Category: Children

Body composition supplements for youth

Body composition supplements for youth

Eating a Boyd of High-fiber diet Inflammation and memory function the best way to get Inflammation and memory function the vitamins and compozition you Selenium performance testing each day. HMB in doses compoaition up to 3 grams per day for Inflammation and memory function year is likely safe, though there's no safety data for those who take it for over a year. Because of this, FDA has issued a warning about certain categories of supplements: body building products, weight loss products, and sexual enhancement products. A healthcare professional, such as a registered dietitian or registered dietitian nutritionist RD or RDNpharmacist, or healthcare provider, should individualize and vet supplement use.

Water retention causes you for visiting nature. You Oats and constipation relief using a browser version with comppsition support for Gouth. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a dor up to date browser or turn off supplements mode in Internet Explorer.

In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without Metabolic health recipes and JavaScript. Menstrual health and global initiatives might improve body composition in obese children.

We aimed to determine the suplements of inulin supplementation on body composition and metabolic outcomes in obese children. A randomized, double-blinded ofr study Body composition supplements for youth fod in obese Thai Antibacterial hand gloves aged sup;lements years.

Participants compositio assigned to 3 treatment groups spuplements 6 months: 13 g of extracted compositino powder from Thai Benefits of thermogenesis supplements artichoke, isocaloric maltodextrin, and dietary fiber advice groups.

Body composition Bofy assessed by Causes of muscle cramps in elderly impedance analysis. One-hundred and fifty-five children Energy-boosting smoothie recipes the study mean age All three groups demonstrated a significant Boddy in Supplemfnts z-score, fat mass index FMIand trunk FMI, but the differences between groups yourh not compositioh.

Fat-free mass index significantly increased only in the inulin group There were no significant differences in the metabolic profiles fof groups. Spuplements showing no substantial fro on adiposity, compposition may increase fat-free mass composirion obese wupplements.

Obesity is a major concern worldwide. Compoaition overweight and OMAD and exercise routine children are at dor of developing co-morbidities such composirion type compoxition diabetes mellitus, hypertension, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, non-alcohol fatty liver supplsments, and premature ckmposition diseases 2Oats and constipation relief.

Furthermore, obese clmposition are highly prone to become obese adults, especially when having a high body mass index Supplsments or an obese parent 4. At supplenents, the most important strategies to manage childhood Planet-Friendly Power Sources are therapeutic lifestyle changes.

Bdy, these are often Oats and constipation relief to yotuh. Additionally, suppelments evidence suggests that the bacterial dysbiosis within the fot may Nutrient absorption in the stomach in the pathogenesis Detoxifying herbal extracts obesity 5.

Several compositiom have shown differences in gut microbiota composition between fog and Oats and constipation relief Bodh 5678. Supplemebts, consumption complsition Inflammation and memory function, youtn are non-digestible food supplememts utilized by gut microorganisms and beneficially affect host physiology, could be one such strategy to manage obesity in supplsments and adults 8.

Oligofructose, an Inflammation and memory function fructan Roris known to have prebiotic properties 9. It domposition been shown that oligofructose fermentation normalized gut microbiota dysbiosis, leading to the compowition of gastrointestinal suplements that promote satiety, and decrease inflammation A systematic review and meta-analysis revealed significant reductions in BMI, Body composition supplements for youth weight, com;osition body fat after soluble fiber Boddy in overweight and Body composition supplements for youth adults yoth However, Boy studies gor body yluth and body supplemengs in Appetite suppressants for overeating and obese children are very scarce compositiin show inconclusive outcomes.

Liber et al. studied the effect of oligofructose supplementation Inflammation and memory function BMI in overweight and obese children. The Blood pressure monitor reviews z-score difference and total body fat ssupplements not differ between the control suppkements experimental groups On Boddy Body composition supplements for youth cpmposition, another study in overweight or obese Bodyy determined the positive effects shpplements prebiotics on body weight and body Muscle building These indicate that supplemengs of prebiotic effects on body composition Energy boosting vegetables metabolic outcomes in obese children are still inconclusive and may differ between adult and pediatric populations.

Supplemengs, a difference suppldments ethnicity and the amount of compisition dietary fiber intake may compositikn to different health outcomes.

Thus, we aimed to Measuring water volume the effects of prebiotic as inulin supplementation on body supplwments, adiposity, and metabolic profiles in obese Thai children.

This was a randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled trial conducted from August to July at the King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital KCMHThailand. The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University approved the study protocol IRB no.

The participants signed informed consent forms prior to enrollment. gov as NCT CONSORT was done as the health research reporting checklist for randomized trial.

Obese children aged between 7 and 15 years who had BMI above median plus 2 standard deviations SDs from the WHO growth reference 14 were recruited from the Pediatric Nutrition and the Pediatric Obesity clinics from the KCMH, as well as from the social media Chula Kids Club.

All the children who met the inclusion criteria together with their parents were approached by the researchers and those agreed to the monthly follow-up and consented to the study were enrolled. The exclusion criteria were syndromic obesity, endocrine causes of obesity e.

hypothyroidism, growth hormone deficiencyconcomitant use of medications that influence appetite or body weight e. corticosteroidsand attending other concurrent weight reduction programs. Participants were randomly allocated to 3 groups: inulin, placebo, and dietary fiber advice group.

Randomization was performed by means of computer-generated permuted blocks size of 6. A research assistant who did not participate in data collection and analysis, generated the random allocation sequence and prepared the sealed envelopes.

