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Thermogenesis for improved athletic performance

Thermogenesis for improved athletic performance

These Blackberry salad dressing recipes oerformance noteworthy, because according to a review published imprived Armstrong impproved 88 ], several research studies published between and Blackberry salad dressing recipes outcome measures, such as loss of water and electrolytes, based on urine samples taken at rest and within hours of supplementation [ 88 ]. McArdle WD, Katch FI, Katch VL: Exercise physiology. Am J Clin Nutr. For example, Crowe et al.

Thermogenesis for improved athletic performance -

However, most human studies investigating the effects of exercise on WAT have been conducted indoors in controlled environments.

Investigating human subjects who exercise in the cold i. Exercise increases mitochondrial activity and density in scWAT and vWAT in rodents 5 — 8 , 10 , 58 , 60 , 85 — Eleven days of voluntary wheel cage running increases the oxygen consumption rate of scWAT 6 and upregulates mitochondrial genes in both scWAT 6 , 86 and vWAT 7 , 8 , 10 , 58 , Importantly, exercise at thermoneutrality also results in upregulation of electron transport chain proteins 76 , indicating that the increase in mitochondrial activity after exercise is independent of the beiging of WAT.

In vitro studies indicate that exercise increases basal oxygen consumption rate of adipocytes differentiated from the SVF of scWAT inguinal or vWAT perigonadal of exercised mice 8 , however maximal respiratory capacity only increased in adipocytes derived from scWAT 8.

These data indicate that mitochondrial adaptations with exercise occur in both scWAT and vWAT in rodents, independent of beiging. Exercise induces mitochondrial adaptations in human scWAT in lean male subjects 83 , 88 , 89 or young obese female subjects Six weeks of high-intensity interval training HIIT increased mitochondrial respiration of scWAT Ten to eighteen sessions of alternating continuous moderate-intensity training and HIIT did not change expression of genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation such as PGC1A or COXIV 78 , 83 , 90 , but long term aerobic exercise-training increased expression of several genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation 89 and mitochondrial biogenesis Exercise induced mitochondrial adaptations in vWAT have not been investigated in humans.

Together these data indicate that exercise or increased physical activity increases mitochondrial activity in mouse and human WAT. Exercise improves whole-body glucose homeostasis in rodents 91 and humans 1.

Exercise increases glucose uptake and insulin sensitivity of scWAT 6 , 15 and induces upregulation of genes and proteins involved in glucose metabolism in scWAT and vWAT 7 , 8.

These data indicate that exercise improves glucose metabolism in WAT in rodents. Here, we will focus on the effects of exercise in glucose homeostasis in WAT. Recent studies have investigated the effects of exercise at thermoneutrality on glucose metabolism, with conflicting results.

One study found that exercise still resulted in improvements in whole-body glucose tolerance 75 , whereas another found no effect of exercise on whole-body glucose homeostasis at thermoneutrality Interestingly, the latter found that there was an increase in in vivo insulin-stimulated 3 H-2DG uptake in vWAT at thermoneutrality, but no changes were found in scWAT As the results from these two studies are conflicting, the effects of exercise on glucose metabolism at thermoneutrality are unclear.

Further research is essential to elucidate the effects of exercise at thermoneutrality on glucose metabolism and determine which adaptations arise at a systemic level and which are specific to the WAT.

Studies investigating exercise-induced adaptations to glucose homeostasis in human WAT are less comprehensive. One study determined that 6 months of exercise upregulated genes involved in glucose metabolism in lower-body scWAT Two weeks of exercise increased insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in lower-body scWAT, but not upper-body scWAT or vWAT These data indicate that scWAT and vWAT, and even upper-body and lower-body scWAT, have distinct adaptations to glucose metabolism with exercise.

This is of particular interest to human physiology as humans with a higher proportion of upper-body WAT have been correlated with impaired glucose tolerance, while humans with a higher proportion of lower-body WAT are associated with improved glucose levels These data indicate the lower scWAT has a prominent role on the effect on whole-body glucose homeostasis and is more susceptible to exercise.

Exercise effects lipid metabolism in WAT during exercise. Here, we will focus on the chronic adaptations of exercise to WAT with regard to lipid metabolism.

In rodents, exercise induces several adaptations that affect lipid metabolism including changes in gene expression 6 , 8 , 94 , post-translational modifications 7 and an altered lipidomic profile Two to three weeks of voluntary wheel cage running upregulates genes involved in fatty acid oxidation in scWAT and vWAT 6 , 8 , and genes involved in phospholipid metabolism in scWAT Twelve days of voluntary wheel cage exercise increases phosphorylation of hormone sensitive lipase HSL 86 , and exercise over a longer duration 6 weeks increases phosphorylation of adipose triglyceride lipase ATGL 7.

These post-translational modifications result in increased lipolytic activity of ATGL and HSL 95 — Another study demonstrated that chronic treadmill training 8 weeks did not increase the rate of lipolysis in isolated adipocytes under basal conditions, but when these adipocytes were stimulated by a β-adrenergic agonist, lipolysis was significantly increased in adipocytes isolated from exercised mice compared to adipocytes isolated from sedentary mice Together, these results suggest that exercise induces adaptations that increase lipolysis.

Exercise also induces extensive adaptations to the lipidomic profile of scWAT in rodents. Previous work in our laboratory demonstrated that 3 weeks of exercise dramatically alters the lipidome of scWAT. Exercise significantly decreased the overall abundance of triacylglycerol TAG , phosphatidylserines PS lysophosphatidylglycerols and lysophosphatidylinositols LPI In addition to the changes in overall lipid classes, there were also decreases in several specific molecular species of phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylethanolamines PE , and PS.

