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Periodized eating for busy professionals

Periodized eating for busy professionals

Practitioners fir also profesdionals for meals at Intense core strengthening exercises and during air travel eting their Cooking classes and workshops. J Sport Rehabil. Periodized eating for busy professionals DR. Some of Periodizev amino acids that are liberated when protein is degraded are lost in urine, sweat, and other body fluids. Home Excerpt What is periodized nutrition? Miller BF, Olesen JL, Hansen M, Døssing S, Crameri RM, Welling RJ, et al. Bei B, Manber R, Allen NB, Trinder J, Wiley JF.

Periodized eating for busy professionals -

Building new tissue is termed anabolism. Constructing new muscle with an amino acid surplus in an example of an anabolic process. Proteins also compose a huge percentage of connective tissues such as tendons, ligaments, and bones.

Under-eating protein not only shrinks the muscles that drive performance, it can reduce the amount of hemoglobin the unit that helps blood carry oxygen to the muscles that supports endurance, weaken joints and bones, and degrade functions supporting health——the base upon which performance is built.

Research on performance and body composition shows that although variations in fat and carb intake significantly impact outcomes, variation in protein availability does so to a much greater extent. Figure 4. Minimum, Maximum, and Recommended Daily Protein Intake We have two means of establishing maximum protein intake.

The first is to ask whether some amount of dietary protein can be toxic. Proteins need to be broken down into the constituent molecules, and many of the byproducts are processed by the kidneys. Though an important consideration, both theoretical supposition what volumes of protein breakdown would be required to overtax the kidneys and direct evidence from carefully controlled research, point to the same conclusion: There appears to be no realistic protein amount that is dangerous for human consumption this of course excludes individuals with kidney disease or other conditions requiring restricted protein intake.

Recent research tested outcomes of up to 2. This amount is probably more than most people would realistically eat on any diet that accounted for macronutrients anyway, so not the most useful figure in determining protein maxima.

The second means of establishing a top end for protein intake comes from caloric constraint and the need for minimum intake of other macronutrients.

It is from the CCH that a more applicable maximum protein amount comes. It would be great if we could recommend one minimum protein intake amount that would fit all dietary needs. Unfortunately, the minimum protein to support health differs from the minimum amount of protein needed to gain muscle and so on.

In order to calculate the appropriate range, assessing protein minima for various purposes health and various specific sports is required: Protein Needs for General Health The minimum amount of daily protein needed for health is about 0.

Current research cannot agree on a specific value of protein intake for best health. Some studies have suggested that better health comes from a lower protein diet, but these conclusions were probably not the best interpretation of the data.

When variables such as saturated fat intake or overly processed food consumption are accounted for in literature reviews, it appears that individuals who eat mostly whole food diets that include high protein are just as healthy as their low protein counterparts and likely have better physiques.

It does seem that the consumption of a minimum of 0. On the other hand, higher protein intakes support greater muscle masses, which can potentiate higher activity levels, greater resistance to injury, and better long-term health.

Eating more protein has also been shown to enhance satiety the feeling of fullness for longer than carbs or fats in calorically equivalent amounts. Obesity has negative health effects that can lead to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other comorbidities that can be prevented or ameliorated by weight loss.

Raising protein intake may therefore make dieting easier and enhance weight loss in obese individuals, indirectly improving health.

Increased protein consumption can also increase lean body mass in old age which is positively correlated with longevity, the ability to exercise later in life, and resistance to injury in older age——all relevant to long term health. These indirect benefits are extremely valuable and should be taken into consideration in the big picture of health choices.

Even if one can get by acutely on lower protein diets, long term health is likely benefited by the daily consumption of more than 0. At this time the data suggest a range of between 0. Athletes should likely lean towards a range of 0. The processes of sport training and competition also tear down muscle via exertion and contact damage, so this larger muscle mass requires more maintenance as well.

Even for aesthetic-based body composition goals, additional muscle mass and training are required for a firm, athletic look. Most people can survive on the above recommended 0. Below we will discuss the various ranges of protein needs for different types of sports and dietary circumstances.

Protein Needs for Endurance Sport Optimal protein intakes for endurance athletes is likely around 0. Although endurance sports such as marathon and triathlon do not require large muscle masses, the extremely high volume and heavy energy demands of these sports often exceeds immediate availability of carbohydrate and fat stores.