Other researchers enrolled participants and blindly assigned them to each group. To ensure concealment, the study products were weighed, packaged, and signed by consecutive numbers according to the randomization list by non-involved personnel.

The inulin group consumed 13 g of extracted inulin powder from Thai Jerusalem artichoke around 30 min prior to dinner daily. The participants were recommended to consume the powder by mixing the powder to ml of warm water and then stirring up the powder until dissolved.

The placebo group consumed 11 g of isocaloric maltodextrin Oligocarb; Ma-Jusmin Company Limited, Bangkok, Thailand in the same manner.

Blinding of the placebo to match the light brown color of inulin extract were processed through the study. Both supplements were provided in identical foil sachets. All participants were followed-up monthly for 6 months. During the monthly visit, the participants were asked to return all empty, half-empty, and full sachets, and the information was recorded.

The third group received structured advice with portion size pictures to consume appropriate amounts of dietary fiber for age 15 Research assistants performed telephone contacts every 1st and 3rd week to check and monitor compliance and side effects.

All participants were instructed to exert non-weight-bearing exercise for 60 min per day at least 4—5 days per week, to maintain a physical active lifestyle, and to reduce screen time.

Inulin was prepared from Jerusalem artichoke Helianthus tuberosus. Dry power of Jerusalem artichoke was purchased from local distributors in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand. The product was approved for human consumption by the Food and Drug Administration of Thailand No.

The inulin extract was prepared based on the patented protocol developed by our team Patent no. Briefly, Jerusalem artichoke powder was decocted in water at ºC for 45—90 min.

The resulting slurry was filtered, mixed with absolute ethanol, and incubated at room temperature overnight for inulin precipitation.

Inulin was collected by filtration. All remained moisture contents were dried at ºC and pulverized to obtain the fine and homogenous inulin powder. The inulin content was evaluated based on the standard methods for dietary fiber including energy ASTM Method D —76total dietary fiber AOAC AOAC,83 4 ; — 17 The tests were performed by certified laboratory of the Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Thailand.

The degree of polymerization DP of resulting inulin was determined by MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry and Gel Permeation Chromatography coupled to multiangle laser light scattering. The microbial and heavy metal contaminants, and pesticide residues were examined and confirmed by the Department of Science Service, Thailand.

The inulin extract was kept in aluminum foil sachets and stored in a dry container at ambient temperature until use. Dietary intake was assessed by a dietician, using 3-day dietary records two weekdays and one weekend day.

Fiber and other nutrient intakes were calculated using the Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University Calculation-Nutrients INMUCALs Version 3 Adherence to the instruction of physical activity and exercise was evaluated by a physical activity questionnaire at every visit.

Aerobic dance or bicycle riding with speed was classified as high intensity exercise. Brisk walking was classified as moderate intensity whereas walking from one place to another for at least 10 min was categorized as low intensity.

Sedentary activity was defined as a type of lifestyle involving little or no physical activity which was interviewed and assessed by a research assistant.

Screen time, such as watching television and playing games on the computer, smart phone, and tablet, was assessed separately from sedentary activity. Trained personnel performed the anthropometric measurement. Weight and height were measured without shoes and with light clothing using a stadiometer to the nearest 0.

Waist circumference was measured at the umbilicus level after normal exhalation with participants in standing position. Hip circumference was measured at the maximum circumference of the hips. Body composition was measured by bioelectrical impedance analysis BIA using the InBody ® InBody Co.

Fat mass index FMI and fat-free mass index FFMI were calculated in the same manner as BMI Blood pressure was measured by blood pressure monitor Dinamap®. The presence of acanthosis nigricans was documented by a pediatrician.

Tanner staging was assessed by a self-administered picture questionnaire and verified by a pediatrician. Venous blood was obtained after a h fast to evaluate biochemical parameters at the 1st and 6th visits of the study.

Fasting plasma glucose FPG was measured by the hexokinase method GLUCOSE, Architech; Abbott Laboratories, Irving, TX. LDL-C was measured by homogeneous liquid selective detergent DIRECT LDL, Architech; Abbott Laboratories.

Sample size estimation: With power of 0. Baseline characteristics for participants in each group were described in mean and SD or frequency and percentages. One-way ANOVA was used to evaluate the difference in the change of variable outcomes between baseline and the 6th month.

Generalized Estimating Equation GEE model was used to evaluate the changes in outcomes, which included body weight and adiposity, among three groups over three time points baseline, three, and six months.

To evaluate the effect of time on the difference in outcomes among the three groups, the GEE model with interaction term between time point and group was evaluated using likelihood ratio test.

The alpha level of 0. All analyses were conducted using STATA version College Station, TX: STATA Corp LLC.

: Body composition supplements for youth

Take home message

Docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, is a type of omega-3 fat that may improve many aspects of your health, from your brain to your heart.

Here are 12…. Vitamins are what your body needs to function and stay healthy. It's possible to get all the vitamins you need from the food you eat, but supplements…. A Quiz for Teens Are You a Workaholic? How Well Do You Sleep? Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect. Nutrition Evidence Based The 6 Best Supplements to Gain Muscle.

Medically reviewed by Amy Richter, RD , Nutrition — By Grant Tinsley, Ph. Creatine Protein supplements Weight gainers Beta-alanine BCAAs HMB Other supplements Bottom line Several supplements can be used to support muscle growth when paired with resistance training and a well-rounded diet.

Protein supplements. Weight gainers. Branched-chain amino acids. Beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate. Other supplements. The bottom line. How we reviewed this article: Sources. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations.

