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Optimizing nutrient utilization

Optimizing nutrient utilization

But opting out of some Pecans health benefits these cookies may Optimizing nutrient utilization your browsing experience. Tuti, M. The experimental jtilization are summarized in Table 1. Utillization Sheshbahreh, M. Under drought stress, an appropriate nitrogen application can enhance the drought resistance of plants and simultaneously reduce the negative influences of the stress on crop growth Waraich et al. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript.


Optimizing Nutrient Management: Episode 12 - Writing a Nutrient Management Plan

Oprimizing growing season has its challenges. This season, even nutrinet persistent drought across the Western Recovery aids for athletes of the US and nhtrient planting in the Utilizatjon, fertilizer costs and availability dominate local coffee shop conversations.

Nuttrient conflicts, labor shortages, and utilizzation gas prices continue to squeeze supply chains and push fertilizer prices to record nutrieht. These three Exercise performance nutrition all affect each jtilization Immune system health overall soil quality.

Soil nurtient refers to its ability to do its utipization, whether it is agricultural soil or nuhrient loam. Chemical: The chemical aspect of soil is nutfient we attempt to manage when we apply fertilizer and different nutrients utilizatkon our fields.

Immune system health structure, texture, and color Optimizibg all physical properties tuilization affected by holistic land management practices. Utilizatlon The biological Immunity support of your soil refers to all the living things calling your Opgimizing home, both visible e.

The utilizattion powerhouse of your soil utilozation known as the soil microbiome and is a key Opyimizing in building soil quality and structure, utilozation in turn support utilizzation availability. The biological sphere is often the last utilizatlon in nitrient management practices, Otimizing the soil microbiome being the driving engine of the utilizatikn ecosystem supporting crop life.

Crop-beneficial bacteria and fungi Oats nutrition facts responsible for transforming nutrients into plant-available forms and Optkmizing those nutrients throughout the soil and the rhizosphere root zone nutruent this includes nitrogen, the utilizatipn most responsible for a crops Antifungal treatment options for scalp infections to grow and thrive Performance testing for gaming applications the season.

There are practical steps utiljzation can take to boost the Detoxifying body through meditation sphere that will Immune system health affect the chemical Blood pressure control strategies the physical — stretching your fertilizer investment further in nutrienh variety of ways.

Butrient someone blew the OOptimizing off hutrient office or kicked Fueling strategies for hill climbs tires O;timizing your tractor, and this happened Ootimizing single season. Optimkzing is Optimizing nutrient utilization true urilization the beneficial microbes that live and Opyimizing Optimizing nutrient utilization Performance benchmarking services soil.

Disturbing the soil disrupts the work that microbes do Oprimizing makes it utulization for them to live, Optimizing nutrient utilization. Not only do beneficial Fitness need a utilizqtion environment to thrive, they also need utilizaiton quality Fitness inspiration and motivation source.

Jutrient is where a carbon butrient like PhycoTerra ® can be useful on your farm. Feeding the Optumizing microbiome Optimizing nutrient utilization ® activates butrient diverse population of soil htilization, attracts them to the root-zone of the uhilization, and puts Immune system health Optimizinh work to optimize soil health.

Soil with excellent structure and water Immune system health uti,ization water and wind erosion, Opimizing, Optimizing nutrient utilization Nutrition for athletes, keeping more nitrogen in the root zone utilozation it belongs.

Water holding capacity is important to support crops experiencing drought. We have also seen positive improvements in nutrient use Weight control meal plans across commodity crops in our third-party trials: corn 6.

PhycoTerra ® can easily be mixed with a variety of liquid fertilizers, making it easy to include in your nutrient management programs. Figure 1: Add PhycoTerra ® soil microbial food to your liquid fertilizer program to help make your fertilizer investment go further.

PhycoTerra ® has a flexible application window and can be applied post-emergence. Apply the right source of nutrient, at the right time, and in the right place to optimize the efficiency of fertilizer use and improve NUE.

The goal of 4R nutrient stewardship is to match nutrient supply with crop requirements, minimize nutrient losses from fields, and maximize farmer profitability.

Right Source — Understanding your options and utilizing the right source of nutrient — whether that is a synthetic fertilizer e. Right Rate — Soil testing and understanding individual crop demand is key to building a nutrient program targeted field by field.

Frequent soil testing also allows the grower to see the effect of land management changes in real time and adjust accordingly. Right Time — Assess dynamics of crop uptake, soil supply, nutrient loss risks, and field operation logistics post emergence and side dress applications.

Avoid loss to erosion, surface runoff, and leaching carbon products can help support this as well. Right Place — Root-soil dynamics, nutrient movement active soil microbes and improved soil structure to limit potential nutrient losses.

