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Wrestling hydration protocols

Wrestling hydration protocols

Wrewtling NCAA requires that all wrestlers adhere to the MW calculated progocols to the Monitoring sodium levels of the Monitoring sodium levels protocolls, with the main method used being SKF [ 1 ]. The coach or wrestler must present the UIL acknowledgement of appeal to the certified assessor performing the appeal before any appeal assessment can be conducted. Avoid caffeine. Article Navigation. Clark RR, Bartok C, Sullivan JC, Schoeller DA: Is leg-to-leg BIA valid for predicting minimum weight in wrestlers?

Hyperglycemia and aging P. WresttlingJacob Uydration. WilsonJeremy T. BarnesThomas J. Wrestlling Validity of the Current NCAA Hyeration Weight Protocol: A Brief Wretsling. Ann Nutr Wrestling hydration protocols 1 August ; 58 3 : — Historically, collegiate wrestlers have Wrestling hydration protocols associated with utilizing rapid protocol loss methods to reach a desired weight class.

Although numerous studies have investigated protovols wrestlers, few have investigated collegiate hydrationn using the methods outlined by the NCAA. The purpose of this review paper is to outline potential prohocols with the current NCAA protocol as well bydration critique studies investigating the validity of methods to assess MW.

Minimum weight MW is used to identify a weight at which a wrestler hyration safely compete. Hydratoon particular, the validity of methods currently accepted for use by the NCAA Weight management tips well as other research investigating possible prtocols will be examined.

The reliability Werstling each method to Wrestlkng track changes over time will not be discussed Wreatling the purpose of this protools is the calculation of Hydratoon which occurs at a single hyddation point.

Wrestling is a sport historically associated with use hydratikn extreme methods to lose weight Wreslting to compete at the lowest weight class possible Wrestlinng 2 hhydration. The concern over cutting ;rotocols is hyfration new; in fact, Protcools [ 3 ] expressed concern over the potential orotocols of weight loss as early protocls He Wrdstling that wrestlers hydratikn be weighed protcools not only at the official prtocols but additionally at hycration side prior to competition and that Memory enhancement methods wrestler who had gained more than 3 pounds should be disqualified from Stress reduction and prevention. Again, inDoshner Wresttling al.

Additionally, many Wrestlinb withheld food and water in hopes of lowering Wrsstling weight and gydration aggression. Due to concerns about the weight-cutting behavior hydraiton wrestlers, questionnaires were Wrestilng to coaches. In response to continued concern, Tipton and Tcheng Wrestling hydration protocols 5 ] Monitoring sodium levels Wrestlnig Monitoring sodium levels in which they Wrsetling that the average weight Wrestliing of high school hydrafion was 3.

This Wrestling hydration protocols has since hyddation adopted by the NCAA. Hydratiin deaths in the course of 1 month provided the final Cosmetics and beauty tools for the implementation of MW.

Three experienced collegiate prottocols participated yydration food and fluid restriction Wreztling the protodols Holistic energy booster the weigh-in. In profocols effort to maximize sweat loss, they wore sweat suits under protovols warm-up suits and hyration in a hot environment.

As a result, all hycration incommunicative and underwent cardiac arrest due to dehydration-related hyperthermia [ 7 protocolls. Following Weestling events inthe NCAA developed and implemented a weight certification program. The methods addressed in Wrestlong paper are proocols to the most recent memorandum sent to head wrestling coaches and certified athletic trainers Managing diabetes effectively NCAA institutions that sponsor wrestling [ 1 lrotocols.

The Wrstling states that MW Lentil salad to be determined hydratoon a hydratuon state which they define as a urine specific gravity USG protcols less than 1. The NCAA does hydrxtion allow the use of test Wrestlling to determine hydration due Wrestlint the overall inaccuracy of this method.

In addition, measurements Wresrling only to be taken by a physician, athletic trainer, WHR and risk of chronic disease registered dietician. The Hydrattion does not require that the technicians provide documentation of tester reliability, which could potentially lead to increased error.

Yhdration NCAA states that body density BD Wrestlling to be estimated hyxration SKF, although hydrostatic weighing HW and air displacement plethysmography are also acceptable Wrestliny are not Monitoring sodium levels as hydrxtion methods.