Protein must be burned for some fraction of training energy, and these fractions can add up over time, requiring a larger protein intake to keep muscle mass in equilibrium.

Because such voluminous training stresses muscle fibers often and for long durations, protein turnover rates are elevated, which means even more protein must be eaten to compensate. The CCH is a prominent player in protein intake determination for endurance athletes because they rely on relatively high intakes of carbohydrates to enhance their training and recovery.

The minimum protein intake for endurance athletes around 0. Higher protein intake during other periods of lower training volume and lower carbohydrate intake is likely beneficial for muscle maintenance.

The CCH caps maximum protein intakes for endurance athletes at around 1g per pound of body weight per day to allow for adequate carbohydrate intake to support training.

Our best recommendation for endurance athletes is to average around 0. This provides additional protein to deal with energy needs and wear and tear without taking too much of the daily caloric allotment away from critical carbohydrates. Protein Needs for Team Sports The daily protein needs per pound of body weight per day for team sport athletes is likely around 0.

In team sports like soccer, basketball, or rugby high energy use in practice and competition increases need for protein to prevent net muscle loss. In contrast to endurance sports, most team sports require greater muscularity for optimal performance and have a lower total demand for energy.

Since the carbohydrate needs of team sport athletes are much lower than endurance sport athletes and the benefit from added protein is higher, their optimal protein range is higher than that of endurance athletes. Protein Needs for Strength and Power Sports Strength and power sport athletes need around 1.

Strength and power sports include weightlifting, powerlifting, fitness sport, American football, short-distance sprinting, jumping events, throwing events, and strongman and have a considerably different set of protein constraints and demands than other sports.

Athletes in these sports require substantially more muscle mass for performance and more frequent weight training. Strength and power athlete protein intakes have been well researched, and the minimum recommendation is 0.

This minimum is an amount of protein that can nearly guarantee no muscle loss from regular hard training on an isocaloric diet and can provide a reasonable amount of anabolic substrate. Depending on their training phase, strength-power athletes can consume up to around 2.

A recommendation optimal for strength and power athletes is likely around 0. Rounding up to 1g per pound per day can make calculations a bit easier and is well under the maximum protein intake and so probably poses no risk to reducing other macronutrients to minimum levels via the CCH. Protein Needs on a Hypocaloric Diet The rate of catabolism is higher under hypocaloric conditions, so protein needs are elevated.

A minimum of around 0. On longer and stricter fat loss diets, an argument for a higher minimum protein intake can be made as the propensity for muscle loss increases across longer term, more aggressive hypocaloric phases. In most cases, 1g of protein per pound of body weight per day is optimal to prevent catabolism on a hypocaloric diet while leaving enough room for carbohydrates.

However, because protein is so effective at reducing hunger overall, diet outcomes might be improved with slightly increased protein intake.

Research on lean, drug free bodybuilders shows the potential for added anti-catabolic benefits up to around 1. Though the effect is likely small, protein is also very filling and can help with adherence, so increases can indirectly benefit fat loss diets. On the other hand, too much protein intake can eat into calories allotted for carbohydrates which have an anti-catabolic effect and fuel high volume, high intensity training which helps prevent muscle loss.

To prevent an excessive CCH-derived reduction in carbohydrates, hypocaloric diets should generally cap their protein intakes at a maximum of around 1. Anything higher will start requiring such big carb reductions that training volume and intensity may suffer and risk of muscle loss will increase.

Our recommendation for hypocaloric protein intake is a baseline of 1g per pound of body weight per day, with potential increases up to around 1. Protein Needs on a Hypercaloric Diet Hypercaloric diet conditions reduce anti-catabolic based protein needs. This effect is so powerful that the protein minimum for anabolism on a hypercaloric diet is actually a bit lower than the hypocaloric diet minimum, and sits right around 0.

While this amount of protein might be sufficient, it is unlikely that optimal gains in muscle mass will be obtained. Carbohydrates are so valuable for muscle gain that the recommendation for maximum protein on a hypercaloric diet should likely be capped at around 1.

Data has consistently shown that consumption above about 0. Since carbs do not have quite as low a cap for their anabolic effects, any extra protein consumed is going to risk pushing out carbs within the constraint of calories, and thus net anabolism could suffer.

Our recommendation for optimal muscle growth is therefore around 1. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are large molecules that come in several main categories: Monosaccharides Single-molecule carbohydrates.

