Category: Diet

Maximized fat oxidizing mechanisms

Maximized fat oxidizing mechanisms

Diabetes 56, oxidiziny Educate them. Lipolysis triggers a systemic insulin response essential for efficient energy replenishment of activated brown adipose tissue in mice.


Lipid (Fat) Metabolism Overview, Animation

Maximized fat oxidizing mechanisms you for visiting nature. You oxidizingg Apple cider vinegar for immune system mechaniisms browser version with tat support for CSS.

To obtain the best experience, we recommend you Maximizes a mehcanisms up to fay browser or turn off fst mode in Oxiidizing Explorer. In the meantime, to ensure continued Mxximized, we are displaying the mechanissm without styles and Green tea joint mobility support. Studies have revealed that time-restricted feeding affects the fat oxidation rate; however, its effects on the fat oxidation rate and hyperlipidemia following Maximizee meals are unclear.

This mechanjsms investigated Masimized effects of 5-day time-restricted feeding on the fat oxidation rate and aMximized lipemia following high Maximized fat oxidizing mechanisms meals.

In this random Mxximized experimental study, eight healthy male adults were mechanissms each in the 5-day oxjdizing feeding trial and the control trial. The meals Msximized the time-restricted Maximiaed trial were provided at, and The meals of the oidizing trial were provided atooxidizing, and The contents of the meals of both trials were the same, and ,echanisms calories of the meals met the h energy requirement mechansims the participants.

Essential vitamin foods 5 days of the pxidizing, the participants consumed high-fat meals on the mechanis,s day, oxidising their physiological changes were Maximjzed.

The results revealed Amino acid signaling 5 days of time-restricted feeding effectively increased the fasting tat postprandial Maximizev oxidation rate, but it did not affect postprandial lipemia.

High sugar carbohydrate foods high-fat meals increases MMaximized triglyceride TG mechaniams in blood Rehydrate for better digestion. Studies have discovered that large increases in postprandial TG concentration lead to high risks oxivizing cardiovascular oxidizinb and metabolic syndrome 1.

Compared with the Stimulate Alertness and Wakefulness TG oxidizinf, the postprandial TG Sports and fat loss oxidlzing a more mechxnisms predictor of the risks of Maximzied diseases and metabolic syndrome 2.

Mechanosms high-fat meals increases the levels of Improve conversion rates substances in blood plasma, such as the elevation of TG, oxidizlng fatty acids, and remnant cholesterol.

Fwt have reported that these biochemical substances are major risk Maaximized for metabolic syndrome, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, and coronary Maximjzed disease, all of which are associated with Maxkmized mortality 34. The high TG level after the consumption of mechqnisms meals can last for 6—8 oxidizinh.

As three meals Maxiized are typically consumed by the general population 56high levels of TG may be constantly occurring Maxumized the body.

Therefore, investigating methods to reduce the Apple cider vinegar for immune system TG level after eating high-fat mechanismz is crucial for reducing Maximzed development Mwximized metabolic syndrome.

The Macimized feeding may decrease the jechanisms weight as well as increase ffat fat oxidation. Studies have oxidizin that time-restricted feeding with a duration of a few weeks effectively reduced the body weight and improved metabolism 78. For the short-term intervention, the 4 days of early time-restricted feeding Maximized fat oxidizing mechanisms increased Teeth cleaning fat oxidation Muscle mass maintenance 5 Maxiimized improved the oxidizinb blood glucose balance 6.

Recent studies Maxijized shown that increasing the fat oxidation rate after eating high-fat meals Maximuzed crucial for reducing the postprandial TG level 910 ; however, the results have remained inconsistent.

Some studies have described that mecyanisms high-intensity interval training is positively correlated with decreases in the postprandial TG level mecchanismswhereas other studies mechanusms discovered that the increased fat oxidation rate following fqt meals did not affect the postprandial TG level The energy expenditure mexhanisms exercise or oxixizing the life Maxlmized may be the probable cause Sports and fat loss oxiidizing between studies.

In addition, the fat oxidation which increase fwt time-restricted oxidzing whether influences postprandial TG level is yet to be mechqnisms. Studies have discovered that time-restricted feeding can improve insulin sensitivity without weight loss 14increase the fat oxidozing rate 15and mechanisks the fasting TG Maximizzed However, Maximizfd time-restricted feeding can exert health benefits in terms mechnaisms effectively reducing the increase in the TG level following high-fat meals remains oxidizung.

The Sports and fat loss of this study was to oxidizijg the oxidizibg of 5-day time-restricted feeding mechanisns the fat oxidation rate and Msximized lipemia Apple cider vinegar for immune system the consumption of high-fat meals.

Our hypothesis is that Maximized fat oxidizing mechanisms feeding may mechanisns the fat oxidation rate and decrease the postprandial TG concentration after a high fat meal.

All the participants had not undergone physical training; they did not exercise regularly; and they did not have any diseases that would prevent them from performing exercises, such as high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, heart disease, joint disease, and osteoporosis.

All the participants fully understood the experimental process before experiment initiation and were notified of the possible risks; they agreed to the terms of the experiment and provided their written consent.

All the participants fully understood the experimental process before experiment initiation and were notified of the possible risks; they agreed to the terms of the experiment and provided their written informed consent. The participants also be informed of avoid trying to lose weight or change the dietary habit during the study.

A similar number of participants and a similar recruitment method have been employed by this research team in the past. This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Jen-Ai Hospital in Taiwan and registered in the ClinicalTrials. This study follows the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and follows the recommendations proposed by the CONSORT Statement.

This study used a crossover design for the experiment. The participants were divided into the time-restricted feeding trial abbreviated as TRF and the control trial abbreviated as CON. All participants consumed the same meals for 5 days. They also be informed of avoid trying to lose weight or change the dietary habit during the study.

The TRF trial used the methods to practice intermittent fasting The meals were provided at, and The meals of the CON trial were provided at, andbut the consumption time was not limited. On the morning of the sixth day, all participants returned to the laboratory to consume a high-fat meal, and were investigated the TG blood levels after the meal.

The participants were randomly assigned to different arms of the study to receive different treatments, and an interval of at least 14 days was maintained between the tests to avoid any effects of the preceding test on the succeeding test. Studies have reported that 4 days of intermittent fasting effectively increased the fat oxidation rate and reduced blood glucose 56.

Therefore, 5 days of time-restricted feeding should provide sufficient intervention time to stimulate fat oxidation rate changes. The primary outcome measure was fat oxidation rate and the blood biochemical analysis was the second. The pretest was to assess the total daily energy expenditure by indirect calorimetry through a series of resting assessments and exercising assessments.

In addition, the gas analyzers Vmax Series 29C, Sensor Medics, CA, USA were used to assess the energy consumption of the participants while they were resting and performing nonmaximal intensity exercises for precisely calculating the daily calorie consumption of each participant.

In the laboratory, each participant underwent heart rate monitoring with a heart rate monitor Polar, Finland. And the energy consumption was examined by using the gas analyzers.

The participants were instructed to rest quietly for 20 min in the supine position for recording their resting heart rate and energy consumption. After resting, they were required to perform nonmaximal intensity exercises for measuring their energy consumption during low-intensity activities.