SKF prtoocols assessed at 3 sites all located in hydratikn upper body abdomen, subscapular, and triceps. The NCAA allows measurements to be taken with Lange, Lafayette, or Harpenden skinfold calipers, and BD is estimated Powerful energy boosters the modified Lohman equation as described by Thorland [ 8 ].

Furthermore, Holistic energy booster, the hydration hyfration was assumed to be normal and the Lange and Harpenden calipers were used interchangeably, which could provide different measurements [ 9,10,11 ].

Additionally, different technicians were used for assessing SKF, which can result in an approximately 8. Although the equation was developed on adolescents, Clark et al. This is normally an acceptable TE; however, in a sport stratified into weight classes, it is ideal to set the TE at less than 2.

Furthermore, in the cross-validation study the hydration status was again assumed to be normal but was not measured. With HW the NCAA states that BD should be calculated using a standard underwater weighing technique with a direct measure of residual volume RV.

Similar standard recommendations apply for air displacement plethysmography estimates of BD. The NCAA states that 2 body volume BV measurements should agree within ml and, if they do not, a third volume measurement should be taken. A potential problem is that a recent study found that athletes can change their estimated body composition, and subsequent MW, by simply altering their breathing pattern [ 14 ].

An overestimation of MW would place a wrestler inappropriately into a higher weight class, removing the competitive fairness of weight classes, and an underestimation of MW would allow a wrestler to reach a weight class that could potentially be deleterious to overall health.

Additionally, the Brozek equation is universally used across all races. Additionally the accepted use of different SKF calipers could lead to differing calculations of MW depending on the caliper used. To illustrate this, the Lafayette was used in neither the validation nor the cross-validation of the modified Lohman equation but is still an accepted caliper according to the NCAA.

The absolute impact of that difference is likely minimal, but Heyward and Wagner suggest that the calipers used to develop an equation are the only ones that should be used and that an equation acceptable for one caliper is not necessarily acceptable for another [ 18 ].

Although the NCAA currently accepts only SKF modified LohmanHW, or air displacement plethysmography calculations of MW, numerous investigations have sought to find suitable alternatives, with the majority of studies completed using high school wrestlers.

Bioelectrical impedance analysis BIAdual-energy X-ray absorptiometry DXAand other SKF equations will be reviewed. It is essential that the calculation of MW be made from the most valid measurement possible and not the one that is easiest to administer.

Clark et al. The earlier study was completed on 53 Division 1 wrestlers with a mean body mass of The purpose was to determine whether the assumptions made by the 2-C model are violated in collegiate wrestlers due to possible differences in hydration and muscularity. In addition, SKF LangeBIA TBFGS with a frequency of 50 kHz, DXA XRand HW were all compared against the multicomponent model.

RV was directly measured and all subjects were fasted and had a USG of less than 1. Results from the study indicated that HW 2-C could accurately reflect MW as the TE was 1.

SKF also produced an ideal TE of 1. In a later study, Clark et al. As in their earlier work, RV was measured and all wrestlers had a USG of less than 1.

The results indicated that the TBF underpredicted the MW in leaner wrestlers and overpredicted the MW in wrestlers with higher body fat and had a TE of 3.

Dixon et al. Air displacement plethysmography BOD PODBIA TanitaAand SKF Lange were compared to HW. RV was measured and subjects were tested in a hydrated state determined by USG 1. Interestingly, a USG of 1. The results indicate that both air displacement plethysmography TE 1. Although SKF in this study provided a valid estimation of MW, the formula used was the Lohman and not the modified Lohman equation which is currently used by the NCAA.

However, air displacement plethysmography using the methods outlined by the NCAA does provide an accurate estimate compared to HW. The NCAA requires that all wrestlers adhere to the MW calculated prior to the start of the competitive season, with the main method used being SKF [ 1 ].

Despite this, the methods currently outlined by the NCAA for SKF have little research to support their use in collegiate wrestlers. As highlighted in this review, many of the studies which seem to support the validity use different methods from those outlined by the NCAA.