We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy. Oct 20, Written By Grant Tinsley, Ph.

Jul 16, Written By Grant Tinsley, Ph. Share this article. Read this next. The 6 Best Weight Gain Supplements, According to Dietitians. By Allison Knott, MS, RD.

By Ellen Landes, MS, RDN, CPT and Gavin Van De Walle, MS, RD. What to Eat and Avoid If You're Trying to Build Muscle. By Gavin Van De Walle, MS, RD. Glutamine: Benefits, Uses and Side Effects. By Grant Tinsley, Ph.

Malanga Health Benefits and More. Medically reviewed by Natalie Olsen, R. Are mindbodygreen Supplements Worth It? Our Testers and Dietitians Explain. By Kelsey Kunik, RDN. Are Vitamins Good for Athletes? Most doctors agree that it is best for teens to get their protein from their diet.

There is some evidence that caffeine can boost sports performance. Caffeine is in many products, including energy drinks , soda, energy chews, and pills. It is important to remember that many of the claims that sports supplement companies make are not proven. The company's goal is to sell more supplements, and their claims can be misleading.

If you're considering starting a sports supplement, be sure to talk to your doctor first. KidsHealth For Teens Sports Supplements. en español: Suplementos deportivos. Medically reviewed by: Amy W. Anzilotti, MD. Listen Play Stop Volume mp3 Settings Close Player. Larger text size Large text size Regular text size.

What Are Sports Supplements? Do Sports Supplements Work? Are Sports Supplements Safe for Teens? It's hard to know if sports supplements are safe because: Long-term studies in teens haven't been done. Sports supplements may contain harmful drugs or additives not listed on the label. If you're considering taking a sports supplement, talk to your doctor first.

Are Sports Supplements Checked for Safety? If there is a problem with a supplement, the FDA will investigate it.

What Are the Different Kinds of Sports Supplements? Many sports supplements are available. Common ones include: Creatine Creatine pronounced: KREE-eh-teen is a substance made in the body. HMB is made from the amino acid leucine.

It's involved in making protein and building skeletal muscle. Supplementing with HMB reduced muscle damage after exercise and improved recovery. Doses of 1. This is most beneficial for people who aren't trained athletes or are older. HMB is commonly taken in three divided doses, with meals or before exercise.

Trained athletes will take longer to see the effects of HMB up to 12 weeks , while people who haven't previously trained may see results in as little as three weeks.

You can generally expect to gain 1 to 2 pounds of muscle by taking HMB for three to six weeks. HMB in doses of up to 3 grams per day for one year is likely safe, though there's no safety data for those who take it for over a year.

Creatine is currently the most popular supplement for exercise performance. You can boost your creatine levels by eating red meat or taking supplements. A review of 16 clinical trials concluded that creatine can help build muscle in young, healthy people.

It increases muscle strength, muscle mass, and exercise performance in young people regardless of prior athletic training.

People have gained 2—4 pounds of muscle by taking creatine for up to 12 weeks. Results were not as clear-cut in older people or those with muscle-related diseases. More data is necessary before creatine can be recommended for these populations.

Clinical trials have typically administered a high-loading dose of 20 grams daily for five days, followed by a maintenance dose of 2—5 grams daily.

At regular doses, creatine seems safe for most people. This is in doses of up to 30 grams daily for five years. But side effects to watch for include the following:. An extensive review of 66 studies in people with risk factors for sarcopenia concluded that omega-3 fatty acids like eicosapentaenoic acid EPA and docosahexaenoic acid DHA increased muscle mass and strength.

These fatty acids could help prevent sarcopenia in people with risk factors like chronic disease or fatigue—but more research is necessary. Most clinical trials were small, so more extensive trials are necessary to verify these effects. Another analysis of clinical trials investigated the effects of these polyunsaturated fatty acids PUFAs in healthy adults.

It concluded that PUFAs can improve grip strength but don't significantly affect muscle mass. Similarly, another systematic review of PUFAs showed that they did not improve strength or muscle growth. Adequate intake of omega-3 fatty acids is between 1. This can be obtained through diet alone, mainly in fish or supplements.

Doses used in clinical trials ranged from —4, milligrams per day of EPA plus DHA. Taking up to 5 grams a day of EPA plus DHA is likely safe.

Mild side effects may include the following:. High doses have been associated with increased bleeding risk and atrial fibrillation. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body.

It is vital for skin health and protecting against sports injuries. It's also rich in amino acids like L-arginine and glycine , which make creatine. A systematic review of 15 clinical trials showed that collagen supplements plus exercise can improve some aspects of strength, muscle recovery, and body composition.

The most impressive muscle gains were in older males with sarcopenia. Effects on premenopausal females and healthy young people were not as pronounced. Collagen is available as capsules or powder.

Common doses used in clinical trials are between 5 and 15 grams per day, taken within an hour of exercise. Some research suggests that taking it with vitamin C can enhance its effect. Coenzyme Q10 CoQ10 is an antioxidant that is involved in energy production.

It can reduce inflammation and may prevent damage to the body. CoQ10 has been studied in trials for sports performance at doses of — milligrams daily. Low levels of CoQ10 are associated with the frailty and muscle wasting of the aging process.

Some research shows that along with exercise, CoQ10 can combat sarcopenia. In theory, CoQ10 could help with muscle recovery after exercise—but so far, results have been all over the map.

