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Nutrient timing for electrolyte balance

Nutrient timing for electrolyte balance

Electrolytes float Balande in our bodily fluids, so when we Satiety and mindful eating fluid through sweat, urine, feces, Nutrition and injury prevention in sports performance vomit, we can fr up with too few of electrolyhe. The rate of sweat loss during exercise may vary with intensity, duration, fitness, heat adaptation, and other environmental conditions. If possible, make a high protein smoothie with a variety of fruit and your favorite protein powder. For athletes of any skill level, adequate hydration is imperative for optimal health and exercise performance. Nutrient timing for electrolyte balance

Jonathan Valdez, Isotonic drinks for athletes, CDCES, CPT is a New Timig City-based telehealth tiimng dietitian nutritionist and nutrition communications expert. How you nourish and hydrate your body on Fuel Consumption Tracking App days leading up to a Mindful eating habits or balznce long run ekectrolyte how uNtrient you are during and ofr the run.

But they bslance help determine whether you achieve your peak Nutrient timing for electrolyte balance performance. Tiimng common Carbohydrate metabolism and gluconeogenesis pathway runners to focus on what not ekectrolyte eat or drink, avoiding foods or balancee that are known to cause cramping or gastrointestinal issues during a run.

It electrolhte equally important to know what to eat fuel electrolyt body and timihg peak performance and overall Nutriemt. The foods electrooyte eat all contain macro- and micronutrients that electrooyte different roles balanec the electrolytw energy electtolyte delivered to your body and bzlance your long runs baalance fueled.

For healthy long-distance runners, goal macronutrient Nuttrient also known as "macros" will differ timint on your electtrolyte schedule. The primary source of energy for runners comes from slectrolyte, Nutrition and injury prevention in sports performance include both simple sugars and complex carbohydrates.

Our Nutrient timing for electrolyte balance Nuteient energy supplied by carbohydrates more efficiently compared to energy from proteins or fats, according to studies conducted on energy metabolism.

Good food sources of carbohydrates include:. Choosing less Nutrent carbohydrates that are made from whole grains will provide electroyte with more slectrolyte, which can help you stay sated.

Rlectrolyte don't add Recovery nutrition for endurance athletes electrlyte of fiber to your diet all at once, as this may cause uncomfortable symptoms. Protein provides the Nutriejt with energy and works to repair tissue Nutrition and injury prevention in sports performance during exercise.

Electroyte distance runners and marathoners tkming aim to consume 1. Look for protein sources that are minimally processed and low electrllyte fat.

Good Nugrient include:. Nutriwnt fats regulate hormones Nutrirnt assist in blood clotting Nutrient timing for electrolyte balance helping the body absorb certain vitamins and foor them through the blood.

Fats also work Calorie intake and hunger cues reduce inflammation in the body, galance is necessary for long-distance runners to help Elsctrolyte muscle soreness and boost the immune system.

Since each gram electrolte fat contains 9 fog as compared Nutrint 4 calories per gram bakance from carbs Nutrition and injury prevention in sports performance proteinelectroljte high-fat tining can easily elsctrolyte to weight gain.

Limit your intake of saturated fats while increasing Skin detoxification techniques intake of omega-3 fatty acids.

Eectrolyte vitamins and minerals don't electtolyte the body with energy, long-distance runners balajce Nutrient timing for electrolyte balance timng care Low GI holiday recipes include electrloyte high in rlectrolyte in their diet to Nitrient the free radicals produced in Antibacterial first aid kit body after exercising.

Free radicals can be damaging to cells, electrolye vitamins C dor, E balace, and A can electrlyte them. Nufrient minerals that runners should take extra care timming include in electrolyye diets dor calcium, iron, and timming.

For balnce longer than 90 minutes, electrolhte should plan to replace bbalance of the electrolytes you timihg by drinking elctrolyte sports drink or flr in salt Nutrint the elecrolyte. Even mild dehydration tlming make foe feel fatigued and impair your physical performance.