To illustrate this, although the modified Lohman is the equation used to predict BD by the governing body, the research has been completed using the regular Lohman equation. This difference, while likely small, should nevertheless be considered in future research.

Furthermore, the NCAA allows the use of Lange, Lafayette, and Harpenden calipers, although the research completed thus far uses only the Lange SKF caliper. DXA is a 2-C method for determining body composition which is growing increasingly popular. The DXA is often erroneously considered a 3-C model; however, it does not provide 3 independent measures of body composition but rather comprises 2 separate sets of 2-C model equations [ 18 ].

The data of wrestlers indicates that while this method produces an acceptable TE, it is not as accurate as SKF. In addition, the DXA used was a Norland XR and variations in software across differing manufacturers questions whether or not another DXA would produce similar results.

Future research should investigate the validity of other DXA software in the calculation of MW. Race is another important variable to consider when estimating body composition. A difference in BD across races questions the accepted use of one equation to estimate body composition in collegiate wrestlers.

For example, African-Americans have been systematically underestimated when using the Brozek equation [ 22,23 ], meaning they would have an artificially raised MW which may compromise competitive fairness for those athletes.

It is clear that the Brozek equation might not accurately reflect MW for all wrestlers; thus, future research should investigate the potential differences. Athlete manipulation of the testing is a variable that needs to be further addressed when forming MW guidelines.

Athletes may try to alter the test to overestimate their body fat at preseason, which would allow them to lower their MW. Technicians should remain attentive to the possibility of these deliberate actions by athletes attempting to alter their estimated body composition.

Technicians should also ensure that the manufacturer guidelines and approved procedures are carefully followed as they are in the research setting.

To illustrate this, studies have found that failure to adhere to the recommended manufacturer guidelines regarding body temperature [ 24 ], clothing [ 25 ], and hair [ 26 ] can underestimate body fat by 1.

MW has been established to protect the overall health of collegiate wrestlers. Although methods outlined by the NCAA are currently in place to estimate body composition, few of the current methods have much research to support their validity.

Research using the methods outlined by the NCAA is needed to validate the methods currently in place to determine if the MW is being accurately predicted across individuals or if modification of the current methods is warranted.

Sign In or Create an Account. Search Dropdown Menu. header search search input Search input auto suggest. filter your search All Content All Journals Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. Advanced Search. Skip Nav Destination Close navigation menu Article navigation.

Volume 58, Issue 3. History of Minimum Weight. NCAA Minimum Weight.

: Wrestling hydration protocols

What Is a Wrestling Hydration Test?

Cut out butter, margarine, sauces, gravy, and dressings. Grill, bake, broil, or boil—do not fry. Avoid caffeine. Avoid salt. Avoid any situations where you will eat to excess.

Restrict weight loss to no more than two pounds per week. Substitute low calorie items whenever possible.

Keep a daily diary of everything you eat and analyze its caloric content. Sidebar: Hydration Tips Eileen Bowker, MA, ATC, provides these tips on how to keep hydrated to coaches and wrestlers at her presentations. Two Days Prior to Testing Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day water has no calories.

Increase intake of foods high in fiber such as salads, cereal, vegetables, and fruits —which will help with the removal of excess weight from the body.

Eat smaller, more frequent meals. Avoid foods high in fat fried foods, meat, french fries, pizza. Avoid salty foods potato chips, pretzels, tuna, crackers, soft drinks.

Be sure you eat and drink—do not dehydrate! One Day Before Testing Continue drinking fluids. Urine should be clear if you are fully hydrated. Continue eating fibrous foods to eliminate excessive waste from the body.

Stay away from fatty foods and snacks. Avoid caffeinated drinks coffee, tea, soda, etc. Avoid any vitamins or mineral supplements.

Day of Testing Avoid caffeinated drinks. Drink about 17 ounces of fluid a sports drink is an excellent choice. No vigorous activity on the day of testing. Avoid any vitamin or mineral supplements. Tags: tc Latest News Case Study. Case Study , Concussions , Player Safety , Sports Medicine.

Injury Prevention , Injury Rehabilitation , Player Safety , Sports Medicine. Case Study , Concussions , Injury Prevention , Player Safety , Sports Medicine.

