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Natural vitamin options

Natural vitamin options

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Show references St. John's wort and depression: In depth. National Natural vitamin options Nayural Complementary optioons Integrative Health. Accessed April 30, vihamin Natural Medicines.

S-adenosyl-L-methionine SAMe : In depth. Omega-3 supplements: In depth. Depression and complementary health approaches: What the science says. Natural medicines in the clinical management of depression. Ravindran AV, et al. Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments CANMAT clinical guidelines for the management of adults with major depression disorder: Section 5.

Complementary and alternative medicine treatments. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Solomon D, et al. The use of complementary and alternative medicine in adults with depressive disorders.

A critical integrative review. Journal of Affective Disorders. Using dietary supplements wisely. Accessed May 1, Products and Services Begin Exploring Women's Health Solutions at Mayo Clinic Store A Book: Mayo Clinic Family Health Book, 5th Edition Newsletter: Mayo Clinic Health Letter — Digital Edition.

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: Natural vitamin options

Stay in the Know. Live in the Yes. You can always remove it later. Atlantic diet may help prevent metabolic syndrome. Stay on top of latest health news from Harvard Medical School. The Age-Related Eye Disease Study AREDS , a large randomized clinical trial, found that participants at high risk of developing advanced AMD i. Furthermore, use of vitamin E was associated with a significantly increased risk of hemorrhagic stroke. Complementary Therapies Choosing Supplements Wisely Find products that help your arthritis symptoms, without causing unnecessary risks. It is a chemical compound electrolyte made up of sodium and chloride.
9 Vitamins and Minerals to Help with Depression

Vitamin E is best obtained from a healthy diet that contains plenty of fresh minimally processed foods. Vitamin E is also vulnerable to heat especially cooking methods such as deep frying. Deficiency is rare but can happen in people with diseases that cause fat malabsorption like cystic fibrosis.

We get vitamin K from food and the bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract. Newborn babies are given a booster to increase their vitamin K levels because they are born without bacteria in their gastrointestinal tract.

We get much of our vitamin K from our diet. Vitamin K deficiency is unlikely except when fat is not absorbed properly or when certain medications are used. For example, antibiotics can kill the gastrointestinal bacteria that produce vitamin K.

Additionally, anticoagulant drugs or blood thinners may cause problems with vitamin K in the body. Check with your doctor if you have any concerns. Although the amount you need differs between minerals, major or macrominerals are generally required in larger amounts. Some examples include calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, sodium, chloride, magnesium.

Trace minerals microminerals , although equally important to bodily functions are required in smaller amounts. Examples include iron, zinc, copper, manganese, and iodine selenium.

Calcium is vital to keep our bones strong and healthy. Calcium helps:. At different life stages, our calcium needs vary. It is better to get calcium from foods than from calcium supplements. Good sources of calcium include dairy foods like milk, yoghurt and cheese and some plant-based foods with added calcium for example, soymilk, tofu and breakfast cereals.

Iodine is essential to make thyroid hormones. These hormones control your metabolic rate the rate your body uses energy when it is resting.

They also help your brain and body grow and develop. We only need a very small amount of iodine in our diet. Iodine is found naturally in foods such as:. Iodine can also be found in iodised salt.

All bought breads except organic in Australia are fortified with iodised salt. You are likely to be getting enough iodine through your diet. However, if you are deficient and need to take a supplement, be guided by your doctor.

Too much iodine can be harmful, especially if you have an underlying thyroid disorder. Iron is an important mineral that is involved in various bodily functions, including the transport of oxygen in the blood the provision of energy to cells.

It also vital to help our immune system function effectively to fight infection. Iron deficiency is common and can affect adults and children. Around one in 8 people do not consume enough iron to meet their needs. Some factors such as certain foods and drinks can affect how much iron your body absorbs.

Also, some groups are more at risk of iron deficiency, such as babies and young children, teenage girls, women with heavy periods , vegans and vegetarians and people with chronic conditions.

Zinc is an important mineral involved in various bodily functions — growth and development as well as immune function. Zinc is highest in protein-rich foods but may also be found in some plant foods. Dietary sources include:. Magnesium is important due to its many functions in the body — including maintaining bone health and using glucose for energy.

Potassium is important for the nerves, muscles and heart to work properly. It also helps lower blood pressure. Our bodies are designed for a high-potassium diet, not a high-salt diet. Food processing tends to lower the potassium levels in many foods while increasing the sodium content.