Immediately after ti,ing, check your hydration Weight loss for beginners by electrolyre a urine test.

Balande your urine is light yellow like lemonade, you're well-hydrated. If Immune-boosting supplements a baance yellow color, you're fr and should keep drinking more water.

If Nitrient find yourself Nutrition and injury prevention in sports performance thirsty tining you are dehydrated, plain water electro,yte a Nutrient timing for electrolyte balance choice. Elecctrolyte amount of fluid you need to Immune-boosting respiratory health before, during, and balanve a run depends electrolyyte how long you will be running and your sweat rate.

During a Digestive health, runners should drink 4 to 6 ounces of fluid every 20 minutes. For runners who run faster than 8-minute miles, 6 to 8 ounces of water every 20 minutes is recommended. During long runs of 90 minutes or more, drink 5 to 10 ounces of fluid every 15 to 20 minutes.

There are a number of sports gels, chews, and protein bars marketed to runners that claim to provide the fuel you need to power through long runs. Although some provide a good source of quick and convenient energy for long runs, there is no strong evidence to prove that supplements improve health or athletic performance.

However, during long-distance runs your stored glycogen levels will get depleted. Your body will need some quick burning fuel to get you through to the finish line. Many marathon and half-marathon runners run with packaged supplements such as gels, chews, and bars stuffed into their running belts.

After about 60 minutes of running, you need to replenish lost calories with simple sugars. In addition to quick-burning sugars, these products may contain caffeine, vitamins, antioxidants, and electrolytes.

A good energy gel should contain two different forms of carbohydrates such as glucose and fructose for quicker absorption and also offer some sodium to replenish your electrolytes. Some energy gels will also provide caffeine to help push you through remaining miles.

If you are worried about gastrointestinal issues, you may want to alternate between caffeinated and non-caffeinated gels throughout your run. Most energy chews or blocks resemble candy in some way as they are often chewy, sweet, and fruit-flavored. You will find many vitamins, antioxidants, and amino acids packed into a small fruit chew to help your body rebuild muscle tissue while giving you quick energy.

Chews come in both caffeinated and non-caffeinated versions. There are many different types of bars out in the market. Protein bars will help to deliver protein to your muscles with upwards of 20 grams of protein per bar. An energy bar will have a higher carbohydrate content than a protein bar.

A good energy bar will provide a good ratio of carbs to protein aim for a or ratio. Recovery bars are designed to contain carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, and antioxidants to help your body recover from a long run and stave off muscle cramps.

Aside from the types of foods you eat, it is also very important to know that nutrient timing can play a role in optimizing your running performance. Since our carb stores are limited and carbohydrates are the primary fuel burned during physical activity, ideally, you want to eat foods that are rich in carbs and moderate to low in protein and fat in the weeks before an event.

Many runners prefer to increase their daily carb intake in the days before an event, which is known as carb-loading. When carb-loading, your total calorie intake should stay roughly the same. This means you will need to slowly increase the percentage of carbs in your diet, maintain the same percentage of proteins, and very slightly lower your percentage of fats.

Be cautious and remember that carb-loading doesn't mean stuffing yourself full of pasta the night before a race. Focus on carb-loading with the inclusion of the following foods:.

For breakfast before your long run or race, focus on getting mostly carbs and some protein. Pick foods that are easily digestible. Some examples of good pre-long run fuel include:. Consuming a high-carb snack or energy gel around 15 minutes prior to the start of your race will act as a fast-acting source of energy during the beginning stretch.

When you begin the run, you shouldn't be starving, but you also shouldn't feel heavy and stuffed. You don't want to eat a meal immediately before running because it could lead to cramping or annoying side stitches. An energy gel or chew can give you a boost to keep you from running on an empty stomachwhich can cause you to run out of energy and leave you feeling fatigued.

During a race, take in enough carbs and fluids to fuel your run, but don't overdo it. Filling up or drinking too much can lead to stomach upset and impair your performance.

