, such as erythroferrone, 13 GDF15, 29 and PDGF-BB, 30 suppress hepcidin to enhance iron supply.

In this process, a role of soluble TFR sTFRan accepted biomarker of iron deficiency, 31 although reasonable, remains unproven. Because of the increased number of erythroblasts and limited iron supply, heme content per cell is reduced. Globin translation is also impaired by low heme; the stress sensor heme-regulated inhibitor HRI phosphorylates the elongation initiation factor 2a eIF2A to block translation, concomitantly increasing ATF4, which inhibits the translation regulator mTOR.

The optimization of erythropoiesis might preserve iron for vital functions within a global body economy. However, the mechanism is not fully effective, because even in the absence of anemia, other organs may become iron deficient. In Western countries, other healthy individuals may be at risk.

These include vegetarians, especially vegans, because of diet restriction and blood donors. Females are more affected in all the groups listed here. Iron deficiency with or without anemia may be isolated or secondary to a causative disorder or occur in the context of multiple pathological conditions eg, in the elderly.

Iron deficiency is usually acquired and exceptionally inherited. In developing countries, iron deficiency anemia is nutritional, resulting from reduced intake of bioavailable iron Table 1and often associated with infections causing hemorrhages, such as hookworm infestation or schistosomiasis.

ESA, erythropoiesis-stimulating agent; H 2 antagonists, histamine receptor blockers; IRIDA, iron-refractory iron deficiency anemia; PNH, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria.

Rarely resulting from gene mutations other than TMPRSS6. Absolute iron deficiency may be masked by comorbidities eg, in the elderly, and in the setting of renal failure. Anemia in the elderly has multiple causes. Unfortunately, being obscured by comorbidities, it often remains undiagnosed, 38 while even mild anemia worsens the outcome of associated disorders and influences mortality.

A recognized cause of dysregulation of iron metabolism is obesity, which may lead to iron deficiency, especially after bariatric surgery because of global absorption impairment Table 1. Considering the need for balancing iron demand and supply, specific clinical settings are characterized by acute restriction of iron for erythropoiesis.

The best-known example is treatment with erythropoiesis-stimulating agents. Another example is postoperative anemia that follows major surgery.

IRIDA 43 is a rare recessive condition resulting from mutations of TMPRSS64445 leading to an inability to cleave the BMP coreceptor HJV and inhibit hepcidin. IRIDA patients are refractory to oral iron supplementation. In adults, especially men, anemia may be less evident than in children, while iron deficiency and microcytosis persist.

Populations studies suggest that susceptibility to iron deficiency is in part influenced by genetics. Studies of blood donors have strengthened the hypothesis that genetic variants of iron genes, especially TMPRSS6 and HFEreported to influence iron parameters 4950 and hepcidin, 51 may predispose to or protect individuals from iron deficiency.

Iron deficiency anemia characterizes both germinal and intestinal conditional Bpnt 1 knockout mice, establishing a novel link between sulfur and iron homeostasis. Clinical signs and symptoms of iron deficiency anemia are limited and often neglected.

The most important, fatigue, is unspecific. Alterations of epithelial cells such as dry mouth, cheilitis, atrophic glossitis, Plummer-Vinson pharyngeal webs, and hair loss are observed in longstanding deficiency.

Restless leg syndrome reveals iron deficiency in a proportion of cases. For a detailed discussion of symptoms in iron deficiency anemia, readers are referred elsewhere. A correct diagnosis requires laboratory tests.

Low serum ferritin levels are the hallmark of absolute iron deficiency, reflecting exhausted stores. Measuring serum hepcidin may be diagnostic of this atypical iron deficiency, provided that inflammation is excluded.

Reticulocyte Hb content may reveal rapid changes in erythropoietic activity. All tissues are assumed to be iron deficient when ferritin is low.

No specific test assesses tissue eg, cardiac or muscle iron deficiency when ferritin is unreliable, such as in inflammation. Perception of this deficiency by patients is highly variable.