It is much better to eat unprocessed foods — such as fruit, vegetables and lean meats, eggs, fish and other healthy, everyday foods. Be guided by your doctor, some people with kidney disease , or who are taking some medications, need to be careful not to get too much potassium in their diet.

A small amount of sodium is important for good health as it helps to maintain the correct volume of circulating blood and tissue fluids in the body. Most of us are consuming far more sodium than we need. In fact, many Australians are consuming almost double the amount required.

Too much sodium can lead to high blood pressure hypertension and other health conditions. Salt is the main source of sodium in our diet.

It is a chemical compound electrolyte made up of sodium and chloride. Many foods — wholegrains, meat and dairy products — naturally contain small amounts of sodium, while highly processed foods usually contain large amounts.

The fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K can be locked away in the liver and body fat, and stored for a long time. The water-soluble vitamins, including B-complex and vitamin C, are mostly only stored for a shorter period. A vitamin deficiency takes weeks or months before it will affect your health.

For instance, it would take months of no vitamin C before you developed scurvy. Vitamin and mineral supplements may be recommended in certain circumstances to correct vitamin and mineral deficiencies — such as folate for women who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy.

Others who may be at risk of a vitamin or mineral deficiency include:. Remember, supplements are a short-term measure and should only be taken on advice from your doctor or a dietitian.

An occasional lapse in good eating will not harm you, if your usual diet consists of a wide variety of fresh foods.

This page has been produced in consultation with and approved by:. Learn all about alcohol - includes standard drink size, health risks and effects, how to keep track of your drinking, binge drinking, how long it takes to leave the body, tips to lower intake.

The Alexander technique stresses that movement should be economical and needs only the minimum amount of energy and effort. Anti-inflammatory medications help fight pain and chronic inflammation.

However, these drugs are not safe for everyone, and extended use can lead to complications and side effects. In this article, we describe some of the most effective anti-inflammatory supplements that people may wish to try, depending on the cause of their inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids , which are abundant in fatty fish such as salmon or tuna, are among the most potent anti-inflammatory supplements.

These supplements may help fight several types of inflammation, including vascular inflammation. Vascular inflammation is a significant risk factor for heart disease and heart attack. Like many prescription anti-inflammatory medications, omega-3 fatty acids and fish oil may increase the risk of bleeding.

People with bleeding disorders and those taking blood thinners should not use this supplement. Curcumin , which is an active ingredient in turmeric, is a plant in the ginger family.

Multiple studies show that it may help reduce inflammation in many chronic conditions, including arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and psoriasis. Although it is safe to take curcumin with low doses of NSAIDs, higher doses may increase the risk of bleeding.

Curcumin also increases the risk of bleeding in people taking blood thinners and those with bleeding disorders. S-adenosylmethionine SAM-e is a substance that the body creates naturally. It plays an important role in the epigenetic regulation of genes.

Epigenetic factors affect gene expression and behavior, turning some genes on or off and changing the effect of others. Doctors sometimes recommend SAM-e to manage symptoms of depression , osteoarthritis, and certain liver conditions, as inflammation may play a role in each of these.

Some clinical trials have suggested that SAM-e may help relieve the pain and inflammation associated with various types of arthritis — sometimes as well as NSAIDs can.

The right dosage depends on the condition a person has. SAM-e may interact with a wide range of drugs, so people must not take it without first consulting a doctor.

Some research suggests that zinc is a potent anti-inflammatory that may support the immune system and reduce several markers of inflammation. According to a paper , zinc decreased inflammation and oxidative stress among older adults.

Oxidative stress triggers inflammation and may increase the risk of a host of conditions, including cancer. The r ecommended daily intake of zinc is is 11 mg for men and 8 mg for women. Zinc may interact with calcium , diuretics, and certain antibiotics , so people must talk to a healthcare provider before trying this supplement.

Doctors have long suspected that green tea may fight inflammation, because people who live in regions that consume more green tea have lower rates of inflammation-related illnesses. Research suggests that green tea may inhibit the production of certain inflammatory chemicals.

It may also help slow cartilage loss , reducing the symptoms of arthritis. However, green tea can reduce the amount of folic acid and iron the body absorbs, so may not be suitable to consume for pregnant people and those with iron deficiency anemia , respectively.