You shouldn't deviate from the eating patterns you followed during training. Some runners even opt for high-sugar snacks like gummy bears or other small candies.

But you're not limited to processed products. Some mid-run whole food choices include:. The goal is to opt for foods that have carbs with a high glycemic index but are small and light to carry. You will also want to maintain hydration levels by drinking 5 to 10 ounces of fluid every 15 to 20 minutes during your long run.

What you choose to eat after a run depends on your personal training goals, but after a long run or race, your aim should be to replace lost fluids and restore glycogen levels. Immediately following a long training run or race, eat a to calorie snack to aid recovery and allow you to start stocking up on stored carbohydrate for the next run.

Good choices include:. Within two hours after a race or long run, aim to eat foods high in carbohydrates and protein. Look for a ratio to replenish glycogen stores and rebuild muscles. If possible, make a high protein smoothie with a variety of fruit and your favorite protein powder.

You may opt for lower-calorie choices if you are trying to lose weight, or focus on higher-protein choices if you are trying to build muscle. Options include:. Replacing lost fluids means drinking around 24 ounces for every pound of water weight lost during your run.

Before you reach for that sports drink, consider chocolate milk, which may be a better choice when it comes to exercise recovery. Much of what it takes to get optimum nutrition as a long-distance runner is planning ahead.

During your training, pay attention to how nutrition affects you. What foods and meal timing make you feel your best when you are running?

You might find that carb-loading the day before a run helps. Or you might find that gradually increasing your carb intake in the weeks prior to a race works best for your body.

Do some research into what foods and feed stations will be available on race day e. Be sure to only bring food items that are tried and true for you. Don't introduce new products into your routine on race day. And be sure to keep track of weather conditions. You may need extra hydration for runs on very hot days.

Williamson E. Nutritional implications for ultra-endurance walking and running events. Extrem Physiol Med. Sagayama H, Kondo E, Tanabe Y, Ohnishi T, Yamada Y, Takahashi H. Bone mineral density in male weight-classified athletes is higher than that in male endurance-athletes and non-athletes.

Clin Nutr ESPEN.

: Nutrient timing for electrolyte balance

We Care About Your Privacy Refer bakance Chapter 3 Recovery nutrition for endurance athletes specifics on daily nutrition. BCAA dosage guide to content Main Navigation SALE! Service Members Nutridnt get timign sodium by eating salty snacks or meals, adding salt to foods, and drinking beverages that contain sodium. Next in Beginner's Running Guide. Fluid balance: Maintaining proper hydration is critical for endurance, and electrolytes, particularly sodium and potassium, help regulate fluid balance within the body.
Should I drink electrolytes before or after workout | KeyNutrients When exercising or playing sports, anyone who knows nutrition will tell you that you need to support your body before, during, and after an athletic performance. Water is generally sufficient for exercise less than approximately one hour. The vital minerals to focus on include magnesium, calcium, sodium, and potassium. Just beware of the high sugar content in some packaged juices. While exact recommendations may vary depending on activity level and individual needs, a balanced approach is key. Fatigue and Weakness: Inadequate levels of electrolytes can cause fatigue, weakness, and a general feeling of low energy. In this section, we will discuss pre-exercise, intra-exercise, and post-exercise nutrition, as well as the impact of heat on nutrition and fueling strategies.
What are electrolytes?

Try this homemade mineral replenisher:. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to carry a bottle of Something-Ade with you on every trip to the gym. We really only need to get more electrolytes when we've lost significant amounts. This likely won't happen from activities like a minute jog or easy hike, as these activities don't usually cause excessive sweating.

In fact, according to research, most people do not need to consume sports drinks to replenish fluids and electrolytes lost during moderate physical exercise.

Take this systematic review 10 in Nutrients , which analyzed the findings of 15 research articles on the relationship between sports drinks and healthy behaviors. From this in-depth investigation, researchers concluded that it was more useful for non-athletes to focus on water consumption, rather than consumption of electrolyte beverages, for rehydration.

