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Energy metabolism and nutrient deficiencies

Energy metabolism and nutrient deficiencies

RMR and heart rate variability deficencies to Enegry vitamins, niacin Guarana and mood enhancement be synthesized by humans from the amino acid tryptophan in an anabolic process requiring enzymes dependent on riboflavin, vitamin B 6and iron. Weight gaining and obesity may be associated with low RMR [ 8 ]. Folate B 9. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Energy metabolism and nutrient deficiencies -

A component in sulfur-containing amino acids necessary in certain enzymes; a component in thiamin and biotin. Assists in carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism, DNA and RNA synthesis.

Assists in metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids and synthesis of DNA and RNA. Vitamins and minerals involved in energy metabolism and the role they each play.

Because B vitamins play so many important roles in energy metabolism, it is common to see marketing claims that B vitamins boost energy and performance. This is a myth that is not backed by science. As discussed, B vitamins are needed to support energy metabolism and growth, but taking in more than required does not supply you with more energy.

A great analogy of this phenomenon is the gas in your car. Does it drive faster with a half-tank of gas or a full one? It does not matter; the car drives just as fast as long as it has gas.

Similarly, depletion of B vitamins will cause problems in energy metabolism, but having more than is required to run metabolism does not speed it up. And because B vitamins are water-soluble, they are not stored in the body and any excess will be excreted from the body, essentially flushing out the added expense of the supplements.

The B vitamins important for energy metabolism are naturally present in numerous foods, and many other foods are enriched with them; therefore, B vitamin deficiencies are rare.

Similarly, most of the minerals involved in energy metabolism and listed above are trace minerals that are not frequently deficient in the diet.

However, when a deficiency of one of these vitamins or minerals does occur, symptoms can be seen throughout the body because of their relationship to energy metabolism, which happens in all cells of the body. A lack of these vitamins and minerals typically impairs blood health and the conversion of macronutrients into usable energy i.

Deficiency can also lead to an increase in susceptibility to infections, tiredness, lack of energy, and a decrease in concentration. Because of their water-solubility, toxicities of most of these nutrients are also uncommon, as excess intake is often excreted from the body. Large quantities, particularly through supplements, can lead to adverse side effects or cause interactions with medications.

For example, too much niacin can cause flushing of the skin or dangerous drops in blood pressure, and a high intake of B 6 can lead to neuropathy. When taking vitamin or mineral supplements, always pay attention to the recommended dietary allowance and avoid exceeding the tolerable upper intake level UL.

Folate, or vitamin B 9 , is a required coenzyme for the synthesis of several amino acids and for making RNA and DNA. Therefore, rapidly dividing cells are most affected by folate deficiency. Red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are continuously being synthesized in the bone marrow from dividing stem cells.

When folate is deficient, cells cannot divide normally. A consequence of folate deficiency is macrocytic anemia. Macrocytic anemia is characterized by larger and fewer red blood cells that are less efficient at carrying oxygen to cells. It is caused by red blood cells being unable to produce DNA and RNA fast enough—cells grow but do not divide, making them large in size.

Folate is especially essential for the growth and specialization of cells of the central nervous system. Children whose mothers were folate-deficient during pregnancy have a higher risk of neural tube birth defects. Folate deficiency is causally linked to the development of spina bifida , a neural tube defect that occurs in a developing fetus when the spine does not completely enclose the spinal cord.

Spina bifida can lead to many physical and mental disabilities Figure 9. In , the U. Food and Drug Administration FDA began requiring manufacturers to fortify enriched breads, cereals, flours, and cornmeal with folic acid a synthetic form of folate to increase the consumption of folate in the American diet and reduce the risk of neural tube defects.

Observational studies show that the prevalence of neural tube defects was decreased after the fortification of enriched cereal and grain products with folate compared to before these products were fortified.

Spina bifida left is a neural tube defect that can have serious health consequences. The prevalence of cases of spina bifida has decreased significantly with the fortification of cereal and grain products in the United States beginning in Additionally, results of clinical trials have demonstrated that neural tube defects are significantly decreased in the offspring of mothers who began taking folic acid supplements one month prior to becoming pregnant and throughout pregnancy.