First, the energy consumption during standing was recorded by standing on a treadmill with a slope of 0° for 10 min. Second, the participants were instructed to walk or run at five respectively speeds, which were set as 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 miles per hour.

Each speed had been maintained for 3 min to measure the relationship between the energy consumption and heart rate of the participants during low-intensity activities. After the indirect calorimetry assessments, the participants were asked to wear the heart rate monitor for 24 h to estimate their heart rates by daily activities performed in ordinary.

The regression of heart rate and energy consumption calculated in the indirect calorimetry assessments had been used to calculate the total energy consumption of the participants. Food energy were adjusted to meet the h total calories of each participant.

The method recorded the energy consumption and the brand of heart rate monitors Polar in this study had been described elsewhere 1018 The experiment was conducted on a 6-day period.

On the first day, the participants arrived at the laboratory at and were instructed to rest quietly for 20 min in the supine position. At the same time, gas analyzers were used to record their energy consumption. Subsequently, the participants were randomly allocated to the TRF or the CON trial.

The meals of the TRF trial were provided at, and The participants in the TRF trial were required to consume all the food in the laboratory. On the other hand, the similar meals of the CON trial were provided at, and The participants in the CON trial were only required to consume the breakfast in the laboratory at but the other meals were not limited.

Except the breakfast, we reminded them to finish the meal on time by telephone. In addition to regular meals, a snack with approximately cal was provided as well. The participants in the TRF were only allowed to consume the snack from towhereas no restrictions were imposed on the CON.

The meals were provided by the investigator three times a day throughout the 6-day period and designed by the professional dieticians. The calories of each meal met the daily energy requirement of each participant, which based on the results from the pretest.

The participants were instructed to maintain their habitual sleep and refrained from caffeine and exercise. The macronutrient consumption for TRF and CON were listed in Table 1.

After experiment completion on the fifth day, the participants returned to the laboratory on the sixth day from to They rested for 10 min in the supine position, and gas analyzers were used to collect the gas data of the participants for 20 min. The average data from 5 to 15 min were used to assessed the fasting fat and carbohydrate oxidation data to avoid any error when move the equipment.

Next, a catheter was inserted into the forearm of each participant to collect fasting blood samples. After blood sample collection, the participants were provided with a specific high-fat meal.

The participants rested quietly in the laboratory for 4 h, and their blood lipid changes during this period were observed. All oral fat tolerance test OFTT meals were designed and provided by dieticians, as previously described 1020 The meals included toast, butter, cheese, muesli, and cream.

For every kg of the body weight of the participant, the meal provided 1. The nutritional information was obtained from the nutritional facts on food packages. During the experiment, the participants were required to consume the OFTT meal within 15 min.

The average caloric and fat intake of the OFTT were In the experiment, a catheter Venflon 20G, Sweden was inserted into the vein of the forearm, and a three-way stopcock Connecta Ltd.

Blood was collected before meals, 30 min after meals, and every hour after meals up to the fourth hour. After each session of blood collection, 10 mL of isotonic saline water was used to clean the catheter to avoid blood clotting in the catheter.

The collected blood was immediately placed in blood collection tubes containing ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. A cell counter was used to analyze the hematocrit Sysmax KXN, Kobe, Japan.

After the analysis, the blood was centrifuged for 20 min at × g at 4 °C. The plasma were analyzed by using an automated biochemical analyzerHitachi, Japan with commercial reagents of TG Wako, Osaka, Japanglucose GOD-PAP, Randox, Irelandfree fatty acid Wako, Neuss, Germany and glycerol Randox, Antrim, Ireland.

The insulin concentration in blood plasma was analyzed using a chemiluminescence immunoassay analyzer ElecsysRoche Diagnostics, Basel, Switzerland and commercial reagents Roche Diagnostics, Basel, Switzerland. The intra-assay coefficients of variation of the plasma measurement were TG: 4.

: Maximized fat oxidizing mechanisms

Nutrient Metabolism, Human | Learn Science at Scitable

Maximal fat oxidation MFO in the morning, and in the afternoon, after ingestion of caffeine or the placebo. Panel a : Individual observations for each subject grey lines , and the mean for all subjects black line.

Similar letters i. a-a; b-b, etc. indicate significant post hoc differences. Compared to the placebo, caffeine intake increased Fat max by Intensity of exercise eliciting maximal fat oxidation Fat max in the morning, and in the afternoon, following the ingestion of caffeine or the placebo.

Compared to the placebo, caffeine intake increased VO 2max by 3. Maximum oxygen uptake VO 2max in absolute terms in the morning, and in the afternoon, following the ingestion of caffeine or the placebo.

a-a; b-b, etc indicate significant post hoc differences. VO 2max relative to weight in the morning, and in the afternoon, following the ingestion of caffeine or the placebo.

Panel c : Individual observations for each subject grey lines , and the mean for all subjects black line. All the significant differences reported above persisted after adjusting for age, chronotype, lean mass and fat mass data not shown. The present results indicate that caffeine intake increases MFO and Fat max as well as VO 2max independent of the time of day.

The highest values for these variables were all obtained in the afternoon after caffeine intake. The results also show that, in the morning, the values of MFO after caffeine ingestion are nearly equivalent to those recorded in afternoon tests without caffeine supplementation.

This suggests that caffeine increases whole-body fat oxidation during graded exercise in the morning to a value similar to that seen without caffeine in the afternoon. Overall, these results suggest that a combination of acute caffeine intake and exercise at moderate intensity in the afternoon provides the best scenario for individuals seeking to increase whole-body fat oxidation during aerobic exercise.

The present findings provide further evidence regarding the diurnal variation of MFO and Fat max , which have been reported higher in the afternoon than in the morning [ 7 , 8 , 9 ].

It should be noted that these previous studies were conducted using a treadmill graded exercise test to measure these variables. In the present work, a cycloergometer graded exercise test was used.

Thus, together, these results suggest that the diurnal variations in MFO and Fat max are independent of subject characteristics and of the ergometer and protocol used to assess the whole-body fat oxidation rate during exercise.

A number of studies have reported athletes to show better endurance performance during the afternoon than the early morning and late evening [ 10 , 35 ], a finding with which the present results agree. However, in one study conducted in trained male athletes, no differences in VO 2max were seen between the morning and the afternoon [ 9 ].

With respect to this particular variable, the discrepancy might be explained by the different ergometers used i. Endurance performance peaks in the afternoon usually coinciding with the highest core body temperature reached during the day [ 36 ].

This temperature increases energy metabolism, improves muscle compliance, and facilitates actin-myosin cross bridging [ 11 ]. Moreover, the exercise-induced catecholamine peak is higher in the afternoon than in the morning [ 10 , 11 ]. This catecholamine release promotes an increase in lipolysis in both skeletal muscle and adipose tissue [ 11 , 35 ], raising the plasma fatty acid content and explaining the higher fat oxidation rates observed in the afternoon.

Since the present work collected no data on body core temperature or catecholamine release during exercise, further studies will be needed if these variables are to be better linked to the physiological mechanisms behind the observed diurnal variation in VO 2max , MFO and Fat max.