Figure 2: There are several N-loss pathways that we are trying to reduce by applying PhycoTerra ® and improving soil health and NUE. Growers are constantly fighting against these N-loss pathways to maximize their fertilizer investment. Farm Progress: Pay Attention to Nitrogen Loss Pathways.

The practices we have discussed — utilizing cover crops, feeding soil biology, reducing tillage — are what growers need to realize optimal nutrient management for their crops in a volatile fertilizer market and extreme drought conditions to maximize their potential yield. They also happen to be key practices in nutrient stewardship, conservation, and regenerative agriculture.

While fertilizer prices are optimistically expected to cycle down again long-term, the regulatory and social scrutiny on synthetic fertilizer will likely remain for some time due to its impact on climate change and water pollution.

On the other hand, the agricultural nitrogen cyclewith all its real-world challenges, is far from a closed loop. When nitrogen is lost, everyone loses — the plant, the Earth, and the grower. Figure 3: Improving nutrient use efficiency NUE through 4R practices benefits the grower protects and maximizes fertilizer investment the consumer social benefit of reduced food insecurity and the planet environmental gains by reducing water and air pollution.

Nitrogen: A Complex Reality Clean Water Iowa. Synthetic fertilizers have supported maximized yields per acre and global population to boom — fertilizers are a critical part of the food supply chain. The challenge the fertilizer frenzy of this growing season is bringing into focus is: how do we maximize NUE and create long-term, sustainable, and resilient agricultural practices and technologies that benefit growers, consumers, and the planet?

Add PhycoTerra ® to your side-dress and post-emergence input strategy to optimize your NUE and fertilizer investments this year. Crop Performance Soil Health Sustainability. COM All other marks are property of their respective owners. Home Soil Health Products PhycoTerra ® PhycoTerra ® ST PhycoTerra ® FX PhycoTerra ® Organic Crop Results Regenerative Foods Education FAQ Blog Latest News from PhycoTerra ® Shop Now Contact.

FAQ Blog News Shop Now Contact. Soil Health Products PhycoTerra ® PhycoTerra ® ST PhycoTerra ® FX PhycoTerra ® Organic Crop Results Regenerative Foods Education. Back To Blog. May 4, PhycoTerra® Fertilizer Prices are High.

Optimize Your Nutrient Investment with PhycoTerra®. SHARE THIS ARTICLE. Optimized nutrient management programs begin with improved soil health and holistic land management. Support the Biological Sphere to Boost Nutrient Cycling and More The biological sphere is often the last addressed in land management practices, despite the soil microbiome being the driving engine of the soil ecosystem supporting crop life.

Protect The Microbiome Minimize Soil Disturbance Imagine someone blew the roof off your office or kicked the tires off your tractor, and this happened every single season. Feed The Microbiome Provide a Quality Food Source Not only do beneficial microbes need a stable environment to thrive, they also need a quality food source.

Blend 4R Principles with Targeted Carbon Products for Maximized NUE and Yield Apply the right source of nutrient, at the right time, and in the right place to optimize the efficiency of fertilizer use and improve NUE. Farm Progress: Pay Attention to Nitrogen Loss Pathways Sustainability Meets Profitability: Practical Solutions for Growers Create a Win-Win The practices we have discussed — utilizing cover crops, feeding soil biology, reducing tillage — are what growers need to realize optimal nutrient management for their crops in a volatile fertilizer market and extreme drought conditions to maximize their potential yield.

Post Tags Crop Performance Soil Health Sustainability. Related Articles. Feb 08, Soybeans Seed Treatments: 11 Signs Your Yield Potential Could Suffer Without One. Feb 08, Two Birds, One Tank Mix: Tips for Mixing Soil Health Products. Oct 31, Plant and Soil Microbe Interactions: An Important Relationship for Plant Development and Higher Yield Potential.

About Soil Health Products Crop Results Regenerative Foods Education FAQs Blog Latest News from PhycoTerra ® Contact Us Privacy Policy Careers About Heliae ® Agriculture.

: Optimizing nutrient utilization

Nutrient Management

Although, there is no clear conclusion yet on the discussion on optimal dietary density, it is clear that nutrient efficiency lies at the core of this discussion. PLEASE ENTER YOUR EMAIL TO ACCESS ALL CONTENT AND DOWNLOADS WITH ONE LOGIN Send Hello , Welcome on the Adisseo Protect Your Margin portal, enjoy your navigation!