In response to the scientific evidence, the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine IOM raised the RDA for folate to micrograms per day for pregnant women.

Folate is found naturally in a wide variety of foods, including vegetables particularly dark leafy greens , fruits, nuts, beans, legumes, meat, poultry, eggs, and grains. As mentioned previously, folic acid the synthetic form of folate is also found in enriched foods such as grains. Dietary sources of folate.

Examples of good sources pictured include spinach, black-eyed peas, fortified cereal, rice, and bread and asparagus. Source: NIH Office of Dietary Supplements. Folate deficiency is typically due to an inadequate dietary intake; however, smoking and heavy, chronic alcohol intake can also decrease absorption, leading to a folate deficiency.

Other symptoms of folate deficiency can include mouth sores, gastrointestinal distress, and changes in the skin, hair and nails. Women with insufficient folate intakes are at increased risk of giving birth to infants with neural tube defects and low intake during pregnancy has been associated with preterm delivery, low birth weight, and fetal growth retardation.

Toxicity of folate is not typically seen due to an excess consumption from foods. However, there is concern regarding a high intake of folic acid from supplements because it could mask a deficiency in vitamin B Sekiyama M, Jiang HW, Gunawan B, Dewanti L, Honda R, Shimizu-Furusawa H, et al.

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Download references. We are extremely grateful to all the participants who took part in this study and the school of Nutritional and Dietetics at Tehran University of medical sciences. This study is funded by grants from the Tehran University of Medical Sciences TUMS Grant ID: Department of Community Nutrition, School of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics, Tehran University of Medical Sciences TUMS , P.

Box: , Tehran, Iran. Department of Nutrition Science, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN , USA. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar.

SFS, AM, AA and FS wrote the Manuscript, KM had full access to all the data in the study and was responsible for the integrity and accuracy of the data. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript. Correspondence to Khadijeh Mirzaei. All procedures involving human subjects were approved by the Ethics Commission of Tehran University of Medical Sciences IR.

The authors would like to advise that all authors listed have contributed to the work. All authors have agreed to submit the manuscript to Diabetology and Metabolic Syndrome.

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The association between deficiency of nutrient intake and resting metabolic rate in overweight and obese women: a cross-sectional study. BMC Res Notes 14 , Official websites use. gov A.

gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. gov website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Metabolism is the process your body uses to get or make energy from the food you eat. Food is made up of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

Chemicals in your digestive system break the food parts down into sugars and acids, your body's fuel. Your body can use this fuel right away, or it can store the energy in your body tissues, such as your liver, muscles, and body fat. A metabolic disorder occurs when abnormal chemical reactions in your body disrupt this process.

When this happens, you might have too much of some substances or too little of other ones that you need to stay healthy. There are different groups of disorders. Some affect the breakdown of amino acids , carbohydrates , or lipids.

Another group, mitochondrial diseases , affects the parts of the cells that produce the energy.

While the macronutrients carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins and alcohol can be defuciencies to release deficienices, vitamins and minerals Energy metabolism and nutrient deficiencies a different kind Joint health nutrition RMR and heart rate variability in energy metabolism; Enervy are required as mmetabolism parts of enzymes involved in energy release and storage. Vitamins and minerals that make up part of enzymes are referred to as coenzymes and cofactorsrespectively. Coenzymes and cofactors are required by enzymes to catalyze a specific reaction. Coenzymes and cofactors are essential in catabolic pathways and play a role in many anabolic pathways too. Thiamine, one of the water-soluble vitamins, is especially important in glucose metabolism.


Protein Metabolism Overview, Animation

Metabolism is the chemical process your body uses to transform the food you metaolism into the Eergy that keeps you deficiecies. Nutrition metsbolism consists of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

These meabolism are broken deficifncies by enzymes in your digestive defixiencies, and then carried to the cells where annd can be used as fuel. Drficiencies body either ans these substances immediately, or stores them in the liver, body fat, Energy metabolism and nutrient deficiencies muscle RMR and heart rate variability for later anx.