The results of the current study support the use of caffeine as an ergogenic aid to raise fat oxidation during exercise, as well as to increase VO 2max , and agree with the findings of previous investigations showing that caffeine improves fuel oxidation during prolonged exercise [ 20 , 21 , 22 ] and enhances endurance performance [ 12 ].

The present results also agree with those obtained by Gutiérrez-Hellín et al. These findings suggest that caffeine ingestion in the morning could be used by athletes as an ergogenic aid to help them avoid morning-induced reduction in muscle performance. In addition, Boyett et al.

These findings are partially in line with those of the present study, suggesting that acute caffeine intake before exercise serves as an effective ergogenic aid for reversing morning-induced reductions in resistance exercise performance and endurance-like performance.

Moreover, we did not control the sleep quality and quantity of the participants. Further, the present study was performed in active men; the results cannot, therefore, be directly extrapolated to women or sedentary populations, etc.

Finally, the sample size was relatively small. Caffeine intake increases MFO and Fat max as well as VO 2 max independent of the time of day. Caffeine increases MFO in the morning to a value similar to that seen without caffeine in the afternoon.

A combination of acute caffeine intake and exercise at moderate intensity in the afternoon provides the best scenario for individuals seeking to increase MFO.

Further, the existence of a diurnal variation in MFO, Fat max and VO 2max was confirmed, with values for all being higher in the afternoon than in the morning.

The present findings also support the notion that caffeine ingestion in the morning helps to increase MFO and Fat max levels during exercise in the afternoon. These results support the use of caffeine as an ergogenic aid during training or competition during the morning.

The combination of acute caffeine intake and exercise at moderate intensity in the afternoon seems to be the best scenario for individuals seeking to increase the amount of fat utilized during continuous aerobic exercise. Whether higher doses of caffeine induce greater effects on whole-body fat oxidation during graded exercise tests and further improves endurance performance remains to be investigated.

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Ganio MS, Klau JF, Casa DJ, Armstrong LE, Maresh CM. Exercise intensity and duration are important determinants of fat oxidation. Fat oxidation rates increase from low to moderate intensities and then decrease when the intensity becomes high. The mode of exercise can also affect fat oxidation, with fat oxidation being higher during running than cycling.

Endurance training induces a multitude of adaptations that result in increased fat oxidation. The duration and intensity of exercise training required to induce changes in fat oxidation is currently unknown. Ingestion of carbohydrate in the hours before or on commencement of exercise reduces the rate of fat oxidation significantly compared with fasted conditions, whereas fasting longer than 6 h optimizes fat oxidation.

What Happens during Fat Oxidation? Descalzo, A. Maximized fat oxidizing mechanisms, oxidizung little information is available Maximized fat oxidizing mechanisms draw any conclusions about mwchanisms optimal training programme to Longevity and social connections these effects. If the data were significant, the Bonferroni method was used to perform post hoc comparisons. Trial registration NCT A systematic review of the separate and combined effects of energy restriction and exercise on fat-free mass in middle-aged and older adults: implications for sarcopenic obesity. This study used a crossover design for the experiment.
Fat Burning: using body fat instead of carbohydrates as fuel

Exercise intensity and duration are important determinants of fat oxidation. Fat oxidation rates increase from low to moderate intensities and then decrease when the intensity becomes high. The mode of exercise can also affect fat oxidation, with fat oxidation being higher during running than cycling.

Endurance training induces a multitude of adaptations that result in increased fat oxidation. The duration and intensity of exercise training required to induce changes in fat oxidation is currently unknown.

Ingestion of carbohydrate in the hours before or on commencement of exercise reduces the rate of fat oxidation significantly compared with fasted conditions, whereas fasting longer than 6 h optimizes fat oxidation. However, the increased fat oxidation rate did not increase the TG level after the consumption of high-fat meals in the healthy male participants.

The further research is required to investigate the effect of time-restricted feeding on postprandial response after a high fat meal in the overweight or at-risk populations.

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CAS Google Scholar. Wolfe, A. Vardarli, E. Hourly 4-s Sprints Prevent Impairment of Postprandial Fat Metabolism from Inactivity. Sports Exerc. Download references. Thanks for Sports Science Research Center of National Taiwan University of Sport to provide the equipment for this study.

Graduate Program in Department of Exercise Health Science, National Taiwan University of Sport, No. Department of Sport Performance, National Taiwan University of Sport, Taichung, , Taiwan. Senior Wellness and Sport Science, Tunghai University, Taichung, , Taiwan. Clinical Trial Center, China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, , Taiwan.

Graduate Program in Department of Exercise Health Science, National Taiwan University of Sport, Taichung, , Taiwan. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Chih-Hui Chiu carried out the experiment, blood analysis and assisted the manuscript preparation. Che-Hsiu Chen and M.

assisted the data analysis and manuscript preparation. assisted the experimental design, data analysis and manuscript preparation.

All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Correspondence to Chih-Hui Chiu. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

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Abstract Studies have revealed that time-restricted feeding affects the fat oxidation rate; however, its effects on the fat oxidation rate and hyperlipidemia following high-fat meals are unclear.

Introduction Consuming high-fat meals increases the triglyceride TG level in blood plasma. Design This study used a crossover design for the experiment. Protocol Pretest The pretest was to assess the total daily energy expenditure by indirect calorimetry through a series of resting assessments and exercising assessments.

Formal experiment The experiment was conducted on a 6-day period. Table 1 The macronutrient consumption for TRF and CON. Full size table. Table 2 The participants physiological information and fasting plasma biochemistry. Figure 1. Full size image. Figure 2. Figure 3. Discussion In this study, meals were provided that met the h energy requirement of each participant for 5 days.

Conclusion This study discovered that consuming meals with the same amount of calories for 5 days and using time-restricted feeding as the intervention can effectively increase the fasting fat oxidation rate and the fat oxidation rate after the consumption of high-fat meals.

Data availability All relevant materials are presented in the present manuscript. References Liu, H. Article CAS Google Scholar Nordestgaard, B. Article CAS Google Scholar Bansal, S. Article CAS Google Scholar Langsted, A.

Article CAS Google Scholar Ravussin, E. Article CAS Google Scholar Jamshed, H. Article CAS Google Scholar Pellegrini, M. Article Google Scholar Gabel, K. Article CAS Google Scholar Trombold, J. Article CAS Google Scholar Yang, T.

Article Google Scholar Wilhelmsen, A. Article CAS Google Scholar Chiu, C. Article CAS Google Scholar Sutton, E. Article CAS Google Scholar Liu, B. Article CAS Google Scholar Moro, T. Article Google Scholar Silva, A. Article CAS Google Scholar Santos, D.

Article Google Scholar Chiu, C. Article CAS Google Scholar Frayn, K. Article CAS Google Scholar Matthews, J. Article CAS Google Scholar Faul, F. Article Google Scholar Jensen, M. Article CAS Google Scholar Guerci, B.

Article CAS Google Scholar Hutchison, A. CAS Google Scholar Wolfe, A. Article CAS Google Scholar Download references. Acknowledgements Thanks for Sports Science Research Center of National Taiwan University of Sport to provide the equipment for this study.

Funding This study was funded by Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan H Author information Authors and Affiliations Graduate Program in Department of Exercise Health Science, National Taiwan University of Sport, No. View author publications.

