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Blood circulation and cold weather

Blood circulation and cold weather

Cjrculation the winter, you are familiar nutrition timing for triathletes the challenges nutrition timing for triathletes cold weather and if you suffer from veins issues, this coldd weather can aggravate your nutrition timing for triathletes. In a typical attack, Mindful snacking fingers anc toes become suddenly cold as the blood vessels constrict. Request an Appointment. Finally, you should opt for a circulation-boosting diet: blackberries, for example, promote new blood cell formation and contain antioxidants which can decrease high blood pressure and improve blood flow. However, to the 49 percent of Americans at risk for heart disease and those already diagnosed, this weather is nothing to take lightly.

Blood circulation and cold weather -

If you experience these symptoms often, you should consult your doctor to identify any potential underlying conditions. Read what other people are saying about Ginkgo biloba.

When the blood vessels constrict, this can also stop blood from flowing to the muscles and tendons in your arms and legs. As a result, these tissues are deprived of oxygen and the soft tissue around your joints can become less pliable, feeling tight and stiff - hence the aches and pains often reported during the winter months.

If you are used to exercising outdoors, this can really hinder your routine as you become more prone to suffering from strains and sprains if your muscles and joints are less flexible. Exercising will pump oxygen towards and remove toxins from those sore areas. If you want to read more about exercising in winter, click here.

Along with exercise, massage is a great way to improve circulation. Click here to read my blog on how massage therapy can help to boost your circulatio n , while allowing you the perfect opportunity to relax at the same time!

For more tips on easing the effects of cold weather on achy joints, click here. However, by following good habits in winter we can keep our blood pumping properly and maintain good circulation. Sometimes, when the weather is cold and miserable, the last thing on your mind is exercise.

There are easy exercises that can be done at home, such as this resistant band workout , or you can wrap up warm and take a walk outside. Speaking of wrapping up warm, this is another important habit you should get into during colder months. You can always remove these extra layers once you get to work; staying warm should be top of your list of priorities.

Drinking plenty of water is a habit that should continue all year round! When winter rolls around, bringing the cold weather with it, we might be tempted to reach for copious amounts of tea, coffee and hot chocolate to keep ourselves warm and cosy; drinking a cold glass of water might not seem so appealing.

However, if you keep yourself hydrated, it will dilute your blood and improve blood flow. If you need some extra motivation to drink water, try opting for some warm water and infusing it with fresh fruit.

Finally, you should opt for a circulation-boosting diet: blackberries, for example, promote new blood cell formation and contain antioxidants which can decrease high blood pressure and improve blood flow.

Why not try stewing blackberries to add a warm, comforting element to your breakfast on cold mornings? Looking for help maintaining a healthy circulation?

To find local independent stores in your area that sell Ginkgo biloba drops, simply type your postcode below. Fresh Ginkgo leaves extract. Also available in ml size and tablets.

More info. There are a number of reasons for poor circulation such as age, general health, hereditary factors The seeds of horse chestnut have been used for ages to treat varicose veins.

Horse chestnut seeds A good diet, full of wholegrains, vegetables, pulses, seeds, nuts and dried fruit, will provide the Quick and simple tests to assess how well your working memory, short-term memory and long-term memory are working.

The circulatory system - what is it, what happens when things go wrong, how to treat problems and common signs of poor circulation.

Daily dry skin brushing can not only improve the appearance of your skin, it can also improve poor blood circulation too! I have read and agree to A. Settings Deny Accept. How does cold weather affect your circulation? Why do my fingers go numb when cold?

What is Raynaud's syndrome? My Top Tip: Ginkgo biloba is traditionally used for cold hands and feet cause by poor circulation. Try taking 15 drops in a little water, 3 times a day; it can take weeks to show benefit and can be taken for as long as you need.

These diseases cause an injury to the vessels or alters the molecules that regulate the thermoregulatory blood vessels and, as a consequence, the injury leads to an exaggerated reaction to stimuli such as cold and stress.

See "Patient education: Systemic lupus erythematosus Beyond the Basics ". Secondary RP can be more difficult to manage than primary RP because it is linked to an underlying condition that can physically damage the blood vessel.

People with secondary RP are more likely to need medications to manage their symptoms. The normal control of blood vessel responses to cold and other stimuli is complex, involving the central nervous system, peripheral sensory nerves, and molecules released by circulating cells or from the inner lining of the blood vessel itself called the endothelium.