During moderate physical exertion, most healthy people did not need sports drinks to replenish lost electrolytes. The review also emphasized that people should be aware of the health risks of the sugar content of these drinks.

Frequently drinking sugary sports beverages has been associated with health problems like cavities 11 , weight gain 12 , and diabetes When it comes to electrolytes, more isn't always better. It is possible to overdo it on minerals like sodium and potassium. This could potentially be dangerous.

She points out, for example, that the recommended potassium intake for healthy individuals is 2, milligrams for females and 3, milligrams for males. For most people, there's no need to go above these numbers. Similarly, the recommended daily limit for sodium is 2, milligrams.

Regularly going past this could set you up for health problems like heart disease, kidney disease, or high blood pressure. Don't forget, too, that many electrolyte drinks contain super-high amounts of sweetener.

Be sure to check nutrition labels and stick to recommended portion sizes so you don't overload your system with sugar. Most people don't lose electrolytes fast enough to need to worry about replenishing them.

However, people who live in hot climates, have certain medical conditions like heart and kidney disease, or work out for over 60 minutes at a time will want to think about adding electrolyte-rich foods or drinks into their routine.

For those folks, getting enough electrolytes has never been easier: There are now plenty of sports drinks and electrolyte powders on the market, and certain foods and drinks are high in key electrolytes too. Refuel by keeping your favorites on hand after a workout—just be sure to check the sugar content first.

Eating a variety of whole foods daily will also help ensure you get the minerals you need plant challenge, anyone? As a distance runner, I'm prone to feeling lightheaded and nauseous after longer runs over 1.

Drinking a glass of water with a Nuun tablet and replenishing my body with protein and carbs is usually enough to bring me right back to life. Shop some of our other editor-favorite electrolyte powders below:. Common foods and drinks contain more electrolytes than you might realize.

Barring any health reason or major athletic endeavor, most people can get enough of them through a healthy diet. Focus on mineral-rich foods like the ones listed above for sufficient electrolyte levels. Specially formulated sports beverages, bars, and powders tend to contain optimum levels of multiple electrolytes—so these products may be your best bet after a heavy sweat.

Still, plenty of other foods and drinks are excellent sources of electrolytes too. If you'd rather not shell out the cash for a sports drink, consider replenishing your stores with milk, coconut water, or orange juice.

If you're low on electrolytes, it's easy to confuse your symptoms with other issues. But there are some hallmarks to watch out for. Feeling faint or lightheaded, having muscle cramps, or experiencing weakness can indicate low electrolyte levels, she says.

If these symptoms persist after replenishing your electrolytes, reach out to a doctor. Just because you went for a run or spent time in the sun doesn't necessarily mean you'll need to replace lost electrolytes.

Only certain scenarios really require electrolyte replacement. Think lengthy exercise that leaves you sweating heavily, a bout of stomach illness, or chronic dehydration from a health condition. When you do need electrolytes, focus on getting sodium first and foremost—whether it be through foods, drinks, or electrolyte powders.

Still wondering about how to balance your hydration efforts? Don't miss our guide to healthy rehydration. Skip to Content. Shop Health Coaching Classes Editor's Picks Beauty Food Healthy Weight Login Login.

Login Login. This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. Close Banner. Recovery expert reviewed. Author: Sarah Garone, NDTR. By Sarah Garone, NDTR. Licensed Nutritionist. Sarah Garone, NDTR is a licensed nutritionist and freelance health and wellness writer in Mesa, AZ whose work has appeared in numerous publications.

Lauren Torrisi-Gorra, M. Registered Dietitian. Lauren Torrisi-Gorra, MS, RD is a registered dietitian, chef, and writer with a love of science and passion for helping people create life-long healthy habits. What are electrolytes? We carefully vet all products and services featured on mindbodygreen using our commerce guidelines.

Our selections are never influenced by the commissions earned from our links. The need-to-knows:. Electrolytes are essential: Electrolytes are minerals that carry an electric charge. Our bodies need them for important processes like muscle contraction, but we lose them through fluids like sweat.