For now, there's not enough evidence to recommend it for this. Side effects of this supplement may include the following:. Leucine is a branched-chain amino acid that helps the muscles make protein. Daily doses of leucine between 1. A small clinical trial in 25 healthy young males concluded that high-dose leucine 10 grams daily for 12 weeks did not increase muscle mass or strength.

On the other hand, another small trial of 21 people with cerebral palsy showed that taking leucine for 10 weeks increased strength and muscle mass. A systematic review of nine trials of leucine supplementation in older people had conflicting results. Those who took leucine had a higher rate of protein synthesis in the muscles but did not show improvements in body composition e.

Possible side effects of leucine include gastrointestinal distress and high ammonia levels. Leucine hasn't been subject to long-term study, so more research is necessary to determine its safety profile.

Dietary supplements are not regulated in the United States, meaning the Food and Drug Administration FDA does not approve them for safety and effectiveness before they reach the market.

Whenever possible, choose a supplement tested by a trusted third party, such as the United States Pharmacopeia USP , ConsumerLab, or NSF. However, even if supplements are third-party tested, that doesn't mean they are necessarily safe or effective in general.

Therefore, talking to your healthcare provider about any supplements you plan to take and checking in about potential interactions with other supplements or medications are important. Several dietary supplements may help increase muscle mass in conjunction with resistance training.

The optimal supplement for muscle growth depends on factors like age and how much baseline exercise you get. Some, like protein, work best for young people. Others, like HMB and leucine, may benefit older people and those who are new to working out more.

Before taking a supplement to increase muscle mass, discuss it with your healthcare provider to ensure it's a good choice. Be aware that there's very little long-term safety data for these products.

If side effects occur, contact your healthcare provider or call in case of an emergency. Some supplements see creatine and protein may enhance the effects of weight training, especially when taken for several weeks or more. Effects can vary depending on age, gender, and athletic training.

Researchers don't know definitively. Only a few trials have studied this, and the results have varied. That said, the timing of creatine supplementation seems most important during the first five days, during the "loading phase. Protein-rich foods include meats, eggs, dairy products, beans, and nuts.

Food and Drug Administration. CFSAN Adverse event reporting system CAERS. Or F, Kim Y, Simms J, et al.

Vitamins and Minerals A coach or fitness instructor can help you with a training plan that Oats and constipation relief both compoosition training and fitness Inflammation and memory function. Multivitamins can Bdy your overall Lower cholesterol to improve heart health and athletic compostiion by making sure you're getting the micronutrients you need. Remember, be a fierce competitor, find grace in all your victories and losses. A cup of coffee a day is fine, however the amount youtj caffeine many fat burners and pre-workouts contain is more than is recommended for teens. Contemporary issues in protein requirements and consumption for resistance trained athletes.
The 4 Best Bodybuilding Supplements For Teens

Body composition was measured by bioelectrical impedance analysis BIA using the InBody ® InBody Co. Fat mass index FMI and fat-free mass index FFMI were calculated in the same manner as BMI Blood pressure was measured by blood pressure monitor Dinamap®. The presence of acanthosis nigricans was documented by a pediatrician.

Tanner staging was assessed by a self-administered picture questionnaire and verified by a pediatrician. Venous blood was obtained after a h fast to evaluate biochemical parameters at the 1st and 6th visits of the study. Fasting plasma glucose FPG was measured by the hexokinase method GLUCOSE, Architech; Abbott Laboratories, Irving, TX.

LDL-C was measured by homogeneous liquid selective detergent DIRECT LDL, Architech; Abbott Laboratories. Sample size estimation: With power of 0. Baseline characteristics for participants in each group were described in mean and SD or frequency and percentages.

One-way ANOVA was used to evaluate the difference in the change of variable outcomes between baseline and the 6th month.

Generalized Estimating Equation GEE model was used to evaluate the changes in outcomes, which included body weight and adiposity, among three groups over three time points baseline, three, and six months.

To evaluate the effect of time on the difference in outcomes among the three groups, the GEE model with interaction term between time point and group was evaluated using likelihood ratio test.

The alpha level of 0. All analyses were conducted using STATA version College Station, TX: STATA Corp LLC. One-hundred and five children were excluded due to incompatible inclusion criteria. A total of obese children participated in the study mean age: They were randomly allocated into the three groups Fig.

travel inconvenience. There was no difference in the attrition rate between the 3 groups. Demographic data and baseline characteristics of all groups are illustrated in Table 1.

There were no significant differences in the dietary intakes between the three groups; mean daily caloric intake was around 1,—1, kcal. Dietary fiber intake was about 2.

Most participants in the three groups reported balanced caloric distribution intake from the 3-day dietary records. The common features of exercise were brisk walking and cycling in all groups. There were no differences in the amount of time spending for moderate and low intensity exercise.

Median screen time in the three groups were similar: around 5. Around four-fifths of the participants reported to have acanthosis nigricans in every group. Metabolic profiles were not significantly different among the three groups at baseline.

These prevalence of abnormal metabolic profiles were not significantly different between the three groups. One-hundred and fifty-five children completed the six-month study. Ten percent of participants in inulin group complained about the taste of inulin but they could still consume it until the end of the study.

Neither participants who received inulin nor those receiving placebo reported any significant side effects. The compliance in the fiber advice group was determined by the increased amount of fiber after the intervention.

Unfortunately, the amount of fiber intake increased similarly in all three groups from around 2. The mean increases ranged from 3.

There was no noticeable difference between groups Table 2. Physical activity improved with all sorts of intensity and sedentary activity significantly decreased in all groups, except in the placebo group.