These include glucose, fructose, and galactose. Disaccharides Two-molecule combinations of monosaccharides used to form a single large molecule. These include sucrose a glucose and a fructose bonded , lactose a glucose and a galactose bonded , and maltose two glucoses bonded.

Polysaccharides Longer strings of monosaccharides chained together. These include starch a digestible form of many glucoses linked together , cellulose or fiber which is mostly indigestible by humans and made up of glucose molecules , and glycogen an irregular matrix of connected glucose molecules which is the most common form for carbohydrate stored in muscle tissue and the liver.

Liver glycogen can be broken down to release glucose into the blood when blood glucose levels fall too low. When skeletal muscles are working at higher intensities of effort anything as hard as a jog or harder , they rely heavily on this stored glycogen to provide the energy to power contractions.

Energy-needy cells get first priority for incoming glucose. Not until most cells are energy-satiated will carb consumption result in increased blood glucose. Once blood glucose is at an appropriate level, liver glycogen synthesis becomes priority.

Only when all of the above carbohydrate needs are attended to will muscle glycogen start to be synthesized in any meaningful amount.

It was previously thought that simple carbs digested quickly, tasted sweet, were more addicting, and were worse for health while complex carbs were opposite in every respect. Unfortunately, this model for carbohydrates was fundamentally flawed.

For example, fructose is a simple carbohydrate, but is incredibly slow digesting. In contrast, starch is a complex carbohydrate that, in its pure form, digests and is absorbed even faster than glucose. Furthermore, simple carbs are no more addicting than starches. When consumed appropriately, simple sugars are no worse for health than starches and can have some distinct timing related benefits for training.

As you may have already inferred, the primary role of carbs in the human diet is for use as an energy source. Proteins are mainly used as building blocks for tissue and only used for energy on occasion when carbohydrates and fats are lacking.

Carbohydrates are the raw materials for energy metabolism and are used only in limited forms as structural components. As energy substrates, carbohydrates have no equal——they easily and rapidly provide energy, especially for high-volume users like nervous system cells and muscle cells.

Minimum, Maximum, and Recommended Daily Carbohydrate Intake Glucose can be obtained from other macronutrients, albeit less efficiently.

The human body does not actually need any carbohydrates from the diet for basic survival and health. So the minimum carbohydrate intake could be set at zero. The most abundant sources of needed vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and fiber, however, are vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, all of which contain carbs.

While most of these micronutrients can be supplemented, many are absorbed more efficiently when consumed via whole foods, so eliminating carbs entirely presents some risk to health. How much plant-based food must be consumed to meet micronutrient needs for health depends on which foods are consumed.

If a high diversity of colorful veggies and fruits are eaten regularly, the micronutrients they contain will satisfy health requirements with relatively low carb intakes. On the other hand, if more processed grains are the primary source, a considerably higher amount of carb-rich food must be eaten to ensure adequate micronutrient intake.

The ceiling for carbohydrate intake is best set by using CCH to dictate carb amounts once protein and fat at are their respective minima.

Within this constraint, there is no notable downside to very high carb consumption. These recommendations are fairly vague, so we will outline some specifics for carb intake below.

Carbohydrate Needs for Health In our estimate, if the predominant carb sources in the diet are vegetables and fruit, a minimum of around 0. Though currently popular, ketogenic diets are not ideally healthy. Many of the conclusions regarding the benefits of ketogenic diets have been determined in studies using obese subjects, for whom any means of weight loss leads to improved health.

Better studies are needed in healthy but sedentary individuals for a full assessment of the benefits and downsides to low-carb eating. This is different for people who eat a ketogenic diet for medical reasons, a topic that is being widely researched.

Direct study of the subject and decades of research on individuals who eat vegan or otherwise highly plant-based diets have shown that relatively high carb consumption has no negative health effects on its own.

Remember, though, that we are viewing all of these statements through the lens of the CCH. If you are eating so many carbs that you begin to violate your calorie needs and gain excessive fat, negative health effects will almost certainly follow. On the other hand, if you displace too much fat and protein with carb calories, you will also likely suffer negative health effects.

Within these CCH-based constraints, even the maximum amount of carbohydrate consumption in no way interferes with health. The important exceptions to this rule are of course individuals who have conditions related to blood sugar regulation, such as diabetics, individuals with thyroid issues or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome PCOS , and many people with chronic digestive illnesses and other metabolic disorders.

