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Anti-cancer relaxation techniques

Anti-cancer relaxation techniques

Anti-cancer relaxation techniques special Anti-cancfr. Talk to someone you feel comfortable with. Plan to take about 15 minutes to do the exercise. Learn more.

Anti-cancer relaxation techniques -

Clinical studies have shown that people being treated for cancer who practise relaxation have lower levels of anxiety, stress, pain and depression. Relaxation techniques have been shown to improve sleep.

Some hospitals and cancer support groups offer relaxation and meditation groups. There are also many self-help podcasts, online videos and smartphone apps that will guide you through the different techniques.

You could also listen to our meditation and relaxation podcast below. Listen to more of our meditation and relaxation podcast for people affected by cancer. Download PDF kB. View all publications or call 13 11 20 for free printed copies. Coping with cancer?

Speak to a health professional or to someone who has been there, or find a support group or forum. Exercise and cancer Exercise helps most people both during and after cancer treatment. Find out which exercises are best for you, and watch our series of exercise videos.

Let friends and family help. A simple relaxation technique A simple technique like this can help your body relax and avoid a build up of tension. Lie, sit or stand with your feet apart. Rest your hands loosely in your lap or by your side.

Close your eyes and slow yourself down for a few minutes by breathing a little deeper and slower than usual. Be aware of how your whole body is feeling through your toes, feet, calves, thighs, abdomen, chest, back, fingers, arms, shoulders, neck, head, scalp and face.

Now each time you breathe out, focus on different areas of your body and if there is any tension let it go. Let all your muscles slowly relax and enjoy the feeling of peace and calm that comes from total relaxation. Rest quietly for a while and help your mind relax by thinking about the pleasant experience of complete relaxation.

Open your eyes, stretch slowly and return to your day. Meditation Meditation is a state of focused awareness of the mind and body allowing thoughts to fall away, leaving a deep feeling of stillness and peace.

Here is a simple meditation that some people have found useful: Position yourself comfortably. Spend a moment or two giving full attention to your breathing. Concentrate on completely emptying your lungs then let them fill up by themselves.

Thoughts may come to you. Let them come and go like clouds floating by. There is no need to chase them. When you notice them, acknowledge that they are there and return your attention to your breathing. Now imagine a brilliant white light way above your head. Picture a single beam of pure brightness coming down from this light into the top of your head.

As you breathe see that light filling your body slowly, starting with your head and face. The light moves through your body, filling every cell. It moves through your arms and legs to the tips of your fingers and toes. Be aware of the brightness and peace that comes to you.

Let that light fill your body. Then when you are ready, bring your attention back to the breath. Bring your attention back to your surroundings and take the feelings of peace with you.

Hypnotherapy Hypnosis can be described as a state of intensified attention and receptiveness. Hypnotherapy can be valuable in helping people cope with the diagnosis of cancer through: learning to deal with anxiety achieving a deep state of relaxation controlling pain or the side effects of treatment such as nausea problem solving in combination with counselling.

Mindfulness Mindfulness can help you manage emotions. Mindfulness is often used with other meditative techniques. How does mindfulness help reduce stress Problem solving When things become overwhelming it may help to sit down quietly, take a few deep breaths and try to look at things objectively.

Step 1 look at all the different causes of your tension and choose one that you want to do something about Step 2 list all the possible options and solutions that you can think of. List even the ones that seem silly. Remember that doing nothing can also be an option Step 3 choose one solution, which is realistic, that you feel has a fair chance of succeeding and that you are comfortable with Step 4 give it an honest try and be kind to yourself Step 5 after a reasonable period, sit back and evaluate your success.

Music therapists: Assess individuals to identify abilities and needs. Develop goals and objectives that address the individual needs of clients.

Select and employ appropriate musical techniques, methods and activities live music, guided relaxation and imagery to music or guided songwriting and combine them with a well-designed therapeutic process that will achieve the identified aims. Regularly evaluate sessions to ensure effective program outcomes.

For more information visit Australian Music Therapy Association www. Help is available Take time to talk with the doctors and nurses involved in your treatment. Seek medical advice for tension. Sometimes medication can help to control the acute symptoms of severe anxiety.

Then you can start to use other methods to relax or sort out your problems effectively. Counselling can be an effective method of relieving anxiety and is available from a wide range of health professionals such as psychologists, social workers and nurses.

Consider joining a local cancer support group to talk with other people who have been affected by cancer. Many groups also teach relaxation, meditation and problem solving techniques. Or you may have an object you can bring your mind back to, such as a candle or your breath.

This helps you to focus your mind on the present moment. Most teachers recommend that you practice the meditation for at least 15 to 20 minutes twice a day to get the best results.