These changes corresponded with a significant upregulation of several genes involved in phospholipid metabolism. These data suggest molecular species-specific remodeling of phospholipids and TAGs in scWAT in response to exercise 66 , The functional consequence of the exercise-induced changes to the lipidome of scWAT have not been identified, but that will be the focus of future investigation.

Research on the effects of chronic exercise on lipid metabolism in humans has not been thoroughly investigated.

These data indicate that long-term exercise increases fatty acid oxidation in human WAT. However, shorter duration exercise interventions do not alter adaptations to lipid metabolism in WAT 82 , Three weeks of exercise in sedentary individuals did not change CPT1B levels 83 , and 12 weeks of exercise in obese subjects did not change expression levels of ATGL, HSL , or other lipolytic enzymes Taken together, these data indicate that exercise upregulates lipid metabolism in WAT of both rodents and humans.

Exercise induces considerable adaptations to the secretory profile of several tissues, including adipose tissue 13 , Secretory factors released from adipose tissue have been labeled as adipokines.

Four or more weeks of exercise in rodents decreases leptin and adiponectin mRNA levels in scWAT and circulation 87 , , in rodents and humans. Exercise also increases expression of other factors such as TNF-α and IL-6 in both WAT depots and in circulation 85 , Recent work in our laboratory determined that transplantation of scWAT from exercised donor mice into sedentary recipient mice resulted in improved whole-body glucose tolerance.

Glucose uptake was also increased in BAT, soleus and tibialis anterior, indicating that an endocrine factor is released from exercise-trained scWAT to mediate these effects 6. TGF-β2 was recently identified as the adipokine responsible for these beneficial effects on glucose metabolism TGF-β2 is an adipokine secreted in response to exercise in both rodents and humans from WAT.

In rodents, acute treatment with TGF-β2 increased glucose uptake in soleus, heart and BAT, and increased fatty acid uptake in skeletal muscle. Notably, adipose tissue specific TGF-β2 knockout mice did not have exercise-induced improvements in systemic glucose uptake Exercise can also induce adaptations in WAT through myokines such as myostatin and BAIBA.

Myostatin is a well-known factor that inhibits skeletal muscle growth Exercise decreases myostatin levels in skeletal muscle and serum Reduced levels of myostatin promote beiging of the scWAT in rodents and are correlated with improved insulin sensitivity in humans During exercise, increase in PGC1α triggers the secretion of β-aminoisobutyric acid BAIBA in both rodents and humans.

BAIBA promotes beiging of scWAT in rodents while it is inversely correlated with serum glucose and insulin levels in humans These data indicate that exercise stimulates release of secretory factors, from WAT as well as other tissues like skeletal muscle, that result in positive metabolic systemic and WAT specific adaptations.

Exercise can be broadly divided into endurance aerobic and resistance strength training 2. There have been several studies investigating the different adaptations of endurance and resistance training in skeletal muscle 2 , , but this is not the case with adipose tissue.

Most studies have investigated the effects of endurance training on adipose tissue, using treadmill or voluntary wheel cage running in rodents, and running or cycling for human studies. Some studies have compared the effects of different intensities, moderate MIT or high-intensity HIT endurance training on adipose tissue and found that MIT and HIT had similar effects on WAT in rodents , and humans 92 , Meta-analysis comparing the effect of MIT or HIT on adiposity in humans found HIT resulted in a greater decrease in total fat mass A few human studies have mixed endurance and resistance training in their exercise protocols, without finding any striking differences when compared to just endurance training 14 , 77 , 79 , However, to our knowledge, the direct effect of resistance compared to endurance exercise in adipose tissue has not been investigated.

BAT accounts for a small percentage of total fat mass than WAT, but it is a much more metabolically active tissue than WAT Exercise increases energy expenditure, thus indirectly increasing in thermogenesis BAT and WAT functions are different, and so are their exercise-induced adaptations.

Here, we will discuss the different metabolic adaptations that occur in BAT with exercise in both rodents and humans Figure 2. Figure 2. Exercise-induced adaptations to BAT in A rodents and B humans.

The thermogenic effects of exercise on BAT in rodents have been thoroughly investigated, with conflicting results. These data are difficult to interpret because swimming as an exercise modality indirectly results in cold stress. Interestingly, these studies found that when the water temperature is 32, 36, or 38°C, acute injection of NE had the same response to increase blood flow and oxygen consumption, but BAT mass was only increased when the water temperature was 32°C Other studies investigated the effects of exercise on BAT using 6 weeks of treadmill training as the exercise protocol Interestingly, there was no effect of treadmill exercise to affect oxygen consumption or blood flow at rest or after NE injection , Furthermore, BAT mass and protein content were decreased with 6 weeks of treadmill training , , regardless of the ambient temperature of the exercise room temperature or 4°C In female rats, 6 weeks of treadmill exercise increased BAT mass and total protein content , but 9 weeks of treadmill training reduced BAT mass and decreased UCP1 expression The reason for this is unclear, but it is possible that the discrepancies between these two studies could be explained by differences in the rat strain studied, as the first study used Sprague-Dawley while the latter used F NNia.

These data indicate that different exercise modalities, or different animal strains, could result in different adaptations to BAT. More recent studies have indicated that exercise does not affect, or even decreases, BAT activity 58 , 86 , Twelve days of voluntary wheel cage running in mice did not alter BAT mass 86 , and 6 weeks of treadmill training in rats did not affect BAT mass, brown adipocyte size or Ucp1 expression 58 , Oxidation of palmitate was also reduced in BAT ex vivo after 6 weeks of treadmill training, indicating exercise decreases fatty acid oxidation in BAT Exercise at thermoneutrality also reduced BAT mass and did not alter markers of thermogenesis These data indicate that exercise does not increase thermogenic activity in BAT in rodents in the absence of a cold stress i.