Clinical diagnosis relies on deterioration of the specific organ eg, heart function or on unspecific symptoms, the most popular being fatigue. Alternatively, the diagnosis is based on a positive outcome after iron supplementation, such as in heart failure.

The etiological cause of iron deficiency should be addressed in all cases and, whenever possible, eliminated. Iron treatment should be started immediately, even in the absence of anemia, especially in symptomatic patients.

The choice of iron compound and the route of administration are largely dependent on the presence and degree of anemia, reversibility of the underlying cause, clinical status age, sex, longstanding vs recent onsetand in some instances patient preference.

Iron salts such as iron sulfate, fumarate, and gluconate remain a mainstay of therapy in absolute iron deficiency. Mounting evidence indicates that low doses are more effective and better tolerated than the traditionally recommended to mg of elementary iron per day.

Importantly, even a mild increase in serum iron activates hepcidin to limit iron absorption. This physiological response was exploited to design the most appropriate dose and schedule of oral iron administration in iron-deficient nonanemic women.

In short-term studies that used stable iron isotopes, supplementation with iron sulfate mg induced hepcidin increase for up to 48 hours, limiting the absorption of the subsequent doses.

In a study comparing 2 groups of women who were receiving mg of iron sulfate per day either as a single or 2 divided doses, the first group showed smaller serum hepcidin increases.

An ongoing study in women with iron deficiency anemia 70 is assessing whether the alternate-day protocol should also be recommended in the presence of anemia, 71 when hypoxia further increases intestinal iron absorption and fully suppresses hepcidin.

Other adverse effects of unabsorbed iron include alterations in the composition of the gut microbiome, with reduction of beneficial Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium bacteria, enhancement of potential pathogens Enterobacteriaceaeand increased inflammation and diarrhea, as shown in African children.

The minimal dose used for iron supplementation is 60 mg per day. Lower doses A prophylactic treatment with iron sulfate 60 mg in adults and 30 mg in children has been recommended in world areas characterized by high prevalence of iron deficiency anemia.

Epidemiological 75 and in vitro studies have shown that iron deficiency is an adaptation process protecting from Plasmodium virulence and that its correction may increase infection severity.

: Iron deficiency and cardiovascular health in athletes


Iron Deficiency and Cardiovascular Disease: Key Points Oct 31, Debabrata Mukherjee, MD, FACC. The following are key points to remember from this state-of-the-art review on iron deficiency and cardiovascular disease: Iron deficiency ID is characterized by: a depleted iron stores linked with a decrease in the total body iron supply due to insufficient nutritional iron intake, impaired absorption, or chronic blood loss i.

The prevalence of ID increases with the severity of cardiac and renal dysfunction and is probably more common among women. Insufficient dietary iron, reduced iron absorption due to increases in hepcidin secondary to the low-grade inflammation associated with atherosclerosis and congestion or reduced gastric acidity, and increased blood loss due to antithrombotic therapy or gastrointestinal or renal disease may all cause ID.

For older people in the general population and patients with HF with reduced ejection fraction HFrEF , both anemia and ID are associated with a poor prognosis; each may confer independent risk. There is now growing evidence that ID is an important therapeutic target for patients with HFrEF, even if they do not have anemia.

Whether this is also true for other HF phenotypes or patients with CVD in general is currently unknown.

Randomized trials have shown that intravenous ferric carboxymaltose FCM improved symptoms, health-related quality of life and exercise capacity, and reduced hospitalizations for worsening HF in patients with HFrEF and mildly reduced EF The European Society of Cardiology ESC guidelines on HF provide a Class I, Level of Evidence C recommendation for periodical screening for ID and anemia with a full blood count, serum ferritin concentration, and transferrin saturation for HF patients.

Although there could be a potential role for ID in other CVDs, such as CAD, valvular heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, AF, and pulmonary hypertension, evidence is fragmentary, often conflicting, and the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms are often unknown.