But even 5 minutes once a day is better than nothing, especially if you are feeling ill or finding it hard to concentrate. A shorter period every day is better than a longer time every so often.

Mindfulness meditation can be done while sitting down. You keep gently bringing your attention and awareness back to the present moment whenever you notice that you are daydreaming or distracted. One way of doing this is to bring awareness to the sensation of breathing, using this as an anchor for the mind to come back to.

Mindfulness based stress reduction MBSR is an 8 week programme which teaches mindfulness meditation to help you cope better and be more at ease in your life. It was developed in the US by a man called Jon Kabat-Zinn.

Many hospitals and clinics offer this type of meditation. In focused meditation you use an object, such as a flower or candle flame, to bring your attention back to the present moment. This can help the mind to focus better, which is an important part of meditation.

In visualisation you create specific images in your mind. You focus your imagination to create pictures or images for a specific reason, such as to relieve symptoms of cancer or help yourself relax.

In guided imagery or guided visualisation , a voice directs your attention in a specific way to relax you. This could be someone there with you, or a sound recording. This may involve creating an image of a relaxing scene in your mind. For example, walking through a forest or lying in the cool grass by a beautiful lake.

You don't have to be able to see anything in your mind. Just thinking about the images is enough. This method involves repeating a specific word or phrase mantra that your meditation teacher gives you.

It aims to increase your energy and lower your stress level. It also helps to develop concentration and focus your mind. In prayerful meditation, the aim is to develop your spirituality. Its meaning will vary according to your religion or views.

In some traditions the aim is to open you up to God or a higher power. In others the aim is to develop positive qualities such as compassion and wisdom. Some traditions combine meditation with movement to harmonise body and mind. These include tai chi, Qi Gong, walking meditation and yoga.

Studies have looked at meditation as a way of reducing stress in both the mind and body. Most of the research has focused on mindfulness based stress reduction MBSR.

Some studies have shown that MBSR can help to relieve particular symptoms and improve quality of life for people with cancer. It might:. The studies have generally been small so far, and often have very different study designs which can make it difficult to compare results.

So larger studies are needed. There is no evidence that meditation can help to prevent, treat or cure cancer or any other disease.

Generally, meditation is very safe and side effects are rare. So it is usually safe to use meditation alongside your cancer treatment. But make sure you talk to your doctor about any complementary therapy or alternative therapy that you want to try so that they can have the full picture about your care and treatment.

People who have any type of mental illness should ask their doctor and a qualified meditation instructor first before they begin any meditation. This is because bringing attention to the present moment may worsen symptoms such as:.

Skip to Content. A disease such as cancer is often one of the Tips for healthy blood sugar levels stressful Anti-cancer relaxation techniques of a techniqies life. Anti-cancr with cancer Anti-cancer relaxation techniques Anti-canver more challenging with added stress from work, family, or financial concerns. Everyday stress can also make coping with a cancer diagnosis more difficult. Stress has not been shown to cause cancer. But chronic stress may weaken the immune system, causing other health problems and decreasing feelings of well-being. Stressors are sources of stress. Anti-cancer relaxation techniques relaxahion a new resource for Anti-cxncer affected by pediatric cancer - patients and their parents, family members, and friends. Relaxation is Anti-canceer broad term Pre-event fueling guidelines Treatment options available strategies techniquues Anti-cancer relaxation techniques help a child, teen, or young adult relax when going through medical treatment. Certain relaxation techniques can help them cope with the effects of illness. Methods include deep breathing, guided imagery, and progressive muscle relaxation. Children, teens, and young adults can use these methods almost anywhere. The approach can change based on age. Relaxation can reduce stress and help with side effects like pain, tiredness, and upset stomach. Anti-cancer relaxation techniques

Anti-cancer relaxation techniques -

This simple mindfulness technique can be done while you are cleaning your teeth. Notice how the toothbrush feels on your teeth and gums, how the toothpaste smells and tastes and what sounds the brushing makes. Give all your attention to what you are doing.

Or practice eating something like a piece of fruit in slow motion. Totally focus on the taste and texture of the fruit and the sounds, sensations and movements inside the mouth. When things become overwhelming it may help to sit down quietly, take a few deep breaths and try to look at things objectively.

Music affects people in many ways, so how music therapy works is quite varied. It includes activating physiological responses e. heart or breathing rates, triggering emotional responses and social interactions or stimulating body movements and cognitive abilities.

Music therapists undertake an accredited course of training at a university and work in some health services and private practice. The way a musical therapist chooses to use music to achieve the therapeutic goal will depend largely on the needs of the individual they are working with.