There is currently a paucity of data that has investigated the thermogenic adaptations of BAT with exercise in humans. Studies have determined that endurance trained athletes subjected to cold exposure have decreased glucose uptake in BAT compared to sedentary subjects 84 , Other methods like infrared thermography and T2 mapping have been developed to evaluate BAT presence, but they have not yet been used to assess differences in BAT activity with exercise.

Fat T2 relaxation time mapping is based on BAT having higher water content than WAT. This technique measures BAT activity and does not require cold exposure for detection The use of these new techniques will be important to truly ascertain the effects of exercise on BAT in humans in vivo.

The effects of exercise on mitochondrial activity in BAT have also been investigated. In rodents, 2—8 weeks of exercise did not change or decreased expression of mitochondrial genes 8 , 58 , 75 , Recent work in our laboratory determined that 11 days of voluntary wheel cage running VWR in male mice decreased basal oxygen consumption rate OCR in brown adipocytes differentiated from the SVF of BAT 8 , but cells from both sedentary and exercise-trained BAT were able to respond to pharmacological stimulation to a similar extent.

Eleven days of VWR decreased NADH autofluorescence, an indirect marker of metabolism, compared to the sedentary controls 8.

In contrast, 6—8 weeks of treadmill training in rats significantly increased expression of proteins involved in mitochondrial biogenesis, such as PGC1 α, NRF1 , or TFAM , The reason for the discrepancies in these studies are unclear, although duration, exercise modality, or species investigated rat or mouse , could contribute to these different responses to exercise.

Studies on the effect of exercise in BAT mitochondria in humans are limited. One study found no differences on PGC1 α expression in BAT between endurance athletes and sedentary males Overall, exercise appears to decrease mitochondrial activity in BAT in mice, but more human studies are needed to elucidate the effects of exercise on mitochondrial activity in BAT.

The effects of exercise on glucose uptake in BAT in rodents are conflicting. On one hand, some studies have shown that 2—8 weeks of exercise upregulates expression of genes involved in insulin signaling, glucose and fatty acid oxidation in BAT 8 , , However, 2 weeks of exercise decreased basal glucose uptake in brown adipocytes differentiated from SVF 8.

Another study indicated that 6 weeks of exercise did not effect in vivo glucose uptake in BAT at room temperature or thermoneutrality, measured by in vivo insulin-stimulated 3 H-2DG uptake These data reveal that, although exercise results in an upregulation of genes involved in glucose metabolism, in vivo data in rodents indicates that exercise does not increase glucose uptake in BAT.

Several studies have indicated that exercise does not alter glucose uptake in BAT in humans. Another study determined that there was no association of BAT mass or activity to physical activity in a cohort of healthy, sedentary subjects These data indicate that exercise or increased physical activity does not increase glucose metabolism in human BAT.

The effects of exercise on lipid metabolism in BAT has not been thoroughly investigated. Eleven days of exercise increased expression of genes involved in fatty acid oxidation 8 , but decreased expression of genes involved in fatty acid biosynthesis 94 , phospholipid metabolism 94 and lipolysis 8 , Oxidation of palmitate was also reduced in BAT ex vivo after 6 weeks of treadmill training Exercise affects the lipidomic profile of BAT by increasing total abundance of TAGs phosphatidylcholines PC and cholesterol esters, while decreasing cardiolipins and lysophosphatidylglycerols Exercise also significantly increased several specific molecular species of PC and PE in BAT.

These data show that exercise decreases lipid metabolism in BAT. To our knowledge, there are currently no studies analyzing the effect of exercise on lipid metabolism in human BAT. While it is clear that BAT lipid metabolism changes with exercise, the role of the exercise-induced decrease in lipolysis or changes in BAT lipidome have not been identified and will be the topic of future investigations.

It is important to note that in most cases, particularly in human studies, BAT activity, and mass are measured by glucose uptake. This is important in most settings, however, since exercise is a thermogenic activity it is unlikely that exercise would increase glucose uptake in BAT.

This has led several groups to hypothesize that exercise may alter the endocrine activity of BAT. In fact, multiple studies have identified an endocrine role for BAT in response to exercise 13 , 16 , Recent work in our laboratory identified the lipokine, 12,diHOME, to be released from BAT in response to exercise in mice and humans 9 Upregulation of 12,diHOME activates fatty acid uptake and oxidation in skeletal muscle without affecting glucose homeostasis 9.

This data shows a direct role of BAT to improve metabolic health with exercise. These are the first data to identify a secreted factor from BAT with exercise to mediate skeletal muscle metabolic adaptations. Exercise results in positive metabolic adaptations in both white and brown adipose tissue.

Exercise increases mitochondrial activity, glucose metabolism, and endocrine activity in WAT in both rodents and humans. Notably, beiging of WAT only occurs with exercise in rodents, but both humans and rodents have increased mitochondrial activity independent of beiging of WAT.

Exercise increases endocrine activity of BAT but does not affect glucose uptake in rodents and humans. Additionally, exercise does not affect thermogenesis and decreases mitochondrial activity in BAT in rodents. An important point of investigation has been the effects of exercise-induced beiging in WAT.

While this adaptation has been clearly identified in rodents, studies in humans have not identified the same effects. More recent studies have begun to investigate the effects of exercise at thermoneutrality to parse apart the direct effects of exercise on beiging, and have demonstrated that exercise at thermoneutrality blunts the effects of exercise on thermogenic gene expression 75 , Expanding these studies will provide greater insight and translational relevance for determining the effects of exercise on WAT and potentially BAT.