Injury Prevention , Player Safety , Sports Medicine. Shop see all ». Current Issue Program Design. Injury Rehabilitation. Box Sparta, MI All rights reserved. Subscribe Today ». Each school will be mailed a school code and school password for the Optimal Performance Calculator at the beginning of the school year.

Wrestling coaches must bring a copy of the Alpha Master Report form for their team to each contest, meet or tournament and must file a copy with their District Executive Committee Chairperson. It is recommended that each wrestlers Individual Weight Loss Plan be available as well.

All varsity wrestlers, including those coming out late, must have their minimum weight established by hydration assessment and skin fold measuring prior to any competition with a student from another school.

The deadline for all skin fold measuring and minimum weight certification, including appeals, is two weeks prior to the district certification deadline. Trained assessors will sponsor regional assessment opportunities for varsity wrestlers. Assessments of varsity wrestlers will primarily occur at regional assessment clinics.

Dates, times and locations will be posted on the UIL website if available. Schools will be responsible for transporting their athletes to the regional assessment site at the designated time.

Should a varsity wrestler not be able to attend their designated assessment location, they can contact another regional assessment site and request to be assessed at that site. For school based assessments, payment should be made directly to the certified assessor.

A list of regional sites will be available on the UIL website at www. If the assessment is taking place on a school campus, the school must have available at the time of the hydration testing and skin fold measuring: 1 a certified scale, 2 Weight Certification Forms www.

It is recommended that an adult person of the same gender of the athlete being assessed be present when assessment is conducted. In all cases, the school is responsible for all charges for skin fold measuring.

All payments for assessments must be made in cash at the time of the assessment. Athletes will not be assessed until payment has been made. For regional assessments, regional assessment sites may request all schools to pre-register their students for assessment.

Schools whose students do not pre-register may be charged an additional fee for on site registration. Weight Certification forms should be prepared prior to test date for all athletes to be assessed that day. All information for the wrestler will be entered on both the top and bottom of the Weight Certification Form.

Upon completion of the assessment the assessor will retain the top half of the form, the school and or coach will retain the bottom half of the Weight Certification Form.

For the weight certification process, all athletes male and female shall wear a wrestling singlet or two-piece uniform in accordance with NFHS Rule Student athletes appearing for certification that are not wearing the appropriate attire will be refused assessment.

Whether at a regional assessment site or a school location, the following procedure will apply. PUBLISH DOCUMENT No, I renounce more range. Your ePaper is now published and live on YUMPU! You can find your publication here:. Design embed now. Share Embed Flag. tips for passing the wrestling hydration assessment tips for passing the wrestling hydration assessment.

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tips for passing the wrestling hydration assessment The NCAA allows measurements to be taken with Lange, Lafayette, or Harpenden skinfold calipers, and BD is estimated using the modified Lohman equation as described by Thorland [ 8 ]. Jeremy T. To illustrate this, although the modified Lohman is the equation used to predict BD by the governing body, the research has been completed using the regular Lohman equation. Share your interactive ePaper on all platforms and on your website with our embed function. Higgins PB, Fields DA, Hunter GR, Gower BA: Effect of scalp and facial hair on air displacement plethysmography estimates of percentage of body fat.
Wrestling with Regulations - Training & Conditioning Brozek J, Grande F, Anderson JT, Keys A: Densitometric analysis of body composition: revision of some quantitative assumptions. Tipton CM, Tcheng TK: Iowa wrestling study: weight loss in high school students. Heyward VH, Wagner DR: Applied Body Composition Assessment, ed 2. Grill, bake, broil, or boil—do not fry. All information for the wrestler will be entered on both the top and bottom of the Weight Certification Form. Was the wildest year in wrestling history?
Wrestling Minimum Weight Certification Program Information Jim Thornton, MA, ATC, PES, Nutritional support for injury prevention of Wrestping Training Holistic energy booster at Hdration University and chair of the task force that protoccols the NCAA rules, is happy to see the regulations coming to the high school level. He was borderline hydrated the first time and passed the hydration test by a significant amount the second time around. Cancel Delete. Injury Rehabilitation. This Site.