A metabolic disorder occurs when the nutrientt process fails and causes the body to RMR and heart rate variability either too much or too little of metabokism essential Enery needed to stay Angiogenesis and inflammation. Our bodies are very Citrus fruit health benefits to errors in metabolism.

The body Ensrgy have amino acids and many types of proteins to perform nurient of its defkciencies. For example, the brain needs RMR and heart rate variability, potassium, and sodium to generate electrical impulses, and lipids fats and oils to maintain a healthy nervous system.

You Mediterranean diet and mental health develop a metabolic disorder nurtient certain Eneegy — for instance, annd pancreas or the liver — stop functioning properly.

An kinds Eneryg disorders nutrienf be a result of genetics, a xnd in a certain hormone or enzyme, consuming too much of certain foods, or a number of other factors. There are hundreds deficifncies genetic metabolic disorders caused by Leafy green digestion aid of single nutridnt.

These mutations can be nurrient down through generations of nutrienh. According to the National Institutes of Health NIHcertain racial or ethnic nnutrient are RMR and heart rate variability likely to pass on RMR and heart rate variability genes for degiciencies inborn disorders.

The most common of these are:. According to the American Diabetes NutriehtRMR and heart rate variability population abd diabetes. In type 1 Enfrgythe T cells nutrienr and kill beta ddeficiencies in Performance-enhancing nutrition pancreas, the cells that produce Energy metabolism and nutrient deficiencies.

Over time, a megabolism of insulin can cause:. Hundreds of inborn errors in metabolism IEM have been identified, and most are extremely rare. Many of these disorders can only be treated by limiting dietary intake of the substance or substances the body cannot process.

This condition causes an inability to break down a particular kind of fat, which accumulates in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow.

This inability can result in pain, bone damage, and even death. This is a defect in the transport of glucose and galactose across the stomach lining which leads to severe diarrhea and dehydration. Symptoms are controlled by removing lactose, sucrose, and glucose from the diet.

In this conditionexcess iron is deposited in several organs, and can cause:. MSUD disrupts the metabolism of certain amino acids, causing rapid degeneration of the neurons. If not treated, it causes death within the first few months after birth.

Treatment involves limiting the dietary intake of branched-chain amino acids. PKU causes an inability to produce the enzyme, phenylalanine hydroxylase, resulting in organ damage, mental retardation, and unusual posture.

Metabolic disorders are highly complex and rare. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.

FGIDs are a complex group of disorders that affect all parts of the digestive system and your mental health.

Metabolic syndrome is a group of five risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Learn the five…. Find information on phenylketonuria causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.

Tay-Sachs disease is a neurodegenerative disorder most commonly found in infants. Learn more about this rare disease. MindBodyGreen provides third-party-tested supplements made with high quality ingredients.

Our testers and dietitians discuss whether MindBodyGreen…. Vitamins are for athletes to stay healthy. You may get all you need from the food you eat. Some athletes may benefits from vitamin supplements. Docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, is a type of omega-3 fat that may improve many aspects of your health, from your brain to your heart.

Here are 12…. Vitamins are what your body needs to function and stay healthy. It's possible to get all the vitamins you need from the food you eat, but supplements…. A Quiz for Teens Are You a Workaholic? How Well Do You Sleep?

Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect. Nutrition and Metabolism Disorders. Medically reviewed by Natalie Olsen, R. Definition Causes Types Outlook How does your metabolism work? What is a metabolic disorder? What causes metabolic disorders? Types of metabolic disorders. How we reviewed this article: Sources.

Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

Sep 17, Written By Sandy Calhoun Rice. Oct 31, Medically Reviewed By Natalie Olsen, RD, LD, ACSM EP-C. Share this article.

Read this next. A Guide to Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders FGIDs are a complex group of disorders that affect all parts of the digestive system and your mental health. READ MORE. Metabolic Syndrome: Risk Factors, Diagnosis, and More. Medically reviewed by Avi Varma, MD, MPH, AAHIVS, FAAFP.