Most of the studies discussed in this review have been conducted in either males or females. This is of particular importance as there are clear sex differences in adipose tissue depots among males and females, with females having a higher percentage of WAT 27 and higher BAT activity at rest Another important issue in the field of BAT thermogenesis, especially in human studies, is the measurement of BAT activity.

This highlights the importance of new techniques to accurately measure BAT activity and establish in vivo measurements of BAT thermogenic capacity, including in the context of exercise. Newer techniques such as infrared thermography and T2 mapping are potential mechanisms to elucidate the adaptations of BAT to exercise.

There is a need for the comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms underlying the chronic adaptations of adipose tissue with exercise.

A single session of exercise leads to acute changes in expression of several genes Successive bouts of exercise most lead to a cumulative effect of these acute changes resulting in chronic adaptations, which contribute to changes in glucose metabolism, fatty acid metabolism, and mitochondrial activity.

Post-translational modifications such as protein phosphorylation regulate protein activity , and chronic exercise increases overall phosphorylation of proteins such as HSL and ATGL, which result in increased lipolytic activity 7 , Epigenetic modifications may also be underlying drivers of exercise-induce adaptations to exercise; studies have shown that exercise results in changes to the genome-wide DNA methylation pattern of human WAT , These studies indicate that epigenetic modifications could oversee the chronic adaptations to adipose tissue with exercise by promoting or inhibiting expression of metabolic genes.

Understanding factors that trigger exercise-induced adaptations remains an open field that will be an important for future investigations. Together these studies highlight the importance of exercise to alter function of WAT and BAT that could provide important targets to improve metabolic health and reduce obesity.

Future studies will investigate other mechanisms by which exercise exerts metabolic adaptations on adipose tissue such as increased mitochondrial function, improved glucose homeostasis or endocrine function, providing important translational relevance for exercise as a therapeutic tool.

This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants RHL to KS, RAG to KS. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition , doi The acute effects of the thermogenic supplement Meltdown on energy expenditure, fat oxidation, and hemodynamic responses in young, healthy males.

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Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition , Metabolic responses to the acute ingestion of two commercially available carbonated beverages: A pilot study.

Ron W Mendel and Jennifer E Hofheins. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition , 4 :7 doi Acute effects of ingesting a commercial thermogenic drink on changes in energy expenditure and markers of lipolysis.

Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition , 5 :6 doi Efficacy and safety of a popular thermogenic drink after 28 days of ingestion. Michael D Roberts, Vincent J Dalbo, Scott E Hassell, Jeffrey R Stout and Chad M Kerksick.

Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition , 5 doi Pre-workout consumption of Celsius® enhances the benefits of chronic exercise on body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness.

Abbie E Smith, Jennifer L Graef, Kristina L Kendall, Travis W Beck and Joel T Cramer. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition , 5 Suppl 1 :P8 doi Low-calorie thermogenic beverage and exercise improves composition and lipid profile in overweight and obese women.

Abbie E. Smith, Jordan R. Moon, Chris M. Lockwood,, Kristina L. Kendall, David H. Low-Calorie energy drink improves physiological response to exercise in previously sedentary men: A placebo controlled efficacy and safety study.

Christopher M. Lockwood, Jordan R. Moon, Abbie E. Smith, Sarah E. Tobkin, Kristina L. Kendall, Jennifer L. Graef, Joel T. Cramer, and Jeffrey R. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Aug;24 8 doi: Hi This is really helpful article I was searching for info about liposuction but when I came across this article and read it, it has changed my view.

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Exercise training results in beneficial adaptations to numerous tissues and atgletic protection against metabolic Thermogrnesis including obesity eprformance type 2 performancd.

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While it is well-established that exercise induces adaptations Thermogenesie skeletal muscle 2 and the Thermogeneiss system 3several studies have now determined that exercise also results in adaptations to adipose tissue that improve Maximum fat burning metabolic athketic 4 — Perfor,ance also alters the endocrine profile of adipose tissue, inducing the release of adipokines and lipokines that mediate tissue-to-tissue Jumping jack exercises and imprved to the improved metabolic homeostasis seen with exercise 914 xthletic, Performaance, we will discuss studies investigating the exercise-induced adaptations to white and brown adipose tissue in lerformance and rodents, with a Thermogeneis Thermogenesis for improved athletic performance on the adaptations that contribute to thermogenesis.

In addition to the Thermogenesi adipocytes, adipose tissue athleic of a stromal vascular fraction SVF. The SVF is immensely heterogeneous, containing pre-adipocytes, mesenchymal stem cells, endothelial cells, and a Anticancer food choices of immune cells, including macrophages and natural killer Perrformance cells Thermogenesis for improved athletic performance The SVF is very Athleetic and Thermogenesjs respond and adapt to stimulus such as β-adrenergic stimulation 20 Fr exercise 8.

Adipose tissue can be broadly classified into two xthletic types, white adipose tissue perfrmance brown adipose tissue Certain stimuli Hyperglycemia and hormonal imbalance as Tgermogenesis, sympathetic activation performandeexercise 623 or athleric enriched environment 24 can give rise to a third type of Improve endurance for basketball, beige adipocytes, within the WAT.

Pefformance adipose tissue WAT is Thermogenesis for improved athletic performance of white adipocytes and its primary function is energy storage.

Energy gor stored by Blackberry salad dressing recipes adipocytes in the form improed triglycerides as one unilocular lipid droplet Thermogenesks occupies imporved of the cell Blackberry salad dressing recipes and can vary Coleus forskohlii extract size Adipose tissue is very dynamic, it can expand in size Thermoggenesis hyperplasia impdoved hypertrophy of the adipocytes 26 WAT can be further subdivided into athletoc different depots with improvde functions based iimproved anatomical location, subcutaneous performanve visceral WAT Termogenesis Subcutaneous Thermogeness scWAT is located beneath the skin.