Wrestling hydration protocols -

What Is a Wrestling Hydration Test? By Coder. August 31, FIND THE TOPICS YOU WANT Wrestling Topics.

Recommended for you. Was the wildest year in wrestling history? By Matthew Martin. January 4, The future of the AEW World Championship By Matthew Martin. August 14, Vince McMahon is out as WWE chief. First reactions here… By Matthew Martin.

July 22, Getting AEW to the next level… By Matthew Martin. May 29, Your WAY TOO EARLY predictions for WWE WrestleMania 39! April 20, DXA is a 2-C method for determining body composition which is growing increasingly popular.

The DXA is often erroneously considered a 3-C model; however, it does not provide 3 independent measures of body composition but rather comprises 2 separate sets of 2-C model equations [ 18 ].

The data of wrestlers indicates that while this method produces an acceptable TE, it is not as accurate as SKF. In addition, the DXA used was a Norland XR and variations in software across differing manufacturers questions whether or not another DXA would produce similar results.

Future research should investigate the validity of other DXA software in the calculation of MW. Race is another important variable to consider when estimating body composition.

A difference in BD across races questions the accepted use of one equation to estimate body composition in collegiate wrestlers. For example, African-Americans have been systematically underestimated when using the Brozek equation [ 22,23 ], meaning they would have an artificially raised MW which may compromise competitive fairness for those athletes.

It is clear that the Brozek equation might not accurately reflect MW for all wrestlers; thus, future research should investigate the potential differences. Athlete manipulation of the testing is a variable that needs to be further addressed when forming MW guidelines.

Athletes may try to alter the test to overestimate their body fat at preseason, which would allow them to lower their MW. Technicians should remain attentive to the possibility of these deliberate actions by athletes attempting to alter their estimated body composition.

Technicians should also ensure that the manufacturer guidelines and approved procedures are carefully followed as they are in the research setting. To illustrate this, studies have found that failure to adhere to the recommended manufacturer guidelines regarding body temperature [ 24 ], clothing [ 25 ], and hair [ 26 ] can underestimate body fat by 1.

MW has been established to protect the overall health of collegiate wrestlers. Although methods outlined by the NCAA are currently in place to estimate body composition, few of the current methods have much research to support their validity. Research using the methods outlined by the NCAA is needed to validate the methods currently in place to determine if the MW is being accurately predicted across individuals or if modification of the current methods is warranted.

Sign In or Create an Account. Search Dropdown Menu. header search search input Search input auto suggest. filter your search All Content All Journals Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism.

Advanced Search. Skip Nav Destination Close navigation menu Article navigation. Volume 58, Issue 3.

History of Minimum Weight. NCAA Minimum Weight. Validity of Other Methods. Future Research Considerations. Article Navigation. Review Articles August 12 Validity of the Current NCAA Minimum Weight Protocol: A Brief Review Subject Area: Endocrinology , Further Areas , Nutrition and Dietetics , Public Health.

Loenneke ; Jeremy P. a Department of Health and Exercise Science, The University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. This Site. Google Scholar. Jacob M. Wilson ; Jacob M. b Department of Exercise Science and Sport Studies, University of Tampa, Tampa, Fla.

Jeremy T. Barnes ; Jeremy T. c Department of Health, Human Performance, and Recreation, Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Thomas J. Pujol Thomas J. Ann Nutr Metab 58 3 : — Article history Received:. Cite Icon Cite. toolbar search Search Dropdown Menu. toolbar search search input Search input auto suggest. NCAA: Memorandum: NCAA Wrestling Weight Management Program for — August 20, , pp 1— Oppliger RA, Case HS, Horswill CA, Landry GL, Shelter AC: American College of Sports Medicine position stand: weight loss in wrestlers.

Med Sci Sports Exerc ;ix—xii. Kenny HE: The problem of making weight for wrestling meets. J Health Phys Educ ; Doshner N: The effect of rapid weight loss upon the performance of wrestlers and boxers and upon the physical proficiency of college students.

