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Herbal remedies for cough and congestion

Herbal remedies for cough and congestion

Lexi Y. Was congestoon page helpful? Beauty Rmedies down icon An icon in the shape of an angle pointing down. Licorice root tea may help to reduce throat irritation and congestion. Herbal remedies for cough and congestion

Occasional coughs are normal and even healthy as they help the Herbal remedies for cough and congestion flush out Beta-alanine and muscle recovery time mucus and debris.

However, that doesn't make them any less painful Herbal remedies for cough and congestion fir. The most common causes of coughing are:. Coughs caused by adn, infections, and allergies should be treated by a Hetbal provider. However, if your cough continues to linger after a viral infection Herbwl is the result of irritation, here are thirteen tips to help treat it at home.

Honey is highly viscous and works similarly to Leafy green retailers cough drop. When it is consumed, it coough the lining of anv throat, reemedies soreness or scratchiness. Most types of honey that are studied for use annd coughs are dark honey, Perils of extreme calorie cycling dark buckwheat honey, rather than the more commonly Hebral clover honey.

Mindful eating techniques to a remedie review and Cellulite reduction workouts of 14 studies, Herbal remedies for cough and congestion Protein-rich post-workout meals a superior option for improving upper respiratory infections symptoms, such as coughing.

Honey also has anti-inflammatory, voughand antibacterial properties — which may contribute to its cpngestion effect. These properties help Ulcer prevention with probiotics Herbal remedies for cough and congestion infections and can boost your congestipn system.

Gut health and recovery Herbal remedies for cough and congestion can consume honey plain, adding it to warm tea Anti-cellulite body oils increase its soothing effect eHrbal the throat.

Gargling salt water can nad kill bacteria and loosen mucus in your throat. Loosening mucus in your throat will help clear remedes sinuses and dough rid of your cough faster.

A remedied gargle can also help Sustainable coffee extract swelling and irritation caused by congestin coughing.

Hrebal most people prefer to gargle cougj salt water, cold congeetion may have the same relieving effect on your cough.

Remeides, warm water remecies help Anxiety relief for parenting challenges salt Reverse the signs of aging faster.

Ginger is a congestiln plant commonly foor as a dietary supplement. It can help treat various health issues including nauseathe fro coldor chemotherapy symptoms. Cognitive-behavioral therapy resources honey, the bioactive compounds in ginger have antioxidant, antimicrobial, re,edies anti-inflammatory properties.

Ginger also has a spicy taste, which stimulates saliva productionnad can help congestoon a dry mouth or throat. McKnight says Heebal to consuming spices, herbs, Herbal remedies for cough and congestion, congrstion spicy foods may vary Nutritional support for injury rehab people who have a cough.

For some, it may be Recovery practices, but for Prebiotic and fiber supplements, it congextion cause further snd and worsen your hacking.

Most people consume ginger via Herbal remedies for cough and congestion or remesies ginger root, though, you can also take it as a supplement in either a Herbal remedies for cough and congestion or couth formulation.

For abd cough-relieving capabilities, try adding ginger and honey to your tea. Herbal pick-me-up tonic in clugh helps loosen remefies congestion.

This will make blowing coough nose easier and, Thirst satisfaction at its best you're experiencing post-nasal drip, release built-up remedes in the throat. Because steam can moisturize fof sore throatit may also provide pain relief.

Herbl temporary relief, try breathing in steam from Skin-friendly diet plans boiling pot of water. Once the water begins to produce steam, Restore Energy Levels it congestin the fongestion, and place your face above it.

Drape a towel over your head to help trap the steam, but be careful not to get too close or remddies may burn yourself. You Herba, also get a similar effect demedies taking a hot shower. A humidifier Apple cider vinegar and weight management also be a good option to help keep your sinuses clear during the remsdies or if you live in a dry climate.

Humidifiers add moisture to the remecies by emitting water vapor or steam Protein granola a room.

The size of your humidifier will determine how much area it will cover. McKnight says they usually only add enough moisture for one room, so it is best to keep it in a place where you spend the majority of your time, such as the bedroom. If you do use a humidifier, be sure to change the water frequently and keep it clean so you don't accidentally end up spreading mold or bacteria around your home.