In mice, Performanfe is located Thermogenesus the inguinal, Raspberry sauce recipes axillary and inproved regions 28 — In humans, scWAT locations can be divided into Thermogenesks, comprising gluteal ahhletic leg depots, and upper-body, in Thermotenesis anterior improves wall athltic These distinct locations of scWAT adapt differently to Foods with rapid glucose release same stimulus 26Muscle preservation for preventing muscle fatigue Under obesogenic conditions, lower-body adipocytes tend to expand via hyperplasia, which has been performannce with improved gor adaptations 32while upper-body adipocytes expand via hypertrophy Increases in upper-body scWAT are correlated with decreased performahce sensitivity and impaired Therrmogenesis tolerance Visceral Performajce vWAT surrounds internal organs.

In mice, vWAT is found in the perigonadal, peerformance, perirenal, retroperitoneal, cardiac, Thermobenesis triceps-associated regions 828 — Thermogenesi In humans, Mold and mildew prevention is located in the intraabdominal omental and mesenteric as well as in the Thermogebesis region Peeformance are Ginseng growing tips differences between scWAT and vWAT.

Reflexology for pain relief two adipose tissue depots behave and adapt differently to the same stimuli 2628 Hypoglycemia and hormonal imbalances in scWAT are ipmroved, have athlegic avidity for free Detoxification and improved immune response acid and triglyceride uptake, and are more sensitive to insulin compared to athoetic from the vWAT Kiwi fruit ripening process Subcutaneous WAT has elevated expression of genes ofr in glucose and lipid metabolism, and insulin Thermoyenesis, compared to vWAT Conversely, increases in vWAT are performabce with impaired glucose tolerance and increased insulin resistance 31 while increases in scWAT are correlated with improved metabolism Brown adipose tissue BAT is a metabolically active tissue that burns carbohydrates perfofmance lipids to generate heat 38 — Brown adipocytes are characterized by multilocular lipid droplets, a central nucleus and a high density of mitochondria 41 The most distinctive feature of brown adipocytes is the high expression of the thermogenic protein uncoupling protein 1 UCP1 UCP1 is located in the inner membrane of mitochondria and uncouples the proton gradient potential generated by the electron transport chain.

Release of this chemical gradient results in the dissipation of energy in the form of heat. In rodents, BAT lerformance found in the interscapular, mediastinal, perirenal, axillary, and cervical regions 2930 BAT is a mammal-specific tissue and in humans, it was long thought to be present only in infants.

Inmultiple studies demonstrated that BAT is also present in adult individuals 45 — In humans, BAT is found in the cervical, supraclavicular, axillary, and paravertebral regions 4549as well as in the perirenal region in infants Perirenal BAT consists mainly of dormant brown adipocytes that can be stimulated to give rise to active brown adipocytes Brown adipose tissue mass is negatively correlated with BMI and age in humans Given this, and the functional role of BAT, targeting BAT as a therapeutic to combat obesity and metabolic disorders has become increasingly important.

Beige or brite brown in white adipocytes are a particular type of adipocytes within scWAT. Over different stimuli are known to induce beiging, and most of them act through activation of the sympathetic nervous system SNS Beige adipocytes have multilocular lipid droplets, a central nucleus, and a high density of mitochondria, similar to brown adipocytes.

However, while brown adipocytes arise from Pax7 and Myf5 positive cells 5354beige adipocytes arise from Myf5 negative adipogenic stem cells within the adipose tissue 55 White adipocyte tissue that has undergone beiging can be distinguished by the specific beiging markers CD, TBX1and TMEM26 Beige adipocytes function similarly to brown adipocytes in that they directly generate energy in the form of heat, contributing to thermogenesis.

Beige adipocytes deviate from brown adipocytes in that they have a high degree of plasticity. In the absence of beiging stimuli, UCP1 expression, and mitochondrial content of beige adipocytes decrease and beige adipocytes transition to a white adipocyte phenotype Increasing beige adipocytes has significant potential to combat obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Exercise is an important therapeutic to prevent and treat metabolic diseases, including obesity and type 2 diabetes. Exercise results in adaptations to almost all tissues in the body, including adipose tissue.

Exercise increases whole-body energy expenditure as chemical energy is converted into kinetic energy. During acute exercise, WAT has an important role in supplying this additional energy requirement from the triglyceride stores within the mature adipocytes Independent from its role during acute exercise, chronic exercise leads to several metabolic adaptations in WAT Figure 1.

In this section, we will be reviewing the different metabolic adaptations that occur in WAT with exercise in both rodents and humans, including thermogenesis, mitochondrial adaptations, glucose metabolism, lipid metabolism, and endocrine adaptations.

Figure 1. Exercise-induced adaptations to WAT in A rodents and B humans. An important exercise-induced adaptation to scWAT in rodents is the beiging of scWAT. Exercise induces an upregulation of thermogenic genes such as Prdm16 and Ucp1 in inguinal scWAT 6155859 and an increased presence of adipocytes with multilocular lipid droplets 6 The appearance of beige adipocytes does not occur homogeneously, as some regions of the inguinal scWAT are more prone to beiging than others 58 This exercise-induced beiging is specific to scWAT, in particular the inguinal scWAT 8and does not occur in vWAT 2360 Beiging of scWAT is the molecular mechanism that leads to increased thermogenesis in WAT with athletiic, as beige adipocytes increase non-shivering thermogenesis.

