Category: Diet

Bitter orange and cognitive function

Bitter orange and cognitive function

Article CAS BBitter Google Optimal nutrition for athletes Mardasi F, Bittsr M, Najar S, Haghighizadeh MH. Additionally, normality was dognitive in Herbal Sleep Aids HRV markers and therefore the natural logarithmic transformation ln was applied prior to further statistical analysis: RMSSD lnRMSSDSDNN lnSDNNHF lnHFLF lnLF. Several studies in older adults have also shown that citrus juices may boost brain function 2930 , Bitter orange and cognitive function

Bitter orange and cognitive function -

A review of the human clinical studies involving Citrus aurantium bitter orange extract and its primary protoalkaloid p-synephrine. Int J Med Sci. Bui LT, Nguyen DT, Ambrose PJ. Blood pressure and heart rate effects following a single dose of bitter orange.

Ann Pharmacother. Min B, Cios D, Kluger J, White CM. Absence of QTc-interval-prolonging or hemodynamic effects of a single dose of bitter-orange extract in healthy subjects.

Stanley J, Peake JM, Buchheit M. Cardiac parasympathetic reactivation following exercise: implications for training prescription.

Sports Med. Borresen J, Lambert MI. Autonomic control of heart rate during and after exercise : measurements and implications for monitoring training status.

Eijsvogels TM, George KP, Thompson PD. Cardiovascular benefits and risks across the physical activity continuum. Curr Opin Cardiol. Fry AC, Kraemer WJ, Van Borselen F, Lynch JM, Triplett NT, Koziris LP, Fleck SJ.

Catecholamine responses to short-term high-intensity resistance exercise overtraining. J Appl Physiol MacIntosh BR, Rishaug P, Svedahl K. Assessment of peak power and short-term work capacity. Eur J Appl Physiol. Dill DB, Costill DL. Calculation of percentage changes in volumes of blood, plasma, and red cells in dehydration.

J Appl Physiol. Camm AJ, Malik M, Bigger J, Breithardt G, Cerutti S, Cohen RJ, Coumel P, Fallen EL, Kennedy HL, Kleiger RE. Heart rate variability: standards of measurement, physiological interpretation and clinical use. Task force of the European Society of Cardiology and the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology.

Nakamura FY, Pereira LA, Cal Abad CC, Cruz IF, Flatt AA, Esco MR, Loturco I. Adequacy of the ultra-short-term HRV to assess adaptive processes in youth female basketball players.

J Hum Kinet. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar. Tarvainen MP, Niskanen JP, Lipponen JA, Ranta-Aho PO, Karjalainen PA. Kubios HRV--heart rate variability analysis software.

Comput Methods Prog Biomed. Heathers JA. Everything hertz: methodological issues in short-term frequency-domain HRV. Front Physiol. Goldberger JJ, Le FK, Lahiri M, Kannankeril PJ, Ng J, Kadish AH. Assessment of parasympathetic reactivation after exercise. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol.

Otzenberger H, Gronfier C, Simon C, Charloux A, Ehrhart J, Piquard F, Brandenberger G. Dynamic heart rate variability: a tool for exploring sympathovagal balance continuously during sleep in men.

Am J Phys. CAS Google Scholar. Reyes del Paso GA, Langewitz W, Mulder LJ, van Roon A, Duschek S. The utility of low frequency heart rate variability as an index of sympathetic cardiac tone: a review with emphasis on a reanalysis of previous studies. Sztajzel J. Heart rate variability: a noninvasive electrocardiographic method to measure the autonomic nervous system.

Swiss Med Wkly. PubMed Google Scholar. Quintana DS. Statistical considerations for reporting and planning heart rate variability case-control studies.

Sondermeijer HP, van Marle AG, Kamen P, Krum H. Acute effects of caffeine on heart rate variability. Am J Cardiol. Zimmermann-Viehoff F, Thayer J, Koenig J, Herrmann C, Weber CS, Deter H-C. Short-term effects of espresso coffee on heart rate variability and blood pressure in habitual and non-habitual coffee consumers—a randomized crossover study.

Nutr Neurosci. Gurley BJ, Steelman SC, Thomas SL. Multi-ingredient, caffeine-containing dietary supplements: history, safety, and efficacy. Clin Ther. Koenig J, Jarczok MN, Kuhn W, Morsch K, Schäfer A, Hillecke TK, Thayer JF.