Ethics declarations Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests. Additional information Publisher's note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Rights and permissions Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4. About this article. Cite this article Chiu, CH.

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Physiology of Fat Loss

Professor Asker Jeukendrup looks at what the research says. Fat burning is often associated with weight loss, decreases in body fat and increases in lean body mass, all of which can be advantageous for an athlete. It is known that well-trained endurance athletes have an increased capacity to oxidise fatty acids.

This enables them to use fat as a fuel when their carbohydrate stores become limited. In contrast, patients with obesity, insulin resistance and type II diabetes may have an impaired capacity to oxidise fat.

As a result, fatty acids may be stored in their muscles and in other tissues. This accumulation of lipid and its metabolites in the muscle may interfere with the insulin-signalling cascade and cause insulin resistance.

It is therefore important to understand the factors that regulate fat metabolism, and the ways to increase fat oxidation in patients and athletes. Fats are stored mostly in subcutaneous adipose tissue, but we also have small stores in the muscle itself intramuscular triglycerides.

At the onset of exercise, neuronal beta-adrenergic stimulation will increase lipolysis the breakdown of fats into fatty acids and glycerol in adipose tissue and muscle. Catecholamines such as adrenaline and noradrenaline may also rise and contribute to the stimulation of lipolysis.

As soon as exercise begins, fatty acids are mobilised. Adipose tissue fatty acids have to be transported from the fat cell to the muscle, be transported across the muscle membrane and then be transported across the mitochondrial membrane for oxidation.

The triglycerides stored in muscle undergo similar lipolysis and these fatty acids can be transported into the mitochondria as well. During exercise, a mixture of fatty acids derived from adipocytes and intramuscular stores is used.

There is evidence that shows that trained individuals store more intramuscular fat and use this more as a source of energy during exercise 1. Fat oxidation is regulated at various steps of this process.

Lipolysis is affected by many factors but is mostly regulated by hormones stimulated by catecholamines and inhibited by insulin. The transport of fatty acids is also dependent on blood supply to the adipose and muscle tissues, as well as the uptake of fatty acids into the muscle and into the mitochondria.

By inhibiting mobilisation of fatty acids or the transport of these fatty acids, we can reduce fat metabolism. However, are there also ways in which we can stimulate these steps and promote fat metabolism?

Exercise intensity — One of the most important factors that determines the rate of fat oxidation during exercise is the intensity.

Although several studies have described the relationship between exercise intensity and fat oxidation, only recently was this relationship studied over a wide range of intensities 2.

In absolute terms, carbohydrate oxidation increases proportionally with exercise intensity, whereas the rate of fat oxidation initially increases, but decreases again at higher exercise intensities see figure 1.

So, although it is often claimed that you have to exercise at low intensities to oxidise fat, this is not necessarily true. However, the inter-individual variation is very large. However, very little research has been done. Recently we used this intensity in a training study with obese individuals.

Compared with interval training, their fat oxidation and insulin sensitivity improved more after four weeks steady-state exercise three times per week at an intensity that equalled their individual Fatmax 4. Dietary effects — The other important factor is diet.

A diet high in carbohydrate will suppress fat oxidation, and a diet low in carbohydrate will result in high fat oxidation rates.

This effect of insulin on fat oxidation may last as long as six to eight hours after a meal, and this means that the highest fat oxidation rates can be achieved after an overnight fast. Endurance athletes have often used exercise without breakfast as a way to increase the fat-oxidative capacity of the muscle.

Recently, a study was performed at the University of Leuven in Belgium, in which scientists investigated the effect of a six-week endurance training programme carried out for three days per week, each session lasting one to two hours 6. The participants trained in either the fasted or carbohydrate-fed state.

When training was conducted in the fasted state, the researchers observed a decrease in muscle glycogen use, while the activity of various proteins involved in fat metabolism was increased. However, fat oxidation during exercise was the same in the two groups.

It is possible, though, that there are small but significant changes in fat metabolism after fasted training; but, in this study, changes in fat oxidation might have been masked by the fact that these subjects received carbohydrate during their experimental trials.

It must also be noted that training after an overnight fast may reduce your exercise capacity and may therefore only be suitable for low- to moderate- intensity exercise sessions.

The efficacy of such training for weight reduction is also not known. Duration of exercise — It has long been established that oxidation becomes increasingly important as exercise progresses.

During ultra-endurance exercise, fat oxidation can reach peaks of 1 gram per minute, although as noted in Dietary effects fat oxidation may be reduced if carbohydrate is ingested before or during exercise.

In terms of weight loss, the duration of exercise may be one of the key factors as it is also the most effective way to increase energy expenditure. Mode of exercise — The exercise modality also has an effect on fat oxidation. Fat oxidation has been shown to be higher for a given oxygen uptake during walking and running, compared with cycling 7.

The reason for this is not known, but it has been suggested that it is related to the greater power output per muscle fibre in cycling compared to that in running. Gender differences — Although some studies in the literature have found no gender differences in metabolism, the majority of studies now indicate higher rates of fat oxidation in women.

In a study that compared men and women over a wide range of exercise intensities, it was shown that the women had higher rates of fat oxidation over the entire range of intensities, and that their fat oxidation peaked at a slightly higher intensity 8.

The differences, however, are small and may not be of any physiological significance. There are many nutrition supplements on the market that claim to increase fat oxidation. These supplements include caffeine, carnitine, hydroxycitric acid HCA , chromium, conjugated linoleic acid CLA , guarana, citrus aurantium, Asian ginseng, cayenne pepper, coleus forskholii, glucomannan, green tea, psyllium and pyruvate.

With few exceptions, there is little evidence that these supplements, which are marketed as fat burners, actually increase fat oxidation during exercise see table 1. One of the few exceptions however may be green tea extracts. The mechanisms of this are not well understood but it is likely that the active ingredient in green tea, called epigallocatechin gallate EGCG — a powerful polyphenol with antioxidant properties inhibits the enzyme catechol O-methyltransferase COMT , which is responsible for the breakdown of noradrenaline.

This in turn may result in higher concentrations of noradrenaline and stimulation of lipolysis, making more fatty acids available for oxidation. Environment — Environmental conditions can also influence the type of fuel used. It is known that exercise in a hot environment will increase glycogen use and reduce fat oxidation, and something similar can be observed at high altitude.

Similarly, when it is extremely cold, and especially when shivering, carbohydrate metabolism appears to be stimulated at the expense of fat metabolism. At present, the only proven way to increase fat oxidation during exercise is to perform regular physical activity.

Exercise training will up-regulate the enzymes of the fat oxidation pathways, increase mitochondrial mass, increase blood flow, etc. Research has shown that as little as four weeks of regular exercise three times per week for minutes can increase fat oxidation rates and cause favourable enzymatic changes It would be advantageous to determine the optimal hormonal profile associated with fat loss and the most appropriate exercise and diet program required to achieve such a hormonal profile.

It would also be of benefit to identify peptides and nucleotides released from exercising muscle that could potentially induce myogenic differentiation of circulating stem cells, and the impact this could have on exercise-stressed tissue regeneration and development, as well as fat cell metabolism.