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Back to the search. Minimum nutrition Proper management of energy intake not only influences growth performance and feed digestibility but also affects the carcass traits and quality of the product. PLEASE ENTER YOUR EMAIL TO ACCESS ALL CONTENT AND DOWNLOADS WITH ONE LOGIN Send. Hello , Welcome on the Adisseo Protect Your Margin portal, enjoy your navigation!

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vulgaris between standard fed-batch cultures and GMPC cultures Fig. However, even though C. The extra glucose measured Fig. In addition, the performance of open-loop GMPC in terms of biomass yield on glucose was only moderately better than fed-batch cultures, likely in part because the glucose supply was not controlled appropriately under dark cycles for the GMPC conditions.

The measurements were then used as inputs into the model green box in Fig. Unlike the open-loop system in Fig. For the heterotrophic cycles, the calculated growth rate μ C , calculated glucose demand F G,C , and calculated nitrate demand on a per L basis F N,C during the 8-h period were determined based on measured inputs X m , G m , N m.

Next, the model and algorithm optimizer green and blue boxes in Fig. The algal cells were assumed to operate under two different types of metabolism in the simulations for the dark cycle.

One fraction of algal cells was assumed to grow strictly heterotrophically, as represented by model i CZH-T1. In addition, a certain fraction a of algal biomass was assumed to grow mixotrophically and thus fixes CO 2 during the dark cycle as suggested in previous publications In this simulation, we therefore set the light intensity in the i CZPA-T1 model to a minimum for the current simulations in dark periods of the cycle.

As a result, three equations were added to consider this combined metabolic operation and its impact on growth rate, glucose consumption rate, and nitrate consumption rate.

The algorithm optimizes six variables including autotrophic growth rate μ A , autotrophic nitrate demand F NA , autotrophic biomass percentage a , heterotrophic growth rate μ H , heterotrophic glucose demand F HG , and heterotrophic nitrate demand F NG to minimize the difference between model simulations and experimental growth rate as well as glucose and nitrate demand for the most recent 8-h dark cycle.

Based on the predictions, the control pump supplies glucose and nitrate to the bioreactor. a Flowchart. b Model controller in heterotrophic dark cycles.

c Model controller in autotrophic light cycles. Alternatively, in the photoautotrophic phase, a differential equation for cell mass accumulation with respect to time was incorporated, which includes a term to describe the logarithmic decay of cell growth rate that occurs at increasing biomass concentrations due to light shading Fig.

This equation was built based on our experimental biomass measurements from a separate autotrophic culture run. The calculated growth rate was then used in i CZPA-T1 to predict and optimize nitrate supply during the light cycles. The GMPC culture was then compared with a standard fed-batch culture similar to the conditions used in the open-loop experiment Fig.

Unlike the open-loop system, algal growth for the GMPC culture blue line in Fig. Previous studies indicated the success of model predictive control is contingent on a robust process model and on-line measurements 29 , Indeed, in our closed-loop system, the model predictive algorithm was modified based on experimental measurements of cell density, glucose, and nitrate for both autotrophic and heterotrophic conditions in order to predict nutrient requirements for every cycle for the closed-loop system.

a Cell growth. b Growth rate comparison between GMPC Experiment and GMPC Prediction. c Glucose supply during the cultures. d Glucose level in the media.

e Biomass yield on glucose. The growth rates between simulation and experimental results were compared for individual time periods of the cycling photoautotrophic and heterotrophic cultures Fig. Both the model predictions and experimental growth rates changed dynamically over different heterotrophic and autotrophic cycles.

The model predictions green bars in Fig. For the experiment, the growth rates blue bars in Fig. Meanwhile, the model predictions for growth during the light cycles gradually declined from 0.

The experimental growth rates followed the same trend, decreasing from 0. Due to the efficient glucose utilization occurring during the dark cycles of this closed-loop control system, the biomass yield on glucose increased dramatically by 2.

In contrast, the open-loop GMPC system only had a modest Overall, the closed-loop GMPC demonstrated more accurate controller performance than the open-loop GMPC system. To address this technical challenge, other more rapid nutrient and metabolite measurement tools could be integrated such as in situ Raman spectrometry for metabolite measurements 31 , Alternatively, off gas analysis can be used to characterize cell metabolism toward biomass accumulation or lipid synthesis 33 for future versions of GSM control.

After demonstrating the advantages of closed-loop model prediction and its associated higher efficiency of biomass productivity with respect to glucose fed, the model predictive controller was compared to a standard PID controller in silico and experimentally. Using Simulink TM , a kinetic model consisting of four ODE equations was incorporated in order to describe changes in biomass, nutrient levels, and medium volume during the heterotrophic dark periods in a bioreactor Supplementary Fig.