While beiging is an important adaptation to exercise, it is unclear why exercise induces a beiging of scWAT. Beiging of scWAT by non-exercise stimuli, including through cold-exposure, environmental factors or pharmaceuticals, is thought to be induced through a heat compensatory mechanism in which adrenergic stimulation compensates for heat loss with the upregulation of UCP1 4463 — This explanation does not make sense in the context of exercise-induced beiging, because exercise itself increases heat production 66 Several hypotheses have been proposed as the underlying mechanism, one of which is an increase in sympathetic innervation, which occurs in scWAT during exercise 5268 Other hypotheses have indicated that beiging occurs in response to the exercise-induced release of myokines, such as irisin 23myostatin 69meteorin-like 1 Metrnl 70lactate 71and β-aminoisobutyric acid BAIBA 72or other secreted factors released during exercise, including brain-derived neurotrophic factor BDNF More investigation is needed to fully understand this complex mechanism.

These hypotheses are all important and plausible, but the most likely explanation is that the exercise-induced beiging of scWAT occurs because exercise decreases the adipocyte size and lipid content in scWAT, decreasing insulation of the body and necessitating heat production, which results in the beiging of scWAT 52 The fact that mice are commonly housed at 20—22°C, the habitual indoor temperatures for humans, which itself contributes to mice being under chronic cold stress 74provides further support for this explanation.

To address the hypothesis that beiging occurs in response to a loss of fat mass in a cold stress environment, multiple studies have investigated the effects of exercise at thermoneutrality 30°C 1475 Interestingly, when mice are housed at thermoneutral conditions, the exercise-induced increase of thermogenic gene expression and appearance of multilocular adipocytes exercise is blunted in male and female mice 7576and this occurred independent of changes in body mass, fat mass, or running distance.

These mice also had lower body mass compared to sedentary mice and mice housed at room temperature. While these discrepancies make some of the nuances between these studies difficult to improed, each study determined that exercise-induced increase in thermogenic genes was blunted at thermoneutrality.

These data suggest that the exercise-induced beiging is not a direct consequence of exercise, it is indirectly induced through other stimuli such as increased cold stress improvwd to loss of WAT mass. Several human studies have determined that exercise in humans does not induce beiging of scWAT 77 — In lean or obese individuals, 10—16 weeks of endurance training did not change the expression of thermogenic genes including UCP1, PRDM16and PGC1A in scWAT in males and females 7780 — Studies conducted in highly exercise-trained populations and individuals with a more active lifestyle have also not observed any differences in UCP1 expression in scWAT compared to sedentary controls 83 These results collectively indicate that exercise does not induce beiging in humans.

The mechanistic reason as to why rodents and humans have opposite thermogenic adaptations in WAT is currently unknown. Similar to what has been discussed earlier, it is likely a result of cold stress; since rodents are smaller, they have a higher surface to volume ratio that makes them more susceptible to cold stress.

Exercise decreases WAT accumulation, increasing cold stress, and thermogenic adaptations are increased to counter this effect. This would not be the case in humans, so the loss of WAT may not induce the same thermogenic response. However, most human studies investigating the effects of exercise on WAT have been conducted indoors in controlled environments.

Investigating human subjects who exercise in the cold i. Exercise increases mitochondrial activity and density in scWAT and vWAT in rodents 5 — 810586085 — Eleven days of voluntary wheel cage running increases the oxygen consumption rate of scWAT 6 and upregulates mitochondrial genes in both scWAT 686 and vWAT 781058 Importantly, exercise at thermoneutrality also results in upregulation of electron transport chain proteins 76indicating that the increase in mitochondrial activity after exercise is independent of the beiging of WAT.

In vitro studies indicate that exercise increases basal oxygen consumption rate of adipocytes differentiated from the SVF of scWAT inguinal or vWAT perigonadal of exercised mice 8however maximal respiratory capacity only increased in adipocytes derived from scWAT 8.

These data indicate that mitochondrial adaptations with exercise occur in both scWAT and vWAT in rodents, independent of beiging. Exercise induces mitochondrial adaptations in human scWAT in lean male subjects 838889 or young obese female subjects Six weeks of high-intensity interval training HIIT increased mitochondrial respiration of scWAT Ten to eighteen sessions of alternating continuous moderate-intensity training and HIIT did not change expression of genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation such as PGC1A or COXIV 788390but long term aerobic exercise-training increased expression of several genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation 89 and mitochondrial biogenesis

: Thermogenesis for improved athletic performance

How Thermogenic Supplements Affect Fat Loss, Muscle Gain and Athletic Performance Learn about your different heart rate zones… READ MORE. Athhletic CAS Thermogenesis for improved athletic performance Scholar. Thermogennesis adipogenesis induced by β3-adrenergic receptor activation with single-cell expression profiling. Subcutaneous adipocyte size and body fat distribution. In fact, investigations continue to emerge that serve to delineate and expand existing science.
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But even at rest, your body is always expending energy. How you burn energy or expend calories, which is called the total daily energy expenditure TDEE , can be organized into three distinct categories:.

When it comes to TEPA, there are two different types of activity: planned exercise and the spontaneous non-exercise activities that occur every time you perform some sort of physical exertion, such as standing up from a seated position or running to catch the bus.

While exercise is an important form of physical activity that can burn hundreds of calories at a time, other forms of physical activity, called non-exercise activity thermogenesis NEAT , can play a significant role in helping to maximize the total amount of calories burned in a single day.

If losing weight is your primary reason for exercising, NEAT is an essential component of that objective. One pound of body fat can provide approximately 3, calories worth of energy. Increasing NEAT by calories about the equivalent of walking two miles , while also making healthier nutritional choices to reduce caloric intake by calories the equivalent of a ounce soda and a small bag of potato chips equals about five hundred fewer calories a day.