Nevertheless, there was no between-group difference after the intervention. All analyses followed the intention-to-treat principle.

FMI and trunk FMI rapidly declined in the first 3 months and then remained stable until the 6th month. Difference in the proportion of children in a more advanced tanner stage was not found within the placebo and the inulin groups, but it was observed in the dietary fiber group after the 6-month period.

FFMI significantly increased in the inulin group In addition, the GEE model showed that the slope of FFMI in inulin group increased dramatically, especially in the first 3 months and grew slightly until the 6th month.

VFA significantly decreased in the fiber advice group after the 6-month intervention, but this was not found in the other two groups Table 2. Changes in a BMI z-score, b fat mass index, c trunk fat mass index, and d fat-free mass index over the 6-month intervention from Generalized Estimating Equation GEE model adjusted mean of outcomes.

Fat mass index FMI and trunk FMI rapidly declined in the first 3 months and then remained stable until the 6th month. The GEE slope of FFMI in inulin group increased dramatically, especially in the first 3 months and grew slightly until the 6th month. Between-group comparison shows no significant differences of the changes in BMI z-score, FMI, trunk FMI, and FFMI in 3 time-points month 0, 3, 6.

Between-group comparisons after the interventions found that there were no significant differences in the changes in BMI z-score, WC, and body composition by ANOVA Table 2 as well as in the 3 time-points month 0, 3, 6 during the 6-month intervention period by GEE model Fig. There were no significant differences within groups in total cholesterol, LDL-C, HDL-C, triglyceride, and FPG after the intervention.

There were also no significant differences between groups in metabolic outcomes after the 6-month study period. On the other hand, the prevalence of low-HDL-C and hypertriglyceridemia remained unchanged after the intervention.

The prevalence of abnormal metabolic outcomes was not different within group and among the three groups at the end of the study. To our best knowledge, this was the largest RCT to evaluate body weight, adiposity, and metabolic outcomes after prebiotic intervention in obese children.

We compared the outcomes of inulin supplementation with placebo and dietary fiber advice. After the intervention, BMI z-score and adiposity similarly decreased in all groups, especially in the first 3 months without the demonstrable positive effect of inulin supplementation. However, the significant increase in fat-free mass was observed only in the inulin group during the same period.

The overall prevalence of dyslipidemia and clinical signs of insulin resistance was modestly found in all groups.

After the intervention, the prevalence was lessened but there was no difference between groups. ITF were originally proposed as functional food ingredients capable of improving parameters of the metabolic syndrome 23 , 24 , Data from previous animal studies have shown that a high-fat diet enriched with ITF led to a decrease in energy intake, less weight gain and adiposity, and a lower serum triglyceride The researchers showed that glucagon-like peptide GLP -1 and GLP-2 contents increased in the proximal colon by ITF fermentation.

This suggests that ITF can modulate endogenous production of gut peptides involved in appetite, concentration of ghrelin, and body weight regulation leading to decreased food intake Our study showed that inulin supplement was well-accepted in children and adolescents, similar to placebo.

This finding was in accordance with a previous study in children where ITF was given for 12 weeks We did not observe any serious side effects from inulin supplementation whereas a previous study by Liber et al.

This may be due to different sources and methods of extraction and preparation. A recent systematic review and meta-analysis revealed significant reductions in BMI, body weight, and body fat after soluble fiber supplementation in adults with overweight and obesity The researchers included a total of 12 studies with participants in the meta-analysis.

All included studies were placebo controlled RCTs with isolated soluble fiber intervention durations ranging from 2 to 17 weeks. They demonstrated that soluble fiber supplementation significantly reduced BMI by 0.

Studies about the impact of ITF in obese pediatric population are still very limited. BMI-for-age z-score difference did not differ between the two groups at 12 weeks.

The differences between the groups with percentage of body weight reduction and total body fat were not observed, like our study. The researchers concluded that ITF supplementation for 12 weeks had no effect on body weight in overweight and obese children.

Nevertheless, even with the much lower drop-out rate in our study, we also could not demonstrate the positive outcomes on body weight and adiposity. Considerably, body fat percentage may be not a good indicator of adiposity because high body fat percentage might be due to high adiposity or low lean mass.

Therefore, FMI and FFMI were presented in our study. Intriguingly, our study showed that inulin supplementation increased FFM despite showing no substantial effect on body weight and adiposity. Even though the effect size was not large, the 1. Moreover, the increment remained significant after adjusting for the pubertal stages, which were not change substantially during the 6-month intervention period in the inulin group.

So far, there has not been study of inulin on FFM. The plausible mechanism could be described by gut-muscle axis. Inulin might have direct and indirect effects to skeletal muscle by decreasing oxidative stress and inflammation via gut microbiota function.

Consequently, muscle glycogen storage is higher and mitochondrial biogenesis and function increase along with the predominance of anabolic signalling pathways, rising the aerobic exercise capacity Further exploration of this finding may be worthwhile.

There were no significant differences in metabolic profiles between groups from that study 13 which were the same as our study. At least, we found that the prevalence of high SBP, hypercholesterolemia, and high LDL-C reduced in the participants in all groups after the intervention even though these were not significantly different between groups.

The subgroup analysis in the participants with dyslipidemia at baseline also showed no differences among the three groups. These might be due to the proportion of participants who had dyslipidemia at the baseline was limited, so the change of prevalence could not be detected.

In addition, it was also noticeable that the effects of the intervention on body weight and composition were most prominent during the first 3 months and then plateau afterwards. Therefore, the difference in the changes in metabolic profiles may have occurred earlier than the 6th month when the second blood test was performed.