Impact of caffeine on heart rate variability: a systematic review. J Caffeine Res. Rauh R, Burkert M, Siepmann M, Mueck-Weymann M. Acute effects of caffeine on heart rate variability in habitual caffeine consumers.

Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. Yoshinaga Costa JB, Gomes Anunciação P, Ruiz RJ, Casonatto J, Doederlein Polito M. Effect of caffeine intake on blood pressure and heart rate variability after a single bout of aerobic exercise. Int J Sports Med J.

Graham T, Spriet L. Metabolic, catecholamine, and exercise performance responses to various doses of caffeine. Greer F, McLean C, Graham T.

Caffeine, performance, and metabolism during repeated Wingate exercise tests. Crowe MJ, Leicht AS, Spinks WL. Physiological and cognitive responses to caffeine during repeated, high-intensity exercise.

Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. Xhyheri B, Manfrini O, Mazzolini M, Pizzi C, Bugiardini R. Heart rate variability today. Prog Cardiovasc Dis. Haller CA, Duan M, Jacob P, Benowitz N. Human pharmacology of a performance-enhancing dietary supplement under resting and exercise conditions.

Br J Clin Pharmacol. Kliszczewicz BM, Esco MR, Quindry JC, Blessing DL, Oliver GD, Taylor KJ, Price BM. Autonomic responses to an acute bout of high-intensity body weight resistance exercise vs. treadmill running. Reimann M, Rudiger H, Weiss N, Ziemssen T.

Acute hyperlipidemia but not hyperhomocysteinemia impairs reflex regulation of the cardiovascular system. Atherosclerosis Supp.

Download references. The data sets used during the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. Department of Exercise Science and Sport Management, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA, USA. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar.

BK contributed to study design, data collection HRV and Biomarker , data analysis, major contribution to the writing of the manuscript. EB contributed to data collection, performed HRV analysis and interpretation, blood assay analysis, conducted literature review, and major contribution to the writing of the manuscript.

CW contributed with data collection, assisted with data analysis Biomarker , and moderate contributions to the editing of the manuscript. PB contributed to study design, data collection, moderate editing of the manuscript.

WH significant contribution to data collection, moderate editing of the manuscript. JM contributed to study design, data statistical analysis, and moderate editing of manuscript. CM contributed to the study design, data collection, moderate editing of manuscript, and procurement of funds.

All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Correspondence to Brian Kliszczewicz. The Institutional Review Board approved all testing procedures and protocols prior to beginning data collection 17— Participants read and sign an informed consent prior too participating in this study.

These authors declare that they have no competing interest and have no relation too the supplement or associated companies. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4. Reprints and permissions. Kliszczewicz, B. et al. The influence of citrus aurantium and caffeine complex versus placebo on the cardiac autonomic response: a double blind crossover design.

J Int Soc Sports Nutr 15 , 34 Download citation. Received : 01 February Accepted : 16 July Published : 24 July Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:. Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article.

Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Skip to main content. Search all BMC articles Search. Download PDF. Download ePub. Research article Open access Published: 24 July The influence of citrus aurantium and caffeine complex versus placebo on the cardiac autonomic response: a double blind crossover design Brian Kliszczewicz ORCID: orcid.

Methods Ten physically active males Background The cultivation of commercially available supplements has substantially increased throughout recent years, making the use of pharmacologic ergogenic aids more prevalent and readily available to the general population and athletic community.

Methods Participants Fourteen apparently healthy males who habitually consume caffeine 95— mg serving per day, at least 4 days a week were recruited for this study.

Experimental design The study was performed in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized crossover fashion in which only one investigator knew the contents of the supplementation; this investigator was not involved in the collection or analysis of the study outcome measures. Study Design.

Full size image. Results Four participants were removed from the study due to adverse reactions to the phlebotomy procedure i. Table 2 Markers of ANS activity during the Ingestion A and Recovery Periods B Full size table. Recovery period Following the exhaustive protocols, HR was significantly elevated in both trials and recovered in a similar time-dependent fashion Table 2A and B.

References Colker CM, Kaiman DS, Torina GC, Perlis T, Street C. Article Google Scholar Ratamess NA, Bush JA, Kang J, Kraemer WJ, Stohs SJ, Nocera VG, Leise MD, Diamond KB, Campbell SC, Miller HB, et al.

Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Ganio MS, Klau JF, Casa DJ, Armstrong LE, Maresh CM. Article PubMed Google Scholar Spriet L, MacLean D, Dyck D, Hultman E, Cederblad G, Graham T. Article CAS Google Scholar Stohs SJ, Preuss HG, Shara M.

Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Stohs SJ, Preuss HG, Shara M. Article PubMed PubMed Central CAS Google Scholar Stohs SJ, Preuss HG, Shara M. Article PubMed PubMed Central CAS Google Scholar Bui LT, Nguyen DT, Ambrose PJ. Article PubMed Google Scholar Min B, Cios D, Kluger J, White CM.

Article PubMed Google Scholar Stanley J, Peake JM, Buchheit M. Article PubMed Google Scholar Borresen J, Lambert MI. Article PubMed Google Scholar Eijsvogels TM, George KP, Thompson PD.

Article PubMed Google Scholar Fry AC, Kraemer WJ, Van Borselen F, Lynch JM, Triplett NT, Koziris LP, Fleck SJ.

Article PubMed Google Scholar Dill DB, Costill DL. Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Camm AJ, Malik M, Bigger J, Breithardt G, Cerutti S, Cohen RJ, Coumel P, Fallen EL, Kennedy HL, Kleiger RE. Article Google Scholar Nakamura FY, Pereira LA, Cal Abad CC, Cruz IF, Flatt AA, Esco MR, Loturco I. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Tarvainen MP, Niskanen JP, Lipponen JA, Ranta-Aho PO, Karjalainen PA.

Article Google Scholar Heathers JA. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Goldberger JJ, Le FK, Lahiri M, Kannankeril PJ, Ng J, Kadish AH. Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Otzenberger H, Gronfier C, Simon C, Charloux A, Ehrhart J, Piquard F, Brandenberger G.

CAS Google Scholar Reyes del Paso GA, Langewitz W, Mulder LJ, van Roon A, Duschek S. Article PubMed Google Scholar Sztajzel J. PubMed Google Scholar Quintana DS. Article PubMed Google Scholar Sondermeijer HP, van Marle AG, Kamen P, Krum H. Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Zimmermann-Viehoff F, Thayer J, Koenig J, Herrmann C, Weber CS, Deter H-C.

Article PubMed Google Scholar Gurley BJ, Steelman SC, Thomas SL. Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Koenig J, Jarczok MN, Kuhn W, Morsch K, Schäfer A, Hillecke TK, Thayer JF.

Article CAS Google Scholar Rauh R, Burkert M, Siepmann M, Mueck-Weymann M. Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Yoshinaga Costa JB, Gomes Anunciação P, Ruiz RJ, Casonatto J, Doederlein Polito M. Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Greer F, McLean C, Graham T. Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Crowe MJ, Leicht AS, Spinks WL.

Furthermore, a review suggests that grapefruits are linked to a decrease in systolic blood pressure And many of the flavonoids in citrus fruits, including one called naringin, are strong antioxidants that benefit the heart in several ways Many compounds in citrus fruits can benefit heart health by improving cholesterol levels and lowering blood pressure.

Flavonoids found in citrus fruits have anti-inflammatory capabilities that are thought to help protect against the chain of events that causes the nervous system to deteriorate 27 , Specific types of flavonoids, including hesperidin and apigenin, have been shown to protect brain cells and improve brain function in mice and test-tube studies Several studies in older adults have also shown that citrus juices may boost brain function 29 , 30 , Citrus fruits and juices may help boost brain function and protect the brain from neurodegenerative disorders.

Eating lots of citrus fruits or juices could increase the risk of cavities. Interestingly, certain compounds in citrus peels may combat the bacteria that cause dental cavities, although more research is needed to see how that information could be used First, more sugar per serving translates to more calories.

Drinking fruit juice and other high-calorie beverages can cause you to gain weight Second, when your body takes in large amounts of fructose the type of sugar in fruit juice , it is quickly absorbed into your bloodstream and delivered to your liver If your liver gets more fructose than it can handle, it turns some of the extra fructose into fat.

Over time, those fat deposits can cause fatty liver disease Plus, the fiber found in fruit buffers the fructose, causing it to be absorbed more slowly into your bloodstream. Furanocoumarin, a chemical in grapefruit, binds to this enzyme and keeps it from working properly.

There are several prescription and over-the-counter drugs that are affected by grapefruit, including 40 :. While citrus fruits are generally healthy, they can have some drawbacks.

Their acid can erode tooth enamel and grapefruit can interact with some medications. But aim to consume whole fruits, rather than a lot of fruit juice, as its high sugar content can lead to problems.

Overall, citrus fruits are healthy, low in calories and convenient to eat. Most people could benefit from adding more citrus to their diet. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.

