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Antifungal properties of neem oil

Antifungal properties of neem oil

NaOCl and CHX at oiil concentrations have been proven effective against Antifungal properties of neem oil. It is evident heem an infected root canal system is a unique niche for selective species of microorganisms. Igbozulike AO. Phytochemistry — Evaluación in Vitro de la Actividad Inhibitoria de Aceites Esenciales de Lippia origanoides H. albicans cultures.


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Antifungal properties of neem oil -

Cultures of C. albicans were maintained on Brain Heart Infusion broth and Agar. The antimicrobial efficacy was checked using the Agar Diffusion and the zones of inhibition were measured. The results were statistically analysed using ANOVA test.

Keywords: Candida albicans; chlorhexidine; sodium hypochlorite. Microorganisms and their by products are considered to be the primary etiologic agents in endodontic diseases 1. It is evident that an infected root canal system is a unique niche for selective species of microorganisms.

Endodontic therapy aims at removal of bacteria and fungi from the root canal space and to prevent re infection.

The basis of success of endodontic treatment and retreatment depends on identifying and eliminating the causative factors in the development of apical periodontitis, so that healing can be achieved.

The role of bacteria, fungi and their by products in the pathogenesis of apical periodontitis has been clearly established. The reduction and elimination of bacteria, fungi and their by products should be given the utmost importance towards achieving a successful endodontic therapy 1.

The most effective way to achieve this aim is by means of instrumentation and irrigation. Failure during and after endodontic treatment is associated with the presence of bacteria in the root canal 1.

Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans are known to be important resistant species in infected root canals, and they may cause treatment failures 1. Chemical treatment of the root canal system can be arbitrarily divided into irrigants, rinses and inter appointment medicaments 2.

Sodium hypochlorite NaOCl has been widely used as an irrigant since its introduction in Endodontics. NaOCl has been the irrigant of choice for non-surgical endodontic procedures because of its tissue dissolving ability and anti bacterial property 3.

However, it has many deleterious effects if pushed beyond the apex. Unpleasant taste and odor 4 , toxicity 5 , resorption 6 , inability to remove smear layer and fully eradicate microbes from the infected canals5 are the main disadvantages of this popular irrigant. It can be used in various concentrations like 1.

Chlorhexidine gluconate CHX , a synthetic cationic bisbiguanide is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent effective against gram positive and gram negative bacteria. It has substantivity and long lasting antimicrobial effect due to its binding with hydroxyapatite.

However, its activity is pH dependent and it is toxic to human periodontal ligament PDL cells 4. The use of plants and plant products as medicines could be traced as far back as the beginning of human civilization. The earliest mention of medicinal use of plants in Hindu culture is found in "Rigveda".

Herbs like neem and green tea might have a potential use as irrigants as they have been found to possess antimicrobial and antifungal properties 5,7. Neem has been extensively used in ayurveda, unani and homoeopathic medicine.

The literature has shown that neem Azadirachta indica has antimicrobial and therapeutic effects, suggesting its potential to be used as an endodontic irrigant 7 , but there is lack of extensive documentation or data regarding use of neem extract as an irrigant in endodontics.

The need for this study arose keeping in mind the disadvantages of conventional endodontic irrigants like NaOCl and CHX. Even though they have been proven effective against C. albicans , we are in constant search of alternatives that has the same efficacy but without the side effects.

albicans and to assess the antimicrobial property of neem leaf extract against C. albicans using the agar diffusion method.

Material and methods. albicans ATCC culture Department of Microbiology and Pathology. In preparation of the herbal extracts, 25 g of fresh neem leaves were added to 50 mL of absolute ethanol.

Mixture was macerated for min and then the extract was filtered through muslin cloth for coarse residue. Extraction process was repeated again using coarse residue and 25ml ethanol. Both the extracts were pooled together and filtered through fast filter paper.

Alcohol part was removed from the extract on water bath till the volume was about 25 mL. Extract was prepared and stored in airtight amber colored container.

For the agar diffusion test, C. albicans cultures were maintained on brain heart infusion BHI broth and agar. Cultures grown overnight at 37oC in brain heart infusion BHI broth on a rotary shaker rpm and bacterial growth was checked by changes in turbidity after 24 h.

BHI agar plates were prepared and cultures mL were spread on agar plates. Wells of 6mm diameter were made in the agar surfaces. Neem leaf extract, NaOCl, CHX, positive control absolute ethanol and negative control normal saline were added to the respective wells and the plates were incubated for 24 h at 37oC in an incubator.

The main components identified in neem seed extract were astaxanthin Astaxanthin has an inhibitory effect on bacteria including Bacillus subtilis , Salmonella typhi , Staphylococcus aureus , and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Nath and Ravi Cinobufagin and anodendroside A display strong antioxidant effects in addition to inhibiting the growth of cancer cells Qi et al.

Diallyl trisulfide has antiparasitic activities on pathogenic protozoa including Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia Lun et al. The neem seed extract contains various antifungal components.