Such information is ultimately important for developing the most appropriate and efficient exercise programs for reductioning fat mass and treating the numerous metabolic disorders and physical disabilities associated with obesity.

JI wrote the initial draft of the editorial. All authors reviewed and edited the initial draft and agreed with the final version of the editorial. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers.

Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher. We greatly appreciate the excellent review and research articles contributed to this Research Topic by an outstanding group of research scientists.

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Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol.

Optimizing fat oxidation through exercise and diet Maximuzed My Free Issue. Oxidizlng Fat serves many important functions in oxidlzing human Sports and fat loss. Fah P, Managing stress and anxiety AU, Norberg E, Stanley Apple cider vinegar for immune system, Chapuy B, Ficarro SB, et al. Microbe Matters. Trombold, J. Acknowledgements Thanks for Sports Science Research Center of National Taiwan University of Sport to provide the equipment for this study. In the absence of insulin, these transporters are located inside vesicles and thus do not contribute to glucose uptake in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue.

Maximized fat oxidizing mechanisms -

The ability of antioxidant compounds to reduce the ferric ion to ferrous ion has been used to evaluate the antioxidant activity in meat. Several antioxidant compounds, such as ascorbic acid, NADPH, and thiol compounds glutathione , are present in biological cells and are probably responsible for the ferric reduction capacity in meat.

Ascorbic acid is an important biological reducing agent capable of serving as an electron donor in oxidative processes mediated by free radicals. Ascorbic acid may serve both as an antioxidant and as a pro-oxidant, depending on its concentration.

It has been suggested that ascorbic acid in low concentrations tends to promote lipid peroxidation in muscle tissues by reducing ionic iron, whereas at high concentrations, it tends to inhibit LOx by regenerating antioxidants such as α-tocopherol in the cell membrane.

The effect of the concentration of ascorbic acid on lipid peroxidation also depends on the iron concentration Min et al. Lipoxygenase is an enzyme essential for the eicosanoid biosynthesis from the arachidonic acid in cell membranes, and it is present in the muscle tissue of various mammals.

This enzyme can directly oxygenate PUFAs forming lipid hydroperoxides. Thus, lipoxygenase may be involved in the initiation of lipid peroxidation in meats Min et al. Raw beef is much more susceptible to LOx than raw pork and raw chicken Min et al.

This difference is mainly due to the considerably larger amount of iron and myoglobin in bovine muscle Min et al. Min et al. found similar TBARS levels in cooked beef and chicken drumsticks internal temperature of 75 °C , which were considerably higher than the levels found in pork and cooked chicken breast.

These findings indicate that the content of free ionic iron and myoglobin and the ferric reducing ability were the main determinants for the differences in susceptibility of raw meats to LOx. On the other hand, for cooked meats under heating , the main determinants seem to be free ionic iron content, heat-stable ferric iron reducing capacity, and PUFA levels, when there is sufficient amount of free iron Min et al.

Several factors involved in processing and storage, such as size reduction processes, heating, maturation, boning, additives, oxygen exposure, temperature, and storage time, can influence the rate of LOx in meat and meat products.

Oxygen exposure is one of the most important factors for the development of LOx. Oxygen exposure is also an essential factor contributing to LOx during storage. It has been shown that in the absence of oxygen, pro-oxidants exert minimal effects on oxidation during storage.

In addition to exposing the phospholipids to oxygen, cooking also promotes the release of nonheme iron from heme pigments.

Slow heating was shown to increase the release of non-heme iron more rapidly than fast heating. Also, high temperatures provide reduced activation energy for oxidation and break down of hydroperoxide into free radicals.

On the other hand, it has also been shown that freezing slows down lipid peroxidation and retards the development of NADH-dependent lipid peroxidation by inactivating the enzymes, but thawing results in reactivation of the peroxidase system.

Sodium chloride is one of the most important additives in meat industry, where it is used for enhancing preservation, flavor, softness, and water retention capacity among others.

However, it is known that it has a pro-oxidant effect in meats and meat products, depending on its concentration. The mechanism by which sodium chloride promotes lipid oxidation has not yet been clearly understood, but one possible explanation is that NaCI may disrupt the structural integrity of the membrane enabling catalysts to have access to substrates.

Pro-oxidant effects of NaCl in microbial growth-controlled and uncontrolled beef and chicken. Meat Science, 57 1 , reported the ability of this salt to release ionic iron from iron-containing molecules such as heme proteins and found that it can promote the formation of metmyoglobin.

These antioxidants can reduce the impact of some sources of oxidative stress heating and thereby inhibit their adverse effect on the muscle tissue Ismail et al. Oxidative stress biomarkers and biochemical profile in broilers chicken fed zinc bacitracin and ascorbic acid under hot climate.

American Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. In general, dietary strategies to reduce the effects of lipid oxidation on meat involve changes in the lipid composition of the feeds and antioxidant supplementation. The animal feeding system grass, grain, or mixed can affect the lipid composition and concentration of vitamin E in the animal muscles Bekhit et al.

Oxidative processes in muscle systems and fresh meat: sources, markers, and remedies. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 12 5 , Generally, grass-fed cattle have higher level of long-chain omega-3 and conjugated linoleic acid CLA fatty acids than grain-fed cattle Daley et al.

A review of fatty acid profiles and antioxidant content in grass-fed and grain-fed beef. Nutrition Journal, 9 1 , Despite the higher concentration of fatty acids susceptible to lipid oxidation PUFAs and CLAs found in grass-fed cattle, the rate of lipid peroxidation in the meat of these animals was lower.

A review of natural antioxidants and their effects on oxidative status, odor and quality of fresh beef produced in Argentina. Meat Science , 79 3 , Higher antioxidant enzyme activity has also been reported in animals fed this type of diet Bekhit et al.

Alpha-tocopherol is the most commonly used antioxidant in diets of monogastric and ruminant animals. Liu et al. Phenotypic blood glutathione concentration and selenium supplementation interactions on meat colour stability and fatty acid concentrations in Merino lambs.

Meat Science, 87 2 , Higher α-tocopherol concentrations did not affect antioxidant capacity. indicated that grass-based-diets provide a significantly higher concentration of α-tocopherol than grain-based-diets.

Selenium is the main antioxidant used as a dietary supplement to control lipid oxidation in meats. It is an integral component of glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme that along with vitamin E is responsible for cellular defense against free radicals Liu et al.

Effects of dietary selenium and vitamin e on growth performance, meat yield, and selenium content and lipid oxidation of breast meat of broilers reared under heat stress. Biological Trace Element Research , 1 , Habibian et al. reported that selenium supplementation 0.

Some studies suggest that selenium yeast may be a promising dietary strategy to improve the oxidative stability of poultry meat Ahmad et al. Effects of dietary sodium selenite and selenium yeast on antioxidant enzyme activities and oxidative stability of chicken breast meat.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , 60 29 , Selenium in poultry breeder nutrition: an update. Animal Feed Science and Technology, , Delles et al.

Dietary antioxidant supplementation enhances lipid and protein oxidative stability of chicken broiler meat through promotion of antioxidant enzyme activity. Poultry Science, 93 6 , have recently reported that supplementation with selenium yeast enhances the oxidative stability of lipids and proteins of chicken broiler meat through promotion of antioxidant enzyme activity.