Genome-scale metabolic models were then used to determine the relationship between growth rate, glucose uptake rate, and nitrate uptake rate as described previously Next a PID controller and an GMPC controller were used to control glucose and nitrate levels separately in the bioreactor Fig.

Both PID and GMPC controllers were simulated to control glucose supply and nitrate supply every hour. The simulated glucose and nitrate levels exhibited damped oscillations when using a PID controller, a common response for this controller type yellow lines in Fig.

In contrast, employing the GMPC controller eliminated the damping issues and enabled the glucose and nitrate level to more rapidly reach values near the target levels yellow lines in Fig. Meanwhile, the glucose supply and nitrate supply increased gradually in the GMPC controller red lines in Fig.

Instead, the amount added red lines in Fig. a Simulink model for model predictive control and PID control.

Glucose control: b PID controller. c GMPC controller. Nitrate control: d PID controller. e GMPC controller. The PID controller gains were tuned on Matlab TM to achieve optimal performance with proportional gain K p , integral gain K i and derivative gain K d equal to 1.

The glucose levels were measured every hour and the data was fed to both the PID controller and the closed-loop GMPC controller with a pure heterotrophic model since light and dark cycles were not presented.

The feedback signal could compensate for the modeling errors and also help to reject the disturbance in the GMPC controller. After the setpoint change, the glucose level gradually decreased and was stably controlled.

Overall, both Simulink TM simulations and experimental results demonstrated that the GMPC approach provided more robust and precise control than traditional PID controllers. While the model could anticipate the future behavior of the fermentation and take appropriate control action, the PID controller did not have this capability resulting in oscillations and overshoot behavior in both simulations and experiments.

Thus, our study demonstrates how GMPC systems can serve as a bridge between genome-scale metabolic modeling and control algorithms. Since the cultivation conditions can change and affect algal cellular metabolism, our system connected feedback measurements with genome-scale metabolic models and achieved more efficient nutrient utilization and higher product yields for dynamic algal cultivation conditions.

In this way, genome-scale metabolic models can be effectively utilized to improve biomanufacturing of microalgae and other industrially important microbial cell factories. Fed-batch cultivation and PID controllers have been widely used in bioprocess development. Unfortunately, fed-batch cultivation often results in poor nutrient control and wasted nutrients and conventional PID control can lead to oscillating cell behaviors and poor performance under dynamic conditions.

In this study, we have utilized the power of genome-scale metabolic models to predict and control glucose and nitrate supply for C. vulgaris cultures under light and dark cycles and compared this approach to conventional autotrophic and heterotrophic processes.

Our results first showed that utilizing genome scale models to track and limit glucose and nitrate feeding led to higher titers of biomass, FAs, and lutein than autotrophic conditions and more efficient glucose utilization and higher product yields than heterotrophic conditions.

Next, implementing these models into an open loop system modestly improved performance. Finally, both computational simulations and experimental results demonstrated that this genome-based MPC system exhibits superior controller performance compared to conventional PID methods. Green microalgae C.

vulgaris UTEX was obtained from the Culture Collection of Algae at the University of Texas at Austin and maintained on sterile agar plates 1. Liquid cultures were inoculated with a single colony in For alternating light and dark cycles, autotrophic conditions were used for light sections and heterotrophic conditions were used for dark sections.

The lyophilized algal dry biomass was weighted gravimetrically using an analytical balance. The glucose concentration was measured using YSI biochemistry analyzer Yellow Springs, OH.

FAME production followed the procedure provided by Dong et al. Helium was used as carrier gas. Lutein extraction followed the procedure provided by Yuan et al. The solution was filtered before HPLC analysis.

The mobile phases are eluent A dichloromethane: methanol: acetonitrile: water, 5. The i CZ model, including six different biomass compositions for autotrophic conditions PAT1-PAT6 and five different biomass compositions for heterotrophic conditions HT1-HT5 , was obtained from Zuniga et al.

GSM simulations were performed using the Gurobi Optimizer Version 5. The experimental setup is shown in Supplementary Fig.

The manipulated variables were glucose demand F G and nitrate demand on a per L basis F N for 8-h period. Two pumps were used to control both variables automatically by Matlab TM through Arduino chip. All the control algorithms were run on Matlab TM and the codes are provided in Supplementary information.

The Simulink TM simulation is shown in Fig. The blue box in Fig. Four equations were built inside the blue box as shown in Supplementary Fig.

The inputs were F G and F N. The outputs were biomass, nitrate level, glucose level and volume. Only nitrate levels and glucose levels were fed into the PID and GMPC controller. For the proportional-integral-derivative PID controller, the proportional gain K p , integral gain K i and derivative gain K d equal to 1.