The authors are grateful for the support of the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Grant No. Bouftira, I. DOI: Blanchette, R. Bo, W. Bajpai, V. Chang, L. Chen, S. CLSI Du, Q. Dhyani, S.

The International Research Group on Wood Protection, Stockholm. EI-Mahmood, A. Fabbri, A. Fernández, H. Hastrup, A. Islam, M. Liu, Y. Lun, Z. Ma, X. Meyer, L.

Serit, M. Sun, M, Ma, X. Machado, G. Nath, U. Qi, F. Sajap, A. Soylu, E. Sun, M. Xu, G. Zhao, X. Article submitted: September 28, ; Peer review completed: October 25, ; Revised version received and accepted: November 22, ; Published: November 30, Antifungal activity and chemical composition of neem seed extract Azadirachta indica A.

Abstract The antifungal activities and chemical composition of neem seed extract Azadirachta indica were investigated. Download PDF Full Article Antifungal Activity and Chemical Composition of Neem Seed Extract Azadirachta indica A. com; wxyuan ustb. Preparation of Neem Seed Extract The neem seeds were ground to mesh.

Agar Diffusion Assay Petri dishes containing 15 mL of PDA were used for the antifungal activity assay, conducted on solid media using the disk diffusion method Bajpai et al. Determination of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration MIC and Minimum Fungicidal Concentration MFC The MICs of the neem seed extract against T.

Effect of Neem Seed Extract on Hyphal Morphology Mycelial plugs from the periphery of the fungal colonies were fixed in 2. FTIR Analysis of Extract Neem seed extract was analyzed using a Nicolet iS10 instrument Thermo Fisher Scientific, Madison, WI, USA. Wood Decay Test Wood impregnation with neem seed extract Samples of P.

Means of Inhibition Zones mm of Neem Seed Extract against Growth of Trametes versicolor and Gloeophyllum trabeum The largest inhibition zones on the agar plate of T.

Determination of MIC and MBC The MIC and MBC were used to evaluate the sensitivity of different fungi to the neem seed extract.

Effects of Neem Seed Extract at Different Concentrations against Mycelial Growth of Trametes versicolor and Gloeophyllum trabeum Fig.

Effects of Neem Seed Extract on Hyphal Morphology The hyphal morphologies of T. Untreated Poplar after Exposure to Trametes versicolor and Gloeophyllum trabeum for 12 Weeks FTIR Analysis of Neem Seed Extract The composition of neem seed extract, including its functional groups, was investigated using FTIR spectroscopy.

Table 4. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Analysis of Neem Seed Extract Fig. Composition of Neem Seed Extracts and the Relative Contents of 17 Components The main components identified in neem seed extract were astaxanthin In a disk diffusion assay, the largest inhibition zones on the agar plate of T.

trabeum, respectively. The resistance of P. tomentosa wood treated with neem seed extract against decay caused by T. The extract had obvious effects on fungal morphology. For instance, the spores were decreased in number, and the mycelia became rough.

The absorption bands indicated that the extract contains alkane, alkyl, alkenes, alcohol, ester, carboxylic acid, aldehyde, ketone, and phenol groups. A total of 17 compounds were isolated from neem seed extract including astaxanthin x Blanchette, R.

Download citation. Received : 10 March Revised : 17 October Accepted : 04 January Issue Date : June Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:. Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative.

Abstract Evaluation of the activity of the cold expeller neem oil Azadirachta indica A. Access this article Log in via an institution. References Devkumar, C. Google Scholar Govindachari, T. Article CAS Google Scholar Govindachari, T. Article CAS Google Scholar Grayer, R.

Article CAS Google Scholar Khan, M. Google Scholar Locke, J. Google Scholar Parveen, G. Google Scholar Paulus, W. Google Scholar Rukmini, C.

Article Google Scholar Steinhauer, B. Google Scholar Steinhauer, B. Google Scholar Suresh, G. CAS Google Scholar Download references. Author information Authors and Affiliations Centre for Agrochemical Research, SPIC Science Foundation, , Madras, India S.

Masilamani Authors T. Govindachari View author publications.

ORIGINAL ARTICLE. Antifungal properties of neem oil efficacy neek Azadirachta indica neem - An in vitro study. Ot Surya Raghavendra I ; Ketaki Dattatray Endurance building exercises I. Methods: Oik leaf extract was prepared by using absolute ethanol with fresh neem leaves, filtering the extract through muslin cloth, coarse residue and filter paper. Cultures of C. albicans were maintained on Brain Heart Infusion broth and Agar. The antimicrobial efficacy was checked using the Agar Diffusion and the zones of inhibition were measured. Chemical Antifunal Biological Technologies Antifungal properties of neem oil Agriculture volume 5Article number: 18 Cite this article. Sustainable Energy Technology details. Antifungal properties of neem oil propertiss diseases propertkes white Gluten-free desserts Discorea rotundata tubers and cocoyam Colocasia esculenta are the major post-harvest challenges in the availability of these root tubers. The use of biological extract of plants will prevent post-harvest losses without any negative health challenge. Microwave-assisted method of extraction was used for both aqueous and ethanolic extracts of neem samples.

Author: Tarisar

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