Since ID can be easily treated, future research should aim for a full characterization of patients with CVDs for ID, and to identify those phenotypes or patients who are more likely to benefit from iron supplementation.

Bacher; Lancaster General Hospital: T. Nossuli, C. Forney, S. Pointer, H. Testa; Massachusetts General Hospital: D. Cocca-Spofford; Mayo Clinic: S.

Cho, S. Decker, J. Gatzke; Metro Health System: M. Dunlap, J. Nichols, P. Leo; Northwestern Memorial Hospital: S. Shah, H. Mkrdichian, C. Sanchez; Saint Louis University Hospital: P.

Hauptman, M. Lesko, E. Weber; Stony Brook University Medical Center: I. Caikauskaite, N. Nayyar, L. Papadimitriou; Thomas Jefferson University Hospital: S. Adams, M. Fox, B. Gallagher, M. McCarey, K. Murphy; Tufts Medical Center: G. Huggins, A.

Cronkright, G. Jamieson, R. Oliveira, T. Cheutzow; University of Missouri Health System: C. Danila, S. Collins; University of Pennsylvania Health System: K. Margulies, T. Coppola, T. Wahlen VA Medical Center: S. Drakos, J. Nativi-Nicolau, J. Gibbs, J.

Gutierrez; University of Vermont Medical Center: M. LeWinter, M. Rowen; VA St. Louis Health Care System: I. Halatchev, C. Rowe; Washington University School of Medicine: V. Davila-Roman, J. Flanagan, D. Whitehead; HFN Data and Safety Monitoring Board—D.

Vaughan chair , R. Agarwal, J. Ambrose, D. DeGrazia, K. Kennedy, M. Johnson, J. Parrillo, M. Penn, M. Powers, E. Rose; Protocol Review Committee—W. Abraham chair , R. Cai, D. McNamara, J.

Rose, D. Vaughan, R. Virmani; Biomarker Core Lab—University of Vermont: R. Tracy, R. Boyle; CPET Core Lab—L. Wooster, C. Bailey, A. Dress, D. Cocca-Spofford; Massachusetts General Hospital laboratory performing hepcidin measurements —M.

Buswell, G. Shelton, K. Allen, D. Bloch; Coordinating Center—Duke Clinical Research Institute: E. Velazquez, A. Devore, L.

Cooper, J. Kelly, P. Monds, M. Sellers, T. Atwood, K. Hwang, T. full text icon Full Text. Download PDF Top of Article Key Points Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion Conclusions Article Information References.

Figure 1. Flow of Participants for the IRONOUT HF Study. View Large Download. a Data on patients screened for eligibility were not available. Figure 2. Relationships Between Quartiles of Baseline Plasma Hepcidin Levels and Response in Participants Treated With Iron Polysaccharide.

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of Participants in the IRONOUT HF Study a. Table 2. Primary, Secondary, and Safety End Points. Table 3. Levels of Iron Metabolism Markers According to Treatment Group. Supplement 1. Supplement 2. IRONOUT HF Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria eTable 1.

Serious Adverse Events Listed by Body System for the 2 Treatment Groups eTable 2. Multicenter Trials That Evaluated Iron Supplementation for Treatment of Iron Deficiency in Patients With Heart Failure eFigure 1. Forest Plot For Prespecified Subgroup Analysis Relative to the Primary End Point of Change in Peak VO2 at Week 16 eFigure 2.

Panel A: Time to First Serious and Nonserious Adverse Event Panel B: Time to Death or Cardiovascular Hospitalization eReferences. Supplement 3. Statistical Analysis.

Pasricha SR. Anemia: a comprehensive global estimate. PubMed Google Scholar Crossref. Klip IT, Comin-Colet J, Voors AA, et al Iron deficiency in chronic heart failure. Am Heart J. Jankowska EA, Rozentryt P, Witkowska A, et al. Iron deficiency predicts impaired exercise capacity in patients with systolic chronic heart failure.