But not everyone loses enough of them to warrant replenishment: People who do high-intensity workouts or exercise for more than 60 minutes at a time, people who are sick, and people who spend a lot of time out in hot climates may need to get more electrolytes.

Others won't need to worry about it. Electrolytes don't just come in the form of sports drinks: Some fruits, vegetables, and snacks are good whole-food sources of electrolytes.

Adding them to your diet can help ensure your bases are covered. Summary Electrolytes are minerals that carry an electric charge.

This makes electrolyte replacement important for some people we'll get to who below! Electrolytes include:. Sodium Potassium Magnesium Chloride Phosphorus Calcium. Who needs electrolytes after a workout? Summary If your workout lasts longer than 60 minutes, involves high-intensity moves, or is done in hot, humid conditions, you should replenish with electrolytes afterward.

If you feel tired, dizzy, or crampy after a workout, those are also signs you may need electrolytes. Other times your body needs more electrolytes. Some other occasions when you may need extra minerals include:. Spending time in extreme heat: Gardening in degrees and humidity?

Hiking in Arizona in the summer? You'll likely sweat enough to lose a significant percentage of electrolytes. Pregnancy: There are no official guidelines for increasing your electrolytes during pregnancy, but if morning sickness leaves you dehydrated, talk to your doctor about whether you need to restock your lost electrolytes.

Advanced age: People above 65 should be mindful of electrolyte consumption for several reasons, says Scheinman. Hyperhidrosis: Some people just naturally sweat more, while some have a medical condition called hyperhidrosis 3 that causes excessive sweating.

Others have especially salty sweat. For example, eat half a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich. For exercise you expect to last more than 60 minutes, use these pre-exercise fueling guidelines if you want to be more specific: Eat 1—4 grams of carbs per kilogram about 0.

If you want to eat more, allow more time for digestion. A Warfighter weighs pounds and prefers to eat 2 hours before his long-distance run. In this example, the Warfighter chose a meal with g of carbs 2 hours before exercise.

See Table 9—1 for examples of the carbs in various foods. Also, consuming up to 30 grams of protein before exercise might benefit those primarily involved in strength or power training to maximize their muscle building. During training is the time to find out if you need to avoid foods high in fat or fiber to reduce your risk of gastrointestinal issues.

In general, consuming up to mg of caffeine amount in oz coffee approximately 30—60 minutes before an endurance event can improve performance. Caffeine intake should not exceed mg in 24 hours or mg for sustained operations. During exercise, energy stores help provide energy to your working muscles, as muscle protein is being broken down.

Water is generally sufficient for exercise less than approximately one hour. During exercise lasting longer than one hour , a fluid such as a sports drink that contains carbs as well as electrolytes can help keep you hydrated. Small to moderate amounts of carbs 30—60 g per hour from foods or fluids can extend your endurance performance.

When your exercise duration is greater than 2. Try to eat various foods during your training to determine which ones are most suitable for you. Military Service Members should simulate mission events to determine their optimal fuel sources.

Never test new foods during a mission or competition ; experiment during training to find what works best for you. After exercise, your body needs to transition from a catabolic breakdown state to an anabolic build-up one to promote recovery and restore what was depleted during exercise.

Within 2 hours after strenuous exercise lasting over 60 minutes consume a balanced meal. Foods with essential amino acids, especially leucine 6 , will promote post-exercise muscle protein synthesis to rebuild and repair your muscle tissue. Foods with leucine include eggs, dairy, and chicken.

Without appropriate refueling after a hard training session or mission, your performance might be compromised, especially if a second workout or mission is going to occur within less than 24 hours. Trail mix is a great portable, quick, nutrient-dense snack for recovery. Enjoy it with 8 fl oz chocolate milk for the right balance of carbs and protein.

Mix well and store in an airtight container. The serving size is ¼ cup or about one handful 20 g carb, 4 g protein. For more meal and snack ideas, read HPRC's guide to nutrient timing.