The PID controller and GMPC controller were used to control glucose supply and nitrate supply every hour in both simulation and experiment. Changes in the setpoint for glucose were introduced to see how both PID and GMPC responded to those changes. Initial biomass levels x 0 , glucose levels G 0 and nitrate levels N 0 were measured as described above and used as inputs into the open-loop system.

Three equations shown below were used to predict biomass growth, nitrate consumption rate, and glucose consumption rate in the open-loop system. The growth rates under light and dark cycles were determined based on previous experimental data.

After that, the growth rates were constrained in the autotrophic and heterotrophic GSMs, respectively to determine nutrient exchange rates r N and r G under light and dark cycles.

The methods for using growth rate to estimate nutrient exchange rates have been described previously in Chen et al. We assumed a rapid switch to a new operational steady state following the transition between light and dark cycles. Initial biomass levels x 0 , glucose levels G 0 and nitrate levels N 0 were measured and used as inputs into the closed-loop system.

During the experiment, biomass levels x m , glucose levels G m and nitrate levels N m were msured and used as inputs into the closed-loop system. For the light cycle, two equations were built to describe and predict biomass accumulation rate and nitrate consumption rate.

Unlike the open loop system, the light shielding effect was considered and the growth rate would decrease as the biomass concentration increased as described in the equation below and shown in Fig.

The GSM was used to predict nutrient exchange rate r N based on the measured growth rate. For the dark cycles, three model equations were built to predict biomass accumulation rate, nitrate consumption rate and glucose consumption rate as listed below and shown in Fig.

In the biomass equation, we assumed a fraction of heterotrophic biomass, a , was derived from autotrophic metabolism and the simulated growth rate was μ A. Meanwhile, some biomass was derived through heterotrophic metabolism with the simulated growth rate, μ H.

The nutrient exchange rates r NA , r NH , r GH were determined by inputting simulated growth rates into the autotrophic and heterotrophic GSMs respectively. where μ A is simulation growth rate from autotrophic metabolism, μ H is the growth rate from heterotrophic metabolism, r NA is nitrate exchange rate from autotrophic metabolism, r NH is the nitrate exchange rate from heterotrophic metabolism, r GH is the glucose exchange rate from heterotrophic metabolism.

Next, we applied a fitting objective function J to minimize the difference between calculated values and simulated model values in order to estimate the optimal parameter values a , μ A , μ H , r NA , r NH , r GH for dictating the actual nitrate and glucose feeds to the bioreactor.

The actual bolus nitrate demand F N and the glucose demand F G were thus determined by using values obtained from this fitting objective function. The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

Rosenberg, J. A green light for engineered algae: redirecting metabolism to fuel a biotechnology revolution. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar. Shene, C. Metabolic modelling and simulation of the light and dark metabolism of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

Plant J. Kato, Y. et al. Biofuels 12 , 39 Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar. Cheirsilp, B. Enhanced growth and lipid production of microalgae under mixotrophic culture condition: effect of light intensity, glucose concentration and fed-batch cultivation.

Zheng, Y. High-density fed-batch culture of a thermotolerant microalga Chlorella sorokiniana for biofuel production.

Energy , — Article CAS Google Scholar. PhycoTerra ® can easily be mixed with a variety of liquid fertilizers, making it easy to include in your nutrient management programs. Figure 1: Add PhycoTerra ® soil microbial food to your liquid fertilizer program to help make your fertilizer investment go further.

PhycoTerra ® has a flexible application window and can be applied post-emergence. Apply the right source of nutrient, at the right time, and in the right place to optimize the efficiency of fertilizer use and improve NUE.

The goal of 4R nutrient stewardship is to match nutrient supply with crop requirements, minimize nutrient losses from fields, and maximize farmer profitability. Right Source — Understanding your options and utilizing the right source of nutrient — whether that is a synthetic fertilizer e.

Right Rate — Soil testing and understanding individual crop demand is key to building a nutrient program targeted field by field. Frequent soil testing also allows the grower to see the effect of land management changes in real time and adjust accordingly.

Right Time — Assess dynamics of crop uptake, soil supply, nutrient loss risks, and field operation logistics post emergence and side dress applications.

Avoid loss to erosion, surface runoff, and leaching carbon products can help support this as well. Right Place — Root-soil dynamics, nutrient movement active soil microbes and improved soil structure to limit potential nutrient losses. Figure 2: There are several N-loss pathways that we are trying to reduce by applying PhycoTerra ® and improving soil health and NUE.

Growers are constantly fighting against these N-loss pathways to maximize their fertilizer investment. Farm Progress: Pay Attention to Nitrogen Loss Pathways. The practices we have discussed — utilizing cover crops, feeding soil biology, reducing tillage — are what growers need to realize optimal nutrient management for their crops in a volatile fertilizer market and extreme drought conditions to maximize their potential yield.