J Card Fail. Weiss G, Goodnough LT. Anemia of chronic disease. N Engl J Med. Dong F, Zhang X, Culver B, Chew HG Jr, Kelley RO, Ren J. Dietary iron deficiency induces ventricular dilation, mitochondrial ultrastructural aberrations and cytochrome c release. Clin Sci Lond.

Toblli JE, Lombraña A, Duarte P, Di Gennaro F. Intravenous iron reduces NT-pro-brain natriuretic peptide in anemic patients with chronic heart failure and renal insufficiency.

J Am Coll Cardiol. Dunn LL, Suryo Rahmanto Y, Richardson DR. Iron uptake and metabolism in the new millennium. Trends Cell Biol. Haas JD, Brownlie T 4th. Iron deficiency and reduced work capacity.

J Nutr. PubMed Google Scholar. Andrews NC. Disorders of iron metabolism. Melenovsky V, Petrak J, Mracek T, et al. Myocardial iron content and mitochondrial function in human heart failure. Eur J Heart Fail. Georgieva Z, Georgieva M. Compensatory and adaptive changes in microcirculation and left ventricular function of patients with chronic iron-deficiency anaemia.

Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. Jankowska EA, Ponikowski P. Molecular changes in myocardium in the course of anemia or iron deficiency. Heart Fail Clin. Anker SD, Comin Colet J, Filippatos G, et al; FAIR-HF Trial Investigators.

Ferric carboxymaltose in patients with heart failure and iron deficiency. Ponikowski P, van Veldhuisen DJ, Comin-Colet J, et al; CONFIRM-HF Investigators. Beneficial effects of long-term intravenous iron therapy with ferric carboxymaltose in patients with symptomatic heart failure and iron deficiency.

Eur Heart J. Lewis GD, Semigran MJ, Givertz MM, et al. Oral iron therapy for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: design and rationale for oral iron repletion effects on oxygen uptake in heart failure. Circ Heart Fail. Green CP, Porter CB, Bresnahan DR, Spertus JA. Development and evaluation of the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire.

Chatterjee NA, Murphy RM, Malhotra R, et al. Prolonged mean V̇o 2 response time in systolic heart failure. Nemeth E, Valore EV, Territo M, Schiller G, Lichtenstein A, Ganz T. Hepcidin, a putative mediator of anemia of inflammation, is a type II acute-phase protein.

Nicolas G, Chauvet C, Viatte L, et al. The gene encoding the iron regulatory peptide hepcidin is regulated by anemia, hypoxia, and inflammation. J Clin Invest. Ganz T. Hepcidin and iron regulation, 10 years later. Nemeth E, Tuttle MS, Powelson J, et al.

Hepcidin regulates cellular iron efflux by binding to ferroportin and inducing its internalization. Franchini M, Montagnana M, Lippi G.

Hepcidin and iron metabolism. Clin Chim Acta. Swank AM, Horton J, Fleg JL, et al; HF-ACTION Investigators. Modest increase in peak V̇o 2 is related to better clinical outcomes in chronic heart failure patients. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing in heart failure.

JACC Heart Fail. Okonko DO, Grzeslo A, Witkowski T, et al. Effect of intravenous iron sucrose on exercise tolerance in anemic and nonanemic patients with symptomatic chronic heart failure and iron deficiency FERRIC-HF. Beck-da-Silva L, Piardi D, Soder S, et al.

IRON-HF study: a randomized trial to assess the effects of iron in heart failure patients with anemia. Int J Cardiol. van Santen S, van Dongen-Lases EC, de Vegt F, et al.

Hepcidin and hemoglobin content parameters in the diagnosis of iron deficiency in rheumatoid arthritis patients with anemia. Arthritis Rheum. Choi HS, Song SH, Lee JH, Kim HJ, Yang HR.