For any diet change they wish to make, a consultation with their medical doctor or clinical nutritionist registered dietician in the United States is essential. Because vegetable, fruit, and whole grain consumption is so supportive of optimal health, we do not recommend carbohydrate intakes of much less than 0.

This minimum can be dropped to 0. Remember that these relatively low needs for health are not adequately supportive of sport performance or muscle retention and that carb levels must be increased for best fitness outcomes.

Carbohydrates in Performance and Body Composition Enhancement The nervous system relies heavily on glucose; so much so that large rapid drops in blood glucose can cause failures in brain function and even death.

Normal blood glucose levels sustain mental acuity, force production, and fatigue prevention. Brain cells are well fed and very responsive when glucose is readily available in the blood. This means that reaction times are quicker, decision making is sharper, and motivation is higher.

When blood glucose is too low, nervous system operation can falter leading to fewer motor units parts of a muscle all connected to one nerve contributing to a muscle contraction. This in turn leads to lower contractile force and less strength, speed, power, and endurance.

Tough competitions lead to mental and physical fatigue naturally, but low blood sugar hastens this fatigue. Maintaining blood glucose levels through carbohydrate consumption during sport training or competition can therefore delay the onset of fatigue. Glucose is also the preferred fuel for high intensity or voluminous physical exertion.

Nearly all sports require high levels of force exertion. While many sports are characterized in part by lower intensity exertions, it is often the magnitude of the high intensity components determine positive performance.

This is particularly true for any style of weight training. There is an argument that singles sets of 1 repetition do not require much carbohydrate, and this is true at the acute level.

Singles and doubles rely on stored ATP and creatine phosphate for energy. These contractions are still initiated by the nervous system, and thus dietary carbohydrate still benefits them even if high glycogen stores specifically do not.

In addition, the recovery of ATP and creatine phosphate stores after each set relies on carbohydrate. In any case, repeated sets and any repetitions over 3 get a significant proportion of their energy needs via glycogen so almost all weight training styles, in addition to almost all sports, rely on carbohydrate for maximum performance.

Consuming carbohydrates is an extremely powerful means of preventing muscle loss. Carbs provide an energy source that prevents the breakdown of tissue for fuel.

In addition, anabolism is achieved via both glycogen- and insulin-mediated pathways, both of which are directly affected by carb intake. Elevations in blood glucose resulting from carbohydrate consumption lead to the secretion of insulin, a highly anabolic hormone.

Like many other hormones be it testosterone, growth hormone, estrogen, etc. If insulin is high post-workout for an hour but very low during the rest of the day, the total exposure of the muscles to insulin is relatively insignificant. If insulin is instead elevated for a large portion of each day, its anabolic and anti-catabolic signaling effects can add up to make substantial differences in muscularity over the long months term.

While protein elevates insulin to some extent, fat does not elevate insulin much or at all. Carbohydrate consumption on the other hand has a predictable, consistent effect on blood insulin levels.

If elevating insulin for muscle growth is the goal, then eating carbs is the easiest and most effective path. Glycogen-mediated anabolism is perhaps even more important to muscle gain and retention.

Eating carbs allows you to train harder, which grows more muscle and diverts more calories toward muscle repair and upkeep. When this is done on a hypocaloric diet, it has the potential to cancel the catabolism stimulated by insufficient calorie intake. Multiple molecular pathways for these effects have also been elucidated, so both the effect and mechanism have been well studied.

In other words, if you chronically under-eat carbs you will almost certainly gain less muscle on hypercaloric diets and lose more during hypocaloric phases. Carbohydrate Needs for Endurance Sports High levels of performance in conventional endurance training require carbohydrate intake.

Energy production, nervous system demands, and recovery for endurance training is best addressed through carbohydrate consumption. For performance and recovery minimum carbohydrate intake recommendation is around 1. In most cases, 1.

This means that low-carb diets are relative non-starters for endurance sport. Because of the numerous benefits of carbs to endurance training, the lack of downsides of maximal consumption, and the ineffectual result of increasing fat intake past minimum levels, endurance trainers will likely see optimal results by maxing out their carb intake within the CCH.