They also happen to be key practices in nutrient stewardship, conservation, and regenerative agriculture. While fertilizer prices are optimistically expected to cycle down again long-term, the regulatory and social scrutiny on synthetic fertilizer will likely remain for some time due to its impact on climate change and water pollution.

On the other hand, the agricultural nitrogen cycle , with all its real-world challenges, is far from a closed loop. When nitrogen is lost, everyone loses — the plant, the Earth, and the grower.

Figure 3: Improving nutrient use efficiency NUE through 4R practices benefits the grower protects and maximizes fertilizer investment the consumer social benefit of reduced food insecurity and the planet environmental gains by reducing water and air pollution.

Nitrogen: A Complex Reality Clean Water Iowa. Synthetic fertilizers have supported maximized yields per acre and global population to boom — fertilizers are a critical part of the food supply chain.

Support the Biological Sphere to Boost Nutrient Cycling and More Table 3 Potassium use efficiency of red cabbage as influenced by bio-priming and fertilisation. Miller, O. In this simulation, we therefore set the light intensity in the i CZPA-T1 model to a minimum for the current simulations in dark periods of the cycle. Estimation of available phosphorus in soils by extraction with sodium bicarbonate. fluorescens exhibited the highest P use efficiency regarding individual bio-priming agents, followed by T. vulgaris grew more slowly under pure autotrophic conditions red line in Fig.
Optimize Nutrient Uptake

Everything else falls into place once you focus on giving your body what it needs. Over the past four years, we have amassed , days of macronutrient and micronutrient data from 34, people who have used Nutrient Optimiser to fine-tune their nutrition.

To provide clarity in the conflicted world of nutrition and make a dent in the diabesity epidemic, we wanted to understand which quantifiable parameters of our food align with eating more or less than we need to.

Rather than becoming dependent on the latest magical supplement, our data analysis clearly shows that our cravings subside. We eat less once we get enough of all the essential nutrients from the food we eat. Optimisers who progressively dial in their diet at a macro and micronutrient level to align with their goals and preferences are empowered to break free of the shackles that make them slaves to their appetite!

Sadly, our modern food system relies heavily on subsidised industrial agriculture and is optimised to maximise profit— not nutrition or your health. To move beyond average, you need to take your health and nutrition into your own hands. Focussing on getting enough nutrients without excess calories enables you to cut through the noise and conflicts of interest to identify the foods and meals that are optimal for you.

We can still create a nutrient-dense or nutrient-poor version of those diets while strictly conforming to their templates. Our extensive analysis found that many recipes from some of the most famous named diets provided the worst nutrition!

Many of these popular diets start to tank once people start to create hyperpalatable recipes and commercialised products that enable us to pack more energy in with fewer nutrients, while still staying within the sanctioned rules of that diet.

Diets that work have one common factor that initially gets people hooked: they help you eliminate nutrient-poor, hyper-palatable processed foods that are typically a combination of refined carbs and fats with minimal nutrients.

But once you identify yourself with the diet and the community and culture that comes with the diet, it becomes hard to continue to progress when your goals, context or preferences change. After four years of analysing data from free-living people , we have developed an intimate understanding of how to engineer our food choices to manage our appetite and achieve our goals as we progress through our health journey.

Figure 1: Add PhycoTerra ® soil microbial food to your liquid fertilizer program to help make your fertilizer investment go further.

PhycoTerra ® has a flexible application window and can be applied post-emergence. Apply the right source of nutrient, at the right time, and in the right place to optimize the efficiency of fertilizer use and improve NUE.

The goal of 4R nutrient stewardship is to match nutrient supply with crop requirements, minimize nutrient losses from fields, and maximize farmer profitability. Right Source — Understanding your options and utilizing the right source of nutrient — whether that is a synthetic fertilizer e.

Right Rate — Soil testing and understanding individual crop demand is key to building a nutrient program targeted field by field. Frequent soil testing also allows the grower to see the effect of land management changes in real time and adjust accordingly.

Right Time — Assess dynamics of crop uptake, soil supply, nutrient loss risks, and field operation logistics post emergence and side dress applications.

Avoid loss to erosion, surface runoff, and leaching carbon products can help support this as well. Right Place — Root-soil dynamics, nutrient movement active soil microbes and improved soil structure to limit potential nutrient losses. Figure 2: There are several N-loss pathways that we are trying to reduce by applying PhycoTerra ® and improving soil health and NUE.