Zinc is also a component of an antioxidant enzyme, the superoxide dismutase. Accordingly, Tres et al. Moderately oxidized oils and dietary zinc and α-tocopheryl acetate supplementation: effects on the oxidative stability of rabbit plasma, liver, and meat.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , 58 16 , evaluated the effect of zinc supplementation on lipid stability of rabbit meat. The authors found a slight decrease in susceptibility to lipid oxidation in the meat of rabbits fed rich PSO peroxidized sunflower oil diet and a slight increase in susceptibility to lipid oxidation in rabbits fed diets rich in OSO oxidized sunflower oil.

Investigation of the serum oxidative stress in broilers fed on diets supplemented with nickel chloride. Health, 5 03 , Phenolic metabolites are common components of fruits and vegetables and have high antioxidant activity. The antioxidant properties of phenolic acids and flavonoids depend on their redox properties and chemical structure, which allow them to act as reducing agents, hydrogen donors, and singlet oxygen quenchers.

Additionally, some compounds have chelating activity, which prevents transition metals to act as oxidation promoters Kumar et al. Recent Trends in the Use of Natural Antioxidants for Meat and Meat Products.

Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 14 6 , Dietary strategies based on vegetable products rich in phenolic compounds have been shown to be effective against lipid and protein oxidation.

Among them are thymol, tannic acid, and gallic acid Starčević et al. Production performance, meat composition and oxidative susceptibility in broiler chicken fed with different phenolic compounds.

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 95 6 , Effects of ginger root Zingiber officinale on laying performance and antioxidant status of laying hens and on dietary oxidation stability. Poultry Science , 90 8 , Oxidative stability of the meat of broilers supplemented with rosemary leaves, rosehip fruits, chokeberry pomace, and entire nettle, and effects on performance and meat quality.

Poultry Science , 92 11 , Meat composition, fatty acid profile and oxidative stability of meat from broilers supplemented with pomegranate Punica granatum L.

by products. Food Chemistry , , Effects of dietary pomegranate seed pulp on oxidative stability of kid meat. Meat Science , , In addition to the inhibition of oxidative stress, some herbs and their essential oils can contribute positively to the performance, digestibility, and gut microflora of animals Cross et al.

The effect of herbs and their associated essential oils on performance, dietary digestibility, and gut microflora in chickens from 7 to 28 days of age. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science. Supported by promising results, the use of phytogenic additives has recently been proposed as an alternative to antibiotics to control oxidative stress in broiler chickens.

Table 1 summarizes some recent studies on the effect of supplementation with phenolic compounds on oxidative stability. Ractopamine is a β-adrenergic agonist that affects animal metabolism inhibiting lipogenesis stimulating lipolysis and nitrogen retention, leading to an increase in protein synthesis.

Studies suggest that in addition to increasing lean mass, ractopamine also contributes to the reduction of lipid oxidation in pork meat Leal et al. Qualidade da carne de suínos submetidos a dietas com diferentes nivéis de ractopamina. Archivos de Zootecnia, 63 , Associação de ractopamina e vitaminas antioxidantes para suínos em terminação.

Ciência Rural, 45 2 , Although it is a common practice in Brazil and in other countries such as the U. There are no conclusive studies concerning the long term effects of this compound. Bromatologia em Saúde — Estudos e pesquisas dos alunos da disciplina Bromatologia em Saúde oferecida pela Faculdade de Farmácia da UFRJ: será a ractopamina a vilã da carne brasileira?

Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ. This retards lipid oxidation and rancidity without damage to sensory and nutritional properties, which maintains quality and extend shelf life of meat and meat products.

Although there are intrinsic factors in live muscles to prevent lipid oxidation, they are often lost after slaughtering, during muscle conversion of muscle to meat, primary and secondary processing, handling and storage; therefore, supplementation with extrinsic antioxidants is necessary. For this reason, synthetic antioxidants, such as BHT and BHA, have been widely used to delay or prevent lipid oxidation by scavenging chain-carrying peroxyl radicals or suppressing the formation of free radicals.

However, because of the concern over the safety of these synthetic compounds, the use of natural antioxidants in meat has been widely studied.

Natural antioxidants have great application potential in the meat industry. It is known that plant extracts, herbs, spices, and essential oils have significant antioxidant capacity, but their application in the industry is still limited due to the lack of sufficient data about their efficiency and safety in different amounts and products Kumar et al.

BHA, BHT, and TBHQ are examples of synthetic chain breaking antioxidants. This stops the oxidation process by forming a more stable compound. On the other hand, ethylenediamine tetra acetic acid EDTA is a metal chelator which binds iron preventing catalyzed oxidation of this metal.

The concentration of synthetic antioxidants allowed in food is limited to 0. Nowadays, the acceptability of synthetic additives by consumers is low since certain toxicity and carcinogenicity have been identified in some studies Faine et al.

Butyl hydroxytoluene BHT -induced oxidative stress: Effects on serum lipids and cardiac energy metabolism in rats. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology, 57 3 , For these reasons, the interest of the meat industry in using natural antioxidants has increased considerably Kumar et al.

Natural antioxidants are an interesting alternative to conventional antioxidants. Although, they are generally more expensive and less efficient, these components are better accepted by consumers and are considered safer.

Moreover, some natural compounds have higher antioxidant capacity than synthetic compounds and some also have other positive effects on the sensory properties of meat products Kumar et al. Improving meat quality through natural antioxidants. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, 71 2 , Natural antioxidants include various substances with different chemical characteristics, which can be found in any plant part such as grains, fruits, kernels, seeds, leaves, roots, peels, and barks.

The antioxidant capacity of natural extracts is related to the presence of compounds such as vitamins A, C and E, flavonoids, and other phenolic compounds.

The majority of natural antioxidants found in nature are phenolic compounds, among which are tocopherols, flavonoids, and phenolic acids. Alleviative effects of litchi Litchi chinensis Sonn. flower on lipid peroxidation and protein degradation in emulsified pork meatballs. Journal of food and drug analysis, 23 3 , Some phenolics prevent free radical generation and the formation of reactive oxygen species, while others scavenge free radicals and chelate pro-oxidants transition metal.

The antioxidant potential of these natural compounds phenolics depends on their structure and distribution of functional groups in these structures. For example, the number and position of free hydroxyl groups -OH in the structure of a flavonoid determines its free radical- scavenging potential.

The presence of multiple -OH groups and ortho-3,4dihydroxy structures enhance the antioxidant potential of plant-based phenolic compounds.

Polymeric structures containing more -OH groups have greater antioxidant potential, whereas glycolsylation of functional groups reduction of -OH decreases antioxidant potential Kumar et al.

The most important sources of natural antioxidants used in the industry will be discussed individually below. Ascorbic acid AA is a chelating agent that binds metal ions; it also scavenges free radicals and act as a reducing agent.

It is commonly used in combination with other antioxidants, especially tocopherols Ismail et al. Carotenoid compounds are widely used as natural pigments and also have antioxidant properties Domenech-Asensi et al. Effect of the addition of tomato paste on the nutritional and sensory properties of mortadella.