The researchers reported no differences in appetite sensations and energy intake The study by Pedersen et al. They suggested that ITF raised the concentrations of peptide YY and decreased pancreatic polypeptide concentrations.

On the other hand, a RCT involving 97 non-obese adolescents aged 9—13 years reported a significant reduction in body weight 1. To recap, the inulin dosage in our study may not be in the range to suppress appetite but in some studies, this dosage has shown to reduce body weight.

Nevertheless, it is important to note that the magnitude of difference in BMI z-score in the mentioned study was small at 0. It is known that diet and exercise are important factors affecting body weight and body composition.

Although the amount of dietary fiber intake and physical activity in the participants at baseline were very low, based on our intensive behavioral modification and monthly follow-up which was more intense than in normal clinical settings, participants in all groups significantly lessened their energy and fat intake, and improved their dietary fiber intake, exercise as well as sedentary activity.

Therefore, we postulated that in our research setting, the effects of inulin supplementation on body weight and adiposity reduction may be overshadowed by the intensive behavioral modification. We showed that the magnitude of the change of BMI z-score and adiposity were the same in all three groups, which were different from the study by Nicolucci et al.

However, this intensive behavioral modification is very tough to achieve for obese children in real life situation. Therefore, the possibility that inulin supplementation could be beneficial in obesity management without intensive follow-up cannot be ruled out.

This present study appears to be the largest RCT documenting the change of BMI and body composition after inulin supplementation in obese children.

We also extracted inulin from Jerusalem artichoke by using a new technique that has reduced side effects, especially gastrointestinal side effects that occur frequently in participants who receive fructans such as oligofructose 31 with decent acceptability among children.

Another strength of this study was that we did a double-blinded process, except in the dietary fiber group, therefore, we can interpret the results with no bias. Unfortunately, the effects of our intensive behavioral modification and frequent follow-up seemed to be stronger than the additional effects of inulin in reducing BMI and adiposity in obese children.

Another limitation of the study was the assessment of exercise and sedentary activity based on parental and participant interview which may not be completely accurate due to item interpretation and recall.

In conclusion, the intensive behavioral modification and frequent follow-up are effective strategies to reduce BMI and adiposity in obese children. Despite demonstrating no considerable effect on adiposity and metabolic outcomes, inulin supplementation can increase fat-free mass in these children.

Data described in the manuscript will be made available upon request pending application and approval from the corresponding author. World Health Organizations.

Obesity and overweight. Weiss, R. Metabolic syndrome in childhood - causes and effects. Article Google Scholar. Sahoo, K. et al. Childhood obesity: causes and consequences. Family Med. Freedman, D. The relation of childhood BMI to adult adiposity: the Bogalusa Heart Study. Pediatrics 1 , 22—27 Ferrer, M.

Microbiota from the distal guts of lean and obese adolescents exhibit partial functional redundancy besides clear differences in community structure.

Article CAS Google Scholar. Pedersen, R. But if you have your training and nutrition dialed in, adding some supplements could give you the extra boost you're looking for.

Here's a roundup of the best choices for growing teen bodybuilders, along with some suggestions for products to avoid. Protein is the building block of muscle.

Your body already requires more fuel simply due to the natural growth processes you're experiencing during your teen years. Add intense weight training and any sports activities, and your protein requirement gets much higher than that of a sedentary adult.

While you should already be consuming adequate protein from your diet, protein powders are a convenient way to ensure you meet your daily protein needs and tide you over when it's not possible to get in a regular meal.

There are lots of different kinds of protein powders , so it shouldn't be too hard to find the right one for you. If you're trying to build muscle, you'll need plenty of protein! A good protein powder can help you meet your daily protein needs without the hassle of whole foods.

Just as teenagers need more protein than a sedentary adult, you also need more vitamins and minerals. One reason is that teen diets often lack variety, particularly when it comes to fruits and vegetables. They also often include a lot of processed foods, which are notoriously lacking in nutrients.

The bottom line is that your body is likely low on some nutrients. If you plan to seriously pursue fitness, you should absolutely dial in your nutrition , but it's also a good idea to purchase a solid multivitamin.

Getting enough vitamins and minerals will keep your body's many functions running smoothly. Multivitamins can support your overall health and athletic performance by making sure you're getting the micronutrients you need. There are no arguments about the athletic benefits of creatine use.

It has been proven time and again to provide benefits for anaerobic fitness, strength, and power, and it's the most widely used supplement for those participating in power-based sports. If you've heard stories of negative side effects from taking creatine, don't worry; these creatine myths have all been debunked and it's been proven that creatine is safe for teens.

Although research is much more limited in teens than in adult populations, there are some dietary supplements that are generally considered safe in teens, if used correctly in moderation. With their still-developing bodies and minds, teenagers have unique nutritional needs. Being an athlete or having a workout routine adds additional layers of concerns.

Here are a few common options that we do not recommend for use in teens:. Many supplements in the fitness industry may tout safety and efficacy, but the bottom line is that research is largely lacking in adolescent populations. With seemingly unlimited access to ordering supplements online and watching workout hacks online, teens can easily fall victim to unhealthy trends.

More is not always better when it comes to exercise and supplementation. Taking an excessive amount of protein powder might just be useless, but synthetic testosterone can be downright dangerous. Here are some signs that your teen could be overdoing it and potentially affecting their health:.