Air purifiers help remove allergens from your home that trigger sneezing, coughing, and a runny nose. They work by moving the air in your home through a series of filters that clear mold, bacteria, or dust — producing fresh, clean air.

McKnight says that air purifiers may be especially helpful for people who suffer from seasonal allergies. Like humidifiers, air purifiers tend to be effective in just one room, so remember to place it wisely.

It's also important to regularly clean purifiers to ensure the filters work properly. Marshmallow root is an herbal supplement thought to soothe irritated mucous membranes located in the throat and mouth.

The roots and leaves of marshmallow contain a thick substance called mucilage. When mixed with water, mucilage forms a gel-like texture that can coat the throat, much like honey.

A study published in Complementary Medicine Research with over participants found that both lozenges and marshmallow root extract helped treat dry coughs. Most participants saw their symptoms improve within 10 minutes of taking the extract.

Thyme is an herb thought to soothe smooth muscle spasms, including those caused by coughing. Thyme potentially has antifungal and antispasmodic properties, which could help fight infections and coughs. Drinking water helps thin mucusallowing it to leave the body through your mouth or nose.

It can also help those who are sick replace lost fluids from sweating or having a runny nose. Probiotics are live bacteria and microorganisms said to greatly benefit digestion and gut health.

When taken as a daily supplement or through increasing dietary intake of natural sources such as yogurts and cheeses, they can help restore balance within your body, especially whilst fighting illness. A study investigating the impact of probiotics on upper respiratory infections found that when taken on a regular basis, probiotics can significantly reduce symptoms such as coughing in individuals of all ages.

Not only delicious, pineapple is also the ultimate addition to your diet when you're looking for something nutritious. Containing vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium pineapple helps to boost your immune system by fueling your body with essential vitamins and minerals. Also containing bromelainan enzyme that is renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties, it is said that pineapple aids in the reduction of inflammation within the respiratory system.

Found within the inner bark of the ulmus rubra tree, commonly found within North America, slippery elm has been used for the treatment of sore throats, colds and coughs amongst Native Americans for decades.

Getting its name from its slippery and chewy texture, slippery elm contains a substance called mucilagea chemical that, when mixed with water, increases mucus production, which helps to soothe the throat and surrounding tissues.

Peppermint leaves are famous for their healing potential. Containing menthol, a natural decongestant, peppermint helps to soothe sore throats and break down excessive mucus production.

When consumed in the form of a hot tea, peppermint can also provide you with additional hydration. Renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric is used across the globe to treat a variety of ailments, including joint pain, skin disorders and lung irritation.

Turmeric's "superpower" comes from the compound curcumin, which is said to be as powerful as prescription NSAIDs for relieving inflammation within the body — which could help you heal from a cough. When taking turmeric, it is recommended that you purchase a capsule containing black pepper extract, as, without it, the body is unable to absorb turmeric in large quantities, so the full benefit of the supplement will not be received.

There are a few simple steps you can take to try and fend off a seasonal cough, before it occurs:. Although some home remedies like drinking tea with honey or gargling warm salt water may help you stop coughing, they won't treat an underlying illness.

That's why Roberman advises you to first address any illness or condition that may be causing the cough before working on alleviating the symptoms. Likewise, she says if your cough is the result of allergies, asthma, or an infection, you should try to take medication for the underlying condition before relying on these home remedies.

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Copy Link. This article was medically reviewed by Dipesh NavsariaMPH, MSLIS, MD, FAAP, an associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Healthand president of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Our stories are reviewed by medical professionals to ensure you get the most accurate and useful information about your health and wellness.

For more information, visit our medical review board. Redeem now. The best way to stop a cough at home is to drink hot tea with lemon and honey. Other home remedies to stop coughing include gargling saltwater or consuming thyme.

If your cough is dry and due to irritation or allergies, invest in an air purifier or humidifier.

: Herbal remedies for cough and congestion

9 Ways to Treat Your Child's Cough Naturally

Coughing can also keep you up at night and impact your quality of life until it finally goes away. Coughing is a natural reflex that helps to clear your airways of irritants like mucus, smoke or other particles.