Bitter orange is a citrus fruit that's often processed into an extract. This article explains everything you need to know about bitter orange.

These 12 food additives are widely used to enhance the appearance, flavor or shelf life of foods. This article lets you know which are safe and which…. While they're not typically able to prescribe, nutritionists can still benefits your overall health.

Let's look at benefits, limitations, and more. A new study found that healthy lifestyle choices — including being physically active, eating well, avoiding smoking and limiting alcohol consumption —….

Carb counting is complicated. Take the quiz and test your knowledge! Together with her husband, Kansas City Chiefs MVP quarterback Patrick Mahomes, Brittany Mohomes shares how she parents two children with severe food….

While there are many FDA-approved emulsifiers, European associations have marked them as being of possible concern. Let's look deeper:. Researchers have found that a daily multivitamin supplement was linked with slowed cognitive aging and improved memory. Dietitians can help you create a more balanced diet or a specialized one for a variety of conditions.

We look at their benefits and limitations. Liquid collagen supplements might be able to reduce some effects of aging, but research is ongoing and and there may be side effects. A Quiz for Teens Are You a Workaholic? How Well Do You Sleep? Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect. Nutrition Evidence Based 7 Reasons to Eat More Citrus Fruits.

By Kerri-Ann Jennings, MS, RD on July 11, What Are Citrus Fruits? Citrus Fruits Are Low in Calories. They May Reduce Your Risk of Kidney Stones. They May Help Fight or Protect Against Cancer. They Contain Nutrients That Boost Heart Health. They May Protect Your Brain.

The Downside of Citrus Fruits. The Bottom Line. How we reviewed this article: History. Jul 11, Written By Kerri-Ann Jennings.

Citrus aurantium L. Questions have been Bittr about the safety of orxnge because cognitve has some structural similarity to ephedrine. This review Brain-boosting antioxidant rich foods on current human, animal, in aand, and Bitter orange and cognitive function studies that address cognitiive safety, efficacy, cognitvie mechanisms of action of bitter orange extracts and p-synephrine. Numerous studies have been conducted with respect to p-synephrine and bitter orange extract because ephedra and ephedrine were banned from use in dietary supplements in Approximately 30 human studies indicate that p-synephrine and bitter orange extracts do not result in cardiovascular effects and do not act as stimulants at commonly used doses. Mechanistic studies suggest that p-synephrine exerts its effects through multiple actions, which are discussed.

Btter coming Bittdr many varieties, from oranges to pomelos, citrus fruits also offer a Bitter orange and cognitive function of health benefits. Annd are 7 reasons to include citrus in your diet. Cogntiive, brightly colored Herbal Sleep Aids fruits bring a burst of sunshine into winter days.

This class of fruits includes lemons, limes, oranges and cogmitive, as well as many more hybrids and varieties. Citrus fruits Adaptive antimicrobial materials on flowering trees and shrubs. Nad are characterized Biter a leathery rind and white pith that oranye juicy segments.

Nowadays, they are cultivated in tropical and subtropical climates all over the world. Major production hubs include Spain, Brazil, China, the US, Mexico and India anti-viral drugs. Interestingly, nearly a third of all citrus fruits fknction used to make juice 1.

You can find all coghitive of citrus fruits Importance of fiber round. The peak season for oranges and grapefruits in the Mindful eating for body acceptance Bitter orange and cognitive function is functiln mid-December and April.

Citrus fruits are an excellent source cognitiv vitamin Ca nutrient that strengthens the immune BBitter and keeps your skin smooth and elastic 234qnd. In fact, just one medium wnd has all the vitamin C you need in a day 6.

Citrus fruits oranhe have good amounts of other vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function properly, including B vitamins, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium and cgnitive 7. Additionally, they are rich in plant compounds that cogniive various health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Cognitife fruits orwnge very nutritious, offering cognituve host of vitamins, minerals and plant cognitkve that help keep you healthy. Citrus fruits are ajd good source of fiber.

Just one cup of orange segments contains four grams of fiber 6. Bitetr has several health benefits, including improving coognitive health and aiding amd Bitter orange and cognitive function.

Oranges are particularly high in soluble coognitive, the kind Bitted fiber that helps lower cholesterol levels Bittter to other fruits and vegetables, citrus funxtion are cognitiv Bitter orange and cognitive function that they have a cognitkve ratio of soluble to insoluble fiber Citrus fruits are good sources of soluble oragne, which helps lower cholesterol fuction aids Ginseng for memory. Citrus fruits are Herbal Sleep Aids in calories, making them Biitter smart choice for people seeking to lose or Bitter orange and cognitive function cignitive weight.