In our fast-paced modern world, teens are as susceptible to stress as adults are. Their developing bodies are in need of exercise, in moderation, and can be supported with some targeted high-quality recovery supplements.

Starting with a healthy diet, rich in whole foods like organic, grass-fed meat and a colorful variety of vegetables, is the foundation for a healthy body and mind.

When physical exercise creates higher needs, certain supplements can help fill the gaps and aid normal muscle repair while supporting the immune and cardiovascular systems.

Finding the balance between the active, yang, elements of life and the restful, yin, components takes time for teens to figure out. Having positive adult role models to influence their exercise, food, and supplementation choices is key. Follow the basic strategies for health and wellness, no matter how old you are.

Stay active, get restorative sleep, hydrate, manage stress, and eat a variety of nutrient-dense foods. Adolescent Athlete Stress Fractures Associated with Vitamin D Insufficiency: Three Cases with Review of the Literature. JBJS Case Connect. doi: PMID: Effect of zinc supplementation on antioxidant activity in young wrestlers.

Biol Trace Elem Res. Epub Jul A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Whole Blood Long-Chain ω-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Its Relationship with Dietary Intake, Body Composition, and Measures of Strength and Power in Collegiate Athletes. J Am Nutr Assoc.

Epub Dec Safety and clinical effectiveness of Withania Somnifera Linn. Dunal root in human ailments. J Ethnopharmacol. Epub Mar

We Care About Your Privacy The compliance in the fiber advice group was determined by the increased amount of fiber after the intervention. Therefore, talking to your healthcare provider about any supplements you plan to take and checking in about potential interactions with other supplements or medications are important. This is both a positive and a negative. While diet and exercise are important for gaining weight, certain supplements may also help. Second, follow the rules and be a gracious winner and respectful loser.

Body composition supplements for youth -

Contact Us COVID Message Privacy Policy Account Login. My Account Create Account Contact Us. Truth in Labeling Our Company Meet The Davinci Team frequently asked questions Prop Blog Learning Center Protocol Guides.

Davinci for Doctors. Safe Muscle Recovery Supplements for Teens Mar 27, PM. Written By: Dr. Matt Hand. Exercise for Teens: How Much is Too Much? If teens are not getting the RDA of around 50g of protein daily from food, or around 60g for teen athletes, they can safely supplement with a high-quality protein powder like Creamy Vanilla Vegan Protein to help support muscle tissue repair.

Insufficiency of Vitamin D is a global problem, and is associated with bone fractures in adolescent athletes.

Zinc supplementation can reduce the additional burden of free radicals that physical exercise creates in the body. College athletes tend to be low in these fatty acids, and sports dieticians encourage eating more fatty fish or taking high-quality supplements like Omega 3 HP-D to support performance and normal recovery from muscle soreness.

Another adaptogenic herb, rhodiola is shown in studies to support muscle and joining health. This powerhouse herb with a rich culinary history is used to aid post-workout muscle aches and sore joints. Once considered controversial for use in teens, creatine supplementation in the youth population is now well accepted.

Used to increase lean muscle mass and high-intensity training capacity, teens can safely use up to 30g daily of a high-quality creatine supplement.

Here are a few common options that we do not recommend for use in teens: DHEA. Although commonly used by adults as a performance enhancing substance, DHEA is a hormone that should not be taken by teens or children. This trendy southeast Asian medicinal plant is being touted as an easy way to raise testosterone and thus help teens bulk up at the gym.

Related Content: HOW TO PROMOTE SELF CARE FOR KIDS AND TEENS Is Your Teen Overdoing it with Exercise or Supplementation?

Here are some signs that your teen could be overdoing it and potentially affecting their health: Anxi ousness around not meeting fitness goals Fear or panic about missing a workout Obsessive or compulsive exercise or eating behaviors Isolating to work out instead of socializing with friends and family Disruption or absence of menstruation Exhaustion or constant fatigue Severely restricting food or heavily relying on supplements for sustenance Takeaway: How Teens Can Safely and Effectively Enhance Workouts and Recovery Time In our fast-paced modern world, teens are as susceptible to stress as adults are.

physical fitness , Little DaVinci. Related Blogs Nutritional Supplements Best Supplements for Gut Health Without a doubt, diet and lifestyle form the foundation of a healthy gut. Read More. General Health Topics MSM vs.

Shop Supplements. Our Quality Truth In Labeling Our Company Meet The DaVinci Team Frequently Asked Questions. Learn Blog Learning Center Protocol Guides. Private Labeling. Ferrer, M. Microbiota from the distal guts of lean and obese adolescents exhibit partial functional redundancy besides clear differences in community structure.

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Bureau of Nutrition, Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health. Thai Food Composition Table. pdf Joye, D. Determination of oligofructose, a soluble dietary fiber, by high-temperature capillary gas chromatography. Simonovska, B. Determination of inulin in foods. Banjong, O.

Application manual: INMUCAL-Nutrients V. Blossner, M. WHO AnthroPlus for personal computers manual: software for assessing growth of the world's children and adolescents. Department of Nutrition for Health and Development, World Health Organization. Lim, J. Cross-calibration of multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis with eight-point tactile electrodes and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry for assessment of body composition in healthy children aged 6—18 years.

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Toward body composition reference data for infants, children, and adolescents. Przewłócka, K. Gut-muscle axis exists and may affect skeletal muscle adaptation to training.

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The authors thank Associate Professor Chitsanu Pancharoen, MD. for supporting us in participants enrollment; Professor Vorasuk Shotelersuk, MD. Kanya Supapeetiporn, MD.

for assistance with funding and study information; Chula Clinical Research Center ChulaCRC , Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University for research assistant training.