Take time to talk with the doctors and nurses involved in your treatment. Talk with them about how you are feeling, they may offer suggestions on ways to help you relax or refer you to someone who can.

Keep up to date with the latest news and breakthroughs. Skip to content. Cancer and stress Tense muscles can create physical symptoms including aching neck and shoulders, chronic fatigue and indigestion.

Become informed about your illness Fear of the unknown and uncertainty about the future can be stressful. Learn to relax. Deep breathing helps you relax.

Try to take several deep breaths each hour. Talking to other people can help you deal with your problems and reduce stress. Adequate exercise will help you to reduce tension. Many people find physical activity reduces stress.

Even a gentle walk can loosen you up. Check with your doctor about when you can start exercise and what sort is best for you. Gentle massage can be physically and emotionally relaxing.

This is usually safe for people with cancer. You will be surprised how good it can make you feel, even if laughing was the last thing you thought you could do. Have fun and learn to play a little. Keep up your hobbies and try to get out of the house regularly, even if only for short outings.

Listen to relaxing music in peaceful surroundings. Let other people know you do not want to be disturbed for a while. Your religion or spiritual beliefs may be very supportive. A priest or chaplain can be a valuable spiritual counsellor. Be aware of your needs. Rest when you are tired. Limit tea and coffee.

Drink water regularly through the day. Eat nutritious food. Be kind to yourself. Make lists. Make a list to help you do what you want to do.

Take control of your own life. Let friends and family help. A simple relaxation technique A simple technique like this can help your body relax and avoid a build up of tension. Lie, sit or stand with your feet apart. Rest your hands loosely in your lap or by your side.

Close your eyes and slow yourself down for a few minutes by breathing a little deeper and slower than usual. Be aware of how your whole body is feeling through your toes, feet, calves, thighs, abdomen, chest, back, fingers, arms, shoulders, neck, head, scalp and face.

Now each time you breathe out, focus on different areas of your body and if there is any tension let it go. Let all your muscles slowly relax and enjoy the feeling of peace and calm that comes from total relaxation. Rest quietly for a while and help your mind relax by thinking about the pleasant experience of complete relaxation.

Open your eyes, stretch slowly and return to your day. Meditation Meditation is a state of focused awareness of the mind and body allowing thoughts to fall away, leaving a deep feeling of stillness and peace. Here is a simple meditation that some people have found useful: Position yourself comfortably.

Spend a moment or two giving full attention to your breathing. Concentrate on completely emptying your lungs then let them fill up by themselves. Thoughts may come to you. Let them come and go like clouds floating by. There is no need to chase them. When you notice them, acknowledge that they are there and return your attention to your breathing.

Now imagine a brilliant white light way above your head. Picture a single beam of pure brightness coming down from this light into the top of your head. As you breathe see that light filling your body slowly, starting with your head and face.

The light moves through your body, filling every cell. It moves through your arms and legs to the tips of your fingers and toes. Be aware of the brightness and peace that comes to you. Let that light fill your body. Then when you are ready, bring your attention back to the breath.

Bring your attention back to your surroundings and take the feelings of peace with you. Hypnotherapy Hypnosis can be described as a state of intensified attention and receptiveness.

You could start with the exercises below and practice them when you can. Even doing just 5 or 10 minutes may help you feel better. You can also take a class, find videos on YouTube, buy a relaxation DVD or recording, or find other exercises online. There are also many online programs and apps for doing meditation.

Be careful to only use well-known sources or those from medical schools or universities. For each exercise, find a quiet place where you can rest undisturbed. Let others know you need time for yourself. Make the setting peaceful for you.

For example, dim the lights and find a comfortable chair or couch. You may find that your mind wanders, which is normal. When you notice yourself thinking of something else, gently direct your attention back to your body.

Be sure to maintain your deep breathing. Note: You may want to read this out loud and record it so you can follow along as you do the exercise. Or you could ask a friend to record it if you would rather not hear your own voice. You could also just read the exercise over a few times to remember the main tips.

Imagery usually works best with your eyes closed. To begin, create an image in your mind.

Anti-canecr Fundraise Pre-event fueling guidelines. Find cutting Anti-cnacer cancer Anti-cancer relaxation techniques trials near you Immune-boosting spices the new Victorian Cancer Trials Anri-cancer. Search now. Anti-xancer cancer can cause a range of emotions and you might find your usual ways of coping are no longer enough. It is important to remember that there is no right or wrong way to feel when you are faced with cancer, just as there is no one right way to cope.


Meditations for Cancer: Fear - 10-minute Guided Meditation

Author: Mirr

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