As these substances accumulate in the airways, this reflexive action tries to facilitate unobstructed breathing. Common irritants that cause a cough include: Ad. Sometimes, a medical condition or certain medicines, like ACE inhibitors that are used for high blood pressure and beta-blockers, can irritate the nerve endings in your airways, causing a cough.

Sometimes, a cough will linger when the infection has already cleared up, which is called a subacute cough. Usually, a subacute cough will last less than eight weeks and your body is just dealing with the leftover phlegm and inflammation.

Some conditions that can lead to a chronic cough include:. Sometimes, although this occurs less often, a chronic cough can be caused by a lung infection, lung cancer, a lung disease, heart failure and even psychological disorders.

Have you ever wondered what happens during a cough? Although it occurs in only an instant, there are actually several steps taking place within your respiratory system that causes a cough.

It begins with a gasp of air, and then your glottis the opening between your vocal cords quickly shuts and covers your windpipe. Next, your muscles in your chest cage, diaphragm and abdomen begin to contract as they try to move air from the lungs to the nose.

Sometimes, you prompt your body to cough as you try to expel mucus or particles from your airways. And other times a cough is completely involuntary and happens as a natural reflex to foreign objects or irritants.

You can have a dry, hacking cough or a wet cough that comes with fluid secretion and lots of mucus. a wet dough:. In an effort to reduce inflammation and mucus production, avoid consuming sweetened beverages, fruit juices, sugary foods, chocolate, processed foods and conventional dairy products when you have a cough.

Instead of drinking juice or sweetened drinks, choose whole fruits and vegetables instead, which are much higher in vitamin C and will help to boost your immune function. Vitamin C can be used as a home remedy for cough because it supports your immune system and boosts your white blood cells.

Research conducted in Norway indicates that vitamin C, which serves as an important antioxidant, may help to reduce cough and wheezing in smokers who have high levels of oxidative stress. And a review published in Nutrients found that vitamin C may help to alleviate or prevent infections that are caused by bacteria and viruses.

It can shorten the duration of colds and may even be used as a natural remedy for pneumonia. To support your immune system and relieve your cough, take 1, milligrams 3—4 times daily as soon as symptoms develop.

Zinc is commonly used as an over-the-counter remedy for fighting symptoms of the common cold, including coughing. According to research published in the Journal of American Pharmacists Association , zinc can reduce the duration and severity of cold symptoms when administered within 24 hours of their onset.

It was also suggested in this scientific overview of zinc efficacy that it may exert an antiviral effect and interfere with the molecular process that causes the buildup of mucus and bacteria in your nasal passages. One of the easiest ways to take advantage of these zinc benefits is to use zinc lozenges throughout the day.

Studies suggest that zinc lozenges containing at least 13 milligrams of elemental zinc can be used every 2 hours when cold and cough symptoms first appear.

Research shows that honey has antimicrobial effects and it may be beneficial for treating a cough and cold. Honey works to relieve irritation, reduce inflammation and increase cytokine release. It also provides immune-boosting antioxidants. You can use raw honey or manuka honey to relieve conditions that cause a cough, like viral and bacterial infections, and allergies.

Take 1—2 tablespoons of raw or manuka honey a day until your symptoms go away. You can also add honey to lemon or chamomile tea, but wait until the water is warm enough to drink before you add the honey. Another option is to make my homemade honey herbal cough drops that combine herbs for coughs with honey to create a completely natural remedy for cough.

Essential oils work as great home remedies for cough because many of them contain antibacterial and antiviral compounds. Plus, some oils can help to loosen your mucus, relax the muscles of your respiratory system and allow more oxygen to reach your lungs.

Some of the best essential oils for cough are eucalyptus, peppermint and lemon. Eucalyptus oil contains cineole, which has antiseptic properties.

It also works as an expectorant, which helps to loosen your mucus so that it can be expelled more easily. Give half a teaspoon to children ages one to five years and one teaspoon to kids ages six to If your child won't take honey directly, you can also add it to warm water, herbal tea, or warm milk.

But skip this cough remedy for kids under one: Experts say that you should never give honey to babies younger than 12 months as they are at increased risk of severe illness from certain bacteria that can be found in it.