Kidney stones are painful mineral crystals. They can form when Antioxidant-rich recipes urine is Bitetr concentrated or when you have higher-than-normal amounts of stone-forming minerals in Nutritious snack options urine.

Many fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits, can Bitter the levels of citrate in your urine, lowering the risk of kidney stones Drinking citrus qnd and eating these fruits can offer a natural alternative to potassium citrate supplements. According to data Bittdr American eating habits Herbal Sleep Aids the last 40 years, kidney stones are more common in people who eat fewer citrus fruits Roasted pumpkin seeds Eating citrus fruits may Bitterr lower the cognjtive of kidney stones in some people by raising citrate levels in urine.

Many studies have linked citrus fruits to a reduced risk of certain cancers 1. In one study, people who ate one grapefruit or drank one serving of grapefruit juice daily had a lower risk of lung cancer Other studies have suggested that citrus fruits may also protect against esophageal, stomach, breast and pancreatic cancers 202122 These fruits contain a host of plant compounds, including flavonoids, that may help protect against cancer 8.

Some of these flavonoids act as antioxidants and may block the expression of certain genes that are responsible for some degenerative diseases, including cancer 8. Citrus fruits may also help fight cancer by suppressing cancers, blocking the formation of new cancers and making carcinogens inactive 8.

Citrus fruits have been widely studied for their protective effects on a variety of cancer types. In fact, a Japanese study found that people who ate higher amounts of these fruits had lower rates of heart disease and stroke Furthermore, a review suggests that grapefruits are linked to a decrease in systolic blood pressure And many of the flavonoids in citrus fruits, including one called naringin, are strong antioxidants that benefit the heart in several ways Many compounds in citrus fruits can benefit heart health by improving cholesterol levels and lowering blood pressure.

Flavonoids found in citrus fruits have anti-inflammatory capabilities that are thought to help protect against the chain of events that causes the nervous system to deteriorate 27 Specific types of flavonoids, including hesperidin and apigenin, have been shown to protect brain cells and improve brain function in mice and test-tube studies Several studies in older adults have also shown that citrus juices may boost brain function 2930 Citrus fruits and juices may help boost brain function and protect the brain from neurodegenerative disorders.

Eating lots of citrus fruits or juices could increase the risk of cavities. Interestingly, certain compounds in citrus peels may combat the bacteria that cause dental cavities, although more research is needed to see how that information could be used First, more sugar per serving translates to more calories.

Drinking fruit juice and other high-calorie beverages can cause you to gain weight Second, when your body takes in large amounts of fructose the type of sugar in fruit juiceit is quickly absorbed into your bloodstream and delivered to your liver If your liver gets more fructose than it can handle, it turns some of the extra fructose into fat.

Over time, those fat deposits can cause fatty liver disease Plus, the fiber found in fruit buffers the fructose, causing it to be absorbed more slowly into your bloodstream. Furanocoumarin, a chemical in grapefruit, binds to this enzyme and keeps it from working properly.

There are several prescription and over-the-counter drugs that are affected by grapefruit, including 40 :. While citrus fruits are generally healthy, they can have some drawbacks.

Their acid can erode tooth enamel and grapefruit can interact with some medications. But aim to consume whole fruits, rather than a lot of fruit juice, as its high sugar content can lead to problems. Overall, citrus fruits are healthy, low in calories and convenient to eat.

Most people could benefit from adding more citrus to their diet. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.

Bitter orange is a citrus fruit that's often processed into an extract. This article explains everything you need to know about bitter orange. These 12 food additives are widely used to enhance the appearance, flavor or shelf life of foods.

This article lets you know which are safe and which…. While they're not typically able to prescribe, nutritionists can still benefits your overall health. Let's look at benefits, limitations, and more. A new study found that healthy lifestyle choices — including being physically active, eating well, avoiding smoking and limiting alcohol consumption —….

Carb counting is complicated. Take the quiz and test your knowledge! Together with her husband, Kansas City Chiefs MVP quarterback Patrick Mahomes, Brittany Mohomes shares how she parents two children with severe food….

While there are many FDA-approved emulsifiers, European associations have marked them as being of possible concern. Let's look deeper:. Researchers have found that a daily multivitamin supplement was linked with slowed cognitive aging and improved memory.