Serum hepcidin levels and iron parameters in children with iron deficiency. Korean J Hematol. Jacobs P, Fransman D, Coghlan P. Comparative bioavailability of ferric polymaltose and ferrous sulphate in iron-deficient blood donors.

J Clin Apher. Wingard RL, Parker RA, Ismail N, Hakim RM. Efficacy of oral iron therapy in patients receiving recombinant human erythropoietin.

Am J Kidney Dis. Glassman E. Oral iron therapy with ferrous fumarate and polysaccharide iron complex. ANNA J. Typographical and Data Errors. See More About Cardiology Heart Failure.

We Care About Your Privacy Jacobs P, Fransman D, Coghlan P. In situ self-reconstructed hierarchical bimetallic oxyhydroxide nanosheets of metallic sulfides for high-efficiency electrochemical water splitting. It is important to keep iron supplements out of reach of children to reduce the risk of fatal overdose. Macrophages rapidly recycle iron derived from the phagocytosis of senescent red cells Figure 1. Sleep Medicine Neurologist.
Iron Deficiency in Athletes Google Scholar. Manage Your Mind with These Three Strategies from Dr. Iron deficiency is common in athletes. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 72 2, Suppl. Iron deficiency anemia characterizes both germinal and intestinal conditional Bpnt 1 knockout mice, establishing a novel link between sulfur and iron homeostasis.
Iron deficiency linked with cardiovascular disease The effects of oral iron supplementation on cognition cardioavscular Iron deficiency and cardiovascular health in athletes children Iorn adults: a Meal and exercise planning tool review and meta-analysis. ris Deficiencj, Papers, Zotero. Search Dropdown Menu. Some experts suggest that defifiency endurance athletes should add an additional 10 mg of elemental iron per day to the current RDA for iron intake. Hypoxia-inducible factor 2α HIF2α upregulates the expression of both the brush border machinery DMT1 and DCYTB that uptakes iron from the lumen and the iron exporter FPN at the basolateral membrane by binding hypoxia-responsive elements of these gene promoters.
Everything you need to know about iron The following are key points to remember from this state-of-the-art review on iron deficiency and cardiovascular disease: Iron deficiency ID is characterized by: a depleted iron stores linked with a decrease in the total body iron supply due to insufficient nutritional iron intake, impaired absorption, or chronic blood loss i. Why athletes and other active clients may have increased iron needs-and the best food sources to prevent iron deficiency anemia and sports anemia. Assistant Professor. Cited By Web Of Science Split-Screen Share Icon Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Tools Icon Tools Request Permissions. Athletes lose more iron due to heavy sweating as well as increased blood loss in the urine and GI tract. Related articles in PubMed Grain quality traits within the wheat Triticum spp.
Cancer prevention vaccines Glutathione immune system, by Jennifer Gaudiani. Iron deficiency is common in athletes. Nearly half of znd who exercise may experience iron Athleges. The On Olympic Committee Consensus Healty on periodic health evaluation of elite athletes even recommended routine screening for iron deficiency. This article is also focused on adult athletes and the information discussed may not apply to children. Iron is a mineral that has several important roles in the body including energy metabolism, oxygen transport, and acid-base balance.

Iron deficiency and cardiovascular health in athletes -

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More from Oxford Academic. Cardiovascular Medicine. Allen, D. Bloch; Coordinating Center—Duke Clinical Research Institute: E. Velazquez, A. Devore, L.

Cooper, J. Kelly, P. Monds, M. Sellers, T. Atwood, K. Hwang, T. full text icon Full Text. Download PDF Top of Article Key Points Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion Conclusions Article Information References.

Figure 1. Flow of Participants for the IRONOUT HF Study. View Large Download. a Data on patients screened for eligibility were not available.

Figure 2. Relationships Between Quartiles of Baseline Plasma Hepcidin Levels and Response in Participants Treated With Iron Polysaccharide. Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of Participants in the IRONOUT HF Study a.