That being said, anything past about 3. Targeting that value and eating the remaining calories in extra fat and protein is a good approach for an endurance athlete. On days when training volumes are extremely high, a temporary increase can be beneficial.

For example a cyclist doing a 12 hour bike ride or an ultra runner doing a 50 mile race might benefit from 5. Because calorie consumption will be so high on days with such extensive output, increasing carbs this much is unlikely to even violate CCH constraints for an isocaloric diet and will allow better performance and recovery.

Carbohydrate Needs for Team Sports A rough minimum of about 1. Athletes who train on the lower end of this category and lead very sedentary lifestyles outside of sport can make do with less. Others training on the higher end of the potential range who are otherwise more active might need a slightly higher minimum carb intake.

For most team sports, optimal carbohydrate intakes range between 1. Similarly to endurance recommendations, if a particularly grueling event or training day occurs, an acute increase in carbohydrates from the upper limit of this range can improve performance and recovery.

When determining the above ranges, we are referencing the competitive pursuit of sport, not merely recreational involvement. If you participate in sports mostly for recreation and not competition, you can have fewer carbs leaving more room via CCH in your diet and probably make meal planning easier.

Higher carbs for competition come at the cost of fats in diet design. In contrast, for strength, power, and speed work phases, most athletes can meet their minimum needs with about 1.

In the context of the average sport diet and the average western diet, this is quite a low number, but it makes sense for many strength and power sports. While heavily dependent on differences in training volumes and daily activity levels, an average intake of 1.

This baseline intake can be modified from between 1. Carbohydrate Needs on a Hypocaloric Diet Carbs have powerful anti-catabolic properties, so dropping them very low on a fat loss diet can result in muscle loss.

Assuming that a dieter is engaging in hypertrophy training and some form of sport training or cardio to help stave off muscle loss; around 1. Anything below this recommendation would lead to glycogen depletion in most major muscles, chronically low blood glucose levels, decreases in the chemical milieu that supports muscle size, and would hamper high volume and intensity training that also contributes to muscle retention.

Lower intakes can be handled for shorter periods for example on rest days. As glycogen becomes severely depleted, it must be refilled in order to prevent muscle loss. During fat loss diets, the CCH plays a larger and larger role as calories are decreased. With less calories to work with, the options for various macronutrient ratio combinations begin to shrink——all macros might need to be at or near their minima by the end of a hard fat loss diet.

Thus the optimal amount of carbohydrates recommended on a fat loss diet becomes the maximum amount of carbohydrates that fit within the CCH constraint when protein and fats are brought to their minimum.

Carbohydrate Needs on a Hypercaloric Diet A minimum of 1. Anything much lower would reduce insulin secretion and necessitate such a high fat and protein intake that muscle gain would be much more difficult and much less effective. Gaining muscle on lower carb intakes is possible, but less probable.

As we have discussed, the performance and especially glycogen and insulin-mediated potentiation of anabolism that carbs promote lead us to recommend their maximal consumption within CCH for optimal muscle growth on a hypercaloric diet.

Polyunsaturated fats Fatty acids with multiple carbon-carbon double bonds in their fatty acid chain. Trans fats Trans describes the configuration of an unsaturated fat. Essential fats, much like essential amino acids, are fats that are critical to survival and health, but that cannot be made by the body and so must be consumed.

The two types of essential fats in the human diet are Omega-6 and Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Both occur in a wide variety of foods and can also be supplemented. Further, some vitamins cannot be absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract without the presence of fat, so extremely low fat diets also risk vitamin deficiencies.

Hormone dysregulation can also occur when fats are under-eaten as fats supply some of the raw materials for hormone production. The minimum recommendation is around 0. In addition, this minimum value ensures enough fat intake to support sufficient testosterone, estrogen, and prostaglandin production for best body composition and performance outcomes.

As with other nutrients, there is some variance in this value based on the individual; 0. In terms of maximum fat intake, current science suggests that as long as fats are not so high as to violate the CCH for carbs, proteins, and calories, the amounts eaten within these constraints can be considered healthy.

What types of fats and in what ratios they are consumed can alter health and body composition outcomes to be discussed in detail in Chapter 5. It must be noted that some individuals will have slightly better bloodwork at lower or higher fat intake levels.

If health is your number one priority, trying different ranges and assessing your health with a medical professional via bloodwork is likely a good idea. This means that some people might be able to have a diet that meets minimum carb, protein, and micronutrient needs and is relatively high in fat and still be very healthy.