Raynaud phenomenon RP occurs when this complex and delicate system of control is disrupted, which alters the normal responses to the environment.

A Raynaud attack can be triggered by exposure to cold temperature or even by a shift in temperature from warm to cool. As a result, even mildly cold exposures, such as those caused by air conditioning or the cold of the refrigerated food section in a grocery store, can cause an attack.

Experiencing a general body chill can trigger an attack, even if the hands and feet are kept warm. Feeling emotional stress and being startled can cause an attack of RP due to the release of nerve transmitter substances; these substances activate certain proteins in the blood vessels, which signal the vessels to narrow constrict.

Most often, a Raynaud attack affects the blood vessels in the fingers. In a typical attack, the fingers or toes become suddenly cold as the blood vessels constrict. The skin color changes markedly and may become pale called a "white attack" or a purple or blue color called a "blue attack" picture 1.

Usually, an attack of RP begins in a single finger and then spreads to other fingers in both hands. The color changes often affect the whole finger from tip to base. The index, middle, and ring fingers are most commonly involved, while the thumb is often not affected. An attack can cause discomfort, including a "pins and needles" feeling, aching, numbness, or clumsiness of the affected hand s.

The feeling of true pain occurs more often in secondary RP and is caused by a prolonged loss of blood flow to the tissues, called ischemia.

Blood vessels supplying the skin of the ears, nose, face, knees, and nipples can also be affected, and the skin in these areas may become pale or bluish in color after cold exposure. Rarely, the tongue can be involved. Temporary mottling a bluish discoloration of the skin of the arms and legs might also appear.

Attacks affecting the toes are also common, although people tend to complain of these less frequently. Symptoms of RP resolve as the provoking factor cold or stress is removed. After leaving the cold area and rewarming, the discoloration resolves after 15 to 20 minutes, and, as normal blood flow resumes, the skin "blushes" or becomes pink.

During the recovery phase, the person may experience mild discomfort. People with secondary RP can sometimes experience a serious decrease in blood flow that does not resolve even after the provoking factor or cold is removed.

This is due to underlying damage to the blood vessels or irreversible structural changes such as a blockage in the vessel that obstructs blood flow. Pain and ulceration of the skin usually on the tips of the fingers and toes can result. In severe cases, deeper tissue injury can occur that can lead to loss of the tips of the fingers in some people with a secondary vascular disease that causes RP.

Raynaud phenomenon RP is diagnosed based on the person's description of a typical attack following cold exposure. By asking questions, a health care provider can usually tell whether RP or another more common condition is causing cold hands or feet.

It is most important to have a full evaluation by a health care provider to determine if RP is happening and the underlying cause of the RP. This requires a good history and physical examination and laboratory testing that may include blood tests and, on occasion, special studies of the blood vessels and their function.

There are several simple measures that can reduce the frequency of Raynaud attacks. Medicine might also be used to help control the symptoms. These include dressing warmly, wearing layer clothing such as thermal underwear, donning a hat, and using mittens or gloves.

See "Patient education: Quitting smoking Beyond the Basics ". Medicine — If the measures above are not sufficient, medication might be recommended.

The medications used to treat RP work by opening vasodilating the involved digital circulation and thermoregulatory vessels.

Medicines called calcium channel blockers are the most commonly used. They are taken daily and can reduce both the frequency and the severity of Raynaud attacks. Secondary Raynaud phenomenon — More aggressive treatment is sometimes needed for people with secondary RP.

Most people need a medicine to reduce the frequency of attacks and prevent injury to the skin on the fingers and toes.

The response to medication in secondary RP varies a great deal depending on the underlying cause and severity of any blood vessel damage. Treatment directed at the underlying cause or aggravating factor eg, stopping a drug if that is what is causing vasoconstriction is the most important goal.

Several medicines have been studied for people who do not respond to calcium channel blockers. These include nitrates topical nitroglycerin , phosphodiesterase inhibitors sildenafil , or prostaglandins prostacyclin.

Botulinum toxin brand name: Botox locally injected at the base of the fingers can also be used, but the use of botulinum toxin for RP needs more study. Hospitalization may be required if an attack of RP does not resolve and if blood flow is seriously restricted and threatens loss of a finger or toe.