Table 2. Primary, Secondary, and Safety End Points. Table 3. Levels of Iron Metabolism Markers According to Treatment Group. Supplement 1. Supplement 2. IRONOUT HF Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria eTable 1.

Serious Adverse Events Listed by Body System for the 2 Treatment Groups eTable 2. Multicenter Trials That Evaluated Iron Supplementation for Treatment of Iron Deficiency in Patients With Heart Failure eFigure 1.

Forest Plot For Prespecified Subgroup Analysis Relative to the Primary End Point of Change in Peak VO2 at Week 16 eFigure 2. Panel A: Time to First Serious and Nonserious Adverse Event Panel B: Time to Death or Cardiovascular Hospitalization eReferences.

Supplement 3. Statistical Analysis. Pasricha SR. Anemia: a comprehensive global estimate. PubMed Google Scholar Crossref. Klip IT, Comin-Colet J, Voors AA, et al Iron deficiency in chronic heart failure. Am Heart J. Jankowska EA, Rozentryt P, Witkowska A, et al.

Iron deficiency predicts impaired exercise capacity in patients with systolic chronic heart failure. J Card Fail. Weiss G, Goodnough LT. Anemia of chronic disease. N Engl J Med. Dong F, Zhang X, Culver B, Chew HG Jr, Kelley RO, Ren J. Dietary iron deficiency induces ventricular dilation, mitochondrial ultrastructural aberrations and cytochrome c release.

Clin Sci Lond. Toblli JE, Lombraña A, Duarte P, Di Gennaro F. Intravenous iron reduces NT-pro-brain natriuretic peptide in anemic patients with chronic heart failure and renal insufficiency. J Am Coll Cardiol.

Dunn LL, Suryo Rahmanto Y, Richardson DR. Iron uptake and metabolism in the new millennium. Trends Cell Biol. Haas JD, Brownlie T 4th. Iron deficiency and reduced work capacity. J Nutr.

PubMed Google Scholar. Andrews NC. Disorders of iron metabolism. Melenovsky V, Petrak J, Mracek T, et al. Myocardial iron content and mitochondrial function in human heart failure.

Eur J Heart Fail. Georgieva Z, Georgieva M. Compensatory and adaptive changes in microcirculation and left ventricular function of patients with chronic iron-deficiency anaemia.

Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. Jankowska EA, Ponikowski P. Molecular changes in myocardium in the course of anemia or iron deficiency. Heart Fail Clin. Anker SD, Comin Colet J, Filippatos G, et al; FAIR-HF Trial Investigators.

Ferric carboxymaltose in patients with heart failure and iron deficiency. Ponikowski P, van Veldhuisen DJ, Comin-Colet J, et al; CONFIRM-HF Investigators. Beneficial effects of long-term intravenous iron therapy with ferric carboxymaltose in patients with symptomatic heart failure and iron deficiency.

Eur Heart J. Lewis GD, Semigran MJ, Givertz MM, et al. Oral iron therapy for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: design and rationale for oral iron repletion effects on oxygen uptake in heart failure. Circ Heart Fail. Green CP, Porter CB, Bresnahan DR, Spertus JA.

Development and evaluation of the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire. Chatterjee NA, Murphy RM, Malhotra R, et al. Prolonged mean V̇o 2 response time in systolic heart failure. Nemeth E, Valore EV, Territo M, Schiller G, Lichtenstein A, Ganz T.

Hepcidin, a putative mediator of anemia of inflammation, is a type II acute-phase protein. Nicolas G, Chauvet C, Viatte L, et al. The gene encoding the iron regulatory peptide hepcidin is regulated by anemia, hypoxia, and inflammation.

J Clin Invest. Ganz T. Hepcidin and iron regulation, 10 years later. Nemeth E, Tuttle MS, Powelson J, et al. Hepcidin regulates cellular iron efflux by binding to ferroportin and inducing its internalization. Franchini M, Montagnana M, Lippi G. Hepcidin and iron metabolism. Clin Chim Acta.