Dietitians can help you create a more balanced diet or a specialized one for a variety of conditions. We look at their benefits and limitations. Liquid collagen supplements might be able to reduce some effects of aging, but research is ongoing and and there may be side effects.

A Quiz for Teens Are You a Workaholic? How Well Do You Sleep? Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect.

Nutrition Evidence Based 7 Reasons to Eat More Citrus Fruits. By Kerri-Ann Jennings, MS, RD on July 11, What Are Citrus Fruits? Citrus Fruits Are Low in Calories. They May Reduce Your Risk of Kidney Stones.

They May Help Fight or Protect Against Cancer. They Contain Nutrients That Boost Heart Health. They May Protect Your Brain. The Downside of Citrus Fruits. The Bottom Line.

How we reviewed this article: History. Jul 11, Written By Kerri-Ann Jennings. Share this article. Read this next. What Is Bitter Orange, and Does It Aid Weight Loss? By Amber Charles Alexis, MSPH, RDN. By Rachael Ajmera, MS, RD.

How Nutritionists Can Help You Manage Your Health. Medically reviewed by Kathy W. Warwick, R.

: Bitter orange and cognitive function

What is Bitter Orange Used For?

Cardiovascular benefits and risks across the physical activity continuum. Curr Opin Cardiol. Fry AC, Kraemer WJ, Van Borselen F, Lynch JM, Triplett NT, Koziris LP, Fleck SJ. Catecholamine responses to short-term high-intensity resistance exercise overtraining. J Appl Physiol MacIntosh BR, Rishaug P, Svedahl K.

Assessment of peak power and short-term work capacity. Eur J Appl Physiol. Dill DB, Costill DL. Calculation of percentage changes in volumes of blood, plasma, and red cells in dehydration.

J Appl Physiol. Camm AJ, Malik M, Bigger J, Breithardt G, Cerutti S, Cohen RJ, Coumel P, Fallen EL, Kennedy HL, Kleiger RE. Heart rate variability: standards of measurement, physiological interpretation and clinical use. Task force of the European Society of Cardiology and the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology.

Nakamura FY, Pereira LA, Cal Abad CC, Cruz IF, Flatt AA, Esco MR, Loturco I. Adequacy of the ultra-short-term HRV to assess adaptive processes in youth female basketball players.

J Hum Kinet. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar. Tarvainen MP, Niskanen JP, Lipponen JA, Ranta-Aho PO, Karjalainen PA. Kubios HRV--heart rate variability analysis software. Comput Methods Prog Biomed. Heathers JA. Everything hertz: methodological issues in short-term frequency-domain HRV.

Front Physiol. Goldberger JJ, Le FK, Lahiri M, Kannankeril PJ, Ng J, Kadish AH. Assessment of parasympathetic reactivation after exercise. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol.

Otzenberger H, Gronfier C, Simon C, Charloux A, Ehrhart J, Piquard F, Brandenberger G. Dynamic heart rate variability: a tool for exploring sympathovagal balance continuously during sleep in men.

Am J Phys. CAS Google Scholar. Reyes del Paso GA, Langewitz W, Mulder LJ, van Roon A, Duschek S. The utility of low frequency heart rate variability as an index of sympathetic cardiac tone: a review with emphasis on a reanalysis of previous studies.

Sztajzel J. Heart rate variability: a noninvasive electrocardiographic method to measure the autonomic nervous system. Swiss Med Wkly. PubMed Google Scholar.

Quintana DS. Statistical considerations for reporting and planning heart rate variability case-control studies. Sondermeijer HP, van Marle AG, Kamen P, Krum H. Acute effects of caffeine on heart rate variability.

Am J Cardiol. Zimmermann-Viehoff F, Thayer J, Koenig J, Herrmann C, Weber CS, Deter H-C. Short-term effects of espresso coffee on heart rate variability and blood pressure in habitual and non-habitual coffee consumers—a randomized crossover study.

Nutr Neurosci. Gurley BJ, Steelman SC, Thomas SL. Multi-ingredient, caffeine-containing dietary supplements: history, safety, and efficacy.

Clin Ther. Koenig J, Jarczok MN, Kuhn W, Morsch K, Schäfer A, Hillecke TK, Thayer JF. Impact of caffeine on heart rate variability: a systematic review. J Caffeine Res. Rauh R, Burkert M, Siepmann M, Mueck-Weymann M. Acute effects of caffeine on heart rate variability in habitual caffeine consumers.

Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. Yoshinaga Costa JB, Gomes Anunciação P, Ruiz RJ, Casonatto J, Doederlein Polito M. Effect of caffeine intake on blood pressure and heart rate variability after a single bout of aerobic exercise.

Int J Sports Med J. Graham T, Spriet L. Metabolic, catecholamine, and exercise performance responses to various doses of caffeine. Greer F, McLean C, Graham T. Caffeine, performance, and metabolism during repeated Wingate exercise tests.

Crowe MJ, Leicht AS, Spinks WL. Physiological and cognitive responses to caffeine during repeated, high-intensity exercise. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab.

Xhyheri B, Manfrini O, Mazzolini M, Pizzi C, Bugiardini R. Heart rate variability today. Prog Cardiovasc Dis. Haller CA, Duan M, Jacob P, Benowitz N. Human pharmacology of a performance-enhancing dietary supplement under resting and exercise conditions.

Br J Clin Pharmacol. Kliszczewicz BM, Esco MR, Quindry JC, Blessing DL, Oliver GD, Taylor KJ, Price BM. Autonomic responses to an acute bout of high-intensity body weight resistance exercise vs.

treadmill running. Reimann M, Rudiger H, Weiss N, Ziemssen T. Acute hyperlipidemia but not hyperhomocysteinemia impairs reflex regulation of the cardiovascular system.

Atherosclerosis Supp. Download references. The data sets used during the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. Department of Exercise Science and Sport Management, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA, USA. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar.

BK contributed to study design, data collection HRV and Biomarker , data analysis, major contribution to the writing of the manuscript. EB contributed to data collection, performed HRV analysis and interpretation, blood assay analysis, conducted literature review, and major contribution to the writing of the manuscript.

CW contributed with data collection, assisted with data analysis Biomarker , and moderate contributions to the editing of the manuscript. PB contributed to study design, data collection, moderate editing of the manuscript.

WH significant contribution to data collection, moderate editing of the manuscript. JM contributed to study design, data statistical analysis, and moderate editing of manuscript.

CM contributed to the study design, data collection, moderate editing of manuscript, and procurement of funds. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Correspondence to Brian Kliszczewicz. The Institutional Review Board approved all testing procedures and protocols prior to beginning data collection 17— Participants read and sign an informed consent prior too participating in this study. These authors declare that they have no competing interest and have no relation too the supplement or associated companies.

Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4. Reprints and permissions. Kliszczewicz, B. et al. The influence of citrus aurantium and caffeine complex versus placebo on the cardiac autonomic response: a double blind crossover design.

J Int Soc Sports Nutr 15 , 34 Download citation. Received : 01 February Accepted : 16 July Published : 24 July Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:.

Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Skip to main content. Search all BMC articles Search.

Download PDF. Download ePub. Research article Open access Published: 24 July The influence of citrus aurantium and caffeine complex versus placebo on the cardiac autonomic response: a double blind crossover design Brian Kliszczewicz ORCID: orcid. Methods Ten physically active males Background The cultivation of commercially available supplements has substantially increased throughout recent years, making the use of pharmacologic ergogenic aids more prevalent and readily available to the general population and athletic community.

Methods Participants Fourteen apparently healthy males who habitually consume caffeine 95— mg serving per day, at least 4 days a week were recruited for this study. Experimental design The study was performed in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized crossover fashion in which only one investigator knew the contents of the supplementation; this investigator was not involved in the collection or analysis of the study outcome measures.

Study Design. Full size image. Results Four participants were removed from the study due to adverse reactions to the phlebotomy procedure i. Table 2 Markers of ANS activity during the Ingestion A and Recovery Periods B Full size table. Recovery period Following the exhaustive protocols, HR was significantly elevated in both trials and recovered in a similar time-dependent fashion Table 2A and B.

References Colker CM, Kaiman DS, Torina GC, Perlis T, Street C. Article Google Scholar Ratamess NA, Bush JA, Kang J, Kraemer WJ, Stohs SJ, Nocera VG, Leise MD, Diamond KB, Campbell SC, Miller HB, et al. Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Ganio MS, Klau JF, Casa DJ, Armstrong LE, Maresh CM.

Article PubMed Google Scholar Spriet L, MacLean D, Dyck D, Hultman E, Cederblad G, Graham T. Article CAS Google Scholar Stohs SJ, Preuss HG, Shara M.

Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Stohs SJ, Preuss HG, Shara M. Article PubMed PubMed Central CAS Google Scholar Stohs SJ, Preuss HG, Shara M. Article PubMed PubMed Central CAS Google Scholar Bui LT, Nguyen DT, Ambrose PJ. Article PubMed Google Scholar Min B, Cios D, Kluger J, White CM. Article PubMed Google Scholar Stanley J, Peake JM, Buchheit M.

Article PubMed Google Scholar Borresen J, Lambert MI. Article PubMed Google Scholar Eijsvogels TM, George KP, Thompson PD. Article PubMed Google Scholar Fry AC, Kraemer WJ, Van Borselen F, Lynch JM, Triplett NT, Koziris LP, Fleck SJ. Article PubMed Google Scholar Dill DB, Costill DL.

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Funding Not Applicable. Availability of data and materials The data sets used during the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. Author information Author notes Brian Kliszczewicz and Emily Bechke contributed equally to this work.

View author publications. Ethics declarations Ethics approval and consent to participate The Institutional Review Board approved all testing procedures and protocols prior to beginning data collection 17— Participants read and sign an informed consent prior too participating in this study.

Consent for publication Not Applicable. Competing interests These authors declare that they have no competing interest and have no relation too the supplement or associated companies.

In regard to athletic performance, bitter orange supports the vascular system, promoting improved circulation and increasing blood flow. Increased blood flow to muscles can lead to improved stamina, better pumps, improved strength and also better recovery. When combined with a nutritious, calorically balanced diet and workout regime, Bitter Orange and its special thermogenetic compound, Synephrine, can help elevate your energy levels, improve focus and cognitive ability as well as and increasing calorie expenditure throughout the day.

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7 Health Benefits of Citrus Fruits Google Scholar Dritsa Orznge, Deborah DC, Verreault N, Balaa C, Kudzman J, Khalifé Cognitife. The envelopes Herbal Sleep Aids opened in the order in which the participants entered the Bitter orange and cognitive function Athletic performance supplements the cognitve of group of individuals was determined. New York: McGraw-Hill; In other words, they test the probability of occurring that something that will happen in reality [ 43 ]. Google Scholar Imanparast R, Bermas H, Danesh S, Ajoudani Z. Trentin AP, Santose ARS, Miguel OG, Pizzolarti MG, Yunes RA, Calixto JB. When combining a mg of CA, and mg of C, Ratamess et al.
Traditional Health Benefits of Bitter Orange

Increased blood flow to muscles can lead to improved stamina, better pumps, improved strength and also better recovery. When combined with a nutritious, calorically balanced diet and workout regime, Bitter Orange and its special thermogenetic compound, Synephrine, can help elevate your energy levels, improve focus and cognitive ability as well as and increasing calorie expenditure throughout the day.

Shop Supplements Purple Blast Collection. Burn Fat. Build Strength. Improve Health. gift cards. Supplement Stacks. Shop All. HYPERBURN RAINBOW CANDY NOW AVAILABLE. What is it? In this latest review, conducted under a grant from manufacturer Novel Ingredients, Stohs added eight new clinical trials using the extract that have been published since his last review, in the period he was a co-researcher and co-author in a majority of them that found bitter orange extract did not cause any adverse side effects.

Show more. Content provided by Fruit d'Or Feb White Paper. Consumers are increasingly interested in the benefits of omegas supplements. According to forecasts for —, the global omega-3 market is expected Content provided by Verdure Sciences Feb White Paper. Cognitive health, mental acuity and brain support categories have seen tremendous growth.

With an aging population and increased interest from formulators Content provided by Natural Remedies Private Limited Jan White Paper. More than ever, stress is extremely common among adults today. Content provided by DolCas Biotech, LLC. Viable natural product options for "healthy weight management" in the age of Ozempic and other GLP-1 inhibitors will require targeted innovations

Bitter orange is a native Asian Bither Herbal Sleep Aids is now used to make medicine, supplements, tinctures, liqueurs, jams, marmalades Bifter food seasoning. Bitter orange contains an active ingredient termed Bittterwhich is what krange this Thermogenic supplements for accelerated fat loss so popular Herbal Sleep Aids the health and fitness industry. Synephrine is a naturally occurring alkaloid found in some plants which have nootropic, thermogenic and stimulant properties. With these three factors combined, bitter orange is a powerhouse providing improved athletic performance, cognitive function and metabolic function. Bitter orange is studied most specifically for its role in weight loss and athletic performance. The plant was initially used in traditional Chinese medicine for weight loss as the extract has the ability to suppress your appetite.

Author: Minos

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