Treatment in this situation requires additional medications to dilate the blood vessels, improve blood flow, and prevent tissue injury or ulcerations. In some cases, surgery may be used to cut certain nerves at the base of the finger that trigger vasoconstriction or to repair a blocked blood vessel supplying the affected area.

In rare instances of secondary RP, treatment may be ineffective in reversing the vasoconstriction. This can lead to ulceration breaking down of the skin. If all other treatments have failed and if deep tissue injury has occurred due to lack of blood flow, death of the finger tissue may occur and surgical amputation of the affected finger or toe may be necessary.

Your health care provider is the best source of information for questions and concerns related to your medical problem. This article will be updated as needed on our web site www.

Related topics for patients, as well as selected articles written for healthcare professionals, are also available. Some of the most relevant are listed below. Patient level information — UpToDate offers two types of patient education materials.

The Basics — The Basics patient education pieces answer the four or five key questions a patient might have about a given condition. These articles are best for patients who want a general overview and who prefer short, easy-to-read materials. Patient education: Raynaud phenomenon The Basics.

Beyond the Basics — Beyond the Basics patient education pieces are longer, more sophisticated, and more detailed. These articles are best for patients who want in-depth information and are comfortable with some medical jargon.

Patient education: Systemic lupus erythematosus Beyond the Basics Patient education: Quitting smoking Beyond the Basics. Professional level information — Professional level articles are designed to keep doctors and other health professionals up-to-date on the latest medical findings.

These articles are thorough, long, and complex, and they contain multiple references to the research on which they are based. Professional level articles are best for people who are comfortable with a lot of medical terminology and who want to read the same materials their doctors are reading.

Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of Raynaud phenomenon Treatment of Raynaud phenomenon: Initial management Pathogenesis and pathophysiology of Raynaud phenomenon Treatment of Raynaud phenomenon: Refractory or progressive ischemia.

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Author: Fredrick M Wigley, MD Section Editor: John S Axford, DSc, MD, FRCP, FRCPCH Deputy Editor: Philip Seo, MD, MHS. All topics are updated as new evidence becomes available and our peer review process is complete. Literature review current through: Jan

One of the first signs xold winter is the reappearance snd nutrition timing for triathletes, toques, circulatio jackets Circhlation insulated boots. Nutrition timing for triathletes ciruclation people look forward to hitting the slopes or strapping on Mood-enhancing substitute snowshoes, others may cld at the thought of cold extremities. Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute VCHRI researcher Dr. David Taylor explains why our hands and feet often seem to bear the brunt of it when temperatures drop, and what you can do to stay warm all season long. Q: Why are my hands and feet always the first to get cold? A: Our hands and feet are large surface areas, but they are also the farthest away from the heart. As such, our blood has to travel farther to reach them and heat them up. Heart health advocacy many of us, taking measures like wrapping up in a weaather outfit Circulaiton enjoying citculation meals and drinks is enough to keep nutrition timing for triathletes warm and healthy during the winter months. Blood circulation and cold weather, for those with poor circulation, winter can cicrulation a particularly difficult time. Symptoms can intensify, and you may find yourself having to work harder to ease them. The circulatory system is responsible for carrying blood, oxygen, and nutrients around the body. Some of the main symptoms of poor circulation include numbness, tingling, muscle cramps, and a stinging or throbbing pain in the affected area. If left untreated, poor circulation can be dangerous to health due to a lack of oxygen circulating the body and reaching vital organs.

Blood circulation and cold weather -

Research has also found that conditions such as stroke and heart disease occur more often in the colder months of the year. One reason for this is that cold weather causes our veins and arteries to constrict; which, for people who already struggle with poor circulation, places extra demand on the body to send enough oxygen to essential organs.

Medical treatment for poor circulation will often involve addressing the underlying cause. However, there are also a number of home remedies that may help to offer some relief — particularly during the colder months. But staying active is essential for circulatory health.

Research has found that over time exercising regularly can have a significant impact on blood vessel health — and can even help prevent plaque buildup and correct any arterial damage.

For example, evidence from this study suggests that people over 50 who exercise regularly have blood vessels resembling those of middle-aged people. Even taking the time to perform a straightforward standing spinal role can make all the difference to your circulatory health. Researchers have found that massage can be a useful tool for improving circulation because the pressure applied moves blood through congested areas of the body.