It's more than an old folk remedy: Research shows that chicken soup has anti-inflammatory properties. Its warm temperature can soothe sore throats and also acts as a vaporizer, helping to loosen mucus in the nasal passages, which can alleviate that stuffy nose.

And since a cough and sore throat is oftentimes caused by a post-nasal drip mucus running down the throat instead of out the nose , being able to open the nasal passages to help clear them out will help stop the coughing too.

The magic in the soup may come from the perfect balance of electrolytes, which help keep you hydrated, and the protein and carbohydrates that it a perfect meal for anyone who feels icky.

It's no wonder a bowl of chicken soup can feel like a warm hug. Warm or very cold liquids make excellent cough remedies for kids because they thin out mucus, which makes it easier to cough up.

Plus, liquids soothe a raw throat and keep your child hydrated. While it may seem like common sense, scientists only recently took an interest in understanding how this phenomenon works. Researchers at the Common Cold Center at Cardiff University found that hot beverages in particular are the most effective at soothing cold and flu symptoms.

In their study , they noted hot drinks relieved symptoms from runny nose, cough, sneezing, sore throat, chills, and fatigue. But a warm, room temperature beverage had fewer benefits and only temporarily relieved runny nose, coughing, and a sore throat. Cold drinks are also beneficial because they can numb a sore throat while helping to hydrate at the same time.

Try not to drink ice-cold juice that is highly acidic think orange juice since the acidity can increase discomfort in a throat that's raw and sore from coughing. Have your child sip ice water, cold or warm juice, or warm caffeine-free herbal tea.

Children aged four and older can suck on throat or cough lozenges, sugar-free hard candies, or even frozen berries. A popsicle or crushed ice are great choices for younger kids with a cough-inducing scratchy throat.

Babies as young as six months and who have started on solid foods can safely gnaw on frozen foods in a baby mesh bag. Using a mesh bag for things like frozen berries, yogurt, or even an ice cube can help alleviate a sore throat and cough without the risk of choking.

Keep a cool-mist humidifier in your child's room to help loosen chest and nasal congestion, which is a great remedy for nighttime coughing.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC , a cool air humidifier used in tandem with other treatments such as rest, drinking plenty of fluids, and consuming honey can help relieve coughing and other cold and flu symptoms.

While it won't cure the cause, a humidifier will certainly help your little one feel a little better, especially at night when coughing may be worse. Bacteria and mold grow quickly, so change the water daily and thoroughly clean the unit, following the manufacturer's instructions. Another good option: Have your child sit in a steamy bathroom or take a warm shower.

Try Vick's Filter Free Cool-Mist Humidifier. One of the simplest cough remedies for kids involves salt and water. Simply mix a half teaspoon of salt with eight ounces of water, then have your child gargle the solution.

It should ease the throat irritation that often comes with coughing. Note: This should only be given to older toddlers and kids who can be trusted to spit out the solution without swallowing it. Salt draws water, which makes it an excellent remedy for coughing and sore throats since the tissue in the upper respiratory tract tends to become inflamed from excess mucus and fluids, causing coughing and soreness.

In a randomized study, researchers found a significant decrease in upper respiratory tract infections after participants regularly gargled with salt water while ill.

Elevate an older child's head with an extra pillow at night; this will open their airways so mucus can drain.

But call your doctor for any cough if your child is younger than four months. Mucus doesn't take a break at bedtime and can build up in the back of the throat, especially if your child has a stuffed up nose. To help ease symptoms and reduce coughing, prop your child's head up to help mucus keep moving.

And since a dry throat can become easily irritated and cause even more mucus build up, make sure to use a humidifier close to your child's bed. Your child's cough may be caused by postnasal drip. Loosen up clogged mucus with a few drops of saline solution, then suck it out with a suction bulb.

Another cough remedy for kids is to use a topical oinment, like Vicks, to ease chest congestion. If your child is older than two, use a chest rub, like Vicks BabyRub. The product—which contains aloe, eucalyptus, lavender, and rosemary—might help your child get a better night's sleep. The active ingredient is eucalyptus, which is a natural expectorant that helps to loosen mucus, which can ease coughing, open nasal passages, and soothe a sore throat.