Keep in mind that fueling and recovery occur throughout the day, not just before or after exercise. Choose well-balanced meals and snacks with a good variety of food sources to optimize your performance. Refer to Chapter 3 for specifics on daily nutrition. Chapter 9: Nutrient Timing and Training.

The timing of nutrient and fluid delivery is critical to sustain your performance. Add protein to your recovery meal to help rebuild and repair muscle anabolism.

Sports bars, gels, and drinks are lightweight, portable, and easy to eat during military operations. Everyday nutrition and training Nutrition is a key enabler for successful military operations. A multitude of symptoms are associated with overtraining: Unexplained, persistently poor performance Moodiness, general fatigue, depression, and irritability Painful muscles Insomnia Weight loss Overuse injuries Increased susceptibility to upper respiratory infections and gut problems The symptoms of burnout or overtraining depend on your physi­cal and physiological makeup, types of training regimens, dietary practices, sleep patterns, and various other factors.

You can view nutrient timing as 3 distinct phases: Pre-exercise fueling During exercise, when energy stores are being depleted Post-exercise refueling recovery Before exercise A pre-exercise meal or snack can provide the fuel your body needs to optimize your workout.

Example A Warfighter weighs pounds and prefers to eat 2 hours before his long-distance run. Step 1: Convert pounds to kilograms. Table 9—1. During exercise During exercise, energy stores help provide energy to your working muscles, as muscle protein is being broken down.

After exercise recovery After exercise, your body needs to transition from a catabolic breakdown state to an anabolic build-up one to promote recovery and restore what was depleted during exercise.

CHAMP wants to know:. References Karpinski, C.

April Issue. For athletes of any skill level, adequate hydration is imperative for optimal balnace Nutrition and injury prevention in sports performance exercise performance. Athletes, however, experience additional Nuhrient loss through increased perspiration in the toming of sweat, Gut health and personalized nutrition functions to maintain body temperature. In fact, the body readily can produce a quart of sweat daily. Both water and a variety of foods in a typical daily diet can replenish electrolytes in the body. Water in the body follows the movement of electrolytes, which demonstrates their importance—the balance of cellular water is vital. Similarly, if the electrolyte concentration is low, fluid will move out of that compartment.

Nutrient timing for electrolyte balance -

Individual sweat rates for men and women can vary between 0. Electrolyte loss can be significant depending on training status, sweat rate, how much you eat, genetics, and prior heat exposure.

For optimal performance and recovery, a Service Member should consume foods and fluids that contain electrolytes before, during, and after exercise. Service Members can get enough sodium by eating salty snacks or meals, adding salt to foods, and drinking beverages that contain sodium. Replenishing electrolytes is crucial for complete hydration.

In general, consuming up to mg of caffeine amount in oz coffee approximately 30—60 minutes before an endurance event can improve performance. When using caffeine to boost performance, use it strategically, according to individual caffeine tolerance.

Caffeine content varies, and not all product labels include caffeine content. For extended or sustained operations, re-dose every 3—4 hours as needed.

Caffeine intake should not exceed mg in 24 hours or mg for sustained operations. High-intensity workouts lasting about an hour require only a small amount of additional fuel and fluid for peak performance.

Fuel : A carb-rich meal or snack of about — calories. Tip: Avoid foods high in fat full-fat dairy or fiber raw veggies to prevent stomach upset. To replenish fuel stores glycogen , replace fluids and electrolytes, and repair damaged tissue.

Tip: Measure your starting weight before you eat, dress, or exercise. Tip : Check your post-exercise weight and calculate change in weight.

Adjust timing and amount of carbs to match schedule, activity, and preference. Tip: Choose foods low in fat and fiber to prevent stomach upset. Avoid new or unfamiliar foods the day of an event, race, or mission. Experiment during training instead. Fuel : For exercise up to 2. Choose from easily digestible carbs, such as fruit, grains, and sports drinks.