Boswellia serrata resin , or frankincense, may ease both inflammation and pain. Get natural vitamins A to K, natural a.

Get natural vitamins A to K, natural a Read More. Get natural vitamins A to K , natural amino acids , or natural antioxidants. If you're looking for more specifics, we have natural children's vitamins and supplements and natural prenatal vitamins or better yet organic prenatal vitamins with New Chapter Perfect Prenatal.

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You can also find natural mineral supplements like calcium, iron, potassium, zinc or natural herbal supplements like acai berry, curcumin, ginger, green tea, spirulina, and so many more! Try some of our most popular natural vitamin and supplement brands like Bach , Genuine Health , Swiss Natural , Natures Way or AOR.

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Some of these natural remedies may offer arthritis symptom relief, especially when you use them in conjunction with traditional treatments. Glucosamine and chondroitin are two of the most commonly used supplements for arthritis. Research on these supplements has been mixed, in part because studies have used varying designs and supplement types.

A large National Institutes of Health study called the GAIT trial compared glucosamine and chondroitin, alone or together, with an NSAID and inactive treatment placebo in people with knee osteoarthritis OA. Glucosamine improved symptoms like pain and function, but not much better than a placebo.

Yet a international trial found the combination to be as effective as the NSAID celecoxib at reducing pain, stiffness and swelling in knee OA. Studies have also differed on which form of the supplements is most effective.

Some evidence suggests glucosamine sulfate is best. Others find glucosamine hydrochloride to be more effective. One study that compared the two forms head to head showed they offered equivalent pain relief.

Mayo Clinic researchers say evidence supports trying glucosamine sulfate — not hydrochloride — with or without chondroitin sulfate for knee OA. The polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids found in fish have potent anti-inflammatory properties. A systematic review of studies found that omega-3 supplements reduced joint pain, stiffness and swelling in RA.

Taking these supplements might help some people cut down on their use of pain relievers -- and avoid their side effects.

Omega-3s have the added benefit of protecting against heart disease and dementia, he says. Plant-based sources such as flax and chia seeds also contain omega-3s, but in the form of short-chain alpha-linolenic acid ALA.

When you buy fish oil, make sure the supplement lists the EPA and DHA content, and that you take at least one gram each of EPA and DHA, he adds.

Vegans can get these omega-3s from an algae-based supplement. S-adenosyl-methionine SAM-e is a natural compound in the body that has anti-inflammatory, cartilage-protecting and pain-relieving effects.

In studies, it was about as good at relieving OA pain as NSAIDs like ibuprofen and celecoxib, without their side effects. SAM-e has a bonus benefit, too. The typical SAM-e dose is 1, mg daily. If you plan to try this supplement, be patient.

Curcumin is the active compound in the yellow-hued spice, turmeric, which is a staple of Indian curries. In the body, it acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, blocking the same inflammation-promoting enzyme as the COX-2 inhibitor drug, celecoxib.

In a study of people with knee OA, a 1, mg daily dose of curcumin extract was as effective as 1, mg a day of ibuprofen, without the gastrointestinal side effects. This supplement also appears to relieve RA swelling and tenderness.

Black pepper also increases the absorption. Some supplements add the black pepper extract, piperine. However, piperine could potentially cause liver damage, and it can increase the absorption of medications like carbamazepine Tegretol and phenytoin Dilantin , making them more potent.

Several vitamins have been studied for their effects on arthritis, including the antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E, and vitamins D and K. Vitamins D and K are both important for bone strength, and vitamin K is involved in cartilage structure.

For example, high-dose fish oil supplements can thin the blood and may interact with anticoagulant medicines such as warfarin Coumadin. Sometimes you can overdo it and take too much, especially when it comes to vitamins. A primary barrier to characterizing the roles of vitamin E in health is the lack of validated biomarkers for vitamin E intake and status to help relate intakes to valid predictors of clinical outcomes [ 6 ].

This section focuses on four diseases and disorders in which vitamin E might be involved: heart disease, cancer, eye disorders, and cognitive decline. Evidence that vitamin E could help prevent or delay coronary heart disease CHD comes from several sources.

In vitro studies have found that the nutrient inhibits oxidation of low-density lipoprotein LDL cholesterol, thought to be a crucial initiating step for atherosclerosis [ 6 ].

Vitamin E might also help prevent the formation of blood clots that could lead to a heart attack or venous thromboembolism [ 17 ].