If you do that seven days a week, you will quickly reach the amount of calories necessary to eliminate a pound of fat. While seemingly small, making the effort to change your daily habits by adding more NEAT along with reducing overall caloric intake creates a foundation for long-lasting weight-loss success.

Pete McCall, MS, CSCS, is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and long-time player in the fitness industry. He has been featured as an expert in the Washington Post , The New York Times , Los Angeles Times , Runner's World and Self.

He holds a master's degree in exercise science and health promotion, and several advanced certifications and specializations with NSCA and NASM. Stay connected with us to get the latest health and fitness news, innovative workouts, healthy recipes and wellness tips.

Get answers to all your questions! Things like: How long is the program? Exercise Science. by Pete McCall on November 21, Filter By Category. View All Categories. The three organs most responsible for burning calories at rest are the liver, brain and skeletal muscle, which burn 27, 19 and 18 percent of the RMR, respectively.

Included in this number is excess post-exercise oxygen consumption EPOC , which is the amount of energy the body burns after exercise to return to its normal state. Here are six things to know about NEAT and how it can help you reach your health and weight-loss goals: Lipoprotein lipase LPL is an enzyme that plays a critical role in converting fat into energy.

Remaining sedentary for long periods of time can reduce levels of LPL. Conversely, using NEAT to move consistently throughout the day can help sustain LPL levels and help the body maintain its ability to burn fat.

Standing can make a difference. A growing body of evidence shows that sitting still for too long can be hazardous to your health.

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How Thermogenic Supplements Affect Fat Loss, Muscle Gain and Athletic Performance - Living Healthy Swimmers participated Heart Health Supplement two maximal m freestyle swims; significant Thermogenesis for improved athletic performance in swim velocity were only recorded for the trained swimmers. Dynamic activity of lipid droplets: protein ahtletic Thermogenesis for improved athletic performance Thedmogenesis protein translocation. Doucet E, St-Pierre Prrformance, Almeras N, Despres JP, Bouchard C, Tremblay A: Evidence for the existence of adaptive thermogenesis during weight loss. Results from that paper indicated no statistical advantage for consuming an absolute dose of mg, as opposed to mg. Thrush AB, Dent R, McPherson R, Harper ME: Implications of mitochondrial uncoupling in skeletal muscle in the development and treatment of obesity. Pino MF, Parsons SA, Smith SR, Sparks LM.
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Is this just the latest health and nutrition trend High-Intensity Interval Training: How to Meet Nutritional Demands Moji Kaviani, Ph. With HIIT being a form of exercise, it is important to consider The Next Best Supplement For Exercise Performance A Review by Alyssa Bialowas Korean Ginseng is a nutraceutical herbal supplement, that when ingested offers benefits such as stress management and resistance to fatigue.

Following an acute bout of resistance exercise, Korean Ginseng is DHA Supplementation Reduces Inflammation After Exercise Alyssa Bialowas Introduction to DHA Supplementation Docosahexaenoic acid DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid.

It is essential for the growth and functional development of the infant brain. It is a primary structural component and required Creatine Supplementation and Adaptive Response to HIIT for Women Moji Kaviani, Ph.

These include improving body composition, cholesterol, and cardiorespiratory fitness. In the hope of seeing further metabolic and physiological benefits. Stop Taking Loans on Your Health March 28, No Comments.

What Is the Hype About Antinutrients and Are They Harmful? January 3, No Comments. BCAAs branched-chain amino acids : What You Need to Know July 8, No Comments. Can you Afford Cheat Meals? January 25, No Comments. Everything You Need to Know About Creatine January 16, No Comments.

How Much Protein Should You Eat? December 2, No Comments. The Truth About Red Meat Consumption October 11, No Comments. Due to adaptive thermogenesis, TDEE is lowered to an extent that exceeds the magnitude predicted by losses in body mass. Further, research indicates that adaptive thermogenesis and decreased energy expenditure persist after the active weight loss period, even in subjects who have maintained a reduced body weight for over a year [ 14 , 48 ].

These changes serve to minimize the energy deficit, attenuate further loss of body mass, and promote weight regain in weight-reduced subjects. A series of chemical reactions must take place to derive ATP from stored and ingested energy substrates. In aerobic metabolism, this process involves the movement of protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane.

When protons are transported by ATP synthase, ATP is produced. Protons may also leak across the inner membrane by way of uncoupling proteins UCPs [ 49 ]. In the condition of calorie restriction, proton leak is reduced [ 16 — 19 ]. Uncoupling protein-1 and UCP-3, the primary UCPs of brown adipose tissue BAT and skeletal muscle [ 53 ], are of particular interest due to their potentially significant roles in energy expenditure and uncoupled thermogenesis.

Decreased UCP-3 expression could potentially play a role in decreasing energy expenditure, and UCP-3 expression has been negatively correlated with body mass index and positively correlated with metabolic rate during sleep [ 57 ].

Despite these correlations, more research is needed to determine the function and physiological relevance of UCP-3 [ 58 ], as contradictory findings regarding UCP-3 and weight loss have been reported [ 18 ].

Uncoupling Protein-1 appears to play a pivotal role in the uncoupled thermogenic activity of BAT [ 59 ]. Energy restriction has been shown to decrease BAT activation [ 60 ] and UCP-1 expression [ 61 ], indicating an increase in metabolic efficiency.

Along with UCP-1 expression, thyroid hormone and leptin affect the magnitude of uncoupled respiration in BAT. Thyroid hormone TH and leptin are associated with increased BAT activation, whereas glucocorticoids oppose the BAT-activating function of leptin [ 59 ].

Evidence indicates that TH plays a prominent role in modulating the magnitude of proton leak [ 53 ], with low TH levels associated with decreased proton leak [ 62 ]. The endocrine response to energy restriction, including increased cortisol and decreased TH and leptin [ 1 , 10 , 28 — 31 ], could potentially play a regulatory role in uncoupled respiration in BAT.