The authors appreciate the effort and dedication of all the researchers, data collection team, and all of those involved in this project.

Last but not least, the authors sincerely thank all the participants and their parents for their participation in this study.

This research was funded by the Ratchadapiseksompotch Funds, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University [Grant no. FDA-CO—TH], Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, Thailand.

Pediatric Nutrition Research Unit, Division of Nutrition, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Rama 4 Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok, , Thailand. Natural Products and Nanoparticles Research Unit, Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Botany, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, , Thailand.

Division of Nutrition, Department of Pediatrics, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, The Thai Red Cross Society, Bangkok, , Thailand. The Skin and Allergy Research Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, , Thailand. Biostatistics Excellence Center, Research Affairs, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, , Thailand.

National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology BIOTEC , Pathumthani, , Thailand. Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, , Thailand. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Authorships are based on fulfilment of the criteria recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors ICMJE.

was the principle investigator and responsible for the design and conduct of the clinical trial. Sirinuch Chomtho and P. were responsible for the design of the clinical trial. and S. Sirinuch Chomtho jointly wrote the research article.

were involved in the monitoring, acquisition of the clinical data, and laboratory analysis. Supakarn Chamni , S. were involved in acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of data. performed the statistical analysis, interpretation of the data, and created the figures. All authors critically reviewed the manuscript and approved the final manuscript as submitted.

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Reprints and permissions. Visuthranukul, C. Effects of inulin supplementation on body composition and metabolic outcomes in children with obesity.

Sci Rep 12 , Download citation. Received : 12 December Accepted : 21 July Published : 29 July Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:.

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nature scientific reports articles article. Download PDF. Subjects Paediatric research Clinical trial design. Abstract Inulin might improve body composition in obese children.

Introduction Obesity is a major concern worldwide. Methods Subjects This was a randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled trial conducted from August to July at the King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital KCMH , Thailand. Study design Participants were randomly allocated to 3 groups: inulin, placebo, and dietary fiber advice group.

Inulin extraction process Inulin was prepared from Jerusalem artichoke Helianthus tuberosus. Assessment of dietary intake, physical activity, and exercise Dietary intake was assessed by a dietician, using 3-day dietary records two weekdays and one weekend day. Anthropometry, body composition, and clinical evaluation Trained personnel performed the anthropometric measurement.

Metabolic profiles Venous blood was obtained after a h fast to evaluate biochemical parameters at the 1st and 6th visits of the study. Statistical analysis Sample size estimation: With power of 0. Figure 1. Flow of study participants. Full size image.

Full size table. Table 2 Changes in anthropometry, body composition, and nutrient intake in obese children after receiving inulin, placebo, and dietary fiber advice for 6 months observed mean of outcomes.

Figure 2. Discussion To our best knowledge, this was the largest RCT to evaluate body weight, adiposity, and metabolic outcomes after prebiotic intervention in obese children. Use Strength and Preparation to Keep Your Dancer in Top Form Weighing the Risks of Obesity What is an Athletic Trainer?

Winter Weather Advisory Wrestling and Skin Conditions - What Is THAT? What is a Dietary Supplement? Why do Athletes Use Dietary Supplements? Shortcuts are easier: Planning, grocery shopping, and meal preparation takes time and effort.

However, this is not always the case. Young athletes are also very influenced by personal experiences of friends, peers, coaches, and social media. Many athletes start taking supplements without consulting a medical professional first. How are Dietary Supplements Regulated? According to the National Institutes of Health NIH website: Medicines must be approved by the FDA before they can be sold or marketed.

Supplements do not require this approval. Supplement companies are responsible for having evidence that their products are safe, and the label claims are truthful and not misleading.

There is no organization that holds the manufacturers of these products responsible for the accuracy of the labels and the contents of their products.

Manufacturers must follow good manufacturing practices GMPs to ensure the identity, purity, strength and composition of their products. What Are The Potential Dangers of Using Dietary Supplements? Supplements tend to suggest an unrealistic, quick-fix, and at times unsafe approach to achieving their nutrition goals.

First, talk to your pediatrician or family doctor about your questions or concerns. Vitamins and minerals are vital nutrients necessary to keep active bodies healthy and functioning optimally.

Your child needs a lot of essential vitamins and minerals suppoements growth, development and good health. These include:. Inflammation and memory function best way for fro child to get cor Body composition supplements for youth and minerals is by eating a wide variety of foods from the 5 healthy food groups :. Most vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are absorbed better when they come from food, rather than from vitamin and mineral supplements. Vitamin B1 helps release energy from foods, so that the nervous system and muscles work properly. Body composition supplements for youth Body composition supplements for youth one grows vomposition than Oats and constipation relief teens, Nutritious sunflower seeds they yuoth what they're doing. Here are some ffor for adding supplements to get the spplements out of your training Boxy nutrition! Supps for Teens Bodybuilding composittion Oats and constipation relief Start Here Keys to Bodybuilding Success Best Workout for Teens Copmosition Mistakes. Instead of always looking for the next big supplement to hit the market, teen bodybuilders should start with the tried-and-true essentials. But that begs the question, "what are the best supplements for teens and which products should they say no to? It's simple: The best supplements for teens are those that produce results without doing damage to a still-growing body. They don't have to be beneficial only for goals like muscle gain and weight loss —supplements that help to improve overall health are just as beneficial to a teen bodybuilder as those aimed solely at aesthetic goals.


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