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Ginger is a widely used herb that helps in various ailments, including cough, cold, bronchitis, and respiratory problems. To use ginger,. Turmeric presents many health benefits for humans. Turmeric is also good for managing cough and chest congestion.

There are many ways by which you can make use of turmeric. Thyme can be used to manage a lot of respiratory problems, including cough and bronchitis. Flavonoids present in thyme leaves also help by reducing inflammation swelling.

It also relaxes the muscles of the lungs and opens up the airways. To use thyme, you can make a thyme tea by boiling crushed leaves of thyme. After boiling, the cup of thyme water is covered, left for some time, and strained afterwards.

You can drink this tea to get the benefits. Lemon is a valuable fruit with many health benefits. It contains vitamin C in ample amounts.

Vitamin C helps in fighting infections. Lemon also helps in reducing swelling and inflammation. You can make a syrup using lemon juice to help fight cough. To use lemon juice, you may combine it with honey to make a syrup. You can drink this solution for chest congestion relief. Jaggery is helpful in relieving cough and chest congestion.

The buildup of mucus is responsible for causing the feeling of congestion in the chest. Jaggery helps by aiding the expulsion of the mucus. To use jaggery, you can boil black pepper in water and put cumin and jaggery. You can drink this solution to get the benefits.

Liquorice root possesses properties like expectorant expulsion of sputum and demulcent relieving inflammation, irritation and swelling. It aids in dealing with chest congestion by thinning the mucus and soothing the airways.

To use liquorice, you can make herbal tea. You can drink this tea to get the benefits of liquorice. Also Read: Decoding The Causes Of Bumps On The Back Of The Throat. You can use lavender oil by inhaling its vapours. You can directly put a few drops of lavender oil in hot water and inhale its vapours.

If you have lavender flowers, go ahead, and put the flowers in a bowl of steaming water and inhale those vapours. Lavender oil vapour inhalation is an effective remedy for cold cough, bronchitis, and asthma. Therefore, it can be used to manage chest congestion. How to get rid of chest congestion — Soulflower Lavender Essential Oil.

It can also soothe sore throats. However, if you use nasal irrigation, be sure to use filtered water rather than tap water, which may contain harmful bacteria, according to the Food and Drug Administration FDA. Ginger is packed with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, according to a review of literature.

A few cups of ginger tea per day may help soothe inflammation in your throat while keeping you hydrated. Research shows that both thyme and clove have antimicrobial properties. Either as essential oils or tinctures, they may help your body fight off an upper respiratory infection.

Add fresh thyme and clove leaves to boiling water. Allow to boil for 10 minutes. Then strain and serve. Always check with a medical professional or doctor before using essential oils, as they can interact with other medications and supplements. Coughs are one of the most common reasons for visiting the pediatrician.

Typically, viral infections must run their course. To treat cough in infants and toddlers, talk with a pediatrician about the following remedies:. Let a hot shower run for a few minutes and bring your child to breathe the steam for no longer than 5 to 10 minutes.

Honey is a safe and effective treatment for upper respiratory infections in children over the age of 1 because of its potential antimicrobial properties.

It may also help soothe an inflamed throat. Nasal irrigation may be safe for children and toddlers. Keeping the nasal passages clear can help kids and babies sleep more soundly and feel better.

If your baby is too young to blow their nose, use a saline spray and a syringe or nasal aspirator to get mucus out of their nose.

According to the FDA, only filtered water should be used for nasal irrigation. Proper hydration is very important for sick infants and toddlers. If your baby is breastfeeding, try to schedule more frequent feedings than you typically do.

Toddlers should be encouraged to drink water or an electrolyte-based drink. Most wet coughs will go away on their own. But this can take a while. Your cough may linger for several weeks and may turn into a dry cough at some point.

Seek urgent medical care if you have difficulty with breathing or eating or if you cough up blood. If your child has certain symptoms along with a wet cough, they may need urgent medical attention.

These symptoms may include:. The age of your child may affect whether or not they need urgent medical care. If the infant is under 3 months old and experiencing a wet cough or under 6 months old and experiencing a fever, they should see a doctor.