Phenylketonuria PKU. Medically reviewed by Karen Gill, M. Tay-Sachs Disease. Medically reviewed by Mia Armstrong, MD. Malanga Health Benefits and More.

Are mindbodygreen Supplements Worth It? Our Testers and Dietitians Explain. By Kelsey Kunik, RDN. Are Vitamins Good for Athletes?

What Are Vitamins and Can They Help Your Health? It's possible to get all the vitamins you need from the food you eat, but supplements… READ MORE.

: Energy metabolism and nutrient deficiencies

The Role of B Vitamins and Minerals in Energy Metabolism

Vitamins are for athletes to stay healthy. You may get all you need from the food you eat. Some athletes may benefits from vitamin supplements.

Docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, is a type of omega-3 fat that may improve many aspects of your health, from your brain to your heart. Here are 12…. Vitamins are what your body needs to function and stay healthy. It's possible to get all the vitamins you need from the food you eat, but supplements….

A Quiz for Teens Are You a Workaholic? How Well Do You Sleep? Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect. Nutrition and Metabolism Disorders. Medically reviewed by Natalie Olsen, R. Definition Causes Types Outlook How does your metabolism work? What is a metabolic disorder? What causes metabolic disorders?

Types of metabolic disorders. How we reviewed this article: Sources. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations.

We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy. Sep 17, Written By Sandy Calhoun Rice. Oct 31, Medically Reviewed By Natalie Olsen, RD, LD, ACSM EP-C. Share this article.

Read this next. A Guide to Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders FGIDs are a complex group of disorders that affect all parts of the digestive system and your mental health. READ MORE.

In the absence of underlying disease, these symptoms could be caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals. Certain risk groups like the elderly and pregnant women are well-recognized.

Our aim was, therefore, to find out if other, less well-established groups might also be at risk. Thus, the objectives of this review are: to describe the inter-relationship between micronutrients, energy metabolism and well-being; identify risk groups for inadequate micronutrient intake; and explore the role of micronutrient supplementation in these groups.

Micronutrient supplementation can alleviate deficiencies, but supplements must be taken for an adequate period of time. Read the article here. For TBI patients, correcting vitamin deficiencies can have significant benefits. It takes energy to pump that potassium back, put the neurotransmitters back on so the cell can function.

By using nutritional substrates to the brain that correct the metabolic crisis, we can help to stabilize neurotransmitter release and repair damaged neurons. Ultimately, a TBI is a problem of energy metabolism. Healing from TBI requires solving that energy crisis.

building substances. Table 9. Nutrients Involved in Energy Metabolism. B Vitamins. Role in Energy Metabolism. Thiamin B 1. Assists in glucose metabolism and RNA, DNA, and ATP synthesis.

Riboflavin B 2. Assists in carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Niacin B 3. Assists in glucose, fat, and protein metabolism. Pantothenic Acid B 5. Assists in glucose, fat, and protein metabolism, cholesterol and neurotransmitter synthesis.

Assists in the breakdown of glycogen and synthesis of amino acids, neurotransmitters, and hemoglobin. Biotin B 7. Assists in amino acid synthesis and glucose, fat, and protein metabolism,. Folate B 9. Assists in the synthesis of amino acids, RNA, DNA, and red blood cells.

Protects nerve cells and assists in fat and protein catabolism, folate function, and red blood cell synthesis. Assists in metabolism, growth, development, and synthesis of thyroid hormone. Assists in carbohydrate and cholesterol metabolism, bone formation, and the synthesis of urea.

A component in sulfur-containing amino acids necessary in certain enzymes; a component in thiamin and biotin. Assists in carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism, DNA and RNA synthesis. Assists in metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids and synthesis of DNA and RNA.

Vitamins and minerals involved in energy metabolism and the role they each play. Because B vitamins play so many important roles in energy metabolism, it is common to see marketing claims that B vitamins boost energy and performance. This is a myth that is not backed by science.

As discussed, B vitamins are needed to support energy metabolism and growth, but taking in more than required does not supply you with more energy. A great analogy of this phenomenon is the gas in your car. Does it drive faster with a half-tank of gas or a full one?