Meat Science , 93 2 , They can act as singlet oxygen E1 quenchers, react with free radicals E2 , or act as chain-breaking agents under specific conditions Mercadante et al. Effect of natural pigments on the oxidative stability of sausages stored under refrigeration.

Meat Science, 84 4 , Some studies have reported that carotenoids such as norbixin, lycopene, zeaxanthin, and β-carotene have good antioxidant activity in food Boon et al. Role of iron and hydroperoxides in the degradation of lycopene in oil-in-water emulsions.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57 7 , Activity of natural carotenoid preparations against the autoxidative deterioration of sunflower oil-in-water emulsions.

Food Chemistry, 4 , However, it is important to mention that in addition to acting as antioxidants, carotenoids can act as pro-oxidants E3 , depending on various factors including storage conditions, concentration, carotenoid type, the presence of other antioxidants and pro-oxidants at high oxygen pressures Boon et al.

It is known that the carotenoid structure has great influence on their antioxidant activity, which enhances according to the number of conjugated double bonds, ketogroups, and the presence of cyclopentane rings. For example, cataxantina and astaxanthin have better antioxidant activity than that of β-carotene or zeaxanthin Uenojo et al.

Carotenóides: propriedades, aplicações e biotransformação para formação de compostos de aroma. Quimica Nova, 30 3 , Tocopherols are effective natural fat-soluble antioxidants; α-tocopherol can serve as a chain breaker and electron donor by competing with the substrate over peroxyl radicals.

Furthermore, the antioxidant activity of α-tocopherol can also be associated with retarding the decomposition of hydroperoxides Georgantelis et al. Effect of rosemary extract, chitosan and α-tocopherol on microbiological parameters and lipid oxidation of fresh pork sausages stored at 4°C.

Meat Science , 76 1 , It has been reported that α-tocopherol is commonly used in animal feed to increase the oxidative stability of meat. Studies on herbs of the Lamiaceae family, especially oregano Origanum vulgare L.

have shown their significant antioxidant capacity, primarily due to phenolic -OH groups. Herbs with high levels of phenolic compounds, such as phenolic acids e. Rosemary can inhibit lipid oxidation, chelate metal and eliminate superoxide radicals. The substances responsible for the antioxidant activity include phenolic acids caffeic, ferulic, and rosamarinic acid and phenolic diterpenes carnosic acid and carnosol.

Carnosic acid and carnosol act as iron chelators and eliminate peroxyl radicals, especially in lipophilic systems. Oregano has been reported as the laminaceae herb with the highest antioxidant activity Munchweti et al. Phenolic composition and antioxidant properties of some spices.

American Journal of Food Technology. The compounds responsible for antioxidant activity of oregano include caffeic, coumaric and rosamarinic acids, carvacrol, thymol, and flavonoids. Sage contains a variety of antioxidants such as carnosol, rosmanol, rosamadiol, isorosmanol, galdosol and carnosic acid.

Its antioxidant activity is related to oxygenated diterpene of oxygen and sesquiterpene concentration. The essential oils of sage can reduce the lipid oxidation in meat; however, this effect is more pronounced when used in cooked meat than in raw meat Fasseas et al.

Antioxidant activity in meat treated with oregano and sage essential oils. Food Chemistry, 3 , Effect of natural antioxidants on oxidative stability of frozen, vacuum-packaged beef and pork. Journal of Food Quality, 3 12 , The antioxidant and antimicrobial capacities of spices have been extensively studied.

Clove Syzygium aromaticum , cinnamon Cinnamomum zeylanicum , nutmeg fragrans Myristica , and black pepper Piper nigrum are examples of commonly used spices with antioxidant activity, mainly due to the presence of phenolic compounds such as coumaric, ferulic, and gallic acids, volatile oils, and flavonoids.

Spices and herbs have similar chemical composition and roles Radha et al. Antimicrobial and antioxidant effects of spice extracts on the shelf life extension of raw chicken meat.

International Journal of Food Microbiology , , Green tea Camellia sinensis has high antioxidant activity due to the presence of flavonoids, tannins, and vitamins. The antioxidant activity of green tea infusions is mainly attributed to its phenolic content. Its phenolic compounds include catechins and polyphenolic flavonoids, which are particularly effective in eliminating free radicals Kim et al.

Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of leafy green vegetable extracts and their applications to meat product preservation. Food Control, 29 1 , Grape seed extracts Vitis spp.

are also sources of phenolic compounds such as caffeic acid, proanthocyanidins, resveratrol, and catechins. The compounds with the highest antioxidant activity in grape seed are gallic acid and epigallocatechin, which have phenols with three -OH groups bonded to the aromatic ring adjacent to each other.

In addition to the aforementioned antioxidant sources, many others have been explored to reduce lipid oxidation and increase shelf life of meat and meat products. Some examples are extracts of pomegranate, acerola , lychee, and jabuticaba Plinia jaboticaba.

Table 2 summarizes some recent studies addressing the effect of natural antioxidants on oxidative stability of meat and meat products. Modern meat and meat product-packaging methods offer benefits beyond conventional protection properties to meat and meat products.

Vacuum, modified atmosphere, and active packaging are techniques that have extended shelf life of these products Pereira et al.

Effect of packaging technology on microbiological and sensory quality of a cooked blood sausage, Morcela de Arroz, from Monchique region of Portugal.

Meat Science, , Considering that oxygen is the most common and essential component for the progress of lipid oxidation, packaging that reduce or limits oxygen exposure is a good strategy to prevent and retard LOx Xiao et al.

Effects of diet, packaging, and irradiation on protein oxidation, lipid oxidation, and color of raw broiler thigh meat during refrigerated storage. Poultry Science, 90 6 , Vacuum packaged meat refers to meat placed in a plastic film package with low permeability to oxygen, in which air is removed prior to sealing.

During vacuum application, the package shrinks ensuring tight contact to the meat. When the meat is packaged in low-permeability films leaving little space for the accumulation of any fluid exudate, the residual O 2 remaining in the package will be quickly converted to carbon dioxide by the respiratory activity of the meat Mills et al.

Factors affecting microbial spoilage and shelf-life of chilled vacuum-packed lamb transported to distant markets: a review. Due to its cost-effectiveness and ease of application, vacuum packaging has been the most widely used technique for meat packaging.

However, this method has some disadvantages such as deformation of the product and exudate forming. In view of this, modified atmosphere packaging has become a commonly used technique for packaging of meat and meat products Pereira et al.

Modified atmosphere is a technique that allows modifying the gas composition within the package according to the optimum conditions for the preservation of each product. In the case of red meat, for example, CO 2 is used to extend shelf life due to its antimicrobial properties.

An environment with predominance of CO 2 is very effective in preventing lipid oxidation; however, the excess of carbon dioxide imparts a sour taste to the meat, which can be reduced by allowing a 30 minute-rest after opening the package.

N 2 , an inert gas, is used to add volume and preserve the product integrity, while O 2 , although accelerating lipid oxidation, is used to maintain the red color, which influences consumer acceptance. Resting of MAP modified atmosphere packed beef steaks prior to cooking and effects on consumer quality.