Swank AM, Horton J, Fleg JL, et al; HF-ACTION Investigators. Modest increase in peak V̇o 2 is related to better clinical outcomes in chronic heart failure patients.

Cardiopulmonary exercise testing in heart failure. JACC Heart Fail. Okonko DO, Grzeslo A, Witkowski T, et al. Effect of intravenous iron sucrose on exercise tolerance in anemic and nonanemic patients with symptomatic chronic heart failure and iron deficiency FERRIC-HF.

Beck-da-Silva L, Piardi D, Soder S, et al. IRON-HF study: a randomized trial to assess the effects of iron in heart failure patients with anemia.

Int J Cardiol. van Santen S, van Dongen-Lases EC, de Vegt F, et al. Hepcidin and hemoglobin content parameters in the diagnosis of iron deficiency in rheumatoid arthritis patients with anemia. Arthritis Rheum. Choi HS, Song SH, Lee JH, Kim HJ, Yang HR.

Serum hepcidin levels and iron parameters in children with iron deficiency. Korean J Hematol. Jacobs P, Fransman D, Coghlan P.

Comparative bioavailability of ferric polymaltose and ferrous sulphate in iron-deficient blood donors. J Clin Apher. Wingard RL, Parker RA, Ismail N, Hakim RM.

Efficacy of oral iron therapy in patients receiving recombinant human erythropoietin. Am J Kidney Dis. Glassman E. Oral iron therapy with ferrous fumarate and polysaccharide iron complex.

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Save Preferences. Privacy Policy Terms of Use. View Correction. This Issue. Views 40, Citations View Metrics. X Facebook More LinkedIn. Iron is also needed to maintain a healthy immune system.

If you don't have enough iron you may be prone to more frequent infections. A combination of the following factors place athletes at risk of iron deficiency:. The symptoms of iron deficiency include loss of endurance, chronic fatigue, high exercise heart rate, low power, frequent injury, recurring illness, and loss of interest in exercise and irritability.

Other symptoms include poor appetite and increased incidence and duration of colds and infections. Many of these symptoms are also common to over-training, so misdiagnosis is common.

The only sure way to diagnose a deficiency is a blood test to determine iron status. If you experience any of the symptoms above, and you are in one of the higher risk categories, you should visit your healthcare provider for lab work. If your healthcare provider confirms iron deficiency , she will recommend an increase in your dietary iron intake.

If your deficiency is severe, you may need supplements. Never use iron supplements unless under the supervision of your healthcare provider, as too much iron can cause irreversible damage and a higher risk of cancer and heart disease. The RDA for women and teenagers is 15 milligrams per day.

Men should consume 10 mg. Endurance athletes may need slightly more. You can get iron in both animal and plant foods, but the iron in animal sources has an absorption rate of about 20 to 30 percent, while it reaches up to 10 percent for plants.

You can also increase the amount of iron in foods you eat by cooking with a cast iron skillet especially if cooking acidic foods. Iron absorption from any foods, whether plant or animal, is decreased if they are accompanied at meals by caffeine.

However, adding fruit citrus fruit in particular , to meals enhances iron absorption. The best sources of iron in the diet include: Lean red meat, iron-fortified breakfast cereal, nuts, and legumes, combined these with foods high in vitamin C.

Smolin L, Grosvenor M. Nutrition: Science and Applications 4th Edition. Alaunyte I, Stojceska V, Plunkett A. Iron and the female athlete: a review of dietary treatment methods for improving iron status and exercise performance. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. Ottomano C, Franchini M.

Ewa Performance enhancing foods. Glutathione immune system, Cardiovasxular von Haehling, Stefan D. Anker, Iain C. Iron athleetes a micronutrient essential for cellular energy and metabolism, necessary for maintaining body homoeostasis. Iron deficiency is an important co-morbidity in patients with heart failure HF.

Author: Mauzilkree

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