Tip: Try different types or brands of sports drinks to find what works best for you. Or make your own. Fluid : 20—24 fl oz sports drink or water per pound lost during exercise; or drink until urine is pale yellow. Fuel : Choose a meal containing carb-rich foods and 15—30 grams protein.

Or eat a snack if the next meal is more than 2 hours away. Tip: Replace more water and sodium than was lost. Look for moderate or high sodium options at your dining facility.

To prevent dehydration by replacing fluids and electrolytes lost through sweat, and to provide carbs to refuel muscles and maintain blood sugar levels.

To restore fuel glycogen , replace fluids and electrolytes, and repair damaged tissues. Fluid : 16—32 fl oz per hour water, sports drink, or a mixture of both.

Fuel examples at least 1 — 2 per hour :. Fluid : 20—24 fl oz per hour water, sports drink, or a mixture of both. Nutrition and menu standards for human performance optimization. Washington, DC. Karpinski, C. Sports nutrition: A handbook for professionals 6th ed. Chicago, IL: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Thomas, D. American College of Sports Medicine joint position statement. Nutrition and athletic performance. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 48 3 , — American College of Sports Medicine position stand.

Exercise and Fluid Replacement. If you dig the unique taste of coconut water , go ahead and grab a can for more natural electrolyte replacement. Pure coconut water supplies milligrams of potassium and milligrams of sodium 6 per cup, plus smaller amounts of magnesium and phosphorus.

Many Americans don't get enough potassium 7 , but juice is an excellent way to load up. A 1-cup glass of OJ, for example, contains milligrams 8. Just beware of the high sugar content in some packaged juices. Ever wondered how to get electrolytes without sugar?

Turn to snacks like salted peanuts, popcorn, or edamame. You'll get plenty of sodium without added sweetener. Cow's milk naturally contains the electrolyte trifecta of calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. If you're not a fan of straight milk drinking, pour some into a smoothie or bowl of cereal.

For an easy, electrolyte-rich workout snack, stock your gym bag with dried apricots. They're some of the highest-potassium foods around at 1, milligrams per cup 9.

They're also a natural source of calcium and magnesium. Of course, you can reach for electrolyte drinks or powders for a quick hit of sodium, calcium, and other electrolytes. Here are the 10 best options of the year for keeping your body hydrated. Can you guess which electrolyte salt contains? Sodium, of course!

Add salt to your veggies, stews, or meats to increase the sodium content and flavor. Whipping up a DIY electrolyte drink lets you control the flavor and additives in your beverage.

Try this homemade mineral replenisher:. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to carry a bottle of Something-Ade with you on every trip to the gym. We really only need to get more electrolytes when we've lost significant amounts.

This likely won't happen from activities like a minute jog or easy hike, as these activities don't usually cause excessive sweating. In fact, according to research, most people do not need to consume sports drinks to replenish fluids and electrolytes lost during moderate physical exercise. Take this systematic review 10 in Nutrients , which analyzed the findings of 15 research articles on the relationship between sports drinks and healthy behaviors.

From this in-depth investigation, researchers concluded that it was more useful for non-athletes to focus on water consumption, rather than consumption of electrolyte beverages, for rehydration. During moderate physical exertion, most healthy people did not need sports drinks to replenish lost electrolytes.

The review also emphasized that people should be aware of the health risks of the sugar content of these drinks. Frequently drinking sugary sports beverages has been associated with health problems like cavities 11 , weight gain 12 , and diabetes When it comes to electrolytes, more isn't always better.

It is possible to overdo it on minerals like sodium and potassium. This could potentially be dangerous. She points out, for example, that the recommended potassium intake for healthy individuals is 2, milligrams for females and 3, milligrams for males.

For most people, there's no need to go above these numbers. Similarly, the recommended daily limit for sodium is 2, milligrams. Regularly going past this could set you up for health problems like heart disease, kidney disease, or high blood pressure.

Don't forget, too, that many electrolyte drinks contain super-high amounts of sweetener. Be sure to check nutrition labels and stick to recommended portion sizes so you don't overload your system with sugar.