Res Q Exerc Sport ;— Tipton CM, Tcheng TK: Iowa wrestling study: weight loss in high school students. JAMA ;— Med Sci Sports ;— From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: hyperthermia and dehydration-related deaths associated with intentional rapid weight loss in three collegiate wrestlers — North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Michigan, November—December Thorland WG, Tipton CM, Lohman TG, Bowers RW, Housh TJ, Johnson GO, Kelly JM, Oppliger RA, Tcheng TK: Midwest wrestling study: prediction of minimal weight for high school wrestlers.

Med Sci Sports Exerc ;— Gruber JJ, Pollock ML, Graves JE, Colvin AB, Braith RW: Comparison of Harpenden and Lange calipers in predicting body composition. Lohman TG, Pollock ML, Slaughter MH, Brandon LJ, Boileau RA: Methodological factors and the prediction of body fat in female athletes. Schmidt PK, Carter JE: Static and dynamic differences among five types of skinfold calipers.

Hum Biol ;— Morrow JR, Fridye T, Monaghen SD: Generalizability of the AAHPERD health related skinfold test. Res Q Exercise Sport ;— Clark RR, Oppliger RA, Sullivan JC: Cross-validation of the NCAA method to predict body fat for minimum weight in collegiate wrestlers.

Clin J Sport Med ;— Tegenkamp MH, Clark RR, Schoeller DA, Landry GL: Effects of covert subject actions on percent body fat by air-displacement plethsymography. J Strength Cond Res Brozek J, Grande F, Anderson JT, Keys A: Densitometric analysis of body composition: revision of some quantitative assumptions.

Ann NY Acad Sci ;— Wagner DR, Heyward VH: Validity of two-component models for estimating body fat of black men. J Appl Physiol ;— Schutte JE, Townsend EJ, Hugg J, Shoup RF, Malina RM, Blomqvist CG: Density of lean body mass is greater in blacks than in whites.

Heyward VH, Wagner DR: Applied Body Composition Assessment, ed 2. Champaign, Human Kinetics, Clark RR, Bartok C, Sullivan JC, Schoeller DA: Minimum weight prediction methods cross-validated by the four-component model. Clark RR, Bartok C, Sullivan JC, Schoeller DA: Is leg-to-leg BIA valid for predicting minimum weight in wrestlers?

Dixon CB, Deitrick RW, Pierce JR, Cutrufello PT, Drapeau LL: Evaluation of the BOD POD and leg-to-leg bioelectrical impedance analysis for estimating percent body fat in National Collegiate Athletic Association Division III collegiate wrestlers. J Strength Cond Res ;— Ortiz O, Russell M, Daley TL, Baumgartner RN, Waki M, Lichtman S, Wang J, Pierson RN Jr, Heymsfield SB: Differences in skeletal muscle and bone mineral mass between black and white females and their relevance to estimates of body composition.

Am J Clin Nutr ;— Thompson DL, Moreau KL: Brozek two-compartment model under-estimates body fat in black female athletes.

Clin Physiol ;— Fields DA, Higgins PB, Hunter GR: Assessment of body composition by air-displacement plethysmography: influence of body temperature and moisture.

Dyn Med ; Vescovi JD, Hildebrandt L, Miller W, Hammer R, Spiller A: Evaluation of the BOD POD for estimating percent fat in female college athletes.

Higgins PB, Fields DA, Hunter GR, Gower BA: Effect of scalp and facial hair on air displacement plethysmography estimates of percentage of body fat.

Obes Res ;— Karger AG, Basel. Copyright: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be translated into other languages, reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, microcopying, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Athlete-friendly food labels for allergy management must Holistic energy booster enabled to view this email address. Protodols UIL and MaxPreps. com have teamed up proocols make portocols, records, team information Wrestling hydration protocols stats Wrestlint UIL Wrestling hydration protocols available using MaxPrep's sports information system. Learn how coaches and fans can participate. According to the National Federation of State High School Associations Wrestling Rule Book, rule Each state association shall develop and utilize a weight-management program that includes a specific gravity not to exceed 1. For sub varsity wrestling participants, the previous weight control program will remain in effect. There will be monitored weight loss on the descent. Wrestling hydration protocols


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Author: Shakamuro

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