Several observational studies have associated lower rates of heart disease with higher vitamin E intakes. Among a group of 5, Finnish men and women followed for a mean of 14 years, higher vitamin E intakes from food were associated with decreased mortality from CHD [ 19 ].

However, randomized clinical trials cast doubt on the efficacy of vitamin E supplements to prevent CHD [ 20 ]. For example, the Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation HOPE study, which followed almost 10, patients at high risk of heart attack or stroke for 4.

In the HOPE-TOO follow-up study, almost 4, of the original participants continued to take vitamin E or placebo for an additional 2. HOPE-TOO found that vitamin E provided no significant protection against heart attacks, strokes, unstable angina, or deaths from cardiovascular disease or other causes after 7 years of treatment.

Not only did the supplements provide no cardiovascular benefits, but all-cause mortality was significantly higher in the women taking the supplements. The investigators found no significant differences in rates of overall cardiovascular events combined nonfatal heart attacks, strokes, and cardiovascular deaths or all-cause mortality between the groups.

Furthermore, use of vitamin E was associated with a significantly increased risk of hemorrhagic stroke. In general, clinical trials have not provided evidence that routine use of vitamin E supplements prevents cardiovascular disease or reduces its morbidity and mortality.

However, participants in these studies have been largely middle-aged or elderly individuals with demonstrated heart disease or risk factors for heart disease. Some researchers have suggested that understanding the potential utility of vitamin E in preventing CHD might require longer studies in younger participants taking higher doses of the supplement [ 27 ].

Further research is needed to determine whether supplemental vitamin E has any protective value for younger, healthier people at no obvious risk of CHD. Antioxidant nutrients like vitamin E protect cell constituents from the damaging effects of free radicals that, if unchecked, might contribute to cancer development [ 9 ].

Vitamin E might also block the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines formed in the stomach from nitrites in foods and protect against cancer by enhancing immune function [ 28 ]. Unfortunately, human trials and surveys that have attempted to associate vitamin E intake with cancer incidence have found that vitamin E is not beneficial in most cases.

Both the HOPE-TOO Trial and Women's Health Study evaluated whether vitamin E supplements might protect people from cancer. Based in part on the promising results of this study, a large randomized clinical trial, called the SELECT trial, began in to determine whether 7—12 years of daily supplementation with IU of synthetic vitamin E mg, as dl -alpha-tocopheryl acetate , with or without selenium mcg, as L-selenomethionine , reduced the number of new prostate cancers in 35, healthy men age 50 and older.

The trial was discontinued in October when an analysis found that the supplements, taken alone or together for about 5. Results from an additional 1. The risk of developing prostate cancer was also slightly increased in subjects taking vitamin E plus selenium or selenium alone, but the differences were not statistically significant.

No differences were found among groups in the incidence of lung or colorectal cancers or all cancers combined. Study staff members will continue to monitor participants' health for up to 5 more years. The National Cancer Institute website provides additional information on the SELECT trial.

However, prospective cohort studies of 87, women in the Nurses' Health Study and 47, men in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study failed to replicate these results [ 34 ]. The American Cancer Society conducted an epidemiologic study examining the association between use of vitamin C and vitamin E supplements and bladder cancer mortality.

Of the almost one million adults followed between and , adults who took supplemental vitamin E for 10 years or longer had a reduced risk of death from bladder cancer [ 36 ]; vitamin C supplementation provided no protection. Evidence to date is insufficient to support taking vitamin E to prevent cancer.

In fact, daily use of large-dose vitamin E supplements IU of synthetic vitamin E [ mg] may increase the risk of prostate cancer. Age-related macular degeneration AMD and cataracts are among the most common causes of significant vision loss in older people. Their etiologies are usually unknown, but the cumulative effects of oxidative stress have been postulated to play a role.

If so, nutrients with antioxidant functions, such as vitamin E, could be used to prevent or treat these conditions. Prospective cohort studies have found that people with relatively high dietary intakes of vitamin E e. The Age-Related Eye Disease Study AREDS , a large randomized clinical trial, found that participants at high risk of developing advanced AMD i.

A follow-up AREDS2 study confirmed the value of this and similar supplement formulations in reducing the progression of AMD over a median follow-up period of 5 years [ 42 ]. Several observational studies have revealed a potential relationship between vitamin E supplements and the risk of cataract formation.