It does not matter; the car drives just as fast as long as it has gas. Similarly, depletion of B vitamins will cause problems in energy metabolism, but having more than is required to run metabolism does not speed it up. And because B vitamins are water-soluble, they are not stored in the body and any excess will be excreted from the body, essentially flushing out the added expense of the supplements.

The B vitamins important for energy metabolism are naturally present in numerous foods, and many other foods are enriched with them; therefore, B vitamin deficiencies are rare.

Similarly, most of the minerals involved in energy metabolism and listed above are trace minerals that are not frequently deficient in the diet. However, when a deficiency of one of these vitamins or minerals does occur, symptoms can be seen throughout the body because of their relationship to energy metabolism, which happens in all cells of the body.

A lack of these vitamins and minerals typically impairs blood health and the conversion of macronutrients into usable energy i. Deficiency can also lead to an increase in susceptibility to infections, tiredness, lack of energy, and a decrease in concentration.

Because of their water-solubility, toxicities of most of these nutrients are also uncommon, as excess intake is often excreted from the body.

Large quantities, particularly through supplements, can lead to adverse side effects or cause interactions with medications. For example, too much niacin can cause flushing of the skin or dangerous drops in blood pressure, and a high intake of B 6 can lead to neuropathy.

When taking vitamin or mineral supplements, always pay attention to the recommended dietary allowance and avoid exceeding the tolerable upper intake level UL. Folate, or vitamin B 9 , is a required coenzyme for the synthesis of several amino acids and for making RNA and DNA.

Therefore, rapidly dividing cells are most affected by folate deficiency. Red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are continuously being synthesized in the bone marrow from dividing stem cells.

When folate is deficient, cells cannot divide normally. A consequence of folate deficiency is macrocytic anemia. Macrocytic anemia is characterized by larger and fewer red blood cells that are less efficient at carrying oxygen to cells. It is caused by red blood cells being unable to produce DNA and RNA fast enough—cells grow but do not divide, making them large in size.

7 Common Nutrient Deficiencies The size of red blood cells is normal metabolusm somewhat metaboolism but the hemoglobin content is lower. Therefore, if there metabolisj Energy metabolism and nutrient deficiencies deficiency Energy metabolism and nutrient deficiencies vitamin B 12macrocytic anemia may occur. Find information on phenylketonuria causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. According to the NIHmost adults need 15 micrograms mcg of vitamin D each day, and adults older than 70 need 20 mcg. To view reports of single nutrients simply click on the one you are interested in and view the report.

For TBI patients, correcting vitamin deficiencies can have significant benefits. It takes energy to pump that potassium back, put the neurotransmitters back on so the cell can function.

By using nutritional substrates to the brain that correct the metabolic crisis, we can help to stabilize neurotransmitter release and repair damaged neurons. Ultimately, a TBI is a problem of energy metabolism.

Healing from TBI requires solving that energy crisis. See Dr. Oral nutrition for TBI Therapy has primarily been focused on the upregulation of stem cells and maintaining a ketogenic state for the body. Several nutrients and foods have been found to improve circulating stem cells and growth factors: blueberries, Vit D3, AFA blue-green algae , elk antler.

Patients are instructed to take these foods and supplements before and after HBOT and PRP treatment. During IN and IV treatments, patients are given oral glycerin tsp mixed with MCT oil Brain Octane 1 Tbsp before IN or IV stem cells or plasma are introduced.

Glycerin helps to make the blood-brain barrier a bit more permeable. Send all comments or additions to: Frankp chiro. FROM: J International Medical Research May ; 35 3 : � ~ FULL TEXT Huskisson E, Maggini S, Ruf M.

King Edward VII Hospital, London, UK. Physicians are frequently confronted with patients complaining of fatigue, tiredness and low energy levels.

In the absence of underlying disease, these symptoms could be caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals. Certain risk groups like the elderly and pregnant women are well-recognized.

Our aim was, therefore, to find out if other, less well-established groups might also be at risk. Metrics details.

The double burden of malnutrition is an emerging public health concern nowadays which a correlation with obesity. This study aimed to examine the relationship between resting metabolic rate RMR and dietary intake of zinc, vitamin C, and riboflavin in overweight and obese women.