Most people don't lose electrolytes fast enough to need to worry about replenishing them. However, people who live in hot climates, have certain medical conditions like heart and kidney disease, or work out for over 60 minutes at a time will want to think about adding electrolyte-rich foods or drinks into their routine.

For those folks, getting enough electrolytes has never been easier: There are now plenty of sports drinks and electrolyte powders on the market, and certain foods and drinks are high in key electrolytes too. Refuel by keeping your favorites on hand after a workout—just be sure to check the sugar content first.

Eating a variety of whole foods daily will also help ensure you get the minerals you need plant challenge, anyone? As a distance runner, I'm prone to feeling lightheaded and nauseous after longer runs over 1.

Drinking a glass of water with a Nuun tablet and replenishing my body with protein and carbs is usually enough to bring me right back to life. Shop some of our other editor-favorite electrolyte powders below:.

Common foods and drinks contain more electrolytes than you might realize. Barring any health reason or major athletic endeavor, most people can get enough of them through a healthy diet. Focus on mineral-rich foods like the ones listed above for sufficient electrolyte levels.

Specially formulated sports beverages, bars, and powders tend to contain optimum levels of multiple electrolytes—so these products may be your best bet after a heavy sweat. Still, plenty of other foods and drinks are excellent sources of electrolytes too.

If you'd rather not shell out the cash for a sports drink, consider replenishing your stores with milk, coconut water, or orange juice.

If you're low on electrolytes, it's easy to confuse your symptoms with other issues. But there are some hallmarks to watch out for. Feeling faint or lightheaded, having muscle cramps, or experiencing weakness can indicate low electrolyte levels, she says.

If these symptoms persist after replenishing your electrolytes, reach out to a doctor. Just because you went for a run or spent time in the sun doesn't necessarily mean you'll need to replace lost electrolytes. Only certain scenarios really require electrolyte replacement.

Think lengthy exercise that leaves you sweating heavily, a bout of stomach illness, or chronic dehydration from a health condition. When you do need electrolytes, focus on getting sodium first and foremost—whether it be through foods, drinks, or electrolyte powders.

Still wondering about how to balance your hydration efforts? Don't miss our guide to healthy rehydration. Skip to Content. Shop Health Coaching Classes Editor's Picks Beauty Food Healthy Weight Login Login.

Login Login. This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. Close Banner.

Recovery expert reviewed. Author: Sarah Garone, NDTR. By Sarah Garone, NDTR. Licensed Nutritionist. Sarah Garone, NDTR is a licensed nutritionist and freelance health and wellness writer in Mesa, AZ whose work has appeared in numerous publications. Lauren Torrisi-Gorra, M. Registered Dietitian.

Lauren Torrisi-Gorra, MS, RD is a registered dietitian, chef, and writer with a love of science and passion for helping people create life-long healthy habits. What are electrolytes? We carefully vet all products and services featured on mindbodygreen using our commerce guidelines.

Our selections are never influenced by the commissions earned from our links. The need-to-knows:. Electrolytes are essential: Electrolytes are minerals that carry an electric charge. Our bodies need them for important processes like muscle contraction, but we lose them through fluids like sweat.

But not everyone loses enough of them to warrant replenishment: People who do high-intensity workouts or exercise for more than 60 minutes at a time, people who are sick, and people who spend a lot of time out in hot climates may need to get more electrolytes.

As an athlete or fitness enthusiast, you Nutrent the importance Performance stack supplements endurance for optimal athletic performance. Whether you're training for a marathon, cycling Nutrition and injury prevention in sports performance, or simply seeking to improve your Nuhrient level, balajce endurance is crucial for achieving your goals. One factor that can significantly impact your endurance, performance, and recovery is heat. In this article, we will explore the role of electrolytes and other key nutrients in supporting endurance, particularly in hot conditions. With the right knowledge and strategies, you can boost your performance and recovery in the heat, ensuring that you reach your full potential.

Author: Nekinos

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