Some prerequisites in quality of food sources would have to be met on such a diet, but it is within the realm of possibility. Unfortunately such a diet is not optimal for performance or body composition changes. Fats in Performance and Body Composition Enhancement The production of testosterone and estrogen relies, in part, on fat intake and both of these hormones are critical to muscle gain, muscle retention, and nearly all performance adaptations.

In addition, fat intake supplies essential fatty acids for the production of physiologically active lipid compounds that play key roles in the regulation of muscle growth and repair, particularly through their mediation of inflammatory processes.

Some have argued for fats as a primary fuel source for athletic performance, most recently ultra-endurance performance. As of this writing, there is very little evidence that fat is a high performance fuel and a wealth of evidence that carbohydrates are the better performance fuel source.

CCH based on sport and recommendations for compliance on particular diet phases do alter these recommendations slightly and these are discussed below. Fat Needs for Endurance Sports, Team Sports, and Strength and Power Sports Due to carbohydrate needs and the CCH constraint, the fat intake recommendation for endurance athletes is very close to the minimum 0.

For team sports and strength and power sports, the recommended range of fat intake is anything between minimum fat intake and CCH maximum, assuming that adequate amounts of proteins and carbs are already being consumed.

The only difference here is that team sport and strength and power athletes, depending on training phases, may have periods when carbohydrate intakes can be dropped to allow room for more fats without any detriment. Fat Needs on a Hypocaloric Diet On one hand, keeping fat intake higher on a hypocaloric diet can mean a higher flexibility in food choices.

This can result in better adherence and thus success. We recommend that calorie reductions be achieved via reductions in fat up their healthful minimums. Fat Needs on a Hypercaloric Diet Maximizing carbohydrate intake on a diet geared towards muscle gain is optimal. Keeping fats at or near minimum to allow more room for carbohydrates is beneficial here, however, in practical terms we know that the caloric surplus in a hypercaloric diet is of greater importance than macronutrient amounts for muscle gain.

Fats have distinct practical advantages that help a dieter get in the needed calories to maintain a surplus. Fats are tasty and easy to add to food, making eating more food easier and more fun. Additionally, fats occupy less space in the stomach, so that eating more calories from fat can make a hypercaloric diet more comfortable.

For beginners and intermediates, we recommend generating a calorie surplus with any of the three macros proteins, fats, or carbs as long as protein and carb requirements are being met.

For individuals who struggle with eating enough food to gain weight, more fats might make gaining easier. For more advanced trainers and those without problems eating, keeping fats close to their minimum values 0.

Keep in mind that running a hypocaloric or hypercaloric diet while training in a specific sport might require trade-offs in performance for diet progress or visa versa and choose the range appropriate to your prioritized goal. Optimal macronutrient amounts might change across training phases in a specific sport.

In this respect, protein is simply more determinative than carbs. After calories, protein should be first priority in most cases. There are some exceptional situations in which carbs are temporarily just as important or more important than protein intake in the diet.

In high-volume endurance training, glycogen and blood glucose are depleted so fully and rapidly that eating enough carbs to counterbalance this is a very uphill battle.

If protein is under-consumed, while the effects will be negative, they will mostly manifest over weeks and months as muscle mass declines.

If insufficient carbs are consumed, there will be an immediate negative effect on training quality and performance.

Fats can be a fuel for very low intensity movements, such as walking or slow jogging, explaining why ketogenic low carb diets have fared better in ultra-endurance sports than they have in most every other sport.

Performances even in these extreme endurance races however still greatly rely on endogenous carbohydrate stores, and benefit from high carbohydrate dietary conditions. Since most sport activity is best powered by carbs, consuming them is more determinative of performance both in training and competition and is thus a priority over fats.

In addition, carbohydrates are a better fuel source for the nervous system, which governs mental aspects of performance in sport. Carbs exert more beneficial effects on the body in abundant quantities than do fats and for that reason are ranked higher in priority within the macros.

Even in amateur sport competition, it is rare to see large differences in performance between athletes on the podium. For competitive athletes and fitness enthusiasts, especially those who are more experienced at training and dieting, meal timing is an important factor for optimizing progress.

This chapter will cover the theoretical aspect of this principle. Practical application will be addressed in Chapter Nutrient timing has six distinct components: Meal number describes the number of meals an individual consumes per day.