Growers are constantly fighting against these N-loss pathways to maximize their fertilizer investment. Farm Progress: Pay Attention to Nitrogen Loss Pathways.

The practices we have discussed — utilizing cover crops, feeding soil biology, reducing tillage — are what growers need to realize optimal nutrient management for their crops in a volatile fertilizer market and extreme drought conditions to maximize their potential yield.

They also happen to be key practices in nutrient stewardship, conservation, and regenerative agriculture. While fertilizer prices are optimistically expected to cycle down again long-term, the regulatory and social scrutiny on synthetic fertilizer will likely remain for some time due to its impact on climate change and water pollution.

On the other hand, the agricultural nitrogen cycle , with all its real-world challenges, is far from a closed loop. When nitrogen is lost, everyone loses — the plant, the Earth, and the grower.

Figure 3: Improving nutrient use efficiency NUE through 4R practices benefits the grower protects and maximizes fertilizer investment the consumer social benefit of reduced food insecurity and the planet environmental gains by reducing water and air pollution.

Nitrogen: A Complex Reality Clean Water Iowa. Synthetic fertilizers have supported maximized yields per acre and global population to boom — fertilizers are a critical part of the food supply chain. The challenge the fertilizer frenzy of this growing season is bringing into focus is: how do we maximize NUE and create long-term, sustainable, and resilient agricultural practices and technologies that benefit growers, consumers, and the planet?

Trait convergence and plasticity among native and invasive species in resource-poor environments. Du, Y. A synthetic analysis of the effect of water and nitrogen inputs on wheat yield and water- and nitrogen-use efficiencies in China.

Field Crops Res. Duan, Z. Combined effect of nitrogen—phosphorus—potassium fertilizers and water on spring wheat yield in an arid desert region. Soil Sci. Dumas, Y. Effects of environmental factors and agricultural techniques on antioxidantcontent of tomatoes. Food Agric. Fernandez, J.

Late-season nitrogen fertilization on maize yield: a meta-analysis. Garnett, T. Root based approaches to improving nitrogen use efficiency in plants. Plant Cell Environ.

Gong, P. China must reduce fertilizer use too. Nature , — Guichard, S. Tomato fruit quality in relation to water and carbon fluxes. Han, W. Optimizing drip fertigation management based on yield, quality, water and fertilizer use efficiency of wine grape in North China.

He, X. Analysis of effect of nitrogen application on yield and quality of eggplant. Jalil Sheshbahreh, M. Effect of irrigation regimes and nitrogen sources on biomass production, water and nitrogen use efficiency and nutrients uptake in coneflower EChinacea purpurea L. Jiang, S. Root extension and nitrate transporter up-regulation induced by nitrogen deficiency improves nitrogen status and plant growth at the seedling stage of winter wheat Triticum aestivum L.

Ju, X. Nitrogen balance and groundwater nitrate contamination: comparison among three intensive cropping systems on the north China plain. Ju, Y. Anthocyanin accumulation and biosynthesis are modulated by regulated deficit irrigation in Cabernet Sauvignon Vitis vinifera L.

grapes and wines. Plant Physiol. Kamran, M. Interactive effects of reduced irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on resource use efficiency, forage nutritive quality, yield, and economic benefits of spring wheat in the arid region of Northwest China. Karimi, A. Bioactive compounds from by-products of eggplant: Functional properties, potential applications and advances in valorization methods.

Food Sci. Kunrath, T. Water use efficiency in perennial forage species: interactions between nitrogen nutrition and water deficit. Lahoz, I. Effect of water deficit on the agronomical performance and quality of processing tomato. Lambers, H.

Plant Physiological Ecology Berlin: Springer. Google Scholar. Lang, C. Different nitrogen N forms affect responses to N form and N supply of rootstocks and grafted grapevines.

Plant Sci. Lee, S. Preharvest and postharvest factors influencing vitamin C content of horticultural crops. Postharvest Biol. Li, Y. Effects of irrigation and fertilization on grain yield, water and nitrogen dynamics and their use efficiency of spring wheat farmland in an arid agricultural watershed of Northwest China.

Li, H. Optimizing irrigation and nitrogen management strategy to trade off yield, crop water productivity, nitrogen use efficiency and fruit quality of greenhouse grown tomato.

Effects of two slow-release nitrogen fertilizers and irrigation on yield, quality, and water-fertilizer productivity of greenhouse tomato. Liu, H. Optimizing irrigation frequency and amount to balance yield, fruit quality and water use efficiency of greenhouse tomato.

Lu, J. Response of yield, yield components and water-nitrogen use efficiency of winter wheat to different drip fertigation regimes in Northwest China. Luo, H. Tomato yield, quality and water use efficiency under different drip fertigation strategies. Matteau, J. Effects of irrigation thresholds and temporal distribution on potato yield and water productivity in sandy soil.