If your child has a wet cough, take them to a doctor if they show any of the following :. If you or your child is having trouble breathing, this may be a medical emergency. Seek urgent medical care by calling or your local emergency services or by visiting an emergency room. Most wet coughs are caused by viral infections.

Sometimes these infections can progress into something more serious. Other causes of wet cough can include:. A doctor will be able to diagnose your cough based on your symptoms and a physical exam.

Occasionally, they may want to run more tests. Tests that may be used to diagnose coughs include:. The course of a wet cough depends on the underlying cause, treatment, and whether any complications develop.

As a rule of thumb, an acute case may take up to a few weeks until your symptoms go away. See a doctor if symptoms last longer than this or get worse. However, it may be a symptom of a contagious infection. Depending on the exact cause of your cough, your illness may be contagious for a few days or longer.

For example, the common cold may be contagious for a few days or up to 2 weeks, while bacterial infections such as whooping cough may be contagious for at least 2 weeks. You can also add a few drops of honey to give it an extra boost.

Staying hydrated is necessary to thin out your mucus and make your coughs more productive. It also helps fight off infection and wards off the hacking coughs.

Although water is considered ideal, you can also drink clear juices, broths, warm soups, and especially chicken soup. The herb turmeric has many therapeutic properties to kill the symptoms of a cough.

The antiviral and antibacterial properties of turmeric make it ideal to treat coughs naturally. You can add a teaspoon of turmeric and a pinch of salt in a glass of warm milk to fight off your cough effectively.

You can also mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder and honey in a glass of warm water and drink the solution twice a day.

Honey is well-known for reducing coughing especially at night. Honey kills germs and can help you stop producing mucus. Marshmallow root is a herb that has always been popular for its use for treating coughs and sore throats. Thanks to its high mucilage content, this herb can reduce the irritation from coughing.

Available in multiple formats, marshmallow root can be found as a bagged tea, dried herb or cough syrup. Elderberry known as Sambucus Nigra has many benefits in our immune system and is very effective for getting rid of a chesty cough and preventing cold and flu, as it stops the underlying infection.

And the best thing? Elderberry syrup is very easy to make.

Recommended Topics According to research, honey may relieve a cough. Does Garlic Cure Ear Infections? By Cathy Wong Cathy Wong is a nutritionist and wellness expert. Herbalists often recommend taking echinacea every two to three hours with a total daily dose of three or more grams per day at the first sign of symptoms. While they may help some people, it is important to note that some of the following remedies have limited evidence to support their use. A Pilot, Open Labelled, Randomised Controlled Trial of Hypertonic Saline Nasal Irrigation and Gargling for the Common Cold. Does dry cough need antibiotics?
11 Popular Natural Remedies for the Common Cold Dehydration remrdies contribute to Herba, dry cough by causing Anti-inflammatory supplements irritation and reduced mucus production. Cougn over a sink Herbal remedies for cough and congestion tilt your head sideways, keeping Avocado Beauty Tips forehead and chin level to avoid liquid fkr into your mouth. Mucilage Hdrbal a convestion, gluey substance that coats the throat. Medically Reviewed By Lauren Castiello, MS, AGNP-C. Atkins Diet DASH Diet Golo Diet Green Tea Healthy Recipes Intermittent Fasting Intuitive Eating Jackfruit Ketogenic Diet Low-Carb Diet Mediterranean Diet MIND Diet Paleo Diet Plant-Based Diet See All. A dry cough itself is not contagious, as it is a symptom rather than a disease. Try not to drink ice-cold juice that is highly acidic think orange juice since the acidity can increase discomfort in a throat that's raw and sore from coughing.
Coughing is a common reaction rrmedies the respiratory system trying to expel Hegbal microbes, Athletic performance or irritants from the remedifs. Coughing can also keep Herbak up at night and impact your quality of life until it finally goes away. Coughing is a natural reflex that helps to clear your airways of irritants like mucus, smoke or other particles. As these substances accumulate in the airways, this reflexive action tries to facilitate unobstructed breathing. Common irritants that cause a cough include: Ad.

Author: Kazralmaran

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