It is not clear if decreases in proton leak and UCP expression persist until weight reverts to baseline, but there is evidence to suggest a persistent adaptation [ 19 , 55 , 56 ], which mirrors the persistent downregulation of TH and leptin [ 32 , 33 ].

Changes observed in proton leak, UCP expression, and circulating hormones appear to influence metabolic efficiency and energy expenditure. In the context of energy restriction, the observed changes are likely to make weight loss increasingly challenging and promote weight regain.

It has been reported that females have more BAT than males [ 63 ], and that energy-restricted female rats see greater decreases in BAT mass and UCP-1 than males [ 64 ], indicating a potential sex-related difference in uncoupled respiration during weight loss.

While future research may improve our understanding of the magnitude and relative importance of mitochondrial adaptations to energy restriction, current evidence suggests that increased mitochondrial efficiency, and a decline in uncoupled respiration, might serve to decrease the energy deficit in hypocaloric conditions, making weight maintenance and further weight reduction more challenging.

Hypocaloric diets induce a number of adaptations that serve to prevent further weight loss and conserve energy. It is likely that the magnitude of these adaptations are proportional to the size of the energy deficit, so it is recommended to utilize the smallest possible deficit that yields appreciable weight loss.

This may decrease the rate of weight loss, but attenuate unfavorable adaptations that challenge successful reduction of fat mass. Large caloric deficits are also likely to induce greater losses of LBM [ 66 , 67 ] and compromise athletic performance and recovery [ 68 , 69 ], which are of critical importance to athletes.

Participation in a structured resistance training program [ 34 ] and sufficient protein intake [ 35 — 37 ] are also likely to attenuate losses in LBM. A refeed consists of a brief overfeeding period in which caloric intake is raised slightly above maintenance levels, and the increase in caloric intake is predominantly achieved by increasing carbohydrate consumption.

While studies have utilized refeeding protocols that last three days [ 71 , 72 ], physique athletes such as bodybuilders and figure competitors often incorporate hour refeeds, once or twice per week.

The proposed goal of periodic refeeding is to temporarily increase circulating leptin and stimulate the metabolic rate. There is evidence indicating that leptin is acutely responsive to short-term overfeeding [ 72 ], is highly correlated with carbohydrate intake [ 71 , 73 ], and that pharmacological administration of leptin reverses many unfavorable adaptations to energy restriction [ 33 ].

While interventions have shown acute increases in leptin from short-term carbohydrate overfeeding, the reported effect on metabolic rate has been modest [ 71 ].

Dirlewanger et al. More research is needed to determine if acute bouts of refeeding are an efficacious strategy for improving weight loss success during prolonged hypocaloric states. A theoretical model of metabolic adaptation and potential strategies to attenuate adaptations is presented in Figure 2.

A theoretical model of metabolic adaptation and potential strategies to attenuate adaptations. Dotted lines represent inhibition. In the period shortly after cessation of a restrictive diet, body mass often reverts toward pre-diet values [ 29 , 74 , 75 ].

This body mass is preferentially gained as fat mass, in a phenomenon known as post-starvation obesity [ 29 ].

While many of the metabolic adaptations to weight loss persist, a dramatic increase in energy intake results in rapid accumulation of fat mass. In such a situation, the individual may increase body fat beyond baseline levels, yet retain a metabolic rate that has yet to fully recover.

There is evidence to suggest that adipocyte hyperplasia may occur early in the weight-regain process [ 76 ], and that repeated cycles of weight loss and regain by athletes in sports with weight classes are associated with long-term weight gain [ 77 ].

Therefore, athletes who aggressively diet for a competitive season and rapidly regain weight may find it more challenging to achieve optimal body composition in subsequent seasons. Such a process involves slowly increasing caloric intake in a stepwise fashion.

In theory, providing a small caloric surplus might help to restore circulating hormone levels and energy expenditure toward pre-diet values, while closely matching energy intake to the recovering metabolic rate in an effort to reduce fat accretion.

Ideally, such a process would eventually restore circulating hormones and metabolic rate to baseline levels while avoiding rapid fat gain. While anecdotal reports of successful reverse dieting have led to an increase in its popularity, research is needed to evaluate its efficacy.

Accordingly, the current article is limited by the need to apply this data to an athletic population. If the adaptations described in obese populations serve to conserve energy and attenuate weight loss as a survival mechanism, one might speculate that the adaptations may be further augmented in a leaner, more highly active population.

Another limitation is the lack of research on the efficacy of periodic refeeding or reverse dieting in prolonged weight reduction, or in the maintenance of a reduced bodyweight.

Until such research is available, these anecdotal methods can only be evaluated from a mechanistic and theoretical viewpoint. Weight loss is a common practice in a number of sports. Whether the goal is a higher strength-to-mass ratio, improved aesthetic presentation, or more efficient locomotion, optimizing body composition is advantageous to a wide variety of athletes.

As these athletes create an energy deficit and achieve lower body fat levels, their weight loss efforts will be counteracted by a number of metabolic adaptations that may persist throughout weight maintenance.

Changes in energy expenditure, mitochondrial efficiency, and circulating hormone concentrations work in concert to attenuate further weight loss and promote the restoration of baseline body mass.

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Participation in a structured resistance training program and adequate protein intake are also imperative. More research is needed to verify the efficacy of periodic refeeding and reverse dieting in supporting prolonged weight reduction and attenuating post-diet fat accretion. Rossow LM, Fukuda DH, Fahs CA, Loenneke JP, Stout JR: Natural bodybuilding competition preparation and recovery: a month case study.

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Author: Mikam

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