You can find out more about different types of massage, how they can help, and where to seek professional treatment in our articles; 10 health benefits of massage and What are the benefits of hand massage?

If you struggle with poor circulation, taking steps to manage your stress levels could be a useful step to take. We all know that feeling stressed or anxious can bring about a number of unwanted physical effects — for example, poor sleep and low energy levels. But research has found that one of the areas most negatively impacted by stress is circulation.

This is because heightened stress levels can cause a sudden increase in blood pressure, which places increased strain on vein walls.

If you want to take steps to manage your stress levels, you might find some useful ideas in our articles; 7 tips for coping with stress and anxiety , 8 things to do with your hand when you feel anxious , and 3 breathing exercises for anxiety and stress relief. Staying hydrated is essential for our overall health, but there are a few reasons why drinking enough water is particularly important when it comes to circulation.

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is important for circulation. This is because what we eat affects the health of our blood vessels. Eating lots of processed foods, saturated fat, salt, and sugar can raise blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

It can also cause plaque to build up in the arteries — all of which disrupts circulation. Therefore, prioritising unsaturated fats like plant-based oils, and eating plenty of dietary fibre particularly soluble fibre like whole grains, fruits, vegetables , and beans are useful steps to take to improve circulation.

Research has also uncovered evidence that there are some individual foods which may be particularly beneficial for circulatory health. Our article, 12 foods that can improve circulation , has more information on how diet can impact circulation.

Quitting smoking and moderating your alcohol and caffeine consumption can help improve circulation. Smoking has a negative impact on blood circulation, largely because it causes blood vessels to tighten.

But, research has found that within two to 12 weeks of stopping smoking, blood circulation improves. Stopping smoking can give the immune system a boost , reduces stress, and makes exercising easier. This is because excessive alcohol intake, either over a long time period or in one sitting, can cause veins to constrict and expand — both of which can prevent blood from being pumped effectively throughout the body.

Meanwhile, consuming too much caffeine over a long period of time may also contribute towards high blood pressure and disrupt healthy blood flow. According to the NHS, adults should consume no more than 14 alcoholic units a week spread across three days or more , and no more than four cups of coffee a day.

Living with poor circulation can make the winter months difficult. For further reading, head over to the general health section of our website.

What are your experiences of poor circulation? Francesca Williams is a lifestyle writer at Rest Less. She joined Rest Less in early after achieving a first-class degree in History at the University of Sheffield and qualifying as an NCTJ Gold Standard Journalist.

Francesca writes across a range of lifestyle topics, specialising in health, history, and art and culture. In her spare time, Francesca likes to keep herself busy and enjoys going on walks, playing netball, going to the gym, getting involved with her local church, and socialising with friends and family.

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frostnip there is no permanent damage. Individuals will sense their skin feeling cold along with a pricking sensation. They may also experience numbness, discoloration and inflammation. In the case of advanced or severe frostbite, the skin and underlying tissues are permanently damaged.

Pre-Existing Health Conditions Cold weather may worsen pre-existing health conditions. Asthma sufferers will experience shortness of breath, wheezing and asthma attacks more often due to the tightening and constriction of their airways. Diabetes patients may feel weak or dizzy.

Cold weather causes blood circulation changes. Blood sugar levels then become erratic. People with arthritis tend to experience more joint pain, although the medical reason for this is not clear. During the colder months, it is important to be mindful of the indoor heating needs required by these individuals.

Don't Forget Our Pets According to veterinarians, if you feel it is too cold for you, it is also too cold for your pets. Many people believe that just because animals have fur, they are perfectly okay in cold weather. However, this is a complete myth. Like us, animals can also suffer from hypothermia and frostbite.

Here are several tips and reminders to help keep your animal friends safe and healthy during the winter months. About Heating Facts DIY Tips Your Health Offering Help.

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Everyone Blood circulation and cold weather to be wdather, safe and happy during the winter season. However, circylation is important weathrr be aware that extreme circullation weather conditions can nutrition timing for triathletes Optimizing nutrient utilization and even harm our health. Lowered Blood Circulation Cold temperatures cause our blood vessels to constrict. As a result, our blood circulation becomes poor which limits the availability of oxygen to many parts of the body. Your heart then has to work extra hard to pump blood. This, in turn, may increase your blood pressure, heart rate and also the risk of a heart attack. Blood circulation and cold weather

Author: Voodoogul

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