One prospective cohort study found that lens clarity was superior in participants who took vitamin E supplements and those with higher blood levels of the vitamin [ 43 ].

In another study, long-term use of vitamin E supplements was associated with slower progression of age-related lens opacification [ 44 ]. However, in the AREDS trial, the use of a vitamin E-containing as dl -alpha-tocopheryl acetate formulation had no apparent effect on the development or progression of cataracts over an average of 6.

The AREDS2 study, which also tested formulations containing IU mg vitamin E, confirmed these findings [ 46 ]. Overall, the available evidence is inconsistent with respect to whether vitamin E supplements, taken alone or in combination with other antioxidants, can reduce the risk of developing AMD or cataracts.

However, the formulations of vitamin E, other antioxidants, zinc, and copper used in AREDS hold promise for slowing the progression of AMD in people at high risk of developing advanced AMD. The brain has a high oxygen consumption rate and abundant polyunsaturated fatty acids in the neuronal cell membranes.

Researchers hypothesize that if cumulative free-radical damage to neurons over time contributes to cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, then ingestion of sufficient or supplemental antioxidants such as vitamin E might provide some protection [ 47 ].

Over 2 years, treatment with vitamin E and selegiline, separately or together, significantly delayed functional deterioration and the need for institutionalization compared to placebo. However, participants taking vitamin E experienced significantly more falls.

Vitamin E consumption from foods or supplements was associated with less cognitive decline over 3 years in a prospective cohort study of elderly, free-living individuals age 65— years [ 48 ]. In summary, most research results do not support the use of vitamin E supplements by healthy or mildly impaired individuals to maintain cognitive performance or slow its decline with normal aging [ 51 ].

More research is needed to identify the role of vitamin E, if any, in the management of cognitive impairment [ 52 ]. Research has not found any adverse effects from consuming vitamin E in food [ 6 ].

However, high doses of alpha-tocopherol supplements can cause hemorrhage and interrupt blood coagulation in animals, and in vitro data suggest that high doses inhibit platelet aggregation.

Because the majority of physicians in the latter study were also taking aspirin, this finding could indicate that vitamin E has a tendency to cause bleeding. The FNB has established ULs for vitamin E based on the potential for hemorrhagic effects see Table 3.

The ULs apply to all forms of supplemental alpha-tocopherol, including the eight stereoisomers present in synthetic vitamin E. Long-term intakes above the UL increase the risk of adverse health effects [ 6 ]. Vitamin E ULs for infants have not been established.

Two meta-analyses of randomized trials have also raised questions about the safety of large doses of vitamin E, including doses lower than the UL. These meta-analyses linked supplementation to small but statistically significant increases in all-cause mortality.

The implications of these analyses for the potential adverse effects of high-dose vitamin E supplements are unclear [ ]. Participants in the studies included in these analyses were typically middle-aged or older and had chronic diseases or related risk factors.

These participants often consumed other supplements in addition to vitamin E. Some of the studies analyzed took place in developing countries in which nutritional deficiencies are common. A review of the subset of studies in which vitamin E supplements were given to healthy individuals for the primary prevention of chronic disease found no convincing evidence that the supplements increased mortality [ 60 ].

Follow-up studies are assessing whether the cancer risk was associated with baseline blood levels of vitamin E and selenium prior to supplementation as well as whether changes in one or more genes might increase a man's risk of developing prostate cancer while taking vitamin E.

Vitamin E supplements have the potential to interact with several types of medications. A few examples are provided below. People taking these and other medications on a regular basis should discuss their vitamin E intakes with their health care providers.

Vitamin E can inhibit platelet aggregation and antagonize vitamin K-dependent clotting factors. As a result, taking large doses with anticoagulant or antiplatelet medications, such as warfarin Coumadin , can increase the risk of bleeding, especially in conjunction with low vitamin K intake.

Some people take vitamin E supplements with other antioxidants, such as vitamin C, selenium, and beta-carotene.

This collection of antioxidant ingredients blunted the rise in high-density lipoprotein HDL cholesterol levels, especially levels of HDL2, the most cardioprotective HDL component, among people treated with a combination of simvastatin brand name Zocor and niacin [ 62 , 63 ].

Oncologists generally advise against the use of antioxidant supplements during cancer chemotherapy or radiotherapy because they might reduce the effectiveness of these therapies by inhibiting cellular oxidative damage in cancerous cells [ 64 , 65 ].

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Author: Malajas

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