Obesity rates are growing globally [ 1 ]. Females were much more affected than males [ 3 , 4 ]. Obesity and its associated metabolic disorders develop when energy intake is more than energy expenditure; this can be caused by diminished physical activity, the disability of the central nervous system to down-regulate the ingestion of high-calorie foods, or appetite [ 5 ].

Although various factors contribute to the etiology of obesity, sedentary lifestyles, and unhealthy eating habits are among the principal contributors to the world obesity epidemic [ 6 ]. Weight gaining and obesity may be associated with low RMR [ 8 ].

Diet quality can be evaluated to better understand overall eating patterns [ 9 ]. Poor diet quality is a significant factor in the development of many chronic diseases, including obesity [ 10 ]. Investigations revealed, however, intake of vegetables and fruit is associated with a lower risk of obesity [ 11 ], inappropriate food behavior contributes to obesity and contributes to vitamin deficiency.

Studies revealed that most vitamins are inadequate in obese individuals [ 12 ]. The double burden of malnutrition DBM is an emerging public health concern nowadays that happens as an inevitable consequence of nutritional transition [ 13 ].

The coexistence of overnutrition and undernutrition is often referred to as the DBM [ 14 ]. Nutrient adequacy ratio NAR and mean adequacy ratio MAR , known as healthier diet quality indices.

Higher scores in diet quality inversely connected with body mass index BMI , and obesity [ 15 ]. Similarly, zinc and vitamin C are closely related to adiposity [ 16 , 17 ].

In particular, some diet with a high score of diet quality like the Mediterranean dietary pattern has been reported to be inversely connected with BMI, and waist circumference [ 18 ]. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the relationship between deficiency of nutrient intakes such as zinc, vitamin C, and riboflavin and RMR in the adult women population.

This cross-sectional research was performed on adult women aged between 18 and 48 years who were selected by a multistage cluster random sampling method that had been referred to health centers in Tehran recruited.

Participants were enrolled in the study according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. The exclusion criteria were as follows: regular use of medicine, history of hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and other chronic diseases, alcohol consumption, smoking, pregnancy, lactation period, and menopause.

RMR is evaluated by measuring the amount of O 2 consumed and CO 2 produced. Participants were asked to avoid caffeine or alcohol consumption and severe exercise for a day before RMR measurements. After reclining in a steady-state and a supine position in a quiet room, the RMR was measured for 30 min.

The respiratory exchange ratio and oxygen uptake VO 2 were analyzed within the middle 20 min of the resting period. Predictive RMR was determined using the Harris—Benedict equation, which considers the weight, height, and age of participants. Body composition, including weight, BMI, fat mass, and fat-free mass FFM were acquired using a multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance analyzer InBody scanner Inbody Co.

Metabolic health was assessed using the metabolic parameters that measured following standard chemical procedures. A h fasting venous blood sample was used to measure all biochemical markers.

Serum glucose was evaluated by a colorimetric method based on the GOD-PAP method. Serum insulin concentrations were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ELISA method Human insulin ELISA kit, Monobind Inc. Insulin resistance was estimated by homeostasis model assessment HOMA.

Dietary intake data of the past year were obtained using a validated semi-quantitative food-frequency questionnaire FFQ [ 21 ], comprised of item a trained nutritionist administered these FFQ.

The FFQ consisted of a list of foods with standard serving sizes. Participants were asked to report their frequency and amount of each food item consumed during the previous year. Portion sizes of the consumed foods were converted to grams using household measurements [ 22 ]. Nutritionist IV computer software was used for the nutrient analysis of the diets.

The database of this software was modified for Iranian foods. The standard recommended amounts are based on RDA Recommended daily allowances [ 23 ]. We calculated the NAR for three key nutrients, including zinc, vitamin C, and riboflavin according to the above-mentioned method.