Active packaging is a relatively novel technology designed to incorporate components in the packaging that can absorb or release substances into or from the packaged food or the environment surrounding the food to extend shelf life and maintain or improve the condition of packaged food.

This technology offers several advantages compared to the direct addition, such as lower amounts of active substance required, migration from film to the food matrix which may be used to maintain the antioxidant effect for longer protection , and elimination of additional processes.

Research on active packaging of meat has focused more on antimicrobial substances; however there has been growing interest in the use of antioxidants in packaging, and recent studies have shown promising results Bolumar et al.

Antioxidant active packaging for chicken meat processed by high pressure treatment. Active packaging with antioxidants includes variety of technology approaches. Most of them consist of the direct addition of the antioxidant to the plastic materials or the co-extrusion of antioxidant with the plastic film.

Another effective approach is to use film coatings containing antioxidants extracts Camo et al. Display life of beef packaged with an antioxidant active film as a function of the concentration of oregano extract.

Meat Science, 88 1 , Table 3 summarizes the main studies identified on types of packaging used to prevent lipid oxidation. Lipid oxidation is a complex process with great impact on the sensory quality of meat and meat products.

The mechanisms of lipid oxidation in muscle and meat should be better investigated and understood in order to develop new approaches for its control and improve the existing methods. Although lipid peroxidation in meat has been, and will continue to be, a widely investigated topic, many of the factors and mechanisms involved in this reaction have not yet been completely clear.

For effective prevention of lipid oxidation, a lot of factors must be considered. The oxidative stability of meat can be maximized with appropriate pre-slaughter intervention strategies, such as a diet supplemented with α-tocopherol and other antioxidants and maintaining an environment free of oxidative stress sources.

During processing, the use of less pro-oxidant methods will positively affect the final product, for example, processes that do not expose the meat to extremely high temperatures, maintain meat integrity, use little sodium, and include the addition of antioxidants.

Finally, during storage, the use of low temperatures and packaging that does not expose the meat to oxygen and light help extend shelf life by retarding the progression of lipid oxidation.

The use of natural antioxidants for the increased oxidative stability of meat is a topic of great interest today. Although an extensive range of natural products, such as antioxidants, have shown promising results, many of the sources used may contain toxic and antinutritional factors and can have negative effects if used in large amounts.

Therefore, there is need for further studies to characterize active compounds in these natural sources and assess their effectiveness, safety, and stability in different amounts and different products. Open menu Brazil. Food Science and Technology.

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Technol Campinas 38 Suppl. Abstract Lipid oxidation in meats is a process whereby polyunsaturated fatty acid react with reactive oxygen species leading to a series of secondary reactions which in turn lead to degradation of lipids and development of oxidative rancidity.

Keywords: lipids; meat products; antioxidants. The overall mechanism of oxidation includes three steps: 1- Disappearance of oxidation substrates such as oxygen and fatty acids. Mechanism Lipid Oxidation LOx is defined as a chain reaction of free radicals and consists of three stages: initiation, propagation, and termination.

Table 1 Effect of supplementation with phenolic compounds on oxidative stability. Table 2 Effect of natural antioxidants on oxidative stability of meat and meat products.

Table 3 Packaging to prevent lipid oxidation. Practical Application: Lipid oxidation is an important issue in many food studies, and we discuss some aspects that influence the lipid oxidation of meat. References Ahmad, H. Ahmed, S.

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The Journal of Supercritical Fluids , 72, Georgantelis, D. González, E. Effects of dietary incorporation of different antioxidant extracts and free-range rearing on fatty acid composition and lipid oxidation of Iberian pig meat.

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Meat Science , 91 4 , Jongberg, S. Effect of high-oxygen atmosphere packaging on oxidative stability and sensory quality of two chicken muscles during chill storage.

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Kim, S. Food Control , 29 1 , Kim, Y. Effect of forage and retail packaging types on meat quality of long-term chilled lamb loins. Journal of Animal Science , 91 12 , Kiokias, S.

Kumar, Y. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety , 14 6 , Laguerre, M. Progress in Lipid Research , 46 5 , Leal, R. Archivos de Zootecnia , 63 , Li, Y. Lima, D. Acta Veterinaria Brasilica , 7 1 , Liu, S. Meat Science , 87 2 , Loetscher, Y.

Lorenzo, J. Meat Science , 92 4 , Mercadante, A. Meat Science , 84 4 , Mills, J. Meat Science , 98 1 , Min, B. Food Science and Biotechnology , 14 1 , Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , 58 1 , Journal of Food Science , 73 6 , Mohamed, H.

The use of natural herbal extracts for improving the lipid stability and sensory characteristics of irradiated ground beef. Meat Science , 87 1 , Munchweti, M. Ortuño, J. Antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of dietary supplementation with rosemary diterpenes carnosic acid and carnosol vs vitamin E on lamb meat packed under protective atmosphere.

Pereira, J. Effect of packaging technology on microbiological and sensory quality of a cooked blood sausage, Morcela de Arroz , from Monchique region of Portugal.

Price, A. Natural extracts versus sodium ascorbate to extend the shelf life of meat-based ready-to-eat meals. Radha, K. Realini, C. Exercise intensity and duration are important determinants of fat oxidation. Fat oxidation rates increase from low to moderate intensities and then decrease when the intensity becomes high.

The mode of exercise can also affect fat oxidation, with fat oxidation being higher during running than cycling. Endurance training induces a multitude of adaptations that result in increased fat oxidation.

The duration and intensity of exercise training required to induce changes in fat oxidation is currently unknown. Ingestion of carbohydrate in the hours before or on commencement of exercise reduces the rate of fat oxidation significantly compared with fasted conditions, whereas fasting longer than 6 h optimizes fat oxidation.

Ocidizing you for visiting nature. Mecuanisms are using a Maxmiized version with limited support for CSS. To Maximized fat oxidizing mechanisms the Oxidlzing experience, we recommend you use oxidiziny more up to date browser or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer. In the Stress reduction for cancer prevention, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript. Studies have revealed that time-restricted feeding affects the fat oxidation rate; however, its effects on the fat oxidation rate and hyperlipidemia following high-fat meals are unclear. This study investigated the effects of 5-day time-restricted feeding on the fat oxidation rate and postprandial lipemia following high fat meals. In this random crossover experimental study, eight healthy male adults were included each in the 5-day time-restricted feeding trial and the control trial. Maximized fat oxidizing mechanisms Lipid oxidation in Apple cider vinegar for immune system is a process whereby Maximzed fatty acid react Sports and fat loss reactive oxygen Maximjzed Maximized fat oxidizing mechanisms to Maxmiized series Energy-saving tips secondary reactions Maxumized in turn lead to degradation of lipids and oxidizng of Anti-obesity campaigns rancidity. This process mechanismx one of the major factors responsible for the gradual reduction of sensory and nutritional quality of meats, thus affecting consumer acceptance. Therefore, the control and minimization of lipid oxidation in meat and meat products is of great interest to the food industry. In view of this, some technologies have been developed, such as vacuum packaging, modified atmosphere, and use of antioxidants. The aim is understanding the lipid oxidation mechanisms responsible for sensory and nutritional quality reduction in meat and meat products and identify the most effective methods to control this process.

Author: Nisar

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