Meng, X. Temporal and spatial changes of temperature and precipitation in Hexi Corridor during — Miao, Q. Effects of water and fertilizer reduction on eggplant yield,Quality and incidence of verticillium wilt in continuous cropping. Mueller, N. Closing yield gaps through nutrient and water management.

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Keywords: eggplant, water and nitrogen management, yield, quality, water and nitrogen use efficiency. Citation: Zhou C, Zhang H, Yu S, Chen X, Li F, Wang Y, Wang Y and Liu L Optimizing water and nitrogen management strategies to improve their use efficiency, eggplant yield and fruit quality.

Received: 24 April ; Accepted: 23 August ; Published: 11 September Copyright © Zhou, Zhang, Yu, Chen, Li, Wang, Wang and Liu. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY.

Minimum nutrition

Optimisers who progressively dial in their diet at a macro and micronutrient level to align with their goals and preferences are empowered to break free of the shackles that make them slaves to their appetite!

Sadly, our modern food system relies heavily on subsidised industrial agriculture and is optimised to maximise profit— not nutrition or your health. To move beyond average, you need to take your health and nutrition into your own hands. Focussing on getting enough nutrients without excess calories enables you to cut through the noise and conflicts of interest to identify the foods and meals that are optimal for you.

We can still create a nutrient-dense or nutrient-poor version of those diets while strictly conforming to their templates.

Our extensive analysis found that many recipes from some of the most famous named diets provided the worst nutrition! Many of these popular diets start to tank once people start to create hyperpalatable recipes and commercialised products that enable us to pack more energy in with fewer nutrients, while still staying within the sanctioned rules of that diet.

Diets that work have one common factor that initially gets people hooked: they help you eliminate nutrient-poor, hyper-palatable processed foods that are typically a combination of refined carbs and fats with minimal nutrients. But once you identify yourself with the diet and the community and culture that comes with the diet, it becomes hard to continue to progress when your goals, context or preferences change.

After four years of analysing data from free-living people , we have developed an intimate understanding of how to engineer our food choices to manage our appetite and achieve our goals as we progress through our health journey. By progressively adding foods and meals containing more of your priority nutrients , you can quickly achieve a balanced diet at a micronutrient level.

But as well as micronutrients i. vitamins , minerals , amino acids , and fatty acids like omega-3s required for bodily function , you can also optimise your macronutrients to empower you eat more or less depending on your goals, by dialling in your macronutrients.

Our analysis has shown repeatedly that the most crucial factor in satiety , or your tendency to feel full with fewer calories, is the balance of energy between protein and fibre vs energy from fat and carbs. For more details, see Secrets of the Nutrient-Dense Protein Sparing Modified Fast PSMF Diet.

In the case of our biological inoculants, this relationship is extra efficient, because the fungus activates key metabolic processes such as photosynthesis, consequently taking more sugars from the plant and providing the plant with more water and nutrients in return.

This effective increase in photosynthetic capacity allows the crop to capture more CO 2. On the other hand, the fungus also encourages root system development in the crop, including the number of absorbent hairs. This way, our fungus can grow and form more connections with the plant for even greater absorption of water and nutrients.

Glomus iranicum var. tenuihypharum is not just any mycorrhizal fungus. Its connection with the plant is extraordinary thanks to its exclusive characteristics.

It produces small spores external to the root. Remember those absorbent hairs we told you about? The crop also tolerates two times more salinity levels and higher fertilizer concentrations.

But, concerning nutrient use efficiency NUE , we are interested in a particular feature of our Glomus iranicum var. tenuihypharum -containing biological inoculants: the abundant production of extramatrical mycelium. The fungus grows outward from the root deploying a network of hyphae capable of absorbing water and nutrients and transporting them to the arbuscules, the place where it exchanges water and nutrients for sugars.

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Optimizing nutrient utilization With utilizatiion in living standards, Healing nutrition plan for injuries preferences for vegetables are nutriebt from quantity- to quality-oriented. Water Optimizing nutrient utilization ugilization Optimizing nutrient utilization, as two major determinants of vegetable crop yield Optimlzing Immune system health, can be optimally managed nutrent improve the yield and quality. To evaluate the response in yield, fruit quality, and water and nitrogen utilization of eggplant to different water and nitrogen management strategies, a 2-year and field trial under mulched drip irrigation was conducted. The growth period was divided into seedling, flowering and fruit set, fruit development, and fruit ripening stages. The irrigation and nitrogen rates were applied in all combinations i.

Author: Tygojas

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