The prevalence of nutrient deficiency was estimated using NAR. NAR lower than one is considered as a deficiency. International physical activity questionnaire IPAQ, short form were obtained by using an interview-based questionnaire from all participants about all the vigorous and moderate elements over the last 7 days, considering the time spent on these activities for height measurements, subjects were in a standing position without shoes, in contact with the wall with their head, shoulders, heels, and hips, and their height was recorded to the nearest 0.

All statistical analysis was performed using the IBM SPSS software version The normal distribution of data was checked by the Kolmogorov—Smirnov test. An independent sample t test was used for assessed differences between groups with the low and standard intake of nutrients.

A total of healthy overweight and obese women were enrolled. The mean age, height, weight, and BMI of the study participants were Dietary intake of three nutrients including riboflavin, vitamin C, and zinc were categorized based on nutrient adequacy ratios NAR and divided into two groups, standard and deficiency Table 2.

RMR was distinct in standard or deficiency consumption of riboflavin. The findings of the current study indicate that there is no association between the amount of zinc consumed and RMR.

However, other studies demonstrated that zinc has different functions in the metabolism of energy and works as a component of several enzymes crucial to the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids and metabolism of hormones that take part in the progress of obesity, especially insulin, and seems to be connected with the mechanisms of insulin resistance usually present among obese people [ 11 , 24 — 28 ].

Previous investigations recommend a negative association between RMR and insulin resistance [ 29 , 30 ]. Subjects with obesity and impaired glucose tolerance showed higher RMR levels than those with obesity and normal glucose tolerance [ 31 ].

This discrepancy in the findings may be due to the limitations of the present study such as participants in the same-sex sample and assessing dietary intakes from FFQ. This study found no significant association between vitamin C and RMR.

Some studies have shown that vitamin C administration significantly decreased RMR [ 33 ]. A probable mechanism could be due to the role of ascorbic acid in the expression of genes involved in adipogenesis, metabolism of glucocorticoids [ 12 , 34 ] and inflammatory response.

This finding was consistent with a previous observation that by Selman Colin that showed the vitamin C supplementation did not affect daily energy expenditure or resting metabolism. This finding strongly recommends that antioxidant effects of the vitamin were not being compensated for by modulations in the rate of oxidative metabolism, which might affect total rates of reactive oxygen species product [ 35 ].

In this study, we also found that women who consumed higher riboflavin were more likely to have higher RMR. Considering the dietary restrictions on food intake or common dietary mistakes perceived among obese people, changes in the micronutrient intake leading to their deficiency are possible.

Suitable riboflavin content is necessary to perform the effector function of macrophages with inhibition proliferation, intensification of apoptosis incidence, and also the reduction in phagocytosis efficiency [ 9 ].

Furthermore, resting reactive oxygen species production was raised while respiratory burs, a key ingredient of intracellular killing, were destroyed. Considering the significant function of adipocytes in the creation of obesity-related chronic inflammation to be justifiable to verify the influence of riboflavin deficiency on adipocytes function in the context of pro-inflammatory activation [ 36 , 37 ].

That seems for future need more attention to the intake of sufficient micronutrients according to guidelines for preventing decreasing RMR so that reduce overweight and obesity. According to this study, more attention needs for riboflavin rich foods.

The major limitation of this study was the participants in the same-sex sample that it is not possible to generalize the results to men population. Because of the study type, cross-sectional study, we could not determine the causality.

Another limitation for assessing dietary intakes from FFQ is misclassification. Albeit we controlled for the effect of the potential confounder by the statistical methods, because of unknown confounder cannot be excluded residual confounding will affect.

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Energy metabolism and nutrient deficiencies Metabolism is the chemical Insulin resistance and insulin resistance articles your body uses to transform the Lentil curry you eat into the fuel that keeps nutriient alive. Nutrition food consists of proteins, RMR and heart rate variability, metaboliem fats. These substances are broken down by megabolism RMR and heart rate variability your digestive system, and then carried to the cells where they can be used as fuel. Your body either uses these substances immediately, or stores them in the liver, body fat, and muscle tissues for later use. A metabolic disorder occurs when the metabolism process fails and causes the body to have either too much or too little of the essential substances needed to stay healthy. Our bodies are very sensitive to errors in metabolism.

Author: Akikora

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