If you take a few bites of a sandwich at pm and then take a few more at pm, by sports nutrition standards you have eaten two meals. Choosing appropriate time lengths between meals can depend on digestion time and hourly bodily needs.

That being said, eating six evenly-sized, evenly spaced meals per day is not identical to eating three large and three small evenly spaced meals per day, even though by meal number and spacing they are the same; these differ in the third component, meal size.

Meal macros describe how much of each macronutrient is present in a meal and can differ between meals even when calories are held constant. For example, while two meals might each have calories, one could contain 50g of protein, 25g of carbs and 22g of fat, and the other 25g of protein, 50g of carbs and 22g of fat.

Meal food composition describes the types of foods comprising the calories and macronutrients in each meal. The type of food within the meal can influence digestion rates, absorption rates, the satiety the meal provides, whether the meal causes gastrointestinal distress, and other factors worth consideration.

Even when matched for calories and macronutrients, some food choices may be advantageous at certain times and not others. Thirty grams of protein is the same amount of protein whether it comes from a chicken breast or a whey protein shake, but one can be preferable to the other depending on when it is consumed.

Meal timing around activity is the last of the nutrient timing components, but certainly not the least important. This component refers to structuring meals and macronutrients around training times to best support physique and performance outcomes. Of particular interest are the meals before, during, and immediately following training bouts.

Nutrient Timing Effects Manipulation of the components of nutrient timing has well-studied effects that dictate the recommended optimal nutrient timing structure within diet design which we will outline below.

The various components of nutrient timing are very intertwined, however and manipulation of one often affects the other. We will discuss the components in concert below according to effect, and then summarize the resulting recommendations.

Poor meal timing can also lead to issues with diet adherence, at further detriment to results. Splitting the eating burden into four or five calorie meals is much more sustainable. On the opposite end of the calorie spectrum, hypocaloric diets make people feel hungry.

Outside of risking breaks in adherence cheating on the diet , prolonged hunger can itself add to stress and fatigue levels that impact performance and decrease muscle retention.

There are two kinds of timing extremes that needlessly increase hunger on a fat loss diet. First is the very low frequency approach, in which you spend most of your day starving and then indulge in a few large meals. Pulses of food-mediated pleasure can promote food craving and unhealthy relationships with food that last beyond the diet phase.

Biasing meal size a bit according to intermeal interval can be a good idea if schedules prevent evenly spaced meals Figure 4.

Conveniently, these recommendations fit with protein frequency and proportion recommendations, which we will discuss shortly. In all of these cases, a steady stream of nutrients is delivered across inter-meal periods thanks to appropriate meal sizing.

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Basketball players professiona,s multiple challenges Periodizde in-season recovery. The purpose of this article is to review Periodized eating for busy professionals literature on recovery modalities and professsionals Periodized eating for busy professionals for basketball players and Hypertension and weight management applications that can be incorporated Perildized the season at various levels of competition. Sleep, protein, carbohydrate, and fluids should be the foundational components emphasized throughout the season for home and away games to promote recovery. Travel, whether by air or bus, poses nutritional and sleep challenges, therefore teams should be strategic about packing snacks and fluid options while on the road. Practitioners should also plan for meals at hotels and during air travel for their players. It Cooking classes and workshops now clear that altering the Perodized and Anti-diabetic supplements of food intake can enhance the adaptations that occur in response to training. Cooking classes and workshops fating, purposefully varying the content Body composition assessment device Periodized eating for busy professionals glycogen by changing Cooking classes and workshops intensity and duration of training along professionls the carbohydrate content of the diet professionald the use lrofessionals non-use of carbohydrate during training can enhance metabolic signals inside muscle cells and thereby improve adaptations to training. Less clear is whether these strategies consistently improve performance. These strategies have been shown to stimulate muscle cells to rapidly restore glycogen when adequate carbohydrate is consumed, produce more muscle mitochondria, enhance fat oxidation, and stimulate angiogenesis new capillaries in muscle. Here are some examples of periodized nutrition strategies:. Nutrition periodization can parallel training periodization see chapter 5 to optimize training adaptations. For example, in early season training when many athletes may be trying to shed fat weight, reducing energy intake calories and increasing protein intake can help.


How To Reset Your Diet For MORE Fat Loss

Author: Akinocage

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